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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Larry, In his Nodule 13, A. J. Webberman has a lot of the FBI information as well as his own interviews with Hemming, and in his analysis he says he thinks that Hemming told Hall to get the rifle out of hock in order to set Hall up as an alternate patsy. What I'd really like to know is whether or not the rifle was found somewhere in Dallas (Dealey Plaza, Trade Mart, etc) right before or right after the assassination. Apparently it was, otherwise why would the FBI want to ask Hathcock / Payne about it on 11/23/63? --Tommy
  2. David, I know you addressed this question to Larry, but I'd like to throw in my two cents worth, too, even before Larry responds-- Maybe Hall just told the FBI what he thought (or knew) they wanted to hear, in exchange for preferential treatment / benign neglect on some other issue. --Tommy PS What I'd really like to know is where the authorities found Hemming's "breakdown" and scoped 30.06 Johnson so soon after the assassination and under such circumstances as to want to question Richard Hathcock / Roy Payne about it on 11/23/63. As you knowr, Hall was alleged to have redeemed the rifle and taken it from Hathcock either on September 18 or "ten to fifteen days, or maybe a month," before the assassination.
  3. Don, I'm going from memory here, but didn't Oswald's mortician say that some FBI types came there late at night and insisted on being alone with Oswald's body for a few minutes, and that when they left there was lots of ink on Oswald's hands, as though they had taken his palm and finger prints so that those prints could be transferred to something? It's reasonable to assume that Oswald was fingerprinted while still alive at the police station, so the authorities wouldn't have needed to take them from his dead body for identification purposes, I wouldn't think... --Tommy
  4. Larry Hancock wrote: "Given the number of Oswald impersonations in Dallas, setting him up, I can almost visualize it [The Odio Incident] as the two exiles with an Oswald impersonator." [emphasis added by T. Graves] Larry, Now that's an interesting possibility. --Tommy
  5. Larry, I think that, at least as far as the drug deal part of it was concerned, the Pete Vallone mentioned in the report you posted points us in the direction of Carlos Marcello (via mafiosos Joe Ianni and Joe Civello of Dallas) for the simple reason that 1) the narcotics deal that Cheramie was involved in was going to go down in Houston, 2) it involved a Houston "Pete Vallone," and 3) the sister of Civello's mafia associate, Joseph Ianni of Dallas, married into the Houston-based Vallone family. Her maiden name was Frances Ianni, and she married Joseph Vincent Vallone whose father, Vincent Vallone, Sr., was murdered "mafia-style" in 1949 a short time after talking with Carlos Marcello on the phone, according to the 1959 Kefauver Report. It has also been reported on the Internet that Vincent Vallone, Sr. made page 9 of the May 26, 1938 New York Times for having had a narcotics indictment against him dropped. This Vincent Vallone, Sr. is very probably the "Vincenzo Vallone, Houston" listed near the bottom of this 5/09/50 Federal Bureau of Narcotics list of "Mafia Suspects in Texas," as furnished to the FBI: https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=93398&relPageId=4 (Thanks to Robert Howard for posting this link in an above post, this thread.) Edit: I just noticed today (4/02/14) that this same document (which is obviously missing its pages 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and maybe more) on its page "8" says that Joe Civello used the alias "Ciuerillo" in 1955 while flying back to Dallas after meeting with Carmine Pellegrino (son of the notorious narcotics trafficker Rocco Pellegrino) and narcotics king John Ormento in NYC. I googled "Ciuerillo" and came up with only three "hits" and no people, so I think Civello's alias should have been spelled "Cuerello," instead. So now I'm wondering if Rose Cheramie meant to say "Cuerillo" instead of "Poreurillo" or "Portherillo." It would make sense, as Civello was a major narcotics trafficker. In trying to make sense out of the top of page "5" of the Mary Ferrell document, I came across a book that actually talks about it, Manhattan Mafia Guide by Eric Ferrara. On page 26 he writes, "An August 15, 1947 internal memo from the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) field office in New York City claimed that [Alfonso] Attardi admitted to attending a 1937 meeting on the outskirts of Houston, Texas, on the farm of Don Vincenzo [Vincent] Vallone, [sr.]