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Gerry Hemming

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Everything posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. ------------------------ James: Dave is correct. I learned from Larry Howard that they had left the U-Haul trailer at the dentist's house, and when I went there the dentist showed me the trailer in his back yard -- and when I made reference to Hall stealing my Johnson, he told me that he had it in his bedroom. I thanked him for securing the weapon and went on my way. This happened during January 1964,after the late Lester Logue told me that Hall had called him (during a December 1963) seeking money to move into a new apartment in California. The Belgian F.A.L.s were much too expensive at that time. One of my brothers bought one about that time, but after the MiamiCubans devised a modification which easily permitted full automatic fire, the FALs were taken off of the market. These rulings bounced back and forth over the next 20 years, and it was finally decided that since a Class 3 or Federal Collectors license was quite inexpensive [and permitted ownership of full auto weapons]; the Gov't gave the OK on the semi-auto sales long after the 1968 Gun Control Act. What the Sarah Brady, et al. gun control wingnuts are wont to conceal is the fact that approximately 160,000 U.S. citizens currently own more than one fully automatic weapon -- and the sole violations have been failure to pay the transfer tax on a sale. [no massacres, no "reckless displays", no wild shoot-outs] California has repeatedly passed its own "assault??" weapons bans, but every time somebody sues under the 2nd amendment [via a "Bivens Action"]; the State moots the case by issuing the plaintiff an immediate special permit in order to abate "standing" requirements necessary to continue [or even initiate] an action at law. GPH ___________________________________
  2. Thanks, Ryan. Was this type of weapon common amongst the militant exiles? Was it easy to obtain one and how would the cost of such a firearm compare to others at the time? Cheers, James --------------------------------------- James: That IS my Johnson 30-06 rifle [with 4x scope]. The photo was taken by Bob Brown [then of "Panther Publications", now SOF Magazine] in the Everglades during early 1962. The lad in the tree was posed there by Bob, and was the only member of the "30th of November" organization who wore a spanish style Stetson in the bush. He was one of those snatched by Spetsnaz/DSE commandos off of Elbow Cay [bahamas] during February 1963, and served almost 20 years in Habana's "Combinado del Este". The Johnson was a "recoil" operated rifle [as opposed to "gas operated", eg., M1 Garand, AK47, etc.], which meant that the barrel moved to the rear during the reloading cycle, thus degrading accuracy somewhat at 300+ yard targets. These "scoped" Johnsons were purchased on the open market by the D.R.E. just before the Bay of Pigs [JM/ATE] with CIA funds via a proprietary front. After the failure at BOP, all of the Johnsons were sold back to the sellers [National Gun Traders, 400 block SW 22nd Ave., Miami] I sold my Schmeisser MP-40 machine-pistol ["Burp-Gun"] to Bobby Willis during November 1961, and purchased the Johnson at Nat'l Gun for $45. This was the same rifle left with Dick Hathcock, as I was cognizant of the fact that Loran Hall was an FBI snitch [L.A. to Miami trip 1963], and the fact that I remained under a "legal disability [federal charges of Neutrality Act violations] -- I knew that I was prohibited from even vicarious possession of a firearm until the charges were disposed of, and also avoiding the risk of bail-bond release revocation. [i forbade his carrying a weapon on the trip, as if found by police in the same car I was riding in, I could be held liable.] The Johnson 30-06 lost out in the late 1930s competition by the government which was seeking a replacement for the WWI "Springfield 06" bolt action. The only disqualifying factor cited by the Gov't was that the Johnson did not have a wooden foregrip [protecting the hand from a hot barrel] needed for bayonet fighting. Despite the Army's adoption of the M1 Garand, Lt. Col. Jimmy Roosevelt [Marine Raider Battalion] got the OK for the Raiders and Krulak's Parachute Marines to purchase a large number of Johnsons. The Netherlands purchased a large quantity just before Sept.1939. Only one other person in the entire exile community used a Johnson, and that was our "Little Joe" Garman, but his was quite worn and had no scope. He still has it in Bowling Green, KY -- along with his trusty Springfield "06". The Johnson had a circular magazine, and required the old Springfield 5-round strip chargers for loading its 10 round mag. -- but the great advantage over the Garand was that a shooter could reload individual bullets into the magazine -- instead of waiting for an 8 round clip to be ejected, as was the disadvantage with the Garand. The Johnson light machine gun was similar in design and some parts were interchangeable with the rifle. I ultimately sold my Johnson to young Anselmito Alliegro when I left for California during 1967. The great majority of Miami Cubans used the Carbine [which they called an M-1 - "emmy-uno"], especially when the Hialeah gun factory started selling refurbished M-1 carbines for $25. Submachineguns [s.M.G.s] and light machine guns included every type that you might find in a gun book, Czech "ZB", Jap "Nambu", B.A.R.s, U.S. tripod .30 cal., Thompson SMG, UK BREN, etc. -- with a choice of coversion to 30-06 or .308 NATO, or left in the original calibre !! Cheers, GPH ____________________________________
  3. John Simkin wrote that in another thread, and I found it appropriate to borrow. With all of the various researchers that regularly post on this forum, I'd like to propose a combined effort in a project I have been mulling over for quite sometime. As some may know, my interest, or my goal, is to acquire some of the 'unpublished' or 'unaltered' source material relating to the events that transpired in Dealey Plaza. This may not necessarily be limited to 11/22, between 12:00, say, and 12:45pm CT - there would be plenty of interesting information, IMO, which could be gleaned from photos or films taken later that afternoon, or even the following day. As per numerous references, and I could try to pull these all together here if anyone was interested, there exist a number of films and photos of the assassination which have not been made public. These could include the film made by the Babushka lady, the unknown woman photographer on the north side of Elm, the account of Gordon Arnold, Mrs. Beck of Lincoln park, the IBM close circuit account, the training film [seen in Japan?], the bus boy's account concerning what he witnessed at a Military funtion for high brass where one of the films was shown that showed the assassin, the reference in Murder in Dealey Plaza concerning a film seen by Rich DellaRosa, the Edward F. Bray documents, the account of the live feed and the Army having participate in making a video, etc. I have a few more if anyone is interested. Additionally, there is eBay, which infrequently offers photos which have never before seen the light-of-day. Most recently, this includes a polaroid taken of the Lincoln as it sped towards Parkland. I was unable to acquire it, as the reserve was too high. There is also the story of Jay Skaggs. I'm sure Gary Mack could add a few more as well. Point being - there is material out there - whether it is as I have suggested before, under wraps, held for insurance, in the possession of individuals in Government who have held it for one reason or other, taken by witnesses that do not recognize it's value, etc. - regardless...there is more to be had beyond that which IMO is the sanitized, approved and many times altered record. I wrote twice to Larry Flynt, hoping that he may be persuaded to offer a substantial reward for such material, but received no response. Possibly he has learned his lesson in this regard in the past, or maybe I failed to get by his filters. What I was thinking was to get together a group of researchers for the sole purpose of obtaining some of these materials. One idea I had was to pool together some resources, and divide and conquer. One method would be to place want ads in Newspapers throughout the Country, offering $$$ for 'your unpublished films or photos, taken on, or shortly after, 11/22/63 - in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, TX. My thinking was to run this advertisement in the following cities: Washington, DC - first. Tempted to add a bit on unaltered and original photos for this city specifically. The original backyard photo, for example, sans Lee Oswald's head. An original Zapruder. Etc. El Paso, Texas Dallas, Texas Salt Lake City, Utah Phoenix, Arizona Los Angeles, California Oxnard or Ventura, California Chicago, IL Miami, Florida Las Vegas, Nevada and perhaps a few other cities. Would this be of interest to anyone? I was considering other methods beyond the newspaper advertisement, perhaps a reward on a website, etc., but thought that the newspaper concept would be the first phase. I am always open to suggestions and other recommendations. One big problem, of course, is going to be coming up with the cash to purchase the material, should something turn up - but we could burn that bridge when we came to it. However, we'd all need to be agreed that results would be posted here to the forum. There wouldn't be any profit or ROI - this would all be above board and for the purpose of revealing the truth, and unveiling the hypocrisy. Let me know what you think. If my CT is accurate, then there should still be some Government officials, retired or otherwise, that may be looking for just such an opportunity to relieve them of the burden of the guilt they have felt, for 41 years. - lee PS - good example - this one is on eBay now - why is Greer's door open? --------------------------- Lee: Greer is using the door to force the crowd back onto the sidewalk. He and other drivers used this technique, especially in cases where moving the Limo more to the right was blocked by a motorcycl/outrider cop. It always worked. Notice how close the crowd is to the car. GPH ___________________________________
