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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Bernie, Another creepy thing about him is that he evidently feels so ashamed of being so egotistical that he constantly refers to himself as "i", as in "i'm called racist regularly here in Atlanta." I suggest that he start a new thread called "Although I Don't Necessarily Disagree With Him, Greg Parker Is A Very Rude Person and I Don't Like Him Very Much." --Tommy
  2. Jon Tidd, I've never even hinted at a concern for which side of H&L Greg comes down on. I've explicitly stated that I dislike unnecessarily mean people, and that he is one. I don't care whether Greg is wrong or not. I've even stated that he may have some good info. It's not about H&L. It was in response to yet another rude comment he made. That's all. Glenn, Then you're derailing this thread, aren't you. --Tommy
  3. Thanks, David! Two comments and a question: 1 ) The camp in red sounds like the camp on Big 7 Road near Lacombe. The clincher for me is that the "Lacombe Bayou" (or stream) is only 160 feet from the house, according to Google Earth. (I have the free NGS topo map "overlays" on my GE.) 2 ) The camp in green must have been fairly close to if they could hear gun shots from it. If the camp in green was situated where the Dixie Ranch Hunting Club (and fire watch tower) are today, then, according to GE, they were 3.9 miles apart, as the crow flies. With 3.9 miles of flat but, densely forested, land in between. Question: Would it have been possible to hear M-1 shots from that far away, over that kind of terrain, in humid conditions? --Tommy I've decided to "research" some of the names on the list that Angel provided to Alcock. "Angel remembers the following men to have been at the [big 7 Road?] camp with him: VICTOR PANEQUE 2ND in Command FIDEL ZALDIVAR 1st in Command ……PERIU VICTORIA MIGUEL CARBALLIDO HENRY INFANTE RAUL FANTONE FERNANDO FERNANDEZ SERGIO (NOT ARCACHA SMITH) As you can see, ANGEL could only remember the first name of one man and only the last name of another. LAUREANO BATISTA, however, is still trying to locate a complete camp roster for us. He is also trying to locate the names if the Americans who owned the camp. If he is successful, he has promised to mail the information to me in New Orleans." VICTOR PANEQUE (1st in Command) -- VICTOR MANUEL PANEQUE Y BATISTA (aka "Commandante Diego)" was born Sept. 22, 1918, and is well known and thoroughly documented. What's interesting is that, according to A.J. Weberman in Nodule 14, after Paneque defected to the U.S. in 1960, the manager of the Pepsi-Cola Company in Cuba, some students at the University of Havana, and Pedromo Sanjenis all claimed that Paneque was a double agent, secretly working for Castro. FIDEL ZALDIVAR (2nd in Command) -- Is probably FIDEL ALBERTO ZALDIVAR [FARINAS], born Nov. 21, 1936, and living in N. Miami Beach as of May, 2015. He registered to vote in 1972. FIDEL ALBERTO ZALDIVAR FARINAS is referenced in this 1964 FBI document, along with Laureano Batista Falla, Angel Vega, and Enrique Infante (q.v.): https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=124198&search=%22zaldivar_farinas%22#relPageId=8&tab=page , http://flvoters.com/by_number/1090/57275_fidel_alberto_zaldivar.html PERIU VICTORIA (fnu) -- Appears to have been OSCAR SERGIO PERIU VICTORIA, born 9/09/23. He was incarcerated in a prison in Oriente province in 1966 and was still there as of 1970; he's # 95 in this list of political prisoners: http://www.cidh.org/countryrep/Cuba70sp/cap.1b.htm. In 2012 he was living in Miami, having registered to vote there in 1996: http://flvoters.com/by_number/1096/85065_oscar_sergio_periu.html NOTE: The weirdo website URL won't let me post a live "link" to it, so just google (in quotation marks) "oscar sergio periu." He's the second one down on the google "hit list." (Looks like his son, now 65, is the first one on the "hit list." Anyone want to contact him to ask about his old man? Maybe his father is still alive -- I can't find any indication that he has passed away.) MIGUEL CARBALLIDO -- Might be MIGUEL REGELIO CARBALLIDO, Sr., born Sept. 29, 1942, and living in Hialeah Gardens, Miami-Dade County., Florida, as recently as May, 2012. He registered to vote in 1996. http://flvoters.com/by_number/1095/86267_miguel_rogelio_carballido.html HENRY INFANTE -- Is the same as ENRIQUE INFANTE (q.v. in above FBI doc.). In another FBI document, his name is given as HENRY INFANTE LEDA. