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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Tom, Harold Weisberg does not tell us the age of this fourth Jack (John) Martin in New Orleans in 1968, four and a half years after the JFK assassination. Let's say, hypothetically, that he was a teenager in 1963. Is it possible that he also served under General Walker in the Army? I ask this because the description of the film-taker is that he served under General Walker. The US Army will only accept teenagers who are 18 and 19. But this Jack Martin would have had to serve under General Walker, and THEN be discharged from the Army, and STILL be a teenager in order to qualify as having served under General Walker and also be a teenager in the summer of 1963, when this film was taken. So, how old was this Jack Martin that Harold Weisberg described in 1968? Best regards, --Paul Trejo If anyone were to take the time to read pages 3 and 60 of the HSCA document that Mr. Scully has pointed out, a "John T. Martin" was already 17 years old, a Minuteman, and living in Minneapolis when an unnamed Minuteman in Missouri found approximately 400 Minuteman membership cards (including one for this John T. Martin) in the national headquarters' trash, and turned them in to the FBI on December 10, 1965. http://www.maryferre...629&relPageId=3 http://www.maryferre...29&relPageId=60 Do the math and you'll see that this John T. Martin was 14 or 15 in August of 1963, and do some more math and figure out how old he would be today. FWIW, according to one of those "internet background search" websites, there is a John Thomas Martin, apparently of the appropriate age, living in Minnesota today. --Tommy P.S. I wonder if the Minuteman John T. Martin was a "junior"? Because, like they say: "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" (or something like that).
  2. David, I think LHO was described over the years as being either 5' 9" or 5' 10", usually the former. Marguerite Oswald said that her son LHO never weighed more than 150 lbs his whole life. Regarding Armstrong's "Lee," the document you posted says 71 inches (5' 11") and 150 lbs, not the 165 lbs you mention, so said document partially refutes the point you're trying to make. I got the following from "Endgame in Mexico City" by Bill Simpich on Joe Backes website. New Orleans FBI agent John Quigley wrote a memo about LHO and sent it to CIA on September 24, 1963 (but it wasn't received by CIA until October 4th). In the memo Quigley wrote that Oswald was: "Not five ten, five nine, not 165, 140, not light wavy brown hair, takes [sic] the wavy out, not blue eyes, blue-hazel eyes." I'm pretty sure Quigley got this accurate description of LHO (five-nine, 140 lbs) from Ozzie's Office of Naval Intelligence files http://webcache.goog...lient=firefox-a --Tommy
  3. So if I understand you, you believe that Madeleine lied about the party, but no matter, we're supposed to believe that Johnson called her up to tell her that JFK was going to get it. Are there other things from Madeline besides the party that we shouldn't believe? Maybe her claim that she and Lyndon stayed at the La Valencia hotel in La Jolla, California back in the day? (That's hard for me to believe.) --Tommy
  4. Douglas, Any idea why the White House Plumbers would have wanted to eliminate international drug traffickers? Thanks, --Tommy It was Nixon's war so-called on drugs. Here is a link to an article about it. Below the link are relevant excerpts from the article: http://www.druglibra.../~jnr/nixon.htm There was, though, a hidden agenda. Nixon wanted all along to have his own private security agency, beyond the control of the FBI, the CIA or any other official government body, which could investigate leaks, tap phones and gather intelligence on his internal and external opponents G. Gordon Liddy came up with the brilliant idea that the best way to do this was to establish the agency under the cloak of the war on drugs. Who, after all, would complain if a little illegality was indulged in the cause of protecting the families of US from the plague of heroin? Nixon ordered John Ehrlichman and Egil Krogh to establish this unit which was to be called the Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement The Watergate conspirators who came to be known as "the plumbers" - Liddy and Krogh, who had been leading figures in the administration's drugs war, Howard Hunt, who was brought in from the CIA, and others - were assembled, a preliminary version of this putative anti-narcotics agency. Krogh, the official co-ordinator of Nixon's war on drugs, was also, in his unofficial capacity, the head of "the plumbers" who organised the Watergate break-in Liddy, the most colourful and notorious of "the plumbers", was Krogh's assistant. Hunt was a consultant on the drug problem to the president's Domestic Council. Essentially, Nixon's covert criminals and his drug warriors were one and same. As Edward Jay Epstein put it in his remarkable 1977 investigation, Agency of Fear, "the new opiate war provided the perfect cover for this seizure of power" The weird thing is that long after these people were found out and sent to jail, the rhetoric and imagery which they had pioneered in the manipulation of the drugs issue retained its power Douglas, That makes perfect sense. Thanks, --Tommy