. (To whom he admitted this detail is recorded as "unknown.") In attendance, according to the report, was Dallas mob boss Joseph T. Piriano and underboss Joseph F. Civello. The reason for the meeting is unknown, though we do know that on October 5, 1937, Attardi; his wife Josephine "Jose" Attardi, alias "G. Altroad"; and fourteen others were swept up in a coordinated interstate roundup, suspected of conspiring to import narcotics from Europe and distribute them through New York, Texas, and Louisiana." http://books.google.com/books?id=Cf7oAVFnn_sC&pg=PA26&lpg=PA26&dq=%22vincenzo+vallone%22+houston&source=bl&ots=-jwh5PgvF9&sig=f72yZwr63Ni2s3oWYrPofsRW-50&hl=en&sa=X&ei=kNo8U9WHM6LW2gX47YGQCg#v=onepage&q=%22vincenzo%20vallone%22%20houston&f=false [emphasis added by T. Graves] It's interesting to note that phantom page "4" of the Mary Ferrell document, the page that must have mentioned Joe Civello as having attended the 1937 meeting at Vincent Vallone's farm (with Tony Vallone and Joseph Vallone in attendance) on the outskirts of Houston, is missing on the Mary Ferrell website. Is it missing because, according to page 375 of SWHT, Rose Cheramie said she was to receive $29,000 from a Pete Vallone in Houston on November 28, 1963, in the drug deal that she was involved in, and that whoever released the document to Mary Ferrell didn't want us "researchers" to see the connection between Jack Ruby's buddy Joe Civello and the Vallone family? Luckily, we do at least have page "5" of the document, and Eric Ferrara's book to give us the rest of the story. Or am I just being paranoid? --Tommy edited and bumped
  6. Robert, Great post! Interesting possible "magic bullet" provenance: Patrick Dean > His wife's father, O.P. Wright, Chief of Security at Parkland Hospital > O.P. Wright's 2nd wife, a nurse who had come to Parkland Hospital shortly before the assassination. Tangentially, I've read that Patrick Dean failed a polygraph test in which he was asked questions about Jack Ruby's access to the police department basement on 11/24/63. Anyone know anything about that? Peter Dale Scott says that Dean freely admitted that Dallas mafioso Joe Civello had given him lots of information over the years which led to many (relatively "small time") narcotics arrests and convictions. Scott's very plausible theory is that the DPD (Sgt. Dean and Lt. Jack Revill in particular) turned a blind eye towards Civello's own big-time narcotics trafficking operations (which likely included Jack Ruby). Civello's narcotics associates definitely included mafioso Joseph Ianni, whose sister Frances Ianni married into the Vallone family of Houston (Rose Cheramie mentioned a "Pete Vallone" in connection with the heroin deal that was supposed to go down in Galveston and Houston right before the assassination). See posts #36 and #43 on this thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=1600 So what we seem to have here is 1) Carlos Marcello-connected Joe Civello and Jack Ruby giving information about Dallas area narcotics cases to DPD Sgt. Patrick Dean in exchange for preferential treatment, 2) Jack Ruby's being in the police department basement on 11/24/63 with the probable help of Sgt. Patrick Dean, and 3) a "magic bullet" at Parkland Hospital which might be traceable back to the same Sgt. Patrick Dean who, interestingly enough, allegedly failed a polygraph exam about the manner in which Ruby had gotten into the basement. --Tommy
  7. Once again Ernie, your bias against Harry Dean is self-evident. The problem with your three criteria to criticize the Chicago FBI is that they are incomplete. You're not considering all the possibilities -- because of your bias. There are other ways, I already explained, to explain why the Chicago FBI would lie to Harry Dean about their investigation of the Chicago FPCC, including: (1) The clerk patronized Harry Dean because he had no respect for Harry. (We already saw that in the insulting comments of FBI Agent William McCauley in his own handwriting on FBI documents about Harry Dean.) (2) Harry spoke with a clerk or an intern on the phone who had not yet been briefed on the issue of the FPCC. (3) Harry spoke with a clerk or an intern who was willing to lie to a caller and potential information source, in order to protect and conceal any information the FBI had about the FPCC. Of course, there are many other possibilities -- but they don't occur to you, Ernie, because of the fatal flaw of bias in your logic. With utmost sincerity, --Paul Trejo Paul, Why do you suppose the Chicago FBI clerk or intern had, as you say, "no respect for Harry" ? --Tommy
  8. Steven, Why you so often post in bold, colored, and grossly oversized letters? Are you afraid that we will miss them if you don't? (Interesting information about Joe Zeppa, Jack Crichton, etc...) Here's an article on Joe Zeppa and his Delta Drilling Company: http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/dod02 note: "A large bank debt helped fuel the expansion." Thanks, --Tommy