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html? Note: There is a "Henry Infante" in Miami who has a security company and claims to be a martial artist. Maybe that's his son? RAUL FANTONE -- I can't find anything at all on this guy, which is very interesting in and of itself. The Mary Ferrell website has nothing for the name "Fantone," period. This is what A. J. Weberman has to say about Victor Paneque: "VICTOR PANEQUE AND ORLANDO BOSCH -- Victor Manuel Paneque y Batista (201-286382) assumed military leadership of MRR in Miami and organized a infiltration team to re-enter Cuba to continue MIRR operations. Victor Paneque was born September 22, 1918 in Holguin, Oriente Province, Cuba. His formal education was short. From 1934 until 1942 he worked as a farmhand together with his father. In 1942 he had four months of military training and then served two years as an infantry private at the Military Base, Managua, and Province of Havana, Cuba. Released from military service in 1944 he found employment as a waiter and bartender in various barrooms in Holguyin. He worked in this field until October 13, 1956, when he joined the 26th of July Movement and was appointed chief of all clandestine activity against the Batista regime for the Northern Coast of Oriente Province. Victor Paneque was arrested by the police of Bayamo, Oriente Province, sentenced to one year in prison by the Tribunal of Santiago De Cuba for conspiracy against the Batista regime. He served his sentence and was released on November 22, 1957. On November 27, 1957 he was appointed by the Castro organization Chief of Political Action, Sabotage and Violent Assaults, for Las Villas Province. He organized a "Front" on the North Coast of Las Villas which was eventually replaced by columns headed by Ché Guevara and Camillo Cienfuegos. In October 1958 Victor Paneque was chief of action for the Province of Pinar del Rio, Havana, and Matanzas and the area east of Havana. This operation took place between November 1959 and December 1959. From January 1, 1959, to January 5, 1959, the headquarters of Victor Paneque were located at the Sports Palace of Havana and when Fidel Castro entered the city, Victor Paneque turned over full control to his leader. On January 5, 1959, Victor Paneque was appointed Chief of the Revolutionary Army 5th Military District of Havana. He held this post for 22 days. In March 1959 he was made Chief of Public Order in the General Staff of the Rebel Army. In April 1959 Fidel Castro made him Chief of the Rural Police of Cuba. He was given full authority to set up and organize military schools for training a new rural police force. He established a school to train this force. None of the instructors there had been associated with the Communist Party of Cuba. Toward the end of October 1959 Castro was throughly disillusioned with the anti-Communist political attitude of the training school. He dissolved it and assigned its staff teaching jobs at the Peasant Militia schools. This decision was preceded by numerous violent arguments between Victor Paneque and Fidel Castro and convinced Victor Paneque that Fidel Castro was a Communist. On November 9, 1959, Victor Paneque was removed from his post as Chief of Public Order and Chief of Rural Police. He was appointed administrator general of a large state-owned truck company. In spite of this prestigious position Victor Paneque escaped Cuba by small boat in 1960 and was picked up by an American tanker after drifting for 14 hours. He came to the United States on September 3, 1960. [in 1967] The CIA reported [ https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=55193&search=sanjenis_paneque#relPageId=24&tab=page ] : Paneque y Batista, Victor Manuel, 201-286382 -- According to Carlos Quiroga, Victor Paneque was in charge of the military training camp conducted for Cubans from Miami in August 1963 at Lacombe, Louisiana. Quiroga added that before the coup, Paneque had been in charge of all underground work in Havana. Traces have shown tht Paneque, AKA Commandante Diego, DPOB September 22, 1918 Holguin, Oriente Province, Cuba was the chief of rural police under Castro, was a major in the army and also served as G-3 of the Cuban Army (chief of Public Order). Various reports indicate that: (1) When Paneque arrived in the U.S. on or about September 7, 1960, he first stayed in the home of Dr. Orlando Bosch, suspected Castro agent and possible DGI member in Miami. (2) He was associated with Carlos Rodriguez Castro, reported by an FBI