  5. Douglas, Any idea why the White House Plumbers would have wanted to eliminate international drug traffickers? Thanks, --Tommy
  6. Larry, Regarding the fact that Rose Cheramie mentioned a "Pete Vallone" and the fact that the police report said the Vallone family of Houston was heavily involved in narcotics, white slavery, and other criminal activity--- It's interesting that, according to the once-secret Federal Bureau of Narcotics' Mafia Book, the sister of one of Joe Civello's main mafia associates was married to Joseph Vincent Vallone, whose father, Vincent Vallone Sr., was reputed to be a Houston mafioso who died in a 1949 mafia-style Houston murder. The associate of Joe Civello whose sister was married to Joseph Vincent Vallone was none other than Dallas mafioso Joseph Ianni. According to the Mafia Book, Ianni was a big time Dallas narcotics trafficker and was associated with Joe Civello of Dallas and Rocco Pellegringno of Westchester County, New York, among others. Ianni's sister, Frances Ianni, married Joseph Vincent Vallone (d. 1972 in Houston), whose father, Vincent Vallone, Sr., was mentioned in the May 1, 1959 Kefauver Report: V. The importance of Carlos Marcello in New Orleans rackets [...] Whether or not he [Carlos Marcello] and his brother Anthony had boats running narcotics into New Orleans, it is a fact that Marcello had served time for dope peddling among other things and had asked and been refused a Presidential pardon. Toll calls connected Marcello with Harry Brooks, close associate of Mickey Cohen, Joe Civello, narcotics violator, and Sam Yarras, brother of Chicago hoodlum Dave Yarras, a prominent figure in the fight between the "mob" wire service and Continental Press. Also in touch with Marcello was Charles Gordon, a main cog in a national football betting syndicate. Carlos talked over the phone to one Vincent Vallone just before the latter was murdered [in 1949] in Houston, Tex., in a Mafia-type killing. [...] http://www.onewal.com/kef/kef3b.html According to the following website, Vincent Vallone, Sr. was murdered in 1949 and was a Capo in the Piranio branch of the mafia, based in Dallas. It also says that in 1938 he had an indictment dismissed in Federal Court for conspiracy to violate narcotics laws: http://www.findagrav...r&GRid=29119450 Someone has blogged that Vincent Vallone (Sr.) was a Capo of the Houston mafia. http://webcache.goog...reads.php?ubb=s Regarding Joseph Ianni's sister, interested researchers can google: "Frances Ianni Vallone" --Tommy
  7. Stuart, Where will I find the word "restrictions"? Thanks, --Tommy http://www.nara.gov/...533/jfksnew.txt Thanks Lee, I hadn't looked down the page far enough to see it. BTW, Here's an interesting looking one. It's an "unclassified" intelligence report from 11/27/1959 which is in "referred" status in restrictions but not "postponed in full": http://www.nara.gov/...533/jfksnew.txt I wonder what someone in USA Intelligence in Finland had to say (or ask) about Jack Ruby in 1959, just six weeks after Oswald had left Helsinki for Russia?. --Tommy
  8. Stuart, Where will I find the word "restrictions"? Thanks, --Tommy
  9. You're welcome, Ian. Regarding the 1959 Plymouth Ruth Paine allegedly owned in 1967, I found the following post by Dave Reitzes which was originally posted on alt.assassination: https://groups.googl...jfk/0oNjn6bcN_Q "On an undetermined date in October 1963, Michael and Ruth Paine took Oswald to look at a used car that was for sale by one of Michael's co-workers, George Stephenson. It was a two-toned, blue and white Oldsmobile. At a slightly later date, Michael Paine purchased Stephenson's blue and white Oldsmobile for $200, writing two separate checks for $100 each from his account at Southwest Bank & Trust Co. The following day he wrote a $200 check to this account from a separate account at Irving Bank & Trust Co. This second check was presumably to cover the first two; both bank accounts were in Michael Paine's name, and both were checking accounts; the Paines had a joint savings account. The FBI asked Stephenson what the reason for this was. Stephenson said Paine told him he wrote the two $100 checks to avoid the sales tax on vehicles costing $200 or more. After days [sic] before or after the beginning of November, a friend of Michael's by the name of Raymond Krystinik drove Paine to Stephenson's house, followed Paine as he drove the blue and white Oldsmobile to the Paine house (where Krystinik briefly met Marina Oswald), then drove Michael back to work at the Bell Helicopter Laboratory in Arlington, where [Michael] Paine's Citroen was parked. Krystinik didn't ask why the Paines needed a third car. When asked by the Warren Commission why he bought the Oldsmobile, Michael Paine replied that he wanted to demonstrate to the Oswalds that the purchase of a car was within their means. When asked the same question, Ruth Paine said it was to be a spare vehicle in case her husband's broke down. The Commission did not ask her why, then, Michael's spare vehicle was being kept at the house where Ruth lived, not at Michael's apartment; the Paines were separated until shortly after the assassination. While testifying at a grand jury hearing during the Jim Garrison investigation in 1967, Ruth Paine said the car was purchased for spare parts. The Dallas Police Department was unusually curious about this car. When they examined it in December 1963 they noted it had no