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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. bumped I guess my theory that Ferrie miss-dialed the number to the Del Charro and reached a bank by mistake doesn't make much sense. If he had tried to call the Del Charro but called the bank by mistake, it's reasonable to assume that his next call would have been to the Del Charro. But it wasn't. In fact this call to La Jolla on 4/19/62 was the only time I know of that he called anyone in La Jolla from that phone. (Doh!) So now I'm wondering why he called the bank... --Thomas Here is the list of Ferrie's phone calls that shows the La Jolla call: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/ferriephone.txt
  2. _____________________________________________________ That's definitely a Rambler going down Elm Street behind the crowd on the knoll. It's hard to tell whether or not someone's riding "shotgun" in it... FWIW, Thomas _____________________________________________________
  3. Dark-suited Roger Craig (?), standing in the street on the on the north side of Elm, apparently looking at the two guys walking down Elm Street Extension, behind the white retaining wall in the background). -- Tommy
  4. "The only problem with this is that Craig was very clear that he was on the South side of Elm Street when he observed the Nash Rambler. The Murray photos show him on the North side." [emphasis added by T. G.] Todd, Roger Craig also said the Oswald-looking guy ran down the grass to get the Rambler, but the two men "Craig" appears to be looking at in the Murray photo appear to be walking down Elm Street Extension. --Thomas
  5. Bill, Every time I click on it, I get the error message "SERVER NOT FOUND." --Thomas
  6. David, What or who do we know Oswald to have been? Just curious... --Thomas
  7. Jim, You make a good point in the sentence I took the liberty of highlighting in bold letters. The way I see it, the conspirators wanted the world to think that their shooter Oswald was either a) a/the shooter for a different group of conspirators (real or imaginary), or a patsy for that other group of conspirators. --Thomas
  8. Capt. Fritz must have really been "feeling the heat" in post #37. (lol) --Thomas
  9. Thanks Bernice and David.....After years of reflection on Robert Oswald being mentioned as crossing into Mexico, I have come to the conclusion, if he did it is as well-guarded a secret as any other mysterious and unknown aspect of the assassination. [..............] The big ticket item, and I will eat my hat if anyone can conclusively prove it, is the allegation that Oswald had a tattoo on his left arm..... Robert, I guess I missed it-- Who alleged that Oswald had a tattoo on his left arm? William Seymour of Interpen, who some researchers allege impersonated Oswald, had a tattoo on his upper left arm. (Photos are from Spartacus website.) --Thomas
  10. He was outdone by the 19-year old Judyth Vary Baker by the world' best-connected individual. LHO...best connected JVB...best connected Soulmates or.....? Jack Was LHO "best connected" partially because he knew JVB, or was it the other way around? Or both? Or neither? --Thomas
  11. Hi, Jack (and everyone else on the Forum), I agree with you on this, Jack. I think Novel was the Umbrella Man. Regarding Novel but on a different subject, has anyone positively identified the young man (face partially obscured; in coat and tie(?) white collar visible) in the photo of LHO handing out FPCC flyers in N.O. in which Chauncey Holt has drawn arrows indicating "Bud Belcher" and "Leroy Young" and in which photo Holt claims himself to be visible on the far right hand side? IMO the young man's face/head structure and body build and hair strongly resemble that of a young Gordon Novel, especially as seen in a couple of mug shots taken a few years earlier as well as on the link below. Thanks! Thomas http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKnovel.htm <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hello again, I finally found a good pic of the guy I'm talking about. Same event, different angle. In this picture, he's holding his right hand up in front of his face. Does anyone on this forum know whether or not he's been positively ID'd? Does anyone agree with me that he resembles Novel? Thomas Bump. I think it's Novel and, knowing that he's being filmed, he's cleverly hiding his face. See post #17. The film footage shows more...
  12. Hi, Jack (and everyone else on the Forum), I agree with you on this, Jack. I think Novel was the Umbrella Man. Regarding Novel but on a different subject, has anyone positively identified the young man (face partially obscured; in coat and tie(?) white collar visible) in the photo of LHO handing out FPCC flyers in N.O. in which Chauncey Holt has drawn arrows indicating "Bud Belcher" and "Leroy Young" and in which photo Holt claims himself to be visible on the far right hand side? IMO the young man's face/head structure and body build and hair strongly resemble that of a young Gordon Novel, especially as seen in a couple of mug shots taken a few years earlier as well as on the link below. Thanks! Thomas http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKnovel.htm <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hello again, I finally found a good pic of the guy I'm talking about. Same event, different angle. In this picture, he's holding his right hand up in front of his face. Does anyone on this forum know whether or not he's been positively ID'd? Does anyone agree with me that he resembles Novel? Thomas Bump. I think it's Novel and, knowing that he's being filmed, he's cleverly hiding his face. The film footage shows more...
