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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Larry, Interestingly, according to the Federal Bureau of Narcotics' Mafia Book, Mrs. Frances Vallone was a sister of Dallas Mafioso Joseph Ianni. Ianni was a narcotics trafficker associated with, among others, Joe Civello of Dallas and Rocco Pellegrino, Carmine Pellegrino, and Peter Pellegrino of Westchester County, New York. Frances (Ianni) Vallone's husband was Joseph Vincent Vallone (d. 1972 in Houston). He had three brothers: Vincent (Jr.), Tony, and Benny Vallone. Vincent Vallone, Sr, the father of Joseph, Vincent, Tony, and Benny, is mentioned in this excerpt from the May 1, 1959 Kefauver Report: V. The importance of Carlos Marcello in New Orleans rackets [...] Whether or not he [Carlos Marcello] and his brother Anthony had boats running narcotics into New Orleans, it is a fact that Marcello had served time for dope peddling among other things and had asked and been refused a Presidential pardon. Toll calls connected Marcello with Harry Brooks, close associate of Mickey Cohen, Joe Civello, narcotics violator, and Sam Yarras, brother of Chicago hoodlum Dave Yarras, a prominent figure in the fight between the "mob" wire service and Continental Press. Also in touch with Marcello was Charles Gordon, a main cog in a national football betting syndicate. Carlos talked over the phone to one Vincent Vallone just before the latter was murdered in Houston, Tex., in a Mafia-type killing. [...] http://www.onewal.com/kef/kef3b.html According to someone who posted on the following website, Vincent Vallone, Sr. "was famous as a Capo in the Piranio branch of the mafia, based in Dallas." The same person says that Vallone made the May 26, 1938 New York Times (page 9) for having an indictment dismissed in Federal Court for conspiracy to violate narcotics laws: http://www.findagrav...r&GRid=29119450 Regarding Joseph Ianni's sister, interested researchers can google: "Frances Ianni Vallone" --Tommy edited and bumped PS I wonder if whoever wrote the report on Rose Cheramie misheard her say "Piranio" or "Pellegrino" and wrote it down kinda phonetically as "Porerurillo" (sp?) ?.
  2. Robert, I finally found something on Twiford's freighter, the SS Del Monte, on the internet. (From a book by Gordon A. Growden called Freighters and Tankers of the U.S. Merchant Marine) http://www.armed-guard.com/fat.html --Tommy PS I know it's a long shot, but I wonder if there's a connection between Twiford / SS Del Monte and the Rose Cheramie case. Guess not-- It looks like the DM was at or between Tampico, Mexico and Victoria, Brazil from 10/13/63 to 11/28/63. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=10476&relPageId=9 It is interesting that the SS Del Monte had accommodations for twelve passengers...
  3. Robert, Thanks for posting this. I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but in the interest of accuracy I thought I'd point out that the first document (link) you posted says SS Maasdam, not "SS *madam." (Also, you've got a typo in "lbw York.") But keep up the good work. You're one of the best researchers we've got! Sincerely, --Tommy
  4. Richard, Good work! Now, Regarding Edgar Eugene Bradley... According to a Tom Bethell's diary, the photo of "two men apparently under arrest" in which Mrs. Aydelotte, in December of 1967, identified Edgar Eugene Bradley, had earlier been published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram newspaper (date unspecified). One can only hope that Mrs. Adyelotte didn't identify Bradley as the tall, sandy-haired "tramp" from one of the Three Tramp photos that were published in the Fort Worth newspaper! I seem to remember that in one or two of those photos, the older, third "tramp" (E. Howard Hunt?, Chauncey Holt?, Gus Abrams?) was almost completely "hidden" behind the tallest "tramp," giving the impression that the policemen were escorting only two hobos, not three. I wonder if it wasn't one of these apparent "two tramp" photos in which Mrs. Aydelotte picked out her ex-friend "Gene Bradley" ? Does anyone know of any photos of two non-tramps, "apparently under arrest" in front of the TSBD, published in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? --Tommy Part of Bethell's diary from McAdams website: [...] 6. A Fort Worth Star-Telegram photograph showing two men in front of the School Book Depository apparently under arrest following the assassination was shown to Mrs. Aydelotte. According to [bill] Turner, "Without hesitation, she pointed to the lead man and said: 'That's Gene Bradley.'" [...] http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/bethell6.htm
