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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. James (wherever you are), I agree. He looks like a blond Louis Witt, who many years after the assassination claimed to have been the 11/22/63 "Umbrella Man" on Elm Street. In this profile photo (in the first post of this thread), he looks like he has a thin face. Cuban Consul Eusebio Azcue told the HSCA that the "Oswald" who visited the Cuban Consulate had "dark blond" hair, was over thirty years of age, and had "a very thin face". https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=954&relPageId=140 It looks like Louie Steven Witt had dark blond hair and a thin face: Different ears, though Bill Simpich has pretty much convinced me that the other "blond Oswald" photographed by the CIA in Mexico City was an architect friend of Silvia Duran's by the name of Ernesto Lehfeld Miller. The story is that Ernesto used to borrow Silvia Duran's car. Many researchers have speculated over the years that this other "blond Oswald" was Claude Capehart. --Tommy
  2. Douglas, Thank you for posting this very informative interview! Interviewer Alan Dale is very well informed and asks Simpich some excellent questions. Simpich says he thinks that "Bill Harvey's circle" outmaneuvered "Angleton's circle" in Mexico City, and that Harvey's "pals" killed JFK. He says that Angleton set up a mole hunt in response to what Bill Harvey's circle had done to implement the telephonic impersonation of Oswald in Mexico City, and this mole hunt by Angleton later precluded Angleton from doing an effective investigation of the JFK assassination. He says JMWAVE was cut out of Mexico City's CIA Station's most important communications because Mexico City CIA thought it had been penetrated by a mole from Miami. He also believes that Dallas police officers William R. Westbrook and Paul Bentley were "in on the assassination". --Tommy bumped
  3. Robert, I don't know if it will help us "time stamp" the Martin and Hughes clips, but Bonnie Ray Williams is visible in both clips. He's on the left side and about halfway up the steps, wearing a brown shirt, and he turns his head a little bit towards the camera at the end of the clip. Danny Arce, wearing his black raincoat, can also be seen (but only in the Martin clip) as he hovers from right to left on the sidewalk. The policeman manning the door lets a short black man in. A man in a suit seems to be waiting for him inside. (James "Junior" Jarman and Harold "Shorty" Norman were black and short, weren't they?) Note also the two hardhat-wearing guys who walk in from the left in the Hughes clip. Could the one in front Howard Brennan? Does anyone know the identity of the woman wearing the black (or dark blue) jacket and dark headscarf and carrying some white bags. In the Martin and Hughes clips she's right behind the policeman who goes in, and she looks like she wants to go in, too. I figure she was a TSBD employee and may have made a report or given testimony. She's also visible in the Mal Couch film walking from right to left as policeman Marion Baker runs towards the front door of the TSBD... [credit: Gerda Dunckel] The reason I'm posting the following testimony and photographs is to try to help us "time stamp" the John Martin and Robert Hughes "clips" which clearly show Lovelady in front of the TSBD shortly after the assassination. Howard Norman and James Jarman must have been in front of the TSBD when Norman heard the police lock it down, or at least the front door part of it. (LOL) It obviously wasn't locked down when they left it. Do we know what time the police stopped letting people leave the TSBD through the front door? From Harold Norman's Warren Commission Testimony The CHAIRMAN. Did you see [Howard] Brennan down there when you came downstairs? Did you come out the front door? Mr. NORMAN. Yes, sir; I came out the front door and I remember seeing Mr. Brennan. Mr. BELIN. About how long after the shooting was that? Mr. NORMAN. It wasn't very long because--I can't remember the time but it wasn't too long a period of time, and I remember seeing him because he had on a steel helmet, a little steel helmet. Representative FORD. Was he standing with another man and they called you over? Mr. NORMAN. I don't know if he was exactly standing with another man, but it was several people standing around there, and I remember him talking and I believe I remember him saying that he saw us when we first went up to the fifth floor window, he saw us then. I believe I heard him say that, but otherwise I don't know if he was standing by. There was quite a few people standing around there. Representative FORD. You were stopped and Mr. Brennan made these comments? Mr. NORMAN. Yes, sir; I remember. Representative FORD. On the front entrance steps? Mr. NORMAN. Yes, sir. Representative FORD. Of the Depository Building? Mr. NORMAN. Yes. The CHAIRMAN. Then did you go out of the building, away from the building or come back? Mr. NORMAN. No, sir; we had to go back inside. The CHAIRMAN. You had to go back? Mr. NORMAN. