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Gerry Hemming

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Everything posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. Here are several possibilities: 1) Does she still stand by her statements to the effect that, when she was with Oswald in 1963, he was home virtually every night? 2) Did she know or does she know Kerry Thornley? Hi Stu, if she still knows him, I'd be a bit concerned... 3) Follow up to #2. How does she react to the handful of witnesses who put Marina in the company of Thornley, one going so far as to say that she thought Thornley was Marina's husband based on the number of times she saw them together? 4) What was her reaction to Oswald's arrest in August of 1963? Does she have any specific recollection as to how he got of jail on the 10th? 5) Does she have any recollection of Oswald visiting Baton Rouge? 6) According to Ruth Kloepfer, Oswald openly hit on Ruth with a pregnant Marina watching (right before their return to Dallas). Does Marina recall this? How did she react? To clarify, Ruth and Henry (Warner) Klopefer had a daughter also named Ruth. It is the daughter being referred to here. However, it should be added that it was young Ruth's impression she was being hit on -- and maybe that's all it was - a (wrong) impression. Though impossibly attractive, she was also nevertheless, somewhat sheltered and a little naive. 7) Gus Russo reported that Oswald's rooming house "mates" recall that he was driven to and from the rooming house consistently. This, according to Russo, is an unidentified person not Frazier. Does Marina have any idea about this? Did Oswald ever talk about this? 8) Did Oswald talk about returning to the Soviet Union in Aug-September of 63 or anytime after? 9) A very bizarre question: did Lee ever shave his pubic hair? I ask only because his autopsy report describes shaven pubic hair. Good question. 10) Did she ever suspect that Oswald may have been bisexual? Possibly related to the above? --- Hopefully Greg Parker will chime in with a couple of questions regarding Jon Pic. I don't want to scoop him --- I'm wondering what the purpose is of Tim's request for questions. Is he planning on putting these questions to her? Re Pic: why was she discussing morphine and dicain with him? Was the third word she wrote in his notebook a reference to heroin ("heroica")? The words Pic wrote were the names of emzymes, and blood waste products. They can all be related to pathology carried out post radiation treatment -- including human radiation experiments, for instance, one of the enzymes was transtaminase -- a Dr Petersen related during an oral history on human radiation experiments that "my interest had been in radiation effects on enzymes. That was start[ing] to develop here [Los Alamos]." The USAF hospital where Pic was in charge of the Special Pathology Unit was named in the 1990s as conducting such experiments. Was this what Pic was dicussing with her? Was she aware that Pic had worked for the Port Security Unit when Lee was living with him, and that the PSU was solely involved with ridding the docks of alleged subversives... and did so with the help of FBI and ONI informants? Why did they have these written medical conversations at all if idle chit-chat was the purpose, and Lee could have interpreted for them on any old mundane subject? On other matters... Why did she need dental work so badly in the USA when the USSR had free dental? Specifically, what work was done on her teeth? When attendting ESL classes at the University of Michigan, did she meet Alexander Orlov, who worked at the Law School there at the same time, and if so, was he in fact the same Orlov whom George DeM brought along on his initial visit? DeM said in testimony this was a "Lawrence Orlov"... but no investigation of this person was done bt WC, FBI or HSCA, so DeM's claim was never verified. Was she Niki's daughter? -Stu --------------------------- Greg, Stu -- et al.: Thornley was one of the MACS-9 [MCAF Santa Ana (LTA)] clowns who showed up in Habana [uninvited] around the same time that LHO did. Nelson Delgado, and others at the Marine GCI unit ["Swanny Approach Control"] who turned down the "recruiting efforts" and therefore never went to Cuba. GPH __________________________
  2. Opps, so I made a typo. LIke you never do TIm? LIke you I am trianed to be an attorney, not a secretary so my typing skills are quite lacking. So why won't you tell us, now that you are an ex-attorney, just what it is you do for a living? WHen I first joined the forum I thought you wre a news writer, but if that were the case you'd just tell us. No shame there. But for some reason when ever someone asks what you do you reply that you're CIA in Langley. Why so secretive Tim? Dawn ------------------------------- Who the hell wants to admit that they are a glorified "Bell-Hop" --whilst your talents are being pissed away ??!! Hell, I even sold "insurance" for Life of Florida for a few weeks in Miami, that is: until one day I saw "Canary-Joe" Velachi testifying on a "client's" television set. I quickly decided that "Coggery" wasn't my game [1963 post "wedding bells"] and returned to the "trade" !! And Ms. Public Defender, many others have admitted that they are unfamilliar with the acronyms, abbreviations and "technical terms". I don't think that anyone will fault you for simply asking: "..What does _____mean or signify ?! I fully realize that your antagonistic attitude against all things Intel or military has kept you from the "trade-craft" books -- where most other researchers have long ago visited [CIA/C.S.I.]; and I never claimed to be a liturary giant !! Some my "incomprehensible" sentences may well be the result of having primarily been in the business of "Gov/Speak" report writing. How about giving us some insight [reinforced by cites to authority] instead of all this Tolling crap ??!! Taankya velly mush, GPH ________________________
  3. This, in particular, is why I usually read these posts with interest(and suspicion). You never know what may inadvertantly come out. Gerry posted this comment 8/27/05: "The day of the JFK assassination, Jim Lewis was [as usual] playing Chess at "Little Joe's" apartment by the Miami River -- together with Eddy Collins, "Skinny", Dick Whatley, Bobby Willis, and Bill Dempsey. When Garman started dancing in the street soon after hearing the news from Dallas, Jim chastized him severely [along with Cuban pissed-off neighbors]; He reminded him that just four days before he had been a member of our security detail for JFK at MIA [Monday, 18th Nov.], and that he had been prepared to "take-a-bullet" for the President !!" Anyone else think it odd that Garman would "dance in the street" after hearing of JFK's demise, yet was "prepared to take a bullet" for him 4 days earlier? I wouldn't dismiss EVERYTHING GHP has to say. RJS -------------------------- Richard J: Has "anybody" ever read a posting by "The Village Idiot" -- you know, one which might be construed as "Intentional" and "something of SIGNIFICANCE ??!! Try as I might, I haven't found anything submitted by this nagging gadfly heckling xxxxx -- mayhaps one of the more "studious" members might discover same and re-post something ?? During the briefing for the MIA security detail [11/17/63] -- the day before JFK's scheduled arrival [Monday, 18th November 1963] the following individuals were in attendance: Bernardo de Torres "Nick" Navarro -- then with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (Chas. Siragusa unit] and later Sheriff of Broward County, Forida -- and a childhood friend of Felix Rodriguez, who, along with CIA agent Gustavo Villoldo, aided in training the Bolivian Rangers [w/ Green Beret Major "Pappy" Shelton, 8th SFGrp - Panama Canal Zone] and whom together, hunted down and murdered Cmdte. Ernest "Che" Guevara de la Serna, a true warrior who never told a lie in his life !! Special Agent Ernesto Aragon, U.S. Secret Service, and whose reports are to be found in the Warren Commission Documents. Special Agent-in-Charge Gene Michaels, Head of the Miami Office of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, who two months later [at the beginning of the WC] was framed by a drug sting, and sent to the Federal Medical Facilty, Springfield, MO. Gerald P. "Gerry Patrick" Hemming, Jr. [interPen] Howard K. "Davy" Davis [interPen] Detective Sgt. Anthony "Tony" Fontana [City of Miami Police Dept.] and one of the cops who identified the corpse of Eladio "Gito" Del Valle[1967]. I was permitted to verify the I.D. of "Gito" only after insisting that the N.O. D.A., "Jim" Garrison had a severe interest in the deceased !! Upon retirement, Fontana served regularly as Chairman of the Florida Parole Commission through the 1980s. Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Hough [Dade County Sheriff's Dept. -- under the then Sheriff & Brig. Gen. Tom Kelly] who during the mid-1970s attempted to thwart our investigation of the World Finance Corp.!! WFC was founded by Hernandez Cartaya -- while he was busy founding BCCI type banks in the United Arab Emirates -- and was subsequently charged with absconding with almost $100 million+. Hough was later laterally transfer to the Dade Co. Fire Dept. while under a cloud of corruption linked to a Cuban County Commissioner. Hough, during the 1990s, and by then in charge of Fire Service Internal Affairs, blackballed my son Felipe from being hired by said Dept.!! And this, despite already serving some 14 years as a professional Firefighter/EMT. And this despite the fact that Felipe Vidal Santiago Hemming had risen to #9 on a list of 300+ accepted applicants. [Only #9 -- due to the fact that extra points were given to the top 8 for lateral transfer from other NON-fire fighting Dade jobs. Otherwise, and with military service points, he would have ranked #1 !! And others present unknown to either of us, but recognized as JM/WAVE CIA Officers. That is: save for CIA Officer David Morales, who having had words with me after the BOP; spent his time glaring in my direction !! Suspicious that we were NOT invited to a "face-time" roll-call the next morning -- where all uniformed and plain-clothes officers posted at MIA, would know our faces. And that, coupled with a failure to issue special S.S. "buttonaires" -- convinced us that we would instruct our team to go "unarmed" the next day at MIA. However, Interpen Instructor, Justin Joseph "Steve" Wilson informed me -- as Air Force One taxied toward us on the tarmac; that "Little Joe" Cavendish Garman had disobeyed our orders. And that he was armed with his Colt .45 Automatic Pistol. I thereupon approached "Lil' Joe" -- informed him to casually glance to his right rear, at the "suit" wearing sunglasses. He casually did, and said: "So...who is that weirdo..??" I responded: ".. That is the guy who is going to blow the back of your head off if you draw your pistol in defense of ["Lancer"] POTUS..!! Later that evening, Little Joe remarked at the curiousity that he, and many others had been invited to Dallas later that week to meet the "Money People" !! He refused the invitation. The evening of November 22nd 1963, Joe C. Garman was rebuffed by James Arthur Lewis for "dancing-in-the-streets"!! While talking to Joe during 1994 [by telephone], after not havingspoken to him since 1967 -- I commenced to remind him of