tags. In January 1965, the DPD observed a tag on the vehicle, but were unable to trace its registration. In May 1965, the DPD noted that the car had a new tag, which was properly registered to the Paines. The police paid another visit to the Paine house in 1967 to inquire about the Oldsmobile; now it was gone, replaced with a 1959 white Plymouth station wagon. There is no record of why exactly the Dallas Police had taken such an interest in the blue and white Oldsmobile (Information on the Paines' vehicles from Carol Hewett, "Ruth and Michael Paine's Mystery Car")." ------------------------------------------------------------------ So, in 1964 Michael Paine lamely testified at the WC that he owned a Citroen and the above-mentioned (1956) Oldsmobile, which he'd bought in early November 1963 for $200 just to show the Oswalds how "within their reach" a car was for them, and how (Ozzie's?) "driving was something to be sought." Liebelier asked him, "In addition to the ($200) Oldsmobile that you mentioned, you personally own a Citroen automobile and your wife owns a station wagon, is that correct?" To which Paine replied, "That is correct." I wish Liebelier hadn't put the words in MP's mouth, but had simply asked him about the number and kind of cars that he and Ruth owned in 1964. As is written in the Reitzes post above, Ruth Paine testified to the WC that the ($200) Oldsmobile station wagon was "a spare car" for Michael. But three years later, "While testifying at a grand jury hearing during the Jim Garrison investigation in 1967, Ruth Paine said that the [$200 Oldsmobile] car was purchased for spare parts." If that's the case, did MP own another Oldsmobile that he didn't fess up to? I doubt it. He had a Citroen and he lived in an apartment. So, now I'm starting to wonder, could you really use Oldsmobile parts in a Citroen or a 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air "Beauville" station wagon (which I'm convinced is what RP owned in 1963) back in the day? It seems as though Ruth Paine couldn't keep her stories straight as to why Michael had bought the '56 Olds. I suspect that he bought it for Oswald to drive and that Ozzie had agreed to pay him back in "affordable" monthly installments. But I digress. What I'm really interested in right now is if Ruth Paine owned a 1959 green and white Plymouth station wagon in 1967 and either loaned it to Michael or was visiting him on June 7, 1967 when the two DPD guys spotted it at Michaels house. Or did she own a white one in 1967, instead? Or both? Or neither? http://jfk.ci.dallas...30/3029-001.gif --Tommy
  10. Ian, Nice find! It's a bit too much of a coincidence for me that, according to the DPD document, 1) the license plates were off by only one letter, 2) both license plates were for eight-year-old 1959 Plymouths, 3) both cars were registered to people in the same part of Texas, and 4) that one of the cars was spotted by DPD Criminal Intelligence police/detectives at the house of the estranged husband of the other car (Ruth Paine). I wonder if this car was particularly "suspicious looking" to those two guys, or if they reported all cars they saw at Michael Paine's house. Also very interesting is the fact that DPD Criminal Intelligence was surveilling Michael Paine's house as late as June, 1967. FWIW, the handwriting at the bottom of the document looks like patrolman A. J. Carroll Jr.'s. Somehow, the styling of a 1959 Plymouth with its huge fins doesn't seem like the kind of car Ruth Paine would drive (unless of course it was a station wagon with a luggage rack. Hmmm, they do kinda look like Rambler station wagons...). If it really was Ruth Paine's car, could it be that Michael drove it and it was just registered in Ruth's name? It's also interesting that in 1967 Ruth and Michael were (apparently) living only two blocks away from each other on the same street. _______________________________________________________________________________ Here are some images of three 1959 Plymouth "Savoys." (If they aren't visible here, click on the link and scroll about 2/3 of the way down.) http://www.allpar.co...outh/savoy.html "1959 saw the Savoy become the base model in the Plymouth camp, with the Plaza having been discontinued." _____________________________________________________________________________________ From a Wikipedia article on Plymouth (Automobiles): http://en.wikipedia....i/Plymouth_Fury "In 1959, Plymouth introduced the Sport Fury as its top model, and the Fury as its second from the top model to replace the Plymouth Belvedere at the top of the regular Plymouth line-up. In doing so, the Fury range now contained sedans and station wagons as well as a hardtop coupe and sedan, while the Sport Fury series had only a 2-door hardtop and convertible. The Sport Fury was dropped at the end of 1959, but was reintroduced in mid-1962." Edit: Here's an even better website about 1959 Plymouths: http://www.allpar.co.../cars-1959.html From yet another website, scroll down to the 18th, 23rd, 39th, etc photos from the top to see a green 1959 Plymouth station wagon with a luggage rack: http://www.flickrive.../tags/plymouth/ IMHO, the 1959 "Fury" and "Belvedere" models looked a lot like the 1959 base-model "Savoy" (four headlights, big rear fins, etc). The "Dart" and "Valiant" models weren't introduced until 1960. Thanks, --Tommy P.S. Have I missed anything, William King?
