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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Pat, What exactly do you think that Peters, Custer, and O'Connor, on the right side of the montage, are pointing to (or indicating with their fingers) on the back side of their head? Since Peters' head is turned away from the camera more so than O'Connors', perhaps he's the best one to talk about here because his finger placement can be made out a little better. Thank you, --Tommy
  2. Bill, FWIW, I noticed that Gerard Droller (aka Frank Bender) is listed as WH/4/PA on the June 1961 document on which Dave Phillips' position is C/WH/4/Prop. --Tommy
  3. David, If we're speculating that "Suit and Tie Man" on the front steps in Altgens 6 might have been Shelley, Lewis, Molina, or Williams, what about Lloyd Viles, whom you mentioned in post # 1432? But I gotta ask this question: Why is it so important to know who "Suit and Tie Man" was, anyway? Even if S&T Man wasn't Bill Shelley, we know Shelley must have been very close by because we see him walking with Lovelady towards the railway yard just a few seconds after the assassination. To simplify things, let's just say that "Suit and Tie Man" was Bill Shelley, okay? LOL --Tommy At least we agree on one thing, David: "Prayer Man" was an Oswald.
  4. Bumped on a library computer to prove to myself that there's a software problem with my laptop and to give David Josephs an opportunity to read it, seein' as how he was busy composing his longish (but finally informative as-to-what-he-thinks) post while I was editing this one. Yes, I'm at a library with my laptop. PS I agree with you, David, that Wesley Buell Frazier is not visible in any image prior to the Darnell/Couch film. No, I don't think Frazier is Prayer Man. Both WBF and Prayer Man are visible at the same time in one of the films (Darnell/Couch?) Nor do I think Shelley is Prayer Man. Prayer Man wasn't wearing a suit and tie. Shelley was. Also, I believe that Shelley and Lovelady were photographically "captured" walking down the sidewalk of the Elm Street extension towards the railway yard / parking lot right after the assassination, right about the same time that Prayer Man and Frazier were "captured" on film. These are just intuitions on my part, so please don't DEMAND that I provide more EVIDENCE as to why I hold these beliefs. I also agree that Suit and Tie Man in Altgens 6 may be William Shelley, although S&T Man looks bigger in girth than Shelley. Peace be with you.
  5. David, I can't copy and paste or reply directly to imbedded posts on my laptop, so I'll type here the pertinent quote that you just re-posted, above. "PS A couple of friendly suggestions: Try proofreading your posts both before and after you post them. For example, 'How can possible (sic) know...' " David, the reason I put the "(sic)" in there was not to point out the minor misspelling of the word "possibly" as "possible," but the fact that you left out a word, in this case possibly the pronoun "you." I actually deliberated on where exactly to put the "(sic)". Before the word "possible" or after it? LOL I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that evidently you still haven't noticed that you left an important word out. To not do that would be to accuse you of trying to "minimize," "spin," and "turn the tables." (Are you an attorney? LOL) My whole point has been that the unintentional leaving out words is more serious than any (minor) spelling problem. You, in your great haste, tend to leave out words when you're typing your longish posts. That's not a "spelling problem." You keep complaining that am a "spelling nazi," etc, but I never said you'd made a spelling mistake. If you want to call all grammar and syntax mistakes, including word omissions, "spellin' mistakes," that's fine with me. But you seem much too highly educated to do that. --Tommy
  6. Gene, Thanks for interjecting a voice of reason. You do understand that Shelley and Arce didn't walk to the railway yard, don't you, but that Shelley and Lovelady did, right? And that Bonnie Ray Williams accompanied Shelley and Arce to the police station in the police car, some seven blocks away? --Tommy
  7. Yes, David, I'm "an amazingly pompous A$$," as you put it. But you, sir, are AB$OLUTELY IN$UFFERABLE. --Tommy PS Don't bother to send me any more harassing PM's. PPS, I never said anything negative about your "spelling." In fact, your spelling is exemplary. That's funny! You're the one who introduced the concept of spelling into this argument. A good example of your tendency to minimize (when it suits your purposes; after all, anyone's spelling mistakes are less serious than their grammar and syntax mistakes, especially when caused by unintentionally leaving words out), to "spin," and to try to "turn the tables on your opponent," I guess. Hint: In the Search This Topic box, type in the word "spelling" and see what you come up with. The only times I mentioned the word was when I said, "It's not your spelling that suffers..." [emphasis added] and when I asked you the question, "Do you consider leaving words out of posts on a fairly regular basis, obviously by mistake, to be a 'spelling' issue?" [emphasis added]
  8. Thanks for the feedback, David. That's strange because I deleted a few old messages about a week ago and have only received one message since then. I guess I'll have to delete some more... --Tommy
