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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Dear Mr. Scully, That's the way to do it. Summarize it for us (preferably at the beginning of the post ; I just now noticed this wonderful encapsulation). That way we don't have to spend "half our lives" reading all your hyperlinks and pay-per-view articles (unless we want to, of course) in order to find out, at least generally-speaking, what you're getting at. Keep up the good work, and don't worry, your fans will still appreciate all the research you're doing. In fact in my case, I'll appreciate it more. Sincerely, --Tommy
  2. Well, Tommy, I never looked at it that way before. With 185,000 views, why a comparatively miniscule number of reponses, when compared with other threads on this Forum? From the IT viewpoint, it might suggest that the counter-app of this thread does not behave exactly the same as other counter-apps on other threads on this Forum. Could the number of hyperlinks in a thread increase the count? Interesting. Yet, please, let's not get side-tracked from the business at hand -- the theme of the thread. Are you yourself persuaded that the CIA set-up Oswald as a patsy for the JFK assassination? If so, in what year do you believe this started? I think that's the truly critical question. Regards, --Paul Trejo Dear Mr. Trejo, Good question. I already know what your "take" on it is, but I'm still undecided. Hope that's okay. I wonder what Mr. Scully thinks... (not really) Sincerely, --Tommy
  3. Well, Tommy, I never looked at it that way before. With 185,000 views, why a comparatively miniscule number of reponses, when compared with other threads on this Forum? From the IT viewpoint, it might suggest that the counter-app of this thread does not behave exactly the same as other counter-apps on other threads on this Forum. Could the number of hyperlinks in a thread increase the count? Interesting. --Paul
  4. Actually Tommy, the opposite of your latest smear appears to be the reason. As you can see by the page views attracted by the thread I am presently posting in, Thomas Graves, What sort of posts & threads would you prefer to read? 42 replies 2836 page views = 67 views per reply (a ratio even lower that in the JVB thread.) The "outside world" is uninterested in most Ed Forum threads with high post counts vs page views. This presentation should make it clearer to you why I object to the "work" of Len, Paul, and yourself, and you certainly are not alone. I am reluctant to post if I have nothing constructive to add. You do not seem similarly inhibited. You are correct, your troika stepped on the "Sheep Dipped" thread and I conceded and withdrew. Next? Tommy, how does Eddie Hooker's uncle and business partner, DeMohrenschildt's chumming with Lee Oswald and David Davenport's and his friend, Jeremy Hasting's sequestering (twice) Marina Oswald fit your dismissive, (Yes, Virginia, the rich and powerful do like to associate with one another) I am campaigning to embarrass the POTUSes Bush and 'Cilla to the point where they reply to such awkward questions. You seem to be a member of the chorus.: http://jfkfacts.org/...k/#comment-5676 I actually doubt that. Yes, government officials and CIA officers have intersecting social graphs. That is not evidence, much less proof of a conspiracy..... Dear Mr. Scully, According to my calculations, the ratio of non-Scully replies to "views" on your current "CIA-'Sheep Dip'-Patsy-LHO" thread is 1 to 5820 which tends to suggest that although people are sufficiently interested in the rather provacative title of the thread to take a look at some of the posts on it, they are not interested enough in the so-called "substance" of the posts themselves to actually comment on them. Sincerely, --Tommy
  5. Tommy, I agree with you completely. The title is intriguing. That's why I thought my contribution was viable, i.e. that the the "CIA" was not the true "Sheep Dip" vehicle to make "Lee Harvey Oswald" into ther "Patsy" to kill JFK. Instead, as I have repeatedly re-affirmed on this thread, it was (as Jack Ruby and Harry Dean have said all along) ex-General Edwin Walker, the John Birch Society and their many right-wing resources. But that causes a major conflict with Tom, evidently, who has posted countless hyperlinks of 185,000 pages (by his count) of supporting evidence that the CIA did it. But his evidence is too loosey goosey. For example, his sources sort of suggest that Priscilla Johnson McMillan was a CIA agent who met Lee Harvey Oswald in Moscow in 1959. So what? Are we to assume that the CIA plotted to kill JFK in 1959, even before JFK became President? That is, 185,000 pages of