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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Stephen, Which committee was del Valle associated with? --Tommy
  2. I can't find the other Yates thread, either. According to Tom Scully, it was also called Ralph Leon Yates, and had 177 "replies" and 7003 "views". http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=who&t=20066 Was it deleted by a moderator? If so, why? --Tommy Another website says the Ralph Leon Yates thread I'm looking for was started by Lee Farley on March 26, 2013, and had nine posts during the first two days of its existence. (By the time Tom Scully posted the Ed Forum's statistics on it, it had apparently gotten an additional 168 posts.) http://omgili.com/thread/j.JM_ertN3IC1iSvcg8rSoKVPUYivfdBt_UZ23863PN06m8YVHQOabR3UU1TltzCBgVe2HVgvz6Q6hfxZCm.SPzxPsayTtL5/ I'm guessing Mr. Farley deleted the thread when he left the Forum. Was he a moderator at the time? Can a non-moderator delete a thread he or she started? --Tommy
  3. I can't find the other Yates thread, either. According to Tom Scully, it was also called Ralph Leon Yates, and had 177 "replies" and 7003 "views" as of March 26, 2013. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=who&t=20066 Was it deleted by a moderator? If so, why? --Tommy
  4. Robert, Thanks for "connecting the dots" (although in a very rhetorical kind of way). Fascinating stuff. Keep up the good work. --Tommy
  5. I found this purported image of him today on a Spanish-language website. http://www.ecured.cu/index.php/Herminio_D%C3%ADaz_Garc%C3%ADa --Tommy
  6. Robert, I can see how Nofio Pecora might be a person of interest in the Rose Cheramie Incident. Question: Was William "Black Jack" Tocco's name misspelled "Tacco" in the original document? I don't think the inclusion of drug addict (and/or drug dealer) Lujan in one of Oswald's lineups is suspicious. He was in jail, and therefore convenient, at the time. How do you see Frandsen and Gillis tying into the Rose Cheramie Incident or the JFK assassination? --Tommy
  7. James, I misinterpreted what you said. You didn't say Gonzalez and Nicole were the same person. You said that Nicole used "Manuel Garcia Gonzalez" as an alias.. D'oh. My Bad. --Tommy
  8. On page 278 of the 2010 edition of SWWHT, Larry Hancock writes: "'Mannie Garcia Gonzalez' and 'Ricardo Davis' were names initially floated by Dean Andrews to Garrison as Cuban guerilla fighters. Later Andrews would recant and claim the names were made up. As with most of his recanting, it is very likely this was for self protection because a "Manuel Garcia Gonzalez" had indeed been arrested in September of 1966 for carrying a concealed weapon in a bar. Gonzalez was described as a 'stocky, powerfully built, Latin, five feet seven inches and around 150 pounds.'" In another post on this thread, James Richard said that "Manuel Garcia Gonzalez" was an alias for Michel Nicoli. I hate to contradict James, but I must disagree because I've found a press photo of Michel Nicoli (which I'm unable to post) which proves that Nicoli is the guy on the right in the photo below, leading me to believe that Manuel Garcia Gonzalez is the guy on the left. This of course is based on the premise that there are two different people in the below photograph, which I think is pretty obvious. from jfkmurdersolved.com To see the photo of Michel Nicoli that I can't post here, go to this website and scroll down almost half way. (The other guy in the photo is Christian David.) http://matrixdevelado.blogspot.com/2013/01/poderes-ocultos-mataron-kennedy.html --Tommy PS If Dean Andrew's "Mannie Garcia Gonzalez" really was "stocky" and "powerfully built," maybe he's the Mexican whom Andrews said accompanied Oswald to his office and looked like he "could go to fist city pretty good if he had to." http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/andrews.htm
  9. I think the guy sitting on the sofa in the white shirt is the same guy that's in the other two photograph on the same row. --Tommy
  10. I've decided to start a thread on Victor Espinosa Hernandez by posting here (and editing) a recent post I made about him on the "Lawrence Howard and LHO" thread. I highly recommend that everyone read about Hernandez in Larry Hancock's excellent book, Someone Would Have Talked. According to his 1960 Spanish-language "Profile" for the Mexico-based Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front (FRD), Victor Espinosa-Hernandez was 5'11" and weighed 175 lbs. ( There's a small photo of his face on the document.) I couldn't post it directly, so go to document #10 on this list. The info I quoted is on page 3 of a 107-page CIA "201" file on Espinosa-Hernandez. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/docset/getList.do?docSetId=1123 On page 3 it says, in Spanish, that Espinosa-Hernandez "He studied at Valley Fort [sic] Academy in the United States. This contradicts his CIA "Profile" on page 113, same Mary Ferrell document, which says that he "Graduated from Belen [Jesuit Preparatory] School 1954. Spent last year at Maristas School. Entered U. of Havana 1954 studying Chemical Engineering. Subject was engaged in anti-Batista activities at the university in 1954. [...] Having been jailed twice for this activity, subject parents sent him to La. State University, Baton Rouge, LA. where he studied mechanical engineering for one year." The Belen School and the Maristas School were in Havana, Cuba at the time. I couldn't find anything on a "Valley Fort [sic] Academy" on the Internet, but Google Search asked me if I was looking for Valley Forge Military Academy in Pennsylvania, instead. Later, I found out that Hernandez's probable landlord in Miami, a well-know anti-Castro Cuban, had graduated from that academy in 1953. (see below) On this same page 3, the Spanish-language document says that Espinosa-Hernandez's U.S. address in 1960 was "1145 S.W. 23 Ave." [unspecified city and state] I googled it and came up with that exact address in Miami at the top of the google "hit list." Then I discovered that the house at that address is presently owned by an "Alfredo R. Duran." ( The fact that the address is in Miami suggests that the FRD office was in Miami, too.) http://florida-house-values.findthedata.org/l/727126/1145-Sw-23-Ave The name "Alfredo Duran" sounded familiar to me in the context of anti-Castro Cubans and the JFK assassination, so I googled it and found out that Alfredo Gonzalez Duran, who in the 1960's was a prominent anti-Castro Cuban (and who may have been photographically "captured" standing in the crowd in some 11/22/63 Dealey Plaza photos http://www.manuscriptservice.com/FFiDP-2/ ), has two sons, one of whom is named Alfredo R. Duran. This leads me to believe that Alfredo Gonzalez Duran (who now lives in Coral Gables, FL), lived at 1145 S.W. 23 Ave., Miami, back in 1960 and allowed Victor Espinosa Hernandez live there, too, or at least let him use it as his mailing address. Question: Were Alfredo Gonzalez Duran and Victor Espinosa Hernandez known to associate with each other back in 1960? What's really interesting is that the Wikipedia article on Alfredo Gonzalez Duran says that he studied at Valley Forge Military Academy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfredo_Duran I verified that by finding him mentioned on this website for the 1953 VFMA yearbook: http://www.tree52.com/Groups_Class.php?csc=1953&csi=2206 As Larry Hancock points out in Appendix E of SWWHT, Victor Espinosa Hernandez attended Louisiana State University for one year in 1955 before returning to Cuba for a few years. It's well known that Alfredo Gonzalez Duran graduated from LSU, so maybe Victor Hernandez and Alfredo Duran were classmates at LSU. If, like Alfredo Duran, Victor Espinosa Hernandez studied at Valley Forge Military Academy before attending LSU, as his 1960 FRD application seems to indicate, maybe someone can get a good photo of him from the academy's yearbook. If he didn't study there, I wonder why his FRD profile says that he did? Iit's interesting to note that page 6 of his CIA 201 file says that, as of September 30, 1960, CIA's CI/OA (Counterintelligence Operational Approval and Support Division) held a restricted folder on Victor Espinosa-Hernandez. See page 6 of document # 10 on this list: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/docset/getList.do?docSetId=1123 --Tommy
  11. Does this guy look like Rowland, Jackson, or Worrell? (In other frames you can see he's wearing a short-sleeved shirt.) Note Police Inspector Sawyer in left background, by the TSBD front entrance. From "The Lost JFK Tapes" At the time of this photo, Rowland was 18, Jackson was 29-30, and Worrel was 20. Richard, And FWIW, Roland Fischer was 25 when he gave his WC testimony on April 1, 1964. His County Records Department co-worker, Robert Edwards, testified on April 9, 1964, that he was a senior in college. He said he'd "laid off" college for a year, so I'm guessing that Edwards was 21 years old at the time of the assassination. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh6/html/WC_Vol6_0101a.htm --Tommy
  12. Does this guy look like Rowland, Jackson, or Worrell? (In other frames you can see he's wearing a short-sleeved shirt.) Note Police Inspector Sawyer in left background, by the TSBD front entrance. From "The Lost JFK Tapes"
  13. Thanks, James. Looks like they're all dressed up and ready to give testimony. --Tommy
  14. You're right, B.A. Figuring out who Angel / Angelo and Leopoldo were would go a long way to telling us who the big shots were who had decided to manipulate Oswald into the "patsy" role. --Tommy
  15. James, Here's the same guy from a different angle in The Lost JFK Tapes. It looks like he's being escorted rather than arrested...
