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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Researchers have speculated over the years that one of those two guys (way way back there behind the retaining wall) whom "Detective Roger Craig" (I don't think that's Craig, btw) appears to be looking at in the Murray photo was the "Oswald-looking guy" whom Craig claimed to have witnessed running down the grass and getting into a 1959-ish Rambler station wagon on Elm Street. -- Tommy
  2. David, What, then, are we to make of KGB officer (and Third Secretary at the Soviet Embassy) Nikolai Leonov's claim in his Russian-language book (and in National Enquirer magazine, of all places) that Oswald showed up at the Embassy on Sunday, September 29, while (5' 6") Leonov and The Boys were playing volleyball outside the Embassy, and that he alone met with revolver-packin' n' - cryin' Oswald? Just more fake news from one of Putin's supporters who nowadays sits in the Russian parliament? Below Left: Leonov, as photographed near the Soviet Embassy on October 2, 1963. Right: Leonov interpreting for Castro and Mister K. in Moscow -- Tommy
  3. Sandy, Upon a "second viewing," I'm incredibly ashamed to say that her white headscarf isn't visible in Betzner 3, although her white blouse is. She's just behind and to the right of the dark-suited guy who's sitting in the middle of (and leaning forward a bit) in the Queen Mary follow-up car. Btw, I just now noticed that my "Shorty" June Dishong might be visible standing in front of her. -- Tommy
  4. Newbies, of course, will probably not realize that CIA officer Bright was instrumental in making Lee Harvey Oswald appear, in the CIA's computerized Biographical Registry data base, to have the same physical attributes as another "defector", 165 lb.- Robert E. Webster, when he (Bright) apparently collaborated in early 1960 with the Marguerite-Oswald-interviewing FBI agent John Fain to do so, and that Bright was, in September-October, 1963, a rather recently-arrived "floating helper" at the Mexico City CIA Station. -- Tommy
  5. Thanks Larry. I'm glad I just now noticed this informative post of yours. -- Tommy PS I wonder if Bill Bright was involved, somehow.
  6. Sandy, A final thought. Wouldn't it be something if Bart's "Shelley and Lovelady Walking Down Elm Street Extension" turned out to be the two guys "Detective Roger Craig" is watching as they walk back the other way on the E.S.E. in the Murray photo, about ten minutes after the assassination? -- Tommy
  7. Sandy, Excellent post, imho. (lol) I think it's important for members and guests to realize, as you've so ably pointed out above, that I (with your technical and moral support) spotted the "clincher" clothing-related clue that proves "Woman In Black" is Calvery. To wit: she's wearing a dress that's lighter-colored than her black blouse and black headscarf, and it's "patterned", just like the dress"Big Girl" is wearing down on Elm Street during the motorcade. Keep up the good fight if I go away "on vacation" soon, and do try to get around to reading State Secret some day, won't you? -- Tommy
  8. Tracy, Not a problem. They're very good at rationalizing away big-anomalies in their "theory". It promises to be very entertaining, however. I better go stock up on popcorn and Red Hots for the big show! -- Tommy
  9. I'm surprised Jimmy Di Eugenio hasn't jumped in and said, "Please tell me you aren't serious. You're joking, right?"
  10. Tracy, I heard a rumor they're gonna expand the theory to include a Hubert H. Oswald and his occasionally-smiling Mommy, too. -- Tommy
  11. Shirt color? Bill Shelley was wearing a dark-colored, un-patterned suit over a white shirt that day. That's him on the right. -- Tommy PS If I understand your question correctly (always a risky assumption), yes there is. In other words, the explanation you seek is very simple --- it wasn't Shelley who was walking down Elm Street "with" that other guy (who looks like Lovelady) in that dizzying Couch-Darnell GIF or in the blowups thereof. But then again, I probably don't know what you're talking about. LOL
  12. Dear Gerry, To my knowledge, no one on this forum has ever claimed that Frazier was photographically "captured" walking down Elm Street Extension with another man about 30 seconds after the assassination. It's obvious to me that you're confusing Frazier with the guy Bart Kamp says is "William Shelley" in the dizzying Couch-Darnell clip, walking with the guy Bart Kamp claims is "Lovelady" on his right in said dizzying clip. -- Tommy
  13. Sandy, As I've tried to point out on different threads, Lovelady was actually standing next to the center hand rail in Altgens6. It's just hard to realize that because of the 120-degree angle (iirc) Ike Altgens was to the plane of the TSBD's facade, and the fact that the left wall of the steps / entryway jutted out so much in the LOS of his camera as to make it seem that Lovelady aka Doorman was standing next to that wall. -- Tommy
  14. I know it's a crazy idea, but it might explain why both Duran and Azcue described the blond "Oswald" they'd dealt with in a way that closely resembled Mexico City-based KGB officer Nikolai Leonov. And why the LI-FEAT (spelling?) documents Trejo referred to are still being withheld by CIA and the other CIA-DNS telephone tap documents "went missing." years ago. And why ..... (lost my train of thought there for a minute) ..... Nothing was said about Oswald's or "Oswald's" visit(s) to the Cuban Consulate in the Warren Commission's report, but his visit to the Soviet Embassy was spoken about, iirc.
  15. So maybe Castro killed JFK and cleverly kinda blamed it on Mosow. Which ties in with why I was trying to find out from well-read Trejo whether or not the 9/28 phone call had been proved to have come from Duran's phone inside the closed-on-Saturdays Cuban Consulate.
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