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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. __________________________________________________________________ Hi Duncan, First time I've heard of Ruby's having a Carousel Club in Fort Worth. I wonder if Al meant to say Dallas. I realize that I might be wrong on this. Thanks, --Thomas
  2. ___________________________________________ Hey Jack, I was thinking of asking you if you're coming out here for the game. We could go together and I'll even let you sleep on my floor (as I do for my back and to avoid the bullets). LOL? Heck, I might even vacuum the "carpet" area under your sleeping bag. lol If you're a nonsmoker, I could absolutely and most definitetly abstain while you're here. (Well, maybe.) The 35 - 10 loss to the Sooners doesn't look so bad now that those jerks had to go and run up the score so darn high against their last five opponents, does it? Purple Haze, Baby! --Thomas PS It will be interesting to see if anyone on this occasionally-brutal forum offers me condolences on the passing away of my Dad. PM's are welcome.
  3. ______________________________________________ By the way, an old friend of David Ferrie "from 1960 until David's death" called me a couple of days ago to clarify something. For real. He was very polite and even laughed at some of my jokes. He's presently trying to become a member of the Forum. Told me to call him anytime I want to ask him a question. Talk about being "connected!"
  4. Sorry to have "dropped out" for so long, folks. First, due to federal budgetary cutbacks, I lost my job as an in-house security guard at a world famous scientific institute in San Diego, then on September 22 my adoptive father (friend of "Brute" Krulak) passed away, and THEN three weeks later my '85 Mercedes 300D Turbodiesel with only 170K miles was literally "nailed by a narcoleptic" while I was waiting at a red light. Got another job (this time as an armed security guard), finally settled with the insurance company and bought a nice used Camry with a five-speed manual transmission! Still grieving over my Dad, however. Thus the copious amounts of cheap red burgundy and all the Pall Malls.... "Back in the saddle again," --Thomas
  5. Page 481 Dope, Inc. 1992 edition “In 1946, Ferrie dropped out of a Roman Catholic seminary in Ohio and joined the Byelorussian Liberation Front, simultaneously being ordained as a priest in the old Orthodox Catholic Church of North America, an agency we have already identified as a front for the Solidarist movement , the KGB, and FBI Division Five. Ferrie was subsequently redeployed to the southern region of the FBI, where he operated as a recruitment officer for Division Five (placing him under the direct jurisdiction of Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield). According to testimony before both the Warren Commission and the Garrison grand jury, given by FBI operative Jack Martin, LHO was recruited into FBI Division Five in 1956 by none other than David Ferrie. While nominally in the Marine Corps, Oswald received special training in covert espionage activities at the Naval Intelligence School on the Memphis naval base. One aspect of his training included special instructions in the Russian language, provided by an agent of the Solidarist movement operating in San Francisco under the cover of the Federation of Russian Charitable Organizations, a West Coast branch of the Tolstoy Foundation. From 1956 until his untimely death in the basement of the Dallas Police headquarters in November 1963, LHO had been on a secret Division Five payroll, maintained through a secret account concealed in the budget of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, within the Department of Justice. (emphasis added by Thomas Graves)______________________________________ Thanks for the fascinating post, Terry. Lots to chew on there... I wonder if Ferrie was redeployed to the southern region by the FBI or to the southern region of the FBI. The former makes more sense to me. Please enlighten me on this if you can. Thanks, --Thomas ______________________________________
  6. I've read that D.F. claimed that he drove (through a very bad thunderstorm/rainstorm) from New Orleans to Houston on 11/22/63 to go "duck hunting" with two young male friends and that they unfortunately forgot to take their shotguns with them (small detail, yes?). I've also read that while he was making lots of phone calls from a Houston ice skating rink, D.F. approached the owner of said rink and expressed an interest in buying it. I would like to know whether or not D.F. was sufficiently wealthy or sufficiently well-connected financially (on a plausible level) to even consider purchasing such an ice skating rink. In other words, it sounds like a rather lame alibi to me... P.S. Aren't there plenty of ducks to hunt in Louisiana in the Fall? (Of course, he could always say that he was just trying to kill two birds with one stone. No pun intended. LOL) --Thomas ________________________________________________
  7. ________________________________________ I'm so paranoid, I gotta believe that she's an evil evil CIA agent/officer. LOL
  8. Forget it! Long ago demonstrated as to why the ring "appears" to come from the bottom of the weapon. Not only that, in addition to those photo's that I provided, other similar photo's have been long available which demonstrates the exact same thing. Clailms such as this is why David Von Pein actually has any credibility. What will we be hearing about next and again? The infamous "six-groove" non-existant bullet? ____________________ "Photos" is possessive?? No, Tommy. Time to refer back to your McGuffey's Reader... ____________________
  9. _____________________ Reminds me of Thomas H. Purvis --Thomas _____________________
  10. Point taken. I had an email this morning from a reliable CIA source confirming that Morales reported directly to Shackley. _________________ But wasn't that Shackley masquerading as "Larry Florer" in Dealy Plaza? (Not.) --Thomas _________________
  11. (emphasis added by T. Graves)____________________________ Hey Denis, It's "suit," not "suite," and "you're," not "your." ("Sweet!!!!!!" ( LOL) --Thomas) P.S. If it's any consolation, at least I read your posts (sometimes).
