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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Bernice, Thanks for the feedback. I know the photo I was referring to was taken right around the time the photo in post #8 was taken. Thanks for pointing out that the wound was to his right cheek. Unless, of course, the photo you posted was "flipped" by somebody. LOL (But actually it probably makes more sense for the wound to be on his right cheek because the section of curb that was hit was on his right as he was facing the motorcade...) --Tommy
  2. FWIW, I remember seeing "the scratch" on his cheek in the uncropped (or perhaps just larger?) version of this photo on the internet. --Tommy
  3. Len, But Scully's postings helps us narrow the suspects down to just a couple hundred thousand!And it gives us a good excuse to be really, really mad at all the "filthy" Rich and Powerful People out there! --Tommy
  4. Well Tom, If you watch the left hand of the guy wearing the tan jacket (in a slow-motion, larger version of this clip)... And the way the guy in the dark blue suit takes a half step and leans towards him.... And the actions of Long Coat Man in the near background... And the Rambler station wagon with its headlights on in the mid background... . And the "Rip Robertson" or "John Adrian O'Hare" character who is walking past the Rambler station wagon.... And the screening actions of the three curious suits in the foreground... And... --Tommy P.S. Thanks for "reviving" this topic! Now I won't have to "edit and bump" it!
  5. Len, Evidently he was busy the whole time he was gone, busily "researching" the social pages for pertinent weddings and obituaries. --Tommy Tommy, You did not address a single detail in my post on the thread you posted the comments quoted above in, so I thought it best to "do" this here. The question in this thread's title is the crux of my reply to you? Give me guidance. The post that prompted your criticism of me was centered on a group of very wealthy, politically powerful and extremely secretive, well connected, and as I hope my posted research showed, tightly coordinated with each other through several generations. The group has produced two U.S. presidents, two U.S. Veeps, to name only a few of their achievements. I am committed to learning and sharing more about them. If you have a better way to learn more about them, please do not keep it to yourself. If you do not have guidance to give me, what are you accomplishing with your sustained record of picking at me on these threads as if I was a scab? One more example.... William H. Quasha's son Alan rescued and turned around the financial and political fortunes of GW Bush. Alan donates significantly to the national tickets of both major U.S. politcal parties. One of his closest friends (back to Harvard, in the early 70's....) was recently "shut down". Fundraiser Nemazee Stole $292 Million, U.S. Charges ... - Bloomberg www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid... Sep 22, 2009 – Hassan Nemazee, a top fundraiser for President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton who was arrested last month, was indicted by a grand jury ... How Nemazee Used Harvard Degree Swindling Banks ... - Bloomberg www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid... Mar 21, 2010 – Nemazee became friendly with former American International Group Inc. chairman Hank Greenberg and started an insurance company in ... Former brother-in-law of Hassan Nemazee pleads guilty in bank ... www.nypost.com/.../former_brother_bank_law_fraud_hassan_... Nov 7, 2011 – The former brother-in-law of a Democratic fundraiser imprisoned for cheating banks out of nearly $300 million dollars pleaded guilty Monday to ... So what are we to make of this?" Britain's new man in Washington Sir Peter Westmacott is brother-in ... www.dailymail.co.uk/.../Britains-new-man-Washington-Sir-Peter-We... Dec 6, 2011 – This is because his brother-in-law is a convicted fraudster who ... Fraudulent: Hassan Nemazee (left) donated some of the stolen money to high ... Our Man in Washington Sir Peter Westmacott will arrive with family ... www.telegraph.co.uk › News › World News › US Politics Dec 6, 2011 – Sir Peter Westmacott, the next UK amabassador to America, is the brother-in-law of Hassan Nemazee, a prominent fundraiser for the ... Britain's new man in Washington Sir Peter Westmacott is brother-in ... www.dailymail.co.uk/.../Britains-new-man-Washington-Sir-Peter-We...Dec 6, 2011 – ... pictured here with Prince Charles (right) in Istanbul, Turkey in 2004 - Westmacott was previously the Prince of Wales' private deputy secretary . Tommy, it is plain that one of us is furthering the pool of knowledge relevant to the focus of this forum in almost every post, that the research of the crimes against the state this forum is focused on comes down to uncovering the secrets of the powerful and well connected, and one of us is posting different "stuff" and is