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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Robert, I refer you to post #31, this thread. --Tommy bumped Box 5, Folder 2, #3 is a City of Dallas list of all the affidavits that were taken by the Dallas Police Department and the Dallas Sheriff's Department. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box5.htm -- [box 5, Folder 2] 3. Table of Contents, by an unknown author. Table of Contents listing affidavits by person, includes notebook page number and officer taking statement, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00001255 3 pages 05 02 003 1255-001.gif 1255-002.gif 1255-003.gif " If you click on all three GIF's, you'll see that Detective James Leavelle is listed as having taken seven affidavits altogether. In alphabetical order they are: Ted Callaway, Charles Givens, Sam Guinyard, Billy Lovelady, Mrs. R. A. Reid, W. W. Scoggins, and Roy S. Truly. Mrs. R. A. Reid is the only female whom Leavelle took an affidavit from, and according to his WC testimony, he did so on Saturday, November 23, 1963. We know from his WC testimony that he also took Roy Truly's affidavit on 11/23/63. All of the other affidavits that Leavelle took were taken on Friday, November 22, 1963. Here's Reid's 11/23/63 affidavit: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/13/1327-001.gif and Here's Truly's: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/13/1344-001.gif Now, there is a photo montage in post # 31 (on page three of this thread) which shows Detective James Leavelle sitting with a woman in the Homicide and Robbery Bureau office, and it looks like he's taking a statement from her or reading the statement she's just given him. Based on what I've just spelled out, above, I believe this woman is very probably 51-year-old Jeraldean Reid (aka Mrs. Robert A. Reid). What do you think?
  2. Oh God, here we go again. Let me take a wild guess as to why Roberdeau said that. Hmmmm. Because Truly and Campbell were two guys who said they were going out to lunch together and that they were standing in front of the front entrance? --Tommy Jeraldean Bray Reid (Mrs. Robert A.Reid) said she was standing "near" Truly and Campbell during the shooting. Campbell and Truly said Reid was standing "close" or "near" to them during the shooting... Mr. BELIN. Did you notice any other company employees with you other than Mr. Campbell at that time? Mr. TRULY. Well, I did. I noticed several. Mrs. Reid was standing there close. And it seemed like there were several of the other employees standing out in front of the building. Mrs. Reid's head is barely visible to the left of the woman with the white blouse, close to the car as it passes. Truly and Campbell are about six away from her, to the right. Six feet is "near" or "close," IMHO. Note that both Reid and Truly are standing in the "second row" of spectators, and also please note that there doesn't appear to be anyone else between Reid and Truly in that row, which could explain why "shorty" Truly could see Reid so well from his position and remember later that she was there.
  3. Robert, Well, is that Roy Truly, between Baker and Yellow Circle Guy? If so, I suppose we can assume Truly was wearing the same dark-colored hat (that is not lighter than its hatband) on 11/22/63. Who is the guy to the right of Yellow Circle Guy? Have you seen Truly and Baker together in the reenactment film? Why would the Warren Commission or the Secret Service be interested in reenacting a meeting that took place inside the TSBD after the assassination, anyway? If Senator Cooper wanted to question Marion Baker and Roy Truly, do you think he'd insist on questioning them in situ and wearing the same garb they'd worn on 11/22/63? Wouldn't the Warren Commission and the Secret Service be more interested in reenacting the sniper's view of the limo from the sixth floor window, Zapruder's view of the limo, etc? You can see those things on this WPA website: https://www.wpafilmlibrary.com/clips?page=6999&tag=wetsckhvcbaesg --Tommy
  4. I'll take that as a serious attempt but no. No prize-winning nugget for you this time. Dang! And I'm considered a world class nose picker! --Tommy PS How do you know that David Aubrey Sooy was ONI? Insider information? A personal, confidential source?