  9. Paul Trejo wrote: 4.3) [...] The fact that DPD Chief Jesse Curry was actually driving the lead car which led the JFK motorcade down Elm Street, and immediately named the TSBD alone as the shooting site, makes him into a major suspect, IMHO. Uhhh, that's not true, Paul. Where in the world did you come up with that ? Police tapes from that day show that Chief Curry, right after radioing in "Approaching Triple Underpass", immediately said, "Go to the hospital - Parkland Hospital. Have them stand by." And then, Paul, the very next thing he said was, "Get a man on top of that triple underpass and see what happened up there." He doesn't say anything about the TSBD, Paul... A few seconds later Sheriff Decker says, "Have my office move all available men out of my office into the railway yard to try to determine what happened in there and to hold everything secure until Homicide and other investigators should get there." Now, regarding who did say anything about the TSBD over the police radio: 1) At 12:35 Patrolman C. A. Haygood radioed in, "I just talked to a guy up here who was standing close to it and the best he could tell it came from the Texas School Book Depository Building here with that Hertz renting sign on top." Chief Curry still hasn't said anything about the TSBD.... 2) Then at 12:36 Sergeant D. V. Harkness radioed, "I have a witness that says that it came from the fifth floor of the Texas Book Depository Store." Chief Curry still hasn't said anything about the TSBD.... 3) At 12:37 Patrolman L.L. Hill radioed, "Get some men up here to cover this school depository building. It's believed the shot came from, as you see it on Elm Street, it would be upper right hand corner, second window from the end." (Apparently Hill was with James Tague and possibly Bill Newman when he radioed in because he said, "I have one guy that was possibly hit by a richochet from the bullet off the concrete and another one saw the President slump.") 4) Also at 12:37 Patrolman E.D. Brewer, apparently with Patrolman L.L. Hill, radioed that he was about "three quarters of a block from" the TSBD and also said, "We have a man here who says he saw him pull the weapon back through the window off of the second floor from the southeast corner of that depository building." The dispatcher asked him if the TSBD was "covered off" yet and when told that it wasn't, told Brewer (and Hill?) to "pull on down there." 5) Also at 12:37 Assistant Chief of Police Charles Batchelor pipes in with this disjointed radio communication, "Can you give us any information as to what happened for these people out here, evidently they had - seriousness of it - the President involved - 1 is at Parkland, along with Dallas 1. We have word it is unknown - Texas Depository Store, corner of Elm and Field - officers are now surrounding and searching the building. (Garbled)" But Chief Curry still hasn't said a word about the TSBD.... 6) At 12:42 Police Inspector J.H. Sawyer gets his two cents in, "We need some more men down at the Texas School Book Depository. We should have some on Main if we could get someone to pick up and bring them down here." At 12:44 Inspector Sawyer reports over the radio, "The type of weapon looked like a 30-30 rifle or some type of Winchester" and, when asked to describe the clothing the shooter was wearing, relays this problematic description (from a mysterious, still-unknown "witness"): "About 30, 5'10", 165 pounds." 7) At which point (12:45) the dispatcher broadcasts this infamous statement, "Attention all squads, the suspect in the shooting at Elm and Houston is supposed to be an unknown white male, approximately 30, 165 pounds, slender build, armed with what is thought to be a 30-30 rifle, - repeat, unknown white male, approximately 30, 165 pounds, slender build. No further description at this time or information, 12:45 p.m." Captain C.E. Talbert then asks Sawyer, through the dispatcher, if the suspect was still in the building, and Sawyer replies, "On this building, it's unknown whether he is still in the building or not known if he was there in the first place." 8) Interestingly, Sergeant G.D. Henslee then pipes up and says, "Well, all the information we have received, 9 [inspector Sawyer], indicates that it did come from about the 5th or 4th floor of that building [the TSBD]. And, still, Chief Curry hasn't said a word about the TSBD, Paul...... http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/dpdtapes/ --Tommy P.S. As far as Chief Curry's possible complicity in the plot against JFK, I would say that his actions are the least suspicious of all of the Dallas upper-level police officers.
