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Gerry Hemming

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Everything posted by Gerry Hemming

  1. I thought that a military-type sniper hit was on most people's minds in November 1963. There were the OAS plots against deGaulle (Day of the Jackal scenario), and Kennedy himself had described precisely this type of assassination that very morning in Forth Worth. T.C. Tim, Again you are looking at it in hindsight and puting history into perspective with real time of November of '63. Did any of the previous USSS protection details consider such a hit? If you look at them they did not or they would not have utilized an open limo. Kennedy referred to a nut with a rifle, not a professional military hit team. To this day, if professionals are called in and deployed at lets say an airfield or at a speaking engagement arrival, the chance of succeeding in a hit is pretty high. Al ----------------------------------- Lt. Carrier KNOWS of what he speaks. He is NOT defending the USSS, DPD, DCSO, MI, US Army CIC, or the YMCA; nor anybody else who has been blatantly accused of complicity in the JFK "Hit" !! The current campaign to have the Barrett .50 calibre "Long-Range Sniper Rifle" included in new rule-making proceedings by the BATF component of the Dept. of Homeland Security speaks volumes. [see: "The Federal Administrative Procedures Act" - annotated Rulemaking Cases, Administrative Law Reports & the C.F.R. - http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/index.html (Code of Federal Regulations)] The first Hollywood film that showed the unique effectiveness of the "Barrett" was: "Navy Seals", and starred Charlie Sheen, Biehn, et al. !! "60-Minutes" and some other programs have hysterically focused their "sights" against this weapon; as have some Democrat politicians and "Gun Control" activists. One TV segment showed a politician standing near Pennsylvania and Constitution, and with the Capitol Building at his back, he expounded upon the reality that: A shooter could easily hit a target sited at either end or even the middle of said streets, and target that building or the White House !! However, and whether it be a Barrett of 2005 -- or a "National Match" M-14 (NATO 7.62 mm) of 1963; there is absolutely NO defense against a "well-trained military sniper". The skills necessary for hide-site selection, angles of fire, lighting, windage, mirage, parallax, tracking, etc. are NOT those readily acquired by an amateur "Rifleman". [Take note of exactly how many times a rifle has been used in ANY assassination (or attempt) in the history of the World ??!!] The bald allegations and accusations of complicity by USSS or other law enforcement entities goes beyond the pale. That some "wing-nuts" have pointed the finger at Kellerman and Greer is scandalous, to say the least. That some "Puke" scribbled a worthless & gossipy "book?" -- about the accidental discharge of one SS agent's "M-16" (in a "tailback" vehicle); that having caused any of JFK's wounds is outrageous. Too many "self-styled" researchers/investigators?? are nothing more than filthy rumor-mongers; who have absolutely NO regard for the personal reputations or integrity of ANY alleged "suspects?" nor their families !! [ALL that is required is: That "NEW" names surface concurrent with one newly emerging event of note; such as -- "Watergate", or the "Soviet Agitprop Christic RICO lawsuit", etc., and etc. -- ad nauseum !!] That said, I would NOT be shocked to find that: There indeed were one or more persons, who, previously having been "highly placed" in government circles, opted (or was coerced) into giving an assist to the those shooters who participated in the "MULTIPLE" assassination schemes during that November of 1963. Anyone who is de minimus conversant with tradecraft -- would have immediately noticed the "professional" skills exhibited with the selection of Dealey Plaza, the TSBD, and its environs. The same professional criteria is obvious with the selection of Oswald "safe-houses in the Dallas suburds. It is quite obvious that this was done "for" LHO, and NOT by Oswald. Red Flags went up over 40+ years ago, when experts perused the very obvious "signatures" left by the Intel operator(s) selections: The necessities of a rear entrance or a side alley; a nearby park or semi-forested area; a nearby library (needed for "dead-drops"); that the front of the house is situated with an intersection wich precludes "spotter vehicles" from any casual/routine parking for stake-outs; etc., and etc. !! As Lt. Carrier so "politely" attempts to tutor: NO assist by law enforcement (nor Intel) is necessary. What is necessary for targeting by a "skilled" rifleman? -- his "personal" plan. The "Sponsor" provides ALL that which is needed in order to place the target within a prescribed "killing zone" !! Once the target enters ANY of the previously selected "MULTIPLE KILLING ZONES/WINDOWS" -- THAT TARGET IS DEAD MEAT !! ENOUGH of this hundreds of "suspects?"bullxxxx disinformation spiel, ranting ever onward with all of this crap about "faces-in-the-crowd", "traitors-from-within" !! Oliver Stone hired us to "Plan" the assassination of an executive target, and we crawled all over EVERY building in the area; showing Stone and his crew exactly what goes into the kill zone-selection, hide-site(s) selection, and "E & E" Plan. Uppermost in the planning of "non-Kamikaze" assassins is: The 'E & E" Plan. "Escape and Evasion" seems to be a critical factor in one's surviving long enough to collect one's rewards. LHO didn't "bring a knife to a gunfight" -- he didn't bring anything at all !! Had he wanted to commit "suicide-by-cop", he wouldn't have left his snub-nose revolver at home. I have strong doubts that he ever possessed any weapon whatsoever. And rarest of the rare -- he risks self-defeating the singular opportunity at "15 Centuries-of-Fame"; by DENYING THE WHOLE GODDAMN THING ??!! That he would even contemplate the use of an "EYETIE" throw-down & surrender rifle, or a worthless piece of xxxx "2 inch barreled" revolver, especially when for & $7 more, he could have purchased a semi-auto pistol -- and one very similar to the Colt .45 cal. pistol we Marines are ALL trained with at 'Boot Camp" !! Once again, we have that most unique of alleged "fanatical assassins". One who fails to make the "head-on" shot [because the "sniper's nest" is a wet-dream]; then carries the still loaded rifle all the way across the "6th Floor??", taking TIME to hide it, runs down the stairway (and now unarmed), calmly exits the TSBD from the FRONT door, catches a bus, and then a taxi -- back to his "safe-house". He then allegedly takes a circuitous/deviated/detour (walking?) route from there to the site of later arrest -- a "THEATER" !! Will somebody please grow some brains, and get off of the current disinformation campaign, every skilled in this research recognizes it as a continuation of the very same scheme -- which began even LONG before JFK's arrival in Texas. Chairs, GPH __________________________
  2. ------------------------------ www.marksobel.com/ and try e-mailing: CommissionMovie@aol.com GPH ______________________
  3. --------------------------------- I don't recall ever having seen "rusted" BRASS casings. The last batch of "rusted" casings I encountered were found in-and-around the abandoned lighthouse on Elbow Cay, The Bahamas. We [H. K. Davis, Hargraves, attorney "Chuck" Ashman, and two black MPs (Bahamas Members of Parliament), et al.] boated there in search of evidence which might have been left behind by the Cuban DSE/LCB & Sov/Spetsnaz commandos. Hargraves had accompanied a Cuban exile team on a raid into Cuba, where they captured two "Sigma" patrol boats [February 1963]; and upon Roy's return with extra fuel [from Marathon] for all boats, he found evidence of a firefight -- and later got news of the "capture inside Cuba". The "Steel" Soviet shell casings were later presented to the Bahamian Parliament. Later that week, Ashman flew to London and presented same to both "The Home Office" and to members of Parliament. One of those captured by the LCB/Spetsnaz commandos, had been a skipper of a Bay of Pigs cargo ship. Another was one Eleno Oviedo Alvarez, who was arrested and jailed with us during December 1962. Eleno is pictured (and named) standing with us in front of the Monroe County Jail [key West] after the media demanded a "photo op". We saved the teams from the firing squad, but they spent years in Fidel's "Gulags". [Hargraves photo -- with the M-2 Carbine, was taken alongside the Elbow Cay lighthouse. James has a copy, as does "Spartacus".] Chairs, GPH ____________________
  4. -------------------------- In the Marines [Royal Marines & U.S.M.C.] a "Pogue" can be a "Moper", a "Layabout", a "Loafer", a "Malingerer", "Nobody-of-any-Importance", a "R.E.M.F." (Rear Echelon M....r F..ker),etc. !! HERE ARE SOME MORE: http://www.poguego.com/index.php?p=22&more=1&c=1 Monday, March 1, 2004 Pogue Is A Pogue I've always dug the word "pogue", a military-based epithet less militant than "faggot" and definitely more mysterious than "fudge-packing butt pirate". Based on an entry in Wicked Words I owned YEARS ago, I convolutedly misunderstood that the 40s/50s term "pogey bait" was bait (candy, money, comics, those string-attached tin can phones, I assume) used to lure a minor (the "pogue") who was then used to lure a homosexual into an act of gay sex resulting in arrest. This was back when homosexuality was an abomination instead of merely an embarrassment. However, upon further research (internet and otherwise) it looks like "pogey bait" is actually the young man used to entrap a homosexual (the "pogue"). So what's really in aname? It seems purses, kisses, snacks, candies, fishes, languid soldiers, passive homosexuals, and drink. Everything to which I aspire and more. acronymfinder.com "POGUE [not an acronym] Derogatory military slang used by front line troops to describe staff and other rear echelon or support units/troops." urbandictionary.com "pogey bait - The Marines in China before WW II were issued candy (Baby Ruths, Tootsie Rolls, etc.) as part of their ration supplements. At the time, sugar and other assorted sweets were rare commodities in China and much in demand by the Chinese, so the troops found the candy useful for barter in town. The Chinese word for prostitute, roughly translated, is 'pogey.' Thus, Marines being Marines, candy became 'Pogey Bait.'" The Oxford Dictionary of Slang (ed. John Ayto) cites "pogue" as first appearing in 1912 and "applied to bag or purse or wallet," whereas the US denotation of "pogey bait" is "applied to sweets or more broadly