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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. _________________________ Hi Pat, Sorry if this is a stupid question but what does "EOP" stand for? Thanks --Thomas _______________________
  2. ______________________ pheonix or phoenix? rosilli or roselli? livwwes or lives? FWIW, --Thomas PS (or P.S.?) I hope he lives.... ______________________
  3. Wouldn't it be easier to list "who didn't do it? Exactly. Or narrow the list down to ONE. hint: ( a collective noun and not the people in this picture ) _____________________ "I shouted out, 'Who killed the Kennedys?,' and after all, it was you and me..." --Sympathy For The Devil by the Rolling Stones (is that "collective" enough?) --Thomas _____________________ [...] Mick Jagger said - "We shouted out who killed the Kennedy's but after all, it was you and me". [...] ___________________________ Peter, Get it straight. Jagger says, "I shouted out..." (Google "'sympathy for the devil' and 'lyrics'" at the same time, or just listen to the song again.) Since the lyrics are mostly a litany of horrible things that man has done to his fellow man throughout history, Jagger's "Devil" was probably intended to symbolize the manifestation of all of the evil/bad/stupid/short-sighted things we human beans are capable of doing, like electing bad presidents, senators and representatives, for example.... (lol) --Thomas ___________________________
  4. The wall would have been a good place to shoot from considering that its about 90 feet to the kill shot location, but one would also have to consider that witnesses on either side of you (Zapruder and Sitzman or Hudson and the men with him on the steps) could easily have spotted you. [...] ______________________ Yes, but their eyes would have been on JFK and his glamorous wife Jackie, not someone crouching behind that wall for a few seconds. --Thomas ______________________ _____________________
  5. ______________________ The guy crouching behind the wall in the "Black Dog Man" position (in the second photo in the previous post) has a damn good place to shoot from, in my humble opinion. The closest concealed place to where JFK was hit in Z-313 and just a short run up the steps and into the parking lot/railroad yard. Even if someone did see you running away up the steps like that, many opportunities to disappear, yes? Who could ask for more? --Thomas PS I find this thread so confusing (and full of acrimony and one-upsmanship (sp?)), I gotta ask "Who am I agreeing with here, Duncan or Bill or neither?" (Never mind the "bump-a-donut" man) LOL --Thomas ______________________
  6. Wouldn't it be easier to list "who didn't do it? Exactly. Or narrow the list down to ONE. hint: ( a collective noun and not the people in this picture ) _____________________ "I shouted out, 'Who killed the Kennedys?,' and after all, it was you and me..." --Sympathy For The Devil by the Rolling Stones (is that "collective" enough?) --Thomas _____________________
  7. __________________________ According to Mary Ferrell's Database, Lawrence didn't check out of his YMCA room until 11/30/63. If so, why did it take him so long to "get out of Dodge?" --Thomas __________________________
  8. [...] Out of work, Lawrence drifted to Dallas where he listened to motivational tapes in his YMCA hotel room and sold cars at the Lincoln-Mercury dealer. On the night before the assassination Lawrence said that had the company car and ended up at a piano bar on Mockingbird Lane. [...] ________________________ Not nitpicking here-- just wondering whether or not the company car was the demonstrator [(lol)] or a demonstrator (or just the company car)? Peter, how do we know it was retrieved from behind the picket fence? (If so, maybe someone caught it on film...) Thanks --Thomas ________________________
  9. ________________________________________ Hi Ron, Lawrence must have had fairly good vision in both eyes when he went into the Air Force, otherwise they would have rejected him, wouldn't they? IMHO, therefore, it's possible that he did qualify as a "marksman" in the AF.... --Thomas P.S. In Crossfire page 339, Jim Marrs writes that Lawrence borrowed "...one of the "firm's cars, after telling his boss he had a 'heavy date'." Does anyone know what year, make and model car he borrowed for his "heavy date?" (Uh-oh, I can feel a Ron Ecker joke coming: "If she was a really heavy date, he probably borrowed a pickup truck.") I realize that most dealerships sell used cars as well as new, so maybe he borrowed a used non-Lincoln-Mercury? Maybe the car shows up in some of the photos/film taken in the parking lot/railroad yards after the assassination. Is it possible that the car he borrowed was one of the cars parked close to the fence with lots of "pacing" footprints and cigarette butts between the cars and the fence? Or maybe the mysterious black '57 Ford with Texas plates that Lee Bowers saw driving around the sealed-off railroad yards a few minutes before the assassination? Just thinking out loud.... --T ________________________________________ bump
  10. _____________________ So much for the 11/21/63 "heavy date" Lawrence told his boss about, huh? Maybe he meant to say he needed a car because he had a date with two "heavies".... _____________________
  11. ________________________________________ It's reasonable to assume that Jack Lawrence had "acceptably" good vision in both eyes when he went into the Air Force, otherwise they would have rejected him, wouldn't they? IMHO, therefore, it's possible that he did qualify as a "marksman" in the AF.... --Thomas P.S. In Crossfire page 339, Jim Marrs writes that Lawrence borrowed "...one of the "firm's cars, after telling his boss he had a 'heavy date'." Small point, but I wonder if he borrowed a car that was owned and used by "the firm" (the dealership), or just one of the cars that was for sale? Does anyone know what year, make and model car he borrowed for his "heavy date?" (UH oh, I can feel a Ron Ecker joke coming: "If she was a really heavy date, he probably borrowed a pickup truck.") --T ________________________________________ expanded and bumped
