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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. You can tell you are there because it is the premium place to learn about any NEW developments in this conundrum. You can tell you are there because it isn't infested with little lonely middle aged men who are pumped up by their own sense of arrogant self importance. And whilst anyone is welcome to post at ROKC, beware, because if you import your haughty arrogance or try to derail, or lie, or spread malicious rumour, or smear tactics...you will be called out on it! I know, for God fearing folk, their cussing is abominable. They use swear words you know. Disgusting. Cussing in front of the Lord like that. And so on and so on...blah blah blah... Never mind the ground-breaking original research that is throwing up all manner of leads, never mind that eh? Let's talk about the cussing. By the way David, I've just got that joke about the broken clock. That's so funny! You've posted it about 20 times in this topic alone and in all that time I just didn't get it. You see, what he means is that even if a clock isn't working, or has stopped, then at some point every twelve hours it will be in the right place. Think about it. So, simply multiply that by two (because there are 24 hours in one day, right?) and that's why he made that stunningly hilarious piece of observation comedy. All his own work apparently. Or maybe it was that one of JA's. Yeah, it'll be what he was ordered to joke! Bernie. He's quite the "broken record" isn't he? And his mind? Well, golly, his mind might be compared to a over-wound Coo-Coo Clock. --Tommy
  2. Joseph, You say we (Greg, Bernie, and I) encourage ourselves and others to "Have Faith and Believe" in our arguments against Harvey and Lee??? Sounds like a case of the pot calling the kettle black. After all, you're the one with the quasi religion, the cult. You need to learn some more appropriate insults, ones that won't come right back at you, like a boomerang. --Tommy
  3. I'm going to ignore your "you're wrong because I say so" blather and cut to the heart of where you go wrong. Firstly, the T1 in the first document is not the same person with that designation in the second document. Those designations are repeated around the country. Do you really believe TI was simultaneously in Houston, Dallas, NO and NYC among other places? Talk about doppelgangers. Secondly, the T1 in the first document is simply mistaken. It was Senator who lived next door to Jack before moving in with him. Thirdly. I know who T1 was in that second T1 document and will be attempting to get him to go on the record in my next book. It was not Oswald at those parties. it was Crafard. That last document is years old 3rd or 4th hand hearsay, the content of which is literally unbelievable. In ANY scenario. [emphasis added by T. Graves] Excellent stuff, Greg. Thanks, --Tommy
  4. Jon. I mentioned the tape recording because you had asked, "Did he grasp English well, or not?". To which I might now reply, "Hell, no he didn't grasp English well. He had lived in the Bronx and in Texas!" LOL Apparently you think "Harvey" / "Marina's husband" spoke and wrote English quite well, but Russian not so well at all, e.g. the letter which your scholarly, Russian-speaking daughter analysed and determined was written by someone who wasn't very good at Russian. What do you think of Marina's claiming that when she first met Oswald, he spoke Russian so well that she thought he was from the Baltics area? And how about "Lee," the guy from Fort Worth who looked kinda like "Harvey" and who was hidden in safe houses the 2 1/2 years that "Harvey" was in the U.S.S.R.? Did he have a good grasp of the English language? How was his Russian? LOL
  5. A tape recording of Oswald speaking English (with a British dialect; joking around) was made in Minsk. When you listen to it you realize that he had an excellent command of the English language. --Tommy
  6. The attachment makes much more sense. imo Now match this Calvery (dress code wise) with the woman in Darnell. Sounds pretty much like a group statement minus the personal info. chris P.S. Hopefully the significance of where they physically were standing(Station# wise) when stating the first shot arises, is not lost upon you. Chris, Have any of the women standing near #4 been identified as Reed, Hicks, or Westbrook? Thanks, --Tommy PS I'm pretty stupid, so things are "lost upon me" all the time. (lol)