  5. Could this be the car that Sooy was waiting in? --Tommy Created and bumped for Linda Giovanna Zambanini
  6. Sorry if i'm confusing you, Tommy! About a year ago on a thread on EDF and in another FB group, i learned about about Sooy and Krystinik from posts by James Richards and Greg Parker. Shortly after that -- knowing he had been parked around the TSBD watching the motorcade, I started looking for him in footage and photos, and shortly thereafter I found who i believed to be Sooy in the DCA film at 6:15. It was Greg Parker - a meticulous researcher - who first said in that EDF thread that Sooy was not only Cmdr of the Dallas NAS, but was ONI. I trust his research. (It's a great thread - i highly recommend it! ). I'm very convinced that the guy at 6:15 in the DCA film is Sooy - have been since day one. Then a few months ago I happened to notice the tall guy with the dark hat over the top of the Queen Mary's windshield/visor in the Altgens 6 - i hadn't noticed him before. I noted his features looked a lot like Sooy but he had a little fuller face. However, i didn't rule him out because i thought it might just be the lighting making his face look thinner in the DCA film than in Altgens. So, IMO, he could also possibly be Sooy. Fast forward to this Truly thread and Truly #1 and Truly#2. You and I proved that Truly#2 is the real Roy Truly. I believed and believe that the clear Jack White/Unger photo of "Truly#1" who, IMO, has a chubby face & cheeks, puggish nose and big sunglasses, unlike Truly (or Sooy) proves he cannot be either of them. You think the resemblance is close enough. As i understand it (correct me if i've misunderstood you) you believe Truly#1 and the guy I found in Altgens 6 who I think might be Sooy are one in the same. Is that right? Well today, i photographically proved - without a doubt - that no matter who they are, they are not the same person. Even though they may be dressed similarly, with a white handkerchief, dark hat and white tie, and even thought they may be in the same vaguely general area - they are NOT the same person but two distinct individuals. I sent you the graphic I made proving they can't be the same person, in pvt message. I just checked and see you replied thusly: I believe the guy whose head is visible above the Queen Mary MIGHT be the DCA 6:15 guy (who, IMO, is Sooy). As I said he looks a little different so maybe it's not Sooy but an entirely different guy. But on the other hand it might just be a difference in lighting. Due to the really extreme foreshortening caused by Altgen's lens I'm not sure where exactly the... let's call him....Queen Mary-Man (QM-Man) is standing. He might be on the island to the north of the stoplight & Truly#2 --- ie: standing closer to the TSBD. The island isn't very wide. Or he might be standing in the Elm Extension. Or I'm even wondering if due to the severe foreshortening he could be in front of the TSBD, even EAST of the Truly#2 grouping. I have searched for the QM-Man in Wiegman (and Darnell) but can't find him anywhere - yet he is clearly there, somewhere, in Altgens. And I proved he is not one and the same with Truly#2 (details below). Weigman doesn't give us a view of who is to the right (east) of the Truly#2 grouping, so that's another reason i'm guessing he might be out of frame to the east of them, but Altgens severe foreshortening makes him look much closer. Darnell does pan farther east of the doorway but by then everyone has scattered. It might not seem possible that QM-Man is that far down, but Altgen's lens creates some really bizarre optical illusions. For example, in Altgens 6 the stop light and its attached signs appear to be right next to the the other big sign post on the island that has multiple route signs attached to it. In Altgens6 they practically appear to be atop each other! But when seen in shots by other photographers we can see they are actually widely separated from each other, both in the East-West axis and the North-South axis. Altgens lens also makes Lovelady appear to be leaning against the western entryway pillar, when in fact he's over against the western side of the railing. In the Wiegman film (the second by second version on youtube), I have found another man in a hat further west on the island. He is tiny and nondescript so i can't prove he is the QM-Man - besides I think it's impossible that he could be that far west - west of the tree in the island. The QM-Man appears far to the east of the tree - as i said he may even be east of the Truly#2 grouping. What i do know 100% for sure now, is that QM-Man (whomever he is) and "Truly#1" (whomever he is) are NOT the same person. We can see in Jack White's clear, Wiegman frame, that Truly#2 has his feet firmly planted right on the curb, and in fact, the front of his left foot is hanging over the edge of the curb on Elm. While in Altgens 6, even though we can't see Truly#2 because he's obstructed by the QM itself - just to the rear of the QM, we can see a bit of Elm street and curb of the island. The curb is just below the stoplight pole where Truly#2 was/is standing. And crucially, we can also see the QM-Man in the distance, and he is no where near that curb or the stop light pole - but is standing far to the left of it and is also most likely far in the distance. So that wider shot of Altgens6 and Jack White's Wiegman frame, proves that they are 2 distinct people - whoever they are. I hope this clears it up! Addendum: Sooy was ONI. (Plus there's some belief that Oswald had an ONI file and this was deliberately kept from the