some of the humorous incidents which had occurred during the 1960s. I very cautiously asked him whether he remembered having ever seen "JFK in person" ?? His reponse was: "..You getting senile Patrick ??...of course...it was at the Miami Airport a few days before he got hisself kilt..!! "...Don't you remember giving me a hard time for packing my Colt to the Airport..?? I reminded him of the "suit" having stood behind him. He responded that: "..Had I the intentions...He would have been taken down first...and the only reason I didn't shoot that son-of-a-bitch Kennedy...was because he was still my COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF" !!" Later, GPH __________________________ *************************************************************************** "Cmdte. Ernest "Che" Guevara de la Serna, a true warrior who never told a lie in his life !!" Why do you always refer to him that way? Are you being snide, or is this another one of your cryptic code messages, only known to those of the covert-ops persuasion? -------------------------- Ms. Mauro: I served with the man in Cuba. When I suggested [during 1959 in Havana] that he take up where he left off as a youngster [in Argentina] flying motorless gliders -- he went after flying like a demon possessed. In very short order he had over 100 hours in a friend's [an instructor] single engine airplane. A couple of times, after watching us parachute from C-47s, he said: "...Don't ever expect me to do that stuff...flying is enough thrills for me..!!" I told him that Cmdte. [Major] Rene de los Santos was already flying left-seat in a twin engine Cessna 310; and that if he didn't get with it -- Rene was going to fill his pilot's log book up before he was even "checked-out" in a light twin. After searching for Cmdte. Camilo Cienfuegos for 16 days, and discovering that he had been shot down by accident near San Jose del Lago, Las Villas Province -- we switched to doing some "water" parachute jumps right in front of the Rosita de Hornedo Hotel, Miramar, Havana -- and I didn't see "Che for some weeks. During January 1960, he arrived [with Aleda March] at my Air Base in western Pinar del Rio Province. We had no radio in the control tower, so I didn't know it was him arriving. He popped out of the Cessna 310 [light-twin] and said someting which I couldn't make out. He always spoke in such a low voice, I would have to lean down close to listen. He repeated: "...Vos lo ves [you notice] that I am in the "left-seat" and driving this very fast and nice airplane..?" "..I have over 35 hours in the pilot seat recored in my log book already.." I almost told him he was now ready for parachute instruction, but thought better of it, and kept on talking about navigation, etc. ! He arranged for me to train the Sandinista guerrillas at my San Julian Air Base. He honored my request for reinforcements, because we had been attacked twice just after Christmas [Navidades - Noche Buena]. He got me released from La Cabana Fortress after having been arrested by limp-wristed secret police punks. I left Cuba for Mexico enroute to fight against the Nicaraguan dictator Somoza during October 1960. Upon learning that the Cuban authorities had jailed my close friend Cmdte. William Alexander Morgan, I opted to go north to the states on a gun-running mission -- expecting that once inside the U.S. -- I might get support enough to save William's life. Amongst those efforts was a sit-down with the famous liberal labor leader Harry Bridges [san Pedro - Los Angeles - December 1960] Harry Bridges promised to have his friends in the Latino labor movement inquire into the situation. Everything failed, and Morgan was executed on March 11th, 1961 !! Skipping ahead to 1966. I was tasked by JJA's CI division to go to Ascension Island [british owned] and there prepare for an operation to kidnap "Che" [alive] from the Baraka, Congo [Leopoldville] area where he and many Cubans were advising the Simba rebels. However "Che" had already crossed over Lake Tanganyika and was on his way to Prague. We went back to the States [CONUS] just after July 4th, 1966. While signing up for service in Vietnam with USAID/Public Safety -- I was once again approached to go to do the "Che" Op -- this time to Bolivia, so as to "snatch" Guevara out of there "ALIVE", or provide an aircraft for him to fly out so that we might intercept him in Uruguay, his 1st choice as "Safe-Haven". I turned it down, and as you know, Felix and Gus tried to do that mission, but Banzer gave orders to Gary Prado to execute him. ["Code-Word 500"] I feel today that had I gone, the outcome most likely would have resulted in his death anyway !! Just by his diaries -- you can plainly see that this warrior never told a lie in his entire life !! He is missed terribly !! R.I.P. I don't expert that everybody [including you] has the time to bone-up on these things. It is much easier for me [stressful also] because I was there, and I "walked-the-walk" !! Regards, GPH ______________________ ************************************************************************ I've read his diaries, and not just the motorcycle ones, wiseguy! "While signing up for service in Vietnam with USAID/Public Safety -- I was once again approached to go to do the "Che" Op -- this time to Bolivia, so as to "snatch" Guevara out of there "ALIVE", or provide an aircraft for him to fly out so that we might intercept him in Uruguay, his 1st choice as "Safe-Haven". I turned it down, and as you know, Felix and Gus tried to do that mission, but Banzer gave orders to Gary Prado to execute him. ["Code-Word 500"] I feel today that had I gone, the outcome most likely would have resulted in his death anyway !! Just by his diaries -- you can plainly see that this warrior never told a lie in his entire life !! He is missed terribly !! R.I.P." How could you have turned it down??? You'd even met his wife, Aleda!!! Felix and Gus had tried to do that mission??? They killed him!!! If you respected him as much as you make out like you do, HOW COULD YOU HAVE LET HIM DIE that way??? "I feel today that had I gone, the outcome most likely would have resulted in his death anyway !!" If you're as honorable as you claim to be, in all your bravado for the corp and the valor of your compadres, how can you believe that you couldn't have made a difference??? Or, are you simply trying to justify your refusal to go in there and help him, and the diastrous results that followed? ------------------------------- We sent a "Big Gringo" to fire an M-2 Carbine [more than a couple times] right next door to his first safe-house. When that didn't clue him in that his operation had been blown, we started the finger pointing about his guys being Cocaine lab operators. Nothing worked. He was burnt out from Africa, and Mario Monje [under Moscow orders] was sabotaging his every move -- because he was a Maoist, but more so, because they didn't go for the guerrilla campaign stuff. Monje practically hand delivered Intel to the CIA Cuban Dep/Chief of Station. NSA was intercepting all of the radio messages [burst transmitters] to the Rio Platte trawlers. Even THEY were trying to get him to get out of Dodge. When he changed the pre-planned AOR [Area of Operations] -- from the more hospitable Alto Beni Plateau, and instead went down to the semi-desert Nuncahuazo/Vallegrande locale, he was a dead man. He didn't do a proper "Country Area Study", and had his guys learn Quechua, when 99% of the indigenous indians there speak Guarani and Aymara. Beards are unknown to the locals, and these foreign "invaders"scared the xxxx out of them I turned it down because while in D.C. I had a relapse of my Dengue Fever. Then came the finger pointing by Garrison --whilst he tried to save Marcello's little ass from RFK's "Sheridan Squad". I had family, and I was getting tired of the LBJ "Texican" horse-xxxx approach to everything. It took Gus a lot longer getting over the La Higuera scene, because he also had fought Batista. Felix , because his family was Prio rooted, mistakenly took to the opposite, trophy boasting. Moreover, the Batistiano coward-ass bastards had the D.C. REMF pogue's ears while whining about all of the executions done by Herman at La Cabana -- despite the fact that "Che" was absent and doing the "Bank" thing -- and duties as G-3 ["Operations & Training" for the General Staff - Fuerzas Armadas Revolutionarias] Get-over-IT !! [i haven't] GPH _________________________
  4. This, in particular, is why I usually read these posts with interest(and suspicion). You never know what may inadvertantly come out. Gerry posted this comment 8/27/05: "The day of the JFK assassination, Jim Lewis was [as usual] playing Chess at "Little Joe's" apartment by the Miami River -- together with Eddy Collins, "Skinny", Dick Whatley, Bobby Willis, and Bill Dempsey. When Garman started dancing in the street soon after hearing the news from Dallas, Jim chastized him severely [along with Cuban pissed-off neighbors]; He reminded him that just four days before he had been a member of our security detail for JFK at MIA [Monday, 18th Nov.], and that he had been prepared to "take-a-bullet" for the President !!" Anyone else think it odd that Garman would "dance in the street" after hearing of JFK's demise, yet was "prepared to take a bullet" for him 4 days earlier? I wouldn't dismiss EVERYTHING GHP has to say. RJS -------------------------- Richard J: Has "anybody" ever read a posting by "The Village Idiot" -- you know, one which might be construed as "Intentional" and "something of SIGNIFICANCE ??!! Try as I might, I haven't found anything submitted by this nagging gadfly heckling xxxxx -- mayhaps one of the more "studious" members might discover same and re-post something ?? During the briefing for the MIA security detail [11/17/63] -- the day before JFK's scheduled arrival [Monday, 18th November 1963] the following individuals were in attendance: Bernardo de Torres "Nick" Navarro -- then with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (Chas. Siragusa unit] and later Sheriff of Broward County, Forida -- and a childhood friend of Felix Rodriguez, who, along with CIA agent Gustavo Villoldo, aided in training the Bolivian Rangers [w/ Green Beret Major "Pappy" Shelton, 8th SFGrp - Panama Canal Zone] and whom together, hunted down and murdered Cmdte. Ernest "Che" Guevara de la Serna, a true warrior who never told a lie in his life !! Special Agent Ernesto Aragon, U.S. Secret Service, and whose reports are to be found in the Warren Commission Documents. Special Agent-in-Charge Gene Michaels, Head of the Miami Office of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, who two months later [at the beginning of the WC] was framed by a drug sting, and sent to the Federal Medical Facilty, Springfield, MO. Gerald P. "Gerry Patrick" Hemming, Jr. [interPen] Howard K. "Davy" Davis [interPen] Detective Sgt. Anthony "Tony" Fontana [City of Miami Police Dept.] and one of the cops who identified the corpse of Eladio "Gito" Del Valle[1967]. I was permitted to verify the I.D. of "Gito" only after insisting that the N.O. D.A., "Jim" Garrison had a severe interest in the deceased !! Upon retirement, Fontana served regularly as Chairman of the Florida Parole Commission through the 1980s. Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Hough [Dade County Sheriff's Dept. -- under the then Sheriff & Brig. Gen. Tom Kelly] who during the mid-1970s attempted to thwart our investigation of the World Finance Corp.!! WFC was founded by Hernandez Cartaya -- while he was busy founding BCCI type banks in the United Arab Emirates -- and was subsequently charged with absconding with almost $100 million+. Hough was later laterally transfer to the Dade Co. Fire Dept. while under a cloud of corruption linked to a Cuban County Commissioner. Hough, during the 1990s, and by then in charge of Fire Service Internal Affairs, blackballed my son Felipe from being hired by said Dept.!! And this, despite already serving some 14 years as a professional Firefighter/EMT. And this despite the fact that Felipe Vidal Santiago Hemming had risen to #9 on a list of 300+ accepted applicants. [Only #9 -- due to the fact that extra points were given to the top 8 for lateral transfer from other NON-fire fighting Dade jobs. Otherwise, and with military service points, he would have ranked #1 !! And others present unknown to either of us, but recognized as JM/WAVE CIA Officers. That is: save for CIA Officer David Morales, who having had words with me after the BOP; spent his time glaring in my direction !! Suspicious that we were NOT invited to a "face-time" roll-call the next morning -- where all uniformed and plain-clothes officers posted at MIA, would know our faces. And that, coupled with a failure to issue special S.S. "buttonaires" -- convinced us that we would instruct our team to go "unarmed" the next day at MIA. However, Interpen Instructor, Justin Joseph "Steve" Wilson informed me -- as Air Force One taxied toward us on the tarmac; that "Little Joe" Cavendish Garman had disobeyed our orders. And that he was armed with his Colt .45 Automatic Pistol. I thereupon approached "Lil' Joe" -- informed him to casually glance to his right rear, at the "suit" wearing sunglasses. He casually did, and said: "So...who is that weirdo..??" I responded: ".. That is the guy who is going to blow the back of your head off if you draw your pistol in defense of ["Lancer"] POTUS..!! Later that evening, Little Joe remarked at the curiousity that he, and many others had been invited to Dallas later that week to meet the "Money People" !! He refused the invitation. The evening of November 22nd 1963, Joe C. Garman was rebuffed by James Arthur Lewis for "dancing-in-the-streets"!! While talking to Joe during 1994 [by telephone], after not havingspoken to him since 1967 -- I commenced to remind him of some of the humorous incidents which had occurred during the 1960s. I very cautiously asked him whether he remembered having ever seen "JFK in person" ?? His reponse was: "..You getting senile Patrick ??...of course...it was at the Miami Airport a few days before he got hisself kilt..!! "...Don't you remember giving me a hard time for packing my Colt to the Airport..?? I reminded him of the "suit" having stood behind him. He responded that: "..Had I the intentions...He would have been taken down first...and the only reason I didn't shoot that son-of-a-bitch Kennedy...was because he was still my COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF" !!" Later, GPH __________________________ *************************************************************************** "Cmdte. Ernest "Che" Guevara de la Serna, a true warrior who never told a lie in his life !!" Why do you always refer to him that way? Are you being snide, or is this another one of your cryptic code messages, only known to those of the covert-ops persuasion? -------------------------- Ms. Mauro: I served with the man in Cuba. When I suggested [during 1959 in Havana] that he take up where he left off as a youngster [in Argentina] flying motorless gliders -- he went after flying like a demon possessed. In very short order he had over 100 hours in a friend's [an instructor] single engine airplane. A couple of times, after watching us parachute from C-47s, he said: "...Don't ever expect me to do that stuff...flying is enough thrills for me..!!" I told him that Cmdte. [Major] Rene de los Santos was already flying left-seat in a twin engine Cessna 310; and that if he didn't get with it -- Rene was going to fill his pilot's log book up before he was even "checked-out" in a light twin. After searching for Cmdte. Camilo Cienfuegos for 16 days, and discovering that he had been shot down by accident near San Jose del Lago, Las Villas Province -- we switched to doing some "water" parachute jumps right in front of the Rosita de Hornedo Hotel, Miramar, Havana -- and I didn't see "Che for some weeks. During January 1960, he arrived [with Aleda March] at my Air Base in western Pinar del Rio Province. We had no radio in the control tower, so I didn't know it was him arriving. He popped out of the Cessna 310 [light-twin] and said someting which I couldn't make out. He always spoke in such a low voice, I would have to lean down close to listen. He repeated: "...Vos lo ves [you notice] that I am in the "left-seat" and driving this very fast and nice airplane..?" "..I have over 35 hours in the pilot seat recored in my log book already.." I almost told him he was now ready for parachute instruction, but thought better of it, and kept on talking about navigation, etc. ! He arranged for me to train the Sandinista guerrillas at my San Julian Air Base. He honored my request for reinforcements, because we had been attacked twice just after Christmas [Navidades - Noche Buena]. He got me released from La Cabana Fortress after having been arrested by limp-wristed secret police punks. I left Cuba for Mexico enroute to fight against the Nicaraguan dictator Somoza during October 1960. Upon learning that the Cuban authorities had jailed my close friend Cmdte. William Alexander Morgan, I opted to go north to the states on a gun-running mission -- expecting that once inside the U.S. -- I might get support enough to save William's life. Amongst those efforts was a sit-down with the famous liberal labor leader Harry Bridges [san Pedro - Los Angeles - December 1960] Harry Bridges promised to have his friends in the Latino labor movement inquire into the situation. Everything failed, and Morgan was executed on March 11th, 1961 !! Skipping ahead to 1966. I was tasked by JJA's CI division to go to Ascension Island [british owned] and there prepare for an operation to kidnap "Che" [alive] from the Baraka, Congo [Leopoldville] area where he and many Cubans were advising the Simba rebels. However "Che" had already crossed over Lake Tanganyika and was on his way to Prague. We went back to the States [CONUS] just after July 4th, 1966. While signing up for service in Vietnam with USAID/Public Safety -- I was once again approached to go to do the "Che" Op -- this time to Bolivia, so as to "snatch" Guevara out of there "ALIVE", or provide an aircraft for him to fly out so that we might intercept him in Uruguay, his 1st choice as "Safe-Haven". I turned it down, and as you know, Felix and Gus tried to do that mission, but Banzer gave orders to Gary Prado to execute him. ["Code-Word 500"] I feel today that had I gone, the outcome most likely would have resulted in his death anyway !! Just by his diaries -- you can plainly see that this warrior never told a lie in his entire life !! He is missed terribly !! R.I.P. I don't expert that everybody [including you] has the time to bone-up on these things. It is much easier for me [stressful also] because I was there, and I "walked-the-walk" !! Regards, GPH ______________________
  5. This, in particular, is why I usually read these posts with interest(and suspicion). You never know what may inadvertantly come out. Gerry posted this comment 8/27/05: "The day of the JFK assassination, Jim Lewis was [as usual] playing Chess at "Little Joe's" apartment by the Miami River -- together with Eddy Collins, "Skinny", Dick Whatley, Bobby Willis, and Bill Dempsey. When Garman started dancing in the street soon after hearing the news from Dallas, Jim chastized him severely [along with Cuban pissed-off neighbors]; He reminded him that just four days before he had been a member of our security detail for JFK at MIA [Monday, 18th Nov.], and that he had been prepared to "take-a-bullet" for the President !!" Anyone else think it odd that Garman would "dance in the street" after hearing of JFK's demise, yet was "prepared to take a bullet" for him 4 days earlier? I wouldn't dismiss EVERYTHING GHP has to say. RJS -------------------------- Richard J: Has "anybody" ever read a posting by "The Village Idiot" -- you know, one which might be construed as "Intentional" and "something of SIGNIFICANCE ??!! Try as I might, I haven't found anything submitted by this nagging gadfly heckling xxxxx -- mayhaps one of the more "studious" members might discover same and re-post something ?? During the briefing for the MIA security detail [11/17/63] -- the day before JFK's scheduled arrival [Monday, 18th November 1963] the following individuals were in attendance: Bernardo de Torres "Nick" Navarro -- then with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (Chas. Siragusa unit] and later Sheriff of Broward County, Forida -- and a childhood friend of Felix Rodriguez, who, along with CIA agent Gustavo Villoldo, aided in training the Bolivian Rangers [w/ Green Beret Major "Pappy" Shelton, 8th SFGrp - Panama Canal Zone] and whom together, hunted down and murdered Cmdte. Ernest "Che" Guevara de la Serna, a true warrior who never told a lie in his life !! Special Agent Ernesto Aragon, U.S. Secret Service, and whose reports are to be found in the Warren Commission Documents. Special Agent-in-Charge Gene Michaels, Head of the Miami Office of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, who two months later [at the beginning of the WC] was framed by a drug sting, and sent to the Federal Medical Facilty, Springfield, MO. Gerald P. "Gerry Patrick" Hemming, Jr. [interPen] Howard K. "Davy" Davis [interPen] Detective Sgt. Anthony "Tony" Fontana [City of Miami Police Dept.] and one of the cops who identified the corpse of Eladio "Gito" Del Valle[1967]. I was permitted to verify the I.D. of "Gito" only after insisting that the N.O. D.A., "Jim" Garrison had a severe interest in the deceased !! Upon retirement, Fontana served regularly as Chairman of the Florida Parole Commission through the 1980s. Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Hough [Dade County Sheriff's Dept. -- under the then Sheriff & Brig. Gen. Tom Kelly] who during the mid-1970s attempted to thwart our investigation of the World Finance Corp.!! WFC was founded by Hernandez Cartaya -- while he was busy founding BCCI type banks in the United Arab Emirates -- and was subsequently charged with absconding with almost $100 million+. Hough was later laterally transfer to the Dade Co. Fire Dept. while under a cloud of corruption linked to a Cuban County Commissioner. Hough, during the 1990s, and by then in charge of Fire Service Internal Affairs, blackballed my son Felipe from being hired by said Dept.!! And this, despite already serving some 14 years as a professional Firefighter/EMT. And this despite the fact that Felipe Vidal Santiago Hemming had risen to #9 on a list of 300+ accepted applicants. [Only #9 -- due to the fact that extra points were given to the top 8 for lateral transfer from other NON-fire fighting Dade jobs. Otherwise, and with military service points, he would have ranked #1 !! And others present unknown to either of us, but recognized as JM/WAVE CIA Officers. That is: save for CIA Officer David Morales, who having had words with me after the BOP; spent his time glaring in my direction !! Suspicious that we were NOT invited to a "face-time" roll-call the next morning -- where all uniformed and plain-clothes officers posted at MIA, would know our faces. And that, coupled with a failure to issue special S.S. "buttonaires" -- convinced us that we would instruct our team to go "unarmed" the next day at MIA. However, Interpen Instructor, Justin Joseph "Steve" Wilson informed me -- as Air Force One taxied toward us on the tarmac; that "Little Joe" Cavendish Garman had disobeyed our orders. And that he was armed with his Colt .45 Automatic Pistol. I thereupon approached "Lil' Joe" -- informed him to casually glance to his right rear, at the "suit" wearing sunglasses. He casually did, and said: "So...who is that weirdo..??" I responded: ".. That is the guy who is going to blow the back of your head off if you draw your pistol in defense of ["Lancer"] POTUS..!! Later that evening, Little Joe remarked at the curiousity that he, and many others had been invited to Dallas later that week to meet the "Money People" !! He refused the invitation. The evening of November 22nd 1963, Joe C. Garman was rebuffed by James Arthur Lewis for "dancing-in-the-streets"!! While talking to Joe during 1994 [by telephone], after not havingspoken to him since 1967 -- I commenced to remind him of some of the humorous incidents which had occurred during the 1960s. I very cautiously asked him whether he remembered having ever seen "JFK in person" ?? His reponse was: "..You getting senile Patrick ??...of course...it was at the Miami Airport a few days before he got hisself kilt..!! "...Don't you remember giving me a hard time for packing my Colt to the Airport..?? I reminded him of the "suit" having stood behind him. He responded that: "..Had I the intentions...He would have been taken down first...and the only reason I didn't shoot that son-of-a-bitch Kennedy...was because he was still my COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF" !!" Later, GPH __________________________
  6. --------------------- Hi Martha. Hi Rocky, Elvis and little Jean Morrison. Did you bake those cookies today ?? I just got a new recipe off of the Oprah Winfrey Show -- And she got it from Ellen Degenerate !! WHAT THE #&^@#! IS THIS -- A *@$^@ CHAT ROOM ??!! Can't you folks use private e-mails for this "chatter" ?? Or can't you tell there are some serious and hard working real researchers here ?? WHAT PART of Edu-Forum "DEBATE" is it that Y'all don't understand ??!! Chairs, GPH ________________________
  7. "Mr. Dunbar" of the "Law Firm" 1. Attorney for United Fruit 2. Met with Colonel Barrios in reference to securing 1 million dollars for overthrow of the government of guatemala. 3. Presbyterian: (Chamberlain-Hunt Military Academy) at Port Gibson, MS (where LHO & brothers attended) is run by the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, of Austin, TX. One does not normally gain admission to this school unless one (a.) is of the Presbyterian faith (b.) has money (c.) knows someone of the Presbyterian faith who has money. (the correct answer is "C".) 4. After LHO left school and joind the Marine Corps, Charles E. Dunbar, bequeathed two separate scholarship funds to the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin, TX. (note: I am also fully aware of his daughter's presbyterian association as a possible reason for these donations) 5. Virtually every employment position which Marguerite Oswald (& LHO) had in New Orleans, came about due to the association of members of the "Law Firm" with these employers. Mr. "Rosen" of the Law Firm at which she began work at approximately 17 years of age was a close personal friend of Mr. Dunbar, along with being a member of about a dozen various organizations with one another. Mr. Rosen, thereafter also being the "Registered Agent" for Dolly Show, for whom Marguerite and LHO later worked, and on and on and on, this employment history continues. Mr. Rosen was also of course the Registered Agent for a New Orleans firm owned by Mr. Joseph Bernstein. When Marguerite Claverie Oswald moved to NYC, she immediately went to work for the brother of Mr. Bernstein. 6. Mr. Dunbar, according to geneological records, is descended from the sister of General P.G. T. Beauregard of New Orleans, LA, and Commander of Troops at the first engagement of the Civil War at Ft. Sumter, SC. 7. A great-aunt of LHO was married into the same "Beauregard" family, and LHO in fact had a distant cousin who was about his age, whose name was P.G.T. Beauregard. 8. Mr. Dunbar was one of "Tulane"'s most recognized and distinguished graduates, and as a member of the "Boston Club"; REX: etc;, he was one of the most important and politically important attornies in New Orleans. He was an active member of virtually every organization of Tulane University, the alma mata of Mr. James Garrison/aka Carruthers. 9. The "Law Firm" of which Mr. Dunbar was now a full partner, was a direct-line descendent of the law firm of which Mr. Charles Fenner, in whose home President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America died. 10. Mr. Charles Fenner, was a Civil War Officer and Commander of Fenner's Battery of Artillery, which fell under the "Washington Artillery", which later had it's own building constructed in the French Quarter for meetings of members of this famous Confederate Unit. 11. Mr. Charles Fenner was also father to the "Fenner" of the New Orleans Stock Brokerage firm of Pierce, Fenner, & Beane, which ultimately merged with Merrill Lynch to form Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Beane. 12. The law firm of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Beane had to close their Havana, Cuba office with the assumption of power of Fidel Castro. And, not unlike many other organizations, lost considerable monies when Castro nationalized all foreign owned property in Cuba. 13. William Wirt Howe, Louisiana Supreme Court, was also a former member of the "Law Firm" 14. Along with Mr. Marks and Mr. Claverie, of the "Law Firm", Mr. Dunbar and these two other members, formed "For America" which happens to have been one of the most right-wing political entities which existed. 15. Formation of this "Front" corportion was accomplished out of a building on LaSalle St. in Chicago, ILL. 16. When LHO returned from the Soviet Union and required financial aid, he received this aid through the "Travellers Aide Society" which operated out of the exact same building in Chicago, IL as the "For America" Corporation. 17. The financial aid provided to LHO was done so a result of an "unofficial request", for whom the name of the requestee has never been made public. 18. New Orleans, LA was a major home for the "Travellers Aide Society". * *In event one would like to know the name of the head of the New Orleans branch and the potential association with Charles E. Dunbar & the Oswald family, this information too is available. NOW! Tom neither resides in New Orleans, LA, or even comes close to knowing what Jim Garrison (Local resident; politician; Tulane Graduate & Alumni; District Attorney; member of various Social Organizations with these persons; etc; etc; etc; and ex-FBI Agent, should have known. "It is an impossible task to win an argument with an ignorant and uneducated person" Tom Purvis P.S. The provide information is for those who at least have the capability to rationally determine for themselves as to whether the "Garrison/Clay Shaw" circus, was or was not a bona-fide search for the facts and truth. Shall we now move forward with Mr. Marks? From one of the most prominent "Jewish" families in America, as well as New Orlean, LA. From a family that lost most of their wealth and possessions during the Civil War at Charleston, SC. From a family of Confederate Veterans who were co- founders of "Twiggs Rifles" of the CSA. From a family who repeatedly named their children after famous Confederate Battles of the Civil War' (A) Sumter D. Marks (b.) Sumter D. Marks, Jr (c.) Malvern Hill Marks* *named after the Battle of Malvern Hill in which the first of the Marks family of the CSA was killed. From a family which included the President of the New Orleans, Florida, & Havana Steamship Company. From a family which included the "Dispatcher" for the New Orleans Transit System (streetcar system)* *Lucius Albert Marks, Sr. Lucius Marks worked for the New Orleans Transportation Department (Streetcar System) for a total of 59 years during which he worked from dispatcher to Manager** It would be an assumption that anyone serious about this subject would know that the grandfather (Claverie) of LHO was a streetcar driver in New Orleans, LA. Lucius Marks, Jr, (1st Cousin to Sumter D. Marks, Jr) worked as an electrical engineer for the Standard Fruit and Steamship Company (aka United Fruit) (Florida and Havana Steamship Company) From a family who was married into the "Butler" family and resided at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. From a family who resided on "LaSalle St." in New Orleans, LA From a family of whom one member was a supervisor (civillian) at the Biloxi, MS Aircraft Maintenance School during WWII. From a family who had direct relatives (1st Cousin Malvern Hill Marks) of which the entire family resided in the Ft. Worth/Dallas, TX area at the exact same time as LHO was there. From a family of whom one of the "Texas" Marks, ultimately married into the Van Landingham family of Texas which had direct kinship to the "Van Landingham" who was the Head Investigator for the Mississippi Soverignty Commission, as well as being a retired FBI Agent. From a family of whom the Sumter D. Marks, Jr, member of the Law Firm, was also one of the founding members of the "Front" organization "For America" which was incorporated out of Louisiana with an address at 308 La Salle St. Chicago, ILL.* *Charles E. Dunbar; Sumter D. Marks, Jr.; & Louis B. Claverie were the founding "Registered Agents" for this right-wing organization of which even today, little is known. In addition to the "For America Corporation", the same three are the founding "Registered Agents" of another somewhat "right-wing" corporation which was known as "Vigilence Inforporated" which was formed in 1951. Sumter D. Marks, Jr was also the "Registered Agent" for the Hudson Hoisery, for whom Marguerite Claverie Oswald was once employed. With him as Registered Agent, was Louis B. Claverie as well as J. Barnwell Phelps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I am a Marxist" or was it "I am a Marksist" ?---------------------------Lee Harvey Oswald ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May as well include in "Mr. Sims" of the "Law Firm" as well. Especially since Mr. Sims was a member of one of the most single elite societies to exist in the United States, and of which the wife of David Harold Byrd, owner of the TSDB, was also a member. ________________________________________________________________________________ _________ Now, one would have thought that Mr. Jim Garrison, as DA of New Orleans, LA, and as co-owner of the "Garrison-Intelligence Agency", could have at least found some of these connections of LHO in New Orleans. Had of course he wanted to, or otherwise been so stupid to have pointed it out. Which by the way, he was not! Especially since "Mr. Phelps" of the "Law Firm" also became Director of the Times-Picayune Publishing Company, and the Times-Picayune Media Foundation. That is after his father's long career with the "Law Firm" and Mr. Ashton Phelps, Jr, tour of duty there. Not to mention a prior member of the "Law Firm" by the name of Esmond Phelps, who also just so happened to be the "Registered Agent" for DIXIE PARKING, where non-driving LHO also applied for a job parking cars. ________________________________________________________________________________ _________ Anyone besides me recall the saying: "Mr. Phelps, I presume"? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A proper ending would be: 1. All, descendents of Confederate Veterans 2. All, graduates of Tulane University 3. All, members of various social organizations which include: a. Tulane Organizations b. Boston Club c. REX As stated, Jim Garrison most assuredly was not a "stupid" man. ---------------------------- The Distinguished Colonel Charles Fenner, C.S.A., also owned a plantation on the banks of the "Peace River", Bradenton County [Gulf Coast] Florida during the mid-1800s. The beloved President of the C.S.A., The Honorable Jefferson Davis -- died after moving from said Peace River Plantation. Are there ANY of you "bookreaders" out there who might just have any solid "Intel" to add to the above- mentioned data just presented by Capt. Purvis, or are you ALL watching "JFK" on Fox TV right now ??!! Cough ! Hack ! Cough ! Chairs, GPH ___________________________
