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Denis Morissette

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Posts posted by Denis Morissette

  1. So far: 

    1) Larsen says that Roger Craig said he saw them bring the roof rifle down.

    So far, nobody has proven Craig said that. Anyone? 

    2) Larsen says Garrison saw a version of the DCA film showing the rifle being brought down the fire escape.

    So far, nobody has confirmed this. Nobody seems interested the college Larsen claims that they have that film. CTers, it is your chance to shine, receive the applauds and congratulations! Contact that college and ask for a copy of that film? Anyone?

  2. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:



    I've said a number of times in this thread that I haven't seen the DCA film that Garrison described. I only paraphrased the way Garrison described it. But if you want to say it was Garrison's imagination, be my guest. Even though you haven't seen the correct DCA film either.


    What do you think the officers gathering are looking at?

  3. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:



    I've said a number of times in this thread that I haven't seen the DCA film that Garrison described. I only paraphrased the way Garrison described it. But if you want to say it was Garrison's imagination, be my guest. Even though you haven't seen the correct DCA film either.


    You don't even know for a fact that there is another DCA film. That's ridiculous.

  4. 1 hour ago, Mark Ulrik said:

    Could this be the right one? I see captions.



    Thanks for the book excerpt! It's a wonder why CTers are not asking the College for a copy. They would have an incredible piece of evidence. When it's found that they don't have such a film or that they a film but without the rifle handled this way, Larsen will say that somebody removed that portion.

  5. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    The policemen who were looking at the rifle. The rifle carried from the roof. In the film you have never seen but Garrison and others have.


    I think you're imagining these men looking at the rifle wondering about it. It's only your imagination. You were not there, you don't know what they were saying or doing.

  6. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    That's the wrong film. DCA made multiple JFK assassination films.

    In the correct one, the Mentesana segment has a caption that reads something like "Assassin's Rifle."


    My copy shows Assassin's Rifle. Same segments. 8:34.


  7. 6 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    According to Garrison (in his book), the Mentesana film is part of a DCA (Dallas Cinema Associates) film compilation that is now in archives of Western New England College (Springfield, Massachusetts).

    DCA made more than one of these JFK assassination compilations. I found one on the internet but it is the wrong one.


    The WNE College may have a copy of it, but I doubt it is the original. You can check with them. How do you know DCA made more than one compilation and how do you know the one on the internet is the wrong one?

  8. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Waldo may have changed his story after seeing the photos you speak of. Of he may have been asked to change his story. Or the WC may have changed it.

    Skaggs photos were known only in the 90s and the Allen photo was not published and Allen was from the Dallas Herald Times. Did you get a copy of the original transcript of Waldo's testimony to determine if it was altered instead of going into theories that the WC modified his testimony? Did Waldo have the visit of men in black?

    1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    I mean, the WC certainly wouldn't have allowed for existence of a second or third rifle to be published in their report.

    They could have had. Since the Mentesanna film does not show that rifle, they were not able to publish it. And you're not proving anything. Did you try to get or view a copy of the never-before-seen segment of the Mentesana film? I would like to see the exact quote of what Garrison wrote. I just want to make sure.

    1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    The bottom line is that he was initially correct. The Mentesana film shows a police officer gingerly carrying the rifle while other officers gathered around to see it. If it were really a DPD shotgun, they would have known it right away.

    Who would have known right away?

    1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    I haven't seen the Mentesana film myself, but Garrison did. And I trust Garrison much more than I do the WCR. He wouldn't have tried to pull a fast one over his readers' eyes. Everybody is free to check up on him.

    He may have been tired and misremembering later what he had seen. 


    1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:



  9. 39 minutes ago, Richard Price said:

    Could someone please point me to the Mentesana film showing the rifle being handled?  I have, since the advent of this topic and also years prior watched what purported to be this film and have yet to see anything other than a group of people assembled around a police officer who is holding a gun (rifle/shotgun), not very visible or discernible.  I have yet to see it being brought down or being handled on the ground.  Did I miss something?  I have searched for both the Mentesana and DCA videos without finding anything other than the group picture with the officer behind the assembled mass of persons and only the upper barrel portion of the gun showing (very inconclusive).