  4. ----------------------------- John: At the time that Tony Cuesta was released from prison in Cuba, Tom Dunkin was having severe financial difficulties. He indeed attempted to meet with Tony, but was informed [possibly by Ramon Font, or somebody from the"new" Commandos L] that Tony was not "emotionally ready" to sit down with old comrades and speak of past "glories?". However, that differed substancially from Tony's emmissaries who requested that I get in contact with Tony as soon as possible. In my case, I was the one not "emotionally ready" to handle numerous sitdowns withTony, Ramon, et al. -- and this later was the case with Eloy G. Menoyo, who called me on the telephone when Iwas living near Fort Lauderdale. Just a telephone chat with Eloy, which grew very emotional, caused me stress enough to go back on my Valium meds. As with Tony, I explained that I wasn't in the greatest of health, and that it would probably be a few weeks before I was ready. Hargraves visited Dunkin at the SEAL Museum, and during that conversation Dunkin complained that a lady from Orlando, Florida was contracted todo Tony's story. Dunkin told Hargraves that said lady was a Sandra (LNU). It was later explained to me by Tony's buddies that he admired Dunkin greatly, and that given that Dunkin was a Marine who had fought in Korea, he was not surprised by Tom's cool demeanor during the "Baku Op". A short time prior to Tony's final run to Cuba, one of their "Prowler" boats was violently sabotaged at the dock near Key West. I had previously warned Tony against his associating with specific individuals, and after the sabotage he was a little beligerent with me, especially in asking if I had mentioned anything about his plans to "anybody??" I reminded him more than once, that when he had made reference to "operational matters", that I absolutely did not want to hear ANY details whatsoever, nor be associated with same in any fashion -- reminding him of the "need-to-know-rules"; and that especially since his Op might be blown, I didn't want to experience any of the same suspicions that I had encountered with Felipe Vidal after his boat sank in a NE 135 St. canal [Christmas Eve, 1963] after Dickey Chappelle accidently stepped on the bilge-pump exhaust pipe that night. He queried as to how is it I could be warning him about certain individuals if was was truly keeping my distance from his operation?? I stated that this was exactly the case in point, I was hearing information from people that shouldn't have known one wit of his movements, yet they did -- therefore his "Op/Sec" [Operational Security] was compromised. He didn't take that very well !! This was why I didn't want to be in the "..I told you so !!" position after his years of imprisonment and physical suffering. Moreover, I absolutely didn't want to be queried as to his betrayers, or associates with "loose-lips" -- and even more important, not get into the fact that Trafficante had been one of his prime betrayers, and the one who informed Havana that this operation was an attempt to assassinate Fidel. Tony was spared execution mostly via the offices of a former attorney for Fidel, who had also acted to save some of Hargrave's people who had been kidnapped off of Elbow Cay [bahamas] during February, 1963 -- by Sov/Spetsnaz and Cuban D.S.E. (LCB) commandos. You are correct in implying that Tony "knew things" -- "things" that he was unaware of, and were of great importance. I know now that Escalante is still lying through his teeth as to Tony's inculpatory statements, and moreover, at that time I was certain that should he explore specific matters with me and some of my associates, his life would have been in jeopardy !! Somebody hinted that this "blind man" overheard remarks by folks that belittled him, and this because they firmly believed that he would never be released, and would die [isolated] in his prison cell. More simply put, there are folks in Havana who maintained an ongoing interest in "things" that Tony might disclose -- and realizing this, Tony aborted any participation in any "memoirs". One of those "monitoring" him belongs to "The Cuban 5" [recently favored by the case reversal in the 11th Circuit in Atlanta.] More later, GPH ______________________________________
  5. ----------------------- James: Tom took ALL of the LIFE pix on the "Baku Op", and Andy focused on the narrative. I speak with Andy's widow all of the time, and she is in the process of getting the masses of files and pix organized. I will check with Gordon Winslow on whether the large amount of negatives & pix he recovered at Tom's shack [upon his death] included any of the Comandos "L" Ops -- though I really doubt it, as Andy was very scrupulous in maintaining personal custody of all Ops pix. Tom was found dead in the front yard of the shack that former Chief Justice Alto Adams [Florida Supreme Court] had provided for him whilst he did the judge's memoirs -- and it turned out to be a thick volume, though tedious to read. I had set Tom up with the Adams contact after the good Justice became a person of interest in the JFK matter [early 1970s.] I had done construction work for his Son-in-law [Nat Harrison, Jr.] who was a major contractor in south Florida. After Winslow arrived [ a couple days after the death was reported] at the shack, he was told that the Coroner suspected Tom was a victim of a "lightening strike ??!! Winslow found the inside of the shack totally trashed, with pix & negatives strewn all over the place. Initially, I reminded Gordon that Dunkin was a bit of a slob, and I doubted that it had been a shakedown search -- but, later I wasn't so sure. After leaving us at No Name, Tom went on to work with Paul Poppenhager [our jumpmaster/pilot] at the Circle-T ranch east of Indiantown. He logged almost a thousand jumps, and by the 1980s was a volunteer curator at the UDT/SEAL Museum, Ft. Pierce -- where he was well liked by all, and especially by Dick Marcinko's buddy, "Pointman/Patches" BMC Watson. [bosun's Mate Chief, USN - Ret.] A couple of times I landed Cartel planes [empty of course] on that 33,000 acre cattle ranch just southwest of Vero Beach. Man, did Tom get pissed at that, with us carrying weapons, etc. -- but the judge thought it was a spook Op and enjoyed the hell out of our infrequent visits. The best part of the ranch was the very large-high ceilinged law library behind the ranch-house, alongside a bubbling brook. WARNING: Heed "Ms. Congenialty's" recent pubic..er..public remonstrations !! DO NOT believe any of the foregoing, above-mentioned "wannabe SOF/non-mercenary, etc., etc." spurious appearing text -- failure to heed this may result in a severe "hissy-fit rant!!" Cheers mate, GPH PS: Soon I will respond in kind -- and clue John, et al. in on the great success of the "Gerry Springer, Geraldo Rivera, Christina" wailing & gnashing of teeth, hair pulling, clothes shredding spectacles which seem to get tremendous television ["Telly"] ratings. Hell, we might just double the membership of this Forum if we keep up the pissing contests !! ___________________________________
  6. -------------------------- And here I was, partially convinced that "Miss Congeniality" had given up self-abuse in the shower ??!! -- It just leaves me emotionally drained. A "Rasslin'" fan ??!! Do those big bruisers in their oily muscled bodies turn you on ?? After the Bay of Pigs, it was not a healthy move to claim ANY affiliation with the hated CIA, especially amongst the Miami Cubans. After 1967 [Garrison follies, Ramparts Nat'l Student Assoc., etc.], it wasn't wise to even mention knowledge of "The Company" anywhere in the USA. Dick Russell's use of the term "Agent" in the Argosy article was NOT well received by me, despite the fact that an "agent" is an informant reporting to a CIA Case "Officer". "Informant" for the FBI ??!! The only time that S/As Bob Dwyer and Jim O'Conner could get a decent meal was to set up a phony "meet" with me, because,as they reported back repeatedly to the MIA/FO S.A.C. "...Hemming won't speak with us unless it is at Toby's restaurant [sW 12th Ave. & 1st St.] and it MUST be a steak dinner (for all).." The only info that JM/WAVE got on me [NOT from me], was via the Castro DGI agents they employed as spotters and snitches against ALL of the exile raider groups. After Howard Davis had arranged for cash and thousands of dollars worth of maritime equipment, arms & munitions, radios, etc. from Texas & Maryland financiers, Tony Cuesta veto'd Ramon Fonts OK for both of our persons on the "Baku" sinking operation !! Why? Because Tony swore that a "CIA buddy" had tipped him that "Davy" was a "Company Man", and that only I could go. Font got between our fistfight, and that is how Andy St. George & our Tom Dunkin made the trip [with a little cash from Billings at LIFE naturally]. The same occurred with "Bayo" [who had broken with Tony after the "Baku Op"], when -- after we had gotten heavy financing for a Haitian Op, Martino, Sturgis, et al. coopted our funding from Baltimore, and ultimately brought in Pawley on the deal, which was switched to a phony Sov/extraction Op. More wasted money, and more interference from the "Company Pogues" !! "Bayo's" coxwain [Cantin] left a large family behind, and they came to me in July '63 wanting to know why I was alive and their father/husband/uncle/cousin was MIA ??!! I took them straight to Bill Pawley's office in the Ingraham Bldg. and explained that one of our lawyers would soon be in touch. Against my verbal protestations, he handed the boys a wad of $100 bills. I remained behind after they left, and told Bill that it was a big mistake to give out the cash, as they were going to sue LIFE, Billings, and him for a bundle. All parties later settled out of court and the family was awarded a large sum. My extended family joins with "Miss Congeniality" in the infliction of abuse upon moi -- as they are furious with me for even uttering a word on these matters, despite that many years have passed in the aftermath of Kazak Jew Weberman's spurious foibles. When they learned of my giving an interview to a Canadian writer [Cigar Afficianado & Oliver Stone confidant] at a Ft. Lauderdale MacDonald's !! [vice the near Out-Back Steakhouse]; they have since defamed me as the "Kiddy-Meal Commando". "....What did he pay you Dad?...a Kiddy-Meal with extra fries !! Can't win for losing. If anybody has a serious query, let me know down the road sometime. GPH _______________________________