ARRB). As for proving Sooy, as ONI, had something to do with the assassination, well, i haven't proved that...and i don't claim to have proved that. But who knows where this knowledge might lead with further research now that we are aware of his presence. The fact that he was ONI and there in DP should raise some red flags just like James Powell does. Just as other intelligence people in the motorcade do - like Lumpkin Gen. Whitmeyer, Winston Lawson etc....But if we shut down research in the early stages just because we don't have full proof yet...well we get nowhere. The same holds for anything connected to the assassination - like PM etc... Linda, It seems to me that a couple of times in this post you say "Truly #2" when you mean to say "QM Man." I thought Truly #2 was the real Roy Truly whom I discovered standing at the far right in the enhanced, 3-D Wiegman clip. I'm getting more and more confused. --Tommy
  7. Hi Tommy! As I said earlier in a pvt msg to you ....i really am clueless as to why you can't see my googlephotos and are getting that error message when i can see all of them when i click on the links. The only things i can think of are some computer problem on your end - lack of updates or an old OS or something. OR maybe there is some privacy setting on googlephotos i don't know about so that only I am able to see them and you and others can't? Did anyone else having the same problem with those links? From now on i'm only going to post imgur links/photos. As for Sooy, sorry you don't think it looks like him!! What can i say...i think he's a dead ringer, and we do know he was in the area. His face looks a little older and bonier in the DCA photos because he *is* probably 5-10 years older than that Navy comparison photo, and he has glasses on. (In fact, It's the reflection/refraction through the glasses that are sitting low on his nose, that is creating those paler colored "bumps" in his upper cheek area - it's an optical illusion not his real cheeks. So that may be why you think he looks different. I still remain convinced it's him. In fact, just today, i found absolute proof that he cannot possibly be "Truly#1 by examining him in an uncropped version of Altgens6! (I had cropped his photo out months and saved it because i thought he looked like Sooy. However when i posted it here it lacked the "context" of the full picture. Today I noticed In the very clear Wiegman photo that Robin Unger and Bjorn posted (Jack White's slide) "Truly#1" can be seen to be standing right on the curb - in fact, you can see his feet right on the curb and the front of his left shoe is actually overhanging the curb! I then examined the full uncropped Altgens 6 photo to see where he was in relation to the curb (something i wasn't interested in months ago when i snipped him out of Altgens.) I think part of the reason you don't think he is Sooy is because you think he may be "Truly#1" because they "both" have a white pocket handkerchief and they both have on a white tie. Doesn't matter! They just both simply happen to have these things in common - and i proved it today. In the full Altgens photo one can see a little bit of Elm St and the curb Truly#1 was standing on just behind the Queen Mary - and "Sooy" is far to the left of the island, streetlight and curb! So he can't be standing on the curb! (We can't see T1 in Altgens either because he's so short, or we are possibly seeing just a sliver of him behind the Queen Mary and it may be his shoes on the island curb we are seeing! I made a comparison graphic of Altgens 6 and that Wiegman frame to demonstrate this. Do you want me to post it in this thread as proof that that man (whom i think may be Sooy) cannot be "Truly#1"? Or do i have to post it in the new "Sooy" thread. I haven't posted anything over there yet - just haven't had time and got sidetracked with working on this new find. (Additionally i made up a nice list of the locations and statements of the group of women standing around the Truly Trio on the right (Truly#2) since you said you needed to read through and compare their statements. I will post that here in a minute... Sorry, Linda. I'm confused. How many different people are you talking about in your post? Regardless, even if you are able to prove that "DAC 6:15 White Tie and Handkerchief Guy" is David Aubrey Sooy, are you absolutely certain that he was ONI simply because he was the commander of a naval base? Carrying it one step further, even if you can prove that he was ONI, how will you go about trying to prove he had something to do with the assassination? PS I thought you said you were going to start putting your new Sooy stuff on the thread I created especially for him called "Man Wearing Fedora, White Tie, and Breast Pocket Handkerchief -- ONI Officer David Aubrey Sooy?". That thread has only five replies on it so far, and four of them are from me! LOL --Tommy
  8. Dear Ian The sun would have been lower in the sky on November 22 than it was on July 25. Sincerely, --Tommy
