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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Michael, Are you answering for Mr. Simpkin? Are you his official spokesperson? -- Tommy Thomas
  2. Paul, Thanks for asking. Look BELLINGCAT up on this website: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com And just for fun, look up some of your favorite news sources there, too. Last time I counted, there were 122 English-language news sources that it rated as being "Least-Biased," and all of those 122 are, pretty much by definition, rated as being "High" in factual reporting, too. I try to limit my new sources to those that have "High" factual reporting, and I find that politically and socially-speaking, I seem to be attracted to those that are either "Left-Center" or "Least-Biased", bias-wise, with the occasional "Left Biased" and "Right-Center"-biased one thrown in from time-to-time for a little extra "spice", but only as long as said "Left" or "Right-Center" news source has "High" factual reporting. -- Tommy
  3. bumped in the hope of arriving at mutual enlightenment and / or "closure" on the ... "conversation"
  4. Thanks, Douglas. Well, I guess that just goes to show that the KGB and the GRU aren't the only devious organizations around. (lol) -- Tommy
  5. Here's another resource that looks pretty darn good at first glance: https://kennedysandking.com/content/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-index -- Tommy
  6. David, Did I imply that you were goading me in that post, or did you kinda infer it? I mean I mean I mean ... Did I say "If you continue to goad me ..." or something like that made you react, .....well .... just a teensy-weensy bit defensively in your reply? (lol) Carry on David, and "Have A Nice Day," Gosh darn It. Oh yeah, I've already explicitly implied that a couple of times, haven't I. -- Tommy PS My passion right now is seeing that our nation survives the chaos it's in right now, and that insuring that Putin takes his Russian "regulars" and Chechen, etc, mercenaries out of my Grandmother's homeland, and that he give Crimea back to said country. Ukraine. It's in Europe. (sarcasm) No, I'm not talking about those nice pro-Russia Ukrainians who were living in Donbas before 2014. As far as I'm concerned, they can stay if they promise to behave themselves. (lol) FWIW, Here's a website that is a "Least-Biased" news source with "High" factual reporting to mediabiasfact.com : https://bellingcat.com For articles on Donbas and Crimea, click on the "U.K. & Europe" box near the top of the page, or at least used to be (haven't been there in while - they may have change the format.) Ciao!
  7. Dear David, I'm not going to get into H & L again with you or anyone else. I've already stated my beliefs on the subject matter, and anyone who's interested on my "take" can do a JFK Assassination Debate forum "search" on it and find some of my posts on the H & L theory if they so desire. "End of conversation" -- on H & L. So please, don't even try to go there, or "goad" me on "the subject matter". But I still hope that you have a nice day! -- Tommy
  8. My reply to Chris Newton: I'm beginning to think that the Mexico City thing, if not the "hit" itself, was a witting, joint CIA - KGB op. I don't know if it was "rogues" in both of them or one them, or The Whole Enchiladas that were involved. And no, unlike some of us, I don't have some kind of grand "CT" to share with anybody. LOL -- Tommy
  9. David, Sorry I got your name wrong -- again. It never is intentional, believe it or not. Anecdote: I respect the potential for goodness in all individual human beings so much (and realize that by not doing so I demean myself more than I demean them) that I even spell Trump's name with an upper-case "T". (lol) Thanks for the conciliatory post. -- Tommy
  10. Dear Paul, Taking the following things altogether: 1 ) the 9/25/63 - 10/03/63 evidence (factual or otherwise), 2 ) Duran's and Azcue's various descriptions of the "Blond Oswald" over the years, 3) the fact that (IMHO) Nosenko was a false defector sent to the U.S. to contradict, among other things, true defector Golitsyn's statement that Department 13 would have automatically interviewed Oswald in the U.S.S.R., 4 ) the fact that LHO himself said he had never been to Mexico City, 5) the fact that neither the Ruskies nor the Mexicans have ever been able to produce the communications that Nechiporenko and Leonov claimed to have sent about "highly unstable and dangerous" Oswald on 9/28/63 and 9/29/63 (respectively), causes me to believe that that Lee Harvey Oswald never went to Mexico (except maybe to TJ with his fellow marines back in the day). -- Tommy PS Like I said, I'm not going to "debate" you anymore. On anything. You can have the "last word" on this, now. I couldn't care less.
  11. Dear Joseph, Thanks for the input. I like your work on Lee Harvey Oswald's non-visit to Mexico, btw, because I'm starting to think he didn't go there myself. I've only just started reading it, though, so "we shall see". Have a nice day! -- Tommy
  12. Michael, I thought you told me, in so many cryptic words, that you were told by a moderator not to try to communicate with me any more on this forum, or words to that effect. Not that I requested that or anything, because I didn't. So .... What The Fudge? I mean, did I misinterpret what you said? -- Thomas
  13. Dear Steve, Well put! Almost ... lyrical. Uh ..... What were we talking about? -- Tommy
  14. For Steve Rymer https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/us/politics/russia-hack-election-dnc.html?_r=2 -- Tommy
  15. Don't tell me what to do, Steve. You could as least say "Please". LOL But you didn't, did you. I didn't think you'd tell me and I was correct, evidently. -- Tommy
  16. Dear Steve, At first glance you appear to be very critical of Main Stream Media. So let me ask -- What specific "news sources" do you like, Steve? Do you believe that Putin's FSB or SVR "Cozy Bear" and GRU "Fancy Bear" hacked the DNC's and Podesta's emails, and that those e-mails were then passed on to WIKILEAKS and DCLEAKS by Putin's Guccifer 2.0 so that said e-mails would be released incrementally by plausibly "Western" "news" sources during the last weeks of the campaign, you know, in order to get Putin's "useful idiot" Trump elected? Or do you believe Trump's getting "elected" was more of a "Deep State" or a "MIIC" operation? -- Tommy
  17. I'm really having technical and "brain lock" problems tonight, so I'm bumping this post again after having augmented it. -- Tommy
  18. Steve, Gimme about 5 minutes. I'll see what I can "dig up" for you. But I gotta warn you -- it may come from a "MSM" news source or maybe even a news source you like that happens to be rated as having "High" factual reporting by https://mediabiasfactcheck.com . So you may or may not like it. (lol) -- Tommy Edit: Gosh, IDK. Maybe something (like a link or something) in this Wikipedia article? I didn't have time to read the whole thing and get something back to you within the promised 5 minutes. Let me know what, if anything, you find. The text directly above footnot [10] in the text itself looked kinda interesting when I scanned it. Here it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump–Russia_dossier And from one of the "links" in that Wikipedia article: "By late July and early August [2016] MI6 was also receiving information about Mr Trump. By September, information to the FBI began to grow in volume: Mr Steele compiled a set of his memos into one document and passed it to his contacts at the FBI. But there seemed to be little progress in a proper inquiry into Mr Trump. The Bureau, instead, seemed to be devoting their resources in the pursuit of Hillary Clinton’s email transgressions. The New York [FBI] office, in particular, appeared to be on a crusade against Ms Clinton. Some of its agents had a long working relationship with Rudy Giuliani, by then a member of the Trump campaign, since his days as public prosecutor and then Mayor of the city. As the election approached, FBI director James Comey made public his bombshell letter saying that Ms Clinton would face another email investigation. Two days before that Mr Giuliani, then a part of the Trump team, talked about 'a surprise or two you’re going to hear about in the next few days. We’ve got a couple of things up our sleeve that should turn things around'”. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-russia-dossier-file-investigation-hacking-christopher-steele-mi6-a7526901.html
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