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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Steve, With all due respect, since I've been a member here (off and on -- lol) since 2005, I'm not surprised at all that that's what you believe. -- Tommy EDIT: Oh, wait a second. You mean bad guys on both sides, right? Or just the evil, evil, evil U.S.A.?
  2. Steve, With all due respect, what's wrong with an occasional anachronysm from time to time? That was Putin's rank in the KGB (counterintelligence) when he was laid off in 1991. -- Tommy Like they say, "Once in the evil, evil, evil KGB, always in the evil, evil, evil KGB.
  3. Ron, With all due respect, was it bad to be a staunch anti-Communist back then? Okay then, ..... well, ... gosh, ... how about staunch anti KGB / GRU? Dang. "Anna Chapman" in 2010 ??? ..... dang -- Tommy
  4. Ron, With all due respect, what does Communism have to do with it? -- Tommy PS Did I hijack a thread?
  5. Really? You don't incorporate one scintilla of it in your theory? With all due respect, how's your labor-intensive exposition on "Harvey's missing tooth" coming along? Or was it "Lee's'"? I get so confused. -- Tommy
  6. Sandy, With all due respect, the "Harvey and Lee" theory is something that's absolutely crucial to your analysis, right? -- Tommy
  7. Sandy, With all due respect, I can't explain everything, or even much, in this confounding murder mystery. Can you? But I can point out some interesting facts and so-called "anomalies," and offer plausible interpretations of them which would appear to cast suspicion on the Ruskies. And, perhaps more importantly, I can apprise our current situation and work backwards, in an attempt to understand how in the heck we ended up with a blackmail-able, mobbed-up-with-the-Russians president who wants to weaken NATO, the EU, the CIA, etc., and realize that by Trump's doing so, he is unwittingly enabling former KGB (counterintelligence) Lieutenant-Colonel Vladimir Putin to realize his neo-fascist, kleptocratic, expansionist goals. (No, that's not a typo. I said the leader of Russia, not the evil, evil, evil, evil, evil U.S.A.) But to your question. Maybe Castro was still really pxxxxd off at Russia for having pulled its nukes out of Cuba, and having used him as a pawn? Hey! Here's an idea! Maybe Castro patsied both the CIA and the Kremlin! Whaddaya think? More later ... -- Tommy
  8. James, With all due respect, could you please give us a plausible reason for Sylvia Duran's and Eusebio Azcue's collectively describing the "Oswald" they allegedly dealt with on 9/27/63 in such a way as to so perfectly describe the Mexico City-based KGB officer Nikolai Leonov? Quite short (Leonov was 5' 6" or 5' 7", not much taller than Duran's 5' 3.5" - 5' 3.75"), blue-eyes, blond; blond-or-dark-blond hair, thin, about 30 years of age, VERY THIN-FACE, and, according to Azcue, wearing a blue suit (which Azcue seemed to remember quite well, as he implied it was a Prince of Wales suit with a pattern of crossed lines and red highlight stripes in the jacket), not, one would think, totally unlike the darkish suit "diplomat" Leonov was photographed wearing five days later on October 2. How do you incorporate this in your all-over-the-place "The evil, evil CIA did it" book-selling narrative? Would you like to publicly agree with Sandy Larsen that the evil, evil CIA must have sent an agent with Leonov's physical characteristics to Mexico City to "kill two birds with one stone," i.e., 1) to somehow impersonate (the one and only) Lee Harvey Oswald, and 2) to implicate that very, very nice KGB colonel Nikolai Leonov (who had introduced Raul Castro and Che to Communism back in the day)? (Which, IF TRUE, raises the following awkward question: Was Sylvia Duran -- the person who claimed to have stapled Lee Harvey Oswald's passport-sized photos to his visa application forms in his presence -- secretly in the employ of the evil, evil CIA, either directly, or via the equally evil, evil, evil Mexican Police/Intelligence Service?) Or, on the other hand, is it remotely possible that Duran and Azcue described the "Oswald" they did (or did not at all) deal with on Friday, September 27 the way they did in order to point the finger at Leonov and the KGB for putatively having "arranged" / "coerced" the ruse? Or that the bugger Ruskie midget really did impersonate the one-and-only Lee Harvey Oswald? (Which, in a way, could help us to make sense of Leonov's amazing National Enquirer interview in which he said that he alone met with (crazy, dangerous looking) Oswald at the Cuban Consulate on SUNDAY, September 29 -- because, "How in the heck could I have impersonated him if he showed up at my office!?") More challenging questions for James DiEugenio (and fascinating points from me) will appear on this thread shortly. Stay tuned, folks ... -- Tommy
  9. I'm bumping this fascinating list for Paul Brancanto, and for anyone else who has decided to forego reading the excellent book from which it came. Thanks again to John Simkin for posting it on the forum back in the day! -- Tommy
  10. James, I will make one concession: Maybe, just maybe, with a little help from some witting or unwitting CIA rogues. -- Tommy
  11. Keyvan, Are you saying that Moyers suggested to O'Donnell that the Trade Mart be selected? And that he suggested to Lumpkin to change the route? And had his assistant suggest to Sorrels that the bubble-top be removed? Or did actually tell them to do those things? -- Tommy
  12. Soldiering on, now ... As far as Dawn's and Don's and James' and Paul's saying they like RT, all I can say is that I'm surprised you guys actually like 1) a "Right-Center"-biased news source 2) funded by the Russian government 3) that has only "Mixed" factual reporting. Wow! https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/rt-news/ -- Tommy
  13. Paul, With all due respect, did you read the list of thirty unavoidable questions about Yuri Nosenko that John Simkin posted back in the day, and which I bumped yesterday? -- Tommy I think it's been 24 hours already, so I'll bump them again for you, okay? Edit: Oops. Nope. Looks like I gotta wait five more hours...
