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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Robert, Yes, that's what he's saying. The "E" must be checked to make sure that the rule is being followed -- if it has an odd number on the other side, then the rule isn't being followed. The "7" must be checked to make sure it doesn't have a vowel on the other side -- if it has a vowel on the other side, then the rule isn't being followed. The "K" doesn't need to be checked because it doesn't matter whether it has an even or an odd number on the other side -- the rule doesn't say that only a vowel can have an even number on the other side. The "4" doesn't need to be checked because the rule doesn't say that if a card has an even number on one side, it must have a vowel on the other side. --Tommy
  2. Robert, Whoever wrote this letter confused (perhaps intentionally) the gay Brass Rail bar (in Hillcrest, a couple of miles north of downtown San Diego; "open since 1960") for the straight, no-longer-existing, downtown San Diego Gold Rail, which was owned by the most feared Mafia hitman on the West Coast, Frank Bompensiero, and "One Eye" Frank Paul Dragna, son of Los Angles mob boss Jack Dragna (an associate of Johnny Roselli). "Syndicate" members wouldn't have met at the gay Brass Rail, they would have met at the mafia-owned Gold Rail, which was situated very near the luxurious U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego. FWIW, a couple of years ago I knocked on the door of the Brass Rail before it opened one morning (I'm not a patron -- LOL) and asked the manager if it had ever been owned by a couple of Hungarians. The answer was "No." http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/1999/mar/11/cover-fateful-check-us-grant/ "Bompensiero was proud of the Gold Rail. Actually, if you are to believe the license and the Yellow Pages listing, the “Gold Rail Steak House.” No steak was served. Law said you had to serve food. Bompensiero didn’t serve food." --Martin Potter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Bompensiero https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Dragna --Tommy Edited and bumped because Bill Kelley apparently found some value in it way back in March of 2011. Well, at least it didn't go "unnoticed" by him and that really really really made my day. LOL Bumped again because the letter was printed in today's (11/21/13) edition of the San Diego Reader magazine, in an article by the illustrious Martin Potter. To answer Robert Howard's question, mafioso Nick de John was murdered May 7, 1947. http://archives.chicagotribune.com/1947/05/10/page/3/article/former-chicago-hoodlum-slain-on-west-coast PS The liberal use of quotation marks and hyphens in the letter, as well as the exclamation mark, the good vocabulary, the near perfect spelling, the excellent grammar, the proper use of commas, and the generally good punctuation (there are a couple of errors) reminds me very much of the writings of Gerry Patrick Hemming. I think the letter was an elaborate joke by Hemming (e.g., the Shaw Hotel was a "Negro" hotel in Harlem -- why even mention that he and his friend were staying at the "Shaw Hotel" ; the "writer" comes across as being "possibly" gay himself -- how else would the "writer" have known about the gay Brass Rail (est. 1960) if he hadn't been there himself when he was in San Diego "in 1961," etc.). I think Hemming wrote this letter not only as a joke, but to also to direct RFK's attention away from the CIA and towards the Mafia in regard to the assassination of his brother And to send RFK on a couple of "wild goose chases," trying to figure out what the writer meant when he said his mail had been messed with in San Diego in 1961, and talking about threats to the welfare of our people emanating "from near the border," etc. BTW, it's interesting that the "originator" of the document ("CIA") doesn't say where the letter was mailed from. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=73129#relPageId=1&tab=page --Tommy
  3. [...] --Tommy PS Say, doesn't that look like Danny Arce (wearing black raincoat) standing at the side of the white car near the passenger-side window? edited and bumped RE-Edit: Oh yes, this was discovered years ago. My bad. Anyway, it seems as though Arce wasn't where he said he was at the time.