  5. Richard, Just to make sure we're on the same page here, I'm pretty sure that the "Edgar Eugene Bradley" Roger Craig identified (as being the 40ish, sandy-haired, grey-business-suit wearing, cleft-chinned "Secret Service agent" to whom he gave his account of Oswald getting into the Rambler station wagon) was the Edgar Eugene Bradley whose photos I posted in post #37, above, not the mobbed-up Eugene Hale Brading / Jim Braden who was briefly detained and who was probably the guy who was captured in photographs showing him wearing sunglasses and a dark western-style hat with an ornate hat band while listening to James Tague, for example. I'm curious to know if you think that Roger Craig might have been "captured" after the assassination speaking with this mobbed-up Jim Brading / Braden, or do you think that it was more more likely that Craig spoke with "Edgar Eugene Bradley" as pictured in post #37?. I realize that mobbed-up Brading / Braden was known to use the last name "Bradley," but still.....? --Tommy
  6. Thanks for that, James. Here's a photo of sandy-haired Bradley being arrested, in 1967 as a result of the Garrison Investigation, while wearing a grey business suit. It looks to me like he has a cleft chin, too. (Click on the photo to see what I mean.) Here's another one from eBay: Very interesting! --Tommy
  7. Richard, I'm wondering if the "40-ish, gray-business-suited, sandy-haired 'Secret Service' agent" who took Roger Craig's report of Oswald's getting into the Rambler station wagon, per your post #32 this thread, could be the gray-business-suited, sandy-haired man with his back to the camera in the middle of Willis 15 (above). I wonder if this gray-suited guy in Willis 15 shows up in any other photos or films? It would be nice to know if he had a cleft chin. --Tommy
  8. Thanks, Richard. Nice tie-in. I'll keep my eyes out for him. Also, Your time stamping (around 12:40) the photo and film clip of Euins and Brennan in Sawyer's "command car" may help us understand the identities and movements of other people "captured" in them.. --Tommy Richard, I have a little question for you. Did you ever figure out who the "heavy set, middle-aged man" was who was put in a police car? Thanks, --Tommy
  9. Thanks, Richard. Nice tie-in. I'll keep my eyes out for him. Also, Your time stamping (around 12:40) the photo and film clip of Euins and Brennan in Sawyer's "command car" may help us understand the identities and movements of other people "captured" in them.. --Tommy
  10. Richard, Thanks for posting this photograph. Notice the two fedora-wearing (one dark, one fairly light with a wide, black, band) "floating heads" behind the Rambler and just to the left of the hard hat guy in the background (Brennan?). I am almost certain that those two guys are the "Rip Robertson" and "John Adrian O'Hare" characters who were photographed earlier while standing on the Houston Street sidewalk, watching JFK and Jackie pass by. Between that photograph and this one, these two guys were "captured," I believe, in a Murray photo which shows them traversing the end of the Grassy Knoll slope nearest the TSBD, with, ironically, Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig standing in the street, looking to his right in their direction, and (also ironically) with a possible Oswald "double" walking with another guy down the Elm Street extension in the far background, framed by the dark-suited "Robertson" and "O'Hare" figures who are walking in the direction of the TSBD and who, therefore, have their backs to the camera. Regarding the other people in the top photo, this post, I used to think that the tall guy wearing a white hat behind and just a little to the right of the "Brennan" figure was just an interested bystander who was wearing a strange baseball cap, but now I think it's a white-hatted policeman (I finally noticed the angles of the hat and the badge on it) , and I'm wondering if it's W. E. Barnett, the policeman who said he spoke with Brennan right after the assassination and who, according to Brennan, might have taken him to a "Mr. Sorrels" (Police Inspector Sawyer?) for Brennan to speak with "in an automobile sitting in front of the Texas Book Store [sic]." (Robert Howard recently informed me on the Brennan's Suspicious Car thread that Secret Service man Forrest Sorrels claimed that he didn't arrive at the TSBD until 12:55, and that he entered it through the rear door.) Trying to come around kinda full circle on this: Could it be that the leaning-over "white hat" we see speaking to Brennan (?) and another white-hatted policeman through an open police car door in front of the TSBD (in a great photo you recently posted in post #21, this thread) is the white