hyperlinks can be used to show anything at all, or to give rise to thousands of more questions. As I've already requested from Tom -- please post one single page of his own text to clearly state his objectives. Tom hasn't done that yet. Regards, --Paul Trejo Dear Mr. Trejo, What's really interesting is that of the astronomical 186,225 "views" of this thread, only thirty-two (or is it thirty-one?) of the "replies" to it were posted by people other than Scully, and most of those were posted by you, Colby, and myself! I wonder why only .017 % of the "views" have resulted in posts? Could it be that Mr. Scully's posts are just a tad too unwieldy to analytically (i.e., "break down into smaller parts so you can take a look at them individually") quote and comment upon, or do most people just find them a bit too circumstantial and/or tedious and/or tangental and/or obvious (Yes, Virginia, the rich and powerful do like to associate with one another) to comment upon? I mean, there's got to be a reason for such a low response rate... Sincerely, --Tommy I'm evidently trying to improve Scully's ratio by double posting! LOL
  6. Tommy, I agree with you completely. The title is intriguing. That's why I thought my contribution was viable, i.e. that the the "CIA" was not the true "Sheep Dip" vehicle to make "Lee Harvey Oswald" into ther "Patsy" to kill JFK. Instead, as I have repeatedly re-affirmed on this thread, it was (as Jack Ruby and Harry Dean have said all along) ex-General Edwin Walker, the John Birch Society and their many right-wing resources. But that causes a major conflict with Tom, evidently, who has posted countless hyperlinks of 185,000 pages (by his count) of supporting evidence that the CIA did it. But his evidence is too loosey goosey. For example, his sources sort of suggest that Priscilla Johnson McMillan was a CIA agent who met Lee Harvey Oswald in Moscow in 1959. So what? Are we to assume that the CIA plotted to kill JFK in 1959, even before JFK became President? That is, 185,000 pages of hyperlinks can be used to show anything at all, or to give rise to thousands of more questions. As I've already requested from Tom -- please post one single page of his own text to clearly state his objectives. Tom hasn't done that yet. Regards, --Paul Trejo Dear Mr. Trejo, What's really interesting is that of the astronomical 186,225 "views" of this thread, only thirty-two (or is it thirty-one?) of the "replies" to it were posted by people other than Scully, and most of those were posted by you, Colby, and myself! LOL. I wonder why only 1.7% of the "views" have resulted in posts? Could it be that Mr. Scully's posts are just a tad too unwieldy and/or overwhelming to analytically (you know, "break down into smaller parts so you can take a look at them individually") quote and comment upon, or do most people just find them a bit too circumstantial, tedious, detailed, tangental, and obvious (yes, the rich and powerful people do like to associate with one another) to comment upon? I mean, there's got to be a reason for the low response rate. Sincerely, --Tommy
  7. All very troubling Don. The evidence for false flag here is staggering. I don't expect the 19 year old to live. If he does he will be tortured til he confesses. From the horrible pic of the older one going around the net looks like he was tortured already. For shame people in MA. Liking Martial Law. It broke my heart to see my former hometown of Newton MA. under Martial law. What next? We know there WILL be a "next". Dawn Imagine the ironic possibility that these two brothers really were terrorists and knew beforehand that a lot of us would claim that they were just innocent victims or "patsies." --Tommy
  8. Tom, allow me to respond to the original theme of this thread of your, which you began nearly one year ago. The title of your thread is, "Did the C.I.A. "Sheep Dip" and Orchestrate the Tale of the Patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald?" With little narrative, you began to post -- by your own count -- 185,000 pages of supporting material to firm up your point -- that yes, the CIA sheep-dipped Oswald. Yet you haven't written a single page summary yourself -- without hyperlinks -- so that we can plainly see the nuances of your point. As an example, in your very first point last year you began -- with hyperlinks instead of narrative -- to cast suspicion on Priscilla Johnson McMillan. Now, it's true that she met Lee Harvey Oswald while he was in Russia -- but why not simply spell out your point? Your hyperlinks in your first post told us mainly this: 1. As a student at Radcliffe College in NYC Priscilla was a member of the United World Federalists, an organization run by Cord Meyer -- who later became famous as a CIA agent. 