to snacks." In an ongoing debate about the word & phrase at The Phrase Finder, the thread points out that "Robert L. Chapman, in Dictionary of American Slang, Third Edition (1995), writes that 'pogey' comes 'perhaps fr[om] the common name of the trash fish menhaden, as suggesting something cheap, common, and to be caught with bait; perhaps fr[om] the Southern pronunciation of "porgy", another fish of a similar quality' and 'pogey bait' is 'so called because they could be used in the seduction of boys and young men, "pogue", into homosexual acts.'" Someone adds: "Interestingly, 'Pogy' in 1811 was slang for 'drunk' It prevailed until perhaps 1890 in the U.K. but survived longer in the U.S., according to Eric Partridge's Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English: 'pogy' with a hard 'g,' meaning tipsy. He doesn't say how much longer." [side note: Mad "props" to me for handling those quotes--it was difficult!] Robert Owen Scott Jr.'s exhaustive gay online dictionary elucidates the modern connotations: "pogue: 1. (POHG) A youthful male homosexual.; 2 The willing or unwilling partner of a male homosexual. Synonyms: punk. pogie pogy; poggie or poggy pogey." [update: He could be dead, but make a contribution by hosting his site.] Finally, Caleb Crain makes an interesting reference to pogue through everyone's favorite queer man-eater, Herman Melville: "A twentieth-century viewer of the painting ['Le radeau de la Méduse'] cannot help but notice what a twentieth-century viewer would call homoeroticism. In fact, the twentieth- century viewer may see little else. The 1989 edition of the Guide des collections of the Louvre makes no mention of cannibalism in its commentary on the painting.2 But as a coded reference to homosexuality, the painting pops up in odd places. The Raft of the Medusa is the name of a play that ran in Greenwich Village last year about a support group for people with AIDS. And several years ago, the Irish folk-punk group The Pogues ('pogue' is early twentieth-century American slang for a passive homosexual) put the painting on the cover of their album Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash. Géricault and his audience must also have seen this homoeroticism, but they probably understood it differently, as a kind of symbolic thinking, where one violation of social norms stood for another. It was understood that men did not normally do this with their bodies. The unusual male-male intimacy was representing an extremity too grisly for canvas." – Caleb Crain, "Lovers of Human Flesh: Homosexuality and Cannibalism in Melville's Novels" Fun Fact: the Gaelic pog, sometimes spelled pogue, as in punk's The Pogues, means kiss. The Pogues were originally Pogue Mahone meaning litterally "kiss my ass," which further proves anarchy rules. Via KJQ. Fun Fact #2: "'Pogue' is used as a surname 1 time for every 33,333 unique names in the US", which somehow works out to about 780 actual Pogues running around this great nation of ours. Hot! [updated 8/9/04.] _________________________________________________________________
  5. Ron, "Molino" is a typo by yours truely, the Latino version of the name was definately Molina. So your right two Rodriguez Molina's, as you say probably just a coinsidence. I will do some more digging but I feel a "Ray Lee harvey" moment comming on. Thanks Steve. ---------------------------------------- Alphonse "Al" Tarabochia, was just one more JM/WAVE asset, who like Cesar Diosdado, was placed inside local law enforcement as "cover". Al Tarabochia, while serving as a staff investigator for "The Eastland Committee", was tasked to work inside the offices of, the then Dade County Sheriff, Tom Kelly. [Just as with Diosdado, et al., Tarabochia's salary was re-imbursed by the CIA, to both the "eastland Comm." & the D.C.S.O. !!] Sheriff Kelly was none to happy with having this "insider" from the intelligence community spying on his own operations, much less, doing the work of Castro's intelligence services. Sheriff Kelly's biggest complaint was that: Not only did Tarabochia mimic the FBI, US Customs, ATTU, et al.: Use of "foreign agent' snitches, but repeatedly thwarted arrests of JM/WAVE Americans and Cubans -- who had been detained while transporting weapons and explosives. [The only "legal" snitches were pogues like Vince Hannard, et al. -- who were officially registered with the Dept. of Justice under the F.A.R.A. ["Foreign Agents Registration Act"]. Miami was "crawling" with these "quasi-legitimate" foreign agents, most of whom had multiple employers, E.g.: Trujillo, Somoza, Duvalier, Perez Jimenez, Rojas Pinilla, etc., etc. !!] Because Sheriff Kelly was a Brigadier General in the Florida National Guard, he was forced to stifle any comments about that situation, save for chats with fellow "Guardsmen". Moreover, he was instrumental in de-activating the CIA created "Army Reserve?" Special Forces unit [Green Berets], and transferring all of its members to a newly created Fla. Army Nat'l Guard SF unit [C/3/20th SFG(Abn)]. The headquarters for this unit was located in a federally funded "Army Reserve" operations building, then located in front of the University of Miami's main campus [south Dixie Highway & University Drive]. Many of the SF troopers had been sent to Guatemala as instructors for the BOP BA2506 Brigade. They were an adjunct to Lansdale's Filipino buddy, Col. Napoleon D. Valeriano [a/k/a/ "Col. Vallejo"], and his crew of mercenaries, whom the Brigade Cubans nicknamed the "Blackhawks", after the then popular comic strip. Two Guatemalan army officers deserted from their Puerto Barrios base [November 1960], and lodged themselves as guerrillas in the upper Peten Plateau country -- the SFers and "Operation Puma" Cuba exile pilots were dispatched to bomb these allegedly "Castro Supported" insurgents. "Simulated" Detective Alphonse Tarabochia, was amongst those attending the November 17th, 1963 MI "briefing" at [sW 12th Ave & 1st St.] which set-up the additional security details for JFK's visit to MIA the following afternoon. Gaeton Fonzi will tell you how he and Joe were ordered to "avoid" extensive contacts with Tarabochia [and others]; said H.S.C.A. orders came directly from Blakey. This turned out to be an identical case with the 1990s A.R.R.B. pogues. Armando Estrada had worked under Esteban Ventura [s.I.M.] and Marriano Faget [b.R.A.C.] under Batista. He was onboard the m/v Santa Ana with Jorge Mas Canosa during the GITMO "Northwoods Op"; was investigated by Gene Propper, et al.!! This was because of his having attended both the DomRep C.O.R.U. meetings, and the R/V with the Chilean Admiral [Alexandria, VA] just before the Letelier assassination. [The rest you can find on the Web.] Chairs, GPH ________________________
  6. John, I think you must mean the conversation of November 29. Hoover tells LBJ, "This angle in Mexico is giving us a great deal of trouble because the story there is of this man Oswald getting $6,500 from the Cuban embassy and then coming back to this country with it." (Hoover is no doubt referring to the story told by Gilberto Alvarado, which Alvarado later admitted was false.) Then later, when LBJ is summing up the conversation, LBJ says, "whether (Oswald) was connected with the Cuban operation with money, you're trying to - " And Hoover says, "That's what we're trying to nail down now." So what LBJ apparently meant by "the Cuban operation with money" was the story that Hoover had earlier related to him about Oswald being given money at the Cuban embassy, which clearly implied a Cuban operation to get JFK. Ron ------------------------------------------- "Queen" Hoover quickly "detoured/re-routed" this conversation to the "Alvarado Incident" -- because (s)he knew well that: LBJ's telephone calls were being taped, and that the NSA had a special unit which "bugged" the White House PBX [and a separate "squad" which focused on Oval Office chats]. Whenever LBJ wasn't too goddamn lazy, he would go to the "War Room" [WH] or the "Secure Room" [Old Executive Office Bldg. - now the "Ike" Bldg.] to have what he thought were "Security/Sensitive" conversations, especially when they were multi-party !! [Check with "Honest" Bill Moyers on that !!] Robert Emmett Johnson "Ran" Alvarado (an alias name), and this was financed via Somoza. The "bag man" for this, and many other Ops was I. Irving Davidson. If somebody will come up [copy and paste] the declassified files of my 1965 Dominican Republic Ops, then I will try to answer whatever is answerable. Please, if you haven't done your homework: I will have to respond as I did to Sylvia Chase, and later to Roberta Ostroff ["Fire in The Wind" Dickey Chappelle bio.] during 1988 !! [vis-a-vis H.K. Davis' & my own relationships with Davidson] Chairs, GPH _________________________________________
  7. --------------------------------------- Something very strange is going on here, and a whole bunch of "Clowns" keep fumbling around. And it is surely sufficient to convince ALL "Lurkers" that: Indeed there are a considerable number of "agenda driven" whacko/wing-nut "Conspiracy Theorists" onboard "This Train" ??!! Does anybody at all remember that: Amongst the "Credits" listing consultants -- on Oliver Stone's "JFK" you will indeed find the name of one "Gus Ruso" [the "weenies took an "S" off of Gus' name and added it to mine, so I am since 1991 -- officially one "Gerald P. Hemmings"] I may have a failing memory, but I don't see one name of any Forum member [save Jack White] amongst the credits listed in JFK -- could be wrong though ?! The very first time I met Russo was: While some of us "Camelot Project" folks were standing in the middle of Dealey Plaza, the first week of filming. [about 50 feet up the embankment from the "Babushka Lady" position.] So here comes this guy strolling down from Houston & Main, wearing glasses, and carrying two cameras over his shoulders. Just as I was asking him, if he was "on-the-job-with-the-project", a security "weenie" quickly approached and loudly declared: "...NO private citizens with cameras are permitted in this area...Sir !!" This immediately got me annoyed, and I asked the "S/Weenie" -- Just how did he know that this guy was a "private citizen" ?? He responded: "...Well...he doesn't have a "Camelot Badge"...that's how come I know.."