  14. Laughing through my tears. It's incredible to me how many brainwashed, gullible people there are in this country. Ninety-plus years of "active measures" and fifty-eight years of "strategic deception" operations, not by the evil, evil, evil CIA, et al., but by the KGB and GRU in all their incarnations, have really "done the job," boy. Sad, sad, sad situation.
  15. "But as I recall now, my genius first wife from Tim-Buk-Too was able to speak and write it perfectly after only half-a-year. You owe me 25 cents." (sarcasm, but a point well made, da?)
  16. Sandy, I hereby give up on you. Here's my Parthian Shot: In your opinion, who used better English syntax, grammar, and vocabulary -- Harvey, Lee, or Mickey Mouse? -- Tommy PS Good luck with the Gloria Calvery stuff .
  17. Larry, With all due respect, how do you think we ended up with a Russian mobbed-up, pro-Putin, anti-NATO, anti-EU president? You do believe that "Cozy Bear," and "Fancy Bear," and Guccifer 2.0 (not to mention Putin's legions of professional trolls in Saint Petersburg, and his social media bots) are Russian state operatives, don't you? Or do you prefer to believe Binney when he says, in so many words, that the hack of DNC's and Podesta's e-mails was an "inside job"? Or maybe that evil, evil George Soros .... Anyone but the Ruskies? LOL Regardless, what if the JFK assassination was a Soviet job, and all of the conspiracy theories and books and movies and scholarly panels and websites it spawned led to more and more distrust of our own government and institutions, and then along came Rush, and Breitbart, and Roger Ailes, and Alex Jones, and the next thing you know .... "Boom goes the dynamite!" -- Tommy PS I thought ZRRIFLE was basically against Castro, no? Have you found any documents yet that pretty much say, " We're gonna hit POTUS," or is it all pretty much still just kinda a mix of circumstantial evidence and conjecture?
  18. John, With all due respect, are you sure about that name? All the websites and books I refer to say "Fedora's" name was Aleksey Kulak. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fedora_(KGB_agent)
  19. Larry, But you DON'T think KGB/GRU had the expertise or the wherewithal (enough penetration agents and moles in the right places) to be able to highjack or piggyback a CIA operation like that? Only if JJA, himself, was a mole? (LOL) -- Tommy PS When you said you agreed, were you talking about my short post in which I postulated that the KGB had provided those passport sized photos to Duran? You've really got me confused, now. What have I said in any and all of my posts on this thread that you actually agree with? It would undoubtedly be music to my ears...
  20. Dawn, With all due respect, ... ... Aw, never mind. -- Tommy PS Do you like Vladimir Putin, too? If so, then all I can say is that 90-plus years of "KGB" active measures counterintelligence ops, and 58 years of Second Chief Directorate Department 14 "operational/strategic deception" operations have really gotten to you, Dawn. (With all due respect.) Oh, yeah. One more thing. Are you hoping that the "Nunes Memo" is given to the White House and / or released today?
  21. Okay, fine. And since genius you and your first wife (evidently) used personal pronouns, etc, correctly with gerunds (or perhaps your wife cleverly avoided those grammatical quandaries altogether?), you apparently assume that "Harvey's" ability to do so was no great shakes. Any Hungarian mother-tongued boy who then learned a Slavic language could do it, right? Piece of cake. Let me ask you this, Mister Genius. Why do so few college-educated Americans apply that rule? Because they're "grammar rebels" like you? Because they want to sound ignorant around those nerdy English majors? At formal dinner parties? (I rather doubt it.) For our purposes (or at least mine), the important thing is that your Harvey DID apply that rule correctly. What are the chances that an American guy would do that, much less a Russian-speaking descendant of Attila The Hun? And (yes, I know...) NOT born and partially raised in Palo Alto, California (or even in Waco, Texas), but in FREAKING HUNGARY, or some such place. LOL (Give it up, Sandy. I should make you pay ME, now.) -- Tommy
  22. Larry, With all due respect, you pretty much agree with everything I said or quoted in WHICH post? One on this thread? (LOL) -- Tommy PS Someone told me recently that Castro was, like, REALLY P.O.-ed at Khrushchev after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Is that true? If so, maybe they became bosom buddies again before 11/22/63? PPS Is it possible that the "KGB" could have been almost as clever and devious and evil as the evil, evil, evil CIA, seein' as how the CHEKA was founded about 20 years before the OSS was, and itself had sprung out of a pretty gosh-darn efficient Tsarist "National Security State" police/intelligence service? You know, with very efficient "active measures" counterintelligence operations beginning way back in 1921 with "Operation Trust" and "Sindikat-2"? In short, you don't think the KGB was clever enough to assassinate JFK and pin it on their beloved Cuban friends, or even better, the evil, evil CIA?
  23. Sandy, With all due respect, I find that you have become quite insufferable. It was a teaching moment on two levels, Sandy. Hopefully, in the future James will remember the rule I've just now taught him ("the gerund takes the possessive"), and will, therefore, be able to TRULY impress other "scholars". AND (yes, I know), hopefully, James has FINALLY come to the realization that it was very, very unlikely, indeed, that the person Armstrong calls "Harvey" (in reality the one-and-only LHO) could have learned (or "learnt," if you prefer) to speak the high-level, grammar-perfect English that he did, you know, after having supposedly FIRST learned (or learnt) a non-Indo-European Turkic language, (Hungarian), and THEN learned/learnt a highly-inflected (which English isn't btw; look it up) Indo-European language known as ... RUSSIAN. -- Tommy PS Now I going drink the much Vodka after telling you to I for the reason here is much frustration ...
  24. Sandy, With all due respect ... "Huh?" Your second sentence in this thread? Which post? -- Tommy
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