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Denis Morissette

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Posts posted by Denis Morissette

  1. 4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Don't you find it even a little suspiciously coincidental that a "Mauser" rifle was actually in the TXSBD building just 48 hours before 11,22,1963?

    How many times a year were "any" hunting or military rifles brought into the TXSBD?

    A building full of textbook and other related companies? Where there are as many female employees as men? Maybe even more?

    Maybe never before?

    This wasn't Bernie's Hunting Lodge in the Squaw Mountain Ranch area of Texas.


    I don’t find it suspicious at all. Why would anyone do? Caster brought it back home on 11/20, so it has nothing to do with 11/22. You’re just trying to come up with fun stuff. You should be more worried about having zero image of a Mauser and have zero witness who saw 2 rifles. Everybody, including Weitzman and Craig, remember 2 rifles. The only rifle photographed is a Carcano. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

    "Buell Wesley Frazier shed a little light on this confusing situation when he told the authors in May 2015 that he recalled seeing a Mauser in the School Book Depository on November 20, 1963, two days before the assassination. It belonged to Warren Caster, an employee with Southwestern Publishing Company. Southwestern Publishing Company was then located on the second floor of the Depository. Caster was proud of his rifles and brought in both a Mauser and a .22-caliber rifle to show to Frazier's supervisors, William Shelley and Roy Truly, as well as to some of his fellow workers two days before the assassination. Other workers verified seeing Caster displaying these two rifles on November 20, 1963."

    I meant on 11/22 after the shooting.

  3. 4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


    But I am open to the possibility of two guns found.

    Roger Craig stated Weitzman got a closer look at the rifle than Weitzman claimed he did.

    Weitzman was closer to the rifle than even Craig. And Craig stated you could see the "Mauser" stamp on the barrel.

    Are you open to the possibility of 3 or 4 rifles found? The rifle had a scope. Can you provide a Mauser with a scope and still showing Mauser? 

  4. 4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    I don't recall two different rifle photos.

    And not sure who saw two rifles.

    There is a video interview of Weitzman on You Tube where he contritely confesses his identification error after there was a suspicion arousing stink in the press regards his clearly contradictive Mauser ID versus the later FBI Carcano ID.

    In this video Weitzman looks like a kid who got caught doing a very bad thing and was punished with a serious backside walloping and angry lecture.

    Notice Weitzman in this video looking extremely uncomfortable, stammering, halting, constantly looking down and away and even closing his eyes completely at one key confession point.

    He still defends his supposed misidentification however, as an "honest" mistake.

    I'm no interrogation expert but this guy looks and sounds like he doesn't really believe his confession and is totally nervous and uncomfortable giving it. With even a touch of fear. 

    Looks like one of those close encounter UFO reporting people who after a few talks with the authorities, takes it all back and sheepishly admits they were hallucinating.hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEcCOADEI4CSFXyq4

    155 views3 months ago
    Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through ...






    There are police photos of the Carcano, I’m sure you know. But none of the Mauser. There are photos and films of the Carcano inside and outside the TSBD. But none of the Mauser. Do you admit there was a Carcano found? 

  5. 1 hour ago, Allen Lowe said:

    And as Thompson added: "John Hunt has done some very good work in the Archives, has examined CE 399 with exquisite precision, and has determined that Elmer Todd's initials are not on Commission Exhibit 399. So this is, this is a running crap game! "

    So, as far as I am concerned, end of story.

    If the person who has Hunt’s photos and they show the initials, I think that they will stay suppressed. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    I pointed this out earlier. John took thousands of scans and photos of the JFK evidence. These were high-resolution scans. He published some of these images in articles and shared some on this website. These were lower-resolution. I asked him at the time if he could please put his images online so that others could access them. He said his image files were so massive that it would be difficult to post them online, but that he would figure something out. Years passed. He died. What has been made available after his death are the lower resolution images he incorporated into articles and presentations. The massive raw files he told me about are MIA. 

    Thanks for the clarification! We’ll wait until 2045 to see Hunt’s photos.

  7. It is curious that two men who never talked to each other come up with the same story. One in 1995, and the other 2 decades later. You can say that Frazier had a book to sell, but Paine did not. Also DPD officer George Butler told a Garrison staff member in 1968 that Fritz would have beaten up Oswald had Hosty not been in the interrogation room. I’m not satisfied! 

  8. 17 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:


    The National Archives.

    700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

    Washington, DC 20408

    I know about them because they were mentioned in the most recent release of JFK documents.


    Is this really news to you guys?

    Wrong address! All documents are at NARA II, a different building in another are in Washington.

  9. From researcher Jeremy Bacon in a FB group:

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    I just got off the phone with Elmer Boyd. I asked him about not only the alleged Paine slap, but also the Frazier incident…

    He said… “Those are lies! In all the many years I worked with Captain Fritz, I NEVER saw him lay a hand on a prisoner or anyone else!”

    This is coming from the Detective who was closer to Will Fritz than anyone else at the Dallas Police Department. This should put these matters to rest…

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