!! I told him to look around at the dozen of us standing there, and show how many of us had a "C/Badge"?? "...Well..I know all of you guys...I recognized y'all right away..". I politely told him to "Bugger Off", as we were ALL in wardrobe clothing, and NOT supposed to be filmed wearing any goddamned badges !! "..Oh...then he is one of the extras that carry cameras during the motorcade...?! I then loudly told him that: What & who we were, was completely confidential -- he should scurry his tiny ass over to "Craft Services", freeload a Coke or coffee -- Or else !! Gone like the "Energizer Bunny" !! Then I asked Russo exactly who the hell he was ?? He said that he had the OK from Stone to take some photos. I have never asked Oliver, Kitman Ho, "Beancounter" Townsend, or even Russo -- what the final contract for his services was. NOT in the last 15 years !! However, he conducted himself same as the rest of us, in that Stone had a "daily-changing-script"; and we gave the advice we were paid to give. None of us ever argued against the plot-line theory. Stone and his people were the professionals, and this was HIS MOVIE; and NOT a documentary !! So, ever onward we went for the next few months !! I don't recall anybody ever argueing with Groden, Rusconi, or anybody else about "facts", "evidence", nor "story-lines" -- that was NOT our job !! My ongoing disagreements with Russo are many; and they include his failure to become more expert in matters concerning marksmanship, ballistics, tradecraft, and avoiding swallowing the 99% bullxxxx of the WC, HSCA, etc. so-called "reports" ??!! The ONLY way he got interviews, especially with people had consistently refused interviews, was none would make thenselves available to inquiries before the 1990s !! We pulled it off by showing loads of declassified documents, and convincing them that: They should help connect the dots -- because the "wrong" story was already in the public domain. Anybody notice that Mike McLaney, whose brother Bill gathered together a suspicious group of people in the middle of LA. And at an "alleged training camp"no less ??!!; And where Richard Lauchli, "Papucho" Espinoza, et al. were alleged to have been "raided" ??!! Never happened !! No training camp, NO raid !! The FBI guys "took-note-of" some empty 100 lbs. "Practice Bomb Casings", and some "tree-stump" removing dynamite. NO arrests, NO seizures, NO xxxx !! Did we argue with Stone while plodding through the "muck & mire" of several useless "training camp" locations ??!! NO, because that wasn't our job !! Did we tell him that he was full of xxxx about said "FBI Raid" -- NO, because it was a 'MOVIE" !! We drove him down to LaFitte, introduced him to the Mayor, and the owner of the property. He quickly got the OK to film alongside, and hook up cables to, a commercial radio tower. Howard Davis was put in charge of the 3 week task of building the "training camp". I told him to first check with the U.S. Navy SEALS (Reserve) Company -- but they were busy, so we hired the Navy "Sea Bees" [Reserve Construction Battalion]. During the filming, Oliver took an immediate liking to the "Squids", doubled their $75 per day, and put them on camera. This has made them famous from Hurricane Andrew, to Afghanistan, and on to "Tsunami Relief" !! They are recognized throughout the USN/CB "Community" !! It took 600+ interviews to do Russo's "Sword", and dozens of "insiders" spoke for the first time. Strange that those "guilty-looking" FBI suspects at a "training camp" turned out to be very close friends of the Kennedy clan ??!! But, I guess Y'all missed most of that ??!! But I sure would like to hear some numbered paragraphs, which might refute at least some of the 600+ pages of "Sword". But, then again, with all of the wondrous scripture revealed so far [murder is solved, I guess]; so why waste more of anybody's time. Now, we've got two fresh books, one of 900+ plus pages, and the other, I don't know -- but so far: All that I hear is a stream of libelous lies, prolix, non-sequiters, and agenda driven "groupie-groveling" !! Could be wrong though, but I await the law firm's views on the matter !! "Danny-Boy" Sheehan went way beyond the "Ham Sandwich Indictment" bit -- with his ANYBODY can "Sue & Bankrupt" ANYBODY in this country; and do it -- even when losing the case !! Chairs, GPH _____________________ Gerry: Rumor that I heard was that you were too busy chasing Jane Rusconi up there around the 2701 Canton St. address, to have known what was going on down in Dealy Plaza. Any truth to that rumor?????? Tom ----------------------------------- Tom: Even though my ex-spouse is here (reading in her room) -- I must admit that: This self-styled-elderly-wannabe-CIA/FBI/GRU/KGB/YMCA "Girl Scouts of America" REJECT"-ego/driven Moi -- did indeed fancy himself as a reprobate "Stud" while "Hollywoodering". However, I took more interest in Lolita Davidovich, but Jim Leavelle and Bill Murray's brother (Ruby) edged me out of the "territory". [Hell, even "Toshie" has my FBI file, which clearly shows that I had been courtmailed, and later "drummed-out" of the "Camp-Fire Girls" -- Sadly, I was convicted of having eaten a "Brownie" !!] Besides, after my untoward kidney stone attack, which cost me a night at Baylor U. -- both my then wife, and my son -- rushed to Dallas from Fayetteville. My son Felipe, a firefighter/paramedic, then stayed on to work with the "Set Nurse", and her team. So, that ended any dreams of any future "forageing" by this "snake-eater" !! Chairs, GPH ___________
  8. -------------------------------------- Mark: The short-range anti-maritime [Nuke-tipped] missile WARHEADS -- which were later removed from the Banes base, and shipped to the Bejucal [southwest of Havana] elect/storage facility. The "Luna" nuke warheads later were shipped out to the USSR -- and along with the Soviet Mech/Inf. Brigade. -- which continued to hold the responsibility for guarding them. [NOTE:] The Bejucal facility now has ALL of the electronic "Jamming & Monitoring (i.e., your local and international telephone calls, and Internet activities) equipment which was once in place at the Lourdes Base. Currently, Intel agents from Iran are there -- jamming and blocking the UK/US satellite which beams propaganda down on the area -- in the Farsi, Arabic, Urdu, Pashtu, and Dari languages.] What Fidel & Company requested (and more than once, BTW) was: A "Full Re-Installation" of the "Mobile" (MMRBM-MRBM) Intercontinental "Nuke-Tipped" missiles !! USSR Premier Yuri Andropov [ex-KGB "Boss"] laughed in his face, as did Breshnev. He didn't even bother Gorbachov with his psychotic "wet-dreams" !! Fidel also made attempts at making similar acquisition from other "rogue" states, some of whom, already had the nuclear components, but NOT the delivery "vehicles". And Fidel hadn't worried about said "vehicles", because he intended to "Do-Us-In" with a 9/11 style "Kamikaze", or merchant vessel "dirty" or "quasi-nuke" bomb !! [Detailed schematic/design-plans for the "shotgun" type (late 1940s Nuke) components (fission device) remain on the Internet as we "speak" !!] Four of the former Cuban MiG, pilots who had defected a few years back, gave classified testimony as to: Specific "training missions" along those lines. In fact, one of them opted to defect because he had been selected to target the south Miami nuclear facility at Turkey Point !! What delayed further training was the scarcity of both jet fuel and spare parts; and the lack of "Night Instrument Flying Qualifications" throughout the F.A.R. !! I am glad to see how many folks are still in love with this NAZI, and would-be Hitler imitator -- because he is after all of your asses -- along with his own folks. Just like his idol/author of "Mein Kamph"; when he sat in the Berlin "Fuhrer-Bunker" at the end. When he finally arrived at the point where: He believed that his own countrymen had abandoned him, he wants to take them down with him, and preferrably before either nature or one of his cohorts takes him out first !! To state that "El Mximo Barbudo" wanted to go out with a "Big Bang" is an inane understatement !! I wasn't a "tourist" or "groupie" in Cuba, I lived and worked alongside all of these characters !! Chairs, GPH ___________________________
  9. --------------------------------------- Something very strange is going on here, and a whole bunch of "Clowns" keep fumbling around. And it is surely sufficient to convince ALL "Lurkers" that: Indeed there are a considerable number of "agenda driven" whacko/wing-nut "Conspiracy Theorists" onboard "This Train" ??!! Does anybody at all remember that: Amongst the "Credits" listing consultants -- on Oliver Stone's "JFK" you will indeed find the name of one "Gus Ruso" [the "weenies took an "S" off of Gus' name and added it to mine, so I am since 1991 -- officially one "Gerald P. Hemmings"] I may have a failing memory, but I don't see one name of any Forum member [save Jack White] amongst the credits listed in JFK -- could be wrong though ?! The very first time I met Russo was: While some of us "Camelot Project" folks were standing in the middle of Dealey Plaza, the first week of filming. [about 50 feet up the embankment from the "Babushka Lady" position.] So here comes this guy strolling down from Houston & Main, wearing glasses, and carrying two cameras over his shoulders. Just as I was asking him, if he was "on-the-job-with-the-project", a security "weenie" quickly approached and loudly declared: "...NO private citizens with cameras are permitted in this area...Sir !!" This immediately got me annoyed, and I asked the "S/Weenie" -- Just how did he know that this guy was a "private citizen" ?? He responded: "...Well...he doesn't have a "Camelot Badge"...that's how come I know.."