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Gil Jesus

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Everything posted by Gil Jesus

  1. No I can't because the Subcommittee never published a report. It also never made any recommendations. It's work was never released to the public, although it remains in the public record. But I do have evidence that a "certificate of good character" was needed for a handgun purchase in Texas in 1963. The support comes from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, which did a law review in 1950 on gun control. http://www.saf.org/LawReviews/FJK.htm Part way down the page, you'll read: Permit to Purchase. A few states require the obtaining of a permit to purchase, or the possession of a license to carry, as a prerequisite to the purchase of a firearm. Along this line, Texas requires a certificate of good character from the judge of the county of residence, and New Hampshire a permit only for felons and aliens.[ 39 ] The # 39 footnote references TEX. PENAL CODE, art. 489a (Vernon, 1925) And no, I don't have that book either. But the point is that until the Federal Firearms Act of 1968, the states determined how its citizens obtained handguns. In Texas, the requirement was clear: a handgun purchase had to be approved by a judge in the county where you lived. And that was the law from at least 1925. Since no evidence exists that the law was changed between 1950 and 1963, and since the Subcommittee cited the same Texas requirement in 1963 as the U of P Law Review did in 1950, we must conclude that what was the law in 1925 and 1950 was the law in 1963 as well. Absent evidence to the contrary, of that there can be no doubt.
  2. Jim, here's something else to consider: Anytime you require a document from a JUDGE, you have to provide him with information. In order to have received a "certificate of good character" from a judge in the county where you reside, the required piece of information would have been proof of identity, with which he would have reviewed court documents to find out if you had a record of a violent past or were a convicted felon. If he found evidence of that, the request for the certificate would have been denied. More importantly, the proof of identity requirement would have made it impossible for someone to have obtained such a certificate using an alias. That's probbably why no copy of any such "certificate of good character" exists.
  3. Mr. RUBY. Gentlemen, my life is in danger here. Not with my guilty plea of execution. Do I sound sober enough to you as I say this? Chief Justice WARREN. You do. You sound entirely sober. Mr. RUBY. From the moment I started my testimony, have I sounded as though, with the exception of becoming emotional, have I sounded as though I made sense, what I was speaking about? Chief Justice WARREN. You have indeed. I understood everything you have said. If I haven't, it is my fault. Mr. RUBY. Then I follow this up. I may not live tomorrow to give any further testimony. The reason why I add this to this, since you assure me that I have been speaking sense by then, I might be speaking sense by following what I have said, and the only thing I want to get out to the public, and I can't say it here, is with authenticity, with sincerity of the truth of everything and why my act was committed, but it can't be said here. It can be said, it's got to be said amongst people of the highest authority that would give me the benefit of doubt. And following that, immediately give me the lie detector test after I do make the statement. Chairman Warren, if you felt that your life was in danger at the moment, how would you feel? Wouldn't you be reluctant to go on speaking, even though you request me to do so? ( 5 H 196 ) It doesn't matter whether the guy was looney-tuney or not. HE felt his life was in danger in Dallas and it was this feeling that prevented him from saying something he was withholding. To suggest that the witness was mentally unstable or that whatever he had to say was useless is opinion and unfounded. And yes, convicted murderers give testimony in court cases when the prosecution is relying on "jailhouse confessions".
  4. It's been a long time but I think I read it in Marrs Crossfire book like 17/18 years back. If i recall correctly, he had a written letter to somebody (maybe RFK, maybe a reporter??) that LBJ was behind it all. He also said something to the effect of If Aldai Stevenson was the VP, then JFK would still be alive today. I'm sure some of the other researchers on this site can provide some validation. Video of Ruby saying that if Stevenson was VP, Kennedy would be alive. RUBY: You mentioned about Adlai Stevenson. If he was Vice-President, there would never have been the assassination of our beloved President Kennedy. REPORTER: Would you explain it again ? RUBY: Well, the answer is the man in office now. I think you can take this several ways: 1. Johnson was behind the assassination 2. Johnson's supporters were behind the assassination or 3. That the forces behind it were so conservative in their political beliefs that elevating an ultra liberal like Stevenson to the Oval Office was out of the question and that JFK would have been seen as the lesser of two evils. Originally, I picked #3, although in recent years the more I learn about the assassination, I'm leaning towards # 2.
