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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. That is a point I dispute with him and I did in my review of Brothers. I do think RFK did some work on the JFK case. There are indications of that. But I do not know exactly what Bobby was on to by 1968. And I really do not think its in Talbot's book either.
  2. This was the highest rated article at Kennedys and King last year. And on Dave Giglio's Our Hidden History it has 35,000 views. https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-tippit-case-in-the-new-millennium I take no credit for any original work in that essay. The lion's share goes to Joe McBride's book.
  3. RFK was not. Sheridan was. Sheridan was chief of counterintelligence at NSA, which means he interfaced with Angleton.
  4. Considering Talbot made that speech when he did, before The Devil's Chessboard, its not bad.
  5. Here is my review of Volume 1 https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/newman-john-where-angels-tread-lightly-volume-1 The problem I have with what John is doing is that by going on so long, it becomes more like history of the JFK administration than the Kennedy assassination. In Destiny Betrayed, second edition, I did some of this, but only to contrast it at the end with how the forces that killed Kennedy altered those policies he began.
  6. Well, the price went down to 28 bucks. But still no Kindle. John said the problem with this is that Amazon decided to dump Create Space and collapse it into Kindle and that has caused a real back up log. Since now you have to go to other companies for the layout and format. Ron, i reviewed part 1, and I will be reviewing part 2 soon. SO if you want to start with part 3, just read those two.
  7. I really go not know where these came from. I do know that John was one of the few people in communication with Jim Garrison in the seventies and eighties. So Garrison may have given him some of these before his son Lyon gave me what he had left over from the estate. But to be frank, some of these I do not recall seeing in the collection I sorted out. So, maybe there will have to be a third edition. And Dave Emory will interview me over two months again.
  8. Love these really curious readers who digest and fully understand the work before commenting. Just do some geometry and physics and figure out how high in the air those lines extend and then how long they appear on the film. Then ask yourself, as she does: Can that really be cavitation at work? Or as Mili wrote and FC ignores: "If exploding brain creates massive holes—and we know JFK had a massive hole at the top of his head extending into the right rear—then how could exploding brain appear as two long, rather straight, slender lines?"
  9. A lot of this information is interesting. But there are a couple of mistakes. John says he does not know if Ted Cruz dad was named Miguel. Cruz' father is named Rafael not Miguel. That picture at 8:37 is Shaw, it might be Ferrie, but it is not Oswald. The Federal Reserve Order was not what people say it was. It was only a technical correction. But Kennedy was trying to loosen up the flow of money, bypassing the Fed, through his currency comptroller James Saxon. If Garrison told John that LBJ reversed Kennedy's Indochina policy within 48 hours that is amazing. Because that did not come out until many years later. And according to John Judge's mother, who worked at the Pentagon, the order to crank up troop deployments did come through very quickly after JFK's death. I was not aware of that one. Where are these files going to be held at? Baylor? Rex Bradford?
  10. What is one to make of the fact that Obama did nothing, but Trump is at least investigating the case? Obama was such a disappointment.
  11. PB: For what reason would they do that? Because if Oswald was not there then that means someone impersonated him, and a false trail was then set up to conceal that. Since almost all the info about MC came from the CIA, if this was exposed, then this would be incriminating of them. The reason they would do the charade would be to place LHO in contact with the Cubans and Russians before the assassination.
  12. Thanks Evan, and also be open to new information and a different point of view.
  13. Milicent Cranor is one of the best we have on the ballistics and medical evidence. Glad to have her at Kennedys and King.com She is one of the most original and interesting writers we have. Here she is on: What the heck are those white lines in the Zapruder film? https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/bullet-trails-on-the-zapruder-film?fbclid=IwAR3iDbtsGIu6C-gDeT3KLqremhcdNtYQGLgiXDR9EBTt6IwZsO7ITe3cNkM
  14. IMO, one of the worst aspects of Moldea's book and a point I really took him apart on was his protection and excuses for Cesar. With the latest research by Lisa and Von Pragg, Cesar was likely not the sole assassin. But for Moldea to pull the stunt he did to try and get him off was pretty much beyond the pale.
  15. Yes, there will be approaches to congress first. Plus there are a few lawyers involved--Alcorn, Schnapf, Krieg, Simpich--who can then approach DOJ. I have proposed trying to get to the newest and most progressive members of the House. Especially AOC and Pressley. Senator Robert Kennedy would have been at home with both of them.
  16. According to Stone, he did not have one gun at his home nor does he have a permit to carry one. Which would have been pretty easy for the FBI to check on. The idea that they needed the huge surprise raid is also undermined by the fact that he has been under electronic surveillance for two years. When I read the indictment I think of FBI agent Strzok's testimony before congress, the most valuable five words to come from that circus: Collusion is not a crime. This is why I think almost all the charges in the bill come from after the election and from Stone's testimony before congress. I should add one last point. And I am not saying this is relevant to the case, because I do not think it is. Both Corsi and Stone wrote books advocating conspiracy in the JFK case.
  17. Len Osanic will have a program on the Lennon case in the future. Tom Jackman of the Washington Post just ran a story on the Truth and Reconcilation Committee. Hopefully the LA Times and NY Times will follow. If you can believe it the NY Times actually suggested such a thing for the JFK case back in the late nineties.
  18. I have never thought very much of Moldea as an author. But his book on RFK was exceedingly bad. He got really PO'd at me when that critique came out. But I have a funny feeling that John Hunt is going to beat him up even worse in his posthumous book.
  19. Ray: You never read Moldea's book. Towards the end, he tries to explain that whole thing away with one of the most wild, bizarre scenarios that I ever read. I spent several pages breaking it apart and showing how absurd it was in The Assassinations. I concluded that if one had to go to these lengths then it proved the contrary to what the author was proposing.
  20. But Cory that was just very smart reporting, right? The other things is, as I read the indictment, it does not say that the whole Wikileaks alleged association was part of the actual indictment, it says that was something Stone was not forthcoming about.
  21. I really don't fully comprehend this. I mean to send a SWAT team to arrest a guy who is a 66 year old writer? And they already had his email communications. The only way I see this being relevant to what Mueller is supposed to be after is that he will contend that Assange got the e mail communications from the Russians and then Bannon wanted Stone to get them from Assange. Is that it?
  22. I never heard of either one of those. Am I glad I started this thread.
  23. Cory, Duck Duck Go works as well as Google? You are speaking from experience I assume? Because Yahoo does not.
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