!! I told him to look around at the dozen of us standing there, and show how many of us had a "C/Badge"?? "...Well..I know all of you guys...I recognized y'all right away..". I politely told him to "Bugger Off", as we were ALL in wardrobe clothing, and NOT supposed to be filmed wearing any goddamned badges !! "..Oh...then he is one of the extras that carry cameras during the motorcade...?! I then loudly told him that: What & who we were, was completely confidential -- he should scurry his tiny ass over to "Craft Services", freeload a Coke or coffee -- Or else !! Gone like the "Energizer Bunny" !! Then I asked Russo exactly who the hell he was ?? He said that he had the OK from Stone to take some photos. I have never asked Oliver, Kitman Ho, "Beancounter" Townsend, or even Russo -- what the final contract for his services was. NOT in the last 15 years !! However, he conducted himself same as the rest of us, in that Stone had a "daily-changing-script"; and we gave the advice we were paid to give. None of us ever argued against the plot-line theory. Stone and his people were the professionals, and this was HIS MOVIE; and NOT a documentary !! So, ever onward we went for the next few months !! I don't recall anybody ever argueing with Groden, Rusconi, or anybody else about "facts", "evidence", nor "story-lines" -- that was NOT our job !! My ongoing disagreements with Russo are many; and they include his failure to become more expert in matters concerning marksmanship, ballistics, tradecraft, and avoiding swallowing the 99% bullxxxx of the WC, HSCA, etc. so-called "reports" ??!! The ONLY way he got interviews, especially with people had consistently refused interviews, was none would make thenselves available to inquiries before the 1990s !! We pulled it off by showing loads of declassified documents, and convincing them that: They should help connect the dots -- because the "wrong" story was already in the public domain. Anybody notice that Mike McLaney, whose brother Bill gathered together a suspicious group of people in the middle of LA. And at an "alleged training camp"no less ??!!; And where Richard Lauchli, "Papucho" Espinoza, et al. were alleged to have been "raided" ??!! Never happened !! No training camp, NO raid !! The FBI guys "took-note-of" some empty 100 lbs. "Practice Bomb Casings", and some "tree-stump" removing dynamite. NO arrests, NO seizures, NO xxxx !! Did we argue with Stone while plodding through the "muck & mire" of several useless "training camp" locations ??!! NO, because that wasn't our job !! Did we tell him that he was full of xxxx about said "FBI Raid" -- NO, because it was a 'MOVIE" !! We drove him down to LaFitte, introduced him to the Mayor, and the owner of the property. He quickly got the OK to film alongside, and hook up cables to, a commercial radio tower. Howard Davis was put in charge of the 3 week task of building the "training camp". I told him to first check with the U.S. Navy SEALS (Reserve) Company -- but they were busy, so we hired the Navy "Sea Bees" [Reserve Construction Battalion]. During the filming, Oliver took an immediate liking to the "Squids", doubled their $75 per day, and put them on camera. This has made them famous from Hurricane Andrew, to Afghanistan, and on to "Tsunami Relief" !! They are recognized throughout the USN/CB "Community" !! It took 600+ interviews to do Russo's "Sword", and dozens of "insiders" spoke for the first time. Strange that those "guilty-looking" FBI suspects at a "training camp" turned out to be very close friends of the Kennedy clan ??!! But, I guess Y'all missed most of that ??!! But I sure would like to hear some numbered paragraphs, which might refute at least some of the 600+ pages of "Sword". But, then again, with all of the wondrous scripture revealed so far [murder is solved, I guess]; so why waste more of anybody's time. Now, we've got two fresh books, one of 900+ plus pages, and the other, I don't know -- but so far: All that I hear is a stream of libelous lies, prolix, non-sequiters, and agenda driven "groupie-groveling" !! Could be wrong though, but I await the law firm's views on the matter !! "Danny-Boy" Sheehan went way beyond the "Ham Sandwich Indictment" bit -- with his ANYBODY can "Sue & Bankrupt" ANYBODY in this country; and do it -- even when losing the case !! Chairs, GPH _____________________
  10. ---------------------------- My Gawd Gratz !! By "Rising", are you revealing that the nasty ol' CIA had some kind of automobile "bugs"; or even implanted "body-chips" -- which detected "erections" inside of Soviet Cars/Limos ?? Is "Rising" a CIA cryptonym ??!!
  11. ------------------------------------------- http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/.../printstory.jsp Posted on Mon, Sep. 19, 2005 THE COLD WAR Castro Requested Soviet Missiles in 1981, Book Says The late Chilean President Salvador Allende received help from the Soviet intelligence agency KGB, according to newly released records. BY JUAN O. TAMAYO jtamayo@herald.com Nineteen years after the Cuban missile crisis nearly sparked a nuclear war, Fidel Castro asked the Soviet Union to redeploy atomic weapons to his island, says a new book based on reports by Moscow's KGB intelligence agency. The book, based on documents revealed by KGB archivist Vasili Mitrokhin when he defected in 1992, makes other bombshell allegations as it tracks KGB operations around the Third World in the 1960s and '70s: • The KGB documents record actual and proposed payments to Chile's Salvador Allende totaling $420,000 both before and after his election as president in 1970. • Costa Rica's José ''Pepe'' Figueres received $300,000 from the KGB for his 1970 presidential campaign and $10,000 afterward. • Carlos Fonseca, founder of Nicaragua's Sandinista National Liberation Front, was ''a trusted KGB agent'' code-named GIDROLOG. • Nicaraguan Manuel Andara y Ubeda was a KGB agent who led a group of Sandinistas tasked by Moscow in the late 1960s to scope out the U.S. border with Mexico for possible targets for KGB sabotage teams. • The KGB ''trained and financed'' the Sandinistas who seized the National Palace in Managua and dozens of hostages in 1978. A senior KGB official was briefed on the plan on the eve of the raid, led by Edén Pastora, also known as Commander Zero. Pastora could not be reached for comment. The book does not refer to him as a KGB agent. All the agents identified by name in the book are now dead. Mitrokhin and respected British historian Christopher Andrew first collaborated on a 1999 book about KGB operations against the United States and Europe. That book is now regarded by intelligence experts as the definitive work on the topic. Their new book, The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World, covers KGB operations in Latin America, the Middle East, Asia and Africa -- the Third World that Moscow believed it could come to dominate after Cuban President Castro embraced communism and became a beacon for leftists worldwide. Its most startling revelation about Cuba is that Castro, concerned that President Ronald Reagan was planning to attack Cuba in 1981, urged a senior Soviet army general visiting Havana to counter the deployment of U.S. cruise missiles to Europe. ''Castro made the extraordinary proposal that, if the deployment went ahead, Moscow should seriously reconsider reestablishing the nuclear missile bases in Cuba dismantled after the missile crisis 19 years earlier,'' it says. The book does not elaborate or record the Soviet reaction. `SEIZE THE INITIATIVE' ''Classic Castro,'' said Brian Latell, a retired CIA analyst on Cuba. ``Always seize the initiative. Always go on the offensive to surprise the enemy -- never mind that the Soviets were never ever going to consider that.'' But not surprising, Latell added, because Fidel's brother Raúl has said publicly that in the early 1980s, Moscow told Havana that it would not protect Cuba in case of hostilities with the United States. Mitrokhin's archives show that the KGB provided virtually no support to Castro before his guerrillas seized power in 1959. But just three months later, it gave Cuba the code name AVANPOST -- bridgehead -- and cemented better relations with Havana than the Soviet diplomats stationed there had. Even then, the KGB never stopped snooping. Besides its official presence in Havana, it ran a secret branch to spy on Cuba that in 1974 alone sent 269 reports to Moscow, the book adds. Other KGB reports describe Raúl Castro, on a 1960 arms-buying trip to Czechoslovakia, as `` sleeping with his boots on and demanding the services of blonde prostitutes.'' 'IMPORTANT' CONTACT The book describes Allende as ''by far the most important of the KGB's confidential contacts in South America,'' because he was a democratically elected Marxist and Castro's ally. In KGB lexicon, a confidential contact is more like a friendly source, not an agent. But Allende's KGB file says the agency maintained ''systematic contact'' with him since 1961, the book adds. One report says, ``He stated his willingness to cooperate on a confidential basis . . . since he considered himself a friend of the Soviet Union.'' So while the Nixon administration and CIA were working diligently to prevent his election in 1970, and to oust him afterward, the KGB also was working hard to put him and keep him in power, the book says. Mitrokhin and Andrew also wrote that while president, Allende offered a KGB officer to send his trusted aides around the region to investigate and report on issues to the KGB. Allende died in the 1973 coup that toppled him. Only about 130 of the book's 677 pages are devoted to Latin America -- from more innocent KGB contacts with other Latin American leaders to previously known Soviet weapons shipments to Salvadoran guerrillas. On Costa Rica's Pepe Figueres, the book says that after his election he met regularly with the KGB chief in San José, rather than the Soviet ambassador, and agreed to a deal involving a small newspaper he ran. A 1974 KGB report to Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev said this: ``In view of the fact that Figueres has agreed to publish materials advantageous to the KGB, he has been given 10,000 U.S. dollars under the guise of stock purchases in his newspaper.'' DID THEY KNOW? Although the book does not say explicitly whether Allende and Figueres knew that their money was coming from the KGB, Andrew argued in an e-mail to The Herald that they surely knew. ''Allende knew well before he became president, and Figueres by 1970 at the latest, that they were dealing with a KGB officer rather than someone they assumed to be a Soviet diplomat or journalist,'' Andrew wrote in the e-mail. ``Allende's KGB case officer, Svyatoslav Kuznetsov, reported to Moscow that Allende reacted positively to his suggestions for reorganizing Chilean intelligence and establishing liaison with the KGB. Figueres took elaborate precautions to preserve the secrecy of his regular meetings with the KGB resident.'' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © 2005 Herald.com and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved. http://www.miami.com ________________________________________________________________________