  8. --------------------------- YO !! Bill: ["...Meanwhile..back at the Oct. 28th Ranch.."] Yo in Spanish means "I" or "Me" -- and in the "Old Corps" we never used the term because it was a favorite of the "Doggies" [u.S. Army pogues -- and even after I "went" Army -- never used it then, even for roll calls in formation.] As previously stated, I was never "LHO's Sergeant at Atsugi..."!! He might have been amongst a group of MACS-1 Marines when I "touristed through" Atsugi, Iwakuni, Futenma, Ping Tung (North) Taiwan, etc. -- and the first face-to-face was at the Cuban Consulate in Monterey Park, California, a few days after Rafael Tapanes, Ismael Tapanes, and fellow "26th of July Rebels" took over said private residence [but Sovereign Territory of Cuba]. I blew him off the first few times he appeared at the Consulate. The "Last Time" was outside of the Main Gate at MCAF Santa Ana (LTA) where he was assigned to the MACS-9 GCI radar unit. During April of 1959, Rafael Tapanes, now working inside the Presidential Palace in Havana, called me aside and said: "....Patrick...your friend from California was here looking for you...and he was surprised to see me here...!!" "...I don't know how he got inside here (The Palace)...I still have trouble every morning getting inside to go to work...even after you escorted me in here "hace dos meses" [2 months ago]" I then reminded him that he needed more than a piece of paper with official stamps and government logos on it -- because the gate guards are all illiterate "guajiros" [peasants]; and though they might pretend to closely scrutinize your pass -- they can't read a word of it. I asked Tapanes why he had not been issued a uniform and a sidearm yet, as that was the only way to get waved through any gate in this town. He answered saying that "they promised soon". "...They...who the hell is THEY?" "....El Teniente [the Lieutenant]...where I work.."! I then said: "....A goddamn snot-nosed teen-age pimply-faced jerk-off 'Teniente' ain't got the pull or cojones to get you squat..!" "...Patrick...such language....there are 'mujeres' here...". "...Rafael...go buy your own uniform off of the street...but make sure it is not 'Casquito' [batistiano] Khaki!!" "...Then you go over to the San Ambrosio Armory...bribe at least a 'Capitan' there...get a pistol..and get a 'Tommy-Gun'...and then you don't need a goddamn pass to come here to work...!!" "..Oh...by the way...was my California friend another of the Marines that Camilo gave papers to..??" "..I think so...it was the 'enfante...Marine officer' from El Consulado in Monterey...but I didn't see any Camilo Cienfuegos papers...I just recognized him speaking with a Comandante and the American 'Teniente' Donal...!! "...You mean Comandante Enrique Lusson and Donald Soldini.." "Yes.. and I came up and greeted him then and we walked to my office..". "And what the hell did you tell him..?" "...That you were with Comandante Borbonett.. with the...Regiment.. 'Paracaidistas'...the Parachute Regimiento at the San Antonio de Los Banos Air Base..." "..Just great...Rafael...I told you in California that he might be a 'Chivato' [snitch]...and now he knows where I am at...??!!" "Rafael...when you get the pistol...shoot yourself in the foot with it..!!" LHO showed up a few days later at BAM San Antonio de Los Banos, but disappeared before I even saw him. Other LHO mysterious encounters later -- Cough ! - Cough ! Hack and Wheez !! Chairs, GPH ______________________
  9. Ms Foster let me make one thing clear to you, Because of the nature of this Forum (education) the use of swear words is not tolerated. If you can not make your case without resorting to gutter language, then you do not have a case. The same goes for Mr Hemming, although I guess his potty mouth is over looked because people believe he may just "cough" up something immportant. I hope you are all blessed with the patience of Saints, your going to need it. ------------------------------- COUGH ! COUGH ! COUGH ! HACK ! AAARGH !! SPITOOOEY !! Stephen, Lynne, Cough ! Hack ! Cough ! I have just got a message from ---Cough ! ---the grave --Cough ! through Jim Marrs' UFO channeling sources --Wheez ! Cough ! --- and Jim -- Hack ! ---Garrison has just revealed the *%^@$ ---the Prisoner's secret number ---Wheez ! --- it is ---Cough ! BA2506 -- did you copy the 5 X 5 Stephen ???? More importantly ---Cough ! --Wheez ! -- Hack ! I sent a @^$&* verified photo of a serious &$*#$ Dealey Plaza shooter---to James --Cough ! --You won't "bleeed dis" --Hack --Grunt ! it is --Wheez ! GUY FAWKES !! Up Yours -- "Potty-Mouth" !! Chairs, GPH ____________________________
  10. ------------------------ Don; I still have equipment which I helped unload and later inventory, from the barge tugged up from Monkey Point. [1966-67] Said warehouse-full of parachutes [mostly cargo], swimmer rebreather, etc. gear, diesel generators, parachute rigger sewing machines, etc. [some of which we used for the Ivan Tor/Paramount movie "Daring Game" -- all came from a Nick Zapetis/Tom McCrory surplus sale OK'd by Jake Esterline. Not only does some of the equipment have "2nd Naval Guerrilla" stenciled upon same -- even such items as small "snap-links" [caribienners] has "2nd Naval Guerrilla" hand-painted on them. I loaned a "2nd Naval Guerrilla" U.S. Army M-208B Cipher machine [miniature "Enigma"] to the Dallas JFK museum. Check with Gary Shaw, or Bob Cutler -- they have failed to return it to me. The NSA and OSS musuems [and D.C. "Spy Museum"] pay big bucks for these very rare code devices. Those, and the "Jefferson Cylinders" that 2nd N/Guerrilla trained with before the "One-Time Pads" course of instruction. Call Santiago Alvarez [or his son] in Miami -- and ask him what was then painted inside the cockpit of their "Alisan" mother-boat !! Looks like they didn't know, or wanted to blow you off, old bean !! Gerry ______________________
  11. ------------------------ Once again. Eddy Collins was with us alongside Air Force One at Miami Int'l A/P on the afternoon of 18th November, 1963. When a Latino [they don't like "Hispanic"] -- especially a Cuban says: "Mexican Looking" they mean STRONG indian facial features, i.e.: Toltec, Zapotec, etc. -- indian rather than Euro-Spaniard features. "Mexican Sounding" means the "unique-to-Mexico" indian "sing-song" accent found nowhere else in the Western Hemisphere !! When a "Mexi-Beaner" opens his yap, he immediately reveals to ALL that he originates from the United States of Mexico. What was Collins doing during the Sept. / Oct. 1963 "Time-Window" -- working UC for the FBI Miami Field Office !! Better get some better pix, don't want Eddy's ghost to get pissed off about his having resembled some "Hairy Mexi-Beaner" now, would we ??!! GPH ____________________
  12. ------------------------------ John: Lt. Carrier should be the guy that translates the technical stuff into layman's terms. However, I think that he stated that he was going to be very busy at work during the near term, and thus unavailable. As I said before, I never had the patience to get into the "gunsmithing & engineering" side of shooting; I just kept my weapons in shape, and made sure that all necessary prepping was done in order that I hit what I was "aiming at" !! During official shooting match competitions [both rifle and pistol], as opposed to "basic" or annual requalification -- there are mobile trailers & tents where one finds an assigned Master Gunsmith or two. These folks do repairs and minor modifications on our issued weapons. However, most, when on duty or during their free time, spend an ernormous amount of time designing, engineering, and radically modifying weapons. Many of these folks have gone commercial, and you can find their unique and very advanced firearms products in all hunting, fishing, adventure and shooting publications. Especially in the case of Marine recruits, their first experience at seemingly getting "shot at' is when working the "Butts". These are the pits where guys and gals raise and lower the large wooden framed target holders. They stand and look up awaiting the appearance of a hole in their target. It sometimes takes 15 minutes of slow fire [500 yards range] before the "Butt" troops learn that the sonic crack belongs to their target, and not the one on either side. Before that, a Sergeant running the Butts and manning a field telephone will be heard screaming "...pull the goddamn target on # 12, etc. !!" Lo and befold, the recruit notices a little hole in the large paper target, inserts a 5 inch disc with a wooden peg through its center -- into the hole. The "Boot" now runs the target back up, and if the now marked hole is inside the target perimeter, raises a green disc on a long pole and centers it over the marking disc. That way, a shooter, even without a spotter scope can see whether he/she got a 5V or 5 "bullseye" or lesser scored shot -- which is then noted in the shooter's log book. [The first page of the log book gives the initial "Zero" of the weapon, that is: when it was first fired while "sighting-in"; but sometimes the "zero" (measured in clicks of elevation and windage at 300 yards) will change as the "cheek weld", eye distance, etc. factors change over time, even with the same weapon during the same week. Sometimes the loss of body fat or dehydration will cause the shooter to inadvertently change his firing "lock" or stance.] As you move from 500 yards down to the 300 yard line, etc. -- sometimes the "zero" is a click or two off, and mostly due to the fact that at 500 yards you were "off-hand" standing. At 300 yards you will fire kneeling and sitting, and this oftentimes causes a minor change in "Zero". Back to the butts: Very quickly the recruit learns to identify