  16. For a couple days, I have been digging up old threads, and viewing info on this and other forums about the photo that James posted of the young man in the short sleeve white shirt. He appears to be young enough to be Rowland, who was 18 at that time. And like Rowland, he saw something in the upper floor window(s) of the TSBD. But there are other observations that lead me to believe this man is not Arnold Rowland as I originally thought. In the Nix film, there is a passing view of Rowland standing with his wife on Houston Street as the limo passes. Rowland is wearing a long dark overcoat, and also is wearing glasses. Below is an excerpt of WC testimony: Mr. BELIN. Do you remember what your husband was wearing? Mrs. ROWLAND. He was wearing a plaid sports jacket, probably. I am not sure which sports jacket, but I think he was wearing a plaid sports jacket that was blue and had some black and grey in it. Mr. BELIN. Was he wearing any overcoat over the sports jacket? Mrs. ROWLAND. Oh, no; I wasn't wearing that brown coat, I don't think. I think I was wearing an olive coat. He probably had his overcoat, but it is more of a raincoat. Mr. BELIN. Were you wearing gloves? Mrs. ROWLAND. Yes. Mr. BELIN. Was he wearing gloves? Mrs. ROWLAND. Yes. Mr. BELIN. Were you wearing a hat? Mrs. ROWLAND. No; a scarf. The young man in the photo posted by James Richards is wearing only a short sleeve white shirt. The sport jacket, overcoat, glasses and gloves are missing. Also missing is Arnold's wife, Barbara Rowland. We know from their WC testimony that they were both taken to the Dallas Sheriff's Office where they were interviewed by officers. Forrest Sorrels also interviews the couple while they are in the office. One more thing. In JFK The Lost Tapes there is a brief scene showing the back of a man and woman being escorted away from the front of the TSBD. The couple appear to be wearing attire similar to the Rowlands as they appear in the brief glimpse we see in the Nix film. Importantly, the man is still wearing his overcoat. I now believe this couple to be Arnold and Barbara Rowland. I do not have the DVD so I currently cannot do a screenshot, but the scene is right around the 30-31 minute mark. I am back to square one on the ID of the young man in the short sleeve white shirt. Below is a list of people who claimed to see a Rifle, a Rifleman, or individuals in the company of a man with a weapon, on the upper floors of the TSBD: Howard Brennan Richard Randolph Carr Malcolm Couch James Crawford Robert Edwards Amos Euins Ronald Fischer Ruby Henderson Robert H. Jackson Arnold Rowland Norman Similas Carolyn Walther James Worrel Do any of the above meet the physical description of the man we see in the photo posted by James, and also seen in a brief clip in JFK The Lost Tapes? Excellent post, Richard, as always! Until I set up a photobucket account (at your suggestion) and try to post some screenshots, I'll just make two little observations. In all of the films and photos I've seen of Rowland standing with his wife on Houston as the limo passes by, it looks like he's wearing sunglasses, not "regular" prescription glasses. ( In his WC testimony Rowland was asked if he (ever) wore "glasses," and he said 'No.") I know the guy in James' photo probably isn't Rowland, but it is possible that it is him and that he had simply taken his jacket(s) and sunglasses off after the assassination, and given them to his wife to "hold" for him as he walked off to be questioned. He might even have taken the jacket(s) off because of the excitement and the fact that it was warming up at that time of the day. The other observation that I'd like to make it that the young man who points to an upper floor window around 24:36 in The Lost JFK Tapes DVD (while being escorted to the front entrance by a police sergeant, a reporter, and a cameraman) is also wearing a white, short sleeved, buttoned-down shirt. Regarding the identity of the guy in James' photo and of the guy in the Lost Tapes DVD, the witnesses from your excellent list that I want to take a closer photographic "look" at are: Robert Edwards, Ronald Fischer, Robert H. Jackson, Norman Similas, and James Worrel. A few years ago, forum member Todd W. Vaughn claimed that the guy I've been talking about (who is viewable on the DVD around 24:36) was "quite possibly" Robert