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Denis Morissette

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Posts posted by Denis Morissette

  1. A Japanese man was filmed in the police buildin on 11/22 evening. He probably took a 8mm film of Oswald being shot. He was standing at maybe 5 feet from Bob Jackson. He was trying to make his face filmed as often as possible. He used a microphone, an audio recorder, one or two cameras and a notebook. Yet, his material has never been seen by researchers...


  2. On 4/24/2023 at 4:35 AM, Sean Coleman said:

    Both myself & Denis Morrisette were credited by Sir Vince Palamera for proving beyond reasonable doubt that Meatloaf was at the scene as a child. Even DVP didn’t challenge our valiant efforts. I expect to be mentioned in the next edition of Crossfire and all my royalty checks will be donated to charity.

    Toot toot!!

    Although I participated in the effort for locating Meat Loaf, I did not prove anything. So 100% of the credit is yours, so more millions to charity.

  3. On 3/3/2023 at 1:07 PM, Michael Crane said:

    Oswald rumor with link.This is not the first place that I have read it.

    J. Lee Rankin, the Warren Commission’s General Counsel, was told in January 1964 by a reliable source that it was common knowledge among journalists in Texas that Oswald had regularly received $200 per month from the FBI. If Oswald had indeed been secretly employed by a federal agency, the Commission would of course have found it almost impossible to make a convincing case that he had acted alone. Rankin and Earl Warren were determined to silence the rumor.

    The matter was discussed at an emergency meeting of the Commission on 22 January 1964. Two days later, Rankin and Warren met officials from Texas, who repeated the FBI rumor and mentioned other rumors about a connection between Oswald and the CIA. According to FBI interviews with one of the officials, Rankin swore them to secrecy. At the next meeting of the Warren Commission, on 27 January, Rankin discussed the FBI rumor but did not mention Oswald’s alleged connection with the CIA.



    Rumor spread by Houston Post reporter Hudkins, not Thayor Waldo.

  4. https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/post/raymond-broshears-testifies-before-the-hsca

    « Raymond Broshears Testifies Before the HSCA

    Broshears was a fabulist who made up a lot of stuff - he claimed to be David Ferrie's roommate in New Orleans. Here is a link to a Youtube audio recording of his testimony before the HSCA.

    Hear for yourself just how loony he was. And guess what? Several conspiracy authors (Jim Garrison, Joan Mellen, James DiEugenio, Paris Flammonde, Dick Russell) include Broshears in their respective books. »

  5. From Fred Litwin:

    Paul Bleau and the Fake Oswald Handbill

    Paul Bleau is the latest conspiracy theorist to believe that Oswald handed out handbills on the streets of New Orleans stamped with 544 Camp Street. This is just not true. His handbills were only stamped with his home address or his post office box.



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