  7. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> --------------------------- The first few that I filed ["Notices of Intent"] were against the Drug Cartel's stateside money launderers and distributors. When it turned out that some had been "doubled" and were acting as informants for the FBI/DEA Drug Interdiction Task Force [later renamed the Vice/Prez D/Interdiction TF]; I was pursuaded to relent and join the task force, which I did for almost 4 years. Others filed [and 100% "settled" successfully] were on behalf of convicts in the prisons of several states -- and wherein local authorities were attempting to use the forfeiture statutes against their family homes, vehicles, etc. !! More than once, it also resulted in the quick paroling [or release to custody-at-large supervision] of the plaintiffs. I routinely filed as "Next Friend", and changed the laws [RE: Post-Conviction Relief] in several States. As you are nodoubt aware, I am refering to Stare decisis, not the nullification of a statute or rule; as that must be accomplished by a legislated body enacting an amendment or repeal of same -- until then, statutes adjudged unconstitional "vel non" remain on the books for years and years. There was no "Cause of Action/Case or Controversy" [Tort?] in the Christic matter, that is why they lost and paid a heavy fine !! You nag repeatedly as to "...read the posts !!" -- I have diligently read the posts, and I have yet to find Gratz "threatening" the forum. However, after noting your's [and others unmamed] proclivity for assuming the worst and taking statements out of context, I have repeatedly advised Gratz to refrain from even using any legalisms in his missives, as it seems to upset you girls no end !! Never-the-less, I found his "treatise??" on Blakey & R.I.C.O. quite instructive, not threatening. Grow up and get back to your usual well researched offerings on this forum. You don't like Gratz -- well tough titty !! Get a life. You don't like him because he is a bible-thumper?? I am a diehard atheist, and served in several revolutionary activities, but I have opted to not adopt either right-wing nor left-wing "theologies". After laughing our asses off in Havana, with reference to self styled "left-wing/socialist/marxist" tourists who arrived in floods during early 1959, we chose to avoid these puffed-up fools -- and get on with our business [removing Somoza, Trujillo, Duvalier, et al.]. I have a tremendous dislike for dogmatic "evangelicals" of both the left and the right -- none have ever provided genuine support when it really mattered. "Che" found that out the hard way !! As to K.G.B./G.R.U. -- go tho their extant websites, you might discover that quited a bit is overtly commented upon these days. Remember also, that I had access to more than just a few "Intel Insiders" over the years, and even 40 years ago they were quited casual in making these very same references at that time -- as they considered that to be quite routine, of no great consequence; and just the way that this business was done. [Mitrohkin does contain some tidbits of accuracy] We gave Keating minor tidbits, because our sources demanded that nothing be exposed to the moles infesting "Camelot" at that time. Our RFK liaison did quietly make mention of "tidbits", but was rebuffed while staying at "Hickory Hill". Senator Smathers [Democrat] tried also, and witnessed a dinner plate being smashed at the Palm Beach Compound. We were left with DEMOCRATIC Governor Ferris Bryant, because we discovered that most of our Republican contacts were scared xxxxless assholes, and were of the same stripe as Generals Lemay & Powers, who wanted to start World War III or IV !! [Gov. Bryant's Air Nat'l Guard Adjutant General (2 Star General) came back to the Mansion in Tallahassee from DC, practically in tears, while briefing Gov. Bryant that the Pentagon & SAC were planning to "wait-it-out" !! Ron Lippert got busted at Jose Marti Int'l, never uncovered one clue, and I would like to see any cites to authority on any of his "Intel" submissions. CIA later attempted to claim our David Cabezas and Rumbaugh as their own, but were laughed out of town. Lippert "heard" some comments as to the S.A.M. AAA site equipment rumored to have arrived at Casilda [near Trinidad], but he even missed out on the broad daylight reports of SAM missiles banging against houses as they turned the corners of the extremely narrow streets of Trinidad enroute to Cienfuegos. So how the hell does he predate our firm June & July '62 confirmations?? [bTW, the warheads came in first !!] There were rumors running wild inside Cuba as I left during October 1960, and not just about "cohetes" [missiles] -- to the point that when I stopped for coffee at a bodega in Pinar del Rio, I was accused by a crowd of being a Russian. I quickly confessed to them that they were "correcto" ["Cierto"]; and that I had parked my submarine just down the highway. Why did I wait 40 years ??!! Are you just stupid, or a wise-ass -- or BOTH??!! DGI's death squads have murdered scores of exiles since 1963, and their squads remain active to this day inside the U.S. !! Why do you think that the hammer fell so heavy on the "Miami-5"??; because the court received Intel as to their nexus with real bad guys, not just a snitch who might have?? assisted in Basulto's "Brothers" aircraft shootdown. More importantly, those with insider knowledge of events opted to remain alive and well with their families [both inside Cuba, and in exile locales] -- which I consider to be a very smart series of decisions. Have you ever been in harm's way, or am I dealing with yet another mouthy wannabe ?? I expect that you will continue to provide us with somewhat more intelligent data in the near term, and avoid these amatuerish polemics. Respectfully, GPH _________________________
  8. The inserted photo was of "Angelo", and they thereafter traveled to Miami to "interrogate??!!" him at his desk inside the Headquarters/Miami Police Department Building. He laughed them out all the way to the parking lot. Cheers, GPH ______________________________
  9. Dick: I received an e-mail from Guillermo Yglesias' daughter a while back, and she was wanting more information than what she garnered from that 1976 Argosy Magazine interview that you did of me, and I am about to refer her to the fact that LBJ was inclined to shut down the "2nd Naval Guerrilla" operations after the mistaken fatal attack on the Spanish merchant vessel "Sierra Aranzazu", which Yglesias and his commandos mistook for Fidel's merchantman "Sierra Maestra". But LBJ was talked out of it until 1966. Raul Castro later claimed that the "Lucha-Contra-Bandidos" [LCB] & "Division 50" campaign against guerrillas inside, and raiders from outside, had cost Cuba over a Billion dollar$ up untill 1967. Oh, by the way, Nagell was working for the G.R.U., not the K.G.B. !! "Stasha" Sokolowska worked with our Sandinistas trainees [and helped feed us] in Habana during 1960. She must have forgotten all about her teenage marriage to the Tokyo CIA/COS which you footnoted in the "..Knew too Much" book. She had a daughter by Sandinista Harold Martinez y Saenz during the mid-1960s, and used to stop by my apartmentment on her return trips [every 2 months] from Cuba throughout the 1960s. She couldn't fathom how I could suffer living alongside all of the "Little Havana Gusanos??!!". She reported to June Cobb, and June's CIA Case Officer was Elizabeth Vetter, who is still alive and laughing. I haven't gotten a copy of your book on the Whales yet, but have seen very good reviews of same. Give me a call again when you have the urge. Gerry _____________________________
  10. ------------------------- Y'all: I have filed a few dozen Civil R.I.C.O. lawsuits since the late 1970s. [see: Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1961, et seq.] Civil RICO has been used in child custody and divorce cases all over the U.S., and very successfully. Moreover, under "Criminal R.I.C.O.", and expecially in the southern states such as Florida , Georgia, etc. -- entire judicial circuits have been adjudged to be "R.I.C.O. Enterprises" [along with individual prosecutor's offices, Public Defender's offices, etc. !!] If Gratz wanted a guidebook on how to mess up just about anybody or any group, he just needs to buy a copy of Dr. Susan Huck's 1989 book: "Legal Terrorism, The Truth About The Christic Institute". Danny Brandt's www.namebase.org has this to say about the book -- Huck, Dr. Susan. Legal Terrorism: The Truth About the Christic Institute. New World Publishing, 1989. 