  7. Thanks Chris. Anyone wondering where the apparently dark-complected woman was when JFK was shot should look closely at the photo in the lower right corner of the montage. Blow it up. Find the "Stemmons Freeway Keep Right" sign. (Hint: It has a vertical blue line running through it. In fact, the blue line is running through Calvery's colleague, Carol Reed, in all three photos.) Look at the three women who are standing under that sign, and also note the two boys standing to the left of them wearing their special school or club jackets. The woman standing under the "T" in "RIGHT" is the apparently dark-complected woman we've been talking about. To the left of her is blond Karan Hicks, and to the left of Karan is tall, blue scarf wearing Carol Reed. So the question remains: Did the apparently dark-complected woman have enough time to walk up the Elm Street sidewalk and get to the TSBD in time to encounter Joe Molina roughly when he said Gloria Calvery did? I believe she did. --Tommy You're changing the subject again, Thomas. You're also asking us to assume that Gloria Calvery entered the TSBD as soon as she arrived at the steps, yet there is no evidence to support this. On the contrary, we have Lovelady's and Shelley's testimony telling us she remained on the steps for some time before entering the building. In other words, she could have RUN up the Elm St. sidewalk, almost on Baker's heels as seen in Darnell/Couch, and stayed on the steps to talk for a minute or two, thus making the meeting with Molina occur long after. Let me guess, the woman is apparently dark complected, but you aren't convinced she actually is, right? Relax, Bob. I changed the subject? You asked if Gloria Jean Calvery had enough time to get to the TSBD in thirty seconds or so and encounter Joe Molina, and I answered it. How did I "change the subject," Bob? Correct, Bob. I'm not convinced that Gloria Jean Calvery (the woman standing with Carol Reed and Karan Hicks in the photographs) was dark-complected. Her face looks like it's in the shade in all the photos I've seen of her, so it's hard to tell. What are you asking us to assume, Bob? That Carol Reed and Karan Hicks lied about who they were with when JFK was shot? That Gloria Calvery lied about who she was with when JFK was shot? That the FBI lied for all of them? You seem to think that Running Woman in Couch / Darnell was Gloria Calvery. Am I correct in that assumption? If so, then I gotta ask: Where's the other woman whom Molina said was with Calvery? And where was this Running Woman during the motorcade? Or am I just changing the subject, again? --Tommy
  8. Thanks Chris. Anyone wondering where the apparently dark-complected woman was when JFK was shot should look closely at the photo in the lower right corner of the montage. Blow it up. Find the "Stemmons Freeway Keep Right" sign. (Hint: It has a vertical blue line running through it. In fact, the blue line is running through Calvery's colleague, Carol Reed, in all three photos.) Look at the three women who are standing under that sign, and also note the two boys standing to the left of them wearing their special school or club jackets. The woman standing under the "T" in "RIGHT" is the apparently dark-complected woman we've been talking about. To the left of her is blond Karan Hicks, and to the left of Karan is tall, blue scarf wearing Carol Reed. So the question remains: Did the apparently dark-complected woman have enough time to walk up the Elm Street sidewalk and get to the TSBD in time to encounter Joe Molina roughly when he said Gloria Calvery did? I believe she did. --Tommy
  9. Well, Robert. How were my questions totally irrelevant and misleading? Misleading? The apparently dark-complected woman (face in shade?) identified by many / most researchers as Gloria Jean Calvery (standing with those two other women down by the Stemmons Freeway sign on Elm Street) was caught on film a few seconds after the assassination walking calmly with those two other women up the sidewalk on Elm Srteet in the general direction of the TSBD. So if she was walking, I think it's safe to say she wasn't running. And she's approaching the TSBD from a completely different direction than the woman running in Couch / Darnell. Also, as you well know, the clothes this Gloria Jean Calvery (the apparently dark complected woman) was wearing were different from the clothes the running woman was wearing. So that's why the running woman couldn't be Gloria Jean Calvery, IMHFO. I know from previous posts that you doubt that the apparently dark-complected woman was Gloria Jean Calvery. Have you changed your