  12. ----------------------------------- Bobby Kennedy issued "Letters-of-Marque" to Harry, Manolo, Angelo, et al. during the Spring of 1963. This was subsequent to my having obtained "Commissions-to-Cruise" for Tony Cuesta's "Comandos L". [All such documents, and copies were maintained in secure safes, and would be presented IF the need later arose.] However, those issued for Felipe Vidal Santiago's "F.L.N.", Eduardo "Bayo" Perez's "F.R.C.", et al. followed somewhat later !! If you read Dickey Chappelle's story ["Fire in The Wind", by Roberta Ostroff]; you will find the scene where we all go down to the U.S. Post Office/Federal Couthouse, Miami, Florida. at midnight. Felipe [as did Noriega, when he lawfully declared his "Belligerency" against the U.S. - 1989] properly raised the Banner of his organization ["Liege"] in his left hand, while holding a recognizable weapon in his right, "Loudly Declared His Belligerency" against the extant Republic of Cuba !! Dickey properly recorded and photographed said event. The following day, all relevant materials were sent by "Registered Mail" to: The A.G. (RFK), The O.A.S., The Swiss, and the U.N. !! On the early morning of Felipe's execution at "El Paredon" in the moat of La Cabana Fortress, Fidel Castro openly stated that: "....This is THE ONLY counter-revolutionary who has acted in accordance with International Law....but that will NOT save his life...for he came here to murder me...!! The legal scholars who had assisted RFK; even before his 1963 issuance [and safe storage in a safe] of "Letters-of-Marque-and-Reprisal" to various "Lawful Combatants" -- had determined that: Indeed the "War Powers Act", and the Constitutional delegation of Congressional powers to the Executive; fully endorsed an Attorney General's issuance thereof !! Later, GPH ____________________
  13. Tim, it was late last night and I didn't read through the sarcasm, but such accusations happens routinely on every forum. Now the name of the forum is JFK Assassination debate, which is different from JFK Assassination research, where the purpose isn't to argue different sides of an issue but to take what is known and learn more. To me the JFK Assassination isn't a sophmoric forensic society debate team issue, but an unsolved homicide that can be solved despite the institutional unwillingness to do so. Hijacking posts and giving your unasked opinion on every thread is a distraction. And we know, LBJ knew, I know and everybody who wants to know understands the Mafia, Cuba or the Russkies didn't kill JFK because we - the FBI and NSA - monitored the leaders of these enteties when they received the news of the murder. And besides, such organizations can't be indicted for crimes, only individuals who may be a part of one of those entities, however when we get down to naming names, I'm sure it will be discerned as a domestic, inside job, and thus a coup. As for Sheehan's tactics, using RICO and Tony A. to go after the covert action boys, well I hope the same tactics are used against those who commit domestic political assassination - including those who killed JFK. I don't think it will be a matter of opinion or a long debate, but we will all know for sure soon, maybe a few years, but in the end, it will all come out in the cosmic wash. BK ------------------------------ A while back, during a rather lengthy telephone conversation with a forum member, and one who is NOT conversant in the law -- I made reference to "The Why" I had gone into the "Habeas Corpus" matter in such depth and detail. I further explained that: I had focused upon Justice Field because, quite soon I will submit some articles which show that -- beginning with "Marbury vs. Madison", thru "In Re: Neagle [the Field case]; some experts show just how the "Imperial Presidency" began, and has since been "legalized" by both the Courts & the Congress. Because of the current "Theory of Law", and which is embedded in 200+ years of repeated enacting and affirming of said laws, we have a "Presidency" which is fully authorized to take us to war, pre-emptively or otherwise [viz: covert actions]!! And moreover, any challenges to the ongoing wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, or soon to be Syria or Iran; are TOTALLY JUSTIFIED, under all theories of constitutional and international law !! [That is: Save an extreme series of amendment(s) to the U.S. Constitution, which is highly unlikely !!] Upon explaining that: In the remote event that should someone be indicted for the murder of JFK, and that individual (or group) claims immunity -- by having had the status as a "Lawful Combatant/Belligerent" -- ALL charges MUST be dismissed !! Moreover, should said "Combatant/Belligerent" identify himself as having been the subject of --- or had a lawful "Liege") which was then under an even "de facto" State-of-War status; the accused WALKS !! A "de facto" State-of-War has existed, for instance: With North Korea, since, and despite the signing of the "Armistice" at Pan Mun Jom during the evening of July 27th, 1953 [Korean Time, as it was still July 26th here in the U.S., and Fidel was attacking Moncada Barracks almost at the same moment as the signing !!] A lawful "de facto" State-of-War has existed since the 15th of April, 1961 -- between the United States and The Republic of Cuba, and this because of the "Belligerent Actions" -- which are now styled as the "Bay of Pigs" ["Playa Giron" in Cuba] The very same lawful authority follows "Shrub-43" throughout his every move since taking office. He never had to go to Congress, nor make stupid references during the "State-of-The-Union" or anywhere else. Only a joint resolution in "Revocation" of these powers, which preceded even F.D.R.; will act to change anything currently underway !! Back to JFK. Should any shooter claim "Lawful Combatant/Belligerent Status", he [or they] must prove the following: [A] In accordance with Treaties, Int'l Law, The Rules of Land Warfare, U.S. Constitution Article which permits "Letters of Marque" -- said accused must demonstrate they were indeed members of a "Foreign Prince, Power, or State"; That they wore a uniform [no laws of any nation/state describes what type of uniform] with an "Insignia-Recognizable-at-a-Distance", and that throughout, they "Carried-Arms-Openly"; and, [C] That the singular method for avoidance of being charged as a spy/assassin, is by "Demonstrating" a certifiable "Commission-to-Cruise" !! If said shooter wore a police uniform, carried arms openly, and had mounted a foreign belligerent's "National Crest" upon their hats or chests, THEY WALK. However, any disciplined-in-the-law foreign minister, or attorney general, would necessarily, not only have taken pre-incident photographs -- but also would have filmed the attack !! Moreover, the "lawful Commander" would have directed his "Chain-of-Command-Subordinates" to insure that a sufficient number of both witnesses and camera-persons had been stationed [both film & still] on the scene. This would "lawfully" protect the "legalities" of the killing of a "Commander-in-Chief", who centuries ago -- was considered a "Lawful Combatant" himself !! Towards the end of my diatribe, this member mentioned his extensive interviews of an individual who claimed participation in the "Killing" of JFK; and moreover, had photographs showing him to be in a foreign uniform -- and that very uniform was that of a known "Belligerent" [Foreign, Prince, Power, or State] !! "WHITE-OUT" Anybody ??!! Chairs, GPH ________________________________
  14. Speaking of Cat Steven's n/k/a Yousef Islam. Peace Train is a great song, and while I admit I did not follow the story closely, I did find the fact that he was 'denied access to the United States awhile back' a little disconcerting to say the least. The man as far as I know, is not affiliated with "Al-Qaeda" (if anyone has CREDIBLE information to the contrary, please let me know) and not allowed to come to the "land of the brave, and home of the free." What is one to make of this 'move' by the Bush administration? A sincere desire to protect our country from 'terrorists?' or something entirely different. As an aside; last night while posting on the forum (with the T.V. on, which I was not watching, but could hear) there was a commerical for some new medication. I didn't catch the name of it, but at the end of the spot, you know the 'disclaimer part,' I heard the words, "may be harmful to unborn children." Is it just me or are we entering a 'brave new world' where any medication that has a remotely useful purpose can be approved by the F.D.A. as long as the disclaimer 'doesent say.' 'Side effects may include instantaneous death?' Just wondering. ------------------------------------- Unfortunately, one of my four daughters took my CD collection up north when she moved. Cat was an all time favorite, and getting his work wasn't easy at all. However, I miss my stacks of "Black Lady, ec." South African music also, and can't really do without "Bobby's" Reggae !! I was in a safe-house [next to the U.S. Consul's, which got shot up] up in "Armour Heights", Kingston -- the day Bobby died. Berry Seal had left two days previous. So, I just might take the "Music Clubs" up on their offers, and rebuild my collection ?! Chairs, GPH __________________________
  15. -------------------------------- The patch on the officer's lower left sleeve means that he is "Certified" as having passed "The American Red Cross Life Saving Course". The course before the late 1960s centered on Swimmer/Drowning "Rescuscitation", as "C.P.R." [and "mouth-to-mouth"] was not yet approved by the A.R.C. !! In order for a police officer [or firefighter] to be elegible for the "Water-Recovery Squad", he had to: Not only have passed said course of instruction; but must exhibit the patch on his sleeve upon showing up at a "Water Incident" -- or he would be prohibited from donning the rescue gear !! Chairs, GPH __________________________