  5. The Testimony of Sgt. James A Zahm In order to show that a shot from the Texas School Book Depository was an "easy shot", the Commission called as an expert witness, Sgt. James A Zahm, a Marine Corps NCO who was in charge of the the Marksmanship Training Unit at the Weapons Training Battalion Marine Corps School, Quantico, Va.. Sgt. Zahm was the non-commissioned officer in charge of the long-range team. This consisted of about 40 members of the Marine Corps Rifle and Pistol Team, and he was responsible of the training, providing weapons, and hand loading the ammunition for practice and eventual firing at 600 and 1,000 yards. ( 11 H 306-307 ) Zahm went on to talk about his experience with rifle scopes: " the higher powered telescopes are used in the particular type of firing we are doing right now, deliberate slow fire at extreme ranges of 600 and 1,000 yards. We use 12-power to 20-power telescopes." ( ibid.) So here's the Commission's expert witness on rifle scopes, an NCO in charge of a Marine Corps "long range team" that fired at targets from "600 to 1,000 yards" using "12-power to 20-power telescopes". And this is the guy whose going to give testimony saying that an 85 yard shot with a 4-power scope is an easy shot ? But that's exactly what he did. Mr. SPECTER. How would you characterize that, as a difficult, not too difficult, easy, or how would you characterize that shot? Sergeant ZAHM. With the equipment he had and with his ability, I consider it a very easy shot. testimony of Sgt. James a. Zahm ( 11 H 309 ) Let's look at this statement, "with the equipment he had and with his ability". First, "the equipment he had" : There's no evidence that Sgt. Zahm ever fired the Depository rifle and could not have possibly known the condition of the rifle prior to the assassination. Therefore, his "expert" testimony regarding "the equipment he had" is nothing more than an opinion devoid of any first hand knowledge and thus any factual basis. Next, "his ability" : There's no evidence that Sgt. Zahm was present during either of Oswald's two rifle qualifications and thus he could not have had first hand knowledge of Oswald's ability with a rifle. Because of this, one can assume that Sgt. Zahm was also not present when Oswald's scores were tallied and had no first hand knowledge of whether or not the scores accurately depicted what Oswald shot. Sgt. Zahm admitted under testimony that his evaluation of Oswald's ability was based solely on the documents he saw: Mr. SPECTER. Have you had an opportunity to examine the documents identified as Commission Exhibit No. 239 and Exhibit No. I to Major Anderson's deposition, Sergeant Zahm? Sergeant ZAHM. Yes; I have. Mr. SPECTER. Based on the tests of Mr. Oswald shown by those documents, how would you characterize his ability as a marksman? Sergeant ZAHM. I would say in the Marine Corps he is a good shot, slightly above average, and as compared to the average male of his age throughout the civilian, throughout the United States, that he is an excellent shot. ( 11 H 308 ) But when Zahm is faced with whether or not Oswald could have aimed at and hit Kennedy in the head, he backpedals: "....I think that aiming at the mass of what portion of the President is visible at that distance and with his equipment, he would very easily have attained a hit, not necessarily aiming and hitting in the head. This would have been a little more difficult and probably be to the top of his ability, aiming and striking the President in the head. But assuming that he aimed at the mass to the center portion of the President's body, he would have hit him very definitely someplace, and the fact that he hit him in the head, but he could have hit, got a hit. Mr. SPECTER. So you would have expected a man of Oswald's capabilities at a distance of 265.3 feet to strike the President someplace aiming at him under those circumstances? Sergeant ZAHM. Yes. ( 11 H 309 ) So the "easy shot" wasn't so easy after all. In fact, the only easy part about it was that a rifleman with Oswald's capabilities, using a four power scope, could have hit the President "someplace" and that a head shot from that distance would have been " a little more difficult ". The reader should keep in mind that Oswald's qualifications with a rifle in the Marine Corps was with a .30 caliber rifle with no scope. As this photo shows: The point being that Oswald would have had to have experience in "sighting in" a scoped rifle. There's simply no evidence to suggest that Oswald had the skills to do that. Zahm's own testimony indicated that in order to sight in a rifle, one would have to have fired at least 10 rounds through it: Mr. SPECTER. How many shots in your opinion would a man like Oswald have to take in order to be able to operate a rifle with a four-power scope, based on the training he had received in the Marine Corps? Sergeant ZAHM. Based on that training, his basic knowledge in sight manipulation and trigger squeeze and what not, I would say that he would be capable of sighting that rifle in well, firing it, with 