mind? Or conversely, do you think the running woman in Couch / Darnell was Calvery and that Calvery simply wasn't watching the motorcade where she said she was watching it, and with whom she said she was watching it? What's your current position on all this if you don't mind my asking. --Tommy PS I do think the apparently dark-complected woman down by the Stemmons sign could have walked up the Elm Street sidewalk to the TSBD in 30-40 seconds, and encountered Joe Molina there roughly in the time frame he mentioned. What do you think, Robert? Where do you think the real Gloria Jean Calvery was standing during the motorcade? If you don't think the apparently dark-complected woman was Calvery, who do you think the apparently dark-complected woman was? An unknown or unaccounted-for friend or co-worker of Carol Reed and Karan Hicks? 3/22/18 Edit: I now believe that the dark-complected woman "by the Stemmons Sign" was self-described native American Stella Mae Jacob, that Gloria Calvery was the largish woman standing directly to the left of John Templin in the Z-Film, that she cold have run to the TSBD steps within 20 seconds of the assassination, and that the "Running Woman" on Elm Street Extension in Couch-Darnell was Peggy Burney. -- TG
  10. I think whoever wrote that at FindaGrave (Linda?) made the innocent mistake of assuming the woman running in Couch / Darnell was Gloria Calvery. What do you think happened, Robert? Do you think whoever wrote that is part of the cover up conspiracy? Are you only concerned with what didn't happen? What evidence do you have for what you think did happen? --Tommy
  11. Okay, if you insist, here's my best answer for you, Jim. "I have absolutely no effing idea. It's an effing mystery to me. But just like you, I'm sure it has evil effing implications." LOL --Tommy
  12. I've never seen that photo before either! Great find! It does grab my attention too. Do you know who it's by? It appears to be a still/screen capture from a film. Do you know who took the photo - or who filmed it and/or which video it came from so i can (hopefully) see it in context with the rest of the film online to get an idea of when it was taken etc...Thanks, James! Linda, Go to Jame's "profile" and you'll see he hasn't been here for a coon's age. Last time I checked. --Tommy
  13. No, Jim, I will never "answer" that question. Nor will I ever play Russian Roulette with an automatic pistol or attempt "fire walking" with my size 14 feet. (A big man needs big feet.) And Why will I never attempt to answer that question (or any other you might pose to me regarding Lee and Harvey? For the answer to that question, please reread my previous post. Now I have a question for you, Jim. "Have you ever ______ ___ ___ ___?" Aw, nevermind. I don't want to get kicked off this forum for "casting vicious aspersions." Remember Jim: "In through the nose, out through the mouth....." --Tommy
  14. Sorry Jim, I won't try to disprove anything based on cherry-picked "evidence" or "documents" from a 1000-page book which, in turn, is based on premises as patently bogus as "The Moon Is made Out Of Green Cheese" or "JFK Was Killed Because He Was About To Reveal The Fact That We Are Living With Sodomite Aliens" theory. It's just a losing ... uhhh... proposition. --Tommy
  15. They were identical, yet when we look at different pictures of these identical people and agree that they indeed look identical (minus any jumbo schnozzes tacked on), the H&L crowd points out how different they are. Am I reading this right? You got it, Randy. "Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy" and "Clustering Illusion Syndrome" (plus a dash of Circular Reasoning, Non Sequiturs, and General Hysteria) at it's very best worst. Add their innate Paranoia, and it's a real Witches Brew, poisoning the minds of gullible people around the world. --Tommy .
  16. Sewell is a worthless witness. He never came forward at the time and what he said is completely at odds with the actual salesman (Oscar Deslatte) involved AND the completed bid form. Deslatte stated that only the surname Oswald was used - and that was all that was on the paperwork. Using Sewell and ignoring Deslatte is yet another example of Armstrong's cherry-picking. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10477&search=%22oscar_deslatte%22#relPageId=681&tab=page What a laugh riot! Mr. Parker, mustering all the authority he can, declares what John did and didn't do but--by his own admission--Parker has not even read Harvey and Lee and therefore has NO IDEA what Armstrong did or didn't write. Had he bothered to read the book he spends a major portion of his life trying to debunk, he would have found the following short write-up, which hardly ignores Deslatte: From Harvey and Lee, pp. 325-326: January 20--Lee Oswald in New Orleans On January 20, while Harvey Oswald was in Minsk, two men visited the Bolton Ford dealership at 1483 North Claiborne in New Orleans. They spoke with Assistant Manager Oscar Deslatte and said they were interested in purchasing 10 Ford Econoline Trucks. As one of the men discussed the purchase with Deslatte the other man, who identified himself as Joseph Moore, made a list of the equipment they desired on the trucks. Deslatte went to his boss, truck manager Fred Sewell, and told him about the two men who wanted to purchase trucks and said they represented the "Free Democrats of Cuba or some such organization." Sewell told Deslatte to give the men a bid of$75 over their cost for the trucks. Deslatte and Sewell returned to Deslatte's desk and wrote out a bid form to Joseph Moore. As Deslatte was filling out the bid form, Joseph Moore and the other man began talking to both Deslatte and Sewell.42 When Moore saw that Deslatte had written his name on the bid form he asked that the name be changed to "Friends of Democratic Cuba." Moore's friend looked· at the form and said, "By the way, you'd better put my name down there because I'm the man handling the money." When Deslatte asked, "What's your name?" the man replied, "Lee Oswald." 61-04 Sewell described Lee Oswald as, "5-foot-6 or 5-foot-7, thin, about 140 pounds, and thought he needed a meal and a haircut. He recalled that Oswald was clean but "wasn't well dressed and he wasn't shabby." Sewell described the second man, who identified himself as Joseph Moore as, "Kind of heavy-set ..... not overly, but well built ..... he was curly haired ..... he had a scar over his left eye ..... olive complexioned and seemed to be educated ..... he had a Cuban accent and looked like a Cuban." Deslatte gave the original bid form to "Lee Oswald" and kept a copy for his files, which he gave to the FBI following the assassination.61-05 The purchaser was listed as the "Friends of Democratic Cuba," 402 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, LA., phone number JA-50763.43 After talking with Deslate for over an hour the two men took the original bid form and left. NOTE: The Friends of Democratic Cuba was incorporated on January 9, 1961 in Louisiana. The address of 40 2 St. Charles Street was listed as vacant in the 1960, 1961 and 1962 New Orleans City directories. Oscar Deslatte, like Valentine Ashworth, Mrs. Davis, Marinez Malo, Marita Lorenz, and many others, was ignored by FBI because his testimony, and the bid form, placed Lee Oswald in the United States while the Warren Commission said Oswald was in Russia. Mr. Parker will now drone on endlessly declaring total victory again and again and again.... And did either Deslatte or Sewell say that this person looked exactly like the historic Oswald? But that was 'Harvey', and they witnessed 'Lee', who obviously must have been identical to the person plastered over the media and then shot by Ruby? So they were identical after all. Planned as a paper exercise to meld two non related young boys' identities with a view to possible future espionage possibilities, they pass through adolescence and emerge with identical facial features! One goes to Russia whilst the other hides out in the USA. None of his friends wonder why he is out fishing when he is supposed to be in Russia. Or why he is buying trucks and using his 'real name' when he is part of a plot that necessitates that he keeps a very low profile. Your tea-boy, Gaal, said he was locked away in a safe-house. Now he says he went fishing a lot. The truth is, that if there really was a Lee Oswald living in NO or Dallas at that time you haven't yet located him. You have absolutely nothing! No address. No citation. Nothing. All you know of him is that he went fishing a lot and, when allowed out of the house, he'd do that rebellious teenage doppelganger thing and deliberately blow his cover by buying trucks in his own name. You can't possibly believe any of this nonsense Jim! Surely! Well put, Bernie. Well put, indeed! But Warning: Expect another frothing-at-the-mouth "smooth movement" data dump from at least one of the Three Amigos. --Tommy PS I'm starting to suspect that Harvey and Lee is an elaborate CIA disinfo project to divide and confuse JFK assassination researchers and students.