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. In other words, you went out in front? Mr. NORMAN. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. And then came back? Mr. NORMAN. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. After you had gone to the first floor. Mr. NORMAN. Yes, sir. Representative FORD. Did law enforcement officers make you go back or did you do it on your own initiative? Mr. NORMAN. I remember, I don't know if this is the only time or not, but I remember the law enforcement saying not to let anybody leave from the building and I can't remember if that is the time we went back in the building or before or what. Mr. BALL. Who did you go out with? Mr. NORMAN. I know James Jarman and I went out, I can't remember-- Here's Howard Brennan on the front steps about the same time the Martin and Hughes "clips" were filmed: The tall, dark complected, grey suit-wearing guy in the right foreground of the above photo reminds me of the tall, dark-complected, grey suit-wearing guy who keeps scratching the back of his neck at 3:58 in the Black Op Radio video 50 Reasons for 50 Years, episode 4 . The part I'm talking about is from the James Doyle film of Oswald's arrest on 8/09/63 in New Orleans. (Do we know where David Sanchez Morales was on 11/22/63?) In the below photo, we can see Howard Brennan in the background talking with about six people including a policeman (white hat) and two fedora-wearing guys who look suspiciously like Rip Robertson and John Adrian O'Hare. Could Brennan and the other hard hat guy in the foreground be the two "hard hats" we see walking in from the left in the Hughes clip? --Tommy
  4. Robert, I'm not going to argue with you, so after this post I'm no longer going to participate on this thread. The John Martin film and the Robert Hughes film were shot in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. A small section of both films was shot at the same time, at (almost exactly) the same place, and had the same subject matter -- the police activity and general commotion that was occurring on the front steps of the TSBD a few minutes after the assassination. (Eight to fifteen minutes after the assassination, according to Robert Groden.) Both film sections or "clips" show Billy Lovelady in front of the TSBD. (Interestingly, the Martin clip also shows two other male TSBD employees -- Bonnie Ray Williams and Danny Arce -- at the same place and time as Lovelady. The Hughes clip shows Bonnie Ray Williams, too, but doesn't show Danny Arce because a man standing in front of the cameraman obscures our view of him.) The clip from the Martin film clearly shows Lovelady smoking a cigarette. It is viewable in post #1470 of the "Oswald Leaving the TSBD?" thread. (John Martin worked in the Terminal Annex Building across the Plaza from the TSBD. You can research him and his 11/22/63 film if you want to.) Now, it's perfectly understandable to me that two amateur photographers, John Martin and Robert Hughes, would be attracted to the police activity and general commotion that was going on at the front entrance of the TSBD eight to fifteen minutes after the assassination, and that both of them would happen to film the same "scene". The fact that Billy Lovelady was there at that time (as were fellow TSBD employees Bonnie Ray Williams and Danny Arce) and ended up in both the Martin film and the Hughes film does not seem strange to me all. After all, Lovelady and Williams and Arce worked in the TSBD. What's more, it's obvious that neither Lovelady nor Williams nor Arce was the center of the photographers' "attention" in either film. I'm outta here... --Tommy
  5. Robert, I think Lovelady is (probably momentarily) leaning his head and neck forward in the "bookend" images because he's exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth. Note that his chin is jutting out and his mouth is open. If you watch a good copy of the John Martin film, you'll see that Lovelady is smoking a cigarette, and that he juts his chin out and exhales through his mouth. You can see the pertinent clip of the film I'm talking about on the "Oswald Leaving TSBD?" thread, post #1470. I don't understand your question "Are these two different Loveladys, a before and an after?" and "Would it be interesting to be able to know what Lovelady looked like on 11/22/63?" Lovelady was definitely "captured" in four films that I know of on 11/22/63. Unfortunately in all of them he's wearing that heavy plaid shirt (over his white t-shirt) and probably has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, so it's hard to tell how heavy he was on 11/22/63. He also needed a haircut. The "bookend" images (actually just one image that's been reversed to make "bookends") were obviously taken on 11/22/63. They're from the Robert Hughes film. (Did you ever go to the "Oswald Leaving the TSBD?" thread to see what I posted for you, posts #1467 and #1470, when this thread was locked?) The FBI photo, in the middle, was, according to you, taken on 3/02/64. Same Billy Lovelady. Different camera angles, lenses, and lighting conditions. As I said, he needed a haircut on 11/22/63 and was wearing a heavy shirt and probably had a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, making him look even more barrel-chested than he was. --Tommy