10 rounds. ( 11 H 308 ) In other words, for Oswald to have scoped in the disassembled rifle he would have had to have fired ten rounds through it after he reassembled it inside the building on November 22nd. There's no evidence that Oswald fired 10 rounds through the Depository rifle on November 22, 1963. In addition to these facts, there's no evidence that Zahm had any experience with ANY Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, let alone the alleged murder weapon. The one time he was asked a question by counsel specifically about the Mannlicher-Carcano, counsel rephrased the question: Mr. SPECTER. How much familiarity would a man with Oswald's qualifications, obtained in the Marine Corps, require in order to operate a rifle with a scope such as a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle with a four-power scope? Sergeant ZAHM. How much familiarity would he require? Mr. SPECTER. Let me rephrase the question. Would it be very difficult for a man with Oswald's capabilities as a marksman to use a rifle with a four-power scope?( ibid. ) So we see that counsel was careful not to seek out information from Zahm with respect to the Mannlicher-Carcano specifically, but rephrased the question to aim it at "a rifle" instead. Zahm had no business testifying about Oswald's ability or about the alleged murder weapon. He had no first hand knowledge of Oswald's ability, he had no first hand knowledge whether the test scores were accurate, he had no experience with the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle and his expertise was with long range shooting from 600-1,000 yards using a 12 to 20-power scope. One good point his testimony brings out however, is that if the rifle was brought into the building "broken down", the shooter had to have fired 10 rounds through it in order to scope it in. Unless, of course, this rifle had a "Magic Scope".
  6. When Earl Warren and Gerald Ford went to Dallas to interview Jack Ruby, Ruby asked to be brought to Washington. Ruby told them that he felt that his life was in danger and that he could not speak freely in Dallas, but he would tell all if they took him to Washington. Here was the most important living witness to the whole "who-killed-Kennnedy" question, who was willing to cooperate with the investigation and his request was denied. So which witnesses DID the taxpayers pay to fly to Washington to give testimony in this case ? James Herbert Martin - Mgr. of Six Flags Inn where Marina and Marguerite were detained. Katherine Ford - Oswald family acquaintance in Dallas Declan P. Ford - " " " " Peter Paul Gregory - Russian interpreter Kerry Thornley - Oswald Marine Corps pal Alexandra DeMohrenschildt ( Mrs. Donald Gibson ) William Kirk Stuckey - WDSU broadcaster in New Orleans Priscilla Johnson - CIA-connected journaist, knew Oswalds in Russia Curtis LaVerve Crafard - Ruby employee George Senator - Ruby roommate Nancy Perrin Rich - Ruby employee Earl Ruby - Ruby brother Hymen Rubenstein - Ruby brother William D. Crowe Jr. - Ruby performer Marjorie R. Richey - Ruby waitress George William Fehrenbach Ike Pappas - reporter Seth Kantor - reporter John G. McCullogh - Philadelphia reporter who went to Dallas an hour after assassination Lawrence V. Myers Revilo P. Oliver - right wing author and speaker All of these witnesses, none of whom could provide one iota of evidence in the murder of JFK, were all invited to Washington to testify before the Commission on the taxpayers' dime. And yet, Jack Ruby's request was denied. The way this case was handled just never ceases to amaze me.
  7. I've probably posted this video before, but in light of the ongoing character assassination of JFK, I thought it would be nice to see the REAL President Kennedy and his attitude toward his fellow man. It's hard for me to swallow that this "man of peace" was in reality ( according to some ) a blood-thirsty murderer.
  8. The Late President giving his speech on peace, at American University, June 10, 1963. Part One Part Two
  9. I just doesn't make sense to me that Walker would be involved in a conspiracy to kill JFK, a conspiracy that included the selection of a patsy, then claim that the only type of bullet that the patsy's rifle could fire was not the bullet recovered from his house. I would agree that Walker may have had foreknowledge of a plot to kill JFK, but his objection to CE 573 being the bullet leaves a question in my mind of how much involvement he had in the details of the plot. IMO, it just seems to me that we can't have it both ways...we can't have Walker setting up Oswald on the one hand, then arguing against the evidence "proving" Oswald's guilt on the other. I have no doubt that this was a Dallas-based plot to kill the President that had logistical support from elements of the Federal Government. Part of that logistical support included the FBI's foreknowledge of a plot and allowing the murder to happen and the SS removing the President's protection. This is the secret IMO that Hoover was trying to hide......they let it happen.