  4. Note that it is parked at a slight angle and pretty far from the curb. Credit: Don Cook (via Robin Unger's photo collection at JFK Assassination Forum) Edit: What I'd like to know is where this light-colored Nash Rambler came from. Could it be travelling slowly down Elm Street in this photo? That's the DalTex building in the background, so this Murray photo was taken near the intersection of Elm and Houston, not far from where the '53 - '54 green and white Chevy was parked. I think Murray was using a long focal-length lens which "compressed" the space between the foreground and background. Note the stop light in the background on the right edge, and the "No Parking At Any Time" sign on the left edge in the foreground. That's Howard Brennan wearing khaki clothes and a hardhat in the background, looking up at the TSBD and talking with "Rip Robertson," "John Adrian O'Hare," a tall policeman who's wearing a white hat, and some other people, including a woman. What time was this photo taken? It must have been before Brennan spoke with Forrest Sorrels and then walked across the street with Amos Euins, Mr. Brehm and son, etc, to the Sheriff's Department to be interviewed. I believe the guy wearing overalls and the shiny hardhat in the foreground was "captured" with another construction worker in front of the TSBD front steps in the Hughes film. I think the black women and Shiny Hardhat Guy are standing on the "island" across Elm Street Extention from the front entrance in this Murray photo. --Tommy
  5. Bill, Maybe Chris Davidson can help. There appears to be something parked by the TSBD in this Bell frame. I'm pointing to the dark outline, not the white material. Best to you, Jerry Jerry, When you watch the Mark Bell film you realize that neither of the dark outlines in the frame you posted, above, are cars in the motorcade. So there must be two cars parked there. It looks like three of the two cars' four headlights are reflecting sunlight in the Robert Hughes film at 0:34. I believe one of the dark outlines in the frame you posted is the green and white 1953 or 1954 Chevrolet that can be seen at 1:26, 1:55, and 2:24 of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Uft-zC0ljU. It looks like the other car has already left. Note that is is parked at a slight angle some distance from the curb. Credit: Don Cook. Credit: Cook / Cooper Film? from Linda Giovanna Zambanini Here it is in Bell 3 next to the red fire engine: In good resolution copies of "large" Willis 15 or a Don Cook frame, I believe you can see a man sitting behind the steering wheel. You can barely make him out in this one in Willis 15 which I borrowed from the JFK Assassination Forum website: It's also visible at 0:34 in the Robert Hughes film right before the limo turns onto Elm Street. Note that you can see three headlights shining or reflecting sunlight, indicating that there were two cars parked there. And last but not least -- Robin Unger says you can split the frames from this GIF by using IrfanView. I have absolutely no idea what he's talking about. http://i1135.photobucket.com/albums/m635/quaneeri/Cook.gif --Tommy PS Linda Giovanna Zambanini has recently pointed out that USN Captain (and possible ONI officer) David A. Sooy, was, according to his obituary, parked by the TSBD, waiting for the motorcade to come by -- "When President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot in Dallas in November 1963, Capt. Sooy was sitting in his car, waiting for the presidential motorcade to pass the school depository." [emphasis added] The interesting thing is that Capt. Sooy was a colleague of Frank Krystinik, a close friend of Michael Paine. Krystinik had gotten into an argument with Oswald at the ACLU meeting Paine had taken Oswald to.
  6. This sounds like more BS. Robert is not supposed to have known Lee was going to the SU. IIRC, he told his mother that he was going to New Orleans to work in the import/export field. That being the case, why would Lee not want to take his camera to New Orleans? Wouldn't it seem at least mildly odd that he left it behind? Greg, It seems to me that Lee could have left the IR with Robert and not told him he was moving to the Soviet Union. Maybe Robert thought Lee was going to Switzerland, or was going to New Orleans to work in the import-export business. After the assassination, it's natural that Robert would refer that period of time as the time Lee was in "Russia." I'm trying to find out if Oswald could have bought film for the Russian-made Smena-2 / Cuera-2 in the U.S. Ruth Paine seemed to say in her WC testimony that Oswald claimed he couldn't. But if he could buy film for it, maybe he took that camera with him to New Orleans (if he took any) instead of the IR, or maybe even that mysterious little "German camera with the black case and chain." --Tommy PS By the way, was it ever determined what kind of camera took the infamous photographs of Walker's house?