Edwards. (See thread "Is This Witness Arnold Rowland", post #21.) I just went to that post again and noticed a link to a short youtube video of the same "clip" that starts at 24:36 in the Lost JFK Tapes DVD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuFOp02l8EI If you look closely, you can see Inspector Sawyer in the background, and, I believe, Buddy Walthers, Alan Sweatt, and maybe even Roger Craig (or Bill Shelley??) entering the frame at the far left near the end. Also note that the white-shirted young man appears to be pointing in the direction of the traditional sixth floor "sniper's window" at the very beginning of the video, and it looks like he briefly cocks his head and looks in that direction, too. --Tommy Tommy, Looking forward to your screenshots. BTW, in the last part of your previous post, you asked about which format to use for photos. I would suggest uploading high resolution jpeg (jpg) photos to your image hosting site account. You can then link to them without taking up any space on the Ed Forum server. It’s possible Rowland could have taken off his glasses, overcoat and sport jacket and given them to his wife to hold. But there is something that makes me think that did not happen. If you scan forward to the spot in the Lost JFK Tapes that is shot from the camera looking down at the crowd in front of the TSBD from above, there is a brief segment of the Deputy escorting the White-short-sleeve-shirt guy towards the intersection. Immediately following that segment, there is a street level view of Rowland and his wife being escorted towards the Sheriff’s office. He is wearing the sports jacket, and they are being escorted by a different officer. It seems improbable that he would be wearing the overcoat and Jacket on Houston, take them off for a few minutes while in front of the TSBD, and then put the jacket back on as they walked back across Houston Street. I found a reference to another photo that might be valuable for this thread. In a review of “Biting the Elephant” by Rodger Remington, James DiEugenio references a photo in the Doubleday version of the Warren Report that shows James Worrel, Robert Jackson, Amos Euins, and Arnold Rowland. Unfortunately, I have the St. Martin’s Press version. If someone on the Ed Forum has the Doubleday version, perhaps they could scan the photo and post it. Good spot on Roger Craig appearing fleetingly on the left side of the film segment you mentioned. I agree it looks like him rather than Bill Shelley. If you are taking requests for screenshots, the shot of Rowland and his wife would be a nice one I have no idea what I'm doing as I try to post a screenshot here from photobucket, but I'm still trying... --Tommy Did I just get lucky, or is it like my dad told me when I was a boy-- "It all depends on how you hold your tongue!" It's from National Geographic's The Lost JFK Tapes. Is this what you meant, Richard? I didn't know Mrs. Rowland had such light colored hair...
  17. James, According to his May, 1960, application to join the Mexico-based Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front (FRD), Victor Espinosa-Hernandez was 5'11" and weighed 175 lbs. There's a small photo of his face on the document, too. I couldn't post the document directly, so go to document #10 on this list. The info I quoted is on page 3 of a 107-page CIA "201" file on Espinosa-Hernandez. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/docset/getList.do?docSetId=1123 On page 3 it also says, in Spanish, that Espinosa-Hernandez "studied at Valley Fort Academy in the United States" and that he had a brother by the name of "Rene." I couldn't find anything on a "Valley Fort Academy" on the Internet and started wondering if it could have been a linguistic typo for the Valley Forge Academy in Pennsylvania? (Thank you, Google, for automatic "suggestions"!) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valley_Forge_Military_Academy_and_College On page 3 of the CIA Spanish-language document it says that Espinosa-Hernandez's U.S. address in 1960 was "1145 S.W. 23 Ave." I google it and came up with that exact address in Miami at the top of the google "hit list." Then I discovered that the house at that address is presently owned by an "Alfredo R. Duran." http://florida-house-values.findthedata.org/l/727126/1145-Sw-23-Ave The name "Alfredo Duran" sounded familiar to me in the context of the JFK assassination, so I googled it and found out that the still-living lawyer, Alfredo Gonzalez Duran, who in the 1960's was a prominent anti-Castro Cuban (and who may have been photographically "captured" standing in the crowd in several 11/22/63 Dealey Plaza photos http://www.manuscriptservice.com/FFiDP-2/) has two sons, one of whom is named Alfredo R. Duran, leading me to believe that his father, Alfredo Gonzalez Duran (who now lives in Coral Gables, FL), lived at 1145 S.W. 23 Ave., Miami, back in 1960 and let Victor Espinosa Hernandez live there, too, or at least let him use it as his mailing address. Question: Were Alfredo Gonzalez Duran and Victor Espinosa Hernandez known to associate with each other back in 1960? What's really interesting is that the Wikipedia article on Alfredo Gonzalez Duran also says that he studied at Valley Forge Military Academy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfredo_Duran I verified that by finding him mentioned on this website for the 1953 VFMA yearbook: http://www.tree52.com/Groups_Class.php?csc=1953&csi=2206 If our Victor Espinosa Hernandez studied there, too, as his 1960 FRD application seems to indicate, maybe someone can get a good photo of him from the academy's yearbook. BTW, it's interesting to note that page 6 of his CIA 201 file says that, as of September 30, 1960, CIA's CI/OA (Counterintelligence Operational Approval and Support Division) held a restricted folder on Victor Espinosa-Hernandez. Here's a short Wikipedia article about the FRD (Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front) which says that it was founded in May of 1960 and was initially based in Mexico. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Democratic_Revolutionary_Front --Tommy edited and bumped
  18. James, According to this 1960 CIA "201" document, Victor Espinosa-Hernandez was 5'11" tall and weighed 175 lbs. There's a small photo of his face on the document, too. I couldn't post the document directly, so go to document #10 on this list. The info I quoted is on page 3. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/docset/getList.do?docSetId=1123 Interesting to note that page 6 says that as of September 30, 1960, CIA's CI/OA (Counterintelligence Operational Approval and Support Division) held a restricted folder on him. On page 3 it says, in Spanish, that Espinosa-Hernandez "studied at Valley Fort Academy in the United States" and that he had a brother by the name of "Rene." I couldn't find anything on a "Valley Fort Academy" on the Internet. I started wondering if it's a "typo" for the Valley Forge Academy in Pennsylvania? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valley_Forge_Military_Academy_and_College EDIT: On page 3 of the CIA Spanish-language document it also says that Espinosa-Hernandez's U.S. address in 1960 was "1145 S.W. 23 Ave.". I googled it and came up with that exact address in Miami at the top of the google "hit list," and then discovered that that house is owned by "Alfredo R. Duran." http://florida-house-values.findthedata.org/l/727126/1145-Sw-23-Ave The name sounded awfully familiar so I googled it and found that Alfredo Gonzalez Duran, the anti-Castro Cuban (who may have been photographically "captured" in several 11/22/63 Dealey Plaza photos) had two sons, Alfredo R. Duran and Alfredo J. Duran, so now I'm wondering if Alfredo G. Duran (who now lives in Coral Gables, FL) might not have lived at 1145 S.W. 23 Ave., Miami, back in 1960... Question: Were Alfredo G. Duran and Victor Espinosa Hernandez known to associate with each other back in 1960? Note: The Wikipedia article says that Alfredo G. Duran studied at the Valley Forge Military Academy. If Victor Espinosa Hernandez studied there, too, as his 1960 FRD application indicates, maybe we can get a good photo of him from the academy's yearbook. (Just a thought.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfredo_Duran --Tommy Short Wikipedia article about the Mexico-based FRD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Democratic_Revolutionary_Front PS Colonel William Bishop described "Angel" to Dick Russell as being 5'10", 160 - 165 lbs. It's possible that "Angel" had weighed a few pounds more before Bishop first saw / met him, so Espinosa-Hernandez in the ballpark as far as I'm concerned .
