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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. That amount of money does not seem to me to make that significant. Especially in those early days. I am pretty sure that this is from the Rosemary James expose article.
  2. Escorting out a rioter instead of arresting him? That somehow qualifies as not making the riot a riot? I mean, you did see the film of the cop having his head bashed into a doorway over and over? In a mystery that today is still unsolved, the capitol police and local police could not get any military support and they badly needed it since they were so outnumbered. So after the senate and congress were all chaperoned to tunnels into below ground secure rooms, and the ballots were sequestered, they tried to escort the suspects out since there was no one to take hostage and the ballots were locked up. In other words, the danger of interfering with the election was passed. But there was still no National Guard there. WIthout any military support there was no way they could arrest everyone since if they did arrest everyone, there would not be enough police to protect the building. This is why so many of the rioters were arrested later. Although Tucker Carlson secretly hated Trump, he understood and understands his sway over the helpless GOP. And one of Trump's phobias is the Jan 6th committee. Since they actually did a decent enough job in cracking the plot to subvert the election. Now that I am done with Casolaro, I will return to do parts 3 and 4 on the Insurrection.
  3. I agree that there will not be a concluding episode to hash out the other side of things. Netflix simply would not do something like that. Too much at stake I think for them. But the two guys who made this series should really be called out. That will not happen. Except for here. I mean to make Riconosciuto a main talking head?
  4. Tom, This is one way that Garrison kept track of what Ferrie was up to was through Johnson. Yes, can you quote that article back to me? As for Doudna, this is why I have him on ignore. He has bought into the anti Garrison hysteria fostered by Paul Hoch to such a degree that its like having Hoch here. And unlike Stu I have no time or respect for Paul Hoch. Aaron Kohn was literally in bed with Shaw's lawyers. When Sheridan was working on Garrison's witnesses to either intimidate them or get them to flip, Kohn was right in the middle of it. In fact they used his office as a site for these people to do their "turning" speeches, thus negating themselves as witnesses. And then Dymond would tell them that if Garrison charged the witness, he would get them a lawyer any time of the day or night. This, of course, was off the CIA's preferred attorneys list in that city. And Dymond did this quite often--and then lied about it-- and Kohn knew all about it, and covered it up. See, in any normal case, this would be obstruction of justice and witness tampering. RIght at the start of his JFK inquiry, Kohn began to say that somehow because his house was built by a builder with an Italian last name, Garrison owed the house to the mafia. Utterly sick. And BTW, even Shaw's lawyers, like the late Sal Panzeca, would tell you that Kohn really just hated Italians. When Panzeca had an Italian American convention in New Orleans, Kohn was outside taking down license plates. Panzeca told me this in his office; of course you would have to go to New Orleans to hear this kind of thing, which I am sure Greg has done many times, just as I have. Now, let me note something else about Kohn. Before Garrison began his JFK inquiry, Kohn had a lot of nice things to say about Garrison. In fact, as late as 1965, he praised Garrison in the pages of the NOTP about his achievements in office. But if we dial back a bit, we can see why the former FBI agent flipped. A week after Kennedy was killed, like INCA, Kohn and the MCC was backing the official story all the way. They did a pamphlet on Oswald holding the MC rifle on its cover and declared that Oswald had acted alone--before the Warren Commission had even convened. When the HSCA asked Kohn how he got that picture so quickly, Kohn's reply was quite interesting: "We have avenues." I can imagine what he meant by that.
  5. My concluding installment on American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders. I mean did any reviewer do any homework on this thing? Anyway, they cannot even prove that Casolaro did not take his own life. And they left out a ton of evidence that says he did. Anyway you will not see any review like this out there, not even close.I went through 500 pages of documents, which they want you to ignore. https://jamesanthonydieugenio.substack.com/p/american-conspiracy-pt-4-the-octopus
  6. The idea that somehow Trump was deposed by the Deep State, and that he has any significant comparisons to JFK is I think not just unfounded but kind of humorous. I wrote a couple of articles on the Insurrection for my substack site. Someone tried to make that comparison. I replied hold it, it was Trump who approved that crazy fake electors plan, encouraged thousands to come to Washington on that day, and then fired them up to go to the Capitol. So who was trying to derail who?
  7. The informant he had in Ferrie's camp was not SRC Tom. And I don't know where you got that. It was a young man by the name of Jimmie Johnson. And this guy was a very productive informant.