171 pages. Susan Huck is a conservative ex-Capitol Hill aide who produced this book with assistance from Theodore Shackley and other fans of U.S. covert activities. It suffers from red-baiting and too many gratuitous slurs. Yet Huck has some valid points, and she did some homework. There were problems with the Christic Institute -- most particularly with Daniel Sheehan (Harvard Law 1970 and also Harvard Divinity), who frequently seemed to be long on style and short on substantive research. He founded Christic with his wife Sara Nelson and Jesuit William J. Davis in 1981. Nelson is connected to Hollywood entertainers with deep pockets. After working the Karen Silkwood case, Christic took on plaintiffs Tony Avirgan and Martha Honey. Avirgan's injuries from a bomb in Nicaragua offered a hook for a RICO-conspiracy civil suit against an array of ex-CIA types. Ideological glue was provided by Christic's theory that the same "secret team" had been running things for forty years. Nelson's advance work for Sheehan's slick speeches, along with the Jesuit connection to churches, brought in up to $50,000 per week for the Christic road show. Meanwhile, the ex-spooks were deposed through discovery proceedings that Sheehan, who was enjoying himself, tried to drag out. In the end it was thrown out of court, and Christic was assessed $1 million for the defendants' legal expenses. ISBN 0-9624273-3-0 ---------- Search the NameBase site: While the best way to search for names is to use NameBase, most can also be found here by using only first and last name, separated by a single space, with no quotation marks. ____________________________________ The story centers on the phony Civil R.I.C.O. lawsuit filed by Danny Sheehan with reference to the infamous "La Penca Bombing" on Costa Rica/Nicaragua border area [san Juan River] -- which in actuality was carried out by Sandinista assassins attempting to kill "Comandante Zero" (Eden Pastora). I was with Pastora during 1978-1979 during the fight against Somoza. Because the lawsuit was based upon fantasy, hearsay, speculation, and the plagiarizing of books, the Miami Federal Judge [King] ordered a "Rule 11" judgement against the Christics for $1.7 million, and dismissed the case "With Prejudice". In other words, it was "laughed-out-of-court". I met with the Christic "investigators??" at Bud Fensterwald's office during the pendency of the suit, and gave them identification information as to the assassin who used an altered Danish passport, after having inserted the photo of one of the mercenaries who had fought for Somoza until July 1979. The Sandinistas had recovered his "alias" travel documents inside Somoza's bunker upon occupying Managua. What is behind all of this "Gratz Bashing" anyway?? Are folks supposed to adhere to some kind of "Party Line" on this forum??!! I am the one with the documentation on the Soviet G.R.U./Cuban D.S.E./D.G.I. plot to assassinate JFK. The very same G.R.U. that plotted to assassinate Khruschev during 1961 [but were dissuaded from same by K.G.B. Chief Vladimir Semichastny, who mandated that "...we will take care of him politically!!". The same G.R.U. which controlled the ICBM and other missile artillery regiments when they carried out "Operation Anadyr" [behind Khruschev's back] and moved the missiles and nuke warheads into Cuba during June, July, and August 1962. My team received the first Intel on the missiles and we gave Senator Keating some tidbits, but were later forced to go to Florida Governor Ferris Bryant with same, and he then took action which forced JFK's hand during late September 1962. [see: Miami Herald, Aug. '62] Gratz isn't about to discuss this matter in this forum because it is MY proprietary information, and will be going to a Federal grand jury in the near term. Chill out -- citizens and comrades, GPH ______________________________
  11. ---------------------- Christy: In Cuba, we and the Cuban rebels called him "Johnny Sancti Espiritu", after the city located near Santa Clara, in the then Las Villas Province [situated between the Escambray mountain chain ("Sierra del Escambray") and smaller hills to the east. Also, to this day, the Cuban slang for "Norte-Americanos" is not "Gringos" nor "Yanquis" -- amongst themselves we are always "Johnnies"; which they pronounce "Yonnies", as they have problems with the "J" when vocalized as a "G" !! I was always "Yetti", because they couldn't prounounce "Gerry". I thanked them mucho for identifiying me with the "Abominable Snowman" of the Himallayas, but no thanks again. They hadn't a clue where these strange-sounding Tibetan/China/Nepal mountains were, nor anything whatsoever about some hairy entity -- so I avoided the many hours it might take to tutor them...thankya velly much !! Hugs to Y'all, G. ____________________________
  12. ------------------------- Tim: Wrongo "Boyo" !! Jennings did indeed work initially [very short gig] for CBS before ABC picked him up. He bombed as a co-anchor and was sent out to the field. When he verily impressed Roone, et al.; he was brought back as a co-anchor. Try using Google's "Bios" old bean !! Cheers Mate, GPH --------------------
  13. ----------------------------- Lady Dawn, Esq.: I presume that you just don't have available the tedious 2 or 3 hours required to search through the relevant F.R.U.S. documents ??!! Once again, as I stated on this thread -- LBJ queried as to the use of the SR-71 so as to avoid the compromising of the U2 ECM ["Electronic Countermeasures"] !! If I can do the research, why must I then once engage in tutoring that which any capable "researcher" might do on their own time?? GPH -------------------------------------------------- http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/johnsonlb/xxxii/44657.htm RE: SR-71 " Blackbird" 265. Memorandum for the Record/1/ Washington, May 2, 1964. /1/ Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DCI (McCone) Files, Job 80–B01285A, DCI Meetings with the President, May 1964, Box 6, Folder 8. Secret; Eyes Only. Drafted by McCone on May 4. According to the President’s Daily Diary the President joined the meeting in progress in the Cabinet Room at 10:40 a.m. (Johnson Library) SUBJECT Discussion at National Security Council meeting Saturday—2 May 1964 Note: the initial part of the meeting the President did not attend PRESENT The President, Rusk, Ball, Johnson, McNamara, Vance, LeMay (representing JCS), Bundy, Dillon, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and Thompson Note: Several White House Staff members were present 1. McCone opened the meeting by discussing pages 1 through 3 of the attached May 1st memorandum reviewing actions taken by USIB/2/ on the recommendation of COMOR on the 2nd of April and in the past few days, reaffirming the need for overflights but on a reduced scale and indicating that, except for a most unusual circumstance, two to three flights per week would meet COMOR requirements. /2/ Attached but not printed, this memorandum noted that there were continuing reports of offensive missiles in Cuba and that most of these reports had been disproved through the examination of concurrent photography. It noted that the vulnerable U–2 aircraft could be made less so if electronic countermeasures (ECM) were used, but that the "continued use of ECM would, in the opinion of experts, permit the early development of counter countermeasures and hence the value of the ECM equipment would rapidly deteriorate." Peripheral photographic reconnaissance "will not provide needed intelligence." The USIB stated that drones "would produce useful photography though not as good as the U–2," but that they were "vulnerable, more so than the U–2." The new CIA-developed high-altitude, high-speed Oxcart reconnaissance aircraft, later known as the SR–71 Blackbird, would "not be operational at the design speed of 3.2 Mach and 85,000 to 90,000 feet for another few months." The CORONA satellite system was judged to be "not sufficient to give us useful photography." 2. Thompson stated that his analysis of recent statements by Khrushchev and Castro indicated that there was a strain between the Soviets and Castro. It appeared to him that Castro is concerned that the relaxed tensions between the U.S. and the USSR exposed Cuba to actions by the U.S. which would not be seriously challenged by Khrushchev. 3. Rusk stated that he felt that the threat was not immediate. 4. McCone contributed the SNIE /3/ which was read carefully and all agreed with the conclusions. -------------------------------------------------------- /4/ May 4. c. He called a meeting for 12:00 o’clock noon Tuesday to make a final decision on the use of ECM equipment. 15. During the meeting there was considerable discussion of the use of the Oxcart. I stated that it was my opinion (though I had not checked it out with our operators) that it could be used in a matter of weeks at about 2.2 Mach, 75,000 feet and several months later at 3.2 Mach and 85,000 or 90,000 feet, that its presence would be known because it would appear on the radar and the sonic boom would be audible, it would be more disturbing to people in Cuba than U–2’s because they could not see the U–2 but they would hear the Oxcart, that because of the absence of the Tall King search radar I felt the SAMs with their Fan Song would not be effective on the U–2 because of their short reaction time. I pointed out the use of the Oxcart would compromise it as a reconnaissance vehicle. No decision was reached. 