  10. I agree that a jury would consider the witness unreliable. In this case, I trust more what the witnesses ORIGINALLY said on the day of the assassination more than I do their subsequent revisions. Givens affidavit to the Dallas Police on 11/22 made no mention of seeing Oswald in the Domino Room at 7:50, 11:50 or of seeing him on the sixth floor at 11:55. Later on the same day, he claimed that he saw Oswald at 11:50. Givens originally said that they broke for lunch at 11:30, went downstairs, washed up for lunch, then he "walked around" the first floor until noon, when he left the building. I can't understand how people cannot believe that Oswald was in the Domino Room at 11:50. Whether or not Givens is telling the truth about seeing Oswald in the Domino Room at 11:50 can be easily determined by looking at the corroborating evidence. Three other witnesses saw Oswald on the first floor between 11:45 and 12:15. How does Givens spend 20 minutes or so walking around the first floor and never see Oswald ? How is it so impossible for Oswald to be in the Domino Room at 11:50 when there's no evidence that he was in the Domino Room at 7:50 ? Mr. BELIN. Did you see him come into the domino room at all? Mr. GIVENS. Not that morning, no, sir; I didn't. Mr. BELIN. When did you leave the domino room to go up to the sixth floor? Mr. GIVENS. 8 o'clock. Mr. BELIN.. At 8 o'clock? Mr. GIVENS. Yes, sir. Mr. BELIN. So you don't feel he came in the domino room before 8 o'clock ? Mr. GIVENS. No, sir; not that morning he didn't. ( 6 H 348 ) It's not that I'm trying to be an a**hole about this, but I just don't see any corroborating evidence that Oswald was in the Domino Room at 7:50. I DO see evidence that Oswald was in the Domino Room at 11:50 supported by multiple witnesses who saw him on the first floor between 11:45 and 12:15. This ( CD 5, pg. 329 ) is a very poorly written FBI report. It's all over the place, including an account where Oswald tells Givens "during the past few days that LEE had commented that he rode to work with a boy named Wesley." Oswald never spoke to Givens. Mr. BELIN. Do you remember any conversation you ever had with him? What you said and what he said? Mr. GIVENS. Well, he was a fellow that kept pretty much to himself. He never had too much to say. Mr. BELIN. Did he ever say anything to you, what a nice day, or about his family, or baseball, or anything? Mr. GIVENS. No, sir. Mr. BELIN. Ever talk to you about any politics? Mr. GIVENS. No, sir. ( 6 H 348 ) Oswald never even made small talk with Givens, but he told him that he rode to work with Wesley ? The FBI put a lot of crap in these reports that wasn't the truth. The only way to find out the truth is to cross check it for corroboration. In addition, witnesses were pressured to change their stories from their original versions. Givens seems to me to be one of those types of witnesses. So much so, that by the time Givens got to give testimony to the WC, he didn't see Oswald in the Domino Room that day at all. I believe that Shanklin's account of Givens saying he saw Oswald in the Domino Room at 7:50 is a lie. And I base that belief on the testimony of Givens, on the FBI report of the interview of Givens and on the testimony of witnesses who saw Oswald on the first floor at the time Oswald was allegedly in the Domino Room. Furthering that belief is that I can find no document and no witness to support Shanklin's report putting Oswald in the Domino Room at 7:50. That being said, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
  11. I have some problems with that interpretation. The first is because Givens told the WC that Oswald read the newspaper at lunch time: Mr. BELIN. Did you ever observe Lee Oswald getting the newspaper in the domino room shortly before lunch on days other than November 22d? Mr. GIVENS. Not before lunch. It would be right at lunch time. Mr. BELIN. Right at lunch time? Mr. GIVENS. Yes, sir. We always ate in there. Mr. BELIN. Would Oswald always eat in there? Mr. GIVENS. Yes, sir. ( 6 H 354 ) The second is that Frazier didn't get to the TSBD that day until after 7:55: Mr. FRAZIER. Usually, I usually leave not any later than 7:25. I usually try to leave about 7:20, and if you leave at 7:20 you usually get around there, by the time you get down to the parking lot now it is usually pretty close to 5 minutes to 8 and that gives you enough time to walk to the Book Depository, put up your lunch and take off your coat. If Frazier left at 7:20, he would have arrived at the parking lot at 7:55. But that morning, he left AFTER 7:20: Mr. FRAZIER. "........I just turned around and looked at the clock to see what time it was and it was right amount 7:21 then and I went in and brushed my teeth real quick and running through the house put my coat on and we left. ( 2 H 226 ) Givens couldn't have seen Oswald at 7:50 if Frazier didn't arrive in the parking lot until after 7:55.
