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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. (emphasis added by Thomas Graves)______________________________________________________________________ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ______________________________________________________________________ Everybody-- In his recent post #32 on the thread MC Man Not A Mystery, Tim Gratz says that Gerry Hemming said somewhere on this Forum that Mario Tauler Sague was Slavic in "nationality." Since there's sometimes a difference between a person's nationality and his or her ancestry, I wonder which term Tim and/or Gerry meant? I've noticed that people often say "nationality" when they really ought to say "ancestry" or perhaps "ethnicity." So, was Mario Tauler Sague Germanic, Spanish or Dutch (etc) in ancestry but born in a Slavic country (like Poland or Czechoslovakia (etc)--- unlikely since Hemming says above that Sague was born near Leipzig which is well within the former East German border--- or is/was Sague Slavic in ancestry but born in Germany, near Leipzig? I don't think so because neither "Mario" nor "Tauler" nor "Sague" is a Slavic name. (Try googling these three names, separately.) Both Dresden, Germany and Berlin are significantly closer to the whole Polish border than Leipzig Germany is, so if Sague was born in Poland, why would Hemming say that he was born near Leipzig rather than near Berlin or Dresden? By the same token, Dresden is closer to the whole (former) Czechoslovak (now Czech Republic) border than Leipzig is, so if Sague was born in Czechoslovakia, why would he say that he was born near Leipzig rather than near Dresden? Having lived in the Czech Republic for several years, I can say that the M.C. Mystery Man (Mario Tauler Sague) doesn't even look particularly Slavic, in my humble opinion. By the way, according to http://www.ellisisland.org a Mario Sague, who was born in Cuba and whose last residence before immigrating to the U.S. was Guanajay, departed Havana by ship and arrived at Ellis Island June 17, 1911 at 17 years of age.... (No wonder he wanted to move to the U.S. He was probably worn out from living in that darned "women's prison" called Guanajay.) LOL Hmm... I wonder if he was Mario Tauler's father, his uncle, or just another coincidence for Ron Ecker to ponder? --Thomas _______________________________________ improved augmented and bumped, again.... _______________________________________
  2. Ron, Go to http://www.ellisisland.org and search for "Mario Sague" (and all the other Sagues while you're at it-- It's interesting to note that most of them are of either Cuban or Spanish "ethnicity" and that a very significant percentage of them immigrated to the U.S. from Cuba). Interesting to note that a "Mario Sague," 17 years old, born in Cuba, departed Havana, arrived Ellis Island June 17, 1911.... His last residence in Cuba was Guanajay. Hmm... BTW, I wonder why Tim Gratz hasn't answered my post on John Simkin's Ted Slack, John Blumer and Saul Sage thread? Aww, probably just hasn't seen it yet. --Thomas __________________________________________
  3. _________________________ Tim, Which thread (and post # if possible) was that in? Thanks, --Thomas _________________________
  4. ________________________ John, Thanks for posting the photo of Mr Cram. He closely resembles my conception of George Smiley... --Thomas ________________________
  5. ___________________________ James, Wow! Mmm is right... --Thomas ___________________________
  6. ___________________________ James, Are you able to post that document now? Thanks, --Thomas ___________________________
  7. Tim, I have no current information regarding Sague. [...] __________________________ Hi James, Do you know where Sague used to live? Thanks, --Thomas __________________________
  8. _________________________ Gosh Charles, I don't know.... --Thomas _________________________
  9. Jack, You are probably right in theory, but as someone like yourself who likes to speak out about exposing disinformation being infiltrated into the case, then I would think you have an interest in the evolution of Miles' use of the term 'red plaid'. Bill ________________________ Bill, Give it up and let Milesy "win." --Thomas ________________________
  10. ___________________________ Miles, you're the greatest! In fact, you've been so smart and great and clever and hilariously funny recently that today in your after-school snack you're gonna get an extra dozen donuts with your chocolate milk!!!!! Please keep up the good work and your all-important "research!" ___________________________