  11. In Egypt: Protestors In Egypt Denounce President's 'Power Grab' : NPR www.npr.org › News › World › Africa 21 hours ago – Huge crowds thronged Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square on Tuesday voicing their opposition to what they see as a power grab by President ...... In the U.S. - Top-25 College Basketball Game Capsules In-Depth -Chicago Tribune-Nov 14, 2012 Dear Moderator Scully, This thread shouldn't even be in the "JFK Assassination Debate" part of the Education Forum. It should be in "Political Conspiracies" or "Political Discussions", instead. But then again it wouldn't be seen nearly as much, would it now? --Tommy P.S. What do the other moderators think?
  12. Robert, Regarding the HSCA document to which you refer in the last part of your post #12 (in this thread, above), it's #24 in the NARA "hit list" for (standard search) "Cheramie." http://www.nara.gov/...766/jfksnew.txt --Tommy
  13. Robert, I don't know if anyone has already brought this to your attention, but the bar that Ruby owned on S. Ervay in Dallas was called the Silver Spur, not the Silver Slipper. The following is from a 11/25/63 FBI interview of Jack Ruby: http://www.aarclibra...llCRay_Ex_1.pdf [...] He [Jack Ruby] worked around Chicago helping his brother EARL in a mail order business until he moved to Dallas, Texas, in June, 1947 . His sister, EVA GRANT, was living in Dallas . He and EVA opened a nightclub known as the Singapore Club at 1717 S. Ervay and he worked there. Late in 1947, he returned to Chicago for a few weeks but his sister, EVA GRANT, called for him to come back to Dallas to help her so he returned. They changed the name of the Singapore Club to the Silver Spur and he resumed working there. He lived in a room at 1719 1/2 S. Ervay while working at the Silver Spur. In 1952, he took over the Bob Wills Ranch House Club, located at Corinth and Industrial Streets, and operated both places for a short time, but soon went broke and lost both clubs. MARTY GIMPLE, who is now dead, and WILLIE EPSTEIN, who now lives in New York City and with his father operates a millinery manufacturing shop, assumed some of the debts and took over the Silver Spur. He went back to Chicago but did not like living there so after a month or two he decided to return to Dallas because he owed a lot of money to people in Dallas and was depressed about this and wanted to return to Dallas and make some money and pay off his debts. After returning to Dallas, he took the Silver Spur Club back from GIMLPLE and EPSTEIN as by that time they were happy to get rid of it. [... ] --Tommy
  14. Admittedly the sentences above are among the weaker parts of my theory. Harry Dean reported that he attended a meeting in which WW2 hero Guy Gabaldon was given a briefcase full of money by high-ranking leaders of the JBS, including ex-General Edwin Walker, to guide Loran Hall and Lawrence Howard in a plot to keep Lee Harvey Oswald in a position where he could be easily manipulated. That is empirical evidence for Harry -- he was there. However, Harry admits that he can only surmise that Loran Hall and Larry Howard were "Leopoldo" and "Angel". There were so many plots to kill JFK -- and so many rich rightists throwing money at all these plots -- that it is difficult to know where one ends and the other begins. It remains possible that the Guy Gabaldon plot failed -- but other people in other plots were grafted onto the original Walker plot. It is entirely possible that Sylvia Odio's two visitors, "Leonardo" and "Angel" were two other Latinos than Loran Hall and Larry Howard, and this would not necessarily contradict Harry Dean's statement at all -- after all, Harry didn't claim to be at Sylvio Odio's doorstep on Wednesday 24 September 1963. That is, any two rightist Latinos could have replaced Loran Hall and Larry Howard at Sylvia Odio's doorstep, as far as I can tell, and then driven Oswald to Mexico. The ground-crew probably consisted of a hundred people - not just a dozen. None of this contradicts Harry Dean's account. I say this because: (1) Sylvia Odio did not (or would not) identify photographs of Loran Hall and Larry Howard as "Leopoldo" and "Angel"; and (2) Claudia Furiarti said that two Cuban Exiles, the Sampol brothers, were probably Sylvia's visitors that day. I don't know the actual facts -- but I just want to say that whoever "Leopoldo" and "Angel" turn out to be, Harry Dean's account still