  19. For a couple days, I have been digging up old threads, and viewing info on this and other forums about the photo that James posted of the young man in the short sleeve white shirt. He appears to be young enough to be Rowland, who was 18 at that time. And like Rowland, he saw something in the upper floor window(s) of the TSBD. But there are other observations that lead me to believe this man is not Arnold Rowland as I originally thought. In the Nix film, there is a passing view of Rowland standing with his wife on Houston Street as the limo passes. Rowland is wearing a long dark overcoat, and also is wearing glasses. Below is an excerpt of WC testimony: Mr. BELIN. Do you remember what your husband was wearing? Mrs. ROWLAND. He was wearing a plaid sports jacket, probably. I am not sure which sports jacket, but I think he was wearing a plaid sports jacket that was blue and had some black and grey in it. Mr. BELIN. Was he wearing any overcoat over the sports jacket? Mrs. ROWLAND. Oh, no; I wasn't wearing that brown coat, I don't think. I think I was wearing an olive coat. He probably had his overcoat, but it is more of a raincoat. Mr. BELIN. Were you wearing gloves? Mrs. ROWLAND. Yes. Mr. BELIN. Was he wearing gloves? Mrs. ROWLAND. Yes. Mr. BELIN. Were you wearing a hat? Mrs. ROWLAND. No; a scarf. The young man in the photo posted by James Richards is wearing only a short sleeve white shirt. The sport jacket, overcoat, glasses and gloves are missing. Also missing is Arnold's wife, Barbara Rowland. We know from their WC testimony that they were both taken to the Dallas Sheriff's Office where they were interviewed by officers. Forrest Sorrels also interviews the couple while they are in the office. One more thing. In JFK The Lost Tapes there is a brief scene showing the back of a man and woman being escorted away from the front of the TSBD. The couple appear to be wearing attire similar to the Rowlands as they appear in the brief glimpse we see in the Nix film. Importantly, the man is still wearing his overcoat. I now believe this couple to be Arnold and Barbara Rowland. I do not have the DVD so I currently cannot do a screenshot, but the scene is right around the 30-31 minute mark. I am back to square one on the ID of the young man in the short sleeve white shirt. Below is a list of people who claimed to see a Rifle, a Rifleman, or individuals in the company of a man with a weapon, on the upper floors of the TSBD: Howard Brennan Richard Randolph Carr Malcolm Couch James Crawford Robert Edwards Amos Euins Ronald Fischer Ruby Henderson Robert H. Jackson Arnold Rowland Norman Similas Carolyn Walther James Worrel Do any of the above meet the physical description of the man we see in the photo posted by James, and also seen in a brief clip in JFK The Lost Tapes? Excellent post, Richard, as always! Until I set up a photobucket account (at your suggestion) and try to post some screenshots, I'll just make two little observations. In all of the films and photos I've seen of Rowland standing with his wife on Houston as the limo passes by, it looks like he's wearing sunglasses, not "regular" prescription glasses. ( In his WC testimony Rowland was asked if he (ever) wore "glasses," and he said 'No.") I know the guy in James' photo probably isn't Rowland, but it is possible that it is him and that he had simply taken his jacket(s) and sunglasses off after the assassination, and given them to his wife to "hold" for him as he walked off to be questioned. He might even have taken the jacket(s) off because of the excitement and the fact that it was warming up at that time of the day. The other observation that I'd like to make it that the young man who points to an upper floor window around 24:36 in The Lost JFK Tapes DVD (while being escorted to the front entrance by a police sergeant, a reporter, and a cameraman) is also wearing a white, short sleeved, buttoned-down shirt. Regarding the identity of the guy in James' photo and of the guy in the Lost Tapes DVD, the witnesses from your excellent list that I want to take a closer photographic "look" at are: Robert Edwards, Ronald Fischer, Robert H. Jackson, Norman Similas, and James Worrel. A few years ago, forum member Todd W. Vaughn claimed that the guy I've been talking about (who is viewable on the DVD around 24:36) was "quite possibly" Robert Edwards. (See thread "Is This Witness Arnold Rowland", post #21.) I just went to that post again and noticed a link to a short youtube video of the same "clip" that starts at 24:36 in the Lost JFK Tapes DVD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuFOp02l8EI If you look closely, you can see Inspector Sawyer in the background, and, I believe, Buddy Walthers, Alan Sweatt, and maybe even Roger Craig (or Bill Shelley??) entering the frame at the far left near the end. Also note that the white-shirted young man appears to be pointing in the direction of the traditional sixth floor "sniper's window" at the very beginning of the video, and it looks like he briefly cocks his head and looks in that direction, too. --Tommy
  20. There is a man who resembles this guy on the steps of the TSBD in several photos. This looks like him next to Inspector J. Herbert Sawyer. I agree, that looks like the guy in the photo James posted. Here's a screenshot of him talking with Inspector Sawyer (mostly hidden) and Buddy Walthers (I think) from 00: 24:41 of the TLJFKT (The Lost JFK Tapes) DVD by National Geographic. The young man (Arnold Rowland?) who has just pointed to a window where he saw a sniper is also partially visible in the screenshot... (Hmmm. Still trying...) --Tommy Could somebody please give me some suggestions on how to upload a small version of a screenshot? The screenshot's specs are "1366 X 768 , size = 698 KB". How can I get it down to no more than 3.4 KB, as required by this website, and have it still be in a viewable form? Does it matter what format the files for these "photos" are in? JPEG, GIF, etc? (I'm "learning" Windows 8 .......) Thanks.
