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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Len, Couldn't it have been knocked out of alignment (by being bumped against a full box of books, etc) after it was fired? Just an idea. --Tommy
  2. Bernice, would you mind linking us to the video which that was taken from? I do not see that in my Nix film, although I will admit that it is not the greatest copy. What I do see however, are a lot of little white dots like that, scattered throughout the frames, appearing and then disappearing in the next frame. And because your GIF has been darkened, I can't tell whether those dots were actually moving or are fixed in the background. That should be much easier to see in the original video. One thing I do see in my copy of the film, is that the head was driven slightly forward when the bullet struck - just as we see in the Zapruder film. Robert, I like your theory and I want to believe it, but I don't understand why JFK's head wasn't driven farther forward in Zapruder and Nix during the approximate half-second interval between the two head shots. Thanks, --Tommy
  3. Lee I think this crystal clear stabilized GIF from Chris Davidson is the last nail in the coffin for Cinque and co, regarding the whole Robert De Niro scenario. Click on thumbnail to start the animation Robin, Chris, Lee-- In Chris' GIF crystal clear "attached thumbnail" animated video in post #122, it looks like the edge of Lovelady's shirt is sticking out a bit from his collar to his chest, indicating that it might be unbuttoned (although his t-shirt isn't quite visible at that angle). Any way to look at this "frame by frame"? Thanks, --Tommy
  4. Where was Jack Ruby around 4 PM on Saturday afternoon? Maybe he was "captured" in this video? --Tommy
  5. Robin, It's interesting that he left out the possibility that Lovelady lied on 3/02/64 (or new idea: was honestly mistaken) about which shirt he had worn more than three months earlier on 11/22/63. --Tommy
  6. Robin, Excellent post. I knew I'd read that somewhere. I've got a feeling that, despite his tendency to rant and rave and insult people, deep down inside Dr. Fetzer is a rational person, a wonderful human being, and true gentleman and won't mind apologizing to all of us, publicly, on this forum. --Tommy
  7. Robin, I agree. What the memo suggests is that the FBI didn't "ask" him if they could photograph him until he'd already arrived at their office. This implies that he didn't know he was going to be photographed until he got there, so he wore his short sleeved, red and white vertically-striped shirt (his favorite one?) and a t-shirt probably because it was a comfortable combination for that March day. Since it would have been an inconvenience for all parties concerned for Lovelady to go home and return to the FBI office with his heavy, long sleeved, checkered "doorman" shirt (which he wore with a t-shirt on 11/22/63), either he or the FBI agents (as you suggest) lied about it and falsely claimed that the lighter, short sleeved, red and white vertically-striped shirt was the one he'd worn to work on 11/22/63. [Edit: Perhaps by 3/02/64 Lovelady had forgotten that he'd worn the checkered shirt on 11/22/63, and thought he'd worn the red and white striped shirt instead.] However, when Lovelady went to work early in the morning on 11/22/63, it was a cold, gusty, potentially rainy day. A check of the kind of upper garment most men were wearing in Dallas on 11/22/63 reveals that very few of them were wearing short sleeved shirts. The vast majority of the men were wearing something a bit warmer like a suit coat, a sport coat, a long sleeved shirt (most likely with a t-shirt underneath it), a casual "sports" jacket, a windbreaker, or a raincoat. --Tommy
  8. Robin, I'm going to play devil's advocate for a second. Assuming that Lovelady did tell the FBI on 3/02/64 that he was wearing the same shirt he'd worn to the TSBD on 11/22/63, what kind of "evidence" or "proof" would you expect to find that Lovelady had told them that, other than the FBI's stating it in a memo describing that 3/02/64 event? OK, back to my regular angelic self now, and I'm wondering if the FBI somehow just expected Lovelady to wear whichever shirt he was wearing on 11/22/63 to their office on 3/02/64. I suppose it's possible that they just assumed that he would, and Lovelady threw them a curve ball by wearing, perhaps, a more comfortable shirt for that day. It makes no sense that Lovelady would have worn a short sleeved shirt (even with a t-shirt) to work on 11/22/63 because that early morning was cold, windy, and possibly still rainy. Did he wear a jacket to work that day with his short sleeved shirt? I've never heard that he did, so I don't think so. Instead, I believe that he wore his heavy, long sleeved, "checkered" shirt over a t-shirt. A good combination for a cold, blustery, (and probably wet) early morning on 11/22/63... --Tommy
  9. Pat, I did report it several days ago. I'm talking about Fetzer's post on the "New Proof..." thread in which he said Robin was intentionally making false allegations to deceive forum members. At that time I clicked on the "Report" button under that post and wrote out my complaint and sent it. Is that not the correct way to report something here? Thank you, --Tommy