  7. Thank you, Larry. Larry, Thanks. Lesson learned. Everything must be checked, even stuff written by John Newman. --Tommy
  8. Agreed, Greg. Nowhere has it been shown that Oswald possessed an Imperial reflex. For somebody like Oswald, allegedly interested in photography, he wouldn't have chosen such a cheap camera, anyway. Agreed, Ray. One has only to look at one of the other cameras he owned, or at least were found in his possessions at the Paine residence, to grasp the full meaning of your statement. Pictured above is a Stereo Realist camera, manufactured by the David White Company from 1947 to 1971. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereo_Realist This camera exposed two images on 35 mm film, from slightly different angles, and allowed a person to view his photos in three dimensions in a stereoscopic viewer. Wouldn't Oswald have much preferred to view himself in the BYP's in 3D? Of course, then there is the expensive Minolta "spy" camera found at the Paine's by the DPD, with the serial number that made it only available in Europe at the time of the assassination. It magically morphed into a Minolta light meter when it got into the hands of the FBI. Dumb question but, why would someone with a cheap Imperial Reflex camera be in need of a Minolta light meter? That's a good question Bob - they wouldn't. All of these cameras look incredibly clunky to me. Surely if PM was holding one of these monsters we would be able to see more of it in this latest gif. My "Dog In The Manger" response: You're absolutely right. It's impossible to "prove" that Oswald owned an Imperial Reflex 620 camera. But by the same token, how can it be "proved" that Oswald owned anything except "the clothes he was wearing" when he was arrested? Isn't everything that was found in Ruth Paine's house / garage, or in Lee's boarding house room (did he even live there?), or which was brought forward by Robert Oswald months after the assassination kinda suspect? Don't we have to rely on a preponderance (or lack of) circumstantial evidence to try to prove (or disprove) just about anything in this case? Okay. Now that I've gotten that "out of my system," I will proceed to argue both sides to a certain extent. Robert Oswald said Lee bought the IR in 1957, that he left it with Robert when he went to Russia, and that he retrieved it from Robert when he returned in 1962, Robert said that on December 8, 1963, the Imperial Reflex (sans film) was in a box of Lee's possessions which Robert took home with him on that date (12/08/63). What bothers me about that is that the Imperial Reflex, in this scenario, went basically unnoticed at Ruth's place for about two weeks. In a February 19, 1964, FBI report, Irving police detective John A. McCabe is reported to have said that on 11/23/63 he had found "a light gray box camera" inside a box containing Oswald's books and photographs in Ruth Paine's garage. A month later, in a March 23,1964, FBI report, McCabe went into greater detail and advised that he had found "a square, reflex type" camera "in a box of books and photographs" in the garage, but hadn't taken this camera in as evidence because "it appeared to be in such poor condition as to be unable to take photographs," or words to that effect. Which sounds fishy to me. How can a camera, if it is intact and not obviously broken, "look inoperable"? It sounds to me as though McCabe was prevaricating (lying) here, and that it's much more likely that he, just like the four DPD detectives (Adamcik, Stovall, Rose, and Moore) did not see the light grey Imperial Reflex at Paine's house on 11/22 or 11/23. The funny thing is that Adamcik, Stovall, Rose, and Moore said in March, 1964, that they didn't see any cameras in Mrs. Paine's garage. Question: Where were Oswald's "Stereo-Realist," his Russian-made "Cuera 2," and the "small German camera" found? In Paine's house, or in her garage? And where was the dresser that McCabe said he put the camera on while he looked through