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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. __________________________________________________ Greg, FWIW, the title of the thread should be "Replying to a native of the Baltics..." --Thomas
  2. Sorry Dean, I can't expand on it. I just see a face like you do, and wondered if anyone thought it looked like Oswald. I also noticed this. _________________________________________________ Duncan, In order to not be influenced by other member's opinions, I refrained from scrolling down the page until, upon looking at your post #1 bottom photo for about a minute, lo-and- behold a man's face "came" to me. He's just to the left of center and he's in the upper half and most of his hairline is cut off by the window. He's looking both to his right and down just a bit. Given his narrow face and his pointed chin and his partially-visible hairline and his prominent eyebrows, my impression is that he resembles LHO. Maybe a LHO lookalike was stationed there? --Thomas ______________________________________________________________ Well, I blew it. After looking at the photo in post #24, I realized that the "face" I had seen was much smaller that the one Duncan had seen and comprised only the right forehead area (above the person's right eye) of the face outlined by Duncan. The scale of the photos threw me off, I guess. A classic case of not being able to see the forest for the trees. --Thomas
  3. _______________________________________________________ Excellent observations, Jack. --Thomas
  4. Sorry Dean, I can't expand on it. I just see a face like you do, and wondered if anyone thought it looked like Oswald. I also noticed this. _________________________________________________ Duncan, In order to not be influenced by other member's opinions, I refrained from scrolling down the page until, upon looking at your post #1 bottom photo for about a minute, lo-and- behold a man's face "came" to me. He's just to the left of center and he's in the upper half and most of his hairline is cut off by the window. He's looking both to his right and down just a bit. Given his narrow face and his pointed chin and his partially-visible hairline and his prominent eyebrows, my impression is that he resembles LHO. Maybe a LHO lookalike was stationed there? --Thomas
  5. _________________________________________________________________ John, FWIW, he studied at San Diego State College (now San Diego State University). --Thomas
  6. _______________________________________________ Looks like a group of four or five hat-wearing men in in the distance looking down at the ground and the one on the right bobs up --Thomas
  7. YA! THE PLUMLEE FILES: US ARMY RA 18389060 D-8 FORT BLISS TEXAS 1954-64 AS WELL AS THE FOURTH ARMY RESERVE AND THE 49th ARMORD DIV. TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD; LOVE FIELD, DALLAS TEXAS..... being you asked. ______________________________________________________ I agree completely. (Good to see you posting again Tosh.) --Thomas
  8. _____________________________________________________ John, OK, but can I give you my opinion on it if you no longer have it? As for the McIntire, is it the one showing the president's limo after it has emerged from the underpass? If so, I don't see anything suspicious on or near the bridge near the (partial) sign on the right hand edge of the photo. Have all of these McIntires on the internet been cropped, or am I missing something? --Thomas
  9. ____________________________________________________ Fascinating stuff, John. Hopefully, someone (Robin?, James?, Bernice?, Lee?, Ron?) will be kind enough to post the (uncropped?) versions of the photos and frames you're talking about, with sufficient resolution to enable me to make out the anomalous figure/shadow of a man to which you are referring... --Thomas
  10. ____________________________________________ John, Regarding your statement, "There are a series (chronologically) that may show a person crossing, from memory, McIntire, Cancellare, and about three frames of Wiegman," could you please post the pertinent photos and frames on this forum and indicate on them exactly where the person might possibly be seen crossing? Thanks, --Thomas
  11. Thanks Duncan: To me that looks more like people than Badgeman or a DPD person behind a fence. That area, which you have taken the time to work on, must just be some kind of, "rosarch test", illusion and trick of the mind-shadow and sunlight-- no reason to go there; there is nothing to see, so lets move over to the north knoll. (... the Badgeman has been established as Fact; RIGHT?...) of course that is my speculations. Did you know they found a lake on the moon and a ship tied to a dock and two astronauts fishing? I have a picture I must show you. Its a Fact. P.S. Hey Duncan: You and others keep on keeping on. This will be my last postings on any forms. I have other cans of worms that need my attention right now. And too, these post go nowhere and nothing is ever resolved. I believe that most are never read and for me to spend anymore time on the Kennedy assassination is an exercise in futility. Over the years I have said about all I can say on that Kennedy subject. Now its time for the experts to interrupt what I've said and establish their own facts gathered from their own illusions and slight of hand and play the Wizard of God. __________________________________________ WTF? Now I'm totally confused. I know that the Cancellare photo shows the South Knoll in the background, and I thought Tosh wanted someone to try and find two men (himself and Sergio) standing in the partial shade of trees on the South Knoll, and it seems to me that that's what Duncan has done... --Thomas