  8. I guess I should relate a story about this topic that Ray Marcus told me. He said that when the news of Garrison's discoveries was breaking--about 544 Camp Street, about Shaw/Bertrand etc--he called up Liebeler. Because Wesley was ostensibly in charge of the New Orleans aspect of the Warren Commission. Ray said, look why not be honest about what you missed, I mean did you ever go to 544 Camp Street, did you know what was going on there? Why would Oswald put that address on his flyers? Why would he leaflet in front of the ITM? Why would he get so much attention and publicity? Ray said there was a strained silence on the phone. Finally, Wesley said, "Mr. Marcus, sometimes we get involved in things that are bigger than ourselves." If anything that was an understatement.
  9. That part is likely true Ron about Ruby's murder of Oswald. Trafficante to McWillie to Ruby.
  10. Let me add this: When people start using the likes of Aaron Kohn on New Orleans, I mean its time to throw in the towel. Kohn was in bed with Shaw's lawyers up to his neck. As for the whole motive, means and opportunity paradigm, Bob Tanenbaum thought that was almost a humorous way to solve a crime. He worked from the inside out, not the outside in, that is, where does the crime scene and the evidence lead you to? I do not agree that Marcello had the means and opportunity to pull this off. Whoever planned Kennedy's assassination had the power to do at least two dry runs, or actual attempts in advance, one in Tampa and one in Chicago. That person would have also had the power to manipulate Oswald months in advance. Blakey and Billings' pretense for this was blown when the ARRB declassified the New Orleans interviews about Dutz Murrett. He was not working for Marcello during the last two years of his life. He was free lancing and also working as a longshoreman. Finally, does anyone think Marcello had any influence with the Paines? Or could alter the motorcade route the night before? Or could coordinate with the Pentagon on the autopsy? OTOH, Dulles and Lemay were pals for a long time. I have read every single Mafia did it book there is. And Bill Davy and myself went over all the alleged charges against Garrison in this regard. We exposed them for what they were, namely hot air. And Ron, I am not just talking about you, but also Greg D. Finally, Garrison had surveillance on Ferrie all the way up until when he passed. In fact that is how he found out he was dead.
  11. Ron: Bottom line, there is nothing on the so called first "confession", the BRILAB tapes. I know this for a fact, since Jeremy Gunn sent me the ARRB review. As I said about the so called CAMTEX stuff bandied about by Waldron, Marcello clearly had dementia at this time. And his family said the same once he got out. BTW, CAMTEX was not new when Waldron wrote about it. Peter Vea sent it to me earlier, much earlier. And he included the observations by the warden about how Marcello was talking to himself and hitting his head against the wall. So if you want to consider a guy who had all the earmarks of senility, well that is your option. I don't. And please show me any corroborative evidence for this. I mean Blakey and Billings worked overtime on this issue and what did they come up with? Nothing of any value that I can see. The ARRB did some good work on New Orleans. There is little or no doubt today that Shaw was Bertrand and that Andrews knew this, but he feared for his life if he told Garrison. But he did tell Weisberg. Under a pledge of secrecy. Which Harold kept. And Marcello was not on the National Commission. He has been aggrandized by Mob did it zealots beyond his true stature on the national scene. What mobster did RFK not go after? It was an obsession with Bobby. Marcello was vulnerable because of his citizenship aspect. So that is what Bobby went after him about.
  12. Henry Hurt's book is, to this day, a quite respectable work. And about the last guy I would use to judge that book is Paul Hoch. Hurt had worked for Epstein as a researcher on Legend. He evidently had second thoughts, and decided to write his own book. It was to be featured in Reader's Digest. But according to Gary Shaw, when they saw the manuscript, they freaked out and cancelled the deal so he had to find another publisher. If we threw out every book that had one or two questionable sections, very few books would survive the cut, and Hoch is a guy who still defends Canning and his work on the Single Bullet Theory. Hurt's book was clearly a pro conspiracy book. And for that time it was a good book. For that time, he did some nice work on the autopsy, and the Tague hit among other areas. He relied on Weisberg's files for a lot of his work. I think he is still around so you might want to try and find him to reply to those questions.