  9. Yes, Robert, I do. That Oswald was a quick and furtive little devil. Either that or Baker and / or Truly and / or Campbell and / or Reid encountered / saw Oswald in his "Prayer Man" position on the top step and changed their stories from first (Campbell and at least one unidentified "other" -- Reid? Truly? Baker?) seeing him in a ground floor storage room, to finally, Baker's and Truly's encountering him in the ... the second floor lunchroom! (With some "third or fourth floor" versions along the way.) You know, Baker may have started running up the front steps but paused for some reason before going inside, giving that sneaky little Oswald more than enough time to run inside and grab his apple, or whatever. Heck, Oswald might have opened the door for Baker, or strolled ahead of him in full view to the storage room where Baker might have asked him where the elevator or stairs to the top floors / roof were located, during which conversation Campbell and Truly and Reid might have strolled in and "seen" Oswald in the storage room. Here's a wild idea. Maybe Oswald, "hip" to the assassination or "fake assassination attempt," was taking photos of the "Actors" (so to speak) and then Baker ran up to him on the steps and took his camera away. "Sorry, kid, I gotta confiscate your camera. Tell you what. Come on up with me to the second floor lunchroom and I'll buy you a Coke!" --Tommy edited and bumped Her lens is glowing like Prayer Man's: Doesn't light need to enter the top viewfinder lens of the camera in order for that light to be reflected back out through the front viewfinder lens? Was there sufficient light in the PM position for that to happen? Also, the circle of light in the PM clips seems larger than the viewfinder lens? (On the ROKC forum, someone did a test with his son standing in a porchway in similar conditions of shade to the PM scenario with a similar camera and could not reproduce the effect). Since Prayer Man was pointing his twin lens reflex camera in the general direction of the sun, enough light was entering it through the upper "viewing" or "reflex" lens so that half (?) of it, after being bounced back in the direction of the lens by the 45-degree-angled mirror inside and then allowed to escape out through that lens, escaped with sufficient intensity as to make the lens appear to be glowing to an observer. It doesn't matter that he was standing in the shade because he wasn't pointing his TLR at a poorly-lit object, he was pointing it in the general direction of the sun. In fact, it's easier for the observer to see that glowing lens when the camera is in the shade due to the contrast between the "dark" shade and the "light" glow. That's my take on it, Ian. Please correct me if I've made any technical mistakes. This forum won't allow us to post here any photos from certain websites (at least that's my understanding), so I'm unable to post some good photographs which demonstrate what I'm talking about. In order to view this phenomenon, what it takes is for someone with a twin lens reflex camera to point it at a strong light source and at a mirror at the same time in order to create a kind of "selfie" photograph which shows the glowing "viewing" or "reflex" lens of the camera, or for another photographer with any kind of camera to take a head-on photograph of someone who is standing in the shade and pointing their TLR towards the sun. That's why I suggest googling "Vivian Maier" in quotation marks and then clicking on "images" (instead of "web") to see two full pages of Vivian Meirer's photographs, a few of which were taken in the aforementioned "selfie" way and which, therefore, show her glowing "viewing" or "reflex" lens even though she's standing in shade. Or you might want to check out Linda's excellent "photo album" http://www.reopenkennedycase.org/apps/photos/album?albumid=15889118 and blog http://www.reopenkennedycase.org/apps/forums/topics/show/13218499 on the ROKC website. Regarding "PM's circle of light seeming larger that the diameter of his lens," Oswald's Imperial Reflex was a shiny silvery-grey in color, "like aluminum," so maybe that had something to do with it. --Tommy
  10. Vanessa, I'm kinda gravitating to the idea that Baker ran right past Oswald on the steps without paying any attention to him, and went up to the fifth floor and searched it by himself (Bonnie Ray Williams told the FBI that right after the shots, a policeman (he could see the top of his white motorcycle helmet) came off the elevator and pretty thoroughly searched the fifth floor where Williams and Jarman and Norman still were at the west window), and then left. Meanwhile, Oswald had put his camera away in the small storage room by the front door (because he'd run out of film), and was encountered there by Campbell and someone else (Reid?, Truly?), and then when the "fix" came in, all of them started changing their stories. Mr. BALL. Now, when you were questioned by the FBI agents, talking to Mr. Odum and Mr. Griffin, they reported in writing here that while you were standing at the west end of the building on the fifth floor, a police officer came up on the elevator and looked all around the fifth floor and left the floor. Did you see anything like that? Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, at the time I was up there I saw a motorcycle policeman. He came up. And the only thing I saw of him was his white helmet. Mr. BALL. What did he Mr. WILLIAMS. He just came around, and around to the elevator. Mr. BALL. Which elevator? Mr. WILLIAMS. I believe it was the east elevator. Mr. BALL. Did you see anybody with him? Mr. WILLIAMS. I did not. Mr. BALL. You were only able to see the top of his helmet? Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. You could only see the top of his helmet Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir; that is the only thing I saw about it. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/williams.htm Case Closed ( LOL ) --Tommy And the amazing thing is that any one of these speculative scenarios has a chance of being true. Yep! Even yours, Robert. (LOL) .....And edited, of course.