critical of research techniques that demonstrably uncover the connections, allegiances, and other secrets of the powerful. Dear Mr. Scully, I must say that I would prefer to read just about any post or thread on this forum but yours, given the fact that any thread that you do post on tends to become "your thread," comprised mostly of tedious, tidbit-based factoids and unspoken, attenuated "connections" which, IMHO, can be appreciated only by someone endowed with "A Beautiful Mind" such as yours. I do suspect, however, that we are basically of like mind (with a small "M") as regards the nature and general composition of the social/power group that wanted to eliminate JFK. I don't want to be hasty here, but I do suppose that the proof, as they say, is in the pudding. Please don't put me on moderation for any perceived impertinence. Sincerely, --Tommy
  6. Len, Evidently he was busy the whole time he was gone, busily scouring the social pages for those fascinating weddings and obituaries laden with those oh-so tenuous connections. --Tommy
  7. Good for you, Terri. Such cantankerous talk deserves to be shut down quickly. Offering psychological help without a license might be illegal, for that matter. Perhaps a lawsuit is in order. Best regards, --Paul Trejo Good for you, Terri. Such cantankerous talk deserves to be shut down quickly. Offering psychological help without a license might be illegal, for that matter. Perhaps a lawsuit is in order. Best regards, --Paul Trejo I've promised Terri that I won't comment on her posts again. I feel somewhat sorry for her and she was an easy target in all of this. You, I make no assurances to. I'm coming after your idiotic drivel with a passion from this point on. Don't ever see fit to threaten me again, directly or by proxy. I hate people with big mouths who have sod all to back them up, which perfectly sums you up in every way imaginable. Page after page after page of cherry picked, shoe-horned "evidence" supporting a theory that has reached a peak where you require one hand to count your followers. Paul Trejo; professional scholar and living proof as to why some people define academia as "having no purpose." I'd bring Fetzer back in lieu of you any day of the week. I'd recommend sticking me on ignore. Lee, Please don't bring Fetzer back. --Tommy P.S. I didn't realize how "flexible" Paul was until I posted my hair brained opinion on this forum several months ago that Oswald may have been giving anti-Castro speeches/demonstrations in Dallas before he moved to New Orleans, then found some evidence which contradicted that and publicly stated on this forum that I now believe that Oswald was giving pro-Castro ("Viva Fidel") speeches in Big D, instead. But to no avail, as PT had already glommed onto my mistake and incorporated it into his Edwin Walker "unified field theory." I find it Interesting how true iconoclasts are unable admit their own gullibility and the spoiled fruits thereof. At least I can detect and admit my own mistakes. Well...., sometimes!
  8. I don't know what you think my "problems" are considering you replied that I also "use the Internet." Your problems lie in the fact that you have multiple blogs claiming (with a straight face) that your uncle was the Zodiac Killer, that you met the Washington snipers, that you sent a letter to President Kennedy warning him that he was going to be assassinated by people from your backward town, and that you met the 9/11 hijackers when they were hiring crop dusters in Canada... Pretty simple really. Lee, Yep. That's it in a nut shell. --Tommy
  9. John, Interesting post. I think you might be on to something regarding the old post office AKA the Terminal Annex Building, where, interestingly enough, Holmes worked and where, I've heard, several federal offices (for example ONI) were situated. --Tommy
  10. John, just read the following article from 1996 issue of American History magazine. -Nashville radiologist Dr. Randy Robertson asserts that it is clear from the x-rays and the placement of five specific skull pieces that Kennedy was hit twice, almost simultaneously - once from behind and then from the front. Speaking at the October 1995 COPA conference, Robertson went so far as to suggest that Bethesda's Dr. Finck and Dr. Humes lied in their Warren Commission testimony.