a close sonic crack and thus knows that a round has passed through or near his/her target. Therefore [and to avoid a boot in the ass by the kindly Sgt.] the target frame is quickly hauled down, disced, and flagged. The next shot means that you will have available a paper patch and a bowl with brush, containing a foul smelling [and tasting] glue which is "boiled" from cow's hooves, without removing cowxxxx turds from same. You pull the disc, punch it into the new hole [if there is one] and "mosty-riky-tik" -- slap the glue and patch over the first hole. Should the shooter be so unlucky as to miss the inside of the target, or the frame completely -- the butt-person raises aloft a long pole adorned with a bright red flag, which is gleefully wave to-and-fro in the most insulting fashion and seemingly screams: "...You missed...you stupid son-of-a-bitch..!!" The red flag is called "Maggie's Drawers", and the shame-faced shooter is required to enter a "0"/MD in his log book -- that is: just as soon as the Drill Instructor has finished beating him about the head and shoulders. A rifle scope is "bore-sighted". With a bolt action weapon, you pull the bolt out of the frame completely -- peer through the bore at your "zeroing" target, then shift your eyes to the scope and adjust same to the center of the target. A cheapo sight requires shimming, and this requires a gunsmith or talented range-master. With semi-auto rifle, you must use a "bore-scope", which is inserted into the chamber/magazine area and then used to center the bore on the target. Then the scope is adjusted. Silencers/suppressors: Using low velocity ammunition in a pistol, rifle or sub-machine gun [bullet velocity less than mach-1] means that the only sound heard is the clacking of the bolt, and small sounds made by the extraction, ejection, and re-feeding of subsequent rounds. Dampening can be accomplished, such that: from 10 feet away; not a sound is heard !! For instance, the Ingram M-10 came in 2 calibres, a subsonic .45 auto, and a supersonic 9 mm. In the field ["Burbs or Bush"] we carried coded magazines of sub-sonic and sonic 9 mm; and the choice was made depending upon how close the targeted person was, or proximity of bystanders or other security threats. A silenced high-powered rifle is NOT intended to be silent, but instead the tube causes any targets or bystanders, etc. to believe that the weapon is being fired from from a position at least 45 degrees off from actual site -- so everybody looks in the wrong direction !! Anecdotes: While demonstrating a totally silenced .22 cal. rifle, and while my partner stood at least 50 feet away firing without a suppressed weapon -- I, slightly to the rear, of a group of El Salvador Colonels; shot past them into the head of a pig -- and when the bodyguards panicked at the blood and brain splatter, they looked to my partner, but were confused totally in that he had his back to the pig. Yet its head continued to disintegrate. They only wised up when I said: "Ahem...Mis Coroneles...notice the smoke from my silencer and the shell casings at my feet...truly it was I who destroyed the pig...!! Thereupon a Colonel and one bodyguard xxxx their pants, and we moved away from the stench "most riky-tik" !! With Prez-General Somoza's half-brother ["Papa Chepe"] it was a similar demonstation. Only this time I had an M-11 (.380 cal.) inside our special attache-case model. Whilst Anselmito blazed away sans silencer in front of them, I emptied a full magazine out through the name-tag "gun-port" !! A minute later I pointed out that somebody must have noticed that a sand bag [45 degrees off] had been jumping around and disintegrating, and suddenly they were now curious as to what caused that. I placed the now open attache-case on the ground, and they slack-jawed gawked at the escaping smoke and the load of hulls inside the case. The bodyguards were fired on the spot, and jailed !! With Mario Sandoval Alarcon it was near the Everglades just short of Krome Ave., near a small lake. Anselmito and "Rolandito" Masferrer fired M-10s [.45 cal.] "across-their-bows", as they marveled at the fact that they were only hearing the buzzing sounds of Bees or deer flies !! At least 4 Secret Service Agents later claimed to have heard the Buzzing of bees in Dealey Plaza that tragic day !! While setting up the DalTex hide-site for Oliver Stone, I got into a loud argument with both Dale Dye and Stanley White, specifically about the fact that when considering the presence of people on the fire escape and adjacent windows -- IF any shot was fired, a silenced weapon had to be used !! Capt. Dale Dye, USMC (Ret.) and Detective Sgt. Stanley White (L.A. County Sheriff's Dept.) loudly insisted that I was wrong and that nobody used silencers in 1963 -- and besides, they don't work on rifles !! Stone listened as I explained that: OK, when short on silencers, a pro-operator will build a cardboard box, line it with empty egg cartons as inside sound proofing. and the muffling will give at least 75% silence and 45 degrees of diversion. [The box is designed to fold flat, and be carried under the arm] As we continued arguing, and while leaving the 2nd floor, Oliver said: "...While nothing is carved in stone yet, we have to insure that Garrison was aware of this between 1966-1967...or forget about it...!!" So much for Hollywood !! GPH _______________________ GPH and John, Very interesting thread. There are isues when utilizing a supressor and subsonic ammunition in a rifle that will give the shot origin a realistic invisible existence but will also make the POA v. POI a near rediculous plan of action. Due to the compromised trajectory at even this close of range, it would take considerable practice and adjustments to the optics settings as well as the human factor on the moving target. I will comment further on this later. GPH, I found it interesting that you have mentioned Sandoval-Alarcon in your thread. Am I misreading it when I assume you know my affiliation with his group some twenty-plus years ago? The last person on a forum who made the connection (Tosh on Lancer) stopped posting immediately thereafter. If I would have had the maturity I have now then, I would have eliminated the barbarian and his group then instead of providing a safety net for them from 2-400m back in '81. Maybe I am misreading your post. If not, provide the op-designation I was given then and I will know where we stand. Al ------------------------- Lt. Al C. I gotta dig through my boxes to make sure that what your now referring to has NARA/FOIA-PA stamps thereon, and with the proper dates & initials. You were at the jump-street position for "Operation Alliance" -- but there are other S.G.G. numbers to peruse. A retired BATF guy who stays in infrequent contact [HQ-Level] and wanted to do a book on my Ops vs: the "New Purple Gang", with specific reference to Mario's use of Frankie Viserto for silenced weapons. And moreover, for the outsourceing of "death squad" tasks to the end-purchasers of the Guatemala "Double-U-O-Globe / China White" which we had shut-down during 1975. The assassination of Figueres, the Costa Rican Congress et al. carried the 1971 names of "OP /Coyote"; "Op / Cactus"; and "Op/ Bambu" !! Viserto did the deed that "O.J." was aquitted of -- and that specific slasher M.O. was his specialty !! [That and "BTK"] More later, GPH ____________________
  13. -------------------------- YOU have previously been "cleared for an operational project" -- whatever the hell that is ??!! OR YOU READ somewhere that said "cleared for an Op/P" "is quite above and beyond [just] ...mere CTC ??!! My goodness, I sure as hell wish that I had known that when I was "cleared" for MH/CHAOS "Project....." whilst actually operating under JJA's MK/CHAOS, and ardently attempting to sabotage and destroy the "Chaos-Clowns" up and down the left-coast [1967-1970] My brother is right. I deserved a raised. Methinks I shall sue the bastards, even if I have to dig them up from their resting places !! GPH ________________________
  14. I just did a quick Google search and it would appear that you are right. That Purvis would make this kind of error after going through the I.G. Farben box is strange to say the least (yes, this is innuendo). ----------------------- NA-NA-NA-NOO-NOO-NAY !! TOMMY DOOD A TYPO !! Probably couldn't find the "spelll check" on this website; after all -- it is an "Edu-Forum" and one MUST be banished to the Moors forever for ANY typos !! Google "wing-nut-whacko-nit-picking silly-villians" for me, whenever you can drag yourself away from your thousands of pages of NARA/FOIA-PA hard-copy files, Huh ?! - por favor !! GPH ______________________
  15. -------------------- Does the good professor state that he was given ONLY a "P.O.A." for QK/ENCHANT-9, or for just one of the many QK/ENCHANT "Projects" -- there is a difference ya know ??!! So, and exactly what does "tieing-the-CIA" to LS/BEAM-1 [Permindex] & JM/TROUGH-4 [N.O. Int'l T.M.] mean -- that they were "evil-doers; or that they were doing exactly what the NSC/PFIAB/White House expected them to do -- you know, like follow the goddamn orders, pogues !! "Common Rumor" amongst the "in-crowd" of the French Quarter, old bean. GPH __________________
  16. ---------------------- Owen, mein gute freund und / et "mon ami": How "he found this out" comes from being an "OPERATOR" Lad !! And since very few JFK 'expert" scribblers had never inquired of operators prio hereto -- they have "kept the faith" !! Which BTW was encouraged by the very wild horses-hit theories being pandered by wannabe "literary giants -NOT". And NOW we are given to understand that Mellen not only has his "444-Form" [CIA application for employment] but mayhaps has his "alias I.D., timesheets at "The Farm" and all reinforced by non-redacted cryptos which might? show him to be a career intelligence officer, not just and agent "informant"?? POST'EM PLEASE !! While she sent a freebie copy of her tome to one of my buddies, I am given to think that even after 5 years working with her doesn't deserve one for me -- even after spending a week here in Fayetteville, and causing my wife to berate me for her having made some kind of insulting remarks in-her-face !! Even when the "Odio" incident will no doubt result in the ONLY paragraphs which signal "verity", and not just some more "black-tape files" containing backstop CYA "Legends"!! Do me a favor Owen, check her index and under "B" or "F" [or "BS"] and tell us if she even refers to "black-tape files" -- HUH? por favor. "No one prior" -- "shattered this myth"?? -- Even Newman and Russo didn't claim those laurels !! Do I detect AJW baiting -- seeking insider scoop, Owen ?? I await Tom's "blurting-out-the-the-family-jewels" sources and methods Intel to ANY of the "NOT-ready-for-Prime-Time" Researchers ?? Tom: Doncha know dey have a cunts-sti-tooshional "RIGHT" to know ebery-ting ?? It is plainly stated in the 69th amendment !! CHAIRS !! GPH ________________________