  6. All three images are of Lovelady. Bear in mind that he was smoking a cigarette in the first and third images, and these two images (actually it's just one image that's been reversed to make "bookends")` show his distorted face while (or immediately after) exhaling smoke through his visibly open mouth. Note: You can even see the bald spot on the top of his head in the middle photo. --Tommy I'm not convinced the bookend images are of Lovelady. The hairlines are different. The angle of the neck relative to the top of the shoulders is different. The facial hair appears to be different. The real Lovelady's chin is more bony. The eyebrows are different. The way the shirt collar lies relative to the head is much different. The ears are different. If one had the skill to draw the head and shoulder area of the two persons depicted one would draw two distinctly different persons. Jon, Different camera angles, lenses, and lighting conditions = Very different representations of the subject (Billy Lovelady) All three images show the same hairline, IMHO. Looks like he needed a haircut on 11/22/63, especially the hair on his neck and around his ears. The "bookend" images show him jutting his chin out while exhaling (cigarette smoke) through his mouth, thereby distorting his face. In the middle picture, note the bottom edge of the bald spot. And what about the plaid shirt he's wearing in the bookend images? To me it sure looks like the same shirt he still had and put on for Robert Groden in 1978: --Tommy
  7. Robert, The problem for me is that the two guys walking down the Elm Street Extension towards the parking lot / railway yard in the Couch film (as police officer Marion Baker is running towards the TSBD front door) really do look like Shelley and Lovelady to me! And the woman wearing the black dress and the white top who is seen running past them towards the TSBD front door might have been Gloria Calvery. But on second thought, that couldn't be Calvery because she is in other photographs wearing a light-colored dress and a dark-colored blouse or coat. --Tommy
  8. Robert, Yes, that depends of course on whether or not Groden was accurate in his estimate.... --Tommy
  9. Robert, Yes, that's Lovelady at 1:33 (wearing his partially unbuttoned red, grey, and black "plaid" shirt over his white t-shirt) directly under the letter "T" in "DEPOSITORY". To answer your question, I think it was several minutes after the assassination as the police are letting workers into the building again. In fact at the very end you can see Lovelady start making his way up the stairs towards the front door. Sorry I can't be more specific. Perhaps another forum member can educate us. --Tommy And now for a little followup. From post # 1156, this thread, by Sean Murphy: #2. LOVELADY IS ASKED EXPLICITLY ABOUT A PRAYER MAN-STYLE SCENARIO. First the HSCA interviewer asks Lovelady to identify himself in Altgens. Lovelady immediately does so. Next Lovelady is shown an image he has never seen before: a frame from the John Martin film [contemporaneous with the Robert Hughes clip you're talking about, Mr Prudhomme] showing him (Lovelady) standing over by the east side of the entrance some 8-15 minutes post-assassination (a time estimate given by photographic consultant Robert Groden, who is present in the room). Lovelady identifies himself immediately. [...] --Tommy And last but not least! From a Robin Unger post # 142 on the "Neweusem Displays Oswald's Shirt" thread: Martin / Hughes film sync TSBD doorway Credit: Gerda Dunckel Give the Gif time to load (If you look closely at the Martin clip, you'll see that Lovelady is smoking. When he exhales through his mouth, it distorts his face because he juts his jaw out. Also note that when he turns his head away from the TSBD and exhales, a tiny vertical strip of Lovelady's t-shirt is visible in his chest area. So his shirt was unbuttoned, after all!) Note: Lovelady is visible in the Hughes clip above, too, but you can't see much of his shirt. Just his huge bald spot. LOL --Tommy PS Please note that Bonnie Ray Williams is visible in both clips, and Danny Arce is visible in the Martin clip.