  11. Vanessa, I'm kinda gravitating to the idea that Baker ran right past Oswald on the steps without paying any attention to him, and went up to the fifth floor and searched it by himself (Bonnie Ray Williams told the FBI that right after the shots, a policeman (he could see the top of his white motorcycle helmet) came off the elevator and pretty thoroughly searched the fifth floor where Williams and Jarman still were), and then left. Meanwhile, Oswald had put his camera away in the small storage room by the front door (because he'd run out of film), and was encountered there by Campbell and someone else (Reid?, Truly?), and then when the "fix" came in, all of them started changing their stories. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/williams.htm Case Closed ( LOL ) --Tommy
  12. Yes Robert, it's strange, very very strange. But it's also strange that........ We could go around in circles on this forever. Hey, maybe that's what Baker did. He circled the building a couple of times! LOL --Tommy
  13. Hi Vanessa, Good to hear from you again. To answer your question -- I can't think of any other reason for him to go into that small storage room by the front door on his lunch break, and it was close to the front door! LOL Now, if they encountered him in the storage room back in the north west (?) corner, as some researchers claim, that would be a different matter altogether. In that case he was probably there to get a Dr. Pepper! I'm now convinced that Prayer Man was holding a twin lens "reflex" camera (with an internal 45 degree mirror that reflected direct sunlight back out through the "viewing lens" and could make that lens glow, even in the shade) and therefore needed to have both hands free for its operation. If Prayer Man was Oswald and he'd only half eaten his cheese sandwich or his apple, he might have stashed them in that storage room right before he walked out onto the top step or "landing area" with his camera. But all of this Prayer-Man-was-Oswald and he-had-his-camera-with-him raises a sticky issue -- wasn't Oswald's Imperial Reflex found at Ruth Paine's place? Edit: I've just read a FBI report that says that Irving, Texas, police detective John A. McCabe allegedly found the Imperial Reflex in a box of Oswald's possessions while searching Ruth Paine's house on 11/23/63, but gave it no evidentiary value whatsoever because "it appeared to him to be in such bad condition as to be unusable" (or words to that effect), and so he didn't take it in as evidence but just left it at Mrs. Paines'. I find McCabe's story implausible -- It's interesting to note that the FBI report doesn't say whether or not McCabe checked the camera to see if it had film in it! So McCabe allegedly left the Imperial Reflex at Ruth Paine's house and told other inquiring detectives to ignore it, the FBI completely missed it themselves, and then Robert Oswald supposedly took it home from Ruth's house on December 8, 1963, (although Ruth saw him take some of Lee's things that day, she didn't see him take the Imperial Reflex "because it was in a box of Lee's things that I didn't look into"), and then Robert allegedly turned the camera over to the FBI, upon request, on February 24, 1964. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh25/pdf/WH25_CE_2557.pdf In Accessories After the Fact, Sylvia Meagher quotes Ruth Paine's March 21, 1964, WC testimony as saying that Oswald once showed her a camera he had bought in Russia, and complained to her that he couldn't buy film for it in the U.S. because of a size difference, and Meagher goes on to suggest that since only "two" (actually three) photographs are known to have been taken in the U.S. with the (American made) Imperial Reflex camera -- the backyard backyard photos -- the camera Oswald was complaining about must have been the Imperial Reflex. If Sylvia had done a little more research, she would have found out that the Imperial Reflex camera was made by a Chicago, Illinois, based company, and that Robert Oswald told the FBI after the assassination that Lee had bought it in 1957 and had not taken it to Russia with him, but had stored it at Robert's house. Lee bought a much smaller camera, the Cuera-2 or Smerna-2 (35mm), in Russia, so that must have been the one he was complaining about to Ruth Paine, not the Imperial Reflex. https://books.google.com/books?id=9XEhAgAAQBAJ&pg=PT212&lpg=PT212&dq=oswald+%22imperial+reflex%22+paine&source=bl&ots=yIkkvQvWdC&sig=pHz6yCzP8qicqhMzzDIegEtpEyc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAWoVChMI8pjKy6mOxwIVlDSICh0tqAU5#v=onepage&q=oswald%20%22imperial%20reflex%22%20paine&f=false