  17. ------------------------- "Wait for it you bloody blokes !!" [NOT from "Rude-Yard" Kipling] Shaw worked with the very same OSS (separate cover) unit that my erstwhile business partner Peyton Marshall Magruder operated with. Due to Peyton's having been the designer of the Glenn Martin B-26 "Marauder" bomber, "Wild Bill" didn't want Magruder working in an exposed environment -- which might subject him to a "snatch-job" by Skorzeny's "Mussolini rescueing" Fallschirmjaegers [Luftwaffe Parachutists]. The very same kind of folks who infiltrated the 101st Airborne lines at Bastogne ["Battle of The Bulge" - 1944] dressed in U.S. Army uniforms, while speaking American English !! Verstehen sie auch, mein freund ? Shaw's similar status [and attendant risks] remain undisclosed and secured at both Langley, A.F.I.O., and the OSS history files. Magruder latered joined WerBell in the "advertising business" after WWII. In Vietnam he ran the Cam Ranh Bay construction projects for RMK/BRJ -- and maintained a duplicate of Westmoreland 's "Ops & Maps Room" at his Saigon condo. Geheimenslechte, nicht war ?! GPH __________________________
  18. ---------------------- Owen old bean, I do think that you have misread Capt. Tom -- and it's most likely due to his "Cajun-Style" (Zoid) method of tossing out qustions intermingled with suggestions and solid answers. Tom hasn't claimed that LHO was a LN [iMHO]; he is stating -- just as Oliver Stone attempted to get across in "JFK", to wit: One expert shooter in the TSBD, different window -- different trajectories. And BTW, I played that shooter in the movie !! Most often he has thrown out specific challenges as to ALL current theories, hoping to gain input from the Forum members. I do believe this is why John, Andy, et al. created this "JFK Debate" section -- and certainly NOT for Trolls and DI A/Ps to rant against newbies and old-bies ??!! Chairs, GPH ______________________
  19. Are you saying that viewers preferred to listen to Fox's screech-owl Greta, she of the fingernail and chalkboard voice, for their 10 o'clock news? At least I could listen to Brown, back when I watched either one of those channels. ------------------------------ Even worse is that seemingly endless "Aruba" tear jerking tabloid xxxx -- another feeble attempt at an "O.J." style marathon ratings grabber, especially when the weenie-wagging "now-I-be-a-whiteboy" Michel Jackson trial FLOP !! [as in cows-turds fopping on flat rocks so as to become "cow-pies"!!] Chairs, GPH ____________________
  20. Not to mention he pulls in about a million a year in subscriptions to the site, runs ads AND asks for donations! I don't know much about Pinnacle, what's the story with them? The eugenics thing is new on me does he advocate it on his site? Check out the link, I think it's revealing for two reasons 1] he comes off as a paranoid whack job and 2] he is so detached from reality that he thinks it makes him look good, he put it on his site. How anybody can take this guy seriously is beyond me. [sorry for dissing your buddy Gerry, but like you "I gotta call'em like I see'um" ----------------------------- No problema Len & Owen. I first heard of Mike when I saw him on C-SPAN, shouting while rising to challenge the then dumb-ass DCI Deutsch. [i imagine that the "Frogs" and the Auschwitz survivors were more than intrigued by a Spy-Chief whose name means "Kraut, Boch, Hun, Tedeshi, Allemagne, Aleman, ect. !!" in the parlance of 20th Century history -- but he was born with that very respected name, so I guess that he learned to put up with like minded jibes since childhood ??!!] As you might recall, at the "Townhall Meeting" organized by Maxine Waters [in So. Central L.A.]: the focus was upon Gary Webb's , et al. charges that the CIA/Contras had instigated the rampant abuse and pandemic of the then new-to-the-streets "crack-cocaine"; by the children of Watts, Compton and other neighboring cities. A mutual friend put us in touch shortly thereafter, and we frequently chatted by phone and later by e-mail. Soon, I asked him for a favor. Would he check out exactly what was being done to investigate the death of my niece, who while acting as an undercover CI for LAPD -- against the Mexican Cartels, and the crack dealers -- was "outed" by a uniformed female LAPD officer, by dropping her off from an"Adam Unit" [black & white] in full view of a notorius doper public park ??!! My niece was soon found executed, "Mexican-Style"!! Hung from a tree, and then lowered to the ground enough that, she would be found in a "kneeling-position"-- but still with the noose bound tight about her young neck!! Her mother was overcome with grief, and killed herself within weeks. After the shootdown of the "missionary airplane" over the Amazon jungles of Peru, I gave Mike some insights as to how the CIA/DEA operation might have gone sour, and why the church sponsors of the group were being intimidated to keep quiet about that affair. [i also informed him that one of the people onboard said downed aircraft was a CIA asset.] Moreover, and from experience interdicting drugs in that very same area, and having forced the Peruvian government to "Do-it-my-way" [not the Sinatra or Burger King way] -- suggested some useful strategies which might be employed by the "outsourced" PSC folks -- but would never would be even considered by either the "Foggy Bottom" or the "Langley" REMF pogues !! Mike was borderline "homeless" then, and while temporarily subscribing to the hard copy of "From the Wilderness", I opted not to continue with the gratis internet version. But then again. friends and researchers were sending me freeby copies anyway. I am glad that Mike has done so well, but I haven't e-mailed or chatted with him for a long time. I did notice that he has apparently wandered from the well-beaten path of logic, but like WalMart -- you gotta give'm what they demand, or die broke !! I put that fat-ass Faireying-heist Mike "Roger & Me" asshole much lower on my list of quaint personalities. Now there is a clown who is typical of the "Hollywood Limousine Liberal-Left" !! Go on the web and check out this millionire fat-boy' stock portfolio [then check snopes.com, and urban legends] and you might discover that while ranting against the MIC, he owns thousands of shares in Halliburton, Brown & Root, etc., etc. !! Mr. "grow some scraggly skin whiskers" to hide his triple-chin fat turkey neck seems to be an ardent Capitalist of the "Robber-Baron species"!! What will be his whining response ? OH THAT !! That is the responsibility of my CFO, I don't unnerstan finances -- so I donna knows nuttin' about any stockos !! Chairs, and keep on truckin', Gerry ________________________ PS: soon I will shock the forum by disclosing what my closing: "CHAIRS", refers to exactly !! Patience now -- I know you can't wait, and will blame me for your insomnia -- but "that's life folks".
  21. Excellent points in this thread. It's always been clear to me that JFK was killed because he CHANGED in '63. Some attribute this to dropping acid with Mary Meyer, certainly the BOP, then the terror of the Missile Crises. He died literally for the cause of peace. Peaceful co-existance with Russia and Cuba were not in the interest of the MIC and the "cold war" mentality of the day. Garrison always called the cold war an "artificial conflict", a thought in keeping with those who agree that it was all about $. It always is. (As to the US owning the USSR, the late Antony Sutton has adressed this notion in great detail). Like Ron I agree that "AIS". The "sheeple" know so little about what is really going on in this country. If only we did have a "free press" in the US. How can the citizens be informed when they are lied to daily on tv and in the papers? It's been exciting, however, to see one US cable guy- Chris Matthews- the last few nights do an indepth investigation into the deception that lead to Iraq. Gives me a bit of hope. And one last comment to silly Ms Foster: To suggest that I -or anyone here- would compare Garrison with the likes of Ken Starr, I can only quote a bumper sticker made by a friend in LA: "A Starr is Porn". Logic is definately not your strong suit. Dawn -------------------------- MY, MY, SUCH DELPHIC WISDOM ??!! Makes me want to puke. The "Prez" who spent too much time "humpin' the hotties" [Oh ! forgive me, it was the meds or the Addisons -- I forgot, forgive my ignorance, por favor Makes "Slick Willy" Clinton look like a piker with his limited "cigar tricks"] !! The only WWII Naval officer who got his ass rammed [at night] -- and in a PT-Boat no less. Got a kid killed for naught. Why? because he refused to listen to his 1st mate's pleas -- the one who insisted that they should turn off the Allison aircraft gasoline engines while drifting, so they might hear approaching enemy vessels. Naw, its too hard to re-start those "fighter-engines" [P-40 Warhawk fighter engines] -- "...There AAARRn't any Japs out there guys !! Failed to stow the auto-release life rafts and survival devices, rations, etc. on the deck as ordered by Bulkeley from day one !! A Navy "Squid" micro-managing [and devastatingly changing] the BOP landing site only a month before the landing "D-Day" -- which he had advanced from June back to April !! All the while ignoring advisors who had "real" combat experience. "Papa Joe" saved his ass from a courtmartial by Nimitz in 1944. Forcing an increase in the recruiting tempo of the Cuban exiles, who because of the landing date having been brought back to April 17th -- sent kids and fat old men to their deaths with less than 4 weeks of minimal military training. And ranted when the Essex fighters disobeyed orders trying to protect the Air Cap. Ranted when he discovered that the task force destroyers had closed to the beach to rescue the survivors of the Houston, Rio Escondido and the 5th Batallion -- against his "orders" !! Brought us to the brink of nuclear holocaust by convincing our enemies that he was a playboy wutz !! Almost fried the planet by ignoring the Intel about missiles going into Cuba -- first reported during the 1st week of August, 1962 !! Fearful of firing nutsos like Lemay and Powers who wanted WWIII !! Scared of the southern racists, and ignored the murders and beatings of blacks until King threatened exposes and reprisals !! Joined the segregrationist Democrat "cracker cabal" for political gain, and overtly supported the descendants of slave owners who had crushed reconstruction under the 1st Prez Johnson !! SHEEPLE !! Your arrogance makes me want to puke. Free press ?? Even the dumb-ass Cubans immediately created their own newspaprers and magazines upon setting foot in the U.S. !! Too bad the "Joe-6 pack Sheeple" refuse to read your dreamland/utopian leftwing gibberish. OH ! You will make them pay "come-the-revolution" -- won't you ??!! All theory and NO practice. And those who failed, and continue to fail with their ridiculous wet-dreams, oh they weren't genuine true believers !! Yeah -- Right on -- with those excuses !! The "controlled press and media" -- give me a break. They are in the advertising business, not do-gooding. Try starting a business and see how far you get with freebies and do-gooding !! You'll fold in a month !! Mumbling looney tunes theorems -- It makes me feel SO VERY SUPERIOR to you lowly peasants, so listen up -- the baddies are out there haunting and spooking -- come hither and I shall defend thee, O' masses of the unwashed rabble !! Seeya on Murgado -- News at 11:00 PM !! Chairs, GPH _______________