2. After she graduated in 1952 she applied for a job with the CIA. She was rejected. Cord Meyer himself rejected her. 3. She applied again in 1953 and was rejected again. 4. Because of her Russian language skills, In 1954 Johnson worked as a translator for the Digest of Soviet Press, and did so well that in 1955 she moved to Moscow to serve as a translator for the US Embassy there. As envoy to the Ambassador, she enjoyed a very high security clearance. 5. In 1957, the CIA file on Priscilla Johnson was confused with another person's, and that temporarily gave the impression that she was Swedish, six years older, and during WW2 served the OSO. 6. In 1958 she applied to the USSR in order to return there. On 6 May 1958, the Chief of CI/OA submitted approval for her -- for classified work. She was there only a few weeks and returned to the USA. 7. Then she got a job at the North American News Alliance (NANA). She was a bilinguaal journalilst. 8. Priscilla traveled back to Moscow soon after Lee Harvey Oswald was interviewed.in November, 1959. She stayed in the same hotel as Oswald. 9. On 16 November 1959 John McVickar told her that "there's a guy in your hotel who wants to defect, and he won't talk to any of us here". She took the assignment to talk with him. 10. In a 007 twist to the narrative, as Johnson was leaving the American Embassy McVickar told her "to remember she was an American." That's it. A little bit of background. So now what? Are we to somehow fill in the blanks with imagination, and suspect that Priscilla Johnson was part of a plot to sheep-dip Oswald as early as 1959? No -- filling in the blanks with mere suspicion isn't progressive. If you have something to charge -- please come forth with it, and please spell out your reasons. You can support your claims later (if indeed these 185,000 posts of loosely related hyperlinks actually do support your suspicions). But first, please, plainly state your suspicions for discussion. Regards, --Paul Trejo Paul, I suspect the reason this thread has been viewed so many times over the past year is simply due to it's interesting title. You know, "CIA," "Sheep Dip," "Patsy," "Lee Harvey Oswald?"... Sincerely, --Tommy
  9. Someone "fed" this information, described as secret and attributed to the Arizona Republic newspaper in Phoenix, to that Phoenix newspaper and it was distributed more widely in this AP report.: A182pn Phoenix, Dec. 11 (AP)- Marina Oswalt', the widow of ... jfk.hood.edu/Collection/White%20Materials/.../MNO%20077.pdf File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View With her, the Rppbblic ssys, are a friend, Jerome Hastings, and. Priscilla Johnson, a writer. The newspaper said the primary n'rpose of the secret visit is to..... Posting limits here do not permit me to display the article image, but here is a link to view it quickly.: https://lh6.googleus...ArchiveCROP.png It was probably impossible to find any background on Jerome Hastings in December, 1964. The report did not connect Hasting to anyone other than Priscilla Johnson, SOP since Priscilla was "out front" since she first reported about an interview with Lee Harvey Oswald in the Soviet Union in late 1959. It is not established that anyone outside of government monitoring agencies and David C. Davenport had awareness of the extent of Davenport's and Hastings' connections, or even that Davenport and Hastings were friends. Fifty years have passed and there are obits, a book, and internet information resources. Hastings did not marry Fredrika Tuttle Blair until 1967, but I expect that he was in a relationship with her. Her sister Helen Davenport Tuttle had been married to Terry Votichenko since the mid 1940's. Fredrika was long divorced from Votichenko's friend and Princeton '40 classmate, David H. Blair, Jr. New York Times - Sep 16, 1967 STAATS-EdYthe Tllllnghatt, on Friday, Sep tomboy 15. 1967, at her residence in New York Citv, Wife of the tale J. Henry Staats. Survived by Mildred Stoats Fabri, Fredrika Tuttle Hastings. Helen Tattle Votichenko, Marlorie Tillinghast March, CarolYn Tillinchast March and Helen Free man March. Service private, In lieu of flowers contributions may..... Miss Dorothy Jane Baldwin Bride of Walter Pierson, Jr. ‎New York Times - Jun 22, 1941 BlairuTuttle Miss Fredrika Bremer Tuttle, daughter of Mrs. Hendley Ross Callaway ... and Frank W. Tuttle of Hollywood, Calif., was married yesterday afternoon in St. ... to David Hunt Blair Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. David Hunt Blair of Washington..... HELEN TUTTLE WED TO NAVAL OFFICER; Becomes Bride of Lieut... ‎ New York Times - Sep 30, 1943 ... Here Mss Helen Davenport Tuttle, daughter of Mrs. Hendley Ross Callaway of this city and of Frank Turtle of Hollywood, Calif., was married yesterday afternoon to Lieut. Taras Alexander Votichenko, USNR, in the home of her mother and .....Loring Pickering, USA, of San Francisco, was best man for Lieutenant Voti! chenko, who is the son of Sacha Votichenko, Russian musician, and the late Mrs.... Sacha Votichenko, 83, Dead; Expert on Royal Tympanon ‎ New York Times - Oct 31, 1971 Special to Tile New York Times SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Oct. 30 --Sacha Vetichenko, Russianborn musician who until recently had taught in New York, died here on ... Russian Hopes To Play Music In Vatican . ‎Evening Independent - Feb 14, 1950ROME— Sacha Votichenko, Russian-born, educated in England and- living in' New York, hopes to realize a lifelong ambition:: To play in the Vati can- Sistine' ROBERT A. GARDNER TO WED.; National Amateur Golf Champion... ‎New York Times - Nov 17, 1915 MISS FB STAATS A BRIDE. Married to Frank Wright Tuttle at Her Home in Park Avenue. Aiiss Frederieka B. Staats, daughter of i{r. and Mrs. J. Henry Staats, was.... David C Davenport was the grandson of DO Davenport (David Orr) and Priscilla's cousin David's father was named McHarg, after his father David Orr Davenport's brokerage partner, Henry K. McHarg. The Staats, Robert P. and John Henry Staats were related to the Davenports, because Helen Davenport Tuttle Votichenko's and Fredrika Tuttle Blair Hasting's mother, Frederieka B. Staats Tuttle Callaway was the daughter of engineer John Henry Staats. MISS MARIAN McHARG WEDS. ‎New York Times - Jun 2, 1910 Henry K. j McHarg, Jr., her brother, was Mr. Vena-! ! hip s best man. ... Venable; Miss Mildred Staats and Frederick Staats, Mrs. DO Davenport, Henry Davenport, The point is that before Jerome Hastings married the former wife of David H. Blair, Jr. in 1967, David C. Davenport knew Blair and Terry Votichenko because they were married to the Tuttle sisters who were related to Davenport. Princeton Alumni Weekly - Volume 75 - Page 63 books.google.com/books?id=JRVbAAAAYAAJ 1974 - Full view - More editions ... with brisk despatches of both offensive and defensive import. On the ground at New Year's 1944 the German Army was still a fire-breathing and only marginally wounded dragon, while Ultra's military detachment was increasingly overtaxed. Here the American recruits were winnowed out over several months of on-the-job schooling until two new senior advisers were chosen, David H. Blair '40 and Curt A. Zimansky "37 (both Lt.-Capt. Infantry). To them and their six British colleagues was entrusted the tensest and most dramatic of enemy communications: the myriad army orders, situation estimates, pending panzer attacks, requests (usually followed by refusals) for retreat authorization, disastrous tank and gun loss reports, promises of reenforcement divisions and their arrival schedules. The messages behind virtually every major occurrence of the war poured The messages behind virtually every major occurrence of the war poured in an endless stream across their desk, until the strangely quiet morning of May 7, 1945, when the last Enigmas in Bohemia went off the air, and the clattering deciphering machines across the hallway at Bletchley followed suit. ... Princeton Alumni Weekly - Volume 75 - Page 64 ...Blair retumed to Princeton to pursue a Ph.D. in history, but stopped short in favor of writing on his own. Also caught up as a reservist in the Korean War, he headed the Section of Army Intelligence concerned with the pseudopolice armed forces of the German Democratic Republic at the iciest phase of the Cold War. Back at Princeton again, .... Princeton Alumni Weekly - Volume 70 - Page 15 - Google Books Result books.google.com/books?id=HxlbAAAAYAAJ 1969 .... the son of Adelaide Cannon and David Hunt Blair, Commissioner of Internal ... David served in Anny Intelligence in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. Taras Alexander "Terry" Votichenko Obituary: View ... - Legacy.com http://www.legacy.co...x?pid=147968305 Votichenko, Taras "Terry" Alexander 94, of Paradise Valley passed away on January 16, ... Eisenhower to set up the US military government in newly liberated France. ... After the war, he worked for the OSS as head of the North Africa division. .....to Tempe, Arizona to teach Philosophy and Psychology at AZ State University. Princeton Alumni Weekly: Taras A. Votichenko paw.princeton.edu › PAW Home › Memorials Apr 27, 2011 – Taras A. Votichenko '40 ... Eisenhower to set up the U.S. military government in liberated ... After the war, he headed the OSS in North Africa. http://www.nytimes.c...