the other contents of the box? Was Ruth storing / using a dresser in her garage, or was the dresser McCabe put the "square, reflex type" camera on for a few minutes inside her house, indicating that McCabe found the box of books and photographs there instead of in the garage? What it boils down to is that of the five police detectives who searched Ruth Paine's place on 11/22 and 11/23, only one, John A. McCabe of the Irving, Texas, Police Department, said in March, 1964, that he had seen "a light grey box camera" at Ruth Paine's place a day or two after the assassination, and not only did he not report it (because "he didn't think it had any evidentiary value"), but is on record as having steered other detectives away from it by telling them that he had already searched that particular box. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh25/pdf/WH25_CE_2557.pdf Things taken in as evidence from Ruth Paine's residence by DPD detectives: 1 ) By detectives Moore, Rose, and Stovall on 11/23/63: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/16/1647-001.gif 2 ) By detectives Rose, Stovall, and Adamcik on an unspecified date; two pages: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/16/1649-001.gif http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/16/1649-002.gif 3 ) By detectives Stovall and Rose on 11/22/63: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/16/1651-001.gif http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box5.htm The first one in green is the one with various cameras, including a mysterious "small German camera and black case on chain" (the Minox?) So what's with the March 23, 1964, FBI report that says that none of the DPD detectives recalled seeing any camera in Paine's garage? Was it because they found them inside her house, instead? -Tommy sun PS Robert Prudhomme wrote: "Dumb question but, why would someone with a cheap Imperial Reflex camera be in need of a Minolta light meter?" That's an excellent question, actually, Robert.
  9. Hi Larry, Going from memory here, but I've read somewhere that Oswald tracked a U-2 while it was flying over China and brought it to the attention of his surprised co-workers in the bubble? Thanks, --Tommy Larry, It's in a chapter called "Eiderdown Chess" in John Newman's book, Oswald and the CIA : "... It's Moving Over China!" [...] Oswald's unit had not been operational very long [at Cubi Point, Philippines] before he noticed something interesting. [Oswald's commander, John] Donovan describes what happened: One time we were watching the radar there at Cubi Point and Oswald said, "Look at this thing." He had a trail in grease mark and he said, "This thing just took off from Clark and it's moving over China!" And I said, "You can't be right," and he agreed. A week later he saw it again, so several of us began looking hard, and we saw it. Oswald was right, and we saw it so regularly that we started clocking them. I even called the duty officer about them and he said, "Look fella, there's no planes flying over China." We knew better. We saw them all the time, mostly flying out of Cubi Point, but sometimes they flew out of Clark." This story confirms what Hospital Corpsman Hobbs told the ONI in 1964 about the gossip at Atsugi in 1958. The CIA was flying U2's over China as well as over the Soviet Union. Oswald's unit later deployed (September 14 through October 6, 1958) to Ping Tong on the north side of Taiwan, and Donovan was his commander there, too. Donovan recalls: "In Formosa [Taiwan] we were near to the U-2 as well. (14)" There, Oswald spent many hours drawing traces of the U-2's tracks over the People's Republic of China. [...] --Tommy
  10. Hi Larry, Going from memory here, but I've read somewhere that Oswald tracked a U-2 while it was flying over China and brought it to the attention of his surprised co-workers in the bubble? Thanks, --Tommy