  12. ______________________________________ Jack, I would prefer to think that "Frenchy" was not Harold Doyle.However, when I looked very closely at the photo of Harold Doyle in post #8 (above), I could see the same vertical wrinkle which you pointed out in the "Frenchy" photos. --Thomas _______________________________________
  13. ____________________________________ I didn't realize you knew him personally. ____________________________________
  14. Yes. No answer. ______________________________ Maybe he's on a "walkabout." I wish I could afford to take time off and do the same..... _____________________________
  15. At 12:10, Lee Bowers describes a 1959 Oldsmobile, blue and white station wagon entering the parking lot around the time we see the 1963 Chevrolet, pink and white station heading north on Houston in that direction in the Muchmore film and seen parked parallel with the train after the shooting. Is it possible that Bowers was wrong about the type of station wagon he saw that day? I doubt it… he knows his cars. IMO, some of Bowers WC testimony was altered to hide the real facts about what really happened that day. Don ____________________________________ All you car experts out there, Isn't that a Rambler (station wagon, perhaps?) in the foreground at 5:34? ____________________________________
  16. Greg, I just happened to pick up Mark Fuhrman's A Simple Act of Murder, looking for anything new, and came across the reference to "DJ Drittal," (Sic DF Drittal) as a "fictious" person (p. 69), which LHO is said to have used as the name of a witness to his citizenship and lack of felony conviction on the form used to purchase the pistol used to kill J D Tippit. I too was struck by the Drittal name, and its apparent Germanic origins. Oswald had used the name Hidell, and there was a Hidell in his USMC unit who did live in New Orleans at the time, and Lt. J. Evans on a fake draft card, which was also said to have been a "fictious" person, when in fact Oswald did know a Julian Evans, both before and after he went to USSR. Julian's wife Myrtle helped Oswald find the Magazine Street apartment. In any case, I was wondering, if there really was a Hidell and an Evans, there might be a Drittal too, though you say you looked pretty hard and couldn't find any? There must be more to it. BK _____________________________________ Reminds me of Bob Dylan's character's name in the film Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. ("Alias") _____________________________________
  17. At 1:55 into this video, Oswald is seen saying something to some sort of law-enforcement official. Any idea who it was and what Oswald said to him? Thanks. Also, why was Billy Lovelady there sitting in a chair near Fritz's office at 1:05 into the video? Had he volunteered to give information, or had he been arrested, or "detained?" (Sorry about my misspelling the word "speaking" in the subject line. I probably just subconsciously wanted to make some of our semi-illiterates feel comfortable and "at home," I re-con'. LOL
  18. ________________________________ Tommy, your are backwards. It's "backwards!" not "backwards"! "However!, Yet!, But Wait!, Actually!, Yes! However!" (etc, etc) (Whatever...)
  19. Ike Pappas, the longtime CBS newsman who reported the shooting death of presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald on the radio as it was happening, has died at age 75. Pappas died Sunday in a hospital in Arlington, Va. of complications of heart disease, his family said. Pappas was among the reporters at the Dallas police station who were waiting for Oswald to be moved two days after President Kennedy was assassinated. Pappas had just asked him, "Do you have anything to say in your defense?" when a shot rang out. "Oswald has been shot!" Pappas said on the air, adding, "Mass confusion here, all the doors have been locked. Holy mackerel!" Pappas was among more than 200 CBS News employees laid off by the company in 1987. ______________________________________ Just curious: How could he have known, so quickly, that all of the doors had been locked? ______________________________________
  20. finding it is NOT the question.... ~~quote on update 01-12-2008: the SMPTE link http://www.mte.com/nysmpte/meetings/sum0004.htm Film Forensics and the Zapruder Film, presented by Roland Zavada is no longer good (wonder why?) ~~quote off little refresher "This page will be removed from service in July 2007. It has been my pleasure to be of webservice to the local SMPTE community for the past 10 years. New York SMPTE section information can be obtained at the official NY chapter wesite at http://www.smpteny.org/. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you for supporting SMPTE in New York. -Bill Topazio " http://www.mte.com/nysmpte/ You claim to be a researcher, why not do the research and contact Bill Topazio and ask him instead of being paraniod? ________________________________ Craig, The first link you posted is working, the second link you posted is not working. After posting them on the Forum, did you try them? --Thomas
  21. If you let me know the names of people who do not have photographs as avatars I will immediately make their posts invisible and place them on moderation. Tom Kutzer and Wade Rhodes have both been placed on moderation this morning. ______________________________________ bump
  22. Tony, here is a question to consider: If Ruby didn't come down the ramp [and I sincerely believe he did not], I wonder what was going to be his explaination for having arrived at his ambush site when he did? P. S. I have known Roy Vaughn for over 20 years, and though I have always respected his privacy and have not tried to discussed his role in this contraversy I feel certain he would always tell the truth under any circumstances. jim feemster __________________________________ Not tried to discussed, LOL or "have tried not to discuss" ??
  23. ____________________________________________ Exactly! --Thomas
  24. Frazier did not confirm or deny that the two fragments 567 and 569 were from the same bullet. And since the base (569) and the cone (567) were found in the area of the front seat it seems these two fragments are from the same bullet after striking the chrome trim. Don ________________________________ Dawn, I mean Don, Excellent observation. Keep up the good work. --Thomas
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