hat of Officer W. E. Barnett? (A Basic Question: Was Barnett wearing a white hat that day?) BTW, does anyone know the identity of the other, more obvious policeman standing on the far right in the top Murray photo (this post)? --Tommy Edited, augmented, qualified with the words I believe, and bumped... Double Take: Could the "floating head" nearest "Brennan" in the top photo actually be Secret Service man Forrest Sorrels??? It does kinda look like him. Could the other, sunglasses-wearing and partially visible, "floating head" next to him be that of the one and only E. Howard Hunt? Hmmm. OMG! The visible part of his head looks like him and the spooky-looking "Hunt" guy crossing Elm Street in the famous Cancellare photo was wearing a fairly light colored fedora with a wide, black band... My head is starting to spin. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ News Flash: OMG, look what I just found on youtube -- "Amos Euins and Howard Brennan" getting into a car in front of the TSBD! I'm guessing that that car was Police Inspector Sawyer's "command post" where he made quick interviews of witnesses before his officers escorted them to the Sheriff's Department for more detailed statements, just like he said in his WC testimony. In fact, the older policeman type (Sawyer was 61 when he gave his WC testimony in early 1964) wearing the fancy uniform (notice the stripes or whatever on his lower left sleeve) who quickly opens the door for Euins looks like Inspector Sawyer. And the people next to the car on the sidewalk are the same people "captured" standing next to the car in post #21, this thread, with "Brennan" sitting next to "Sawyer" in the car! Note also that Euins get's into the back seat, just like he's shown sitting in the bottom photo. (click circular "replay" arrow at the bottom left corner) This bottom photo was posted by Robin Unger on the jfkassassinationforum website (from Trask's Pictures of the Pain). Sorry it's so big. Click on it to eliminate distortion. Brennan obviously sat up front, next to Sawyer. From the eight-second video clip (above, this post), it looks like Brennan was a pretty short guy. Hmmm. it's very interesting, isn't it, that in his WC testimony, Sawyer couldn't give a physical description of this most important witness (Brennan) who supposedly told Sawyer that the shooter was a "white male, 5'10, 165 pounds (but "slender"???), and about 30 years old." But no! All Sawyer could remember about this critically-important witness was that he was white , male , and about thirty years old and that he might have been working in the TSBD. Working in the TSBD while wearing a hard hat?? Hmmm. Doesn't it seem that Sawyer, a police Inspector, should have been able to remember such an important and unusual witness as Brennan, and doesn't it seem strange that he couldn't remember his name? Let's face it, Brennan was unusual. He was short , he was wearing light colored (khaki?) work clothes, he was wearing a freakin' hard hat for cryin' out loud, and oh yeah, he claimed that he'd just seen a man shoot the President of the United States. In my book, that makes Brennan very unusual indeed, and, therefore, uhhh..., kinda unforgettable. [Awww, come on Tommy, poor old Inspector Sawyer was 47 years old when he gave his WC testimony in April of 1964, some four and one-half months after the assassination. And, anyway he was overwhelmed that afternoon of 11/22/63. You can't expect him to remember every little detail!] Well, I tell you what. I'm starting to agree with Sean Murphy on this. I don't think Sawyer got the above description of the shooter from Brennan (who couldn't have gotten a good enough view of a sixth floor shooter from that angle, anyway, to give an accurate description of the guy's height and weight, so why guess?). I think he got it from Baker or Truly after they came down from the roof. And Heaven Knows where they got their information. Was it a description of someone they saw on the fourth floor who was wearing a brown or tan jacket? Or was it from "a higher, more omniscient source"? In Brennan's written statement to the police later, he said the shooter was 165 to 175 pounds. Hmmm. 5'10"?, 175 lbs?, "slender?" (meaning, perhaps, "not fat"? ; meaning, perhaps, "athletic built"?). Thirty years old? We're getting pretty darn close to Mexico City Mystery Man's physical description here, or, even better, that of that 'ole "defector" to the USSR, Robert Webster, whose physical characteristics Oswald somehow magically "took on" in certain highly-classified documents and communications while living in Russia, compliments, apparently, of J.J.Angleton and his like. Bumped for the last time tonight. I promise.