  9. David, It SEEMS that you're asking me to make your arguments for you. Instead of asking me these questions, why don't you tell us your "take" on the apparent "fact" that neither Shelley nor Frazier appear in Altgens 6. Or do you think that they DO appear in Altgens 6? Or, like Fetzer and Cinque, do you believe that Altgens 6 WAS EDITED? (My personal FEELING is that they are probably there, but impossible to "make out" or positively identify. Please don't ask me to provide EVIDENCE to support this FEELING. After all, it's just a FEELING, David. You know, kinda like AN INTUITION?.) Perhaps you already HAVE given us your "take" on Shelley and Frazier in Altgens 6, and I missed it because I tend to NOT READ your posts. And WHY is that? Because you're always talking about "HARVEY AND LEE." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL That's why. (And NO, I'm NOT going to argue with you about THAT.) Peace brother, --Tommy PS By tweaking my Windows 8 with some other software, I seem to have lost the ability to "copy and paste" in general, or bump my edited posts, or reply to someone else's included post, so I suggest that you go back and re-read them from time to time, especially my recent ones on this thread.
  10. David, You should read the "PS" and the "PPS" at the bottom of my last post. I was writing the "PPS" while you were composing your diatribe, so you didn't see it. Sounds like you're calling me a xxxx regarding Glaze. I did look up Glaze (and I read Weston's "The Spider's Web" a long time ago) before I posted. I couldn't find the transcripts of Glaze's alleged tape-recorded interviews with Shelley. Are you saying that such transcripts exist and are viewable on the Internet? I never posted that I thought you assumed anything, David. Sounds like a bit of paranoia on your part if you don't mind my saying so. I'm guessing that you assumed that I was indirectly responding to something you'd posted on this thread prior to Gene's post # 1415. If I'm right on that, then you're wrong. I didn't read those posts. I skimmed through some of them but didn't read them closely or spend much time on them because I could see that they were trying to incorporate the "Harvey and Lee" argument. But never mind. You probably think I'm lying right now. The funny thing it that you and I probably agree on more things about the JFK assassination than we disagree about. Peace brother, --Tommy But I gotta ask you, Bro, do you consider leaving words out of posts on a fairly regular basis, obviously by mistake, to be a "spelling" issue? LOL
  11. David, Let's get a few things straight. 1) I didn't assume that Shelley and Arce (and Bonnie Ray Williams) were "escaping" based on a photo, Gene Kelley did. If you read his posts, you'll realize that Gene had mistakenly assumed that Shelley and Arce had walked together to the railway yard / parking lot immediately after the assassination, when in reality it was Shelley and Lovelady who did that. Then, when Gene saw the photo of Shelley and Arce being escorted to a police car by a couple of policemen and detectives, he evidently assumed that the photograph was taken just a couple of minutes after Shelley's and Arce's (nonexistent) walk to the railway yard / parking lot and that they were "escaping from the scene" with the help of some bad cops. Gene tried to support speculation / assertion by pointing out the fact that Shelley gave conflicting testimony after the assassination, the fact that Shelley was wearing a suit (of all things), and the "fact" that Shelley "looked guilty" in the photograph. 2) You're right. I shouldn't have asked, "How can one assume...," To keep from confusing you I should have said, "How can anyone assume... ." If I'd wanted to be really blunt, I would have asked "How can Gene Kelley assume...?". 3) I changed my words from "several minutes after the assassination" to "some forty-five minutes after the assassination" because I'd read somewhere that Shelley arrived at the police station around 1:30. Since the assassination occurred at 12:30, and since it might have taken as long as fifteen minutes for the police car with Shelley, Arce, Williams, Senkel, and Brown to arrive at the police department some seven traffic-jammed blocks away from Dealey Plaza, I figure they got into that police car some forty-five minutes after the assassination. Sound reasonable? 4) I had already read that part about Elzie Glaze's alleged tape recording of his interviews with Bill Shelley. Don't you think it strange that Elzie evidently didn't ask Shelley why he'd been charged with killing the president? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to read the transcripts of those alleged tape recordings? 5) It's not your spelling that suffers from your great haste in getting your longish posts up on the forum in a "timely" manner, David. It's your GRAMMAR and SYNTAX that suffer when you leave out words, thereby rendering your posts even more difficult to comprehend than they would OTHERWISE BE. (lol) Sincerely, --Tommy PS I just now tried to send you a PM but your mailbox is full. PPS Re: "Back on Topic," it seems that you're trying to prove that Bill Shelley and Wesley Buell Frazier couldn't possibly have been where they said they were during the assassination because they (apparently) didn't show up in Altgens 6. Is that correct? Yes, David, WE AGREE (lol) that "Prayer Man" was not Danny Arce. FWIW, I personally think that "Prayer Man" was LEE HARVEY OSWALD.