  12. CONSPIRACY THEORISTS SUFFER FROM A FORM OF MENTAL ILLNESS CALL "ANTI-GOVERNMENT PHOBIA", according to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. "....unfounded fear of government is a recognizable mental illness, closely related to paranoid schizophrenia. Anti-Government Phobia (AGP) differs from most mental illnesses, however, in that it is highly infectious and has an acute onset. Symptoms include extreme suspiciousness, conspiracy-mongering, delusional thought patterns, staunch "us against them" mentality, withdrawal from reality, and often religious fanaticism. Having the patient committed to a qualified mental health institution is the best option for family and loved ones." http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/info_schedule_battle/Anti_Government_Phobia.html I'm wondering what the framers of the Constitution would think of such nonsense. Isn't this how the Communists handle dissidents ?
  13. He does this all the time, Mr. Kelly. He constantly changes the subject. Apparently, O'Donnell must have realized later that he had been used. Mr. SPECTER. Mr. O'Donnell, do you have any knowledge, aside from the factors which you have set forth during your testimony today, concerning anyone involved in the shooting of the President? Mr. O'DONNELL. No; I have no comment. ( 7 H 457 ) I also suspect that Connally was likewise used, his "role" being to get the Trade Mart as the luncheon site. If this is true, whoever was controlling Connally was the mastermind of the plot. Even more dangerous for Connally, it put him in a position of having first hand knowledge of who was behind it. Under those circumstances, one has to wonder if his wounding was as a consequence of a missed shot or an attempt to eliminate the only link between who was responsible for the assassination and the President. Once he was hit, he may have realized that he as well as JFK was a target, "My God, they're going to kill us all", he yelled out.
  14. Pat there's something else to consider when discussing whether or not Givens said he saw Oswald in the Domino Room at 11:50 -- from Roffman's "Presumed Guilty" pg. 287: "When Givens was interviewed by the FBI on the day of the assassination, he not only failed to mention having seen Oswald on the sixth floor, but he actually said he saw Oswald on the first floor at 11:50, reading a newspaper in the domino room (CD 5, p. 329). A lengthy memorandum by Joseph Ball and David Belin dated February 25, 1964, acknowledges that Givens originally reported seeing Oswald on the first floor reading a paper at 11:50 on the morning of November 22 (p. 105). I haven't been able to find this memo on line. I only get so many searches at the Ferrell site. Other's footnotes ( incl. Meagher's ) have referred to that memo pgs. 101, 105-107, and 110. If anyone out there can post a link to this memo it would be appreciated. Because if the memo does indeed acknowledge that Givens originally said that he saw Oswald in the Domino Room at 11:50, then there is no doubt that the "11:50" in CD 5 pg. 329 is correct and not a typo meant to be "7:50". It also calls into question where Gemberling got the time of "7:50" from. Based on the supporting evidence from other witnesses that puts Oswald on the first floor between 11:50 and 12:15, I suspect that Givens' "11:50" is correct. But I'd like to see that memo to be fully convinced.
  15. Funny but that's not Givens testified to: Mr. BELIN. Did you see him reading the newspaper? Mr. GIVENS. No; not that day. .... I didn't see him in the domino room that morning. ( 6 H 352 ) IOW, not at 7:50, 11:50 or any time before noon !!!!! That's nonsense. The report specifically stated that the time was 11:50. It didn't leave anything to interpretation. In addition, there were three other witnesses who claimed to have seen Oswald on the first floor between 11:45 and 12:15: Willam Shelley: Mr. BALL. On November 22, 1963, the day the President was shot, when is the last time you saw Oswald? Mr. SHELLEY. It was 10 or 15 minutes before 12. Mr. BALL. Where? Mr. SHELLEY. On the first floor over near the telephone. ( 7 H 390 ) Eddie Piper: Mr. BALL. Was that the last time you saw him? Mr. PIPER. Just at 12 o'clock. Mr. BALL. Where were you at 12 o'clock? Mr. PIPER. Down on the first floor. ( 6 H 383 ) In addition, Carolyn Arnold told the FBI that she caught a fleeting glimpse of Oswald on the first floor " a few minutes before 12:15". Part of investigating involves the credibility of sources. These witnesses who claimed to have seen Oswald on the first floor between 11:45 and 12:15 had no reason to lie about what they saw. Shanklin, however, is another story. Certainly his credibility is in question. He was the head of the Dallas FBI office that ordered Hosty to destroy the "Oswald note". He was also involved in the stretcher bullet fiasco. And in light of the accounts of other witnesses whose claims support the original report that Givens saw Oswald on the first floor, it's obvious to me at least that Givens was persuaded to change his original story to the extent that his WC testimony was that he NEVER saw Oswald reading a newspaper THAT MORNING !!!! And here's something else for the reader to consider: If Oswald had been on the sixth floor prior to 12:15, as the Commission believed, it was a remarkable coincidence that out of all of the employees of the TSBD, Oswald was able to pick out two who were together as he claimed, on the same floor as he claimed, in the same room as he claimed and at the same time as he claimed. Oswald could not have told the FBI that Jarman and a short Negro employee were together in the Domino Room on the first floor unless he had seen this himself. And for Oswald to have observed this, he would have had to have been on the first floor between 12:10 and 12:15. The fact that he was able to relate this incident is evidence that he was on the first floor until at least 12:15.