  21. Testimony of James Crawford: Mr. CRAWFORD - As I observed the parade, I believe there was a car leading the President's car, followed by the President's car and followed, I suppose, by the Vice Presiden't car and, in turn, by the secret Service in a yellow closed sedan. The doors of the Sedan were open. It was after the Secret Service Sedan had gone around the corner that I heard the first report and at that time I thought it was a backfire of a car but, in analyzing the situation, it could not have been a backfire of a car because it would have had to have been the President's car or some car in the cavalcade there. The second shot followed some seconds, a little time elapsed after the first one, and followed very quickly by the third one. I could not see the President's car - Mr. BALL - At that time? Mr. CRAWFORD - That's right; I couldn't even see the secret Service car, at least wasn't looking for it. As the report from the third shot sounded, I looked up. I had previously looked around to see if there was somebody shooting firecrackers to see if I could see a puff of smoke, and after I decided it wasn't a backfire from an automobile and as the third report sounded, I looked up and from the far east corner of the sixth floor I saw a movement. It was just barely a glimpse. Mr. BALL - Which window? Mr. CRAWFORD - That would be the far east window - Mr. BALL - On the - Mr. CRAWFORD - On the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. I turned to Miss Mitchell and made the statement that if those were shots they came from that window. That was based mainly on the fact of the quick movement observrd in the window right at the conclusion of the report. Mr. BALL - Could you give me any better description than just a movement? Could you use any other words to describe what you saw by way of color or size of what you saw moving? Mr. CRAWFORD - If I were asked to describe it, I would say that it was a profile, somewhat from the waist up, but it was very quick movement and rather indistinct and it was very light colored. It was either light colored or it was a reflection from the sun. When the gun fas found, or when a gun was found, I asked the question if it was white, simply because if it was a gun I saw, then it was either white or it was reflecting the sn so it would appear white or light colored. Mr. BALL - What caused you to look up at the Texas School Book Depository Building? Mr. CRAWFORD - The sound had to be coming from somewhere; the noise was being made at some place, so I didn't see anyone shooting firecrackers or anything else and I thought "this idiot surely shouldn't do such a thing," but if they were, where were they, and if they were shots, where were they coming from, and that caused me to search the whole area on Houston Street and in front of the Texas Depository on Elm Street and then up and that's how I happened to be looking up at the time, rather than observing things in the street, probably. Mr. BALL - Did you ever see any smoke? Mr. CRAWFORD - No, sir; I did not. Mr. BALL - In your remark to Mary Ann Mitchell, did you say "If those were shots, they came from that window"? Mr. CRAWFORD - Yes. Mr. BALL - That is what you reported to the FBI agent, also? Mr. CRAWFORD - Yes, I suppose; at the time, I was still not absolutely sure they were shots and that's why I said if they were shots. I was basing that, I am sure I was basing that mainly on the fact of this quick movement that I observed. In other words, If I were firing the shots, I would have jumped back immediately at the conclusion of them. Mr. BALL - Later on, did you go back in the street and talk to someone? Mr. CRAWFORD - Yes. Mr. BALL - Did you talk to a deputy sheriff? Mr. CRAWFORD - Allen Swett. Mr. BALL - What did you tell him? Mr. CRAWFORD - I told him to have the men search the boxes directly behind this window that was open on the sixth floor - the window in the far east corner. Mr. BALL - Did you tell him anything of what you had seen? Mr. CRAWFORD - I don't think so. I think I was so amazed that I could walk across the street and walk up to this building that was supposedly under surveillance and the man had not been - I say "the man" - there had not been anyone apprehended. Mr. BALL - How long was it after you heard the shots that you walked up to Allen Swett and talked to him? Mr. CRAWFORD - My guess is it could have been anywhere from 10 - 20 minutes. My guess would be around 15 - 20 minutes. Mr. BALL - In the statement you made to the FBI agent, he reports you said you walked to the Texas School Book Depository where you contacted Deputy Sheriff Allen Swett and advised him of the movement you had seen in the sixth floor window? Mr. CRAWFORD - I must have told him something about the movement. I did tell him to serch those windows, I think. Mr. BALL - could you in your own words give us your memory of what you told Allen Swett? Mr. CRAWFORD - I would probably have said, as I remember it, that to have the men search - have someone search the boxes directly behind that window. I had seen some movement