source as a possible plant in anti-Castro organizations in U.S. (3) Before he left Cuba, Paneque spent two hours with Raoul Castro. (4) A Major [Pedromo] Sanjenis, former G-2 Chief who, in 1960, was serving 10 years on the Isle of Pines, stated that Victor Paneque tried to give the impression that he was against the Castro Government but in reality was a Cuban Government agent. [CIA report from Joaquin Pedromo Sanjenis - dated September 21, 1960] (5) That the general manager of the Pepsi Cola company said that Paneque had gone to Miami but was a member of G-2. According to a report dated October 6, 1960, prepared by another office of this agency members of the Student Group at the University of Havana reported the presence in Miami of two Castro 'plants' said to be DGI agents. One of these was Victor Paneque. The information in this report came from a United States national with business contacts in the Latin American areas. UFGA-17153, August 10, 1964, discounted some of the foregoing and said that there had been reports that Victor Paneque had been on Castro's list of officers to be eliminated and that he had been in touch with anti-Castro groups in the Escambray before he fled Cuba. Moreover, he was given a polygraph examination on August 4, 1964, with positive results. [4 or 5 lines redacted in my copy from MFF; see Weberman's words below] because there was no immediate operational use for him. ["The Station requested a POA and commo clearance as soon as possible. The POA was granted on November 13, 1964. Victor Paneque was granted a Provisional Operational Approval on November 14, 1964, for use by JMATE, which was canceled October 13, 1965. UFGA-23382, October 5, 1965, reported that Victor Paneque was to be terminated as of October 31, 1965,..." -- Where did Weberman find these words?] " Weberman continues, now quoting from a different document or documents: [To: Ass. C. Of Staff Dept. Army Atten: Interagency Source Register. Subject: Paneque SD-10237] In 1967 the CIA reported "Victor Manuel (Paneque) Batista 201-282382 Station has not had contact with Subject since his termination." [CIA 12.30.67 100-300-17 00005] The CIA received a report on March 31, 1962, which indicated that Victor Paneque was the organizer of a hunger strike group and was the first speaker at a rally to urge the United States to give arms to exiled Cubans. The CIA reported: "Victor Paneque was the first speaker. He advised the audience that the "Hunger Strike to Death" took place to show JFK that the Cubans are willing to die in exile if their right to defend Cuba from Communism is negated. The motto of the strike is 'Hunger or War.' The strike was primarily initiated to ask for arms for the Cubans in exile. He also stated that the compatriots in Cuba are asking in despair what the Consejo is doing to solve the Cuban problem. In answer to that question Paneque said the Consejo has done nothing and means nothing in the USA and Cuba. The Consejo should step aside and allow action people to take over the direction of the Cubans in exile." Luis Conte Aguerro also spoke at this rally. [CIA 201-286382] MRR
  4. The Harvey and Lee Credo: "No innocent mistakes were made by witnesses. No innocent mistakes were made by the FBI, DPD, Sheriff's Department, etc., in recording witnesses' statements. It was all intentional and proves that the bad guys chose two boys (and their mothers) in the early 1950's whom they somehow knew would grow up looking very much alike, when appropriate, but very different when necessary. You know, like when a person smiles in one photo taken from a certain angle and wearing certain clothing in certain lighting conditions, with a certain camera and a certain lens, etc., and tries to look "tough" in a different photograph, taken at from a different angle while wearing different clothes, etc, etc. They must be different people, right????? Especially if their being different people fits perfectly in my wacky, paranoid theory, right??? They must be different people, gosh darn it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "Golly, this is fun!" --T. Graves XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Harvey and Lee Credo, continued-- "The bad guys started planning and implementing all of this long before JFK was elected President. Harvey's and Lee's families, friends, and acquaintances were in on it from the beginning, and for whatever reason have decided to not spill the beans, just proving that the bad guys are all powerful and try to control everything we do and think, and we don't even know it. So if you want to make sense out of this chaotic, evil world that we live in, just start thinking like we do -- NO INNOCENT MISTAKES WERE MADE BY THE WITNESSES OR THE REPORTING AUTHORITIES. --Tommy