  10. Yes, Paul, I was looking for an old post of mine which included some film footage of Lovelady several minutes after the assassination, in front of the TSBD, smoking a cigarette and exhaling through his mouth, thereby distorting his face , and I remembered that that particular clip also gave us a glimpse of Lovelady's t-shirt under his unbuttoned outer shirt. I'm still looking for it (LOL). While looking for it I stumbled across the old post by Sean Murphy in the "Oswald Leaving TSBD?" thread which included two film captures from the Wiegman and the Couch films which I now believe might show Lovelady standing on one of the top steps near the middle hand railing both during and immediately after the assassination, and, not being able to transfer Sean's old post to Robert Mady's "Secret Service" thread, I thought I would simply "bump" Sean's post and bring these things to Robert Mady's attention. Ironically, if I'm correct that "barrel-chested, bald-foreheaded Lovelady" was captured in the Couch film standing on the steps immediately after the assassination, that would shoot down my prior assertion that at that time Shelley and Lovelady were walking down the Elm Street Extension towards the parking lot / railway yard! I am willing to be educated by others, to educate others, and as in this case, to educate myself (with the help of others) and to share my findings and (tentative) beliefs. After all, isn't that what "education" is all about? Sincerely, --Tommy
  11. Barrel-chested, Lovelady might be visible in a Couch clip, the one with the blue oval around Prayer Man. Lovelady isn't the tall guy on the top step (I think that's Frazier), but he might be a few steps lower and still near the hand railing that goes up the middle of the steps.
  12. All three images are of Lovelady. Bear in mind that he was smoking a cigarette in the first and third images, and these two images (actually it's just one image that's been reversed to make "bookends")` show his distorted face while (or immediately after) exhaling smoke through his visibly open mouth. Note: You can even see the bald spot on the top of his head in the middle photo. Also note that the middle photo was taken from a different vertical angle than the "bookend" images. That and the fact that he's exhaling smoke in the "bookend" images makes him look very different from the way he appears in the middle photo. --Tommy edited and bumped
  13. James, Thanks, but that's not the most important part of my post. This is: The Couch clip shows Shelley and Lovelady walking down the Elm Street Extension (or its sidewalk) towards the parking lot / railway yard. While Shelley and Lovelady are visible walking (and then Lovelady starts running) down the Elm Street Extension, Dallas motorcycle police officer Marion Baker (wearing his white helmet) can be seen behind them, running towards the TSBD front door from a different angle. --Tommy
  14. All three images are of Lovelady. Bear in mind that he was smoking a cigarette in the first and third images, and these two images (actually it's just one image that's been reversed to make "bookends")` show his distorted face while (or immediately after) exhaling smoke through his visibly open mouth. Note: You can even see the bald spot on the top of his head in the middle photo. --Tommy
  15. James, There was no Elm Lane. There was Elm Street (where JFK was killed), and there was the Elm Street Extension (which started near the front door of the TSBD and continued about 300 feet to the parking lot / railway yard). The Couch clip shows Shelley and Lovelady walking down the Elm Street Extension (or its sidewalk) towards the parking lot / railway yard. While Shelley and Lovelady are visible in the Couch clip walking (and then Lovelady running) down the Elm Street Extension, Dallas motorcycle police officer Marion Baker (wearing his white helmet) can be seen behind them, running towards the TSBD front door from a different angle. --Tommy
  16. Great clip, Chris! It looks like Lovelady (wearing unbuttoned red shirt over white t-shirt) is looking at (or talking to) someone behind him before quickly turning towards the street and raising his right hand to shield his eyes from the sun. Thanks, --Tommy