    You're correct on what we see in the film. I have the 1964 DCA film that they DCA were selling back then. It does not show anything else than what you see in this clip:

    What Larsen said:

    "The film clip showing police officers bringing a rifle down the fire escape from the TSBD roof"

    I replied: False.

    Larsen said: 

    Nope. You're wrong.

      On 9/6/2022 at 5:58 PM, Denis Morissette said:

    "The film clip showing police officers bringing a rifle down the fire escape from the TSBD roof"



    Nope. You're wrong.

  10. OK. If they had found a rifle on the roof, it would have been brought down eventually. But the problem is that that Mauser story came from Fort Worth Star-Telegram story Thayor Waldo who admitted to the WC that he got confused when he heard ladies in Captain King's office talking. Other photos show the same officers as in the Mentesana film, and it shows that this officer is handling a shotgun. Allen photo and Skaggs photo.

  11. 6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    Nope. You're wrong.

    The Mentesana film is part of a DCA (Dallas Cinema Associates) film compilation that is now in archives of Western New England College (Springfield, Massachusetts).

    Jim Garrison saw the film and he wrote about the roof rifle in his book.

    Roger Craig said he saw them bring the roof rifle down.

    I'll bet the roof rifle was in a few early news reports. But I'm not gonna waste any more of my time trying to convince you or BB.



    Why? I checked out what he wrote about the rifle and found it all in other reliable sources.


    I hope people will have enough sense to check out Sandy's claims.

  12. On 9/3/2022 at 8:37 AM, Sandy Larsen said:



    No, Craig was right. Except for the make of the gun.

    In a compilation of amateur films made by Dallas Cinema Associates (DCA), is a film clip showing police officers bringing a rifle down the fire escape from the TSBD roof. (The film was reportedly shot by a man named Charles Mentesana.) The rifle has no scope, thereby proving that it is neither the Mauser nor the Carcano.

    According to researcher Ira David Wood, the rifle appears to be a British Enfield.

    Richard Sprague showed the DCA film to Jim Garrison, and he commented on it in his book. It is now in archives of Western New England College in Springfield, Massachusetts).


    "The film clip showing police officers bringing a rifle down the fire escape from the TSBD roof"

    False. Show us the frames.

    I would not rely on anything Ira David Woods. I don't know about the Mentesana film, but the most important one of the DCA film, the John Martin original film was in the hands of the Martin film the last I heard. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Henry Frost said:

    Craig says that a Mauser was found on the sixth floor of the TSBD.

    But in 1968, in an interview with the L.A. Free Press, Craig  is quoted as saying:

    "But there was another rifle, a Mauser, found up on the roof of the depository, that afternoon".

    How many Mausers were there?

    Free Press article:


    The Mauser on the roof mistake comes from Fort Worth Star-Telegram reporter Thayor Waldo. He apologized to the WC for it. Other than what he saw and heard that day, I don't think Craig was much informed on the works of the WC. 

  14. 15 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Yes, thank you Kathy and in turn Vince.  I don't remember ever seeing this.  It is great.  

    In particular I found interesting Craig states again the gun found was a Mauser, in some detail.  After having backed off that claim at one point.  Lane produces the Weitzman (emphatic) report from 11/23/63, never seen by the WC, in support of Craigs statement.  He then produces, was it one or two CIA documents stating the rifle found was a Mauser.  I don't remember ever hearing/reading about these.  Can anyone else provide more information on them?

    This is worth re watching, taking a few notes.

    Thanks for bumping this thread as well Kathy.  I want to go back an read the whole thing.    

    Mauser: Craig in this video added the Mauser stamp detail. He did not mention that crucial point in his 1971 manuscript. The Weitzman report was seen and published by the WC. The WC members did not see all the reports, but their staff members did. The CIA document: Who wrote it? And was the author on the 6th floor on 11/22 or did he just read newspapers? What is his source? The author also states that a Selective card was found, which is untrue. Selective cards don't have a photo,  it was an obvious fake. 

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