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John Dolva

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Everything posted by John Dolva

  1. Chris George <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I continue to have problems such as the recent "multiple" posting of the same item. My computer registered errors during posting attempts, yet they obviously went through. In this regards, John has my full permission to delete any and/or all of any topics or repetitive postings. Tom Again, this post registered as not having gone through! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thomas, when there is a lot of traffic on my connection here at the moment of posting it seems to me that that is the time when I don't get a confirmation of posting. My firewall usually tells me when its quieted down. (zonealarm has a good free version for any one who doesn't have one, it prevents unwanted intrusions and gives lots of good info to help track same.) Usually a brief wait and check shows whether the post worked. Just in case of over enthusiastic editing I've saved all your posts for future reference. There's a lot there to go through. JohnD
  2. I'll stick this here for now and check to see if there's a better topic already for racism and so on. from another post : The links at www.tulanelink.com provides a great deal of interesting reading. The CIA sponsored mind control experiments in the '50s for example. on this site are found these articles: "Dyer (p. 172) tabulated the length of service of the 14 individuals who were members of the Board of Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund in 1913 and showed that they served an average of more than 29 years. He concluded: “They were a self-perpetuating body and thus the new members who came on the board now and then usually conformed to the prevaling pattern of thought.” The tenure of two members alone, Walter R. Stauffer and Charles Rosen, who each served 50 years on Tulane's board, spanned the period of 1882 to 1954. According to Dufour (p. 20), “Until the Joe Jones era [Joseph Merrick Jones was a member and president of Tulane's board from 1947 to 1963], the basic philosophy of the Board of Administrators over many decades could well be embodied in the idea: Don't change the status quo.” Joseph Merrick Jones attempted to change the status quo and was killed in 1963 According to Mohr and Gordon [1], Barbara Marie Guillory and Pearlie Hardin Elloie were among the first black students approved for admission to Tulane for the spring semester of 1963. Although registration of the black students was not marked by any disturbance, the press release by Joseph Merrick Jones was followed by a tragic incident. Jones, who was president of the Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, had announced that black students would be admitted to Tulane beginning in February of 1963. On March 11, 1963, Jones and his wife were killed in a fire that swept his suburban home in Metairie. The cause of the blaze was never determined " Apparently segregationists were capable of murdering prominent individuals. "Psychiatric "treatment" of African Americans has included some of the most barbaric experiments ever carried out in the name of "scientific" research — and not very long ago. In the 1950s in New Orleans, black prisoners were used for psychosurgery experiments which involved electrodes being implanted into the brain. The experiments were conducted by psychiatrist Dr. Robert Heath from Tulane University and an Australian psychiatrist, Dr. Harry Bailey, who boasted in a lecture to nurses 20 years later that the two psychiatrists had used blacks because it was "cheaper to use Niggers than cats because they were everywhere and cheap experimental animals." Heath had also been funded by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to carry out drug experiments which included LSD and a drug called bulbocapnine, which in large doses produced "catatonia and stupor." Heath tested the drug on African American prisoners at the Louisiana State Penitentiary. According to one memo, the CIA sought information as to whether the drug could cause "loss of speech, loss of sensitivity to pain, loss of memory, loss of will power and an increase in toxicity in persons with a weak type of central nervous system." " “I guess Tulane was the worst, where I would receive intensive electric shock, isolation for days, sleep deprivation where they would attach electrodes to me, and if I started to fall asleep, they would shock me — enough to wake me up. You couldn't sleep for days. The messages would start: "Your mother doesn't love you, she left you here, your mother doesn't want you, you are too much trouble for her, you are a very evil child, you want to hurt people, you want to entice men." ” -- CLAUDIA S. MULLEN
  3. The links at www.tulanelink.com provides a great deal of interesting reading. The CIA sponsored mind control experiments in the '50s for example.
  4. Thank you Marcel, that may explain the results I've been getting. I've been using 1/35. I'll recheck those and see what I get. JohnD ps. I'm not 'with' you, Jack, or anyone else. I'm also not against you, or anyone else on the backyard photos being or not being fake. I haven't completed my analysis yet. I wouldn't mind hearing what answer is to the discrepancies of body proportions are though with regards to coming to a conclusion of whether it is or isn't Roscoues body/chin. Maybe I've missed something.