  13. Ron, Did you mean "John D. Hurt?" --Thomas
  14. -------------------- BUMP with note: Please read the rest of the thread. Notice Tosh mentions LBJ, Fred Black, John Martino, Gordon McLemore, Clint Murchison, "Mac" Wallace, Candy Barr, J.D. Tippit, etc. in post #4.
  15. Thats right and the same goes for the Umbrella Man. In that I case I certainly to not believe the man the government manufactured to be the person holding the umbrella ( Witt) , nor the silly story for doing so. That doesn't even address Radio Man. Jamming stuff down our throats again. I just figured it out. LHO was standing on the steps and Truly and Officer Baker encountered Lovelady inside the building. (LOL) --Thomas
  16. ___________________________________________________________________________ Thanks, Tony. I wonder if he saw anyone getting or taking that kind of paper, of at least the required length, from his work area in the days leading up to the assassination. Also, regarding Lee's question, does anyone on the Forum know if the electrical boxes for the elevators were in the basement? Thanks, --Thomas
  17. Mark BWF claims he watched the motorcade pass by standing on the steps with Billy Lovelady and William Shelley. After the shots he says he stood around for a few minutes and once he was told the president had been shot he went into the basement to eat his lunch. I'm sure most of us who have just heard that the President of the United States has been shot some 100 yards away would feel a little bit peckish? It just beggar's belief. Were the electrical boxes for the elevators in the basement? (emphasis added by Thomas Graves)______________________________________________________________ Good question, Lee. Unfortunately I don't know. Hopefully, one of our better-informed members will address your question. It's interesting to me that LHO was one of only three people in the TSBD that, according to this thread, didn't watch the motorcade (the others being Jack Dougherty and "a lady working in a north-east office of on a mid-level floor"). IMO, it raises these questions: Was he the assassin, an assassin, an accomplice, a patsy, an agent attempting to prevent the assassination, someone who thought he was an agent whose mission was preventing the assassination (i.e. a patsy), or was he just too hungry and/or disinterested in JFK's visit to Dallas to watch it? Were the remains of his lunch ever found? Could his not watching a presidential motorcade passing by his place of work be explained by his psychological profile? Just wondering... --Thomas
  18. Jack Dougherty. Said he wanted to see the president but the crowd was too big. Jack obviously didn't think to look out of one of the large windows on the fifth floor he says he was on when the motorcade went by, unlike Harold Norman, Bonnie Ray Williams and James Jarman who did watch it from the fifth floor windows. Funnily enough these are three people that Jack didn't see (or hear) on the same floor as himself... ...and they didn't see (or hear) him. __________________________________________________________ Seems I've started a jack Dougherty thread. LOL Was there anyone else? Thanks, --Thomas
  19. _________________________________________ As long as photos aren't misidentified. --Thomas
  20. ____________________________________________ Was he relatively dark complected like a Mexican or Latin American? Did he speak English well? Did he speak with an accent? If so, was it a German accent or what? Which cab company did he drive for in Chicago? Color and make of his cab? Was it a Checker Marathon? (That's what I drove for awhile in Scottsdale, Arizona.) Did he have an athletic build? Did he look like the Mexico City Mystery man or the recently-posted photo of Mario Tauler Sague? Etc, etc.. Thanks, --Thomas
  21. Thanks for the feedback, Bernice. In a 1992 interview published on the JFK Murder Solved site, Tosh stated that he and Sergio positioned themselves about 5 feet up the south grassy knoll and a little to their left of a light post. The eleven-second youtube video of Daniel's film ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZJAV3ndAt4 ) seems to show a lamp post near the two figures when you get 3 seconds into the video [you may have to play it several times and stop it by clicking your mouse repeatedly and very fast during that one-second interval (the 3-second mark on the timer) in order to see what I'm talking about]. If I'm right, then maybe Tosh and Sergio started going up the south grassy knoll after my "captures" of them in post number one, above. Unfortunately, in the same interview Tosh is a bit inconsistent when it comes to how far to the east of the underpass they were standing-- 150 feet and 100 yards and 150 yards... If anyone wants to read the interview, google "Plumlee Interview." It's the first one in the hit list. (No pun intended.) Now for a stupid question. Was there a picket fence at the top of the south grassy knoll? Thanks, --Thomas
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