- George Harry D. Holmes as the Dealey Plaza Post office representative of the CIA-FBI mail interception program (identified by Robert as CIA-FBI mail-interception program code named HT/LINGUAL [CIA] or Project HUNTER [FBI]. ) while reporting the Time magazine as being addressed to Oswalds Post Box he had opened a month previously (indicating that Oswald had notified the magazine of this change of address) also reported that in his interview with Oswald, that Oswald had stated that as a result of moving so much he did NOT announce changes of address but instead depended on the redirections for his mail to reach him. So, for some reason he considered it important to let Time magazine know he had opened a new mail box. Yet the apparent lack of use of the box (as indicated by Harry on inspecting it for dust) indicates mail was not being redirected to it. Dunno what it means , but its just another curious little thing about Harry. He had a fantastic memory yet couldn't remember key events. He was off to his regular church visit on sunday, yet on arriving there told his wife he might pop down to the Police station instead, where Fritz just happened to whisper an invitation to join the interview. As a result of his participation, the interview went over time, Ruby got into position and Oswald was shot. He was the only person to watch the assassination through binoculars, yet saw very little. He wandered around the site afterwards and picked up a piece of Kennedy and discarded it, yet he was an ex dental/medical student and should have recognised what it was. He managed to keep an open line to Washington when others were having difficulties. He managed to 'lose' part of the post box application form, lied to the WC about Post Office manual procedures to explain it, yet was never questioned about this again. He was an FBI informant, yet spoke negatively about them. He was the final authority with regards to the agencies discounting reports of a shot from the post office. These and other curiosities makes Harry one of the most least investigated people connected to the asassination. The general, apart from very few other comments, opinion of this seems to be summed up by a post stating an opinion that "I don't think there's anything fishy about the guy." Excellent post, John. I wonder how possible it would have been to hit Kennedy from the Terminal Annex Building without hitting Jackie. --Tommy
  11. Edwin, No. They are Hunt or Holt, Harrelson, and Rogers or unknown Corsican. Or Doyle, Gedney, and Whathisname.and whatshisname. Anyone but Sturgis. LOL --Tommy Mr. Graves, could you please provide your evidence? Dear Blair, Evidence? What evidence? LOL You mean evidence that Sturgis wasn't one of them? (Hard to prove a negative.) Or evidence that the old tramp might have been E. Howard Hunt or might have been Chauncey Holt or might have been a real bum? Or evidence that "Frenchy" might have been Charles Rogers or a Corsican hitman or a real bum by the name of Harold Doyle? Or evidence that the that the tall tramp was Charles Voyd Harrelson or yet another real bum? Evidence............? I don't want to sound too defensive but let me ask you Blair. Who do you think the three tramps were? Do you have "evidence?" Sincerely, --Tommy nice xxxxx. this equates to "i know you are but what am I?" I didn't make a claim that they were "Steve "the Bunny" Fontaine, Chester Frommage and Jerry Phlemitus Jr"...you did. you said they were all of the above. it's all of them. so, show your biometric evidence, show your "theory". it's three bums. I say the three bums are Ed Lansdale, Leslie Groves and Leslie Nielson. It's obvious. They were driven there by George Bush and Marylin Monroe in the rambler with the muddy fenders and flown out of redbird by David Ferry...who was dressed like a duck at the time. i will post up some pictures with coloured lines and captions that show this to be true. why do i say this? because that's really how relevant the three tramps discussion is. Blair, Please read it again. I didn't say "all, " I said "or". Thank you, --Tommy (emphasis added in the original for the benefit of Blair Dobson)
  12. Edwin, No. They are Hunt/Holt, Harrelson, and Rogers/unknown Corsican. Or Doyle, Gedney, and Whathisname. Anyone but Sturgis. LOL --Tommy Mr. Graves, could you please provide your evidence? Dear Blair, Evidence? What evidence? LOL You mean evidence that Sturgis wasn't one of them? (Hard to prove a negative.) Or evidence that the old tramp might have been E. Howard Hunt or might have been Chauncey Holt or might have been a real bum? Or evidence that "Frenchy" might have been Charles Rogers or a Corsican hitman or a real bum by the name of Harold Doyle? Or evidence that the that the tall tramp was Charles Voyd Harrelson or yet another real bum? Those are my best guesses. Evidence............? I don't want to sound too defensive but let me ask you Blair. Who do you think the three tramps were? Do you have "evidence?" Sincerely, --Tommy
  13. Edwin, No. They are Hunt/Holt, Harrelson, and Rogers/unknown Corsican. Or Doyle, Gedney, and Whathisname. Anyone but Sturgis. LOL --Tommy
  14. So what are we accusing Frazier of doing now, Jim? Trying to frame Oswald for overconsumption? No Sean, for not eating enough. --Tommy
  15. Sean, IMHO one little thing that undermines Frazier's overall credibility a wee bit is the fact that when he asked Oswald on 11/21/63 why Oswald wanted to go to Irving that evening, Oswald told him that he wanted to pick up some curtain rods. Then on the morning of the very next day Frazier saw the package on the back seat and instead of saying, "Are those the curtain rods you told me about yesterday, Lee?," had to ask Oswald what was in the package! --Tommy