  12. David, Exactly. How can anyone assume that Shelley, Arce, and Williams were guilty and "escaped" with the help of the bad guys based on a photo which shows them being escorted to a police car by policemen and detectives some forty-five minutes after the assassination? --Tommy PS A couple of friendly suggestions: Try "proofreading" your posts before and after you post them. For example, "How can (sic) possible (sic) know..." And please stop using upper case letters so much to emphasize your points. (It makes you look a bit like a fanatic.) Thank you.
  13. Gene, "Taken in for questioning" was a very poor choice of words on my part. I should have said "taken in to give affidavits." For some strange reason I can't copy and paste the URL here, but to see Bill Shelley's affidavit which was taken on 11/22/63 at the police department, some seven blocks from Dealey Plaza, google " 'William H Shelley' " and 'affidavit.' The most interesting part is at the end where he says he turned the guarding of the elevator over to Jack Dougherty. Notaries Mary Rattan and Patsy Collins took a lot of affidavits that afternoon at the police department. Maybe that's why Shelley was allegedly "held" there from around 1:30 until around 5:00? BTW, It's too bad journalist Elzie Glaze didn't ask Bill Shelley why Shelley was (according to Glaze) charged very early on with killing JFK. It seems to me that that would have been the natural follow-up question for a journalist to ask. Did Glaze happen to tape record Shelley's telling him he was so charged, or do we just have to take Glaze's word for it? --Tommy
  14. Gene, Even if Shelley, Arce, and Williams were part of the conspiracy, why would the bad guys want to "remove" them (and several other TSBD employees) "from the scene" several minutes after the assassination? How would that help keep the lid on the conspiracy? All of their co-workers already knew that Shelley, Arce, Williams, Lovelady, et. al. were at work that day. They all returned to work in the days following the assassination, didn't they? What purpose would it serve the leaders of the conspiracy to "remove them from the scene," several minutes after the assassination? To keep them from compulsively volunteering that they had killed the president? To prevent their being recognized as the killers by their co-workers? To prevent them from compulsively going back to their respective "posts" and reenacting their "glorious deeds"? Or did they simply look too guilty to be allowed to remain "at the scene?" Were the bad guys planning on flying Shelley, Arce, and Williams, et. al., to Mexico or Canada and disposing of them there, but then the pilot called in sick? Or drive them down to the Texas Theatre for the afternoon matinee but forgot to bring money for the tickets? Hmmm. Was Danny Arce packing a Johnson 30.06 under that raincoat? --Tommy P.S. I'm not saying that Shelley, Arce, Lovelady, et. al., weren't part of the conspiracy. I'm just saying that even if they were, it wouldn't have made much sense for the bad guys to, as you say, "spirit them away from the scene," especially as late as some forty-five minutes after the assassination.