-author-71.html Fredrika Blair-Hastings, Author, 71 Published: July 06, 1990 Fredrika Blair-Hastings, author of a 1986 biography of the dancer Isadora Duncan, died on July 1. She was 71 years old and lived in Carmel, Calif. The cause of death was cancer, a family friend, Jeremiah Newton, said. Born in New York City, Mrs. Blair-Hastings was a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville. She began work on the Duncan biography, titled ''Isadora, Portrait of the Artist as a Woman,'' in the 1950's. During the next decade she produced a dance documentary starring Anna Duncan, Julia Levien and Hortense Kooluris, all exponents of Duncan dance. Mrs. Blair-Hastings is survived by her husband, Jerome Hastings, and a sister, Helen Votichenko, of Scotsdale, Ariz. Who's who in Entertainment - Volume 1 - Page 59 Who's who in Entertainment - Volume 1 - Page 59 books.google.com/books?id=58BkAAAAMAAJ 1989 - Snippet view - More editions ........... 91602 BLAIR, FREDRIKA TUTTLE HASTINGS, writer: b. Bklyn.. June 22. 1917: d. Frank Wright and Fredericka Bremer (Staats) Tutile; m. David Hunt Blair Jr.. June 21, 1941 (div. June 1947); m. Jerome Allen Hastings. BA. Sarah Lawrence Coll., 1939. Ind. writer NYC, 1953 — . Author: Isadora: Portrait of the Artist As a Woman, 1985, preface to The Wanderer by Alain Foumier. 1953; contbr. numerous articles to mags., newspapers. Vol. tchr. English Com. for Refugee Edn.. NYC. 1941-42: vol. dieticians aide Halloran Hosp.. SI., NY., 1943-44: vol. tchrs. aide Pub. Sch. 154, NYC. 1963-64. Mem. Authors Guild. Soc. of of Dance History Scholars. Office: care Curtis Brown Ltd 10 Astor PI New York NY 10003 http://newspaperarch...90-07-07/page-8 Internationally acclaimed of Isadora Duncan and patron of local art music and dance died of cancer in her Carmel CA home on Monday She was 72 years old and known to her many friends as Teddy Born in New York City on June 22 1918 her parents were Fredericka Staats Tuttle and motion picture director Frank W Tuttle noted for Bing Crosby musi cals and other films including This Gun For Hire starring Alan Ladd During her early life she lived in Greenwich Connecticut and Holly wood where she encountered fa mous members of the film colony before moving with her mother and sister Helen to live in Switzerland for six years There she attended The International School of Geneva from which she graduated In 1935 she returned to the United States and lived in New York City while a student at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville After graduation she pursued her interest in the dance with emphasis on the work of Isadora Duncan Through her Taras Votichenko who had close ties with the Duncan family she became both a dance student and friend of Anna Duncan one of the famous She continued research and wrote about Isadora during her marriage to David Hunt Blair who was on the University faculty a divorce she married Jerome A Hastings she met in Santa Fe New Mexico Together they traveled throughout the United States visiting universities and li with Isadora Duncan reposi tories They settled in 1967 in Carmel her husbands hometown for many years They also main a summer residence in Santa Fe and traveled extensively in Europe Her years of research and writing culminated in the publica tion by McGraw Hill in 1986of her definitive biography Isadora Portrait of the Artist as a Woman under the pen name Fredrika Blair This led to international recognition and wide acclaim Be sides many talks and appearances in this country and abroad she was interviewed in London by both British television and radio net works The Japanese translation of her work is due for release in Japan this year The Spanish edition appeared in Argentina Mexico and Spain Locally she spoke on her work at Monterey Peninsula College and at the Mon terey Peninsula Writers Club of which she was a member Other memberships included the Authors Guild The Society of Dance History Scholars The Dance Guild and many other organizations in the dance world Survivors besides her husband are her sister and Helen and Taras Votichenko of Scottsdale Arizona three nephews Michael Peter and Terry Votichenko a grandniece and namesake Fredri ka Votichenko and grandnephews Alex and Nicholas Votichenko At her request donations in her memory may be made to Amnesty International the organization of which she was an active member for many years They should be addressed to Amnesty Internation al Groupe 204 PO Box 52185 Pacific Grove CA Isadora: portrait of the artist as a woman - Page xvii books.google.com/books?id=tI21AAAAIAAJ Fredrika Blair - 1986 - Snippet view - More editions ... Sacha Votichenko; and