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Denis Morissette

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Posts posted by Denis Morissette

  1. 1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Wow! The young man on the right sure does look like Meat Loaf.

    Great photo search sleuthing.

    Wonder if Meat Loaf's surviving wife might have an opinion on a match? Or some other surviving relative or maybe an old friend or acquaintance of Meat Loaf at that time?

    I posted that photo on his FB page. Never got a reply.

  2. On 1/2/2022 at 3:16 PM, John Butler said:

    I have been listening to this and it is very, very interesting.  Glad to hear Bart Kamp say the figures in Dilliard are pasted into the photo.  I Always thought that.  I will finnish later after a few brief comments.  Howard Brennan's position in front of the TSBD is an issue of non-importance.  He simply could have turned slightly to keep up with the motorcade.  

    I have a problem with finding Amos Euins in Dealey Plaza before and during the JFKA.  The two best sources are Dorman and Zapruder.  After the JFKA there are many photos of Amos.

    I don't see Amos in these two films.  He has been identified here as:


    This is a Bell frame I believe.  If you have a hard time seeing the white arrow, I put a large red arrow to identify the person.  That person is not Amos Euins.  Euins had a jacket, and dark trousers or blue jeans on that day.  Person pointed to by the arrows did not have a jacket on that day.  He has a pink shirt and light colored trousers.  You can see these light trousers through the retaining wall. 

    This can be seen in Dorman and Zapruder with this individual is standing in the same place.  Notice in the above Bell frame that the person in pink is standing near a lady with a blue raincoat.  You can see the same thing in Dorman and Zapruder below.  He is a white teenager rather than a black teenager.


    Nowhere in Dorman or Zapruder can I find a 15 year-old black teenager.  He is not in Bell either.  I can't find him in Hughes either.  Where is he?

    Amos Euins is not a credible witness based on whether the shooter was a bald white guy or bald black quy.  I believe his step-father or father said you can't believe anything that boy says.  Where is he in Dealey Plaza at the time of the JFKA?


    Euins is in the Darnell film where he said he was.

  3. 21 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

    OUTSTANDING comment left on the You Tube comment section of the video:


    I just asked a police officer friend of mine (in an attempt to think of a lone-nutter's possible retort) if it is possible that the other rifle was a police officer's rifle. He laughed and said, quote, "for one thing, the detectives didn't carry rifles and, two, they wouldn't contaminate the crime scene by having a rifle, police issued or otherwise, within spitting distance of a filmed and dissected area like that."

    Please don’t name your friend’s name. I don’t want to be humiliated by the photos showing Fritz and Det Boyd entering the TSBD with shotguns. 🤣

  4. 22 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Denis is it correct you are identifying the right photo as taken 20 minutes after the shooting? Where are you getting the black and white photo on the left? Is that woman identified, what are those vehicles in the background, and is it verified that photo is from Dealey Plaza that day? At about what time? 

    The B&W image from of a TV footage, KLRD. You can view it on YouTube. It is Dealey Plaza. When did the fire trucks arrive? 

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