  17. Dear Steven, So if you haven't read the original "synopsis", how do you know that what Weberman says about it in his "Nodule 11" is true? Do you simply wish and hope and assume that it must be true because you and Weberman have the same "take" on the assassination? Do you accept everything Weberman says as "the gospel truth" and pass it on as such? Do you think your doing that will somehow advance JFK assassination research in the long run? Your buddy, --Tommy
  18. [sigh] Steven, Steven, Steven. That's not what I'm looking for. Let me freshen your memory. This is what you posted earlier on this thread: In February 1968, the CIA prepared a report on David Ferrie [When] a synopsis of this file reached the period when David Ferrie was associated with the Cuban Revolutionary Front, the CIA deleted it. " [--A J Weberman] source http://mcadams.posc....an/nodule11.htm The fact that David Ferrie was associated with the Cuban Revolutionary Front was deleted from the synopsis of the 1968 CIA report. --Gaal Please try to focus, Steven. (I'm truly sorry that you didn't mean to post stuff about David Ferrie on this thread.) Yesterday I clicked on the link you provided (above) and I read the pertinent passage in Weberman's Nodule 11. The problem is that Weberman doesn't cite a source (RIF #, NARA #, etc) for the "synopsis of the 1968 CIA report", and neither do you. Do you know how to find the original "synopsis of the 1968 CIA report", Steven? Your buddy, --Tommy
  19. In February 1968, the CIA prepared a report on David Ferrie [When] a synopsis of this file reached the period when David Ferrie was associated with the Cuban Revolutionary Front, the CIA deleted it." source http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/weberman/nodule11.htm (The fact that David Ferrie was associated with the Cuban Revolutionary Front was deleted from the synopsis of the 1968 CIA report. -- GAAL) [edited in the interest of intelligibility by T. Graves] Thanks. So I guess Weberman was the source. Weberman is a paradox. Based on topics with which I am very familiar, I can see that he often finds unique information. But by the same token, he sometimes misstates things (and doggedly resists my attempts at correction). BTW, if you copy and paste his info into a Word document, it becomes searchable. Yes, Stephen Roy. Weberman does make mistakes. Lots of them. Yes, I know that the Cuban Revolutionary Front became the Cuban Revolutionary Council and both were different from the the Cuban Student Directorate (DRE), but regardless here's one of Weberman's little mistakes from the very passage that Gaal linked us to in post # 750, this thread: " When we interviewed BRINGUIER on February 2, 1967 he mentioned David Ferrie who appears in the February 19, 1967, article saying that David Ferrie at the time was affiliated with his (BRINGUIER'S) Cuban Student Directorate organization until the connection was terminated because of Ferrie homosexual activities." [Lloyd Ray 2.20.67] But the actual 2/20/67 CIA document which Gaal referenced states it a little bit differently: " When we interviewed him on 2 February he mentioned David Ferrie who appears in the 19 February [ New Orleans Times-Picayune ] article, saying that David Ferrie at one time was affiliated with his (Bringuier's) Cuban Student Directorate organization until the connection was terminated because of Ferrie's homosexual activities. " (NARA Record Number: 104-10262-10143, viewable at the Mary Ferrell Foundation) side note: Ferrie died February 22, 1967 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is in a 4/26/1967 document about Ferrie in Oswald's 201 file (201-289248), box 17, volume 4. The document was originally classified "SECRET", but in 1992 it was approved for release by the CIA Historical Review Program (after having been reviewed for FOIA in December, 1977). It's viewable at the Mary Ferrell Foundation website. [NARA Record Number: 1993.06.29.09:23:56:650410] : " [f.] From approximately November 1960 to August 1961 Ferrie was associated with the Cuban Revolutionary Front in New Orleans. He described the front as anti-Castro and claimed that he had been actively engaged in collecting food, money, and medicine for it. The office of the organization, he said, was located at the Balter Building. The head of the front was Sergio ARCHACA Smith. [...] " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since