  10. Thanks for sharing that with us, Douglas! Shane is very level-headed and knowledgeable about the assassination of JFK and RFK, and he communicates that knowledge in a concise and eloquent way. I'm particularly impressed by the fact that Shane, although not subscribing to David Kaiser's theory that Oswald was a lone nut assassin (and neither do I), is willing to admit he finds great value in Kaiser's "meticulous research." In short, I found myself agreeing with everything Shane said in this interview. --Tommy
  11. Right, Tommy, I meant 1963. Thanks for catching my typo (which I corrected). To elaborate -- we have FBI documents (on the Mary Ferrell site) that describe multiple trips taken by Loran Hall and Larry Howard from Florida through New Orleans to California and back again -- running weapons and medical supplies (drugs) to support continuing raids against Castro's Cuba. The FBI also named William Seymour as one of the gun-runners in that crew. The connecting link for all three figures was that they were all members of Interpen, led by Gerry Patrick Hemming. The FBI also names Hemming in connection with Hall, Howard and Seymour. The FBI also tells about Hemming and Hall pawning some of their possessions in California in late 1963, including Hemming's own rifle -- and Loran Hall later picking up Hemming's rifle from the pawn broker -- without telling Hemming! This made Hemming furious -- and about nine years ago, on this very Forum, Gerry Patrick Hemming retold that story with anger still seething for Loran Hall. Hemming later became more enraged because this happened shortly before 22 November 1963 (when Hemming was allegedly in Florida), and on 22 November 1963, Hemming panicked because he had information that Loran Hall was in Dallas on 22 November 1963 -- with Hemming's rifle! As for Silvia Odio -- my understanding is that she never mentions the Mexico City trip. The three travelers tell her that they drove in from New Orleans, and they also tell her that they cannot stay in Dallas -- but they never tell Silvia their destination. So, Silvia never guesses that they are on their way to Mexico City -- she only knows that they will be leaving Dallas soon. Finally, as for the role of Hall and Howard inside Mexico City, aside from drivers and escorts -- Harry Dean has very few details to share, but only some suggestions from what he was told in Southern California. For Harry Dean, there is no guarantee that Lee Harvey Oswald was ever at the Cuban and Russian Embassies in Mexico City. He might have been -- that is, Marina Oswald said that Lee took many newspaper clippings to Mexico City to "prove" that he was an officer of the FPCC (because FPCC officers were allowed into Cuba instantly). However, that might have taken only an hour or so to flop -- because the Cuban Embassy had its own list of FPCC Officers, and since Lee Harvey Oswald was not on the officlal List, the clerks would only laugh in his face. They would instantly know that Oswald was a provacateur. At this point (or even before this point) actors and impersonators could pretend to be Oswald at the Embassies.for whatever games the CIA wanted to play. (Hall and Howard were not needed at the Embassies -- there were plenty of CIA rogues there that day.) All that is irrelevant for Harry Dean's account in which the key drama was about a group called DACA (Drive Against Communist Aggression) that was set up in Mexico City by Guy Gabaldon (with funding from the JBS). The real reason that Hall and Howard drove Lee Oswald to Mexico City during the final week of September, 1963, according to Harry Dean, was to meet with Guy Gabaldon. What did the meeting consist of? Harry Dean was not there -- and he got no meeting details from the participants. Harry can only surmise based on the meetings he attended in the headquarters of the El Monte branch of the JBS -- Lee Oswald was being fooled to participate in a JFK plot in Dallas. What would Oswald's role be? Simply to sit and wait for further instructions. Oswald received a modest amount of cash for this. He would live in Dallas, work near the expected motorcade route, and wait for instructions. It is interesting that Loran Hall and Larry Howard had a close working relationship with Gerry Patrick Hemming. (Thus we see from his associations that Lee Oswald circulated personally among the extreme right-wing, and only communicated with the extreme left-wing using postal letters.) I mention this because Gerry Patrick Hemming admitted to Alan Weberman that he personally offered Lee Harvey Oswald double the cash value for his Manlicher-Carcano if Oswald would bring it to work on 22 November 1963, and stash it on the 6th floor for his underground pal to find! Best regards, --Paul Trejo Paul, Thanks for clearing up the fact that, contrary to what you wrote in post # 942, above, Silvia Odio never did claim that Hall, Howard, and Oswald traveled together to Mexico City in late September, 1963. I guess that leaves us with Harry Dean's word that they did. Thanks, --Tommy
