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Denis Morissette

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Posts posted by Denis Morissette

  1. 32 minutes ago, Charles Blackmon said:

    Since it was a person who chose to be anonymous in the Playboy post, we can only speculate but it shares similarities with the experiences of other witnesses such as Clemons. If anybody was afraid to talk, just put yourself in their shoes. Wouldn't you hesitate if you kept hearing about witnesses being shot at work and at a police station and who knows what all else bizarre circumstances?  

    I might have been afraid to talk. But my point is not about that at all, as you know very well. The point is that you're trying to smear the WC when you have zero idea.

  2. 16 hours ago, Charles Blackmon said:

    One of many witnesses to the JFK/Tippit killings who did not testify before the Warren Commission. Either because the WC would not let them speak, or they were too afraid for their lives to speak.

    Do you know if the WC knew about them? If they were too afraid to talk, this is not the FBI`s or DPD`s fault.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Jake Hammond said:

    Doesn't he match descriptions of a man seen on the 6th floor with a rifle ? sport jacket, hat, darker skin ? Also the Rambler was driven by a darer skinned possibly cuban looking man apparently. He also looks quite cool and relaxed relative to the situation. Just seems incongruous. 

    I think he’s seen in several other images. 

  4. 1. The WC didn’t change the car’s color. Craig told the FBI the day after the assassination that the car was white

    2. The photo in the original post of a car next to a policeman on Houston was taken on either 11/23 or 11/24.

    3. In case you wonder, the 2 photos taken from the South knoll were taken at 12:41 by Jim Murray.

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