my sister Helen Tuttle Votichenko — and my friend Nancy Hallinan for their criticism and help with this book. Above all, I should like to thank my husband Jerome Hastings for criticism, typing, encouragement, and help.... Observations: All these "bees" started buzzing around Lee Harvey Oswald after he visited the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Priscilla Johnson was an early one and she is documented as bringing her first cousin, David Coit Davenport into her book "project." All of the other names in my past few posts are connected to Davenport. The common thread I note here is that the names of the bees we've been allowed to read have been almost impenetrable to researchers, when they were made available at all. David Davenport is a rarely seen name, and Jerome Hastings was only mentioned in one news report not associating him with Davenport, and in one known FBI report. Snyder came out of the shadows with a misleading presentation, much later.: Nothing was known about cousin Davenport or about Jerome Snyder's background and connections. Davenport made a practice of filing updates intended for reading by Princeton alumni. Would not that group have found Davenport's accounts of arranging two sequester sojourns for the widow of the lone nut assassin, interesting reading? We do not know the extent of the involvement of the other "bees" I have named, but goodness, there do seem to be a lot of them! Dear Mr. Scully, Can you imagine the technological nightmare of trying to quote and respond to just a small part of one of your interminably long (but somewhat interesting) posts? (Not to mention the arduous task of trying to read one them in a single sitting?) Sincerely, --Tommy
  10. Tommy, as I said, it wasn't so much a language mistake, as it was a common case of language imprecision. It happens all the time, even on this Forum. Yet you seem to wish to rip Hall's statement out of its context. Loran Hall's sentence existed in a very specific context, namely, the context of the belief that Oswald was a double-agent. You're ignoring that. You are taking the phrase "pro-Castro" out of its context and trying to make it stand on its own. [...] Dear Mr. Trejo, Isn't saying "pro" when one means to say "anti" (or "black" instead of "white," or "expensive" instead of "cheap," or "short" instead of "tall," etc) a case of such really, really gross "language imprecision," as you call it, as to qualify as a "language mistake?" I mean, what's more "imprecise" in language than saying exactly the opposite of what you mean? You strongly suggest that people on this forum often use language just as "imprecisely" as Loran Hall did when he said Oswald was going to make a pro-Castro speech but actually meant to say he was going to make an anti-Castro speech. Can you show us any examples of forum members' saying the opposite of what they meant to say? I don't think people often speak so "imprecisely" (or make such a bad "mistake") that they say the opposite of what they mean, and I don't think Loran Hall spoke so "imprecisely," either. I think he knew exactly what he was saying and said exactly what he meant to say, just as I am doing right here. So it makes a lot more sense to me that Loran Hall, rather than making a "language mistake" or using language so grossly "imprecise," made up a story for the HSCA about Oswald's alleged intention to make a pro- (or if you prefer, anti-) Castro speech in Dallas in June or July of 1963 in order to retroactively paint Oswald as a Communist Castro sympathizer and/or to just confuse the HSCA. Sincerely, --Tommy
  11. Well, Tommy, I agree that Loran Hall's English wasn't poor, I only note that it wasn't great, either. I personally accept Nico Crespi's claim -- and Loran Hall's repetition of his claim -- to be an ambiguous English statement. Look at the dynamics. Nico Crespi was concerned that Lee Harvey Oswald was going to address some Cubans in Texas -- not pro-Castro Cubans (Communists) but anti-Castro Cuban Exiles. Now, why would Cuban Exiles invite a pro-Castro speaker to their event? Answer: they wouldn't. Therefore, Nico Crespi was concerned that Lee Harvey Oswald -- under a pretense of giving an anti-Castro speech (and thus was invited to do so) would sneak in some pro-Castro propaganda. That was Crespi's concern -- that his Cuban Exile compatriots would be fooled by Oswald, because, as the same account reveals, his worry was that Oswald was a double-agent. Now -- Loran Hall didn't make that perfectly clear, IMHO. That's because his English skills, while good enough on the surface, were really imperfect. (Much like many native English speakers I can name). See the ambiguity? Yet