16. McNamara stated that if ECM equipment was used, he felt there would be a 95% or more possibility that the first U–2 that was attacked would survive and come home. He pointed and, and I confirmed, that this would create a new situation as it would demonstrate Castro’s true intentions which were now only a matter of conjecture. McNamara asked that the Contingency Plan be amended to discuss courses of action under such a situation. Cuba 639 17. McNamara then stated that while he does not agree with the Joint Chiefs on the seriousness of the compromise of ECM equipment, he is against using it now, suggests it be kept in readiness, and the question be reviewed from week to week. 18. The actions are as follows: a. Study the operational capabilities of the Oxcart. b. Study the vulnerability of the Oxcart. Note: Both of the above to be discussed with JCS Monday afternoon in preparation for Tuesday’s meeting. c. Develop in detail the Agency position on ECM which varies from the SAG–JCS position. d. Prepare to supply CIA planes equipped with ECM on short notice until the SAC planes are fully modified. Note: In this discussion McNamara stated that ECM equipment similar to Systems 13–15 was aboard the Powers’ plane and therefore known to the Soviets. Action: I would like this explored because this question did not arise in the Powers’ Hearings. /5/ I was very much surprised to hear that Powers had ECM equipment aboard and raised the question in my mind as to why he did not turn it on when he had received the warning. Also I raised the question as to why this matter, if true, was not brought out in the very extensive Hearings with Powers upon his return. /5/ Francis Gary Powers’ U–2 aircraft was shot down over the Soviet Union on May 1, 1960. After his release from captivity by the Soviets, he spoke about the U–2 incident at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 6, 1962. ----------------------------------------------------- ) Oxcart. This plane is not ready to fly at its peak capacity and will not be for several months. It is now able to fly mach 2.2 at 75 thousand feet. It could not be shot down but its presence would be detected. The propaganda difficulty would not be relieved because the plane makes a loud sonic boom which would be heard by many people on the ground. Secretary Rusk commented that we might use the Oxcart with its sonic boom and then ask Castro if he preferred that we go back to the silent U–2. This might be something to talk about. (5) Satellites. Mr. McCone said the camera resolution is not good enough for our purposes. The weather is often difficult and cloud cover is a problem. As to specific targets, it is not possible to synchronize Cuba 643 the satellite so that specific targets would be covered by plan not by coincidence. There is the difficulty of the north and south orbit of present satellites. Only 5% of the island would be covered in a four-day orbit. There is a possibility of an east-west satellite orbit, but it would take at least nine months to establish tracking stations to make such an orbit possible. The expanse of an east-west orbit system would be considerable. In summary, there is no satisfactory alternative to the U–2. In answer to a question, General LeMay said the B-58 could not do the job even with ECM. The plane is capable of a supersonic burst and the first mission would get through, but following missions would have great difficulty. --------------------------------------------------- Secretary Rusk concluded by saying that inevitably we must continue the U–2 flights. We should look again, perhaps at a later date, at the possibility of using Oxcart. The President entered the meeting at 10:45. Secretary Rusk summarized the earlier discussion and Secretary McNamara summarized the conclusions, pro and con, of the use of ECM. Mr. Bundy said that everyone agrees that overflights are necessary. Secretary McNamara said the Joint Chiefs of Staff oppose the use of ECM on U–2s overflying Cuba because of the risk of reducing the effective implementation of our Single Integrated Operations Plan (SIOP). He said that he personally felt we could use the ECM and would have a 95% survival chance of escaping on the first shot if the U–2 immediately aborted. He did not recommend the use of ECM now because he did not think the Cubans were ready to attempt a shoot-down. He recommended that the use of ECM be reconsidered on the basis of a review each week of the risk of a Cuban effort to shoot down a U–2. In response to a question, both Mr. McCone and General LeMay said that the ECM equipment could be put on the U–2 a very few hours after a decision to do so is made. Secretary Rusk raised again the feasibility of using the A–11. Mr. McCone described the sonic boom problem with the A–11 which the U–2 does not have. When the A–11 is flying at maximum altitude and maximum speed, it is dubious whether the SAM missile could hit it. It might not even be seen by Cuban radar. The President said we had no choice but to continue our overflights. However, we should take every precaution to avoid a U–2 being shot down. He asked that we explore again the use of ECM. He asked that the Joint Chiefs of Staff review their position and to weigh the use of the ECM against the possibility of a U–2 shoot-down and what would flow from that action. We will meet again Tuesday to discuss the matter further. A careful study of the use of the A–11 as an alternative would be available then. We must provide the required intelligence, but we must make every effort to increase the security of the overflight planes. We should get our information in a most secure way and make the overflights as secure as possible. In the meantime, we should continue our present program. Secretary Rusk said we might consider a mix of overflight instruments such as U–2s, interspersed with the A–11. Secretary McNamara, referring to the contingency plan in the event a U–2 is shot down, commented that the plan did not discuss what we would do if an ECM-equipped U–2 were shot at but not shot down. Mr. Bundy said the contingency plan was available for the President’s reading. It provided for military reaction under certain circumstances. The President expressed an interest in the contingency plan, particularly in view of the fact that he had read in the press all about what Cuba 645 it was supposed to contain. He expressed his irritation that war plans leak to the press. He had gotten almost to a point where he hated to meet with Foreign Ministers because he read in the press the following day everything he had said to the Minister and some things he hadn’t said. Only four people were present at a recent meeting, but reports of what went on appeared in the press. (This apparently referred to a conversation with Foreign Minister Butler.) We must tighten up security and put an end to such press leaks. Bromley Smith /5/ /5/ Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature. ----------------------------------------------------- 6. We then turned to a discussion of the Oxcart. I stated that it was coming along well, giving the figures on the number of flights and the speeds but that all of our operational people, without exception, felt that we must not attempt to use it until it is completely debugged and this would take several months. Furthermore I said that at 2.2 Mach the Oxcart would possibly be vulnerable to SAMs though this was uncertain. 7. Secretary Dillon then asked what the ultimate value of the Oxcart was. I stated that when fully operational it probably would be quite invulnerable except under miraculous circumstances. ------------------------------------------------------ Secretary Rusk asked what was the status of the proposal to use the A–11 plane. Mr. McCone replied that the A–11 was not ready for use. It has been operated successfully but not yet at the maximum speed it is apparently able to reach. It is coming along very well, indeed, but it would be most dangerous to use the A–11 now. The A–11 is vulnerable to flameout and to other operational difficulties. Several additional months are needed for testing to ensure that the plane is fully operational. For example, he said the early versions of the A–11 had to come down to 35,000 feet in order to relight their engines after a flameout. A way around this limitation had been found, but each plane had to be modified to include the new equipment making possible the relighting of the engines without the descent. He said we are on the very far frontier of knowledge and there are many problems remaining. Those who had operated the planes were unanimous in agreeing that it would be reckless to use them over Cuba without further testing. Secretary Mc- Namara said everyone was unanimous in opposing the use of the A–11 for at least several months. Secretary Rusk said that if the Cubans learned an A–11 was flying over they would make every effort to shoot it down. With respect to the vulnerability of the A–11, Mr. McCone said the plane would be much less vulnerable when it was fully ready. There were many imponderables in trying to decide whether the plane could be shot down. He concluded that it was theoretically possible to shoot down an A–11 if everything used against it worked perfectly, i.e., a perfectly trained crew and a perfect SAM site operation. He reminded the group that although the A–11 cannot be seen, its sonic boom can be heard clearly. Therefore, from Castro’s point of view, the use of the A–11 would be more objectionable than the U–2. --------------------------------------------------- Attachment Paper Prepared in the Central Intelligence Agency CUBA We continue to receive reports and rumors of missiles in Cuba and these we disprove by U–2 photography. I would expect a continuation of such rumors and also a continuation of statements by individuals or members of the Congress similar to those we have witnessed in the last two years. I have depended heavily on U–2 photography to dispel these rumors. While satellite photography will make some input into our intelligence on Cuba, it will not be conclusive because of the resolution of KH–4 and the small area coverage of KH–7. Also we expect disappointments from satellite photography because of uncertain weather conditions encountered in Cuba and the impossibility of synchronizing satellite missions with Cuban weather. It should be noted that every mission targeted against Cuba will involve sacrifices of intelligence gathering capabilities on the Soviet Union and Communist China. An east-west orbit would be useful but expensive and KH–4 or KH–7 missions in such an orbit, while covering Cuba more satisfactorily than the present north-south orbit, would not produce intelligence of particular interest in other parts of the world. U–2’s can be flown in the safe corridors and a satellite 112–B camera can be mounted in a U–2 on an angle and thus photography of the defended areas of Cuba as well as the undefended areas can be had with photographic resolution of about 5 feet which will be useful in my opinion and better and cheaper than satellite photography with KH–4 because of resolution and KH–7 because of area coverage. This however would continue the political problem. /3/ /3/ A notation written by McCone following this paragraph reads: "Rusk discussed Cuba with Dobrynin—who says Castro has quit [subversion] against LA and will probably not attempt shoot down flights against missiles or main targets. This might be done by mix of means." A memorandum of this conversation on November 18 is in Foreign Relations, 1964–1968, vol. XIV, Document 72. ------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________________________________