  16. Thank You for posting that which I have already stated. Does that prove your point ? The Warren Report made statements that were NOT supported by the testimony. There's a BIG difference between the White House yielding to Connally and putting "the final stamp of approval" on the location. That's like saying that a parent who doesn't want her kid to go to the mall, after hours of arguing with the kid and finally gives in, approves of it. Your interpretation of the facts, as usual, is ridiculous.
  17. David Von Pein wrote on his blog: ".....it was Mr. O'Donnell, like it or not, who put the final stamp of approval on the Trade Mart as the site for the November 22 Dallas luncheon (Warren Report, Page 31)." FROM THE TESTIMONY: Mr. SPECTER. One other detail, Mr. O'Donnell. Did you have occasion to deal with any particular individuals from the city of Dallas itself during this trip, or in preparation for this trip? Mr. O'DONNELL. No. ( 7 H 457 ) Mr. SPECTER. Were there any factors peculiar to Dallas which delayed the determination of the motorcade route? Mr. O'DONNELL. The only factor that really did hold up a final decision was we had not been able to finally agree on where he would end up and where he would deliver the speech. There was a controversy between the Governor, and between some of the local democratic figures, and between our people, as to whether the place finally selected was the best place for the President to give the address. The Governor felt very strongly on it. And we finally acquiesced to his views. But I would think that came rather late in the game, and it would have altered the route quite dramatically. ( 7 H 443 ) Connally, the Yarborough group and the Secret Service were at odds as to where the luncheon would be held. The White House yielded to Connally.
  18. Sounds a lot like the body was going from Andrews to Walter Reed, then from Walter Reed to Bethesda.
  19. I have to agree with Jim on this. It's difficult to believe that any plot to kill the President could manifest itself, with all the necessary logistics involved and all, in a 10 day period. IMO, that's just not long enough to put the whole plan together. So I doubt a memo or a few memos written 10 days prior to the assassination were the cause of it.
  20. I completely agree. http://www.giljesus.com/jfk/DPD.htm
  21. Absolutely. A gun belt or a bullet slide. http://www.giljesus.com/jfk/DPD.htm
  22. I have several questions of my own. One is that if the killer walked up to Tippit and shot him in the head execution-style while he was lying on the ground, and Oswald was that killer, why is there no evidence of Tippit's blood being found on Oswald's shoes and/or pant legs ?
