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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. _________________________________________ I don't know about Yahoo! but I just googled "Joling" and "Praag" and found that ABC News (online) is covering it, dateline March 27... It's the fourth one down the list right now... http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/LegalCenter/story?id=4534689 FWIW, --Thomas _________________________________________
  2. _____________________________________ Thanks Chris. (Unfortunately Commission Exhibit No. 1118 is too small for most of the words in the diagram to be readable...) --Thomas ____________________________________
  3. Great, and welcome to the Forum. Can you upload the diagrams? Thanks. ____________________________________________ Alaric, Did you intend to add something to the post (a diagram, for example), or did you just want to "bump" it to the top of the list again? Interesting post, by the way. Have you got anything to add to it? --Thomas ____________________________________________
  4. ______________________________ Bill, I've been looking for them too. Hopefully a member will post them in a sufficiently large format for us to be able to make out the words and details on them... --Thomas ______________________________
  5. _________________________________________ Wim, I think you meant to say, "Anyone can see that this man is not Howard Hunt." Yes? --Thomas _________________________________________
  6. _______________________________ Tom, Where on the Z-film is your #3 shot? Thanks, --Thomas _______________________________
  7. ________________________________ Bill, Exactly! --Thomas ________________________________
  8. ______________________________________ Duke, By whom? Thanks, --Thomas ______________________________________
  9. ______________________________ Tosh, Please don't leave the forum. I for one find your posts very informative and important, and I think that many of the other members would agree with me on that. --Thomas PS When I click on the ronaldecker.com link in your post, I get the error message, "server not found." ______________________________
  10. _______________________ Maybe he was there to try to "abort" the assassination, or at least pretend to. --Thomas _______________________
  11. _____________________ Jack, You're saying DAP had no facial freckles or blemishes???!!! (Look again.) --Thomas _____________________
  12. The usual debunkers seem afraid to address this. I wonder why? It seems pretty simple for anyone above 6th grade math. The pedestal is 50 inches tall. You do the math. I wonder whether they will claim perspective or parallax causes odd measurements. I'm waiting. Jack It was such a good vantage point you'd think they would have brought a camera. Probably left it at home. Jack ____________________________________ Jack, Are there any photos or films that were taken during the assassination that you think were not altered? --Thomas ____________________________________
  13. [emphasis added by Thomas G.]__________________________________ Duke, What we got here is a triple negative. I guess what you're trying to say is that Tippit was the only cop not dispatched to DP. If that's what you mean, then "cool, daddy-o." --Thomas __________________________________
  14. Thomas, I have to disagree with your interpretation of George's hypothesis, in which he posits that Tippit was part of the plot, etc., and I don't see where he posited "killing two birds with one stone," although I certainly recall that I have made that suggestion. This scenario is rife with other issues, some of which I'd pointed out, and while I'd typically be wont to point them out, I have neither the time nor inclination to do that at this very moment. But let it be said that there is plenty of evidence to suggest - if not actually prove - that the "killing two birds with one stone" scenario is, at the very least, plausible if not entirely factual. I don't believe Tippit was cognizent of it in any way at all. _____________________________________ Hi Duke, Sorry I didn't give you credit for the part marked with , above. So, two birds were killed by having probable conspirator Tippit killed by someone and having that someone leave LHO's identification at the scene of the murder, thereby: 1) framing LHO, and 2) drawing attention away from Dealy Plaza. In so many words George B. says that conspirator Tippit was set up to be a victim in order to frame LHO. George's theory that the change in plans could itself have been the plan and some of the "conspirators" (i.e. patsies) were not told about this ahead of time sounds very plausible to me and it's obvious to me that he's referring to both Tippit and LHO. The theory that Tippit was shot by another policeman or someone posing as a policeman is also very plausible, imho. I never meant to suggest that Tippit was aware that a co-conspirator was going to kill him. --Thomas _____________________________________
  15. Thomas Graves is "The Mangler." Must be referring to my grammar...
  16. ________________________________________ Hey Jack, Thought you'd get a kick out of knowing that when I was driving taxi in Scottsdale, Arizona in 1985, I gave a ride to the first man to not step foot on the moon. Needless to say, he was more nervous riding with me than he wasn't when he wasn't in that non-existant moon rocket! Go Horned Frogs! --Thomas _______________________________________
  17. That once again assumes that he was stopping a "suspect." There is nothing to support that speculation since he did not radio in. It is only assumed because (i) it is assumed that the man he approached was Oswald, and (ii) that Oswald became a suspect well after the fact. [...] __________________________________________ Duke, I think it's logical to assume that Tippit had gotten out of his car to either 1) talk with a friend, 2) talk with or shoot a co-conspirator, or 3) have a conversation with another policeman (whose patrol car was seen, by a neighbor, in the driveway which was blocked by Tippits's patrol car; see Dixie Dea's post #12 this thread). I can't imagine a policeman getting out of his patrol car to 1) question/arrest any kind of suspect without calling the dispatcher first, or 2) to get out of his patrol car to "shoot the breeze" with a complete stranger. Personally, I like George B.'s scenario (presented in post #18 this thread) in which I think he suggests that Tippit was shot by another policeman (or someone posing as a policeman?), and that LHO's identification was planted at the scene of the murder, thereby killing two birds with one stone: 1) framing LHO, and 2) drawing attention away from DP where the real assassins were covering their tracks/escaping. FWIW, --Thomas __________________________________________
  18. _____________________________________ Michael, Definitely. Good catch. FWIW, --Thomas PS- The first photo looks like the "ramble in the bramble" (not to be confused with the "rumble in the jungle"). Sorry 'bout that. Couldn't resist the temptation.... _____________________________________
  19. _____________________________________ OK. I admit it. I made a mistake. Once. --Thomas _____________________________________
  20. It's a good question. [...] the photo apparently reminded Krulak and Prouty of a twisted hand that Lansdale presumably had [...] _____________________________ Apparently? Presumably? Good observations on Taylor's left hand, Ron. Keep up the good work... --Thomas P.S. Just an idea: Is there a biography or autobiography of Taylor in which any mention is made of a "twisted" or "injured" or "wounded" left hand/arm? _____________________________ I guess not. --Thomas _____________________________
  21. Wim (Willem) Dankbaar is from the Netherlands. _______________________________________ Oh well, close enough. (LOL) --Thomas _______________________________________
  22. Thanks Bernice!....I've always thought that that GPH look-alike in DP was either GPH himself or a doppleganger sent to implicate him. It was not a 'chance' look-alike, i.e. NOT a coincidence. _________________________________ Note the low, loose-fitting shirt collar being worn in both photos. This detail, in addition to the height factor and the strong facial resemblances, leads me to the conclusion that the guy "captured" on film in DP most likely was GPH. --Thomas _________________________________
  23. __________________________________________________________ Great video, Wim. Thanks! --Thomas P.S. It's spelled La Jolla and the "lodge" was called the Hotel Del Charro. P.P.S. His name was Del Webb. __________________________________________________________
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