  12. Here you go Bernice: This signatures obviously are not from the same person. Why not do the copies from the original signed document. Thats the usual process. OR if the the signed document is not a hand....let it blank. To let is sign from another person is document falsification and can be prosecuted. I'am puzzled that this has happend in this delicate case. Martin ___________________________________________________ Looks to me like the two printed names (for Taylor and Cottrell) were printed by the same person. --Thomas ___________________________________________________
  13. It's a red cape. I think it's Superwoman, just about to take off. ______________________________________________ LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Thomas
  14. ____________________________________________ Bernice, Thanks for posting all the great photos. --Thomas
  15. __________________________________________ FWIW, the car directly behind the woman in the blue dress and red coat (or sweater) with her right arm raised in the air is a Rambler station wagon. --Thomas
  16. ____________________________________________ Thanks Ron. I too think that it was the most likely place from which the fatal shot came. Especially since Tosh Plumlee and Sergio heard a shot come from that direction and smelled gunsmoke there, too. --Thomas
  17. _____________________________________________ Excellent question. Too bad Tosh deleted all of his posts on this thread... Do any forum members think the fatal bullet could have passed between the windshield and the "crossbar" if it had originated from the south end of the triple underpass? (Sounds plausible to me.) --Thomas P.S. Sorry if this has already been covered on another thread. If so, would someone please refer me to it? _____________________________________________ See the last couple pages of the thread on the windshield hole. I suspect that the throat shot was a head shot spoiled by the diminishing availability of Kennedy's head below the windshield top frame, as seen from the South Knoll. Would the same shooter's next option be it's availability between the frame and the crossbar? What does your ballistics guy make of the throat shot and the windshield? (emphasis added by Thomas G.) _____________________________________________ Thanks for the reference, David. --Thomas BTW, I don't have a "ballistics guy." Apparently, Ron Ecker had one back in October of 2004. So you'll have to ask him that question, I guess.
  18. _____________________________________________ Excellent question. Too bad Tosh deleted all of his posts from this thread... Do any forum members think the fatal bullet could have passed between the windshield and the "crossbar" if it had originated from the south end of the triple underpass? (Sounds plausible to me.) --Thomas P.S. Sorry if this has already been covered on another thread. If so, would someone please refer me to it? _____________________________________________
  19. __________________________________________________________ Jack, As opposed to hiding an unhidden gun? (lol) --Thomas __________________________________________________________
  20. Show you study Craig. Please draw an outline of JFK's head. ______________________________________________ Something must have caused Jackie to shift her attention from the front to the rear of her husband's head between frames 335 and 337... --Thomas Yea..his head was falling forward past her face. ___________________________________________________ Thanks Craig! I guess that would explain it. --Thomas _____________________________________________________ OK, so why was he falling forward? Perhaps because he'd been shot from the front and his body was rebounding from being slammed against the seat? --Thomas
  21. Show you study Craig. Please draw an outline of JFK's head. ______________________________________________ Something must have caused Jackie to shift her attention from the front to the rear of her husband's head between frames 335 and 337... --Thomas Yea..his head was falling forward past her face. ___________________________________________________ Thanks Craig! I guess that would explain it. --Thomas
  22. Show you study Craig. Please draw an outline of JFK's head. ______________________________________________ Something must have caused Jackie to shift her attention from the front to the rear of her husband's head between frames 335 and 337... --Thomas
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