  15. No, Gene. That's not "The Escape" (which Bill Kelley wasn't asking about anyway). They were being taken in for questioning. Shelley, Arce, and Williams were taken away for questioning several minutes after the assassination. As were other witnesses that afternoon. Some people were escorted on foot and some people were transported by motor vehicle. Amos Euins was lucky enough to get a ride on the back of a three wheeled motorcycle. These three (Shelley, Arce, and Bonnie Ray Williams) travelled by police car. --Tommy
  16. Yes, Gene You did see a photo of Danny Arce being led to a police car by a shotgun wielding policeman and a motorcycle cop. Bill Shelley and Bonnie Ray Williams were with him, as were two detectives tentatively identified as Senkel and Brown. Billy Lovelady was not with them. The two detectives (Senkel and Brown?) sat upfront in the police car with the policeman driver, and Bonnie Ray Williams, Danny Arce, and Bill Shelley sat in the back seat. Shelley sat behind the driver. Billy Lovelady was not with them, although he had walked with Bill Shelley from the TSBD to the railway yard / parking lot (and back to the TSBD) right after the assassination. --Tommy
  17. Gene Kelley wrote in post # 1415: "Bill Shelley ... [was] seen walking with Danny Arce to the railway yard." Now someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Shelley say that he walked to the railway yard / parking lot right after the assassination with Billy Lovelady (rather than Danny Arce), and was captured on film doing so? Or was it Lovelady who said he walked there with Shelley? Whatever. Gene also rhetorically states that Shelley and Arce were "singled out" to be "escorted" from the TSBD premises by the police. What about Bonnie Ray Williams? He was also in that little group of TSBD employees who were placed in the police car, as can be seen in Sean Murphy's post #181 (page 13 this thread). Was he a conspirator who was "singled out" for protection, too? Or was he cleverly included as (pun) "window dressing"? --Tommy
  18. Bumped for Bill Kelley, who recently asked about Larry Florer on another thread. The photo James posted for me back in 2007 has disappeared from this thread, but luckily it's still viewable on the Net, courtesy of the JFK Assassination Forum website. Here it is -- Larry Florer's 1958 Highland Park High School (Dallas, Texas) photo on the right. https://www.google.com/search?q=%22larry+florer%22+hair&tbm=isch&imgil=LWE-piLxPXgNTM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcT1DzDTy_vGDe58DN4vkZ_pt9zydWnzWFAHGDSo9LzdKMc4BiVSEA%253B462%253B331%253BKmehunKEHivmcM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.jfkassassinationforum.com%25252Findex.php%25253Ftopic%2525253D5428.12&source=iu&usg=__Hc6WSPKiI-sBTe8BZClqWuGIOHc%3D&sa=X&ei=p-TvUtSBMIPcoATZnIDoAw&ved=0CCoQ9QEwAA&biw=1188&bih=566#facrc=_&imgrc=LWE-piLxPXgNTM%253A%3BKmehunKEHivmcM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi780.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Fyy85%252Fjohnw291%252FFlorer_comparison.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.jfkassassinationforum.com%252Findex.php%253Ftopic%253D5428.12%3B462%3B331 --Tommy
  19. Bill, Luke Mooney didn't say he saw two plainclothes DPD officers on the steps. He told the Warren Commission he passed some plainclothes men, whom he "believed" were deputy sheriffs, on the stairs. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/mooney.htm Mooney was a Deputy Sheriff himself but worked mostly in the "Writ and Execution" Department, so I guess it's understandable that he would recognize some other deputy sheriffs but not know their names. On the other hand, maybe he did know their names and that's why he didn't mention passing them on the stairs when he made his report to ...The Sheriff's Department. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/mooney1.htm It is interesting that Mr. Ball didn't ask Mooney their names when he was giving his WC testimony... In When They Kill A President Roger Craig says he and deputy sheriffs Eugene Boone and Luke Mooney went up the stairs, together, directly to the sixth floor. But Luke Mooney said he took an elevator with two girls to the second floor where the elevator lost electrical power. He said he searched the second floor briefly and them went up the stairs to the sixth floor by himself, passing the plainclothes guys who were coming down. (Is there any evidence in this case that is not ambiguous or contradicted by other evidence?) --Tommy