  5. And the first shots rang out as Kennedy approached the Thornton Freeway sign. Coincidence?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ‘…Many charter members were from the banks, the utility companies, and the professions…. By the spring of 1922, the Klan’s local executive committee of 10 included Police Commissioner (Louis) Turley, three attorneys, a physician, and the assistant general manager of the Dallas Street Railway Co. ‘Its steering committee of 100 included 12 lawyers, 8 physicians, 4 Dallas Power & Light Co. officials, the superintendent of the local Ford Motor Co., a Dallas Times Herald reporter, the Democratic Party county chairman, the county tax collector, a district judge-elect, a runoff candidate for district attorney (who would go on to win) and (a) smattering of bankers, druggist grocer's and others …" obviously it might be interesting to see who these individuals were, particularly 12 lawyers,8 physicians(at parkland?),DA,Judge,reporter,lawyers,business leaders and others. were there reports of el. failure in TSBD? If so I can't imagine what significance that might have, I read something in passing about it recently but didn't pay much attention to why the writer thought it was relevant. Anyway, all these people in place who would subsequently be the ones to investigate and report on the assassination could be an interesting situation if they were investigating one of their own. They would also be well placed to get the cover up rolling. As well as being in a position to intimidate any squealers, deny them jobs, scare them into silence, etc. edit : the above link also leads to another link http://www.labordallas.org/hist/histdate.htm#1917 of a timeline of labor related activities/events in and around Dallas in the years before 63 and beyond.
  6. an attempt at resizing, comparing can't make mind up, obvious similarities, some not. he could certainly be a well dressed chap.
  7. George, I try to keep an open mind on the truth in this matter, I have my own beliefs, some bordering on knowledge. If some other solution that I don't believe in proves true that's fine with me. Also I'm regularly speculating on some far fetched things, one of which was 'was it some serial killer dude',. No matter , I believe people generally can work out for them selves what 'smells' like nonsense. I get a strong impression that Jackie genuinely deeply loved Jack. I don't think she would want him dead at all. Her actions in pulling him closer as bullets were flying, cradling him, and not wanting to let go at parkland to my mind are those of a loving protective person. JohnD
  8. I'm undertaking a study to see what wind conditions were like in Dealey Plaza noonish, 22 11 1963. There are the records of conditions at love field. Plus a number of verbal descriptions. There are also indicators from clothing and flags in the various images of the day. It's probably unreasonable to expect (and I haven't found any) 'professional' estimates or measurements from the plaza proper. If someone knows any , pls post. John D
  9. The correct name for this topic is Members of the 'former members group'. Someone,presumably John Simkin, has altered it for reasons unknown to me. I kept being surprised by the number of individuals saying 'i was a member once but...' so a listing of these to cross reference to various organisations seem to me to be useful, so please regard this as a list of 'former members' not to be confused by any attempt to list current members. "Biffle says that the Klan enrolled 3-6 million members in the early 1920s. In Texas, they claimed 400,000 members and elected Earle B Mayfield, an admitted Klansman, to the U.S. Senate in 1922. One of the Dallas members was banker R.L. Thornton, who later on organized the Citizens’ Council that ran Dallas from 1935 to today (2002). Here is Biffle quoting Payne, “The Dallas Chapter… swelled within 4 years to an estimated 13,000 members, the largest local Klan in the nation. ‘…Many charter members were from the banks, the utility companies, and the professions…. By the spring of 1922, the Klan’s local executive committee of 10 included Police Commissioner (Louis) Turley, three attorneys, a physician, and the assistant general manager of the Dallas Street Railway Co. ‘Its steering committee of 100 included 12 lawyers, 8 physicians, 4 Dallas Power & Light Co. officials, the superintendent of the local Ford Motor Co., a Dallas Times Herald reporter, the Democratic Party county chairman, the county tax collector, a district judge-elect, a runoff candidate for district attorney (who would go on to win) and smattering of bankers, druggist grocer,s and others …" http://www.labordallas.org/hist/hist1935.htm
  10. Thomas , I've tried to follow this link but it for now from here is unavailable, do you (or anyone) have this page cached and can post/message/email its text plus if possible images. I'll try again to access it, I hope it has not been pulled. Thank you for taking time to provide these leads. JohnD <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thomas , I found another page searching for hist1935, can you take a look and see if this is the one you mean?* http://www.labordallas.org/hist/hist1935.htm JohnD edit *I'm sure it is, thank you. Interesting
  11. Thomas , I've tried to follow this link but it for now from here is unavailable, do you (or anyone) have this page cached and can post/message/email its text plus if possible images. I'll try again to access it, I hope it has not been pulled. Thank you for taking time to provide these leads. JohnD
  12. I wonder if anyone has any information as to the address of the gas station that Harry, Kay, Jack and Jimmy had a chat variously described as 'brief' and three hours long the night before Jack shot Lee? JohnD
  13. Thomas, In trying to understand 'cajun' and the background of the name Beauregard, I came across this facinating history of Beauregard Parish, Louisiana http://www.library.beau.org/history/BPHistry/ Is this where Marguerites ancestors* came from? JohnD edit: *beauregard relations.