  16. Len, In my humble opinion Mr. Josephs is just trying to divert attention away from the inconvenient fact that the photos he posted, due to their dubious varying "qualities" and the difficult-to-identify nature of the subject matter (hands from a distance), are inconclusive as to whether or not all the hands in the photos are from the same person (Oswald). All along Mr. Josephs has basically been saying, "Since I and a lot of other people believe that the backyard photos are fake, the hands in the backyard photos must belong to someone other than Oswald. The hands in the BYP look really different to me because I know they can't possibly be Oswald's hands. Trust me folks, the hands in the BYP aren't Oswald's! See, the fingers are fatter in that there fuzzy-wuzzy photograph! All you have to do is believe and then you'll "see" them the way I do!" The fact that Mr. Josephs keeps trying to turn the tables on me by demanding that I present evidence that all the hands in the photos he posted are Oswald's indicates to me that he doesn't have a clue about the meaning of the word "inconclusive." --Tommy
  17. Validate the historical plausibility of her account? Absolutely amazing example of hubris and/or the wanton butchery of the English language. --Tommy
  18. "Repeatedly" LOL Tommy NEVER said such a thing, Prove me wrong, cite when he did. Proved wrong... Dear Mr. Josephs, "Fake" in the sense of "not Oswald's." duh Best regards, --Tommy PS: Edited and color coded once again for your benefit.
  19. Dear Mr. Josephs, At least try to get it straight. I never said I think that the hands match, nor did I ever say I think that the backyard photos are genuine. What I did say, in so many words, is that it's impossible to determine from the photos you posted whether or not all of the hands are from the same person, in this case Lee Harvey Oswald. What's so hard for you to understand about that? Sincerely, --Tommy bump
  20. "Repeatedly" LOL Tommy NEVER said such a thing, Prove me wrong, cite when he did. Mr. Colby, HOW DARE YOU insist that David be held accountable for his inaccurate accusations? The gall! LOL --Tommy
  21. Dear Mr. Josephs, At least try to get it straight. I never said I think that the hands match, nor did I ever say I think that the backyard photos are genuine. What I did say, in so many words, is that it's impossible to determine from the photos you posted whether or not all of the hands are from the same person, in this case Lee Harvey Oswald. What's so hard for you to understand about that? Sincerely, --Tommy
  22. It's truly amazin' Gacey to be so, well, hmmm... Con-connected! and yes, yes in-the-no-no --Tommy
  23. SOP for davie jo when his teat is in the wringer...run away...fast. Not only that he did so without ever addressing the topic of this thread. He made a claim but cries foul and tosses out insults when asked to defend it. The way I see it, DJ was originally hoping that the members of the forum would uncritically accept his conclusion about the hands not being Oswald's in order to bolster the assertion that the backyard photos are fake (and bolster his reputation as well?). But, when asked to specify exactly what is different about the hands, all he could say was that the fingers in one of the photos were "fatter" than in the others, disregarding the fact that that blown-up photo's resolution is fuzzy. The only other thing he has said, lamely, in support of his original assertion is that the hands in the backyard photos can't be Oswald's because of the overwhelming evidence that the photos are fake. IMHO, that's begging the question at it's finest. But I gotta compliment him on one thing. In his original post about "the hands" on the How Many Rifles thread, he said that the hands in the BYP and in the photos taken of Oswald after he was arrested "simply do not match," but in a recent posted reply to me he wrote only that the hands don't seem to match. So I guess he is making progress of sorts. Mr. Josephs says he wonders why I'm so doggone tenacious (he didn't put it exactly that way but that's the gist of it) on this question about the hands. Well, all I can say is that as far as I'm concerned, none of us just look the other way and allow, without comment, other LN or CT "researchers" to flout their unsupportable conclusions (especially those that involve the posting of "dramatic" photographs), no matter how much we may want to agree with them overall. --Tommy
  24. Dear Mr. Josephs, You're making some progress. At least now you're using the word "seem." Keep up the good work, --Tommy
  25. Michael, I believe that Terri is a national treasure source of "information" seein' as how she just seems to be peripherally connected to so darn many interesting and dangerous people! Amazing! Truly amazing! --Tommy
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