After a little so-called "research" on my part, I found out that Oswald owned at least three cameras which were taken from Paine's house after the assassination: 1 ) The American made Imperial Reflex 620, 2 ) an American made Stereo Realist novelty camera (it took stereo pictures), 3 ) a Russian made Cuera-2 or Smerna-2 35mm camera, and possibly a fourth camera -- the infamous Minox "spy camera". BTW, It's interesting to note that Marina, in her WC testimony, said the camera she took the backyard photos with was black, but a February, 1964, FBI report claims that she told them it was grayish in color, like aluminium. The body was silver-grey and made of Bakelite plastic: Final thought for now: If Prayer Man had been holding this camera in Wiegman and Darnell / Couch, I think its light color would have been highly visible in those films. Edited while you guys were posting, so I'm bumping it. Now for two questions for Vanessa: I've read that a Coke bottle was found on the left side of the steps, but I haven't heard that the remains of a lunch was found on the steps. Could you please tell me where you heard that so I can "check it out?" I like your idea that Oswald might have been in the storage room simply to put his camera in there, but I'm thinking that if I had a camera with me and the President had just been assassinated about 50 yards away from me, I'd want to get as many pictures of the "aftermath" as I could. (Might make some money that way!) Of course Lee could have run out of film before Baker started running towards the steps and simply decided to put his camera away in a safe place..... I've also read today an FBI statement or report alleging that Robert Oswald told them that there was no film in the Imperial Reflex when he took it from Paine's house on December 8, that Lee had stored it at Robert's house while he was in Russia, and that Robert returned it to him in August of 1962. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh25/pdf/WH25_CE_2557.pdf
  14. Hi Vanessa, Good to hear from you again. To answer your question -- I can't think of any other reason for him to go into that small storage room by the front door on his lunch break, and it was close to the front door! LOL Now, if they encountered him in the storage room back in the north west corner, as some researchers claim, that would be a different matter altogether. In that case he was probably there to get a Dr. Pepper! Also, I'm now convinced that Prayer Man was holding a twin lens "reflex" camera (with a light-reflecting and transmitting "viewing lens") and therefore needed to have both hands free for its operation. If Prayer Man was Oswald and he'd only half eaten his cheese sandwich or his apple, he might have stashed them in that storage room right before he walked out onto the top step or "landing area" with his camera. But all of this Prayer-Man-was-Oswald and he-had-his-camera-with-him raises a sticky issue -- wasn't Oswald's Imperial Reflex found at Ruth Paine's place? Edit: I've just read in Accessories After the Fact that the FBI, etc. apparently overlooked the camera at Ruth's place a few times, and Robert Oswald allegedly took it home with him from there on December 8, 1963, and turned it over to the FBI on February 24, 1964. But the allegation that Robert Oswald took the Imperial Reflex from Paine's house on December 8, 1963. is contradicted --Tommy In Accessories After the Fact, Sylvia Meagher quotes Ruth Paine's March 21, 1964, WC testimony as saying that Oswald once showed her a camera he had bought in Russia, and complained to her that he couldn't buy film for it in the U.S. because of a size difference, and Meagher goes on to suggest that since only two (actually three) photographs are known to have been taken in the U.S. with the (American made) Imperial Reflex camera -- the backyard backyard photos -- the camera Oswald was complaining about must have been the Imperial Reflex. If Sylvia had done a little more research, she would have found out that the Imperial Reflex camera was made by a Chicago, Illinois-based company, and that Robert Oswald claimed that Lee had bought it in 1957 and had not taken it to Russia with him. He bought a much smaller camera, the Cuera-2 or Smerna-2, in Russia, so that must have been the one he was complaining about, not the Imperial