Weberman didn't bother to do it in Nodule 11, it would be nice if Steven Gaal would provide us with a RIF #, etc to that "Synopsis of the 1968 CIA Report" which Gaal and Weberman claim deleted information about Ferrie's connections to the Cuban Revolutionary Front. That is if Gaal knows it. If he doesn't post a RIF #, etc, to the CIA document, I'll have assume he's never read the original "Synopsis", and I will also have to assume that he uncritically accepts everything Weberman says as the "gospel truth" and passes it on as such. --Tommy PS Dear Steven, Please post a RIF # , or a NARA # , or a "link" to the 1968 CIA "synopsis". Why? Because I'd like to read it. Thank you in advance. Your buddy, -- Tommy. edited and bumped
  20. In February 1968, the CIA prepared a report on David Ferrie [When] a synopsis of this file reached the period when David Ferrie was associated with the Cuban Revolutionary Front, the CIA deleted it." source http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/weberman/nodule11.htm (The fact that David Ferrie was associated with the Cuban Revolutionary Front was deleted from the synopsis of the 1968 CIA report. -- GAAL) [edited in the interest of intelligibility by T. Graves] Thanks. So I guess Weberman was the source. Weberman is a paradox. Based on topics with which I am very familiar, I can see that he often finds unique information. But by the same token, he sometimes misstates things (and doggedly resists my attempts at correction). BTW, if you copy and paste his info into a Word document, it becomes searchable. Yes, Stephen Roy. Weberman does make mistakes. Lots of them. Yes, I know that the Cuban Revolutionary Front became the Cuban Revolutionary Council and both were different from the the Cuban Student Directorate (DRE), but regardless here's one of Weberman's little mistakes from the very passage that Gaal linked us to in post # 750, this thread: " When we interviewed BRINGUIER on February 2, 1967 he mentioned David Ferrie who appears in the February 19, 1967, article saying that David Ferrie at the time was affiliated with his (BRINGUIER'S) Cuban Student Directorate organization until the connection was terminated because of Ferrie homosexual activities." [Lloyd Ray 2.20.67] But the actual 2/20/67 CIA document which Gaal referenced states it a little bit differently: "When we interviewed him on 2 February he mentioned David Ferrie who appears in the 19 February [ New Orleans Times-Picayune ] article, saying that David Ferrie at one time was affiliated with his (Bringuier's) Cuban Student Directorate organization until the connection was terminated because of Ferrie's homosexual activities" (NARA Record Number: 104-10262-10143, viewable at the Mary Ferrell Foundation) side note: Ferrie died February 22, 1967 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is in a 4/26/1967 document about Ferrie in Oswald's 201 file (201-289248), box 17, volume 4. The document was originally classified "SECRET", but in 1992 it was approved for release by the CIA Historical Review Program (after having been reviewed for FOIA in December, 1977). It's viewable at the Mary Ferrell Foundation website. [NARA Record Number: 1993.06.29.09:23:56:650410] : "[f.] From approximately November 1960 to August 1961 Ferrie was associated with the Cuban Revolutionary Front in New Orleans. He described the front as anti-Castro and claimed that he had been actively engaged in collecting food, money, and medicine for it. The office of the organization, he said, was located at the Balter Building. The head of the front was Sergio ARCHACA Smith. He said that in 1963 OSWALD was associated with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New Orleans." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since Weberman didn't bother to do it in Nodule 11, it would be nice if Steven Gaal would provide us with a RIF #, etc to that "Synopsis of the 1968 CIA Report" which Gaal and Weberman claim deleted information about Ferrie's connections with the Cuban Revolutionary Front. That is if Gaal knows it. If he doesn't post a RIF #, etc, to the CIA document, I'll have assume he's never read the original "Synopsis", and I will also have to assume that he uncritically accepts everything Weberman says as the "gospel truth" and passes it on as such. --Tommy