  11. Richard, Thanks for posting this photograph. Notice the two dark fedora-wearing "floating heads" behind the Rambler and just to the left of the hard hat guy in the background (Brennan?). I am almost certain that those two guys are the "Rip Robertson" and "John Adrian O'Hare" characters who were photographed earlier while standing on the Houston Street sidewalk, watching JFK and Jackie pass by. Between that photograph and this one, these two guys were "captured," I believe, in a Murray photo which shows them traversing the near end of the Grassy Slope towards the TSBD, with, ironically, Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig standing in the street, looking in their direction, and (also ironically) with a possible Oswald "double" walking with another guy down the Elm Street extension in the far background, framed by "Robertson" and "O'Hare." Regarding the other people in the top photo, this post, I used to think that the tall guy wearing a white hat behind and just a little to the right of the "Brennan" figure was just an interested bystander who was wearing a strange baseball cap, but now I think it's a white-hatted policeman (I finally noticed the angles of the hat and the badge on it) , and I'm wondering if it's W. E. Barnett, the policeman who said he spoke with Brennan right after the assassination and who may have been the one who took him to "Mr. Sorrels" (Police Inspector Sawyer?) for Brennan to speak with for awhile "in a police car in front of the TSBD." Robert Howard recently informed me on the Brennan's Suspicious Car thread that Secret Service man Forrest Sorrels didn't arrive at the TSBD until 12:55, and that he entered it through the rear door. Trying to come around kinda full circle on this: Could it be that the leaning-over "white hat" we see speaking to Brennan (?) and another white-hatted policeman through an open police car door in front of the TSBD (in a great photo you recently posted in post #21, this thread) is that of Officer W. E. Barnett. (Basic question: Was Barnett wearing a white hat that day?) Does anyone know the identity of the other, more obvious policeman standing on the far right in the top Murray photo (this post)? --Tommy Edited, augmented, qualified with the words I believe, and bumped... Double Take: Could the "floating head" nearest "Brennan" in the top photo actually be Secret Service man Forrest Sorrels??? It does kinda look like him... My head is starting to spin. Flash: Look what I just found on youtube -- "Amos Euins and Howard Brennan" getting into a car in front of the TSBD! I'm guessing that that car was Police Inspector Sawyer's "command post" where he made quick interviews of witnesses before his officers escorted them to the Sheriff's Department for more detailed interviews, just like he said. In fact, the older policeman type wearing the fancy uniform who opens the door for Euins looks like Inspector Sawyer. And the people next to the car on the sidewalk are the same people "captured" standing next to the car in post #21, this thread, with "Brennan" sitting next to "Sawyer" in the car. Note also that Euins get's into the back seat, just like he's shown sitting in the bottom photo. (click circular "replay" arrow at the bottom left corner) This bottom photo was posted by Robin Unger on the jfkassassinationforum website (from Trask's Pictures of the Pain). Sorry it's so big. Click on ot to eliminate distortion. Brennan obviously sat up front, next to Sawyer. From the video clip, above, it looks like Brennan was a pretty short guy. So, it's very interesting that in his WC testimony, Sawyer couldn't give a physical description of this most important witness (Brennan) who supposedly told him that the shooter was a "white male, 5'10, 165 pounds (but somehow "slender"), and about 30 years old." It seems to me that Sawyer, a police Inspector, should have been able to remember such an important and unusual witness as Brennan, and it seems strange that he couldn't even remember his name. Let's face it, Brennan was different (and easy to remember) because he was short , he was wearing light colored (khaki?) work clothes, and he was wearing a freakin' hard hat. I'm starting to agree with Sean Murphy on this. I don't think Sawyer got the above description of the shooter from Brennan, I think he got it from Baker or Truly after they came down from the roof.