Reflex. https://books.google.com/books?id=9XEhAgAAQBAJ&pg=PT212&lpg=PT212&dq=oswald+%22imperial+reflex%22+paine&source=bl&ots=yIkkvQvWdC&sig=pHz6yCzP8qicqhMzzDIegEtpEyc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAWoVChMI8pjKy6mOxwIVlDSICh0tqAU5#v=onepage&q=oswald%20%22imperial%20reflex%22%20paine&f=false If it's true that Oswald couldn't buy film for his Imperial Reflex camera (but I doubt that because I think it used size "620" film which was readily available back then), it makes no sense that he would take it to the TSBD to get some photos of -- well, whatever. After a little "research" on my part, I found out that Oswald owned at least three cameras which were taken from Paine's house after the assassination: 1 ) The American made Imperial Reflex 620 (taken by Robert on December 8), 2 ) an American made Stereo Realist novelty camera (it took stereo pictures), 3 ) a Russian made Cuera-2 or Smerna-2 35mm camera, and possibly a fourth camera -- the infamous Minox "spy camera". BTW, It's interesting to note that Marina, in her WC testimony, said the camera was black. An FBI report claims she told them it was grayish in color, like aluminium. It was silver-grey: Final thought for now: If Prayer Man had been holding this camera in Wiegman and Darnell / Couch, I think its light color would have been highly visible in those films.
  15. Yes, Robert, I do. That Oswald was a quick and furtive little devil. Either that or Baker and / or Truly and / or Campbell and / or Reid encountered / saw Oswald in his "Prayer Man" position on the top step and changed their stories from first (Campbell and at least one unidentified "other" -- Reid? Truly? Baker?) seeing him in a ground floor storage room, to finally, Baker's and Truly's encountering him in the ... the second floor lunchroom! (With some "third or fourth floor" versions along the way.) You know, Baker may have started running up the front steps but paused for some reason before going inside, giving that sneaky little Oswald more than enough time to run inside and grab his apple, or whatever. Heck, Oswald might have opened the door for Baker, or strolled ahead of him in full view to the storage room where Baker might have asked him where the elevator or stairs to the top floors / roof were located, during which conversation Campbell and Truly and Reid might have strolled in and "seen" Oswald in the storage room. Here's a wild idea. Maybe Oswald, "hip" to the assassination or "fake assassination attempt," was taking photos of the "Actors" (so to speak) and then Baker ran up to him on the steps and took his camera away. "Sorry, kid, I gotta confiscate your camera. Tell you what. Come on up with me to the second floor lunchroom and I'll buy you a Coke!" --Tommy edited and bumped Her viewing lens is glowing like Prayer Man's. She might be shooting towards a light source inside the store, which, in combination with the sunlight being reflected off the store's window, would have the same effect on her viewing lens as Prayer Man's pointing his camera in the general direction of the sun had on his viewing lens. [i've posted too many photos, so I'm deleting this one. You can see it in a more recent post, this thread. --T. Graves] edited and bumped More examples of Maier's glowing lens "selfies" can be found here. See 2/3 of the way down on the left, for example: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22vivian+maier%22&rlz=1C1VFKA_enUS618US618&espv=2&biw=1093&bih=545&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI_MfVk4iOxwIVQ52ICh2ONQW8&dpr=1.25
  16. Yes, Robert, I do. That Oswald was a quick and furtive little devil. Either that or Baker and / or Truly and / or Campbell and / or Reid encountered / saw Oswald in his "Prayer Man" position on the top step and changed their stories from first (Campbell and at least one unidentified "other" -- Reid? Truly? Baker?) seeing him in a ground floor storage room, to finally, Baker's and Truly's encountering him in the ... the second floor lunchroom! (With some "third or fourth floor" versions along the way.) You know, Baker may have started running up the front steps but paused for some reason before going inside, giving that sneaky little Oswald more than enough time to run inside and grab his apple, or whatever. Heck, Oswald might have opened the door for Baker, or strolled ahead of him in full view to the storage room where Baker might have asked him where the elevator or stairs to the top floors / roof were located, during which conversation Campbell and Truly and Reid might have strolled in and "seen" Oswald in the storage room. Here's a wild idea. Maybe Oswald, "hip" to the assassination or "fake assassination attempt," was taking photos of the "Actors" (so to speak) and then Baker ran up to him on the steps and took his camera away. "Sorry, kid, I gotta confiscate your camera. Tell you what. Come on up with me to the second floor lunchroom and I'll buy you a Coke!" --Tommy edited and bumped Her lens is glowing like Prayer Man's: [deleted by me because I've posted too many photos]
