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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. They sent his check to someplace in Irving in 1962? Who did Oswald know there at that time? Mr. JENNER. Could he have worked until October 8th? Mr. BARGAS. It is possible. Mr. JENNER. But your present recollection is more like sometime in the course of September when his employment was terminated? Mr. BARGAS. Yes. Mr. JENNER. What were the circumstances respecting the termination of his employment? Mr. BARGAS. Well, what happened is--he went home one day, not during working hours, but it was right after the regular working hours. Mr. JENNER. After the regular quitting time? Mr. BARGAS. After quitting time at 4:30, and he went home and he didn't give any indication of whether he was going to quit or he was going to leave or anything like that. Mr. JENNER. You expected him back the next day? Mr. BARGAS. I expected him back the next morning and if I'm not mistaken, it was Friday, and Monday he didn't show up, I believe it was; if I'm not mistaken--I can't place it, and so he didn't call in and he didn't have a phone, as far as I can remember, so I never tried to get in contact with him or anything like that, and I figured he may have someone to call in or something like that, so I just let it ride, and then he didn't show up the second day after that, so all I said then was, "Well, I imagine he quit because a line of guys had done the same thing." In other words, a lot of them just never did show up and that's all that happened. They would come back on the following Friday or something like that and say, "I quit, I've got another job." That's what the other guys would say. Well, he was different--when he left the only thing he done was he wrote in to the plant and told us where to send his check to. He said he was up there in Irving somewhere I--don't remember the address or exactly what place it was, but as far as I know that was it. I never had seen him since then and the last time I heard of him was when his name sounded off on the radio. Mr. JENNER. Where were you then? Mr. BARGAS. I was there at the plant.
  2. Here is another thing that seems troubling. Why take all of his content down? Does ever single show he does consist of threatening someone or "hate speech"? I just think that is kind of extreme. Anthony brings up a good point: namely that Jones used to have some interesting guests who he would at least let talk about some important issues as he nodded away. But as time has gone on his presentations have gotten really kind of simplistic and crowd playing. But yet he insists that he is not a performance artist, which kind of detracts from the Ennio Morricone defense that Anthony tried to give him.
  3. Jones was on the Michael Savage show and he said this was all poetic license kind of talk. If the above is an exact quote, I don't see much license there. Neither do I see much humor if that is what it was. The complicating factors here are the legal actions. I think there are at least two of them going on right now. And if they both go to trial, things do not look good for Jones. His former wife is not helping much either.
  4. OMG Mike. A motive for Angleton? Did you read Cold Warrior? That is still, in my view, the best book on Angleton. The guy was an over the top lunatic Cold Warrior. With the stuff JFK was doing, I mean with Russia, Cuba, in his beloved Italy. And now we know he was going to recognize Red China? And that is just for starters. Secondly, Kennedy fired his beloved mentor, Allen Dulles. Angleton owed everything to Dulles career wise. It was Dulles who allowed him to run wild, literally create his own domain within the CIA so that his files were not integrated, in large part, with the main CIA system. I mean, you do know that Angleton carried Allen Dulles' ashes at his funeral? On page 636 of the resissue of Oswald and the CIA, John says that the person who did this had to have access and authority to the Oswald files and the MC files. Its true that he then adds the thing about evil brilliance, but its that access and authority factors he puts forth first. As per Oswald not showing up for work that day, I mean, do you really think the Paines were the innocent Good Samaritans that the WC says they were? I mean not even Richard Russell bought into that one. Final point: who did Helms appoint to run the CIA's cover up with the WC? PS: Why do you think Angleton had the RFK autopsy photos in his files?
  5. Michael: In your précis above, I think you misrepresent two points. John does not say he thinks Angleton is behind it because of his evil brilliance. He says he thinks this because Angleton was the one guy at CIA who had access to all of the LHO files. This is in the afterword to his updated version. Second, your discounting of a possible invasion of Cuba, is contradicted by what LBJ says on the tapes. And this is in the Douglas book. LBJ is worried that there is going to be a nuclear war if all this stuff about MC comes out. Thus began the spin to make LHO into a sociopath and that is why he killed Kennedy. IMO, this is why Hoover did what he did with the Walker case. Prior to the FBI being given that case, the DPD never considered Oswald a suspect. But within days of the FBI handling of it, presto, the bullet is changed, then a couple of months later, Marina then starts saying just about anything the FBI wants to hear, and you have the Baron piling on. So now, we know Oswald killed Kennedy because he tried to kill Walker. Thanks to LBJ's buddy J. Edgar Hoover.
  6. I think this is what Mike is talking about. http://www.studien-von-zeitfragen.de/Druckversion/273_1997(by Prouty).HTM
  7. Do you want to delineate what I am sparse on detail about?
  8. Everyone should welcome Anthony. He is a very well read and astute student of the case who I know from DPF. I hope he stays on. BTW, did that British reporter ever publish his book?
  9. Francois: How many times did we go to the moon? Once, twice, three times? How many people saw those blast offs into the sky? Now, how many times has the Single Bullet Fantasy been precisely duplicated with a perfect experiment? That is the bullet going through JFK, Connally's chest, and then hitting his wrist and going into his leg? I will wait for your reply to that last question.