  12. Richard, Thanks for posting this photograph. Notice the two dark fedora-wearing "floating heads" behind the Rambler and just to the left of the hard hat guy in the background (Brennan?). I am almost certain that those two guys are the "Rip Robertson" and "John Adrian O'Hare" characters who were photographed earlier while standing on the Houston Street sidewalk, watching JFK and Jackie pass by. Between that photograph and this one, these two guys were "captured," I believe, in a Murray photo which shows them traversing the far end of the Grassy Slope towards the TSBD, with, ironically, Deputy Sheriff Craig standing in the street, looking in their direction, and (also ironically) with a possible Oswald "double" walking with another guy down the Elm Street extension in the far background, framed by "Robertson" and "O'Hare." Regarding the other people in this photo, I used to think that the tall guy wearing a white hat behind and just a little to the right of the "Brennan" figure was just an interested bystander who was wearing a strange baseball cap, but now I think it's a white-hatted policeman (I finally noticed the angles of the hat and the badge on it) , and I'm wondering if it's W. E. Barnett, the policeman who said he spoke with Brennan right after the assassination and who may have been the one who took him to "Mr. Sorrels" (Police Inspector Sawyer?) for Brennan to speak with for awhile "in a police car in front of the TSBD." Robert Howard recently informed me on the Brennan's Suspicious Car thread that Secret Service man Forrest Sorrels didn't arrive at the TSBD until 12:55, and that he entered it through the rear door. Trying to come around kinda full circle on this: Maybe the leaning-over "white hat" we see speaking to Brennan (?) and another white-hatted policeman through an open police car door in front of the TSBD (in a great photo you recently posted) is that of Officer W. E. Barnett, himself? Does anyone know the identity of the other, more obvious policeman standing on the far right in the Murray photo (this post)? --Tommy
  13. Robert, FWIW, this is not a new thread as it was started by Bill Kelley on August 1, 2010. I just "renewed" it today because I noticed in the Weaver photo a car parked where the 1954 Chevrolet is shown parked in front of the DalTex Building, in other photos and film "captures" on this thread and the Oswald Leaving TSBD thread. The "hard hat guy" talking with a policeman in the Murray photo (with the two crying Black women) is being listened to by the two mysterious "Rip Robertson" and "John O'Hare" characters who were earlier photographed standing on the Houston Street sidewalk, watching JFK and Jackie pass by. IMHO, if it really was Robertson and O'Hare, it would make sense that they were listening to (and perhaps "coaching") Howard Brennan. Brennan himself said that right after the assassination he spoke with policeman W. E. Barnett, and that (a few minutes later?) he started speaking with Secret Service man Forrest Sorrels. Is that possible? I thought Sorrels went to Parkland and was photographed leaving it with LBJ and Secret Service man Rufus Youngblood... --Tommy FWIW, Tommy ... Sorrels is on record as not returning to the TSBD (from Parkland) until 12:55, when he entered the building through the rear door on the loading dock ... Robert, Thanks for the info on Sorrels. I'm starting to think that Brennan confused DPD Inspector Sawyer for Secret Service man Forrest Sorrels, as implausible as that may sound. I base my thinking here on two things. First, the fact that Brennan claimed to have started speaking with "Mr. Sorrels" a relatively short time after the assassination, but, as you have pointed out, Sorrels didn't get to the TSBD from Parkland until 12:55. Secondly, the guy that a hard-hat wearing guy (Brennan?) was photographed sitting next to in a police car in front of the TSBD is wearing a white policeman's hat and could very well be Sawyer, as pointed out by Richard Hocking in the Heavy Set, Middle-Aged Man Put in Police Car thread, post #21. Thanks, Robert, keep up the good work, and I hope you start felling better soon. --Tommy Mr. BELIN. And then what happened, sir? Mr. BRENNAN. He [the policeman] said, "just a minute." And he had to give some orders or something on the east side of the building on Houston Street. And then he had taken [sic] me to, I believe, Mr. Sorrels, an automobile sitting in front of the Texas Book Store [sic]. Mr. BELIN. And then what happened there? Mr. BRENNAN. I related my information and there was a few minutes of discussion, and Mr. Sorrels had taken me [sic] then across the street to the sheriff's building.