  11. It does look a bit like Cooper. I asked about this film in the PM thread and received this. I would think it might be available to view on request if you happen to find yourself in that particular sanctuary of research. Cheers mate. Clive, Thanks for relaying the fact that Gary Mack verified to you that that the Truly / Baker / "Cooper" frame is from a Tom Alyea film taken inside the TSBD on 11/22/63. --Tommy
  12. This montage of a Wiegman frame and a recent photo shows where Jeraldean Reid was standing in relation to the TSBD and Elm Street. Her face is barely visible to the left of the woman wearing the white blouse. Note that these people were standing in the street. Truly and Campbell were standing to the right of them, six to eight feet away. [All photos except the bottom one are from JFK Assassination Forum] The woman wearing the white blouse (and red dress) whom Reid is standing next to is visible in this Mark Bell frame (below), standing almost directly across the street from Howard Brennan (who is sitting on the concrete structure, wearing a hardhat). I believe Roy Truly's fedora can be seen to the right of the shiny light pole. (The yellow rectangles on the right in both photos indicate Stetson Hat Man.) Jeraldean Reid's face can be seen between the ladies marked "E" and "G" in this top photo: The red arrow on the right denotes the fedora-wearing man I believe to be Roy Truly. The arrow on the left is pointing to a man standing on the "island." Special thanks to Chris Davidson for providing me with this image so everyone can see who I'm talking about (the arrow on the right). --Tommy
  13. http://www78.zippyshare.com/v/U9bVGjkH/file.html The complete segment. Lightened,stabilized and rotated somewhat. chris Chris: Very nice GIF. Over at Reopen Kennedy Case, Stan Dane posted these images. While not as optimized as yours, they do show what sure seems to be Prayer Man taking pictures. Here's a two image Wiegman gif from R. Unger's website that shows what I believe to be PM with camera in the "ready-aim-snap" position (while cars are going by) and in the "stand-by" position (with nothing passing by): I am 95% convinced that PM has a camera and is taking pictures. If so, what does this mean? He's raising it just as the car is going past... further indication of a photo being snapped. Actually, Greg, Prayer Man lowers the camera from his face after he's heard at least one of the shots. Note the man on the left in khaki looking back towards the entrance at the same time that PM's camera is in the lowered position. This same guy is hard to see in the fuzzy photograph, but he's in it, looking straight ahead at the motorcade. Due to the change in Wiegman's car's position, this Khaki Man and his Khaki Buddy appear to be standing farther to the right than in the clear image, but they haven't changed their positions between the two frames. In the fuzzy first image, their faces are visible above the car's driver side front window. Note also that Lovelady leans forward to get a better view after the first shot. If you study the Wiegman film, you'll see that the car in front of Wiegman passes these spectators and Wiegman continues filming normally to the left until he hears a shot or (shots) and starts panning back to the right again towards the TSBD, so the TSBD is filmed twice. The fuzzy image is from the first time he films it; the shots haven't been fired yet. The clear image with Khaki Man looking back towards the entrance is from the second time he films it, having panned back to it after the first (or second, or third) shot. --Tommy
  14. OK, Robert. Then I guess Prayer Man was using both hands to drink a bottle of Dr. Pepper, and enough light was somehow hitting it's bottom for it to glow in the shade.. --Tommy
  15. Darn. The person just below and to the right of Lodelady looks like a woman. What in the world is that black thing she's wearing on her head? I guess I mistook her glasses for a camera lens in the previous GIF. Wiegman crop of a frame taken just after the first shot or actually during the shooting.
