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Denis Morissette

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Posts posted by Denis Morissette


    Karen Westbrook (now Scranton)
    18 y.o.
    6606 Atha Dr. Dallas
    Employed by South-Western Publishing.
    Was midway between Houston Street and the overpass
    Deposition: Was with Gloria Calvery, Carol Reed and Karen Hicks
    6FM Oral History: Was with Reed, Calvery and Hicks
    Returned to office, then went back to entrance, but could not get out. She went back to office.
    Left office at 1:30 PM, and left home.

    Carol Reed (Now Carol Reed Davenport as per her FB page)
    20 y.o. No DOB. White female.
    6428 Silvery Moon Dr. Dallas
    Employed by South-Western Publishing.
    Was on the curb on Elm Street midway between the TSBD and the overpass with Mrs. Karen Hicks,
    Karen Westbrook and Gloria Calvery.
    Left TSBD at 1:45 PM

    Karen Hicks
    19 y.o.
    926 North Marsalis St, Apt. N, Dallas
    Employed by South-Western Publishing.
    Was with Gloria Calvery, Carol Reed and Karen Westbrook
    Midway between Houston and the overpass
    After the shooting, went back to office. Left office at 1:30 PM and left home.

    Gloria Calvery (Little)
    21 y.o.
    1023 Hurwitz Rd, Irving, Texas
    Employed by South-Western Publishing.
    Was with Carol Reed, Karen Westbrook and Karen Hicks
    Midway between Houston and overpass.
    After the shooting, went back to office. Left home at 1:30 PM.
    Karen Westbrook says she is a red-hair

    From all those girls' statements, they were all together during the shooting.

    Warren Caster
    45 y.o. Born July 15, 1918 at Mountainair, New Mexico. White male.
    Employed by South-Western Publishing.
    Not at the building at the time of the shooting. He did say his position later on. ??????

    Mrs. John L. (Carol) Hughes
    27 y.o. No DOB. White female.
    510 Glenfield St, Garland, Texas.
    Employed by the South-Western Publishing Co.
    Looking out a window during the shooting.
    Remained in the office until 1:30 PM, and went home.

    Virginia H. Barnu
    46 y.o.
    Not in Dealey Plaza.

  2. I have Vida as the only employee of CRANSHAN PUBLISHING.


    Vida Lee Whatley
    Born April 25, 1918 at Van Alstyne, Texas. White female.
    3426 Lawnview, Dallas.
    On 11/22 was employed by the Lyons and Carnshan Publishing.
    Left the TSBD at 12:15 PM and was alone shopping on Elm between the Moses and Kress Stores.
    Returned to the TSBD at 1PM.

  3. On 10/12/2022 at 8:48 PM, David Lifton said:

    Oswald was the pre-selected patsy, the built in "solution" to the crime.  His supposed guilt provided "closure"  for many.  A way of pointing the finger of guilt at a supposed political leftist.  Without a patsy -- a political scarecrow of sorts -- there would not have been any such closure.  Dallas, without Oswald, would have been just a naked murder -- which is the way it was perceived by many, anyway.   IMHO.   DSL (10/12/22 - 5:45 PM PDT)

    The Left has been wearing the shame to have one of theirs killing their own Chief of State. As leftists always do, they blame others. 

  4. On 10/12/2022 at 8:48 PM, David Lifton said:

    Oswald was the pre-selected patsy, the built in "solution" to the crime.  His supposed guilt provided "closure"  for many.  A way of pointing the finger of guilt at a supposed political leftist.  Without a patsy -- a political scarecrow of sorts -- there would not have been any such closure.  Dallas, without Oswald, would have been just a naked murder -- which is the way it was perceived by many, anyway.   IMHO.   DSL (10/12/22 - 5:45 PM PDT)

    Good stuff for a novel. 

  5. On 10/11/2022 at 5:44 PM, Micah Mileto said:

    Was there ever any update to this post-COVID? Did NARA digitize them? If they did, we may be able to hear a full audio recording of the first press conference with Parkland Drs. Perry and Clark.

    I would love to watch or listen to unavailable press conference bits. I identified one microphone on the table in front of the doctors that no one seems to know who it belongs too. There is also one camera that we don't know who it belongs to either.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Nick Bartetzko said:

    That’s Robert Steuart? The guy who wanted to talk in the early 90s, but wouldn’t and uttered..they’d know… ?? I’ve often wondered if someone had maintained contact with him if he would have eventually come around. Was not one of the pics taken at Parkland? The comparison photo. 

    Same guy. Yes, one photo is at Parkland. After Lee got shot.

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