  14. Richard, Great catch! The guy is looking down and to his left and I can see the curve of the short bill of his hard hat through the windshield. It looks like another white-hatted policeman is leaning over and talking with them through the open passenger side door. --Tommy
  15. Robert, FWIW, this is not a new thread as it was started by Bill Kelley on August 1, 2010. I just "renewed" it today because I noticed in the Weaver photo a car parked where the 1954 Chevrolet is shown parked the wrong way, in front of the DalTex Building, in other photos and film "captures" on this thread and the Oswald Leaving TSBD thread. The "hard hat guy" talking with a policeman in the Murray photo (with the two crying Black women) is being listened to by the two mysterious "Rip Robertson" and "John O'Hare" characters who were earlier photographed standing on the Houston Street sidewalk, watching JFK and Jackie pass by. IMHO, if it really was Robertson and O'Hare, it would make sense that they were listening to (and perhaps "coaching") Howard Brennan. Brennan himself said that right after the assassination he spoke with policeman W. E. Barnett, and that (a few minutes later?) he started speaking with Secret Service man Forrest Sorrels. Is that possible? I thought Sorrels went to Parkland and was photographed leaving it with LBJ and Secret Service man Rufus Youngblood... --Tommy
  16. Interesting photo posted by Lee Forman in post #8, this thread. Not only is Howard Brennan's possible "suspicious car" partially visible in the right background, but so is Bill Kelley's "College Boy" at the far left, facing right. Could that be police officer Welcome E. Barnett in the foreground? Brennan claimed to have seen a 1955-1957 Oldsmobile parked strangely near a TSBD "side door" on Houston, but the car in the photo has been identified as a '54 Chevy, and although it is parked the "wrong way," it's across the street from the TSBD, in front of the DalTex building. I don't know how similar in appearance those cars were. Regardless, I'm thinking that maybe Brennan mistook a TSBD delivery chute, pointed out by Gary Mack as being at the south east corner of the building on Houston, for a TSBD "side door"? --Tommy Edit: I think the '54 Chev's right side and passenger side front wheel might be visible in this photo by Weaver. The antenna on JFK's limo is practically pointing to it, in front of the DalTex building. (Enlarge it to make out the whitewall on the car's right front tire.)
  17. Hi Michael, I agree Weaver took a most interesting shot(s) showing both the 6th floor SE Window, and the TSBD entrance, moments before the Presidential limo made the turn on to Elm St. The Entrance area does show a man in the approximate position of Prayer Man, but as you pointed out, higher resolution might be very valuable. Earlier in this thread, several members discussed some movements on the steps as the Limo approached the turn onto Elm that may have coincided with Prayer Man arriving. I am not sure who has the original Weaver photo. Gary Mack or Robin Unger might have more information. Richard and Michael, I've always wondered if the 1955-1957 Oldsmobile that Howard Brennan claimed to have noticed parked strangely near the TSBD is visible in this photograph. http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/1518/tuul.jpg http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=16323 --Tommy PS Is that another "hard hat man" at the far right of the photo, partially obscured by the motorcycle antenna? It seems to me he appears there in other photos. (Too lazy to look right now...)