  13. Here is Part 3 of my review. It is here where I explain why that scene about Zapruder is much more important than the film or that witness lets on. And it is hard to understand how the writer and director did not know about it. My substack is still free. https://jamesanthonydieugenio.substack.com/p/american-conspiracy-the-octopus-murders-c4d
  14. That part is not ridiculous at all. As you will see in part 3, Robert Booth Nichols had perfected this idea of a fake Z film as part of his con of Sam Israel, which the film does not go into. I don't know why. The deposition that the film shows is about that issue. But the film makers are not specific about it. BTW, I am up to almost 2000 views of that part 2. Whew. I will probably post Part 3 tonight.
  15. Here is part 2. If you can find a worse witness than Michael Riconosciuto--maybe Howard Brennan--let me know. https://substack.com/home/post/p-142740010?source=queue
  16. I am writing about this on my Substack site, which is still free. I have two parts up and it will probably end up being four. So far, I have some serious problems with this series. I read about 500 pages of material, and these guys were really selective. Here is Part One. https://substack.com/home/post/p-142675193?source=queue
  17. I looked up p; 64 n the Zero Fail book. No objective person can interpret what she says there as dealing with the process of the Warren Commission inquiry. Its clearly Secret Service practices. I also talked to Randy T, a very good author on the subject, about Jackie during the Missile Crisis. She left for two days with her sister. Then JFK called her back. Jackie clearly had PTSD after JFK's murder. I will now put Robert Morrow on ignore, he has an agenda about a mile wide.
  18. Ron: First, do you really find any of those books convincing? Ragano, now there is a real BSer for you. Trafficante drove something like 300 miles to make a phone call with a kidney dialysis bag on his hip? And John Davis bought into him and wrote a brief book on this. Blakey and Billings did not reveal the fact that the alleged bookmaking connection to the Murret family was not such a connection since the guy was working on his own at the time and not for Sam Saia. That was in a two declassified interview which somehow Blakey and Billings forgot about. If you buy Waldron's C Day theory I have some prime beachfront property to sell you in Arizona. And the so called CAMTEX confession was from a guy with dementia who was hitting his head up against rocks while in prison. Jim Garrison closed about five saloons that were owned or operated by Marcello or one of his front guys in his B girl drinking clean up. He also circulated a memo to his staff about being on the lookout for any kind of Mafia leads. But Jack Ruby did not live in New Orleans. Garrison ended up thinking that there was a mob connection, although he thought it was the Lansky/Trafficante end of the Mob. The idea that a second tier mob guy like Marcello--who was not even on the national commission-- could pull of the murder of Kennedy is so bizarre that I really think its misleading.
  19. I like the judge and think he is a fair guy. But can we believe Trump on this? What did they show him? Why would they show him compromisng stuff?
  20. Incredibly, after he did his dirty work with Perry and Parkland, Elmer Moore became like the aide de camp to Earl Warren! Can you imagine that? Mr Cover up artist then becomes the chief assistant to the guy who is supposed to be finding out who killed Kennedy. Whenever you think the Warren Commission cannot get any worse, it does. Let us not forget what Elmer Moore said to Jim about Kennedy being Moscow's man.
  21. My reading of the law is that there has to be one overt act in aid of the plot. When I was arguing this before, I said that the whole Clinton Jackson episode can be considered an overt act.
  22. Sandy, Moore did not do his pressuring for the HSCA, it was for the Warren Commission. According to JIm, it was Moore and Roger Warner who went to Parkland. See, although the film of the Perry/Clark press conference somehow disappeared (Hmm) the Secret Service had the transcript. So Moore was called in, I think he was in Seattle, and he was going to be their initial guy on the cover up, clearly endorsed by Rowley and Kelly.
  23. I just learned of this from Jeff Meeks and Phil Singer. He was 77. I am glad that we got him in JFK Revisited. He was so important to that story and the cover up in the Secret Service by Elmer Moore. We found each other by accident almost at a CAPA Conference. I did not know he was going to be there, but someone told me he was and he was looking for me. So I talked to him and Oliver was at that conference and I told him we had to have him in the picture. When he came in we were doing the last round of interviews. I was talking to him, but what he was saying was so compelling that Oliver came out of his office and that was, I think, the only interview that we both conducted. When Moore showed up for the Church Committee, he brought his lawyer since he knew about Jim G.
  24. Just remember what Ray Rocca said at the first meeting of the Garrison Group. He predicted that if Garrison was allowed to proceed as he was Clay Shaw would be convicted. Garrison died before that document saw the light of day.
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