  16. Chris, it is intriguing to me that Waldron's scenario has seemed to light so many fires. I'm wondering if the attraction isn't that it clears LBJ and the CIA of any malevolence. The one piece that is an ABSOLUTE CROCK, as far as I'm concerned, is that Bobby Kennedy went along with the cover-up of his brother's death in order to protect the proposed coup. Anyone who's been around grieving people should understand that Bobby and Jackie were in deep shock, the kind of shock that takes months if not years to get over (if ever). If I'm reading Waldron right in that he proposes RFK went along with the Warren Commission cover-up in the name of national security, I must admit I'm skeptical. Pat and Chris: Thank you for these probative posts. Having just read all about the alleged Bobby cover-up in Mellen's book I have been quite saddened by such a prospect: something I always considered disinformation in prior books. Indeed, in 1986, when I read that Bobby and JFk were trying to kill Castro in Henry Hurt's "Reasonable Doubt" I was so incensed that I called "411", got his phone number and we had quite the debate, which continued by mail for months. I have read the closing chapters in "AFTJ" twice now. The first time I did not buy the story Angelo gave to Mellen. But yesterday, after reading at length about Sheridan being sent, allegedly by Bobby, to destroy Garrison-to cover for the get Castro allegations, again attributed to Bobby (and presumably JFK) I jumped ahead to see if Bobby was still portrayed this way in Melen's book. This required reading the last chapter again, and this time the story seemed more compelling. BUT: So what? Does this make it so? One poster here writes that this is "old news" called by a new name, but I find the above two posts more pursuasive. We know that JFK was planning to meet with Castro. We know that the CIA likely overheard this, via wiretaps and it was at total odds with the Agency's plans. We know that JFK and CIA were at war. We know that The Company has produced a number of "authors" to really muddy the waters. It's really back to that old LBJ quote : "Kennedy was trying to get Castro; only Castro got him first" (paraphrased). Now we are to believe this stuff, this time, on the basis of a few interviews? We do have Dick Goodwin, quoting how angry Bobby was to hear that he was "trying to kill Castro". That RFK was in reality the one trying to keep Castro alive. Is Goodwin fabricating? Is his view not instructive here? Dawn ----------------------- The ONLY time that Bobby & Company "backed-off" from hitting Fidel & Company was: When even "non-ex-Fidelista" Manolo Reboso aligned himself with "Harry" in the CONTINOUS ARGUMENTS [by others than just myself] -- and explained that: WITHOUT Fidel & Company, the Soviet Brigade would pull a coup d'etat and thenceforth we would be dealing with a SOLID Soviet satellite !! Too bad you have been fooled by the REAL experts for so long, but you are only one of thousands who have swallowed the tabloid trash about this matter for years. However, don't burn your books yet -- more is yet to come (FORTH) !! Chairs, GPH ______________________
  17. Your not the only one Adam, I spent several happy hours "Debugging" my rig after visiting one of Toxic Tina's little offerings. See also Gerry, Dawn, Terry etc. Proceed with extreme caution.... -------------------------------- Two months ago, I requested of several "Guru/Geek" IT experts that they "Scan" the Education Forum website & their ISP. One of the most proficient, a now "infamous ex-Hacker", recommended several "free" anti-malicious software, virus, trojan, worm, key-logger, etc. software down-loads; as even the expensive versions only identify about 36% [each application] of the infections !! Multiple software applications are necessary, but they recommend that you only run one at a time, that is: unless you are operating MSN-XP Professional. They also recommended free downloads of additions to the "Task Manager", and software which identifies ALL of your open ports, and who is attempting to "penetrate" them. Therefore, I began using "Be-Clean" [Germany], "My Cleaner" [Netherlands], "Prevx" [uK/Germany], and the excellent Poland based (anti-Worm) software [free] found at www.Gdata.pl; etc., etc. !! Moreover, they insisted that MS "Internet Explorer" remains seriously flawed [and compromised] until Microsoft issues its new "Long-Branch" browser. Mozilla Corp. is still failing in its attempts to button-up back-door hacker problems with its "Fire Bird" browser. "Netscape-8" remains the safest at this time. [Moreover, it fully produces all of the "Hi-Fi" colors and detail found on the Education Forum site. However, though Netscape-8 handles "surfing", "back/forward", etc. mechanics, it is recommended that when switching from one posting to another, click the Edu-Forum "Tab' off, and use the 3 seconds it takes to swith back to a 2nd topic; by scratching your nose ?!] When I use this Forum, I reboot from whatever I was doing before, engage "Spyware Blaster" [freebie browser blocker, not anti-viral] and "Prevx [freebie, but I now have the paid version]. Now, and once dedictated to the Edu-Forum, I comfortably go about my business of annoying the hell out of some members !! Upon "Logging-Off" [and the experts recommend that you "ONLY" log-on to post messages, and then quickly log off] I immediately sweep my PC !! First with "Be-Clean", and just from the Forum I usually average about 8 unintentioned additions to my "Registry", and 14 to 25 unintended addition to my"files cache". [The experts state that: It is NOT the size of the files, but the NUMBER which slows down your PC] One of my associates, who delayed in downloading "Be-Clean" after just a week of "lurking" [not signing on] found over 67 unnecessary additions to his "Registry", and 281 unnecessary files. Worse his PC's CPU was "maxing-out" and both boot & browser changes were taking excessive times !! They did a "bench-check" [isolated safe-computer w/o LAN connections] on Ms. MATLynne Foster's psuedo-URLs, and all other postings. The results average over 40 times the infections acquired off of Forum activity. They then traced her e-mail address, verified the "headings", found "zombie" activities -- and reported same to "UCE.GOV", the Secret Service, and the Federal Trade Commission !! I doubt very much that I will even desire to know the results of same. Chairs, GPH PS: Any member wanting to know more about how to avoid paying the high price of the only ONE 87% effective software, or the $97 CommVSuit-5 [uK/Germany] -- send an e-mail to John Simkin first, and if he feels that it is necessary -- he may pass same on to me. I already get over 150+ e-mails daily already !! _________________________
  18. ----------------------------------------- Amongst what remains to be declassified are: The May 1963 DIA intelligence reports. The DIA had focused on the Soviet Mechanized Infantry Brigade, which was tasked to defend the nuclear tipped "Luna" Anti-Maritime ["Cruise"] missiles based at Banes, Oriente Province, Cuba. The greatest alarm raised during April 1963, was: Whether this Soviet Brigade could be counted upon to successfully repel an attempted takeover of the missile sites by Cuban army and militia forces ?!. [i had briefed both General Krulak [s.A.C.S.A.] at the Pentagon, and VIPs at State, with reference to these matters during February, 1963.] The Cuban troops were mainly hardened combat veterans, who had recently eliminated two CIA/DIA supported anti-Castro guerrilla columns. One of said columns was operating in the Escambray, and the other had its AOR centered on Raul Castro's old "stomping grounds", the Sierra Cristal -- near Banes. The Castro forces, which had suddenly made a dramatic increase in size, were LCB/DSE troops of "Division 50"; and were led by one of the same Cuban Generals who later commanded the Cuban Expeditionary Brigade in Angola, Raul menendez Tommasevich. The intelligence boss [and Director of the Cent/Comm "Americas Desk"] for this Banes missile site takeover plan was Manuel "Barba Roja" Piniero. The CIA/DIA anti-Castro guerrilla/commando column near Banes was the very same one that had been lead by Captains Roberto "Tico" Herrera, and Argemiro Fonseca. These are the two same guerrilla leaders, whom, while working for the CIA at GITMO, commanded the "reception committee" and awaiting the landing of the Santa Ana, as it approached Baracoa, some four days before the Bay of Pigs invasion. They made the decision to warn Nino Diaz's commandos away from the landing site, because they suspected that they, and their commandos, dressed as Castro Militia, might be involved in a "provocation Op" against the GITMO naval base. One of the "Secret CIA Kommisars" aboard the Santa Ana -- had to be physically restrained from taking over command of the ship !! His name was Jorge Mas Canosa, who as the later founder & leader of the Cuban American Foundation, financed Luis "Bambi" Posada Carriles in his years of unsuccessful & multiple attempts at assassinating Fidel Castro. The greatest urgency came after the debriefing of the Soviet missile officers whom had been delivered to the CIA commando team aboard the m/v "Rex" near Baracoa, Oriente Province, Cuba. These Soviet officers were accorded POW status as they had NOT defected, but had been captured by elements of Eduardo "Bayo" Perez's guerrilla column, which was in support of the Herrera/Fonseca guerrilla column. The POW Soviet officers revealed that "Rogue" Soviet Intelligence Officers [G.R.U. & K.G.B.] were plotting to assist the Tommasevich/Piniero forces in forcibly taking control of the "Luna" missile base. [During recent conversations with the son of the late Captain of the CIA mother-ship "m/v REX"; he has absolutely refused to involve himself with any "conspiracy whackos" who might be tempted to involve his father's family name in the ongoing "psychotic" rantings against "everything" CIA !!] Howard K. "Davy" Davis and I, had initially orchestrated the "Bayo" operation. However, our plan involved our first capturing Haitian territory [Cap d'Haitien]; and from there we planned to stage repeated attacks against the LCB/DSE forces in northern Oriente Province. However, we were overruled, and the operation passed into the hands of Bill Pawley and the Miami CIA base [JM/WAVE]. We weren't the only folks who were vocally upset about this pre-emption of our longe-range plans. Money for the "Bayo" operation, almost $200, 000 -- had come from multiple contributors; including a wealthy lady from Baltimore, and members of the "Merrill's Marauders Association". [They insisted that we carry their "Colors" into combat inside Cuba !!] Davis and I had insisted that: The safest plan would be, to have a firm foreign base of operations near eastern Cuba, and that we couldn't afford to wait upon Artime's , et al. setting up the bases in nicaragua and Costa Rica. Especially not, when considering that we already had active combatives engaged inside of Cuba at the time !! [ironically, one of the more famous of the WWII "Merrill's Marauders", later retired as Director of the D.I.A. -- moreover, he is alive and well, and currently runs a small college.] Later [and with Chairs], GPH ____________________________--