  18. Paul, I ordered The Lost Tapes (and Larry's Someone Would Have Talked) on the Net yesterday, but I won't get it for another week or so. Any way you can "capture" the guy's image from your DVD and post it here? Edit: Maybe the guy was Kenneth Glenn Wilson? He was arrested as an assassination suspect in Fort Worth on 11/22/63, too. From an old post by Dixie Dea, this forum: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=3942 "On the afternoon of JFK's assassination, there were many arrests made. Some, for no apparent reason other than merely looking suspicious, to someone, who made a phone call to the police. The most well known, of course, were the three men or the so-called tramps, taken from a boxcar near Dealey Plaza. They were led across Dealey Plaza to the police station, and no arrest records had apparently been made. Although there has been much speculation through the years, no one actually knows who these three men were. There are dozens of unconfirmed arrests, where there seems to be no arrest reports found. Once Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with the crime the paper trail around the other so-called suspects clearly didn't have a great deal of priority. One piece of relatively new information, is that an "unidentified suspect" was taken into custody a couple of hours after the assassination in Fort Worth, 30 miles west of Dallas, This person was claimed to be David Atlee Phillips, a former CIA operative who was based in Mexico City, while Lee Harvey Oswald was purportedly visiting Soviet and Cuban embassies in that city, and/or the "Maurice Bishop" character said to be Cubans refugees' CIA contact for the Bay of Pigs operation. This information comes from Robert Morrow in his book, "First Hand Knowledge". Morrow, claims to be a former CIA contract agent who supposedly delivered four Mannlicher- Carcano 7.65mm rifles to David Ferrie for what he later determined to be the JFK assassination, one of which he says he kept. He discusses the purchase and delivery of these rifles to Ferrie, who of course, cannot confirm or deny Morrow's allegation since he is dead. Nor can Morrow's CIA connection be affirmed or refuted; we have no choice but to either take the man at his word or not, since it was seemingly, impossible to prove one way or the other. As evidence of Phillips' apparent complicity in the murder, Morrow includes a photo of Phillips beside the House Assassinations Committee's sketch of "Bishop," which many researchers agree look strikingly similar. The photo is included with the Phillips and "Bishop" pictures. Even while the angles of the men's faces are different, making a direct comparison difficult if not impossible, there does indeed appear to be a resemblance between them. What was Phillips/Bishop doing in Fort Worth? Morrow cites Gary Shaw and Larry Ray Harris' "Cover-Up" to state that no record of this man's arrest exists and, in fact, the negatives of the pictures taken of the arrest have disappeared from the files of The Fort Worth Star-Telegram. We might wonder, who but the government could manage such an obvious cover-up, However, as we will discover, it is quite clear that David Atlee Phillips, was NOT the man in the photo Morrow uses to implicate him. This is perhaps an abject lesson for us not to take everything we reads at face value, no matter what the credentials of an author may seem to be.... Although Shaw and Harris claimed no arrest record exists for the this person, in 1993, Fort Worth researcher, M. Duke Lane walked into his local police station and found the man's arrest record in their archives in about fifteen minutes. This man is Kenneth Glenn Wilson. In addition, another man arrested in this story, named Donald Wayne House, looks a somewhat like, Lee Harvey Oswald. For M. Duke Lanes' complete report and interviews see.... "The Cowtown Connection." by M. Duke Lane http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/cowtown.txt " --Tommy
  19. Paul, I haven't watched The Lost Tapes and I'm going from memory here... Donald House? If memory serves, he was real short. And from the JFK Assassination Files website: ( http://jfkassassinationfiles.com/documents ) "The DPD was alerted by the Grand Prairie police after they received a call from a Mrs. Cunningham saying that she knew of a car involved in the JFK assassination. The car was traced to Donald Wayne House who was arrested 90 minutes after the assassination. SSCIA 157-10005-10016 Arrest of Donald Wayne House in Fort Worth. FBI 124-10013-10029. " [...] --Tommy