  12. Paul, You wrote: "According to Harry Dean - and Silvia Odio - Loran Hall and Larry Howard accompanied Lee Harvey Oswald to Mexico City during the final week of September, 1962." [emphasis added] I'm fascinated by the possibility that these three traveled together to Mexico City in late September, 1962. Could you please elaborate on this or point me in the direction of an earlier post that covers this interesting allegation? Did you mean to say 1963? If so, was Odio basing her knowledge (of this 1963 MC trip by the dynamic trio) on what she learned from them during the infamous "Odio Incident"? (I wonder if either Hall or Howard could speak "terrible, hardly recognizable Russian"...) Thanks, --Tommy
  13. "Vince Morton" is a fictitious name to protect him..?. his confiding in you remains very suspicious... I have the complete list of those who attended BJHS in 53-54 and 54-55... Voebel does mention a name, but I will not post it as there appears to be some concern over it.... Not possible you got snowed David...? What do you suppose DeBrueys was doing interviewing all of Oswald's classmates from 1953-54 and 1954-55 yet only asked about the 54-55 year... and was able to write a report by Dec 2.... they gonna break the case wide open with these all important interviews after he's already dead? well understood David... if you took a moment and read the FBI interviews of Oswald's classmates you'd see that not a single one is asked about 53-54, but only 9th grade - 54-55 While those who do recall 53-54 and are shown HARVEY's picture & don't recognize him... In April 1955, LEE and MO move to Exchange... HARVEY Oswald's records at Stripling JHS from Sept-Oct 1954 are given to the FBI... that LEE HARVEY OSWALD had attended her English classes from September, 1954 until June, 1955, And she explained she was at a loss to explain that she had no recollection of either the name OSWALD or identification of his facial. characteristics, from representations of his photographs XXXX stated that although school records indicated that she taught LEE HARVEY OSWALD, General Math during the school - - term of 1954 that she could not recall OSWALD as a pupil in her class. It appears you have much to learn about the subject matter here before you can offer "informed" opinions... It's well accepted that we all have "strong" opinions. David Josephs: From your post: "In April 1955, LEE and MO move to Exchange..." (by which you mean "126 Exchange Place", I presume). But no, that statement is incorrect. Marguerite moved to the 126 Exchange Place address in the fall of 1954, and I believe that to be true for these reasons: (1) Morton told me he first met Lee when Lee had "just moved to Exchange Place" --and that was in the fall of 1954. (2) Based on the testimony of Myrtle Evans--who said the Oswalds stayed at the St. Mary's address for six months--the move probably occurred in late summer or early fall of 1954. (3) There is important "postmark evidence" establishing that Marguerite Oswald was living at 126 Exchange Place by 10/14/54. As you know, Marguerite periodically wrote letters to her eldest son, Jon Pic, who was in the U.S. Coast Guard, and stationed on Staten Island, New York. These letters were admitted into Warren Commission evidence when Pic testified, and became the "Pic Exhibits." They are published in Volume 21 of the Warren Commission's 26 Volumes. The last letter she wrote to Pic, when she was living at the St. Mary's address, is Pic Exhibit 23-A and bears the return address of 1454 St. Mary's and is postmarked June 14, 1954. Here's the link to that exhibit (21 WCH 85): http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh21/html/WH_Vol21_0055a.htm The next letter she wrote to Pic is dated October 14, 1954, and the envelope, which clearly shows the postmark to be October 14, 1954, bears the return address of "126 Exchange Place." (See Pic Exhibit 24A on page 86 of volume 21). Here is the