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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Pamela, Thanks for the input. My comment: Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't Nosenko claim to have been in charge of a review of Oswald's case, and therefore privy to Oswald's complete KGB file, before he "defected" in January, 1964? -- Tommy
  2. Dear Paul, To your knowledge, did Duran ever say that the guy she'd dealt with in the Cuban Consulate in late September, 1963, was the same guy who was killed by Jack Ruby on 11/24/63? Thanks. -- Tommy
  3. Yes, No, or IDK? FWIW, Nosenko's the guy who told his CIA interrogators a couple of weeks after the assassination that the KGB had neither tried to recruit Oswald in the USSR, nor asked him about the U2 spy plane or the radar equipment, etc, he'd worked with in the Marine Corps. I say Nosenko was a false defector to the U.S. What do you say? -- Tommy
  4. I figure all "official" information about Oswald which comes out of Russia must be true. LOL -- Tommy
  5. Like Michael Clark said about himself somewhere, I don't have much to add but I do like to "bump" old threads.
  6. Maybe they gave it to Michael's mother's evil, evil spyin' friend.
  7. Could that be the door to the bathroom, or the garage, or to the tennis court and pool area (you know, where they kept the boat)? -- Tommy
  8. Dear Paul, So, you've refused to answer the questions I asked you because .... you, like the rest of us, simply don't know what Duran told the Mexican Police when they interrogated her the second time. Now I understand. -- Tommy But at least we do know that she told them on 11/23/63 that the guy she'd dealt with on 9/27/63 was "short, and blond-haired." So that counts for something, doesn't it.
  9. Stupid question: Is the wooden door in this photo closed, partially-open, or open? -- Tommy Do you think the bad guys altered the plans because they knew that somewhere down the road somebody would see a photograph and realize that it's impossible to stick one's head around the doorway, put a baby in a high chair, and spy what's on some table or desk somewhere, you know, all at the same time, or something like that? OMG! Is that Oswald's "Kostin" letter in the background?
  10. Sorry, dude. I don't "see" it. I guess I need some red arrows. -- Tommy
  11. Not sure what you're talking about in said photograph. Regardless, uhhh .....Remodeled?
  12. Dear Paul, It seems you're skirting the questions I asked you in my most recent post, this thread, and my even more specific questions at the bottom of the first page of the "Sylvia Duran and Lee Harvey Oswald" thread. -- Tommy
  13. Dear Michael, Yes, more reading and less posting might be a good idea for, you know, 15 minutes or so. (FWIW, Taking a look at the ten most recent threads, you are the most recent poster on about 1/4 of them.) LOL -- Tommy
  14. Dear Michael, Maybe. Maybe not. (I gotta check with my controller on that one.) -- Tommy
  15. Dear Paul, Geez, that's why I said, "in so many words." Maybe you missed that part? Regardless, What did Duran tell the Mexican police in late November, 1963? "The guy was blond-haired and short," right? ..... How did Duran describe "Oswald" to the HSCA in 1978? That "he" was: 1) "short" ... compared to her own 5' 3.5" or 5' 3.75" 2) "blond-haired" 3) "had blue or green eyes" Does that sound like Lee Harvey Oswald to you? -- Tommy
  16. Dear Michael, I mean I mean I mean I mean. Jumping ahead here, maybe, but if LHO was drugged / hypnotized / somehow "turned" while he was in the Soviet Union, there would be no need for his being "screened" or whatever by the KGB boys in Mexico City, would there? -- Tommy
  17. Chris, I you can't find it, I doubt that I can. But I will take a cursory look in the near future. Stupid question: Was it ever admitted into evidence? -- Tommy
  18. Dear Michael, All I can say is, "Where the heck is Yuri Nosenko (R.I.P.) when we really need him?" I mean I mean I mean --- He'd "set us straight," for sure! After all, Nosenko's the guy who assured Angleton, et al., that LHO was so unstable that Department 13 didn't even interview him, you know, to see if he had any juicy info about U.S. weapons systems, etc. For the simple reason that, contrary to what bonafide defector Golitsyn had told his CIA interrogators, Department 13 "didn't do things like that." You know, after Oswald has tried to "kill himself" in Moscow, and that must be true, too, because good 'ol boys Nechiporenko and Leonov independently "confirmed" to us how LHO really was really, really unstable and everything, you know, by their revelations that Oswald provocatively and oh-so dramatically took his trusty revolver to the Mexico City Soviet Embassy two days in a row! (lol) -- Tommy
  19. Dear Michael, Thanks. Hmm .....1999, eh? A rough year for Russia. What with all those mysterious Russian Apartment Bombings, the ensuing declaration of martial law, the ensuing cancellation of the upcoming elections, the ensuing "decision" of corrupt Boris Yestsin to retire, and the miraculous, concomitant ascension of "former" KGB officer / Director of the ("reset"-lovin') FSB, Vladimir Putin (who, as 1st Prime Minister under Yeltsin, had been protecting good 'ol Boris from corruption charges) to the presidency without being elected to that position! But I digress. I'm sure everything in the files those nice Russians gave us is true. I mean I mean I mean .... Why would they lie to us? "Hip-Hip Hooray! The Cold War Is Over!" (lol) -- Tommy
  20. Douglass, I wonder if Julian Assange told him. (lol) -- Tommy
  21. Dear Michael, Huh? Could you fill us in with the details or at least provide us with a "link", oh great Super Member? Thanks, -- Tommy
  22. Dear Michael, Regardless of what was written in his "Historic Diary," did the State Department determine that Oswald had effectively renounced his U.S. citizenship? -- Tommy
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