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Denis Morissette

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Posts posted by Denis Morissette

  1. The polygraph seems to be nowhere to be found. Maybe a policeman kept it as a souvenir. I’ll send a letter to former DPD Lt. Paul McCaghren who is the most knowledgeable ex-Dallas police officer alive. Det Elmer Boyd may know, but he was too fragile when I called him 2 weeks ago. 60 years after the events is a bit late…

  2. 1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

    I initially thought this was cropped from an Allen photo of the TSBD where the Hill window is closed. But after tracking it down on the UNT site, I realize that it was from a different Allen photo taken of just the one window. I also came across a power point slide on which I compared the shadows on the building in the Hill photo and McCurley photo, on which I concluded the photos were taken within a short time of each other, maybe a minute or two. 

    I forget, do we have a confirmed time for the Hill photo? I think I placed it around 1:10. 

    Sprague says 12:55. 2 photos later show Larry Florer.

  3. On 12/1/2023 at 8:46 PM, Pat Speer said:

    When creating my database of witness statements, I realized that there was a jailer, I.C. Todd, who ran over from the jail to the knoll after the shooting, and then stayed outside the depository for awhile before returning to the jail. This led me to believe he is the man with Edwards, and that he is escorting him over to the jail to give a statement. Unfortunately, Todd makes no mention of corralling any witnesses as he returned to the jail. He does mention being outside the depository when someone yelled down from an upper floor about finding three bullets, however, and this suggests he was outside the TSBD around 12:50. So if I had to guess I'd place that footage around 12:50. 

    That’s not Todd. I watched his 6FM Oral History and it’s not him. Stephen who interviewed him said he can be seen with his buddy Al Maddox. I think I have the photo he’s talking about.

  4. 9 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

    Thank you, great information !

    Now, in that corner there is something with arms looking funny

    A weird POV I guess

    Naamloos arm.jpg

    Looks like Phil Willis with his head down. The left hand belongs to a policeman. His white hat is partially seen.

  5. On 9/19/2023 at 2:08 PM, Micah Mileto said:

    https://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/McKnight Working Folders/Part 2/JFKs Collar Folder 5/JFKs Collar Folder 5 19.pdf

    https://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/McKnight Working Folders/Part 2/JFKs Collar Early Evidence Of FBIs Dismissal Of Autopsy Evidence/JFKs Collar Folder 7 01.pdf


    Does these links work for you, or do they lead to a 404 page? These are what I'm looking for. It seems that nothing works even though it was working a few days ago.


    EDIT: I managed to find most of the links I was looking for on the Wayback machine, with the exception of the links above.

    On both of these links, I get:

    Your connection is not private

    Attackers might be trying to steal your information from jfk.hood.edu (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards

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