  19. ----------------------------- Updated: 03:49 PM EST John Lennon's Music Still Shines On By Dean Goodman, Reuters LOS ANGELES (Dec. 7) - Time has been kind to John Lennon, the former Beatle who was killed 25 years ago on Thursday just as he was starting over. Despite some erratic solo work and questionable political alliances, the "smart one" in the Fab Four has been canonized by music fans as a thoughtful songwriter, courageous activist, and devoted father -- to one of his sons, at least. His songwriting partner Paul McCartney lived long enough to receive a knighthood, but sainthood has been more elusive. The "cute one" is viewed by some as the lightweight half of the pair, and has achieved the near-impossible feat of making his nemesis, Lennon's widow Yoko Ono, look slightly sympathetic. Credit the imbalance to a handful of tunes that will never go out of style as long as there is war and injustice, anthems like "All You Need is Love" and "Give Peace a Chance" and "Imagine." McCartney may have sold more records, been just as politically active and written "Yesterday." "Helter Skelter" and "Let It Be," but Lennon is the Working Class Hero. For Rolling Stone magazine editor and publisher Jann Wenner, who put Lennon on the cover of his first issue in 1967, the Paul vs. John debate is no contest. "What are you going to remember?" he asked, citing some of their respective songs. "'Silly Love Songs' or 'Give Peace a Chance'? 'Band on the Run' or 'Imagine'? 'Helen Wheels' or 'Whatever Gets You Thru the Night?"' "EXTRAORDINARY SINGER" Others take a more diplomatic stance, perhaps mindful that his song "Forgive Me (My Little Flower Princess)" or the album "Two Virgins" are not exactly classics. "If John were alive, he might be saying, 'Hogwash, it's all just a bunch of good songs,"' said Aerosmith vocalist Steven Tyler, whose band covered "Come Together" in 1978. A good voice also helps, and Lennon's was arguably the greatest in rock 'n' roll, said Interscope Records president Jimmy Iovine, who helped record the Lennon albums "Walls and Bridges" and "Rock 'n' Roll." "It never gets talked about. That guy sang his ass off," Iovine said. "He was an extraordinary singer, very, very spontaneous, never needed a lot of takes, but always with such feel. This is as if he was completely straight, or, not!" Lennon was not afraid to share his inner turmoil, singing about such painful chapters as the death of his mother, the demise of the Beatles or his turbulent relationship with Ono. Influenced by Bob Dylan, Lennon also thought he could use his talent to try to change the world. After the Beatles broke up in 1970, Lennon and Ono famously took to bed to promote peace. The Nixon administration spied on him and tried to get him deported. His pacifist songs gave way to more strident tunes like "Power to the People." But not everybody was buying it. His 1972 album, "Sometime in New York City," featuring the ironic single "Woman is the n of the World," was a flop. If he were alive today, "I bet he'd like hip-hop," Iovine added with a laugh, "because of the potency of the lyrics. What was ever going on in his head, in his gut, in his life, in somebody else's life, he sang it." "RODE LIFE LIKE A SURFBOARD" Iovine said few modern-day rock stars have followed Lennon's lead, citing U2's Bono, Trent Reznor of techno band Nine Inch Nails and Jack White of the blues-rock duo White Stripes as the rare singers who conjure up a primal honesty in their songs. "(Rapper) Eminem is, attitude-wise, closer to John Lennon than most rock singers are today," he said. (Interscope represents U2, Nine Inch Nails and Eminem.) Lennon's final album, "Double Fantasy," issued just before he was shot dead outside his Manhattan home at the age of 40, found him in a more reflective mode, happily facing middle age ("Watching the Wheels"), and singing about his love for Ono ("Woman") and their son Sean ("Beautiful Boy"). "He rode life like a surfboard," said Tyler, "and then when he got to the shore, instead of paddling straight back out again to catch the next wave like I did, he sat there for a while and wrote it down, and then went on to something else. And I love that about him." 12/07/05 15:14 ET Copyright 2005 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL. _____________________________________________
  20. It's laughable for Gerry Hemming to hide behind a statute that's never been applied (e.g. Scooter) to evade identifying a government agent whose presence in Dealey Plaza signifies foreknowledge of some event related to the Kennedy assassination. To charge Gerry Hemming with that crime would constitute an admission the government will never make. But's it a convenient way to claim the kind of knowledge for which he wants credit, but not accountability. T.C. ------------------------------ For most WIMPS of the "sheltered life" persuasion, I would guess that it might be hilarious. During the 1964 federal trial [u.S. vs. Arms & Munitions of War] the Asst. U.S. Attorney, one Robert Josefsberg, attempted to have me indicted for making reference to my testimony, wherein I stated the circumstances of my having been debriefed by the CIA upon leaving Cuba. [1960] However, CIA immediately informed him that indeed I had a "PAO", was an asset -- and gave multiple debriefings. The federal judge required him to not only deliver said CIA cables over to our [Plaintiff's] attorney, but further forced him to read aloud said "rebuttals" rather than our lawyer having to so. This so infuriated the jury, that they refused to look at Bob during the remainder of that trial. Thereupon, for the first time in 137 years, the U.S. Government lost an arms case, and was ordered to return all of our weapons, and munitions of war. [seized by Diosdado and Co. on Sombrero key, December 2nd, 1962 -- as we were about to enter Cuba and prove that most of the "Nuke" warheads & "Luna" missiles remained in place.] I later recommended to Hernandez Cartaya [World Finance Corp.} that he hire Bob Josefsberg, who by then had entered into private practice [mid-1970s]. Hernandez Cartaya was acquitted !! Two of my daughters went to school with Bob's kids at the time. During 1976, and due to my refusal to abandon assistance to the defense attorneys for the "Marijuana Watergate" trial [ US v. WerBell, et al., Miami - 1976] -- I was indicted twice, and taken to trial on one of the cases. It cost me three years and more than $100,000 in costs to beat both cases. So who won. They left me bankrupted for two years. I won't go into the 8 years imprisonment in the chain-gang as a result of my serving with the "Drug Interdiction Task Force" [1982 thru 1990] !! Every time WerBell was subpoenaed to Congressional hearings, he or one of his sons was quickly indicted. Under the "Canons of the Bar" -- no defense attorney would permit his testimony without a grant of immunity -- and this thereby shut him up. However, in this day and age, there are zealous "simple-servants" who are chomping at the bit !! That they might "force" somebody" to speak-out on specific matters, rather than continue a cover-up is now more likely than it was in the past. This was Garrison's strategy -- especially where implemented against Hall, Howard, and Seymour !! All to cover Marcello's ass, while getting his "15-minutes of fame"!! And to answer the other question. Why would Mellen "Lie" about things that I allegedly "revealed" to her. We may find out sooner than you think !! Chairs, GPH ______________________
  21. Good points Owen. Whatever our perceptions are, and what we have managed to understand concerning the events that unfolded, I think at a minimum there was a large host of folks that placed the blame squarely on Kennedy. Phillips included. I would imagine them extending beyond extreme right-wing sectors of the exile community. I read somewhere, (I hate beginning a post like this) it may have been in Pierre Salinger's memoirs, that JFK did not cancel the airstrikes in support of BOP, but his last act (with regards to same) was authorizing the airstrikes, and that afterwards McGeorge Bundy rescinded Kennedy's authorization, which resulted in the famous account of Charles Cabell calling the White House in the pre-dawn hours on X-day urgently trying to get Kennedy to immediately re-authorize the air strikes, I believe the story is that Dean Rusk took Cabell's call (s)? and refused to wake JFK up. I certainly think there are more than one 'version' on the record as to how this event actually went down. I have always felt that the 'official version' was slightly suspect, which, in turn is due to the fact that in the future you have E. Howard Hunt attemping to 'forge Kennedy's signature' on documents authorizing the assassination of Diem, and also the CIA's Regis Blahut attempting to steal material from a safe which contained material being scrutinized by the HSCA. Damn, how the hell anybody would take the CIA's word about anything having to do with JFK is beyond me. And I also endorse the assertions of some members of the Forum that the BOP was a 'setup' to make Kennedy look like a fool in the same vein (and by the same people?) as Eisenhower's Peace Summit with Khrushchev that imploded because of the 'downing' of Power's U-2. Which by the way, there are also assertions (IMO correct) that the U-2 was not 'shot down by the Sov's,' but was sabotaged by placing explosives on it before it had ever taken off from base. ---------------------------------- The White House had been going under a complete renovation at that time, and the telephone call was made to the leased JFK house in Virginia. The call was NOT made through the WH/PBX system, but was over a secure line to what we called "Rattle-Snake Acres" !! GPH ___________________________________
  22. Looks like the guy is wearing a tie?! A worker???? ----------------------------------- Not only is he wearing a tie, he is either seated on the floor, or on a box !! GPH ______________
  23. -------------------------------- Pat: I repeatedly testified under oath [and submitted sworn statements] that ONLY two persons known to me were in, or near Dealey Plaza, that afternoon. One was Loran "Skip" Hall, and the other remains in U.S. Government service today, and is thereby under the protection and jurisdiction of: "The Intelligence Identities Act of 1982". ["The P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act" provides for the extradition of both U.S. and foreign nationals who might be charged under said "Act"] As has been repeated hundreds of times, over and again: "I went to Bill Baggs office [Miami News] at approximately 2:17 PM that day [Miami Time]. I then used his office telephone to call: The late petroleum geologist Lester Logue. Logue informed me that Hall had been by his office the previous afternoon, seeking cash --and that he had given him "the-brush-off !! I then advised Logue that I suspected that Hall had my scoped Johnson 30-06 cal. rifle, and that should he come knocking at Logues door, later that day, that it might well be to murder Logue. I suggested to Logue that he shoot through his door, and aim to blow his goddamn head off !! I thereafter made several other calls to Texas, California, Arizona, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. !! Chairs, GPH ___________________________