  17. GO TO THE BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ARMSTRONG FILES. link >>> http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/compoundobject/collection/po-arm/id/41827/rec/3%20 You will see Oct 15,1959-June 11,1962 then CLICK ON THE DOWNLOAD BUTTON BOX on the right. YOU WILL DOWN LOAD A PDF FILE (41810 pdf). After download you will see COVER SHEET BOX 16 Notebook 2 TAB 79 Charles Noto. GO TO Pages 9,11,12,14 and 16 HAD TO BE THEN 1961 "Mr. LOUSTEAU also said that he can recall the particular incident that NOTO was talking about, but he cannot place any faces or any names. He did take a look at the photograph and said that this man is always around the Lakefront area fishing; that he has talked to him on several occasion; that he has seen him abound a panel truck with a television rgpriir sign on it which apo^rTnTly^w-Ei-3o^e by an individual and not by a professional ^Tj^'p^r^y.1 However, LOUSTEAU sajd that this-CQulo not have (happened inl9&2 fagsauss as ha •asaambars it. it was in .61. fSajSjjZcaB ^^-h~r CHAMPQa siting ^^roUabsthatj. <"* 161 J)but that he knows this incident could not have been in October or November of 1962 because JOE CRONIN was not working for the Levee Board " And did Noto or Loustreau ever say if this person calling himself LHO looked anything like the historic Oswald? There's a question you will avoid at all costs... // LAVERICK QUOTE ########################################### YES HE DID. HE SAW PHOTIOGRAPH AND HE WAS " always around the Lakefront area fishing " LEE in New Orleans Safe House working electronics game (fishing a lot ) LEE in Dallas at Diceman Apt with Ruby. //GAAL see link http://educationforu...=21547&p=297203 avoiding zero ,gaal Gaal: "...Mr. LOUSTEAU also said that he can recall the particular incident that NOTO was talking about, but he cannot place any faces or any names..." But then miraculously remembers that...YES HE DID. HE SAW PHOTIOGRAPH AND HE WAS " always around the Lakefront area fishing " So he had seen 'this man' regularly around the fishing area? Which man Steven? Was this person 'Lee'? And did he look just like the historic Oswald? btw what does the following mean, is it the cult's new language? Tj^'p^r^y.1 However, LOUSTEAU sajd that this-CQulo not have (happened inl9&2 fagsauss as ha •asaambars it. it was in .61. fSajSjjZcaB ^^-h~r CHAMPQa siting ^^roUabsthatj. <"* 161 J)but that he knows this incident could not have been in October or November of 1962 because JOE CRONIN was not It actually makes a lot more sense than most of your posts Steven: consider that. Steven Gaal, Why can't I find anything about Loustreau and Oswald or Loustreau and Noto on the Internet? Is all of that information in a secret file somewhere, or did you simply misspell "Loustreau," or what? Is there a special combination of "links" that I've missed? (I don't read your long posts because they give me headaches, and it's not just the graphics that do that.) --Tommy Bumped for Steven Gaal
  18. GO TO THE BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ARMSTRONG FILES. link >>> http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/compoundobject/collection/po-arm/id/41827/rec/3%20 You will see Oct 15,1959-June 11,1962 then CLICK ON THE DOWNLOAD BUTTON BOX on the right. YOU WILL DOWN LOAD A PDF FILE (41810 pdf). After download you will see COVER SHEET BOX 16 Notebook 2 TAB 79 Charles Noto. GO TO Pages 9,11,12,14 and 16 HAD TO BE THEN 1961 "Mr. LOUSTEAU also said that he can recall the particular incident that NOTO was talking about, but he cannot place any faces or any names. He did take a look at the photograph and said that this man is always around the Lakefront area fishing; that he has talked to him on several occasion; that he has seen him abound a panel truck with a television rgpriir sign on it which apo^rTnTly^w-Ei-3o^e by an individual and not by a professional ^Tj^'p^r^y.1 However, LOUSTEAU sajd that this-CQulo not have (happened inl9&2 fagsauss as ha •asaambars it. it was in .61. fSajSjjZcaB ^^-h~r CHAMPQa siting ^^roUabsthatj. <"* 161 J)but that he knows this incident could not have been in October or November of 1962 because JOE CRONIN was not working for the Levee Board " And did Noto or Loustreau ever say if this person calling himself LHO looked anything like the historic Oswald? There's a question you will avoid at all costs... // LAVERICK QUOTE ########################################### YES HE DID. HE SAW PHOTIOGRAPH AND HE WAS " always around the Lakefront area fishing " LEE in New Orleans Safe House working electronics game (fishing a lot ) LEE in Dallas at Diceman Apt with Ruby. //GAAL see link http://educationforu...