stands, as it stands in a class by itself. I will add that two Warren Commission witnesses said that they saw two men in the 6th floor of the TSBD building at noon on 22 November 1963, where one was lighter-skinned and the other was darker-skinned. That description matches descriptions for "Leonoardo" and "Angel," as well. Later, as many of us know, DPD cop Roger Craig saw a dark-skinned Latino leave the TSBD building after the shooting, and then in a Green Rambler, saw the same dark-skinned man (along with a lighter-skinned man) pick up Lee Harvey Oswald minutes later. For his troubles, Roger Craig was shot, bombed and died a violent death. Where these two men "Leopoldo" and "Angel"? If so, were they Hall and Howard, or the Sampol brothers? We don't know yet -- and still Harry Dean's account retains the ring of truth. Best regards, --Paul Trejo Paul, If Hall was not the "Leopoldo" at Silvia Odio's apartment, I think Bernardo De Torres is a good candidate because he was a tall, thin Cuban with a strangely-receding hairline. I might be wrong, but I don't think Roger Craig said he saw a dark-complected man actually leaving the TSBD. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks, --Tommy
  15. Paul, I found the list in an excellent article by forum member David Boylan: http://www.yasni.it/...other&showads=1 It points out that Larry Howard was Gerry Hemming's #2 man in Interpen, and that Howard eventually became the leader of the group. Interesting statement: "Howard, Seymour and friends along with fifty of Rolando Masferrer's men from New York, spent the summer of 1963 preparing to overthrow "Papa Doc" Duvalier in Haiti." (emphasis added) Also: "Tony Varona thought Larry Howard was double-crossing him because of Howard's relationship with Rolando Masferrer." --Tommy P.S. If Hall was accompanied by Howard in his fund-raising efforts, it might explain why some of these names are in Howard's address book. Just a thought. Edit: I've just noticed that the same article in the Fourth Decade does list "Nico Crespi", but says "the Masferrer brothers" instead of "Rolando Masferrer Rojas and his brother Kiki." https://www.maryferr...bsPageId=520084 It sure would be nice if we could view the address book online...
  16. Thanks, Tommy. Actually, I couldn't remember the names of Antonio Crespi Larralde or WIlliam McEwan Duff, so I myself entered in the stub of 'Filibuster' until I could quickly look up the correct names. I corrected the text within minutes, and it was late at night, and I thought nobody was online. Yet you evidently read my post while I was in the middle of editing it. As you can see, it is currently correct. Apparently you agreed with my logic so far. What this history suggests to me is that Leopoldo (Loran Hall), Angel (Larry Howard), Sylvia Odio, Lee Harvey Oswald, Nico Crespi, Niki Ferrer, Gerry Patrick Hemming and ex-General Edwin Walker -- and let us not forget Harry Dean -- were all involved at some level in the assassination of JFK. As for Harry Dean, his role was to pretend to support the plot; he had to avoid being caught spying for the FBI. Harry Dean says that he told the FBI this same account in September, 1963, and they never responded, and promptly cut him off. Being a double-agent is apparently a thankless role. There has been some skepticism about Harry Dean's claims, yet I myself find them entirely credible. By the way, Harry Dean's claims go beyond that single meeting. Harry claims that he met Loran Hall and Larry Howard in late 1962 in connection with anti-Castro propaganda, and that after meeting them Harry was invited to become a member of the Southern California Minutemen. He joined, and this increased his value in the eyes of the most radical members of the JBS. This plausibly explains why he was invited to this top-secret meeting led by Congressman John Rousselot and ex-General Edwin Walker. My question to you, Tommy, is this: what is your current perception of the claims of Harry Dean? Best regards, --Paul Trejo Paul, I am intrigued by what Harry Dean has to say and I find his account to be plausible. I do find myself trying to reconcile Dean's account with that of Richard Case Nagell, and specifically with Nagell's statement that Oswald was involved, "up to his ears," in the assassination. --Tommy P.S. Paul, if you haven't already seen them, please check out my two recent threads, Loran Hall's Address Book and Kiki Ferrer.