directly after the shots. That was, I think, all I said. I did not - there was no conversation and at the conclusion of my statement, he directed several men up there. The "James N. Crawford" who was deposed by Joseph A. Ball of the Warren Commission stated that he was born in Greenville, Texas, that he had attended Texas A&M University, and that he had been a Deputy District Clerk "for the county" (Dallas County, evidently) "for about ten years" at the time of his deposition (April, 1964) . He stated that previous to that he had worked for "the Texas Company in New Orleans," had been in and out of the furniture business," and had been 'in the oil business here in Dallas." http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/crawford.htm I think I've found his obituary. James Noble Crawford, Sr. was born in Greenville, Texas in 1919. In 1949 he moved to Garland, Texas, about twenty miles north east of downtown Dallas. He attended Texas A&M University and got a bachelor's degree in business in 1940. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=34999537 (His son James Noble Crawford, Jr., whose obituary is linked to his father's, was born in 1943, thereby possibly making him the right age for the young man pictured in the post above, but he was born in New Orleans, not Greenville, Texas, and he attended the University of Texas, not Texas A&M.) So, it looks like the "James N. Crawford" who witnessed the assassination and was later deposed by the Warren Commission was 44 years of age on 11/22/63, ruling him out, I think, as the youngish-looking man (who is wearing a short-sleeved white "dress" shirt and is hidden behind the sports-coated reporter in the above photo) who is the subject of this thread. --Tommy PS The film clip from which the above "still" was taken is viewable starting at 24:37 of the National Geographic's Lost JFK Tapes DVD.
  22. James, Could that be Arnold Rowland? I believe Rowland is shown in The Lost JFK Tapes, starting at 24:37 on the DVD, pointing to an upper TSBD window right after the assassination and telling a reporter, "That's where the guy was. Up there." It happens very quickly because the reporter's head blocks our view, but It looks like "Rowland" is pointing towards the left (west) side of the front entrance, not the traditional "6th floor sniper's nest" window on the right (east) side. At 24:41 you can see that "Rowland" was wearing a short-sleeved white dress shirt (apparently under his sport coat) on 11/22/63. This later youtube "interview" of the verified Rowland, outside the TSBD, clarifies the issue. He was pointing to the 6th floor window on the far west end of the building. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4y9_d9L6NOU Cheers, --Tommy PS Could that be deputy sheriff Alan Sweatt accompanying the guy you are asking about in the photo you posted? PPS At 24:44 of the DVD, I believe that the man entering the frame from the left is either Roger Craig or Bill Shelley. Roger Craig did say that he spoke with Arnold Rowland about ten minutes after the assassination. PPPS Now I'm starting to doubt myself on this. At 24:36 of the DVD it looks like the guy I'm talking about is pointing in the direction of the traditional 6th floor "sniper's nest" window. And at 24:38 it looks like he briefly cocks his head and looks up at it, too.
  23. Larry, I think that, at least as far as the drug deal part of it was concerned, the Pete Vallone mentioned in the report you posted points us in the direction of Carlos Marcello (via mafiosos Joe Ianni and Joe Civello of Dallas) for the simple reason that 1) the narcotics deal that Cheramie was involved in was going to go down in Houston, 2) it involved a Houston "Pete Vallone," and 3) the sister of Civello's mafia associate, Joseph Ianni of Dallas, was married to Joseph Vincent Vallone of Houston whose father, Vincent Vallone, Sr., was murdered "mafia-style" in 1949 a short time after talking with Carlos Marcello on the phone, according to the 1959 Kefauver Report. It has also been reported on the Internet that this Vincent Vallone, Sr. made page 9 of the May 26, 1938 New York Times for having had a narcotics indictment against him dropped. This Vincent Vallone, Sr. is very probably the "Vincenzo Vallone, Houston" listed near the bottom of this 5/09/50 Federal Bureau of Narcotics list of "Mafia Suspects in Texas," as furnished to the FBI: https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=93398&relPageId=4 (Thanks to Robert Howard for posting this link in an above post, this thread.) Edit: I just noticed today (4/02/14) that this document on page 5 says that Joe Civello used the alias "Ciuerillo" in 1955 while flying back to Dallas after meeting with Carmine Pellegrino (son of Rocco Pellegrino) and narcotics king John Ormento in NYC. I googled "Ciuerillo" and came up with only three "hits" and no people, so I think his alias should be spelled "Cuerello," instead. So now I'm wondering if Rose Cheramie meant to say "Cuerillo" instead of "Poreurillo." --Tommy
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