  12. I once had it...disk crash took care of that.....but it might have been in CAIB Covert Action Information Bulletin? Thanks Peter, I'll ask the editor. John ___________________________ Hi John, Did you ever find it? --Thomas ___________________________
  13. Maybe we get out of it what we put into it. ______________________ Yeah My-rah, absolutely.... So, what have you "gotten out of it" so far, other than the fact that you now think William "Tosh" Plumlee was one of the conspirators and that the CIA is a nasty, nasty organization and that you really really hate this 'n that 'n tuther thang 'bout 'Merika........? --Thomas ______________________ I'm satisfied with what I've gotten out of it so far and don't feel obliged to report to anyone on demand. I will say that the classic equation "garbage in=garbage out" might explain why you're disappointed with your results. _____________________________ Probably.... _____________________________ [
  14. Duncan, Here are some comparison figures at the wall. Not time contemporary, but useful. Is the sniper's position accurate? If the arrow pointing to the spot is at the 33ft mark where Gary Mack says my shooter is, then yes. I'll also add that Gary did not comment on the possibility of a shooter there. [...] _______________________ Sounds like a contradiction to me. If Gary Mack said that "your" shooter "is at the 33ft mark," then it's logical to assume that he did comment on the possibility of a shooter's being there. --Thomas _______________________
  15. Duncan, Here are some comparison figures at the wall. Not time contemporary, but useful. Is the sniper's position accurate? _________________________ Speaking of elbows, this thread reminds me of the old saying: "Opinions are like elbows and ********. Everybody's got one." (lol) Unfortunately, the main "players" on this thread are unable to express their opinions and disagreements in a consistently civil manner.... _________________________
  16. _____________________________ John, Thank you! --Thomas _____________________________
  17. _________________________ An interesting and potentially important question, in my humble opinion. --Thomas _________________________
  18. _______________________ James, As I don't have enough time at the present to look at/watch all of the links to which Rex's second link refers, would you please specify which one I should go to to take a look at "the tall bald guy in the Vietnam images?" Thanks, --Thomas _______________________
  19. FWIW: KEN-COM was the secret committee which JFK and RFK set up and one of the operations used the cut out code word "Mockingbird". It was reference in secret reports to JFK and the NSC's staff from the CIA. Mockingbird was inserted as a coded reference by the CIA when the Church Committee first found out about an alleged secret team operating within the affairs of the White House and the WH Situation Room. This was a specialized ultra secret covert team attached to KEN-COM by US military through the Pentagon. Ken-Com was JFK's and RFK's little private secret. Perhaps they launched a few private and secret wars, a " Paturian (sp) Guard" type operation. Most elements within the CIA sections did not know about this Ken-COM Committee until some years after Watergate. Point being Mockingbird was part of KenCom. Its true operational connection to the WH is still a tightly held secret. The CIA acted as support for the Ken-Com operations and worked closely with Task Force W and other OMC operations embedded within CIA's secret "specialized" operational teams. Ask Ask Jim Marrs, Peter Lemkin, and John Stockwell, about what they remember about Ken Com,why and how it came into being. Perhaps they would care to give their views and thoughts on this to the forum members. _____________ Hi Tosh, Interesting and, I think, important post. Thanks for the input. BTW, I think the word you are trying to spell is Praetorian ("Of, being, or belonging to the elite bodyguard of the Roman emperors"). Difficult Latin word to spell-- in fact, the Latin language in general is "all 'Greek' to me." lol Good to see you back on the Forum. --Thomas _____________
  20. _______________________________ William, A statement and a question: If the newsmen were already at Ferrie's apartment when Rice arrived, they knew (or found out) where it was, too. Was Ferrie's address listed in the New Orleans telephone book? If so, maybe that's how Rice found out where it was.... (Nah. Not sinister enough.....) Keep up the good work, Sincerely-- --Thomas _______________________________
  21. ____________________ Hi Dixie, Thanks for sharing that! (And to think that I used to sing that song for an instrumentally-excellent Brno (Czech Republic) band, "Traffic Jam," at Molly's Irish Pub on Ceska Street because the lead singer didn't know the words, and to think that people actually applauded!!! .... LOL --Thomas ____________________
  22. _________________________ John, Thanks for posting the improved image in post #4! --Thomas _________________________
  23. ______________________________ John, In the blow up (post #4), are Mr. X's ears really as low as they look, i.e. almost on the upper part of his neck? (lol) I wonder how low on his head Morales' ears were. I guess I'll have to take a closer look at those photos of Morales on the Spartacus website.... Yep! -- Morales' ears are quite low on his head in those Spartacus photos.... Thanks for the blowup and the link, --Thomas ______________________________
  24. _________________________ James, John, Bernice, ... The partially-obscured (white? black??) man slightly in front of and slightly to the left of Mr. X seems to be wearing light-colored work clothes and perhaps a hat of some sort. He seems to be leaning towards Mr. X as though talking to him, and Mr. X's head is turned ever so slightly in his direction as though he's listening to the man.... Also, it looks like the partially-obscured guy I'm referring to is carrying something in his right hand. Probably just my imagination, but Mr. X seems to be looking at the very dark complected man (Cuban?) who is very near the wall.... I wonder what, if anything, Mr. X has in his right coat pocket other than his right hand? Looks like he might have something rather bulky in there.... FWIW, --Thomas _________________________
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