  5. Greg, OMG. This reminds me of when I used to change my grades on my report card, but I did a better job! LOL Yes, I see the dark area you're talking about and I can see that the first number in the second row of both columns has been reworked to make it look like a "6," and a "5" has been "improved." Whoever did that was a very sneaky son of a gun. --Tommy
  6. Hello Steve. Oswald WAS outside on the steps at the time of the shots. They didn't have to worry about controlling where he was. Dallas police and DA were old hands at making a case, no matter what. His alibi was not ironclad but not because it didn't work. It was not ironclad because it wasn't recorded, and therefore could be manipulated. His interrogators simply changed his alibi with a few little tweaks, which was enough to "disprove" it. When the altgens 6 frame was circulated at the time, there were no shortage of people noticing the resemblance of one of the men on the steps to Oswald. As was argued on this board, in the longest living thread in history, there was no need for the FBI to panic and rush off to confirm with Billy Lovelady that the he was the person in question. No need that is, if, as claimed by his interrogators, Oswald was admitting having a tet-a-tet with a cop up on the 2nd floor lunch room. How do we know what Oswald really said? Many early newspaper reports carried the real story of him being questioned at the first floor entry and cited cops as the source. Jesse Curry was among those sources... and the only non-cop, non-FBI non Secret Service agent at his last interrogation, Harry Holmes, correctly reported what Oswald said - that he was stopped at the front entrance... On top of all that, there is now visual verification. That's Oswald and Frazier up the back. It has always bothered me that Wesley Buell Frazier is standing there, with his arms crossed, just kinda taking it all in. Which seems strange to me. A mad man with a gun could rush out the front door at any second, Buell !!!!! Like I said, it just seems strange to me. The arms crossed bit. He's way too relaxed given the situation. His body language.fairly shouts out, "I didn't do it, Officer Baker -- I'm just keeping an eye on Oswald." --Tommy Tommy, he testified that he'd been taught to stand still in such situations so that you don't appear guilty. Mr. FRAZIER - I figured it was somebody shooting at President Kennedy because people were running and hollering so I just stood still. I have always been taught when something like that happened or anywhere as far as that it is always best to stand still because if you run that makes you look guilty sure enough. It makes me wonder what sort of environment Wes grew up in that such advice might come in handy some day. Or was he merely trying to cover up that he knew exactly what was going on and that he was perfectly safe? I don't know, but I think it's a reasonable question to ponder - especially when you add all his other odd behavior. Sounds like he had a criminal mind or a criminal upbringing. Why the polar extremes of "run" versus "stand still" in his testimony? Did he really feel like running? Why didn't he do something in-between, like uncross his arms and move around a little bit like everyone else? It's interesting that he felt compelled to voluntarily explain why he had just stood there with his arms crossed. --Tommy
  7. Greg, Isn't it interesting that all of the pairs of photos that Jospehs and his buddies provide, purporting to show "Lee" in one and "Harvey' in the other, show the same individual (Lee Harvey Oswald) smiling in one and trying to look "tough" in the other, photographed from a low angle in one and from a high angle in the other, etc? Everyone looks different when they are smiling or are viewed from a different angle. D'oh! --Tommy