  22. *********************************************************** Please people, no more post's on this thread. let it slowly fade to grey. You're absolutely right, Stephen. This is nothing more than a feeding frenzy for these trolls. We'd be better off allowing them to crash and burn on their own. I just love these Emoticons! Well, I have to get to work right now. Check back with you this evening, on the Murgado thread, of course. Ter --------------------------- "ALPHA MIKE FOXTROT" Ye of the great hot flatulent winds. We'll miss you so velly mucho !! NOT !! The Galls' stones -- the Pot-Trolls calling the newbie kettle a xxxxx. The Kostner worshipers from afar -- the "Garrison Groupie Glee Club" has finally bid us fond adieu !! Lynne -- Never fear whilst the genuine seekers of truth remain onboard -- even should they only be "lurking" !! "....Don't you realize the damge you've done..??" [Cliff Robertson to Redford in "3 Days of the Condor"] "...Don't you know how you have hurt da poor widdle feewins of the "Big Gumbo/Jimbo/Kostner" group glee club ??!! Shame! Shame! My fat gut is aching from laughing right now. Adios MoFos -- see ya on Murgado, pictures at 11:00 PM news !! Keep on trucking Lynne, GPH _________________________
  23. ---------------------------- GRATZ: Quit playing at being the "cub reporter", looking for the "big scoop" -- which might include a photograph of Clark Kent getting naked in a small telephone booth; whilst he changes into his "Big "S" pajama tights with "cod-piece" prominently displayed !! [a-la "Shrub" in his "G-suit" carrier-trap photo Op] Just keep handing those keys out to the fairies for their trysts !! Once again, "I" made reference to more than one visit by the BA2506 "Duo", NOT Angelo. He absolutely refuses to expand any further upon scenarios involving Sylvia. Can you possibly surmise WHY ??!! Take a gigantic wild "Conch Republic" guess. This IS Sylvia's private business, and would open up her coached testimony/interviews to voyeuristic intrusions. While it sometimes appears so, this "Educational Forum" is NOT a "Nat'l Inquirer" styled tabloid or Jerry Springer/Geraldo Rivera/Maury Povich/Cristina, et al. "dirty laundry" Television series !! Tell me, old bean -- do they at least have a minimal law library at your Monroe County courthouse ?? Or did Ivan, Katrina, Wilma, etc. reduce it to moldering and dusty debris ?? Get thee to a nun...er..law library lad. Regardless of how much of Sylvia's statements were under oath, the Martha Stewart, and current "Scooter" Libby case -- should already have provided incentive enough to once again visit the case reporters, sheperds, and the U.S. Code (annotated). Should she "contradict" -- or in any way, change those prior statements to "federal officers" [circa 1964 & 1978] -- the statute of limitations is forthwith & posthaste abated. And moreover, she is liable [A.D.2005 / C.E.] to be henceforth prosecuted pursuant to Title 18 US Code, section 1001 - as amended by the "P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act" Case law shall tutor you on the facts, such as: Making misrepresentations [not even lies are required] or later contradictory statements, especially when done while NOT under oath -- to a federal officer in the lawful performance of his duty -- carries very heavy felony criminal penalties under the amended "Sentencing Guidelines" !! Can't take NO for an answer ?? Exactly what part of "Bugger off, Mate" don't you understand ??!! Angelo can't "fill-in-the-gaps" or "Kevin Bacon-connect-the-dots", should he even want to. He was compartmented. Slide on your Capt. Midnight decoder ring, those old cardboard "3-D" theater goggles, mute the television that is now showing "Unsolved Mysteries" -- and engage the gear-box to your brain. READY ?? Benny was loaned to the RFK project from the Siragusa element. By subtle suggestion ??, he MAY have been induced to invite Benny along for the ride -- why ?? The very same reasons I brought Benny under our Parabellum firearms license during 1972 -- and then later encouraged WerBell to employ him directly out of M.A.C. -- at the Powder Springs, Georgia "Farm". He engineered the first big sales of WerBell equipment to the infamous Miguel Nazar, Chief of the Morelos, Mexico State/Federal police. The weapons were put to immediate use: terminating Rojas [the guerrilla chief who succeeded Padre Luciano] and a cadre of North Korean Army instructors who had been training the Mexican insurgents!! The insurgency had exploded in numbers subsequent to the 1968 Plaza Massacre !! Everybody was immediately very happy, on the Gringo and Mex-Fascist side of the hill that is !! He is CONNECTED !! He has vast connections, especially with the fascist right wing government and private entities all over the Western Hemisphere. He and his brother Carlos had been decorated by Siragusa, Anslinger, et al. of the FBN, and later by BNND, ODALE, and after 1973, DEA. Benny's assigned directives were obviously on a different tangent that Angelo's -- and it wasn't Angelo's prerogative to inquire about or report same to RFK, because RFK already knew !! McCone had sat back and centered his attentions upon the DDI side of Langley, and ceded the DDP/DDO Clandestine Service's W/H Ops totally to RFK. [according to my previously employed by McCone uncles; but what the hell would THEY know ??!!] JJA was on the fringes of the "loop", supplying CI briefings to the SGA reps who reported same to RFK. Much of JJA's Intel came from the Mossad -- especially where MI-6 didn't know xxxx, even despite the fact that their Canadian [diplo-covered] agents continued to maintain a formidable presence in Havana. Garrison begrudgingly admitted to me [June 1967] that he had info very few of RFK's activities; and the only way he could save Marcello's little ass from Walter Sheridan's "sudden-swift-sword" -- was to "appear" to be in a position to compromise RFK !! Remember ?? Me, Hall, Howard, Seymour, and most of the tiny Key Deer on No Name were "genuine" bad guys in his 1967 "movie" road show -- thus HE could TRUST us; hell we also were mob connected. No Name was so "Mobbed-up" we ate sphagetti 3 times a day, and practiced kissing rings [and a few asses] !! Marcello had done a BIG favor for RFK's reps with the Trujillo job; and he believed that he was owed. "Little Man" had been set-up by the left-coast mob via the Cellini boys -- which made him just one more "patsy" for the sponsors of the DP hit [Whomever the hell they might BE ??!!]. Martino eventually found himself in the very same fix !! Pawley found himself similarly situated. The RFK sword of Damocles was re-hung during mid-1966 -- when he emerged from his self-pity funk and began jousting at windmills with a heavily bankrolled vengeance. ALL of the "Patsies" started xxxxting in their pants, Hoffa dropped the biggest sequence of pointy-turds !! [let me know when you have devoted more time to the books rather than the keyboard -- save for serious googling !!] Chairs, [Fish & Chips] GPH ______________________
  24. ----------------------------- Don: During May 1975, While in D.C. to testify in executive session before the "Church Committee", I gave Bud Fensterwald the name of the publishing company which did the MCRD San Diego "Marine Corps Recruit Platoon Graduation Books" -- and the same firm that did my Platoon Book [ # 151 - 1954] later did LHO's Platoon Book [1956]. Bud bought several copies, and later sent one to me. Most important was the 50+ fellow recruit names with pictures -- which is in the same format as high school year books. The first task was to see how many of LHO's fellow recruits were interviewed by the WC. We couldn't find even one of the "real" recruits having been interviewed. Very strange indeed. LHO's Drill Instructors was also an interesting matter. Semper Fi [Yesterday - November 10th, was the Marine Corps 230th Birthday] GPH ___________________________
  25. ------------------------- GARBLED YET ONE MORE TIME !! "....As I understand it Angelo, his son, Gerry Hemming and his son will all state that Professor Mellen was told by Murgado was at Odios when Murgado and deTorres arrived. It is hard to understand how she missed that but I almost think the first version above is preferable (from Professor Mellen's standpoint) than the second, that a most important witness changed a very important part of his story but she failed to inform her readers of the change...." In the living room, only Mellen, Angelo, Felipe Hemming and I were present [NOT Amaury]. Angelo clearly stated that he and "Benny' arrived on "one" of many occasions to find their "subject of interest" already seated inside Sylvia's apartment. LHO left, they remained for a while, then they left. No indication was given whether "others" continued to surveill the "subject of interest"!! They remained drinking Cuban coffee and cold water. Angelo did not want to give any further details of the Op !! Angelo is a expert chef, and later, while cooking, bouncing around the kitchen where we sat, he once again covered the singular fact that: LHO was seated inside Sylvia's abode when he and Benny arrived. He refused to expand upon whether they had surveilled, and thereafter folowed LHO there, or were genuinely surprised at LHO's presence when they entered. He refused to expand upon this scenario, even while we enjoyed an excellent Cuban meal. My son was quite disturbed at her methods. And once back at the hotel in Coral Gables, and quite past my bedtime -- made reference to said techniques. She accused him of being an "anti-intellectual" -- and I intervened to halt any further discussion of anything that night. My son has years of experience working with VIP security organizations. He currently is the director of operations for the county-wide division of a security firm Moreover, she was later perturbed that I had visited with my partner [and "Best-Man" at my wedding 42 years ago] without first informing her. I arrived at Davy's [H. K. Davis] completely unannounced , and without having called him from North Carolina. He was watering his lawn as we arrived and parked the SUV. He was totally surprised at our arrival !! Nobody was ever told of Joan mellen's busines. Gratz was ONLY informed after I had returned home to Fayetteville, and explained that we didn't meet with him because we "ran-out-of-time" !! My purpose was to convince Davy to give a rare interview. Over supper I told him that Professor Joan Mellen was in town, and might want to speak with him. He responded: "...Oh...she already caled me.." I asked him if he would speak with her, and he stated "...No problem...I already told her so.." Why she was perturbed that I would visit Davy after 5 years of absence is beyond my ken !! Angelo never changed one part of his very limited explication. And Amaury later heard exactly what Angelo had previosly said, after we howled about incidents which had happened during the battles against the Sandinistas [1979]; and which Amaury, nor his wife, had ever heard before. And were sure as hell much more entertaining than the LHO crap !! I got Davy to show my son Felipe, the photo album of the "Papa Doc" Haiti Operation, which has never seen the light of day !! And we howled once again at the [Port au Prince] U.S. Consul's federal court testimony of the multiple bombing runs over the Presidential Palace -- and the landing at Grand Bahama US Air Force Base with a bullet holed and leaking airplane !! "No good deed shall go unpunished" -- Alfred E. Neuman ?? Who the hell gives a xxxx !! GPH _______________________
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