  20. I don't know. Doesn't the report say that "Mamantov knew James Herbert Martin, an associate of Jack Ruby." Well here's an investigative report from Gannaway and Revill of the DPD Special Services/Intelligence Unit on Martin. Gannaway and Revill happen to be the Army Reserve guys too. More to come on this. BK [emphasis added by T. Graves] Bill, Actually, the report doesn't anything about Mamantov's and Martin's knowing of each other, nor does it say anything about Martin's being an associate of Jack Ruby. http://jfk.ci.dallas...11/1173-001.gif But all that stuff is in John Simkin's post #2 (above), the relevant part of which I quote here: "Walt Brown argues in Treachery in Dallas (1995) that Mamantov was 'contracted to serve as translator by Jack Crichton of army intelligence and was then called a second time in quick order by the police, and subsequently picked up and driven to police headquarters in a Dallas police squad car, strongly suggestive of a police-intelligence linkup.' Russ Baker claims that these 'were far from literal translations of her [Marina's] Russian words and had the effect of implicating her husband in Kennedy's death.' George Michael Evica argues in A Certain Arrogance (2006) that Mamantov knew James Herbert Martin, an associate of Jack Ruby." [emphasis added by T. Graves] --Tommy
  21. James, It looks like the lady standing about a third of the way up the slope might be yelling something at somebody farther up the hill in the crowd (or asking somebody a question), maybe even the tall black guy who's wearing a light-colored cap and standing in the upper left corner of the photo. It would be interesting if she was yelling at him, because I'm pretty sure he's the same black guy visible in a Cancellare photo (the one that shows "E. Howard Hunt" wearing sunglasses, trench coat, and fedora in the middle of Elm Street) , walking on the other side of Elm with the two "Rip Robertson" and "John Adrian O'Hare" characters towards the grassy knoll; the same "Robertson" and "O'Hare" - looking guys who were photographically "captured" standing on the Houston Street sidewalk, watching the limo pass in front of them. As I pointed out a few years ago, these two suited and fedora-wearing guys were also "captured" in a photo walking up the far end of this very same slope towards the TSBD, and they were then "captured" in yet another photo showing them listening intently to Howard Brehem Brennan talking to a policeman in the area of the Elm Street Extension... Anyway, it just seems to me that the people at the top of the slope in the photo you posted are all looking at the woman who's standing about a third of the way up the hill and has got her head turned towards the tall black guy, and I wouldn't be surprised if she's asking him a question or two. --Tommy
  22. Bumped for Chris Newton who was recently wondering, on the "Bishop" thread, when it was "exactly" that Veciana saw Maurice Bishop (Dave Phillips) with Oswald in a downtown Dallas bank. The above "late August" statement by Veciana via Robert Morrow is the most detailed dating of the meeting I've seen so far. (I read somewhere recently that the HSCA thought it happened sometime in August or September, 1963.) --Tommy
  23. Paul, Maybe Angleton arranged for Oswald (or a double) to be seen in the company of Phillips by Veciana. [...] If he was meant to see Oswald why wouldn't Phillips identify Oswald to Veciana? Chris, I think this is what you're asking: "If Veciana was meant to see Oswald with Phillips, why wouldn't Phillips identify Oswald to Veciana?" If I've got that right, you seem to be assuming that Phillips knew that Veciana was supposed to see Oswald and Phillips together. But what if Phillips didn't know that? What if Angleton was trying to set both Oswald and Phillips up for something at apparent cross purposes in Angleton's Grand Game? --Tommy
  24. Paul, Maybe Angleton arranged for Oswald (or a double) to be seen in the company of Phillips by Veciana. --Tommy
  25. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathaniel_Weyl This Wikipedia article says that Weyl was a former Communist who left the CPUSA in 1939. It says he lived in Texas in the late 1930's and worked for an oil company there. Interestingly, John Martino is mentioned in the article as having promoted, with Weyl, the idea that Oswald had visited Cuba before the assassination. --Tommy
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