  11. Blackwater USA is trying to build a large "training facility" in southeast San Diego county quite near the Mexican border: http://www.sdreader.com/php/cityshow.php?id=1566 For more information on this, Google potrero blackwater. ______________________________________________
  12. ___________________________ Ron, I would like to think that the black guy walking with the two "suits" in the Cancellare photo is Tony Izquierdo, but unfortunately he looks way too skinny to be him when you look at the photos of Izquierdo that James Richards posted on the thread "Nestor 'Tony' Izquierdo-- Dallas Participant?" (Especially the first two photos-- Izzy looks diminutive overall in the third photo, doesn't he?) BTW, Great work James! Thanks. --Thomas ___________________________
  13. __________________________ It's interesting to click on the link that Robin provided, above, and compare the skinny black guy walking across the grass towards Elm Street in the company of the two "suits" (Rip Robertson and John Adrian O'Hare?) with the guy standing third from left in this photo taken by Jim Murray which I found on Robin's great website. http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri4/Murray_knoll.jpg The same guy (I think) is visible in the background of another Murray photo, also from Robin's site: http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri4/LastScan_Murray.jpg If he's not Rip's and O'Hare's companion, then maybe he's the guy who can be seen running across Elm Street towards the knoll after two "three-wheeled" motorcycle-cops heading down Elm Street have passed by the cameraman about 40-45 seconds into this version of the Robert Hughes film: http://www.jfk-online.com/1hughes.html FWIW, --Thomas __________________________ (bump) ____________
  14. __________________________ It's interesting to compare the thin black guy walking across the grass towards Elm Street in the company of the two "suits" (Rip Robertson and John Adrian O'Hare?) in Lee Foreman's Cancellare photo (above) with the guy standing third from left in this photo taken by Jim Murray (which I found on Robin Unger's great website-- http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri4/ ): http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri4/Murray_knoll.jpg The same guy (I think) is visible in the background of another Murray photo, also from Robin's site: http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri4/LastScan_Murray.jpg If he's not Rip's and O'Hare's companion, then maybe he's the guy who can be seen running across Elm Street towards the knoll after two three-wheeled motorcycle cops have passed about 40-45 seconds into this version of the Robert Hughes film: http://www.jfk-online.com/1hughes.html FWIW, --Thomas __________________________
  15. ___________________________ Vietnam War. Rumsfield? Someone please enlighten me. Thanks, --Thomas ___________________________
  16. __________________________ If Mooney wasn't suspicious of the two "plainclothes officers" coming down the stairs, it's my guess that he knew them. --Thomas __________________________
  17. ___________________________ Bill, Maybe Professor Scull thinks that Badgeman was aiming at Mary Moorman or the Babuska Lady instead of JFK. lol --Thomas ___________________________
  18. ______________________ In other words, "The color image has been accidentally rotated a bit and as a result might give some viewers the impression that Badgeman was shooting at JFK." ______________________
  19. _________________ Dear Mr. Scull, One can only hope that you didn't teach English grammar on the "rez." (Your vocabulary, however, is always impressive. For example, "...innocent inadvertence & accidence.") At least you proofread your postings for spelling errors. Or maybe you were born an excellent speller? (I wasn't.) Nice images. Keep up the good work.... --Thomas _________________
  20. _____________________ Wasn't a .30-06 casing, crimped for a sabot round, found in '75 on the roof of the County Records Building? Didn't detective Roger Craig say he saw the word "Mauser" stamped on the barrel of (one of) the rifle(s) found on the sixth floor of the TSBD? --Thomas _____________________
  21. _________________________ Hi Pat, Sorry if this is a stupid question but what does "EOP" stand for? Thanks --Thomas External Occipital Protuberance---that part in the back of your head that kinda sticks out. You're way back there reading---fun,huh? Kathy _______________________ Thanks Kathy! _______________________
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