  16. Thank you, Tommy! Exactly right - thank you for pointing out that it doesn't' matter that PM is standing in the shade! Indeed, it matters not that PM is standing in the shade - what matters is his camera - and the 45 degree mirror behind the top "reflex lens" - is pointing TOWARD a light source. He has no light source behind him or above him but he has light in front of him! The southern noon-day sun light! If he didn't he wouldn't be able to take photos. This is well-demonstrated in the numerous photos of Vivian Maier and her Rolleiflex, which I have uploaded at ROKC - demonstrating this very effect. When she is taking a selfie in a dark room and only has background light behind her, but is shooting toward a mirror in an otherwise dark room - we see the top "reflex lens" is almost black - one has to pay particular attention to see that the top reflex lens has a very, very, VERY faint grayish tinge to the lens - whereas the bottom "taking lens" remains completely black (as it always does). But if she is shooting toward any light source one will see the white light from the top reflex lens. On cloudy days - or as the camera is angled from the viewer's view - the light will look dimmer. But if it's very sunny day or she's in a room brightly lit with artificial light (and if she has the camera angled toward us) - the effect is a brilliant round white light being emitted from the reflex lens! Here's Vivian's selfie I referred to which she took in a dark room with only background light: Example of the phenomenon with the Imperial Reflex 620: Buell Frazier won't even admit to ONE camera on the steps - let alone 2!! So, it's no wonder all this repeated questioning of him about cameras and that mysterious guy to the right of him in the dark corner, by both Gary Mack and Gayle Nix Jackson, have made him break out in nervous ticks and grammar melt-downs! Buell has a lotta 'splainin to do' - as does Molina and anyone else around the steps who is still alive! But, indeed, there were at least 2 TLR cameras on the steps that day! We can see PM's small TLR reflex light and also a HUGE brilliant white reflex light from another larger, much more sophisticated TLR. We can see BOTH of them in the Towner and Martin Films (in Towner PM's smaller reflex light is intermittent.) Here's Martin: Here's a great animated gif from Robin Unger's gallery of that Martin clip that especially captures the big reflex light http://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/displayimage.php?pid=6312&fullsize=1 And here's the 2 of them seen in the Towner Film: Here's the link for the album of PM photos i created at Imgur - but there are many more in my album at ROKC that goes with my essay/thread there. I just created this Imjur album because it was the only way i could get my photos to "appear" here when i posted links to them. http://imgur.com/a/TjftX#0 ADDENDUM / EDIT: I just noticed that though it appears in the Martin still, as if the smaller white light above which you can see the dark top of someone's head, which appears to be someone with a small TLR (like PM) is NOT! If you look at the animated gif - which I just did again - one can see that what appears to be a stationary bright white light is a waving, moving hand. So in Martin we only see the one large TLR camera. Now in Towner you see the big TLR all the time, and PM's much smaller TLR, only rarely and intermittently. And one other thing, Tommy, speaking of Vivian Maier's selfies - she is known as "The Queen of the Selfies". Thank you Vivian! Without your inspiration we would not be discussing this right now! Linda, Is that "Joe Molina," with glowing camera lens in front of his face (before the first shot) at the far right edge of this GIF? Note that Prayer Man and "Molina" lower their cameras at the same time to see what's going on down on Elm Street. EDIT: Or is "Molina" a glasses-wearing woman in black with her bare forearm at her side, instead? Credit: Robin Unger --Tommy
  17. "Maybe if I tiptoe down the stairs they won't notice me. And if they do, I'll just say, "Wow! Did you hear all that shooting?" "OMG! You scared me! Why are you tiptoeing, Oswald?" "Uhhh... Because I don't want the bad guys to hear us?" --Tommy
  18. Robert, According to the City of Dallas, Mrs. Reid was the only female who worked in the TSBD to give a statement to the DPD or the Sheriff's Department within a day of the assassination, whereas several male workers gave statements on 11/22 or 11/23. From my previous post: Box 5, Folder 2, #3 is a City of Dallas list of all the affidavits that were taken by the Dallas Police Department and the Dallas Sheriff's Department. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box5.htm -- [box 5, Folder 2] 3. Table of Contents, by an unknown author. Table of Contents listing affidavits by person, includes notebook page number and officer taking statement, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00001255 3 pages 05 02 003 1255-001.gif 1255-002.gif 1255-003.gif " If you were Curry or Decker, which TSBD females would you have gotten statements from within that period of time? Vicki Adams and Sandra Styles would have been nice. --Tommy