  21. Mark, But don't you see...??? Oswald thought he was going to speak Russian with Castro and his bodyguards! Either that, or that he was gonna shoot em in the head from a sixth floor window with a Mannlicher-Carcano! LOL --Tommy
  22. Paul, Yes, it would be nice if they could get together and have a meeting of the minds. --Tommy
  23. Douglas, Thank you for posting this very informative interview! Interviewer Alan Dale is very well informed and asks Simpich some excellent questions. Simpich says he thinks that "Bill Harvey's circle" outmaneuvered "Angleton's circle" in Mexico City, and that Harvey's "pals" killed JFK. He says that Angleton set up a mole hunt in response to what Bill Harvey's circle had done to implement the telephonic impersonation of Oswald in Mexico City, and this mole hunt by Angleton later precluded Angleton from doing an effective investigation of the JFK assassination. He says JMWAVE was cut out of Mexico City's CIA Station's most important communications because Mexico City CIA thought it had been penetrated by a mole from Miami. He also believes that Dallas police officers William R. Westbrook and Paul Bentley were "in on the assassination". --Tommy
  24. Paul Trejo wrote: [...] "Jack Martin knew Walker well enough to learn that Lee Harvey Oswald would be in New Orleans, in front of the Trade Mart on 9 August 1963, handing out these leaflets and getting arrested for causing a commotion." [...] [emphasis added by T. Graves] Wrong, Trejo. But don't feel bad. Lots of researchers and students of the assassination get this all screwed up. Lee Harvey Oswald (along with Carlos Bringuier and Miguel Cruz and Celso Hernandez) was arrested in the 700 block of Canal Street on August 9, 1963. On that date, Oswald, wearing a placard around his neck which said "Viva la Fidel" (according to amateur photographer Jim Doyle's eleven-year-old sister, Sharon), handed out leaflets along two blocks of Canal Street between the Maison Blance Building http://www.jfk-online.com/andrews02.html , at 901-921 Canal Street http://louisdl.louislibraries.org/cdm/ref/collection/CLF/id/1918 , and the 700 block of Canal Street, where Oswald "got into it" with Carlos Bringuier and the anti-Castro Cubans and was arrested. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh26/pdf/WH26_CE_2895.pdf ; http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/M%20Disk/Martin%20John%20Minneapolis%20Film%20Enlargments/Item%2023.pdf According to Martin Shackelford http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/MS/3pe.html , Oswald's arrest on 8/09/63 in the 700 block of Canal Street was captured on film by only two photographers, both amateurs and both young. One of them was James "Jim" Doyle. The "Oswald" part of Doyle's film is viewable from 3:50 to 4:05 in the video below. FWIW, the Doyle "clip" shows the placard around Oswald's at 3:58 and again at 4:02 of this Black Op Radio video... The other young, amateur photographer to capture Oswald's arrest in the 700 block of Canal Street on 8/09/63 was your John T. Martin, aka "Jack" Martin. http://emuseum.jfk.org/view/objects/asitem/term@Home%20movie/6/title-desc;jsessionid=5DEFC9891B70CC9909BCC446E9E5E7AE?t:state:flow=48c4e7da-93f7-43cd-bceb-c6960c78dac1 The International Trade Mart was at # 2 Canal Street, six blocks farther down the street from where Oswald was arrested. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Center_New_Orleans . Oswald didn't do any leafleting at the International Trade Mart on August 9, 1963. He didn't hand out leaflets there until August 16, 1963. http://books.google.com/books?id=scug_gAfL-wC&pg=PP136&lpg=PP136&dq=oswald+%22international+trade+mart%22+%22august+16%22&source=bl&ots=lYdxFZ7ogJ&sig=v4sRUMPNXpUmUNifaU5b3jvskF0&hl=en&sa=X&ei=GbxqVJngCMb9iALzwIDIBw&ved=0CEUQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=oswald%20%22international%20trade%20mart%22%20%22august%2016%22&f=false ; http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/rush.htm . That was four days after his 8/12/63 court appearance for the above-mentioned 8/09/63 arrest. Although he was never arrested at the International Trade Mart, he was filmed by two TV stations while leafleting there on 8/16/63. --Tommy
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