  8. Hello Steve. Oswald WAS outside on the steps at the time of the shots. They didn't have to worry about controlling where he was. Dallas police and DA were old hands at making a case, no matter what. His alibi was not ironclad but not because it didn't work. It was not ironclad because it wasn't recorded, and therefore could be manipulated. His interrogators simply changed his alibi with a few little tweaks, which was enough to "disprove" it. When the altgens 6 frame was circulated at the time, there were no shortage of people noticing the resemblance of one of the men on the steps to Oswald. As was argued on this board, in the longest living thread in history, there was no need for the FBI to panic and rush off to confirm with Billy Lovelady that the he was the person in question. No need that is, if, as claimed by his interrogators, Oswald was admitting having a tet-a-tet with a cop up on the 2nd floor lunch room. How do we know what Oswald really said? Many early newspaper reports carried the real story of him being questioned at the first floor entry and cited cops as the source. Jesse Curry was among those sources... and the only non-cop, non-FBI non Secret Service agent at his last interrogation, Harry Holmes, correctly reported what Oswald said - that he was stopped at the front entrance... On top of all that, there is now visual verification. That's Oswald and Frazier up the back. It has always bothered me that Wesley Buell Frazier is standing there, with his arms crossed, just kinda taking it all in. Which seems strange to me. A mad man with a gun could rush out the front door at any second, Buell !!!!! Like I said, it just seems strange to me. The arms crossed bit. He's way too relaxed given the situation. His body language.fairly shouts out, "I didn't do it, Officer Baker -- I'm just keeping an eye on Oswald." --Tommy
  9. Thomas, despite what Murray himself said, I always thought it was late because of the women and the radio, like they have just learnt JFK is gone but I suppose an early report of shots fired at the motorcade could have produced that same reaction. Murray passed the building on his way to the knoll and didn't come back up for maybe close to fifteen minutes or more(the clock on the TSBD is visible in one of his photos)? So would the shadows change noticeably in that time? If so then we can place it close to Altgens like Murray said(four minutes or so). If not then someone might have an easier answer. The short shadow under the sign and that of the fire escape under the window of the DT look very similar in Altgens. Clive, I'm convinced that it was early on, before Howard Brennan (in the background) had spoken with Forrest Sorrells (and then taken to the Sheriff's Department to make a statement), and my main concern is whether or not that Nash Rambler on Elm Street Extension behind the black women is moving. If so, it could be the one that Roger Craig saw "Oswald" get into. If Murray was using a fast shutter speed, it could be moving but look stationary in the photo. --Tommy Edit: You can barely make out the rear end of a white car parked in front of the TDBD steps in the background in this youtube frame. I think it's the light-colored Nash Rambler captured in the Murray photo in which the two black women are hugging. edited and bumped
  10. Thanks for that Dave. One of the objectives that I have is to try to sort out what/which relationships we have with both the weapon/explosives cache(s) and the different groups/camps. For instance, John Koch (DRE/JMWAVE) has already been infiltrated to Cuba on sabotage missions. He was already trained back in late 1961, why involve him in more "training" in 1963? What would Koch have to do with a bombing mission? Quiroga is affiliated with the Christian Democrat Party -did he start a camp with Richard Davis? I don't know. There's too much going on for this to be about one operation. leaning toward this: the explosives cache was a setup which created a situation that required the Christian Democratic camp to shut down and protected the JMWAVE/DRE camp from further scrutiny Chris, I'm game. How could the explosive cache at McLaney's cottage protect the JMWAVE / DRE camp from further scrutiny? --Tommy
  11. Yes, I did. About a year ago I ID'd both Vickie & Sandra Styles and posted my work on a JFK assassination FB group. I just got a pvt message about this from someone so I took the time to upload my Vickie & Sandy photos to Imgur so I could post them here. I found Vickie Adams in those Cook-Cooper stills I posted here (with Jeraldean Reid and Carolyn Arnold), as well as Adams & Styles both in Willis 8 in front of the TSBD, and Styles alone in Willis 15 - near the SE corner of the TSBD near where the 3 wheel motorcycles were parked. She had said in her statements somewhere that she could hear the reports coming over the motorcycle radios there. Sure enough there she was. In the color photos you can see Vickie's