  14. ----------------------------- First off, when read in plain English, my statement is that RFK ordered Conein to PROTECT the lives of Diem and Nhu, and if there was ANY risk to their safety, he [along with Polgar, Aderholt, Magruder, et al.] were to force an abort of the coup. No "Theater Commander", Ambassador, or Chief of Station ever had the authority to carry out a coup -- it comes only from the "National Authority" -- The White House !! My RFK sources are direct from those who lived with him, and protected him. Maybe after Joan's book comes out you will finally have a little stronger grasp on what was the reality we lived during those years. Moreover, some of what Russo writes comes from my introducinng him to those very same close associates of RFK. Cummings & Reed. I was introduced to Cummings at John Martino's house during 1963. I supplied him with the inside scoop on the African Swine Fever vectors introduced into Cuba during the mid-1970s by Cuban Exile rogues. After he did the story for Newsday, the Boston Globe picked it up. I provided John with a little assist for "The Heist" story [$8 Million Lufthansa grab at JFK Int'l AP]. During 1990, while he was busy with Reed, he asked me to give a legal assist to Larry Nichols [Conway, Arkansas] in the redrafting of both the State and Federal lawsuits against Gov. Clinton -- which I did, and both courts then recativated them. [it seems that the "Law Professor??" who drafted the originals lacked elementary skills !!] During mid-1991 [after finishing the JFK project] Larry called and stated that Clinton wanted him to drop both suits in order that he might announce his candidacy for Prez. I advised Nichols to go ahead and ascertain what the deal was. He called back two days later and said that Clinton made a handsome offer, and what should he do ?? I advised him that Clinton would probably win over Bush in an election -- that Bush was no big gain for the country, and that when he met with Clinton at "Slick Willy's" girlfriend's apartment -- to make sure that he had somebody with a camera, and that he was wired for sound. Mission accomplished, I assured Larry that should things go sour, the recorded evidence might assist in Clinton's removal from office should he continue with some of his rogue ops. Cummings has been pissed off about that ever since. More so when I repeatedly stated that evidence existed to show that Clinton was operating correctly in a drug interdiction operation, including all that involved mena airport, etc. !! In other words, Cummings was pissed that somehow Clinton could come out looking like a hero. At the same time I was assisting Pete Brewton with leads while he was doing the Houston Post series on "Poppy" Bush. As with other newspaper reporters over the years, I advised that he most likely would not be employed with the Post much longer, and moreover, in order to grasp most of the courthouse documents -- he should get some legal training, and that he might just have to fall back on that when his day job faded. The first lead I gave him was hernandez Cartaya and World Finance [Coral Gables]; and after that it was a roller coaster. Have you read "out of Control" or any of the other books that Sheehan plagiarized to prepare his Christic affidavits. A lawyer doesn't use books and newspaper fiction to present his legal pleadings, but might be permitted that the court would take "legal notice of same" -- but only as exhibits, not the "case-in-Main" !! Swoop out of idolation in "La-La-Land" and get real Lady Dawn. Check out the real World. And by the way, for those who dream that LBJ shut down 2nd naval Guerrilla early on -- Google the Spanish merchant ship "Sierra Aranzazu" [and the mistaken attack and murder of the Captain and 2 crew members by CIA raiders who mistook it for the S.S. Sierra Maestra. You will get a ton of US, Cuban, and Spanish hits, plus a ton of F.R.U.S./LBJ documents that show that only after late 1966 did he shut down the raiders. LBJ wanted to use the SR-71 "Blackbird" at mach-3 [blowing out windows from one end of Cuba to the other -- taking low level imagery pics -- still looking for the Soviet nukes that were left behind after the Missile Crisis. It's all there in Gov't docs. Respectfully, GPH _________________________________
  15. Once again you are speaking without understanding the content or the researcher. I possess a copy of the file on our "Major Lopez" and have tracked down the family the deceased man. I also hold three photos of him at various times in his career. I keep quiet about his identity and do not release the file info out of respect to his family and consideration that he acted out of duty and in reality likely had no choice. You can ramble on about your supposed escapades all you want and demean others who you know nothing of, but if you would look into my background, you will find that I am not a dupe SOF or wanna-be, but have lived it and have an understanding of how mechanics are inserted, and eventually eliminated. I have a trail of Conein to Siragusa to eventually Fernandez and Hull that intertwines with our topic and me in a roundabout way. That is my motivation and you can spout all you want about your supposed past. The ball is in your court! Al <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ----------------------------------- The ball is in my court !! How so very quaint indeed. They should award you another medal for "Congeniality". So you have a "trail??" "...of Conein to Siragusa..." -- WOW, how the hell do you think Siragusa got his FBN agents and snitches inside the Marseilles "French Connection". Conein was well respected by the "Union Corse", dating from the Indo-China OSS Det #202 and the Jedburg OSS Ops inside France during WWII. By the time that CIA Chief of Station [COS/AM-EMB/San Jose, Costa Rica] Fernandez and John Hull were working the Intel penetrations via drug traffickers, Conein was long gone from the DEA, and moreover, he was physically impaired from participating in any of the "Contra" activities. Sounds like more of the fantasy/fiction that Shaheen plagiarized from library books penned by Cockburn, Anderson, et al. to wet-dream his infamous Christic law suit affidavits. I was in DC with the Christic "Investigators" [after first stopping by their "crackhouse tenement" office situated in the NW D.C. ghetto] with reference to the "La Penca Bombing" incident. I told them where to go to identify the man pictured in the Danish passport, which was left behind as a false lead by Jaime Wheelock's Sandinista assassins. The picture expertly inserted into the counterfeit passport was of one of the Cuban mercenaries who had fought alongside Somoza's Nat'l Guard forces against the Sandinistas during 1978/'79. The Christic confabulators typically screwed up on my proffered lead in the case. Why don't you give John Mattes, Esq. [Law Offices in Coral Gables, FL] a call, and get his view on the matter. You do recaall that he was the Federal Public Defender who exposed quite a bit of the CIA "Contra" dirt during that time. Also, Google his name and that of the "Lost Commandos", and you will see where he sued the CIA and other government entities that sold out the Vietnamese agents parachuted into North Vietnam -- got them their money and a Senate hearing to boot !! Perchance lawyer John can fill you in on the WHY judge King imposed a "Rule-11" which lead to the bankrupting of the Christics, and laughed them out of court. The lawyers were very fortunate indeed that the monetary penalties weren't imposed against them personally for "fraud upon the court" !! I take you at your word that "somebody tried to mess you up in Iowa City" -- it have seen that crap before. You might give Danny Brandt [san Antonio, TX] at NameBase.org a call. He will sell you a copies of numerous annual membership rosters for A.F.I.O. -- maybe one or more retired spooks live in your neighborhood. I get quite a few private e-mails from members of this Forum, and they query repeatedly as to what is this Al Carrier's antagonistic bile about. My response is that: More than likely -- out there amongst the cornstalks, near the "Field-of-Dreams" -- there sits an unappreciated "Cold War Warrior", [night/watch CSI Leftenant] who has lapped upped too much of Weberman's Kulak fantasies. I can understand that, being in law enforcement, one must be discreet in biographical information. But more than once you have invited me to "...check-me-out" -- and starting with your vague reference to having served in the "Army" -- to the 21 years in the P.D.!! -- you were barely out of diapers when JFK was hit, too young for the 'Nam, so exactly where did you make your bones in the "warrior/Intel business"?? You have "....lived it and have an understanding of how mechanics are inserted...eliminated.."?? What the hell does that mean !!?? I'm not so bold as to request your DD-214, -- but as to an "SOF dupe", and "escapades"?? What is on the internet does indeed grossly exaggerate my biography, as do loads of FBI "302s". CIA docs, etc. -- but I was invited onto this Forum -- to respond to some -- at the very least, some intelligent interrogatories. I can understand that: should you make conflicting statements [vis-avis your employment application, etc] on this forum, that your associates and superiors might well be curious. Does the Editor of your local newspaper realize what an experienced cold warrior they have in their midst, and a public servant to boot ??!! Nice of you to now want to protect the innocent [or dutiful] "Lopez"; how about the family or the estate of Lucien Conein should they demand redress. I have been threatened more than once with legal actions, as at "Common Law"; lawsuits do not vanish because someone is deceased -- not in this country. That is why I chastized Gratz recently, that is: with reference to threats to sue the hell out of somebody who is just exercising their 1st Amendment Rights. That is real funny to me -- I have been accused of hiding something because I didn't "sue-the-Jew" [Weberman]. I have repeatedly explained that this is exactly what Weberman wanted -- get another opportunity to slither over to the clerk of the court, and walk out with a 4 inch stack of subpoenas -- so that he might demand the testimony of "Bible-Thumpin' Bush" on down to the nearest garbage collector. In fact, we taught him that strategy in our offices in Miami when his "freebie" 20 something Jew shyster was failing him during 1977/'78. I will send you a "Magic-Marker" so that you can do some "Gummint-style" redacting of those "sensitive documents" -- which you claim to possess. Or might that reveal too much of your "sources & Methods"??!! Gimme-a-break, and stick to who you really are, what you really do, and what you REALLY know. Have you ever really been to N.A.R.A. @ College Park, MD -- it would save me calling up Steve and asking him to check the logs. More later, the "wannabe SOF dupe" is signing off now, gonna quit ramblin' on about my phony escapades, and go to my couch an' dream up some more war stories [for Ollie North's TV show, maybe] GPH ["Miss Un-Congeniality"] ----------------------------------------