  19. Well, Steven. Since you posted the photo with the words "Pash at Parkland Hospital with JFK" next to it, a reasonable person would assume that you ascribed to that "identification" of the man in the photo. Otherwise, why go to the trouble of posting it? Are you saying now that the guy in the photo with LBJ is not Boris Pash? Or you just don't know now? --Tommy
  20. Gosh, Robert, maybe. Can't see her big black purse. Same apparent hair color. Same apparent hair length. Same apparent coat color. Same apparent height (after the assassination one of her co-workers described her as a "delightful little woman," or words to that effect.) Looks kinda heavy, though, but maybe it's just the coat. Nice catch. --Tommy
  21. Robert, I refer you to post #31, this thread. --Tommy bumped Box 5, Folder 2, #3 is a City of Dallas list of all the affidavits that were taken by the Dallas Police Department and the Dallas Sheriff's Department. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box5.htm -- [box 5, Folder 2] 3. Table of Contents, by an unknown author. Table of Contents listing affidavits by person, includes notebook page number and officer taking statement, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00001255 3 pages 05 02 003 1255-001.gif 1255-002.gif 1255-003.gif " If you click on all three GIF's, you'll see that Detective James Leavelle is listed as having taken seven affidavits altogether. In alphabetical order they are: Ted Callaway, Charles Givens, Sam Guinyard, Billy Lovelady, Mrs. R. A. Reid, W. W. Scoggins, and Roy S. Truly. Mrs. R. A. Reid is the only female whom Leavelle took an affidavit from, and according to his WC testimony, he did so on Saturday, November 23, 1963. We know from his WC testimony that he also took Roy Truly's affidavit on 11/23/63. All of the other affidavits that Leavelle took were taken on Friday, November 22, 1963. Here's Reid's 11/23/63 affidavit: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/13/1327-001.gif and Here's Truly's: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/13/1344-001.gif Now, there is a photo montage in post # 31 (on page three of this thread) which shows Detective James Leavelle sitting with a woman in the Homicide and Robbery Bureau office, and it looks like he's taking a statement from her or reading the statement she's just given him. Based on what I've just spelled out, above, I believe this woman is very probably 51-year-old Jeraldean Reid (aka Mrs. Robert A. Reid). What do you think? Yes, that certainly does look like Mrs. Reid. I had forgotten about the montage you had put together. She is nowhere near the two khaki clad fellows. Robert, Whew! Thanks for agreeing with me. --Tommy PS Someone else put that montage together -- I'm not sure who. Robin Unger?
  22. That's not Boris Pash. It's Dallas Secret Service SAIC Forrest Sorrels. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=3869&page=2 --Tommy
  23. Robert, I refer you to post #31, this thread. --Tommy PS Box 5, Folder 2, #3 is a City of Dallas list of all the affidavits that were taken by the Dallas Police Department and the Dallas Sheriff's Department. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box5.htm : [box 5, Folder 2] -- 3. Table of Contents, by an unknown author. Table of Contents listing affidavits by person, includes notebook page number and officer taking statement, (Photocopy Poor Quality), date unknown. 00001255 3 pages 05 02 003 1255-001.gif 1255-002.gif 1255-003.gif " If you click on all three GIF's, you'll see that Detective James Leavelle is listed as having taken seven affidavits altogether. In alphabetical order they are: Ted Callaway, Charles Givens, Sam Guinyard, Billy Lovelady, Mrs. R. A. Reid, W. W. Scoggins, and Roy S. Truly. As you can see, Mrs. R. A. Reid is the only female Leavelle took an affidavit from, and according to his WC testimony, he did so on Saturday, November 23, 1963. We know from his WC testimony that he also took Roy Truly's affidavit on Saturday, 11/23/63. All of the other affidavits that Leavelle took were taken on Friday, November 22, 1963. Here's Reid's 11/23/63 affidavit: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/13/1327-001.gif and Here's Truly's: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/13/1344-001.gif Now, there is a photo montage in post # 31 (on page three of this thread) which shows Detective James Leavelle sitting with a woman in the Homicide and Robbery Bureau office, and it looks like he's taking a statement from her or reading the statement she's just given him. Based on what I've just spelled out, above, I believe this woman is very probably 51-year-old Jeraldean Reid (aka Mrs. Robert A. Reid). What do you think? bumped edited and consolidated
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