dress is bright acqua with a black collar and Sandra's dress has a tiny floral print between vertical blue stripes. I also may have found Vickie in her bright aqua dress and curly blondish hair in the Huges film (though she has her back to the camera so I can't be 100% positive). As for the other photos I am 100% positive it's them. Here is my Imgur Vickie & Sandy photo file which has close up comparisons for all the photos/stills I found them in. They are both are in Willis 8, for example: Yes she does! Because she is! NB: how her hair line has a little "peak" on her right side (our left) in all her photos. I know, Linda, but I gotta show you a little "resistance" from time to time so the others won't figure out that we're c-o-l-l-u-d-i-n-g. Keep up the excellent work, and please don't hesitate to give me everlasting credit for finding Truly standing to the right of (your) Virgie Baker, (somebody else's) Jeraldean Reid, and (your) Carolyn Arnold in Wiegman! Thank you for finding Vicki Adams and Sarah Styles, too! All of them are great finds! --Tommy PS Is that helmeted Marion Baker walking down the steps on the far left?
  12. Bumped for Robert Prudhomme. Note the woman labeled "Vickie [sic] Adams" in the two photos / frames at the top, Bob. I assume that it was our Linda that did that. Maybe I'm wrong... She does kinda look like Vicki. Vicki Adams: Kneeling between two elephants:
  13. Regarding your last three posts, Great Work, Linda! I agree with you 100% that that's Carolyn Arnold on the side of the steps in that Darnell frame. Good observation that a gust of wind was blowing Virgie's coat top open and Carolyn's hair off her forehead at the same time in the Wiegman. Even though her face is partially obscured by the gal in front of her, I recognize her (Carolyn) as the same woman who's wearing pumps (good observation regarding pumps and pregnancy!) and holding her arm in a slightly affected manner next to Jeraldean in the other frames, especially another one (where she's getting ready to cross the street) from the same series (Cook?) that you posted one from, above. Now, something I think we should consider -- the possibility that O.V. Campbell isn't "Big Boy" after all, but instead the suit-wearing guy who sidesteps out of the way and tries to wave Baker up the left side of the steps. The reason I say this is because I think we can see this suit-wearing guy standing pretty close to Truly while the motorcade is passing by. (The wind may have been blowing his jacket open in some other frames, making it look like he wasn't wearing one.) I'll try to find the photos / frames again and post them here. In addition to the photographic evidence, I think it's logical to assume that since "top dog" Truly, President of the TSBD was wearing a suit that day, his lowly underling, O.V. Campbell, would have "followed suit" (if you will), and would have been wearing one, too. Keep up the good work Linda! --Tommy P.S. I think you probably have spotted Vicki Adams, too, but I want to study that a bit more before I give it my full-on "stamp of approval."
  14. Thomas, despite what Murray himself said, I always thought it was late because of the women and the radio, like they have just learnt JFK is gone but I suppose an early report of shots fired at the motorcade could have produced that same reaction. Murray passed the building on his way to the knoll and didn't come back up for maybe close to fifteen minutes or more(the clock on the TSBD is visible in one of his photos)? So would the shadows change noticeably in that time? If so then we can place it close to Altgens like Murray said(four minutes or so). If not then someone might have an easier answer. The short shadow under the sign and that of the fire escape under the window of the DT look very similar in Altgens. Clive, I'm convinced that it was early on, before Howard Brennan (in the background) had spoken with Forrest Sorrells (and then taken to the Sheriff's Department to make a statement), and my main concern is whether or not that Nash Rambler on Elm Street Extension behind the black women is moving. If so, it could be the one that Roger Craig saw "Oswald" get into. If Murray was using a fast shutter speed, it could be moving but look stationary in the photo. --Tommy Edit: You can barely make out a white car parked in front of the TDBD steps in the background in this youtube frame. I think it's the light-colored Nash Rambler captured in the Murray photo in which the two black wo,en are hugging.