  16. Not sure what you mean by this? As someone living in the UK, could you explain what "jus hangin' out" means. It might help me understand what Tim is up to. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> John: "Hanging Out" is street slang here in the American Colonies. It means a casual relationship, lolling about, gathering together to smoke dope, or as I and my brother Bob used to say [in the legal field] "..By god that 'Mopery'... that Dude should be indicted under the old English Common Law for committing 'Felonious Mopery'..." (LOL) Of course, during those ancient times, and here in the colonies, all 79 statutory felonies were "Capital Crimes", and thus involved the death penalty. I have never met personally with Tim Gratz, but we have spoken on the telephone quite frequently -- and as he will tell, I have been heard to shout at him occasionally when he mis-hears one of my remarks. This is routinely followed by my suggesting that he borrow a goddamn tape recorder so that he can review correctly what the hell I have been saying. I have reviewed ALL of his posts, and I am at a loss as to how somebody can "Hi Jack" a thread on a forum which purports to be an open debate -- have I got the rules wrong pardner?? During '94 I turned down Gus Russo's [WGBH/TV "Frontline" Series], Mike Sullivan's, and David Fanning's offer to hire onto the LHO Project, principally because I had received a "Heads-Up" that it would track once again the LHO single shooter/lone-nut -- Warren Comm'n cover-up theme; and I didn't want to be a part of that crap, nor have my name connected to it. However, I tire greatly when amatuers ["never been there, never served, and now know everything"] denounce "Live by the Sword" without having ever read the book -- and for those that indeed have: fail to specifically cite any evidence contrary to any of the 500+ interview statements, most of which had never been in the public domain prior thereto. I have [in person & via telephone] strongly disagreed with Gus on his various conclusions; most of which are premature -- or indicate an ignorance of tradecraft, firearms, ballistices [Al Carrier's experise in same is notable]; and most importantly; any reliance upon the fabricated FBI documents and perjured [or altered testimony] of "alleged" witnesses. For example: The phony copy of my HSCA deposition which is posted on the web. I suggested that one might sit down and read same at a slow pace, and then guess whether this covers the 7+ hours I was inside the Grand Jury chambers -- without even one break to pee ??!! The transcript shows what time we started and what time the deposition ended. What pisses off my Brother Bob is that he sat outside in the marbled hallway getting slivers up his bum, sitting on a wooden bench until the Sun went down. I had told both Fonzi and Gonzalez [at our Miami offices during frequent visits] that this HSCA crap was going to be just another attempt at damage control by the government pogues and moles who dreaded exposure. Now that we have Bob Baer in the Forum, maybe somebody might present some kind of evidence as to why a Government Intelligence Agency, which; just like our armed forces and police, is endlessly villified by critics who have been spoon fed propaganda eminating from enemies of Western Civilization. I testified for the '75 Church Committee, refused to testify for both the Rockefeller and Tower Committees, knowing that when it came time to read the final report -- there would be absolutely nothing contained therein which would stand the test of a courtroom. Am I defending the CIA ?? Hardly, I was the one that went numerous times to "The House Select Committee on Un-American Activities" [HSCUA]-- which the press [and Pat called HUAC]; "The Subversive Activities Control Board", and other entities during 1962 and 1963. Why ?? To complain about the CIA and FBI use of Castro-Cuban, American, and European double-agents as snitches against exile operators. To denounce those agencies as having been penetrated by "Moles" and traitors. All for naught !! The only politicos who attempted some corrective action were: Senators Goldwater, Thurmond, Keating, et al. and Representatives like Dante Fascell, whose brother-in-law [Austin Porfiri] was a construction contractor that I did work for. One would assume that after JM/WAVE raiders repeatedly appeared on Habana CMQ-TV -- bragging about how easy it had been for them to penetrate the operations directed by the "Yanqui Imperialists"; a clue might have drifted up to Washington, DC that their was indeed a security problem. How much more did these moles accomplish ?? And then Y'all expect that the government "simple-servants" wouldn't cover their mutual asses [CYA Options]; especially since the revelation of the identities and acts of the very same Moles & Traitors would have affected the careers, lives, pensions, reputations, etc. of all superiors above them, and all subordinates below them. Exactly what they continue to do today, claim "State-Secrets" every time there is evidence of blunder, crime, or penetration by moles -- or just plain traitorous actions. 'Nuff said for now ?? GPH _____________________________________________
  17. Gerry, It would appear from the question that you had knowledge of such a meeting and its purpose. Could you tell us about it? While the man may be ducking his left arm as he goes by the tramps, it still looks to me like his right shoulder is lower than the left, as was Lansdale's (and Maxwell Taylor's). Why do you think Rip Robertson or his body double was there? Also, on the fellow at Main and Houston who resembles you: I read somewhere that you said the man's name was John Orr. Could you elaborate on that (or on whoever he was)? Ron <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ron: I have been up since 10:00 AM yesterday, and am going to hit the sack. Maybe tomorrow night "inshalla"!! El Hajji Hemm ____________________________________
  18. Mark and David, I posses two cables sent through the NSA to Col. Conein at the Saigon Station in November 2, 1963 and November 25, 1963 asking the whereabouts of Major Lopez of Laos and the second asking the whereabouts of Major Lopez and Team 5. I have tracked down who Major Lopez actually was and am confident he is the same as Pakse Base Man and the man on the lamp post in DP at the time of the assassination. This individual has been deceased for since the mid-eighties. Team 5 I have been tracking through association in both activity and in when they met their demise within a month or so of the assassination. This is educated speculation, by the most part, but it makes a hell of an arguement. I will not release the docs or the identities I am puting into place until 1) I can work through the origin/author of the cables 2) I am more confident in the Team 5 personnel identity. I have issues with smearing the names of individuals who were likely involved at this level, even if the evidence points rather clearly at them. The hands-on shooters in the assassination were merely carrying out their assignment and had no choice but to do so, considering their military obligation and more so what would become of them if they backed out. IMHO, it didn't matter because they were eliminated shortly after anyway, except for the stager, AKA Major Lopez. Al <{POST_SNAPBACK}> During that same May '75 trip to DC I met with Lou Conein at the then DEA HQ on NW "K" Street, and gave him warning that his Op with Quantum Corp. {Mitch Wer Bell, et al.] was about to be blown by moles and specific former boy-friends of the late "Dame" J. Edgar Hoover. I had recruited Mitch III for drug interdiction Ops during 1971 [while a partner in Parabellum Corp.] after the failure of "Operation Eagle" (The A.G. had screwed up on Title III wiretap warrants). I predicted to Conein that possible indictments might might be in their future, and indeed came down that December. I was repeatedly warned to stay away from the "Marijuana Watergate" defense team, and threatened with physical or legal disabilities. Five hours after I was sworn in as a defense witness before federal Dist. Judge Peter Fay, I was secretly indicted that afternoon. Days later, upon entering the courthouse to testify, I was arrested by the DEA and jailed. I called Conein as a defense witness [Pro Se with assistance of counsel] and personally asked him one last question: "....did you receive funds from Madame Nhu before your meeting with her at the Murchison Ranch on the afternoon of November 22nd, 1963...?" The federal Prosecutor objected to the question and Judge Wm. Hoeveler sustained same -- I then stated "...no further questions for this witness Your Honor." I have never suggested that Conein was part of the JFK murder team, despite insider knowledge of his failing to prevent the killing of Madame Nhu's