  23. John, I also posted a series of questions to the "Oswald-did-it" crowd some time back in one of the newsgroups and those questions were similarly met with verbal attacks. These are the questions I have on the case: 1. Earwitnesses claimed they heard the sound of a gunshot from the picket fence area, Critics attributed it to echoes. Eyewitnesses also reported seeing a "puff of smoke" in the same picket fence area. What type of echo produces a "puff of smoke" ? 2. If RFK had accepted without question the WC findings with regard to the murder of his brother, what reason would there be for his taking possession of his brother's brain and locking it away, rather than burying it with the body ? 3. Name another murder where there was a "jet effect". 5. Fifty-one witnesses held the shots sounded as if the came from west of the Depository, the area of the grassy knoll on Elm Street, the area directly on the right of the President's car when the bullets struck. http://spot.acorn.net/JFKplace/09/fp.back_issues/12th_Issue/51_wits.html Yet the Warren Commission concluded that "no credible evidence" existed that any shots were fired from anywhere but the Texas School Book Depository. In what other murder case was the testimony of 51 sworn and many other unheard witnesses dismissed so cavalierly as "no credible evidence"? 6. Why do the autopsy photographs show the skull intact, when the "Harper Bone Fragment" was missing from the skull at the time of the autopsy ? http://i42.tinypic.com/23ny2e.jpg 7. Why did the FBI withhold from the WC Jack Ruby's ties to Organized Crime and his numerous phone calls to mobsters in the weeks prior to the assassination ? 9. The autopsy photograph of the back of the President's neck shows no entry wound anywhere in the neck, yet the Humes- supervised Rydberg drawing shows a bullet wound in the base of the neck. Is the autopsy photo a fake, or did Humes lie about the location of the wound ? http://i43.tinypic.com/3346ezb.jpg 10. Prior to 11/22/63, can you name ONE TIME when Oswald threatened President Kennedy specifically ? 11. What evidence is there that Lee Harvey Oswald ever purchased any 6.5mm ammunition ? 12. How did a "Defector" ( with an undesirable discharge ) get employed during the missile crisis by a company which did Gov't work on U-2 photos ? 13. When examined by the FBI, CE 399 had no bone particles, no clothing fibers and no blood on it from either victim. Why not ? 14. How did Sgt. Hill misidentify the shells found at the Tippit murder scene as coming from a .38 automatic when gun shells are clearly labelled by caliber and type on the bottom and are always identified by that label. http://i44.tinypic.com/dzcg88.jpg 15. Why did the Dallas Police give Oswald a Nitrate Test that was known to be unreliable ? 17. Did Hoover proclaim Oswald guilty before or after the FBI examined any of the evidence ? 18. How did the President's tie get nicked in the front of the knot from a bullet exiting behind it ? http://i43.tinypic.com/11bhuzr.jpg 20. What evidence is there that Oswald ever received the mail-order rifle from the Post Office ? 21. Why did the the Dallas Police dust "4 pcs" of white "curtain rods" four months after the assassination for Oswald's fingerprints (CE1952) ? http://i43.tinypic.com/240yio8.jpg 22. The path of the "magic bullet" through Kennedy would have resulted in damage to his vertebra: http://i39.tinypic.com/f42r74.jpg and yet there was no such damage. Why is that ? 23. How did Oswald know he could bring a 35 inch package to work without being seen ? 24. Why did Oswald leave his revolver in his rented room, a revolver he could have concealed on his person and which he would have needed to facilitate his escape ? 25. Why didn't "psycho killer" Oswald just step off the curb and shoot Kennedy point-blank with his revolver ? 26. Name one witness who identified Oswald as the shooter in the TSBD ON THE DAY OF THE ASSASSINATION. 27. Why did Emory Roberts order agents Ready and Hill to return to the follow-up car when the shooting began ? 28. What did the Warren Commission conclude was the motive for Oswald killing President Kennedy ? 29. What evidence is there that Lee Harvey Oswald ever purchased any .38SPL ammunition ? 30. Why weren't the bullet fragments photographed in their positions in the limousine as found ? 31. How did Oswald hide the rifle without leaving any identifiable fingerprints on it ? 34. Why were overpass witnesses James Simmons and Richard C. Dodd never called before the Warren Commission ? 35. Why were Elm St. witnesses Charles Brehm and Bill Newman, who were among the closest witnesses to the limo at the time of the shooting, never called before the Warren Commission ? 36. Lt. Day photographed partial prints on the triggerguard of the rifle. Why didn't he photograph the palm print on the rifle when he found it ? 37. Why couldn't the FBI find any identifiable prints on the rifle when they examined it on 11/23 ? 38. What make and model rifle has a recoil so powerful as to shake a floor violently enough to make plaster fall from the ceiling on the level below ? 39. Why did the Dallas Police not tape Oswald's interrogation ? 40. If Sgt. Hill was mistaken in his description of the shells found at the Tippit murder scene, why did he describe them in such detail when he radioed in that "The shells at the scene indicate that the suspect is armed with an automatic .38 rather than a pistol" ? 