  14. Hear, hear, Greg, Pat , Tim, Charles, et al. Keeping minds open and flagging morales up is important. Far better to bring things out in the open than to try and shut people down with economy driven barrow pushing, or with cronyism. I for one encourage all new researchers to question all previous research with independent critical attempts to confirm/debunk. Naturally with an open mind, prepared to deny the ego a voice. Not an easy task in my opinion, but trying is worthwhile. Who knows, the breakthrough may come tomorrow, it may already be here, but attachments to long held beliefs blinds sometimes even veteran researchers. Should the breakthrough not come for some time, when it does it will be in spite of those who seek to stifle debate. , Good topic Tim. John
  15. Marcel, I wonder if you know when during the time that the shutter is open on Zapruders camera, how long from when the light hits the film it is registered as an image? I'm trying to find out if there is a lapse there to consider in working out how long the film during that 1/35 seconds is 'exposed'? JohnD
  16. I have proved (99 percent certainty) that the person who posed for the body and chin on which the LHO face was pasted was ROSCOE WHITE. ..........Jack Hmmm... perhaps here's the missing one percent.? When neck width and head size are matched, chest width and shoulder width don't match, and vice versa of course. Also, though it's harder to say, length of limbs don't appear to match. The left image is the b'yard photo resized to correct shoulder width which produces a neck considerably thicker and a chin width wider than that of Roscoes. Oswald probably would have been a large person if he had eaten more as a child. His emotions and his beating* would probably account for the pinched look in the mug shots. Ear position, size and shape also appear different. However, comparing to his mugshot maintains basic body proportions. I'm not saying it's not a fake. I haven't studied it enough for that. But I admit that for a long time before getting involved in all this I found my cursory look at the material to be pretty convincing that they were faked. *I was aware that he had been hit on the side of the head.It looks to me that he was also hit on the nose. I wonder if his autopsy looked at injuries sustained while being apprehended or while in custody. JohnD
  17. John, The writer of this site might be able to help. Apart from that it seems an intersting and detailed description of the DPD by a retired UK police officer. http://www.dealeyplazauk.co.uk/DPD%20Structure%20Nov1963.htm JohnD
  18. a flurry of shots... (hope no-one feels left out )
  19. ..........................a black bag job on the office. Larry , sorry to be difficult, what does "a black bag job mean.? JohnD
  20. John, I'll try to find out the dates of these papers. Actually the two organisations agreed on virtually nothing, and if they did both support the Cuban revolution, it would have been for very different reasons. the Spanish civil war, and the treatment of Trotskists by Stalinists had seen to this. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, that's true Stephen, the reasons would have been different, I don't know how sophisticated a marxist Oswald was. This was a time when the SWP was starting to build in the SDS anti-war movement, plus a progressive turn from intellectualism to deep entry into the proletariat. Part of this strategy was at times to turn a blind eye to differences in order to further a 'larger' issue. I can't remember the time of it, but at one point in order to survive legally these organisations in America had to renounce foreign allegiances, perhaps making the local parties less tied to the official Moscow line. But, as you say , the arguments put forward by the two camps would have come from different perspectives. JohnD edit:hmm ..I think I mixed up a couple of dates there. surprised no-one picked it, maybe it's not wrong, but I think the SDS might have formed a bit later, perhaps someone can say? As well, the turn I'm alluding to may have been as long as a decade later. Maybe it doesn't matter a great deal as the point I was trying to make is about the 'opportunistic' behaviour these organisations sometimes adopt, perhaps these photos, if genuine, is a crude attempt at opportunism. Nic, it surprises me sometimes the strange things intelligent people do, think , believe.
  21. Steve, you make an interesting point about the newspapers supposedly held by Oswald. I would also agree that to the Dallas Police Department it is likely that a Commie was a Commie was a Commie, without taking allowance of the different factions within the Communist movement. All my best Chris <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Chris,Stephen, I agree, good points, but given my questioning nature I can suggest other possibilities. While the murder of Leon Trotsky was not that far back in history (or distance either) at the time and the general history of Stalin-Trotsky intrigue, as well as that of the 3rd and 4th international, as reflected in these two party organs, there were issues on which they would have seen eye to eye, for example the need to support the Cuban revolution. Any idea of the dates of these particular issues? headlines?. Alternatively, if Oswald was a participant in some spooky stuff it might be that these are 'publicity shots' intended for use in communicating with either of these organisations? Of course whether the photos are fakes or not is still an issue. I'm personally not convinced either way. JohnD
  22. Larry, is it possible to elaborate on how these intercepts of letters occurred? Was mail or copies or contents directed to the FBI in some way by informants, or was it a result of the illegal mail opening operations at the time which I understand involved the use of copiers in the post office? JohnD
  23. John,if I was an american citizen I'd sign it, as it is I applaud you, JohnD
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