  24. -------------------------------- James: Comandante Antonio Enrique Lusson permitted the only American in his "Columna" -- to use one of Dickey's cameras to take this photo near Palma Soriano, during late 1958. the then 17 year old Leutenant ["Teniente"] Donald Soldini, didn't want either his photo taken, nor his name mentioned in her later article in "Readers Digest". Don Soldini was interviewed a few years back by Miami New Times, and the article was styled as "Cuba's Yanqui Fidelistas" -- and can be found on the Web. Also interviewed were the three young kids from GITMO who went up into the Sierra Maestra to join Fidel for a short period. Only the oldest, Ryan stayed on when the others returned to the base. One of the three turned strongly anti-Fidel many years ago. The only "Gringo" there with Dickey who consented to "go public" was: U.S. Marine Corps deserter Gerald "Gerry" Holzthaus, who upon return to CONUS -- was convicted and sent to the Portsmouth, New Hampshire Naval Prison for 3 years. I last visited with him at his Daytona Beach home during the 1970s. Fidel financed Don Soldini's education at the University of Mexico (D.F.); and Jim Bishop wrote a story about him during the 1960s. Don has been an international land developer for over 50+ years, and visits Cuba about every 4 months. He and his sons also live and do business in Fort Lauderdale, and I doubt that he would discuss anything over the telephone with anybody !! But he WILL tell you about this phony "Tooshee" having never been anywhere near the M-26-Julio Ops, or even inside the island of Cuba, EVER !! [Of course, when Don calls Havana, and they later send up some material, "Tooshie" will then claim that they are a bunch of "Lying Commies"!!] Dickey's biographer [Ostroff] interviewed me during 1988 for her book "Fire in the Wind". Dickeys papers were at the University of Michigan, but have since been transferred to the U. of Wisconsin at Madison. My daughter lives and works there, and it would be no great difficulty to explore why I am in the book. And moreover, WHY there is absolutely No reference to Mr. "Tooshie" to be found ANYWHERE. He appears no where in any government documents such as: "U.S. Citizens in Cuba" -- "List of Pilots involved in Cuba", "Pilots restricted from Cuban Airspace", etc., and etc., ad nauseum !! Much too long I had given "Tooshie" the benefit of the doubt, but NOT as someone who might embellish here and there; but, what we in the USMC/Naval service call "Sea Stories". When he went overboard on EVERYTHING years ago, many of my associates demanded retribution and correction. I have tired of the telephone calls and e-mails from pissed off Cubans and Americans -- who are frequently being sent "hard-copy" of "Tooshee", and this is via Google & this Forum's postings. As for my security clearance here at Fort Bragg, it remains at "Crypto/Q". As for his reference to a threatening e-mail "from me"; I suggest that he publish the "headers" of same which trace it back to the sender. If he fails to do so,, then I will assist him by contacting the Secret Service in this matter next week. [bTW: I now have a videotape copy of "Tooshee's" lying interview scam performance taken a while back. Anybody interested in: "..how he "has trouble while on film..??!!] Once again [might have been repeated typos on his part] -- Raul Castro didn't move his operation north to the Sierra Cristal until, bored to death, he "upped-and-moved" during APRIL, 1958 !! Chairs, [and it has nothing to do with furniture, per se] GPH __________________
  25. To continue to play devil's advocate: the reason Hemming was given by military intelligence (who he testified as making the request for his presence, as I recall) was that Hemming and his "trigger-happy yahoos" might be able to recognize any would-be Cuban assassin in the crowd who might be unknown to MI or SS. He could have felt it his patriotic duty to be there as requested to look for any potential Cuban gunmen, while neutralizing the possibility that it was a setup by going unarmed. But I don't want to speak for Hemming. He now has enough in this thread to reply to. On the question of how much to believe when Hemming speaks, I often find what he doesn't say more interesting than what he says. For example, when I asked him if he knew where Cucu Arce was on 11/22/63, and posted the photos of the Arce lookalike in front of the TSBD, along with Mr. Slick from No Name Key, Hemming didn't reply. To me that is interesting non-information. Of course it's possible that he missed the post or hasn't yet had time to reply. Vamos a veer, ojala! ----------------------------------- Ron: While I don't expect that "Real Researchers" might be expected to xxxxx through the "Tons" of garbage scribblings -- long been available, in tabloid-style/throw-away "pamphlets and on the Internet. However, I am not about to spend days [NOT just hours] of my time responding to "juvenile chat-room-groupie" allegations. As I have more than once reminded James [here and in private e-mails]; the "very" question "...where was "Fulano" or "Mengano" on November 22, 1963?! -- is not just a personal insult, but is indeed a NOT so veiled accusation !! And more importantly, a direct accusation of having participated in the capital crime of murder, and/or, or of being a material witness thereto. "....What I DON'T SAY is more interesting ??" Who the hell is "Mr. Slick from No Name Key ??" I must have missed that one. Are you, like phony Augustinovich, now claiming to have been with us on the Key? And having MORE THAN ONCE INDICATED THAT: I have long since grown weary of this "faces in Dealey Plaza" BULLxxxx, which some persist in !! I am referring to: "This-Guilt-by-Association-with-Look-a-Like-Fuzzy-Photos-of-Suspects?-in-DP"!! Am I to believe that this is -- "THE ALL" of that which might remain in this "Don Quijote-Like" quest in this otherwise serious matter ?? Once again, what "sayeth" that "Mr. Norton", who had been allegedly identified by some moron from a self-styled "line-up" squad ?? This was in responce to a telephonic inquiry as to: His "presence" and/or "look-a-like" GUILT reference LHO ??!! [paraphrased quote] "...What kind of wing-nut whacko calls up and insinuates that..not only do I look like a presidential assassin...but goes even further...by inquiring IF I was there during the murder..?!! And just what is this "...enough to reply to on this thread.." crap -- I am not posting responses or statements on this forum in the manner of a criminal "defendant" undergoing cross examination at trial !! I came onboard at the repeated invitations of John Simkin, and I agreed only after several weeks of perusing the past postings, just as I had done with "Lancer", "Murder-Solved", etc., etc., and more ad nauseum. In my first posting, I thanked ALL for the privileged invite. I had first read the rules of behavior, and other protocols, very closely. A short time later, and after several polite responses from members, I was suddenly reminded of my many past experiences with the "scandal-tabloid-style" scribblers of recent past !! Once again, mere bookreaders were jostling for a position to attack and argue against anything that I wrote. Some apparently had only recently joined this forum for that very purpose. My family, friends, and associates are repeatedly raising the question of: "...Who exactly are these characters...who ARGUE with someone...a person, who might...from personal experience...give even clarification !! And moreover, clarify some of the fantasy-land scribblings continously excreted by weirdo conspiracy nuts !! And especially, those whackos who have sought to derail ALL serious inquiry into the JFK murder..??!! And they wonder why, tha: Few widely respected reporters and authors, have eschewed the "opportunity" to post online ?? Much less to even associate themselves with a any crowd -- and especially one that bickers and nags amongst themselves over silly-xxxx inconsequencial matters ??!! Moreover, a few have opted NOT to post anything at all. That is, beyond one or two short paragraphs in response to the serious researcher members. My reference to "PATRIOTS" has always been a slur !! Whenever, I have used this slur, it has mostly been directed at right-wing zealots, and especially those who never contributed anything whatsoever. No, we didn't go to MIA on the afternoon of November 18th, 1963 out of "PATRIOTISM", a word we used as a slur against the John Birchers and Batistiano loudmouths. We had been requested to "BOLO" ["Be-On-the-Look-Out"] for suspected assassins -- whom, we had previously been closely associated with. This request came from Federal Agents/Officers, and whom we presumed were simply following orders. Orders issued by their superiors. By naming just a few of those who attended the MI briefing [and under oath at the time]; I am now in the position of being the guy who has "fingered" [and impugned guilt] to these public servants !! And most of whom have otherwise given years of dedicated service to their country. Just how twisted ARE some of these so-called researchers ?? How many times, over the last 40+ years, have these persons been the subject of gratuitous slurs ?! And that is exactly what their family members are asking today, and in more than just a few cases -- they are surviving family members. I have presented myself here on this forum to answer a few brief questions which, might help "serious" researchers, authors, et al. "connect-some-of-the-dots" -- NOT to tell my life story. And surely NOT to respond to bald lies and accusations made by the most obvious of TROLLS. Even before "Watergate" provided the "Loony-Tunes" scribblers with more names of "The-Usual-Suspects"; more than one scribbler was busy impugning "characters". And the subjects of said attacks ?? The rare personage that I had identified being interested in our activities. Folks who had NEVER given a Dime or Dollar in support of ANYTHING !! Just how stupid might these allegations become ?! Did I ever state that Helms did this, or did that ?? I have never associated Helms with anything about JFK, That is: Other than his assisting in the "Nat'l Security" coverup. I never met Helms, never talked with him on the telephone, nor scribbled any "love-notes" !! After having experienced Weberman's bullxxxx since 1977, and Joan Mellen' since 1999; I am sure as hell not going to respond to any of their scribbled allegations, that is: Until I have had the necessary time to review same. And moreover, I will attempt to ascertain whether this might well be some editor and/or publisher screw-ups. But, I am afraid that this might well be the most likely of cases. And that is: A "Malicious" Libel by just one more of the "Groupie-Zealots" -- and one with a twisted personal agenda. At the end of that focus, I will be instructing my attorneys that: either we have a "Cause-of-Action" -- or we DON'T !! Later, GPH ______________________-
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