=21547&p=297203 avoiding zero ,gaal Gaal: "...Mr. LOUSTEAU also said that he can recall the particular incident that NOTO was talking about, but he cannot place any faces or any names..." But then miraculously remembers that...YES HE DID. HE SAW PHOTIOGRAPH AND HE WAS " always around the Lakefront area fishing " So he had seen 'this man' regularly around the fishing area? Which man Steven? Was this person 'Lee'? And did he look just like the historic Oswald? btw what does the following mean, is it the cult's new language? Tj^'p^r^y.1 However, LOUSTEAU sajd that this-CQulo not have (happened inl9&2 fagsauss as ha •asaambars it. it was in .61. fSajSjjZcaB ^^-h~r CHAMPQa siting ^^roUabsthatj. <"* 161 J)but that he knows this incident could not have been in October or November of 1962 because JOE CRONIN was not It actually makes a lot more sense than most of your posts Steven: consider that. Steven Gaal, Why can't I find anything about Loustreau and Oswald or Loustreau and Noto on the Internet? Is all of that information in a secret file somewhere, or did you simply misspell "Loustreau," or what? Is there a special combination of "links" that I've missed? (I don't read your long posts because they give me headaches, and it's not just the graphics that do that.) --Tommy
  19. I apologise profusely for making boo boo and naming NOTO instead of Lousteau......Seppuku is my only option... only . ,gaal No, Steven. Colonel Seppuku had nothing to do with it, although he was observed "debriefing" Harvey in the public restroom in Minsk. "Briefs? I didn't know Harvey wore briefs. I thought he wore boxer shorts." "No, that was Lee." --Tommy So far, Gaal has made at least grievous errors. First, writing "4/22" instead of "4/63" when we were discussing Oswald's Texas Employment Commission records, and now misidentifying the guy whom "Lee" allegedly met with in New Orleans in 1961. This is absolutely wonderful, because it goes to show that anyone can make an innocent mistake -- the FBI, the DPD, the Marine Corps, witnesses, the CIA, even Steven Gaal. Lord knows his sidekick, David Josephs, makes them all the time. LOL But ironically, Gaal, Josephs, and Hargrove don't believe that the FBI, the DPD, the Marine Corps, the witnesses, nor the CIA made any mistakes whatsoever which could have led them to mistakenly believe that there really was a "Harvey" and a "Lee." edited and bumped
  20. I apologise profusely for making boo boo and naming NOTO instead of Lousteau......Seppuku is my only option... only . ,gaal No, Steven. Colonel Seppuku had nothing to do with it, although he was observed "debriefing" Harvey in the public restroom in Minsk. "Briefs? I didn't know Harvey wore briefs. I thought he wore boxer shorts." "No, that was Lee." --Tommy So far, Gaal has made at least grievous errors. First, writing "4/22" instead of "4/63" when we were discussing Oswald's Texas Employment Commission records, and now misidentifying the guy whom "Lee" allegedly met with in Florida in 1961. This is absolutely wonderful, because it goes to show that anyone can make an innocent mistake -- the FBI, the DPD, the Marine Corps, witnesses, the CIA, even Steven Gaal. Lord knows his sidekick, David Josephs, makes them all the time. LOL But ironically, Gaal, Josephs, and Hargrove don't believe that the FBI, the DPD, the Marine Corps, the witnesses, nor the CIA made any mistakes whatsoever which could have led them to mistakenly believe that there really was a "Harvey" and a "Lee."
  21. Smooth movement, Steven! Actually one of your more coherent posts. Nicely done. Feel better now? --Tommy MUCH BETTER !! THANKS !!!! See familiar JFK assassination names below. ,gaal +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Newman, John. Oswald and the CIA = see link http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com/2013/05/newman-on-fpcc.html = "In early 1961, eleven weeks before the Bay of Pigs invasion, the CIA seized an opportunity to become more actively involved in running operations against the FPCC. CIA Security Office and Western Hemisphere elements identified an Agency employee who knew Court Wood, an American student just returned from Cuba under the sponsorship of the FPCC. This opportunity to surveil Curt Wood, which developed at the end of January, was irresistible in the judgment of the person in the CIA’s Security Research Service (SRS) of the Security Office who conceived and authorized the operation. That person was James McCord, the same James McCord who would later become embroiled in the scandal during the Nixon Presidency. On February 1, 1961, McCord met with people from Western Hemisphere Division to discuss the "case" of an Agency employee who happened to be Court Wood’s neighbor and former high school classmate. At issue was whether to use this employee operationally to extract information from Wood. The employee, conveniently, worked in WH/4, the very branch that McCord wanted to run the illegal domestic operation he had in mind. The memo of record for this meeting states the following: On this date Subject’s case was coordinated with Mr. McCord of SRS in connection with Subject’s operational use within the US byWH/4/Propaganda. The implications of a CI operation with[in] the US by this Agency and the possibility of Subject might come to the attention of the FBI through association with Court Wood were discussed. Mr. McCord expressed the opinion that it was not necessary to advise the FBI of the operation at this time. However, he wishes to review the case in a month. The file of the Subject, along with that of the WH man who is supervising the operation (David Atlee Phillips #40695) will be pended [suspended] for the attention of Mr. McCord on 1 March 1961." Bummer. Back to your old form. Oh, well. For a minute there I thought there was hope for you... --Tommy