41. Why did Kennedy's bodyguards stay up all night drinking in Fort Worth the night before the assassination ? 42. Nine SS agents drank liquor at the Fort Worth Press Club on the night before the assassination, in violation of SS regulations prohibiting agents from drinking while on "travel status". Why weren't they reprimanded ? 43. Was any blood found on the bullet fragments recovered from inside the limousine ? 44. Who was the Dallas Post Office employee who handed Oswald his mail-order rifle ? 45. Why were the records of Oswald's post office box "discarded" after his box was closed, when according to Postal Regulation 846.5h, those records were to be kept for two years after closing ? http://i41.tinypic.com/2jfhyrn.jpg 46. Why was "the man with the football", the general who carried the briefcase with the codes for launching US nuclear weapons and who sat in the front seat between the SS agents, removed from the front seat of the limousine at the last minute ? 48. Why was the Mannlicher-Carcano in the "backyard" photograph equipped for a bottom mounted sling and the TSBD Carcano was not ? http://i42.tinypic.com/25z4g3k.jpg 49. On Saturday the 23rd, when Julia Ann Mercer selected Jack Ruby's photograph as one of two who looked like the man she saw unloading a rifle from a truck on Elm St shortly before the assassination, why wasn't Ruby picked up for questioning or asked to participate in a police lineup ? 50. The Warren Commission concluded that three shots were fired, all from the Texas School Book Depository. It further concluded that one shot hit both President Kennedy and Governor Connally, one shot missed the limousine completely and one shot hit President Kennedy in the head. How many witnesses described the shooting as having happened that way ? 51. Michael Paine testified that he was shown "backyard photograph" C133-A on the night of the assassination. But Dallas Detective Gus Rose testified that the photo was not found until the following day, Saturday, November 23rd, during a search of the Paine residence. How did the authorities have in their possession a photo which had not yet been found ? 52. How many witnesses described the Tippit shooter as having a brown shirt ? 53. Why did the Warren Commission question members of the Oswald family as to whether Lee Harvey Oswald was left or right handed ? 54. Why was Lee Harvey Oswald reading rifle magazines at Alba's Garage in New Orleans and collecting coupons for mail-order weapons, when BOTH of HIS weapons had already been purchased ? 55. Why was Oswald fingerprinted at 12:35am and arraigned at 1:35am on Saturday morning ? 56. If Oswald travelled the ten blocks from his roominghouse to the scene of the Tippit murder in 5 to 10 minutes, why did it take him 30 minutes to travel the seven blocks between the Tippit murder scene and the Texas Theater ? 57. Why did the Dallas Police come looking for Oswald at the roominghouse BEFORE they arrested him in the Texas Theater ? 58. Cecil Stoughton's negative of the famous photo showing Rep. Albert Thomas winking at LBJ aboard Air Force One is missing. Anyone know what happened to it ? 59. Why wasn't Tom Alyea, the Dallas news reporter whose cameraman filmed the discovery of the rifle on the sixth floor, called before the Warren Commission ? 60. What proof is there that "A.J. Hidell" was approved to receive mail at either of Oswald's Dallas Post Office Boxes ? 61. If Ruby didn't know Oswald, how did he know enough to correct Henry Wade that the group Oswald belonged to was the "Fair Play for Cuba Committee" ? 62. The jacket which was found after the Tippit murder and identified as being owned by Lee Harvey Oswald and discarded by him in his escape, had a tag on it from a dry cleaning store. The identification of the store that attached that tag and the record of the cleaning would have been evidence that proved that the jacket indeed belonged to Lee Harvey Oswald. What was the name of the store and when was that jacket cleaned ? 63. How did Oswald manage to load the rifle without leaving any fingerprints on the ammunition clip or the cartridges ? 65. Where are the three pieces of metal that were removed from General Walker's arm ? 66. In the FBI's transcript of the DPD radio transmissons for November 22, 1963, (CE 1974, pg. 48 ) http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh23/html/WH_Vol23_0444a.htm there are two broadcasts at 1:08 pm by unit # 58 first, then unit # 488. Both attempts to reach the dispatcher are labelled by the FBI as "garbled". Who were the officers designated #s 58 and 488 ? 67. Name someone who witnessed Oswald's rifle scores of 190 and 212. 68. Name Oswald's Communist associates in the US and their group affiliations. 69. What evidence is there that the Oswald rifle was in the Paine garage on November 21st ? 70. How did Oswald construct the "paper gun sack" and leave only one fingerprint and one palm print on the paper ? 71. Lee Oswald was placed in a police lineup with teenagers and a Mexican. How many eyewitnesses described Tippit's murderer as a teenager or a Mexican ? 72. How can one accept a transiting bullet through Kennedy without a bullet track through the body ?
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