  15. Bumped. I'm talking, of course, about the arrow on the right. "Standing between Truly and Campbell" could have more than one interpretation. We're looking at the posh seats, not many dark faces there either. Also note that if that is Truly on the right, he would have walked down more than halfway toward the other man after the parade before heading inside and apparently nothing pushing him there but his own two feet. Clive, Thanks for bumping this thread. The unusual configuration of the streets plus the perspective of the camera make it difficult to figure out where people are standing. Suffice it to say that the red arrow on the left is pointing to a man standing on the "island," whereas the arrow on the right is pointing to a man (most likely Truly) who is standing either on the sidewalk or in the street several feet to the right of the steps. Maybe Truly walked to the left and out into the street a little more after the shooting stopped in order to get a better view of what was happening down on Elm Street and the Grassy Knoll. In the Darnell and Couch footage, there are several people around Truly who are hurrying towards the front entrance, so I think his statement that he was "practically borne back" was an appropriate figure of speech because he did feel compelled to go along with them. It's interesting to note that Truly was one of the 52 witnesses who thought at least one ot the shots had come from the Grassy Knoll area. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=39&relPageId=229 --Tommy
  16. Thanks Larry. Are there any other good candidates for the "Hernandez" whom McKeown knew in Cuba? --Tommy
  17. Why not, Robert? Are you banned? The thread was started on April 1, 2015. --Tommy PS Did you register? (For membership to the site -- not your guns for cryin' out loud. LOL) Register, log in, put PRAYER MAN in the search box....
  18. Larry, Was Espinosa Hernandez the same guy who accompanied Oswald to McKeown's place in an attempt to buy some automatic rifles with scopes? --Tommy
  19. Robert, I just now went over there, logged in, and put PRAYER MAN in the "search" box and came up with a 54-page thread called "Prayer Man was not Oswald." Have you seen it? It starts off with some interesting 3-D Prayer Man and Wesley Buell Frazier work by a member. BTW, Please don't "attack" me on this. I personally believe that PM = O. I'm just doing this as a "public service" as you seem to be kinda restless and itching for a fight. --Tommy
  20. Still waiting for this guy to produce the "many discussions" and "many enhancements" he claims to have occurred over at his forum. (sounds like BS to me) I checked the link out and it amounts to nothing. Why not post some of that stuff here, Dunc? I agree Bob. In fact didn't Paul May (aka Photon) say that Duncan had debunked PM months ago? Still waiting for Paul's link to Duncan's evidence too. So how about we see your debunking on here Duncan. Why not make Paul May do it? All Duncan said is that it's been discussed many times on the JFK Assassination Forum website. Has anyone gone there and done a "search"? I must admit, however, that I don't understand Duncan's logic when he says, "[Prayer Man] is not Oswald as Baker has not even reached the front entrance of the TSBD at this point in the film." --Tommy I followed the links McRae provided, and found nothing. All talk and deception. Robert, That's too bad. You mean there was no "debate" at JFKAF as to whether or not Prayer Man could have been Oswald? The only link I can see that Duncan provided was to the website itself. Now for a little humor -- Hopefully you can engage Duncan in a conversation and convince him that Baker did't run up the steps and through the front door, but sprinted down to the corner to question a witness or another policeman for ten minutes, instead. LOL --Tommy
  21. Still waiting for this guy to produce the "many discussions" and "many enhancements" he claims to have occurred over at his forum. (sounds like BS to me) I checked the link out and it amounts to nothing. Why not post some of that stuff here, Dunc? I agree Bob. In fact didn't Paul May (aka Photon) say that Duncan had debunked PM months ago? Still waiting for Paul's link to Duncan's evidence too. So how about we see your debunking on here Duncan. Why not make Paul May do it? All Duncan said is that it's been discussed many times on the JFK Assassination Forum website. Has anyone gone there and done a "search"? I must admit, however, that I don't understand Duncan's logic when he says, "[Prayer Man] is not Oswald as Baker has not even reached the front entrance of the TSBD at this point in the film." --Tommy