husband and his brother Diem -- which he was ordered to do by RFK as a part of the coup in Saigon. Conein was MACV/SOG, and even an intercepted CIA cable [by NSA, which doesn't do cables] wouldn't contain Conein's or "Lopez's??" actual or alias names, but would use their cryptonyms in ALL cases. There were no SOG teams ever at Pak hse, but always worked the "Lima Sites", and definitely never went near Vientianne. One of the "Solos" [Diesel, Cadillac, etc. teams] Colonels who used Lopez, Gomez and other alias IDs is retired here in Fayetteville, NC. He was a combatant member of Brigade 2506 at Playa Giron, and did four tours in the "Nam". He retired from duty in Puerto Rico, and to this day remains a very bitter man. As an aside, Gen. V. "Brute" Krulak took a fall off a ladder last week at his home near San Diego, but is recovering nicely. As to his identifying Lansdale as the "suit" passing by the "tramps", Krulak denies ever even hinting at said statement, and moreover indicated that if you might notice, that individual is ducking his LEFT arm to his rear !! Lansdale's right arm was the drooping disabled one, not his left arm !! When Dale Dye came out from the wardrobe crew in a nice suit [filming "JFK"] we all razzed the hell out of him, because his normal attire was "grunge". Due to our operating without a working script a day in advance, I didn't discover what that scene represented until I saw the movie months later. Had I know, I would have warned Oliver against shooting that scenario, as I did on many occasions -- resulting in more than a few shouting matches. As I told one of the LHO monitors who was at the "Odio Meet" [in Miami during the 3rd week of June last]; "....screw those who speculate and point fingers...they have never even spoken with any of the so-called witnesses, much less any of the real life personalities who were around and somewhat near these events....just a bunch of dreamers and book readers who cite as authority the very same WC documents which they also claim are false and part of the cover-up". "....How easy they identify "faces-in-the-crowds" and instead of asking if indeed this is Conein, Vidal, Hargraves, Sturgis, Hunt, Judge Crater, Cock Robin, Edward VIII....why don't they examine whether if these dudes were there, was it with hostile intent, and if not...who ORDERED or LURED them there in the first place??" "...what kind of fools would pull off the "Crime-of-the-Century" and be standing around the crime scene like a bunch of pyromaniac/arsonists at a burning building!!" At least Lt. Al hesitates to make "accusations' of murder that might affect the surviving family members of these men, much less destroy their reputations by innuendo and gross fantasizing. Let us get real, and take a little time to first learn some of the "tradecraft"; and then one might go for the "15-seconds-of-fame" Sherlock Holmes/Dickless Tracy routine. Since May of this year, seven different websites [including the Cuban Commie Party's Granma Int'l] have pointed the finger directly at me by name...as one of the operators involved in 11/22/63. Not surprisingly, since I had just finished taking specific affidavits from inside Cuba, and from expatriates who were previously associated with the Chief of the Americas Division of the DSE, and later the same at DGI -- showing that Manuel "Barba Roja" Pineiro took specific affirmative actions to protect his boss Fidel from the guns/bombs/-poisons of Bobby Kennedy's assassins. Those who were charged with the protection of RFK [Cuban Exiles], and lived with him for months, remain mostly ignorant of the rantings and ravings of the wing-nut amatuer conspiracy theorists who abound on the Internet and library shelves. What has genuinely delayed the exposure of the true facts of the most critical matters is that these members of RFK's teams carry a heavy burden of guilt.....that some of "their own" were either "doubled" or careless with Intelligence. I seriously doubt that Fidel even knew anything of the counter-ops being carried out to save his life. Che found out, and that with the Camilo Cienfuegos question, caused him to leave Cuba in disgust. I was part of the team tasked to snatch Che alive in the Congo during 1966 -- from our base on Ascension Island, and posing as construction workers with two SEAL Teams. I was one of the few who had been along-side Che in the old days, close enough to recognize his figure and voice if we had gotten close to him before the "Battle of Baraka" (Congo) near the shore of Lake Tanganyika. Little did we know that he had escaped across the lake to Burundi/Uganda side aboard a Chi-Com barge in the middle of one night. I turned down the Bolivia Op during '67, and instead signed up for a 'Nam tour with Dept. of State/Public Safety -- which was torpedoed by Garrison's threats to extradite both me and Bob Brown from in-country, as he was doing with Hall, Seymour, and Howard. Most of you have really done some fine historical work, and the analysis is fantastic -- but get real on some of the ad-homos attacks, and get thee to College Park, Maryland before you get to the opportunity to interview somebody with a pulse who was there !! Velly intellesting !! Keep up with the great work, and quit worrying about the nasty "Troika" of Tim, Russo, and Hemming -- weez jus hangin' out folks. Later, GPH
  19. Pat, John, et al.: During a series of meetings with Bud [during May 1975], I was introduced to his #1 investigator (The last of "The Untouchables") at a luncheon held at his favorite Chinese restaurant in D.C. -- and wherein he asked for my assistance in the investigation of a scam being orchestrated as a CIA covert Op soliciting funds from wealthy VIPS. This lead me to the legal defense team of the "Bell Morgage Case". That same week I reviewed Bud's drafts on a JFK thesis, and when asked as to style recommendations -- I suggested that the better format would be in a series of QUESTIONS which to date remained unanswered. He agreed wholeheartedly, and thereafter produced his tome in that format. Bud left us in Dallas while filming "JFK" to travel to OK City in order to interview Loran Hall -- who was then in the County Jail under drug charges (with his son & Son's girlfriend). Via Larry Howard [West End Marketplace Museum] we had used a jailor to pass the word to Hall that if he would give a deposition [under polygraph -- backed-up by Stress Analysis machine] as to who in the FBI forced his perjured WC testimony RE: the Silvia Odio matter. Days later we learned of his death from the FLU ??!!.
  20. 1962, Tim. 63 assassination 62 missile crisis... (I know you know) I glimpsed through the Andres Oppenheimer book Castro's Final Hour and it tells quite a different story than the one Tim posted. On page 39 it states that during the missile crisis, Castro sent Tony De La Guardia to New York on a special mission, which was to blow up the UN with 500 kilos of dynamite should the U.S. invade Cuba. It notes that other versions of the story say it was the Brooklyn Bridge. That Oppenheimer, a Pulitzer Prize-winner, cites various stories of the same event, and never mentions any arrests or news articles, makes me suspect the whole story is a rumor. He cites the source of the story is Brig. Gen. Rafael Pino, who defected to the US in 1987. Having seen The Fog of War and learned along with McNamara that Castro had operational nukes and was planning on using them should the US have invaded, I have no doubt of the man's ruthlessness when his back is up against the wall, but this story smells like Cuban gossip, a la the Russian defectors of the Bayo/Pawley raid. --------------------------- I grew very close to the De LaGuardia twins. Both spoke American accented English, and routinely entered and left the U.S. posing as American businessmen. They were doubled during late 1959, but refused to deal with the "Gummint" [CIA/FBI/MI/Emb/Attaches/LEGATs, et al. -- but instead worked with what Roger Hilsman termed "...a private intelligence organization" in his book "To Build a Nation". Tony was finally release from Fidel's dungeons during the early 1990s, but ran his mouth about Gen. Ochoa's frame-up and execution -- and was promptly slammed into Modelo de Oeste, and later to "Camp (Gulag) Sandino" in Pinar del Rio Province [i refuse to use the multitude of Fidel's newly invented provinces]. Tony was released again, mouthed off again, and died in prison. Both De LaGuardias can be credited with having been amongst the patriots who saved the world from nuclear holocaust during the Missile Crisis !! Four years ago I telephoned the sole survivor of Theodore Rakoosin's clan [he was one of the 5 founders of the State of Israel] -- his niece, and she was pleasantly shocked to learn that that her uncle was instrumental in saving the World. Gen. Curtis Lemay ordered surveilance on Rakoosin [using the USAF SAC (OSI/Intel) just days after Davy and I flew up to brief Governor Ferris Bryant in Tallahassee, FL.; and the good Governor made the mistake of sending his FL-Air National Guard chief [Major General] to query the Pentagon folks, which just alerted them to the Governor's intentions. The so-called "Bayo/Pawley raided started out as an ant-Duvalier Haitian operation, funded by persons in NYC & Baltimore [including members of the Merrill's Marauders Association]. However, through "Fat-Ass Daddy" Frank Fiorini/Sturgis, some politco pogues were brought in to hijack the Op for Eduardo "Bayo" Perez's psuedo Sov/extraction Cuba Op -- ultimately funded by Pawley. [Pawley Junior disappointed his father by becoming a "Jesus Freak". He was a business partner with my former USMC commanding officer during the 1970s [Real Estate, Oil, International Arms, Aircraft, ships, & Munitions, etc.]. The screen writer for "3 Days of The Condor [novel title was "6 Days.."] was so impressed with Major H. C. "Pete" Grow, that he included the style that Pete used in answering his business phone -- "This is the Major" -- in the movie script. Later, GPH _______________________________
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