link to that exhibit (24A, at 21 WCH 86): http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh21/html/WH_Vol21_0055b.htm Based on the above evidence--but especially the postmark evidence on a letter written to John Pic that was obviously written by Marguerite Oswald--I think it is evident that Marguerite was living at 126 Exchange Place by October 14, 1954. Also please note: based on this evidence, I believe the Warren Report contains a significant error, in its narrative (apparently because the staff was unaware of the fall 1954 postmark evidence)--when it states (and I forget exactly where it does state this) that Lee Oswald (and his mother) didn't move to Exchange Place until 1955. Just for the record: there is no way that I "got snowed" by the person I am calling Vince Morton. He was Eddie Voebel's best friend, played in music groups with him, knew his family, etc. The reason he is not in any Beauregard J.H.S. records is that he went to a private Catholic school in the area. That school was "Our Lady Star of the Sea." From there, he went to a Catholic high school. But putting aside Vince Morton (and his recollections, as related to me in detail), I think the U.S. postmark evidence, which is on an envelope carrying a letter clearly written by Marguerite Oswald to her son John Pic, and which appears in the Warren Commission's published evidence, establishes without question where Marguerite Oswald, the mother of Lee Harvey Oswald, lived on October 14, 1954, and that address was "126 Exchange Place," in the heart of the French Quarter in New Orleans. As I say: I spent quality time with this witness, in April, 1998, visiting the area--and the various places he and Voebel hung out (the flower shop, the nearby cemetery, etc). After Hurricane Katrina, I lost track of him, and worried that he had perished in that storm. But that was not the case. In 2012, I learned that this witness had died in 2002, at age 61. As far as I know, I am the only person who interviewed who him at any length, and I have a good film and audio record. He is an integral part of understanding who Lee Oswald was--between the fall of 1954 and into the summer months of 1955 (when Lee was in the ninth grade at Beauregard Junior High School)--which was a red-white-and blue "all American." There was no talk of communism, Marxism, or anything of the sort. And that, I believe, is one of the key values of this witness: he provides a first person account of what Lee Oswald was really like during a particularly important slice of time--from around October, 1954, and for the ensuing 10 months (approx). Of course, none of this should really surprise a close student of this case, because Lee Oswald joined the Civil Air Patrol in July, 1955, and was at that time--as his brother Robert testified--a perfectly normal and very patriotic young man. DSL 3/17/14; 2:40 AM PDT Los Angeles, California Excellent post, David Lifton. The postmarks and return addresses on Marguerite's envelopes prove that the Warren Report was wrong about where she and Lee Harvey Oswald were living during the period of time from June to October, 1954, a period of time so critical to the Harvey and Lee "theory." Thank you, --Tommy
  14. And the point you are making is...? Telling someone who refuses to answer a question - or does so giving multiple contradictory answers on the hoof with NO reference to the book you are imploring me to read - that they don't have a clue is NOT an insult. It is an empiric fact! Hey Steven guess what, DAVID JOSEPHS is the only one who has had to be moderated because of his foul abusive and bullying language - now deleted by Kathy - so what does that say? And now he's at it again. I stand by my last sentence, you're not very nice people. Another empiric fact Frankly I've had enough of dealing with misfits and oddballs on here. I'd gone nealry two years without posting, without having to deal with Carlier, with Cinque, with Rago and all the other social pariahs that infest this webspace. Compared to the H/L cult they were quite informed and friendly people. Do you even know how ridiculous you all sound? Close it down John! Do it today! You lost the fight a few years ago;alll that remains are the cyber bullies with their foul mouthed insults and trumped up sense of their own importance. Bernie, In all fairness, there are some worthwhile, civil contributors on this forum. James Richards, Larry Hancock, Bill Simpich, Bob Prudhomme, David Lifton, Greg Burnham, Sean Murphy (MIA), to name just a few. --Tommy