Loran Hall didn't unpack the ambiguity. Now, you ask what possible disinformation would the double-agent Oswald try to slip past the gullible Cuban Exiles, that so worried Crespi? It's a moot point, because Oswald wasn't really a Communist (as the Warren Commission falsely claimed) in the first place. Oswald was in Dallas to promote a war against Castro -- just as he cooperated (yes, cooperated) with Carlos Bringuier of DRE and Ed Butler of INCA in New Orleans in August, 1963. Oswald's association with Guy Banister and David Ferrie in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 unambiguously places Oswald in the right-wing. However, part of his cover (as orchestrated by Bringuier, Butler and Banister) was that Oswald was an FPCC officer (a bald-faced lie). Nico Crespi, however, was not one of the insiders, and he didn't know it was a ruse. He only believed the evidence he saw in the newspapers, or heard on the radio, or saw on television -- Oswald was an FPCC officer! Therefore, when Crespi heard that Oswald was going to Dallas to give a speech to his own people, Crespi chose to stop the speech -- not knowing or caring what Oswald was going to say. [...] Dear Mr. Trejo, I don't think we should somewhat glibly dismiss as a simple "language mistake" Loran Hall's HSCA statement that he'd heard that Oswald was going to give a pro-Castro speech in Dallas. One possible scenario is that Crespi and friend intercepted Oswald that day on the sidewalk and "convinced" him not to give his pro-Castro "Viva Fidel" speech. That would explain why no mention was made in the Dallas newspapers of such an inflamatory speech being made. HOWEVER... Since Oswald moved from Dallas to New Orleans around April 24, 1963, I'm beginning to doubt that he was even in Dallas in June or July. If Nico Crespi was being truthful and correct (and if Loran Hall relayed Crespi's information correctly to the HSCA), then someone was impersonating Oswald in Dallas very early on, even before JFK's trip to Texas had been announced. SO... Rather than Oswald's making special trips from New Orleans to give pro or anti-Castro speeches, and rather than someone's impersonating him so early on in Dallas, I think it's more likely that Loran Hall made up his "I Heard that Oswald was Gonna Give a Pro-Castro Speech in Dallas in June or July, 1963" story in an attempt to retroactively portray Oswald as a Commie Castro sympathizer to the HSCA. Sincerely, --Tommy edited (highlighted) and bumped
  12. Well, Tommy, I agree that Loran Hall's English wasn't poor, I only note that it wasn't great, either. I personally accept Nico Crespi's claim -- and Loran Hall's repetition of his claim -- to be an ambiguous English statement. Look at the dynamics. Nico Crespi was concerned that Lee Harvey Oswald was going to address some Cubans in Texas -- not pro-Castro Cubans (Communists) but anti-Castro Cuban Exiles. Now, why would Cuban Exiles invite a pro-Castro speaker to their event? Answer: they wouldn't. Therefore, Nico Crespi was concerned that Lee Harvey Oswald -- under a pretense of giving an anti-Castro speech (and thus was invited to do so) would sneak in some pro-Castro propaganda. That was Crespi's concern -- that his Cuban Exile compatriots would be fooled by Oswald, because, as the same account reveals, his worry was that Oswald was a double-agent. Now -- Loran Hall didn't make that perfectly clear, IMHO. That's because his English skills, while good enough on the surface, were really imperfect. (Much like many native English speakers I can name). See the ambiguity? Yet Loran Hall didn't unpack the ambiguity. Now, you ask what possible disinformation would the double-agent Oswald try to slip past the gullible Cuban Exiles, that so worried Crespi? It's a moot point, because Oswald wasn't really a Communist (as the Warren Commission falsely claimed) in the first place. Oswald was in Dallas to promote a war against Castro -- just as he cooperated (yes, cooperated) with Carlos Bringuier of DRE and Ed Butler of INCA in New Orleans in August, 1963. Oswald's association with Guy Banister and David Ferrie in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 unambiguously places Oswald in the right-wing. However, part of his cover (as orchestrated by Bringuier, Butler and Banister) was that Oswald was an FPCC officer (a bald-faced lie). Nico Crespi, however, was not one of the insiders, and he didn't know it was a ruse. He only believed the evidence he saw in the newspapers, or heard on the radio, or saw on television -- Oswald was an FPCC officer! Therefore, when Crespi heard that Oswald was going to Dallas to give a speech to his own people, Crespi chose to stop the speech -- not knowing or caring what Oswald was going to say. [...] Dear Mr. Trejo, I don't think we should somewhat glibly dismiss as a simple "language mistake" Loran Hall's HSCA statement that he'd heard that Oswald was going to give a pro-Castro speech in Dallas. If Crespi and friend intercepted Oswald that day on the sidewalk and "convinced" him not to give his pro-Castro "Viva Fidel" speech, that would explain why no mention was made in the Dallas newspapers of such an inflamatory speech being made. HOWEVER... Since Oswald moved from Dallas to New Orleans around April 24, 1963, I'm beginning to doubt that he was even in Dallas in June or July. If Crespi was being truthful and correct (and if Hall relayed Crespi's information correctly to the HSCA), then someone was impersonating Oswald in Dallas very early on, even before JFK's trip to Texas had been announced. SO... Rather than Oswald's making special trips from New Orleans to give pro or anti-Castro speeches, and rather than someone's impersonating him so early on in Dallas, I think it's more likely that Loran Hall made up the "Oswald's Pro-Castro Speech In Dallas In June or July 1963" in an attempt to retroactively portray Oswald as a Castro sympathizer to the HSCA. Sincerely, --Tommy
  13. From opednews.com Executive Action: JFK Witness Deaths and the London Times Actuary by Richard Charnin April 16, 2013 http://www.opednews....-130416-98.html Oh, my! How embarrassing. The "trillion to one" stuff is absolute nonsense. In order to establish a probability, you have to establish a boundary. The original actuary, as I recall, was asked to determine the probability 18 of 18 would die from mysterious causes, and did not understand that the 18 mysterious deaths were taken from a pool of a thousand or more. Now, that's not say none of the deaths are mysterious. The death of David Ferrie but a few days after LBJ was told Garrison was trying to link Ferrie to him, is indeed interesting, as is the near-simultaneous death of one of Ferrie's contacts. And then there's the deaths of Cain, Hoffa, Giancana, Rosselli, De Mohrenschildt, Pawley, Artime, etc... during the mid-70's, which is quite intriguing, IMO. Pat, I agree that the timely deaths of David Ferrie and "one of his contacts" Eladio Del Valle are two of the most interesting ones. It's my understanding that Del Valle was an anti-Castro Cuban and a mobbed-up drug smuggler, as well. Can't remember off the top of my head if he was CIA-connected. Wouldn't be surprised. --Tommy
  14. Dear David Lifton, That's very interesting! I hope you don't mind my asking how you found this witness? Thank you, --Tommy
  15. Dear Jimbo, I mean, I didn't group Craig with those others, did I?I mean, Colby did. --Tommy
  16. Dear Jimbo, To which Rambler are you referring? I mean, you probably mean the one Roger Craig claimed he saw Oswald getting into, right? I mean, you have heard of Roger Craig, right? Sincerely, --Tommy At 1st I thought he was joking about that, I mean Roger Craig! Might as well cite JVB, James Files and William "Tosh is dead" Plumlee. Dear Mr. Colby, Yeah, Roger Craig, you know, the Roger Craig who was Dallas Sheriff's Department 1960 Officer of the Year? Regarding Tosh Plumlee, the fact that he "up and died" for a while only lends credence to what he says he experienced as an "operator," IMHO. --Tommy
  17. Robert, I'm not sure which "gif image" you're referring to, but it does sound interesting. Three men wearing fedora hats? A 360 degree turn by someone? Which thread was it posted on? Thanks, --Tommy
  18. Robert, Interesting subject matter. A bit Byzantine and beyond my ken, but Intuitively worthy of a bump, IMHO. Hopefully someone else will eventually comment on it. --Tommy
  19. Dear Jimbo, To which Rambler are you referring? I mean, you probably mean the one Roger Craig claimed he saw Oswald getting into, right? I mean, you have heard of Roger Craig, right? Sincerely, --Tommy
  20. Dear Jimbo, Congratulations are in order.. Looks like you and Scully have solved the assassination. Sincerely, --Tommy P.S. What time did Burroughs say Oswald entered the theater?
  21. You are quite misinformed "Operation Zapata" was named after the landing site on the Zapata Peninsula near the eponymous swamps, A previous plan was named “Operation Trinidad” after the landing site near the town of Trinidad. Barbara Pierce did not have a middle name and it seems the ship was already named the 'Barbara J.' when acquired by the CIA, it was codenamed 'Barracuda' for the BoP. As for the memo, you need to reread it. PS – Who is “Jim”? Len, What? You demand historical accuracy? The gall! --Tommy
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