  17. Robert, Not trying to be a "smart ass" here, but do you think Baker might have sprinted down to the corner to confer with a fellow officer about the pigeons? Can you see Baker's wanting to confer with anyone other than another police officer? Which police officers were near that corner with whom Baker could have conferred? If he really did confer with them, why didn't they mention it in their statements / testimonies? "Officer Baker warned me that he thought the shots had come from an upper floor of the TSBD. He said he was going in, and told me to keep my eyes out for any dirty rotten sniper trying to escape." --Tommy
  18. Jon, Unfortunately I know. Just-barely-close-enough "look alikes," from pubescence through martyrdom. --Tommy
  19. Yes, Robert, I do. That Oswald was a quick and furtive little devil. Either that or Baker and / or Truly and / or Campbell and / or Reid encountered / saw Oswald in his "Prayer Man" position on the top step and changed their stories from first (Campbell and at least one unidentified "other" -- Reid? Truly? Baker?) seeing him in a ground floor storage room, to finally, Baker's and Truly's encountering him in the ... the second floor lunchroom! (With some "third or fourth floor" versions along the way.) You know, Baker may have started running up the front steps but paused for some reason before going inside, giving that sneaky little Oswald more than enough time to run inside and grab his apple, or whatever. Heck, Oswald might have opened the door for Baker, or strolled ahead of him in full view to the storage room where Baker might have asked him where the elevator or stairs to the top floors / roof were located, during which conversation Campbell and Truly and Reid might have strolled in and "seen" Oswald in the storage room. Here's a wild idea. Maybe Oswald, "hip" to the assassination or "fake assassination attempt," was taking photos of the "Actors" (so to speak) and then Baker ran up to him on the steps and took his camera away! "Sorry, kid, I gotta confiscate your camera. Tell you what. Come on up with me to the second floor and I'll buy you a Coke." --Tommy
  20. Jon, I take it your posting of two identical threads is a symbolic way of saying that you fully support the "Two Oswald's" theory? Just kidding. --Tommy
  21. Yes, Robert, I'd already read his obituary (which new member Linda posted a day or two ago on the "Where Was Truly Right After the Last Shot?" thread. Did you miss it there? Not sure i understand what you meant when you said I seemed to have a "premise." I hope you didn't mean that I seemed to have "an agenda." LOL If you mean that I got from Sooy's obituary the idea that his car must have been visible near the TSBD, you are correct, sir. After all, I did write at the beginning of my last post: Sooy's obituary says that he was in his parked car near the TSBD during the assassination. I wonder if the older model green car that was parked on the side of the TSBD at the intersection of Elm and Houston could have belonged to Sooy? The car I'm talking about is visible in the background of this photo: FWIW, Linda thinks the guy wearing the white tie and white handkerchief near the end of Robert Hughes' film was ONI regional chief David A. Sooy, and I thought it would be worthwhile to pursue that idea. Unfortunately, Linda has been unable to upload here some photos she says she has of Sooy so that we could compare them with the white-tie-and-handkerchief guy visible in the Hughes film at 6:15 in the video I posted in my first post, this thread Something I'd really like to know is -- Was Sooy ONI? Greg Parker said "Sooy was ONI" to James Richards on this forum a few years ago, but didn't elaborate as to how he knew that. Perhaps he will do so here. If ONI Special Agent Robert D. Steel were still alive here in San Diego, I would ask him about Sooy. All I know is that A.C. Sullivan was a "very good friend" of Steel's, and was head of the Dallas ONI office. --Tommy PS Thanks for the de facto "bump." Bumped for Robert Howard, Greg Parker, and Linda to comment upon.
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