  22. Chris, Well, at least the Big 7 Camp had a stream / bayou near the house that they could practice fording across, and a swimming pool that they could learn to swim in, and a nice porch that they could learn how to disassemble and clean guns on. In Live by the Sword Gus Russo says an informant, whom Russo calls "Juan," told him he had been a foreman on a 70-acre camp four miles from Covington (Big 7 Road was thirteen miles from Covington) which was set up to look like a "timber yard" where anti-Castro Cubans were (ostensibly) trained as lumbermen before being sent to bases in Latin American countries, not to work in the lumber industry there, but to assemble for another invasion of Cuba. As relayed by Russo, Richard Davis had struck a deal with wealthy right-wing geologist, David L. Raggio, to assist MDC leader Laureano Batista Falla in training Cuban exiles by financing it to the tune of $10K per month and by setting up a cover company called the "Guatemalan Lumber Company" which was co-owned by Gus DeLaBarre. Gus DeLaBarre's nephew Frank DeLaBarre described the 70-acre camp to Russo as a "big lodge. They all had private rooms in one large building. It had a large porch and a swimming pool." Frank DeLaBarre recalled that he and his uncle Gus were originally approached by Richard Davis on behalf of the Catholic Church. "We thought we were offering land as homes for Cuban refugees. One day I heard gunfire out there, and I wondered if we had been duped." Russo continues: "[Timber yard foreman] Juan, who readily admits that the (70-acre camp near Covington) was indeed used for military training, says, '[Laureano] Batista's military aide, Commandante Diego [Victor Paneque] was involved with the training. We stopped after the assassination because it was no longer kosher to go after Castro.' Another camp member, Angel Vega, testified that that the men were put into a physical fitness program, and trained in rifle assembly and disassembly -- hardly prerequisites for lumber cutting." https://books.google.com/books?id=7Q87Rrxyh9wC&pg=PA186&lpg=PA186&dq=%22timber+yard%22+maritima&source=bl&ots=jTnFmBa4lo&sig=BVrutNc6TA9fQ2BNZ4VAKVUnZAc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCwQ6AEwA2oVChMI1ffku7S0xwIVSJINCh2sQQyx#v=onepage&q=%22timber%20yard%22%20maritima&f=false I believe that the physical fitness and rifle assembly / disassembly took place at the Big 7 Road camp, and that no "target shooting" took place there. --Tommy BTW, What do you make of the Facebook account of the Lacombe "local" who encountered a bunch of dressed-in-black, gun-toting guys on Big 7 Road in the mid 1980's? and FWIW, the "Abita Lookout Tower" is 4.16 miles to the southeast of downtown Covington. Here's an interesting FBI document from 1967 that talks about [Richard] Rudolph Davis, the "timber camp" near Lake P., the 19 anti-Castro Cubans brought there to "work," and the "Guatemalan Lumber and Mineral Company" that Davis claimed to have set up. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=60405&search=guatemalen_lumber#relPageId=38&tab=page And this FBI document talks about the "timber camp," too. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=75359#relPageId=5&tab=page
  23. Hi Paul, That's one of the things I'm trying to figure out. I think as many as four camps in that area may have been raided on one night and it's logical to assume that the night in question was 7/31/63 when Bill McLaney's cottage on N. 31st St. in Lacombe was hit and the eleven guys were "arrested." If that's true, then one must ask -- Why was the McLaney's Cottage Bust the only one that got any publicity? Because that's the only one that had an arms / explosives cache? To embarrass / control JFK and RFK due to their connections to the McLaney brothers? An attempt to "sabotage" JFK and RFK's AMWORLD project (which the CIA was forced to support but didn't like)? Someone in a position to know said there were six camps around LaCombe. I'm trying to remember who that was... --Tommy
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