  20. Thanks Larry. In searching for an answer to BK's earlier question regarding the possibility that Hosty had lunch with James Powell on 11/22/63, I found this 1975 document on the MF website: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=738150 In it Hosty is asked if, on 11/22/63, he "met in the morning with an Army Intelligence Agent." Hosty says yes, he met with Ed Coyne. He says he didn't know James Powell. Edit: In his book Assignment Oswald, Hosty says had a prearranged meeting that morning with Army Intelligence agent Coyle and ATF agent Ellsworth so that they could confer with each other on the ongoing case of an Army ordinance officer (George Nonte?) at a nearby base (Ft. Hood? / Ft. Sill?) who was allegedly fencing stolen Army guns and ammunition to an outside party (John Thomas Masen?). Hosty says they had learned that a right wing extremist group (Minutemen? / DRE?) was trying to buy the weaponry. Hosty also says, "I later learned that Agent Powell was another Army Intelligence man who had been downtown Dallas when the assassination occurred, doing some routine background checks at the Sheriff's Department across the street from the assassination site. When the call came over that shots may have come from the book depository building, Powell and about twenty sheriff's deputies dashed over to the building and volunteered their services in searching. Because Powell wasn't in a police uniform, he at first made people suspicious and was briefly detained by the police while they confirmed his identity." [emphasis added] --Tommy Did Hosty or Coyne or Ellsworth write any reports about this November 22nd meeting for their respective agencies?
  21. Thanks Larry. In searching for an answer to BK's earlier question regarding the possibility that Hosty had lunch with James Powell on 11/22/63, I found this 1975 document on the MF website: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=738150 In it Hosty says he "met in the morning with" Army Intelligence Agent Ed Coyne on 11/22/63 and that he didn't even know James Powell. --Tommy
  22. Larry, Thanks, but I must say I'm sorry I mentioned Ellsworth [since edited out by me] on this James Powell thread.. According to Michael Hogan in post #4 this thread, Richard Trask told the ARRB that James Powell had been interviewed by both the FBI and the Secret Service and had given them some conflicting statements regarding what happened on 11/22/63. Here's a link to Powell's 1995 ARRB interview: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/arrb/index5.htm Do you know of any FBI or Secret Service interviews of Army Intelligence agent James W. Powell? All I can find is his ARRB testimony. Thanks, --Tommy
  23. Hi Bill, I agree with you that Powell is probably the "Army Intelligence man" whom Detective V. J. Brian said Lt. Revill gave a lift to Field Street (and Elm?) after the assassination. Hoary? Sorry, never heard of him. Here's an old post by someone you may have heard of, "William Kelley." In it he says that an FBI agent by the name of James P. Hosty had lunch on 11/22/63 with Army Intelligence agent [Ed] Coyne and ATF agent [Frank] Ellsworth. Of course I have no idea if this "William Kelley" guy knows what he's talking about. The guy he's communicating with in these posts sure seems bright, though. (LOL) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 'William Kelly', on 02 Feb 2011 - 01:43 AM, said: That's great information, Bill, but can you or anyone else tell me how to go about finding a photo of John Thomas Masen on the Internet? Maybe I just don't know how to go about finding it on the DPUK website... Thanks, --Thomas [...] _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Ring any bells, Bill? I've got to cut this short now and go do a couple of hours of "research" on this "Hoary" dude you mentioned. --Tommy
  24. As a side note, On page 133 of my digital copy of Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, Peter Dale Scott wrote: "I myself had suggested that the [HSCA] Committee interview Revill, to learn more about the 'Army Intelligence man' whom 'Lieutanant Revill knew' and drove back to his office right after the President's murder (5 WH 57). I speculated that the Army Intelligence agent might have been James Powell, an Army Intelligence agent present on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository (WCD 329. 57-58) when Revill organized the search there that produced the famous Mannlicher Carcano (4 AH 604). Whoever the man was, Revill omitted his name when testifying under oath to the Warren Commission as to the occupants of his car (5 WH 34)" I think I have found two problems with what what PDS wrote here. Firstly, regarding (WCD 329.57-58), here's a link to it. It's page 58 of "Commission Document 329 - FBI Gemberling Report of 22 Jan 1964 re: Oswald/Russia/Cuba." Dr. Scott seems to think that it indicates that Powell was on the sixth floor. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=10730&relPageId=61 . A close reading of this document suggests that the photograph under discussion ("Specimen K53") was not taken from up close on the sixth floor, but from farther away, outside the building. I base this on an analysis of the words used in the document and the overall context of its subject matter, specifically the time element involved. In a nutshell, it seems to me that neither the "corner sixth floor window" nor the boxes stacked near it were the central "subject" of the photograph when it was taken. I think this is evidenced by the fact that the window was only said to be "shown" in the photograph. Regarding the timing aspect, It doesn't make sense that a photographer could have (or even would have) photographed the "sniper's lair" window from inside the building so soon after the assassination. Of course the boxes stacked on the floor around the window, the spent "hulls" on the floor, and the Dr. Pepper bottle were all photographed eventually. But never mind. The apparent reason this photograph (Specimen K53) was analyzed by the FBI in the first place was to determine whether or not anyone was visible in that window and whether or not the boxes near it had been moved immediately after the assassination, before the hulls and Dr, Pepper bottle had been "discovered." Since no photographs of "the window" (or its boxes) were taken from inside the building immediately after the assassination, the FBI had to analyze the next best thing-- photographs taken from outside the building which happened to show that particular window. (Obviously, the photos by Dillard and James W. Powell come to mind.) James W. Powell told the ARRB that he went up to the second floor twice to use the telephone, but never to my knowledge did he or anyone else say that he was on the sixth floor. If the above easy-to-misinterpret FBI report is the only "evidence" that we researchers and CTers can point to in trying to prove that Powell was up there fooling around on the sixth floor, then I believe we need to re-think the whole Powell-on-the-sixth-floor issue. Am I missing something here? Is there any so-called "corroborating evidence" or testimony that Powell was up on the sixth floor? Would somebody please set me straight on this if they can? The second problem I think I've detected is that Dr. Scott seems to imply that DPD Lt. Jack Revill drove Army Intelligence agent James W. Powell back to Revill's office after the assassination. The above-quoted phrases "Army Intelligence man" and "[whom] Lieutenant Revill knew" come from DPD Detective V. J. Brian's Warren Commission testimony, the above-mentioned "(5 WH 57)", in which Brian states that he himself was a passenger in Revill's car on that particular journey, and that "an Army Intelligence man" whom "Lieutenant Revill knew" was also a passenger, but that the Army Intelligence man got out "up around Field Street." http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?absPageId=16867 It just so happens that the Rio Grande Building, where Powell's Army Intelligence office was situated, was at the corner of Elm and N. Field Street. From V. J. Brian's Warren Commission testimony: [...] What did Revill and you do? Mr. BRIAN. Went back down to our office. Representative FORD. Gannaway's--is that Gannaway's office? Mr. BRIAN. Gannaway's; yes, sir. Representative FORD. As you drove---- Mr. DULLES. What floor is that on? Mr. BRIAN. Captain Gannaway's is on the second floor. Representative FORD. As you drove from the Texas School Depository Building after making a check of the facilities who was in the car? Mr. BRIAN. Our car? 56 Representative FORD. Yes. Mr. BRIAN. Let me see, Lieutenant Revill, myself, [Detective] Westphal, [Detective] Tarver, and we gave a man a lift, and I don't remember whether he was a CID, I don't know the man, I don't remember whether he was a CIC agent or a CID or OSI, he was some type of, as I recall, Army intelligence man. Mr. DULLES. Army, Air Force, or something? Mr. BRIAN. He was connected with the service and we let him out a couple of blocks, if I recall, up about Field Street, somewhere along in there. Lieutenant Revill knew him, who he was, and he rode up there with us. Representative FORD. Who drove the car? Mr. BRIAN. Lieutenant Revill. It was his car. [...] I admire and respect (an am truly influenced by) Dr. Peter Dale Scott, but I must be audacious here and point out these two apparent little uhh... "boo-boo's" (?) about James W. Powell. --Tommy PS A narrow reading of Lt. Revill's testimony might explain why he didn't divulge the fact that Powell was one of the "occupants" in his car. Revill wasn't asked who his passengers were. He was asked who went with him to his office. Since Powell didn't go all the way to Revill's office, Revill gave a strictly true answer to that question. edited and bumped
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