  10. WN: IMO, I do not think that it is proper today to say that NSAM 273 reversed NSAM 263. I think that is an overstatement. It significantly altered it, but did not reverse it. I think its more proper to say that NSAM 288 reversed NSAM 263. That was in March of 1964. That was the one that really previewed full scale American involvement. The alteration of the draft, and John Newman's examples of it, were LBJ's changes to what Bundy had put together in Hawaii. John actually has those in his files. The most significant one is the change LBJ made in the patrol missions being able to use direct American involvement, since Saigon had no navy. That is what made the OPLAN 34/DeSoto missions possible. And that led to the Tonkin Gulf Incident. Tonkin essentially activated NSAM 288. In the first interview, HIlsman talks about the big difference between Kennedy and LBJ on the war. How Kennedy did not see any point in direct American involvement especailly the bombing of the north. But I think people see here that Hilsman seems to think that the USA could win a guerrilla war. The evidence says that JFK did not think that. He wanted to pull everything out.
  11. Paul Rigby added this interview with Hilsman done for the LBJ Library over at DPF. https://www.adst.org/OH TOCs/Hilsman, Roger.toc.pdf There are two bombshells in this one that I have never seen, and I have spent the last five years studying JFK's foreign policy. 1. On page 7, he says Bobby Kennedy wanted to negotiate out of Vietnam in 1963. 2. JFK was thinking of recognizing Red China in 1961. And he sent Hilsman to do a speech on this subject in 1963, keying the speech around one of the many stupid things Foster Dulles had said, that communism was only a passing fancy in China. Remember all that crapola by Nixon about China? Only he could go there because of his rightwing credentials? The more you compare JFK with Nixon, the more of the primitive and stupid Cold Warrior RMN looks. Thanks to Paul Rigby for these gems.
  12. Hallin based his book on coverage of the Vietnam War from about 1965-70. Back then the media concentration was not nearly that bad. It was under Reagan and then Clinton that the monopolization really accelerated like a freight train. Bundy, McNamara, and Taylor eventually came out of the closet on this issue of LBJ vs JFK on Vietnam. McNamara in his book, Taylor later on in an interview said the same. Bundy was cooperating with Gordon Goldstein on a book that was published posthumously. In that book, Lessons in Disaster, he said the same, that JFK was not going into Vietnam. But I must add, in an unrelated book, I found evidence that McGeorge Bundy and his brother Bill were secretly supplying info to HHH during the 1968 election to get him to come out against the war.
  13. David Giglio found this interview. This was in 1983, ten years before John Newman's milestone book JFK and Vietnam was published. https://kennedysandking.com/videos-and-interviews/clete-roberts-interviews-roger-hilsman-on-vietnam-1983 Its kind of odd that this thesis created the uproar that it did. Today I chalk it up to the laziness and sloth of both the media and academia. Also to Hallin's spheres. If you do not know what that is, you should: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallin's_spheres. Part of that is because its clear now that LBJ tried to cover up the fact that he was breaking with Kennedy's withdrawal policy. In all honesty, I have to admit though i was unaware of this until about 1990-91, when I started my first book. Even though, as with many things, it was Jim Garrison who first put this thesis forth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallin's_spheres
  14. Howard says he gave this to the FBI-- and it disappeared? To the point that no one ever mentioned it? Oswald drew a dagger through Connally's name and then added little blood drops? I do not even think Connally was Secretary of the Navy when Oswald's discharge was lowered to undesirable, was he?
  15. I never heard of this until today? Sounds really off the wall to me. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-reston-jfk-assassination-target-20161122-story.html
  16. I agree. As a recent book by Lance DeHaven Smith pointed out, the term began to proliferate in 1967 when criticism of the Warren Report was approaching fever pitch. It was clearly a way to denigrate the critics at that time. https://kennedysandking.com/reviews/dehaven-smith-lance-conspiracy-theory-in-america When, in fact, there was nothing more of a theory than the WR.
  17. I would like to ask, since I started this thread: What does an early back wound on something called the AMIPA film have to do with Oswald switching the ring from one had to the other between poses for the BYP?
  18. I will ask again, since, like with my "Where's the exit?" question, no one has answered this query. Why would Oswald switch the ring from one hand to the other between poses?
  19. The thing is, like I wrote, Cockburn once did a pretty decent article on the RFK case with Betsy Langman who worked with Bill Turner on that case. To my knowledge, he never reversed field on that until the film JFK came out. Then, suddenly he says RFK turned his head! I mean please! But this is where the sanctimonious left meets the rightwing oriented MSM. And for what end?
  20. As people know, I am not a fan of Waldron and Hartmann, but in their book they say it was Specter who did the dirty work with O'Donnell.
  21. I did not say that. John said it to me. He was originally going to reply at K and K. But he ended up thinking so little of it, he did not. Too busy working of his five volume set.
  22. He thinks its bunk. Muckrock is a very weird site that spends an inordinate amount of time going after people like us. And then asking for money for declassification process.
  23. More insight into Counter punch and Cockburn in this Doug Valentine article we just attached as an addendum. Cockburn's motto was, "Never apologize, never explain." Especially when you can't explain. http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/6803
  24. So it is true. Why on earth would he switch the ring between poses?
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