  15. [...] It's an embarrassment to be of the same species as the two of you... the more you post, the more you illustrate how completely worthless and pointless your contributions here are... you ought to be ashamed of yourselves but instead you beam with insane stupidity and then wear it as a badge indicative of your honor. [...] No answers once again...just childish insults. What a mountainous intellect you are, David. Bernie, Don't you realize that only people who like and support the H&L theory should be here, you know, so they can really debate the issues with each other? --Tommy PS Just remember, according to one new sub theory, the bad guys must have worked backwards on this grandiose Harvey and Lee Project to make it work as well as it did. Just proves the old adage that Hindsight is 20-20.
  16. Bernie, Perhaps and, yes, ... reportedly. --Tommy
  17. Steven Gaal posted: " Perhaps the Oswald letter that McGown saw was another demand for more money. McGown's story lends credence to the story of a connection between Ruby and Oswald in the May 17 edition of the National Enquirer. It said: "After a sniper shot at but missed General Walker in Dallas, April 10, 1963, Dallas police suspected that Oswald was the sniper and Ruby was the payoff man. The cops were set to arrest the pair. But they never got the chance, because of heavy pressure brought to bear by the Justice Dept. and so Oswald and Ruby were to remain free." The article also said that a top secret document, signed by a high official of the Justice Dept., was sent in April 1963 to Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry requesting the police not to arrest Oswald and Ruby. This document was reportedly in the hands of the Warren Commission. " Wow. The National Enquirer! Do you read it often, Steven? "A Flying Saucer Landed In The Nosey Stalker's Back Yard And It Was Just Chock Full Of Genetically-Altered Harveys And Lees And Harveys and Lees and, and ... Oh My God! ... " Perhaps, reportedly... (LOL) --Tommy
  18. Thank you, Steven. So Monty had two doubles. M. E. Clifton James and Keith Deamer Banwell. Wow. How pertinent to the JFK assassination! One only wonders if The Good Guys had an eye on James and Banwell some eleven years before the beginning of WW II. You know, so they could mingle their histories with Monty's just in case James or Banwell were captured and interrogated while impersonating him??? --Tommy
  19. Bernie, Don't you realize that they have to "spice up" their posts with lots of upper case letters and bold text? If they didn't, we "morons" might not notice the points they're trying to make! It's like someone's alternately poking you in the chest with their index finger and dramatically waving their arms in the air to impress upon you how right they are. --Tommy
  20. Yes, DJ. You are truly a bastion of maturity, reason, and civility. I's painfully apparent that your ten years spent wandering in the wilderness of the H&L "theory" has qualified you as quite a JFK assassination "expert." Question for the expert: Did the Bad Guys decide to start mingling Harvey's and Lee's backgrounds (due to their strong facial resemblance) in 1952 when H and L were only twelve or thirteen years old and their faces were still changing, or did they wait four or five more years, you know, just to be sure? --Tommy bumped and edited with a question for Steven Gaal: Steven, Do you think the photos below show two different women or the same woman? Hint: Look at the distinctive "V" shape of the eyebrow ridges and the eyebrows near the nose. Harder to make out in the bottom photo, but still there. Also note the pointy / knobby chin in both photos. PS Yes, Steven. The people who killed JFK were bad guys. (Your grasp of the obvious is remarkable.) bumped for Gaal
  21. Yes, DJ. You are truly a bastion of maturity, reason, and civility. I's painfully apparent that your ten years spent wandering in the wilderness of the H&L "theory" has qualified you as quite a JFK assassination "expert." Question for the expert: Did the Bad Guys decide to start mingling Harvey's and Lee's backgrounds (due to their strong facial resemblance) in 1952 when H and L were only twelve or thirteen years old and their faces were still changing, or did they wait four or five more years, you know, just to be sure? --Tommy bumped and edited with a question for Steven Gaal: Steven, Do you think the photos below show two different women or the same woman?