  17. Paul, Excellent post, again! Only one small thing at this point: the word "Filibuster" appears as a surname twice in your post, the first one reads "Antonio Crespi Filibuster" (it should be Antonio Crespi Larralde), and the second one is "Freddy Filibuster" (friend of Gen. Walker's?). It's almost as if someone is playing tricks on you... Keep up the good work, --Tommy
  18. Moved here from thread "Larry Howard's Address Book" --Tommy To whom it may concern, I'm pretty sure this ground has already been plowed, but I thought I'd share this older web article in which a relative of Rolando "El Tigre" Masferrer says that Rolando's brother, Rodolfo, was known as "Kiki." http://marcmasferrer...on_my_uncl.html It's known that Rodolfo Masferrer became a dentist in Miami. In the following document Loran Hall says that he knew "Kiki Ferrer" well, that "Kiki" was a dentist living in Miami, and that this "Kiki Ferrer" would have "no part in his brother Rolando's [anti-Castro] activities", "although he is in sympathy with the activities." http://jfk.hood.edu/...vice CIA 01.pdf Silvia Odio said she didn't know a "Kiki Ferrer," but that she did know a Cuban "Masferrer" family that lived five or six buildings from hers in the same apartment complex... --Tommy
  19. Paul, Excellent post. Regarding Nico Crespi and the "Sylvia Odio Incident", Gerry Patrick Hemming told A.J. Weberman that Hall had been trying to find Naico [sic] Crespi, about whom Hemming says several interesting and possibly identifying things (see link below). Hemming also said that Larry Howard had talked with "Kiki Ferrer," presumably at Silvia Odio's apartment complex on Magellan Circle in Dallas in late September 1963, to try to find out where Crespi was. Hemming said that Crespi's "mailing address" was in the apartment complex that Silvia lived in, and that Crespi had already moved to Fort Worth. Hemming also said that both Naico [sic] Crespi and "Kiki Ferrer" were suspected of being Castro agents, and that neither Hall nor Howard knew that Hemming knew Crespi. Hemming suggested that "Kiki" was expected by Hall and/or Howard to know where Crespi was because Castro-agent "Kiki" had been keeping an eye on Castro-agent Crespi!!! FWIW, "Kiki Ferrer" was possibly Rudolpho Masferrer, brother of Rolando "El Tigre" Masferrer. In 1968, Hall told Garrison investigator Stephen Jaffe that he knew Cuban exile "Kiki Ferrer" well, that "Kiki" lived in Miami, and "Kiki" was very anti-Castro, but not as actively anti-Castro as his brother, "Rolando." http://ajweberman.co...3-MISC INFO.pdf (press "control, F" and type "Naico" in the search box.) (Please also see my thread on this forum titled "Larry Howard's Address Book.") Now, regarding Hemming's alleged offer to buy LHO's rifle, go to this other Weberman "nodule" and type "Hemming" in the "control,F" search box): http://ajweberman.co... BIG EVENT.html Keep up the good work! --Tommy
  20. Did Jim Garrison interview GPH? If so, is it viewable online? I'm trying to verify whether or not, as Joan Mellen implies in A Farewell to Justice, Gerry Hemming told Garrison that "[Loran] Hall had gotten Sylvia Odio's name from a Ford motor salesman named Nico Crespi." (my emphasis) Although Ms. Mellen doesn't directly say so, it appears from the context that this is something that Hemming told Garrison or one of his investigators. It's interesting to me because Hemming apparently told A.J. Weberman (in Nodule #27) that this Crespi's (first?) name was "Naico." (Hmmm..., maybe Gerry meant "Nico" but pronounced it "Nigh-co" and A.J. just spelled it kind of phonetically?). https://docs.google....MLar4D5piqUeipA (in the box that says "Search the Document" in the upper right hand corner, type in "Naico" and then press "Enter" a couple of times) Thanks, --Tommy
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