  10. Dear Dr. Fetzer, It seems to me that you're calling Robin Unger a xxxx here. I thought it was against Forum rules for one member to call another member a xxxx. Sincerely and respectfully, --Tommy bump
  11. Robin, Lovelady told Mr. Ball of the Warren Commission that he ate his lunch while sitting on the steps near Bill Shelley and Sarah Stanton. Ball then asked him if he'd "stayed" on the steps, and Lovelady said "yes." Ball asked him, "Were you there when the President's motorcade went by?" and Lovelady said "right." Ball didn't ask Lovelady if he was still sitting down when the president's limo passed by and Lovelady didn't volunteer the information, but it's reasonable to assume that he continued sitting down, eating his lunch, only until the motorcade turned the corner at Main and Houston, at which time he stood up out of respect to JFK and Jackie and to see over the heads of the people standing in front of him. If Lovelady sat on the steps for several minutes near Shelley, that could explain why Shelley recalled him sitting on the steps, before the motorcade passed by. --Tommy
  12. Excellent post, Greg. I would add one more. Question: How do we know that Lovelady's head wasn't spliced onto Oswald's shirt in Altgens 6? Answer: It isn't Oswald's shirt in Altgens 6, it's Lovelady's (note the three horizontal white stripes and the two black ones). And it isn't Oswald's head, it's Lovelady's (note the "widow's peak" on his forehead and the prominent cheek bones, etc). Anyway, as Lindsay pointed out, why substitute someone who looks a lot like Oswald for Oswald? T --Tommy
  13. Thanks Larry, I guess I'm "paranoid" enough to think that they were already in the Dealey Plaza area when the assassination went down, that the may have changed clothes somewhere (perhaps in the boxcar), and actually wanted to be "detained" so they could "escort" at least one bad cop or fake cop out of the crime scene and so they themselves could spend a couple days in jail, out of sight. The "Landsdale" character's passing between them and the chain link fence is also very interesting. Thanks, --Tommy
  14. Hey Len, That's not fair. Dr. Fetzer wrote that eleven years ago and a lot of things have been altered since then. Don't you understand that Oswald was running back and forth from the steps to the lunchroom? LOL --Tommy
  15. [...] The nonsense that the tramps were E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis got a lot of press in past decades, but that false identification fizzled out. (For one thing, Hunt was clearly taller than Sturgis, but with the tramps, the alleged 'Hunt' tramp was clearly shorter than the alleged 'Sturgis' tramp). [...] Dear Paul, Frank Sturgis? I didn't for a second think that the tall tramp was FranK Sturgis. (Sounds like you're referring to the book Coup de Etat in America.) I'm much more inclined to believe that the tall tramp was Charles V. Harrelson and that "Frenchy" was Charles Rogers. Frank Sturgis?? LOL! Warmest Regards, --Tommy
  16. Larry, Maybe I'm confused, but if the three tramps were involved in the conspiracy, wouldn't they have gotten into a boxcar that was already in the railway yard behind the TSBD? And right after the assassination rather than before it? In other words, in an attempt to flee the crime scene rather than to come to it after the fact, by train? Thanks, --Tommy
  17. Lindsay, Excellent point. It would have been counter productive for the bad guys to replace Oswald's image in Altgens 6 with someone who strongly resembled Oswald because by doing so they would have risked inadvertently convincing everyone that Oswald was innocent. Therefore, the fact that Lovelady did strongly resemble Oswald argues against the bad guys' having substituted him for Oswald in Altgens 6. On those grounds alone, it is very probable that it was Lovelady in Altgens 6 all along. --Tommy PS: Unless, of course, Lovelady shot JFK while Oswald was watching the motorcade from the TSBD steps.... (OMG, I wish I hadn't said that...)
  18. Thanks again, Larry. Do you give any credence to the report (or rumor) that the three tramps were found in a boxcar that had some explosives in it? --Tommy
  19. Thanks, Larry. Do you think there's any evidence that suggests that gun running (storage/transshipping) was taking place at the TSBD building? Tommy
  20. Larry, I gotta ask: Do you think it's possible that LHO was the one who was providing the 112th Army Intelligence unit with info about the "gun-prospecting" activities of anti-Castro Cubans in Dallas? Thanks, --Tommy bump
  21. Dear Dr. Fetzer, Don't you agree that it's absolutely, mind-bogglingly amazing-beyond-absurdity, incredible that "central casting" was able to come up with a Lovelady Imposter who looked so much like the real deal? Amazing, absolutely amazing! --Tommy
  22. Dear Dr. Fetzer, As I've already pointed out to you, different camera angles and/or different lenses (i.e., different focal lengths) make the same person appear different. And, as I've also pointed out to you, Lovelady was smoking when Martin caught him on film. If you look closely at the clip, you'll see that Lovelady exhales through his mouth and/or coughs after taking a puff on his cigarette, both of which actions would contort his face somewhat, thereby making him look even more "different." Sincerely and respectfully, --Tommy
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