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Denis Morissette

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Posts posted by Denis Morissette

  1. In my case, I have not totally discarded a conspiracy. I`ve kept pushing to find new material on the topic in the hope to find a conspiracy. Most LNers may be people who don`t bring anything new to the table. They`re just satisfied reading books and analyzing the facts that are already knows. It is their choice. I`m a different bread. I am an asset for the honest CTers. 

  2. 2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    C'MON Denis... that is not a real image of Oswald in the window...

    Of course it's a fake... there is no "body" below the face...  and as DVP is basically saying, he needed to be put up there since he was never there in the first place...

    Nice going Dave... :up

    Do you see the Oswald image in the photo posted by Dave?

  3. 45 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

    Denis I’m jesting.   I don’t see it but if you can get better quality pictures I say go for it.  I am not demeaning your theory.  I just don’t see it.  My point above is lots of things can be seen in these photos that look like a face or something but usually I find it’s unproductive without the negatives being worked on.   Again, don’t take what I said the wrong way.   

    No problem. I just have have hard time with people not seeing what I'm seeing and that are so obvious. 

  4. 17 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Not really sure which way to go with this Denis...   where's the rest of the body?

    Heads don't just float in space... the rest of him needs to also be below the horizontal pane, doesn't it?

    No one ever seems to point out the body part in this analysis - which seems to be missing..


    The copies I've work with are not the best. They may show certain things, but not others.

  5. 7 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    David, most of the members who have commented will not see what you're talking about. I think they should see, if they are able to see at all, an optometrist. Anyway... This is the clearest version of this that I've seen. But the image that looks like Lee does show in the HSCA copy. 

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