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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Dear Paul, Why do you have so much faith in the the Hoover-LBJ dominated FBI's actions "after the fact" (i.e. during the FBI and Allen Dulles-dominated Warren Commission "investigation" and "hearings"), but so little faith in what a Catholic Church-raised-and-schooled, former wanna-be nun (and her TSBD workmate) and current elementary school teacher had to say to a reputable author many years later? Are you really that cynical in nature? Been kicked around a lot or something? Been made fun of a lot? -- Tommy PS I'm finished with you on this thread. Someone else can "take over," if they want to. You "win," Mr Trump. Trejo
  2. If you say so James Dear. -- Tommy PS I guess you missed this: Dear James, Can you explain why, under your theory, Harvey and Lee and Henry and Hank weren't instructed by the all-knowing and all-powerful CIA to write down the same height (5' 10" would have been a good compromise, imho) when given the opportunity to do so, you know, like when filling out a silly driver's license application / renewal form, or a silly job application? You know, so people who read those documents a day or fifty years later would be more effectively led to "mistakenly" believe that there was only one true Oswald, i.e. "Lee Harvey Oswald"? Or did the all-knowing and all-powerful CIA somehow overlook that little "tradecraft" detail, in your humble opinion? James?
  3. But mine sometimes correlate with my opponents' statements, so there's a method to MY madness. LOL -- Tommy At least that's what the body-guarded nurse tells me when she comes into my padded cell and unstrapps me for a couple of minutes and gives me my shots four times a day.
  4. Dear James, Can you explain why, under your theory, Harvey and Lee and Henry and Hank weren't instructed by the all-knowing and all-powerful CIA to write down the same height (5' 10" would have been a good compromise, imho) when given the opportunity to do so, you know, like when filling out a silly driver's license application / renewal form, or a job application? You know, so people who read those documents a day or fifty years later would be more effectively led to mistakenly believe that there was only one true Oswald, i.e. "Lee Harvey Oswald"? Or did the all-knowing and all-powerful CIA somehow overlook that little "tradecraft" detail, in your humble opinion? James? Uh ... http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1134#relPageId=334&tab=page On your driver's license application or renewal form, do you write down the fraction of an inch you are? (Or do they not let you drive?) You mean after he'd returned from the USSR as a beaten-down, devious, wannabe spy? Only against you, and David Josephs, and Word Twister Trejo, and Jimmy ..... -- Tommy PS What's for lunch today? More handfuls of steamin'-hot-'n-stinkin' ... uhhh ... "spaghetti" ?
  5. "Dear Paul" You can't seem to grasp the concept that not only did Adams and Styles tell author Barry Ernest that they did not see Shelly or Lovelady, but that Adams also told Ernest that her W.C. testimony about that very issue had been altered to make it look like she had seen them. It's all very complicated, isn't it. -- Tommy
  6. "Dear Paul" 1 ) Where did she say that? In her W.C. testimony? To Barry Ernest? 2 ) LOL! 3 ) And what, pray tell was that ? What was it that you finally "dragged out" of me that I didn't say here?: "Basically, Adams told Ernest that her WC testimony had been altered to make it sound as though she and Sandra Styles had encountered Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor when they (Adams and Styles) walked down the back stairs a minute or two (going from memory here) after the assassination. Adams and Styles both told Ernest that they seen neither Shelley nor Lovelady on the first floor after walking down those stairs." -- Tommy
  7. "Dear James" What does the likelihood that "a fellow can gain 15 pounds after leaving the Marine Corps" have to do with my contention that there was only one Oswald (the Lee Harvey Oswald)? The 1/2 inch has been documented. And look at the issue of whether or not his reported height of 5' 9 1/2" was true this way: If one day I were to tell you that I'm 6' 4 3/4" tall. and a month or two later I was to say that I'm 6' 5" tall, which would you believe (given the fact that I'm 60-something years old and no longer growing)? "Most of the docs I've seen have him at either 5'9" or 5'11" " Most, but not all? What did the others say? That he was 5' 6"? , 5' 8"? , .6' 7? Or did they say (a rounded up) 5' 10? -- Tommy