  22. Smooth movement, Steven! Actually one of your more coherent posts. Nicely done. Feel better now? --Tommy
  23. As if nobody else in the USA was ever named Lee Oswald, Harvey Oswald, or even Lee Harvey Oswald from 1940 to 1963... Regards, --Paul Trejo Paul, If you actually read Harvey and Lee, I doubt you'd make a statement like the one above. It amazes me that of the people on this forum who go to great links to say they don't believe Harvey and Lee, not a single one has actually read the book! This is hardly a case of some other completely unrelated fellow or two who just happened to be named “Lee Harvey Oswald.” Let's take a quick look at the first ten items on my list (numbers 10-6). 10. The Youth House in NY and Beauregard JHS in New Orleans attendance for Lee HARVEY Oswald and the Public School 44 NY attendance by LEE Harvey Oswald is right out of the Warren Commission. If the FBI and the Commissioners managed to identify some unrelated kid with the same name, they made a real whopper. 9. The fact that John Pic refused to ID his “brother” in the Bronx Zoo and FPCC literature images is hardly a matter of an unrelated kid with the same name. These are famous pictures, integral parts of the fable of “Lee Harvey Oswald.” 8. The fact that Social Security Administration refused to acknowledge ANY of Oswald's teen-aged income in REMARKABLE, especially since we have all those (apparently bogus) tax forms describing it. This is hardly a case of mistaken identity; these are U.S. records with names, addresses, Social Security numbers, taxpayer ID numbers, and so on. 7. When the HSCA was confronted with the evidence that Lee HARVEY Oswald departed by ship from Yokosuka, Japan on 9/16/58, eventually arriving and spending time in Taiwan, while LEE Harvey Oswald was being treated at the Naval hospital in Japan, it resulted in nothing less than a letter from Secretary of Defense Harold Brown denying that LHO left Japan. THESE ARE MARINE CORPS RECORDS OF “LEE HARVEY OSWALD!” 6. In the Bolton Ford incident, which occurred on 1/20/61, while CLASSIC LHO was in Russia, Fred Sewell indicated that the man who identified himself as “Lee Oswald” wanted to buy trucks for the Friends of Democratic Cuba. Sewell wrote both “Oswald” and “Friends of Democratic Cuba” on the sales proposal. Do you really think there were two, completely unrelated “Lee Oswalds” associated with “Friends of Democratic Cuba? "In the Bolton Ford incident, which occurred on 1/20/61, while CLASSIC LHO was in Russia, Fred Sewell indicated that the man who identified himself as “Lee Oswald” wanted to buy trucks for the Friends of Democratic Cuba." But Steven Gaal is trying to convince me that he was being kept under lock and key in a safe-house in Dallas during the time 'Harvey' was in Russia. If so, why was he allowed out to go and spill his name all over the place thus contaminating the whole elaborate plot? If he wasn't being kept in a "safe-house" then there must be some proof somewhere showing which addresses he lived at during this period. Find that and you may have something, at the moment it is just childish fantasy land. Your position is this... "There is no proof or even a report of an address so therefore he must have been kept in a safe-house". But that will now change. It has to. How else do you explain this sighting and the utter stupidity of him being there? And was it confirmed whether at the Bolton Ford sighting this Oswald actually looked like the historic Oswald? Did they look alike? If yes then that makes this plot beyond science fiction. It is impossible that two teenagers both picked for a long term project, both unrelated, could grow through adolescence and emerge almost identical; identical enough to create the Bolton Ford incident at any rate. If he didn't look like Oswald...What have you got? What all this proves is that you guys haven't got a clue; you're just blindly throwing darts at the board. Everyone knows you cannot address the above answers without recourse to abuse. I don' t expect any answers anyway because there aren't any! Bernie, I'm a little nauseous. I can feel another Gaal data dump coming on. Must be something I ate. --Tommy
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