  22. Santo Trafficante calling another "not honest"... The HCSA says he was involved in the murder... And this, Doug, is worth posting 4 months after the fact... why? Heimlich not working ? [emphasis added by T. Graves] Did Joe Kennedy, Sr. (former associate of Frank Costello) promise the mob preferential treatment if they brought in the vote for his son JFK in West Virginia and Illinois? If so, did Jack and Bobby "honor" that deal, or did they go after the mob, instead? Here's a rhetorical question for you, DJ: Could that be what Trafficante was referring to when he said the Kennedys weren't honest? What's the matter, hemlock not working? --Tommy
  23. "Vince Morton" is a fictitious name to protect him..? His confiding in you remains very suspicious... [...] Yes, David Lifton, don't you realize that anyone (whether or not he's been given a fictitious name by you to protect their identity from "researchers") who has the audacity to claim to have known Lee Harvey Oswald during such a time period and at such a place as to contradict the official L&H theology is, by definition, very suspicious indeed? LOL Keep up the good work! --Tommy
  24. Douglas, I suppose another way of looking at it is that Putin is doing to the Crimea part of Ukraine what Hitler did to the Sudentenland part of Czechoslovakia in 1938. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ben-barber/sudetenland-world-war-ii_b_4908017.html --Tommy PS..... FWIW, Russian media reported that forces which appeared in Crimea and which displayed no national or other insignia were pro-Russia volunteer militias defending Crimean autonomy, but a Finnish military expert has analyzed some photos of the these forces and concluded that there is a 99% probability that they are High Readiness Forces of the Russian Federation, specifically the 45th Spetsnaz Regiment. http://www.suomensotilas.fi/en/artikkelit/crimea-invaded-high-readiness-forces-russian-federation One of the soldiers "captured" on film by CNN said he was a Russian. At 1:00 of the first video. http://edition.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/world/2014/03/01/nr-magnay-russian-soldiers-present.cnn.html Updated on 3/13/14: Former Ukrainian President Kravchuk says Putin's actions in Ukraine could lead to WW III. http://www.ibtimes.com/ukraine-crisis-could-spark-third-world-war-former-communist-party-leader-president-kravchuk-warns (For what it's worth, the article does mention the Cuban Missile Crisis a couple of times in passing.) It's interesting that Mr. Kravchuck, with long, close ties to Russia, is a former communist Ukrainian political leader who quit the CP and became Ukraine's first elected president in 1991, serving in that role into 1994. In 2004 he actually supported the recently-ousted, corrupt, pro-Putin Ukrainian oligarch Yanukovych, but in 2010 switched his support to Yanukovych's pro-West political opponent. I believe he really knows what he's talking about. --Tommy updated and bumped
  25. Perhaps this is a dumb question, David. Are you claiming those two photos of Marguerite are different people? Because they sure look like the same person to me... [...] [Pat Speer] Pat, I agree. The big smile distorts her face a bit and the costume headband hides her forehead and hair, but it sure looks like Marguerite Oswald to me. And the smiling boy at the zoo could well be a very happy young Lee Harvey Oswald, IMHO. --Tommy
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