  8. Paul, I found EF member and former Army Intel officer Jon G. Tidd's comment (before you joined, I believe) to be very interesting. He said that he thought Angleton was trying to figure out who was manipulating Oswald (as in getting him to hand out "Commie" flyers in New Orleans, and in enticing him to try to get to Cuba via Mexico City?) before (?) Oswald was impersonated over the phone, and maybe even in person, in Mexico City. It's obvious to me that Jon intentionally used the word "manipulating" rather than the word "impersonating." I take this (a step or two farther?) to mean that Angelton's project (to find Oswald's manipulators) may have been hijacked / "piggy backed" by the Oswald-impersonating Really Bad Guys, or that the impersonators might not have been so bad, after all, but working for Angleton is trying to get Oswald's Non-Angleton Manipulators to "show their cards". -- Tommy
  9. Paul, You and I simply aren't on the same page, figuratively speaking. Am I really communicating with you that poorly? Did I say anything about LHO in my post? Never mind. That's not the important point right now. The important point right now is that I said (or at least thought I said) that Adams told Ernest that the part in her WC testimony about her seeing Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor was not true; that that part of her testimony had been altered , without her consent, by some unknown person either on, or working for, the Warren Commission. I also thought I told you that both Adams and Styles told Ernest fifteen years ago that they did not see Shelley or Lovelady on the first floor, which statements, given to Ernest, tend to confirm, IMHFO (pardon my German) that Adams was telling Ernest the truth when she told him that that part of her WC testimony had been altered. Question: What, exactly, do you not understand about that? Unbelievable. All the best, -- Tommy
  10. Or, ..... Maybe Angleton thought the mole (or someone associated with him) from the first mole hunt might still have (belief-inducing?) documents which he either wasn't supposed to have, or wasn't supposed to forward to anyone else, which documents intentionally called Oswald "Lee Henry Oswald," and Angleton thought that that unknown mole (or someone associated with him) might somehow be involved with the manipulation and impersonation of Oswald in September - October, 1963?
  11. Basically, Adams told Ernest that her WC testimony had been altered to make it sound as though she and Sandra Styles had encountered Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor when they (Adams and Styles) walked down the back stairs a minute or two (going from memory here) after the assassination. Adams and Styles both told Ernest that they seen neither Shelley nor Lovelady on the first floor after walking down those stairs. -- Tommy
  12. Oh, I thought you were trying to show us how Walker, and Bannister, and David Sanchez Morales killed JFK. My bad. -- Tommy Question: Why did Egerter decide to "rename him " Lee Henry Oswald," again? You know, just like she had done three years earlier? This time, why not call him "Lee Hubert Oswald." or "Lee Horatio Oswald." instead? Did it somehow help the new mole hunt to you his older mole hunt name?
  13. Word Twister, You tell me. -- Tommy PS Paul Trejo -- "I don't read other people's minds. I just put words in their mouths."
  14. Isn't that what I've been saying, in so many words? What in the heck did you think I was saying? By the way "You're welcome" for my explaining to you how to find that google list of about 260 results, many of which are about Ann Egerter and the "Lee Henry Oswald" 201 file that she opened in December,1960.. Sheesh. PS Why are you lecturing me in this post on things I obviously already know? To show to the world how "intelligent" and "well-informed" you are? LOL
  15. Do you believe Lovelady over what Vicki Adams told author Barry Ernest? PS What's your problem?
  16. "Dear Paul," Googling "lee henry oswald"[space]egerter gives about 260 results , some of which even refer to Egerter's 12/09/60 opening of the "Lee Henry Oswald" 201 file! D'oh -- Tommy
  17. Dear Paul, Why are you obsessing on John Newman? Is he the only author I mentioned in my post? Did I call his work "history"? Why don't you just google "lee henry oswald" egerter and see what you come up with? You might even get lucky and find the CIA document from December 9, 1960. All the best, -- Tommy
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