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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. BTW, the murder of Kennedy and the subsequent success of the Indonesia coup not only brought the brutal dictator Suharto to power--which he preserved for thirty years--it also allowed Freeport Sulphur to morph into a monstrosity. Look up Freeport McMoran to see what they are today. Lisa's article was so potent, she got communications from young people inside of Indonesia who thanked her for exposing what happened to their country. It also inspired a professor at University of Hawaii to write a book called Freeport and Indonesia. That is how good this is and how good Probe was. Because it showed the JFK case extended across time and geographic borders.
  2. Below is the link to Lisa Pease's masterly, milestone article originally published in Probe in two parts. http://www.ctka.net/2015/FromTheArchive.html Why is it a milestone? In two ways. First, it actually shows how the CIA was working with a corporation to stave off the Castro revolution, and then to probably do away with Castro. We don't get this kind of detail for these relationships often. Secondly, in part two, she shows how the horrendous 1965 overthrow of Sukarno in Indonesia was related to the JFK murder. Please note the chart on page 26, as to how fast the reversal came. I was completely unaware of this at the time. But it really opened my eyes and I realized, "Hey, we are being bamboozled. Kennedy was not just about Vietnam and Cuba. That is what they want us to think. This stuff was going on all over the world." I then found Mahoney's book on Congo, and we then did a two parter on that epochal struggle--which had also been ignored inside the critical community. At times, we get engulfed in minutiae--trajectory analysis, autopsy analysis, ballistics analysis, who was Ruby?--etc. As Fletcher Prouty once said, that is the scenery. It distracts us from the Big Picture. For as I have said, the cover up about Kennedy the man is as big and as dense as the cover up about his murder. Because the latter is directly related to the former. This was one of the first examinations that exposed that second cover up. I think it was one of the ten best articles Probe ever produced.
  3. The impression he leaves is this: Oswald taught himself Russian. Which is the WC view. Which is simply not possible as Melanson proved back in 1989. And he leaves out the Monterey School report that the WC had. He even uses the old chestnut that he did not do well on his first test. We all know what Garrison did with that in his book: that is sort of like me saying my dog is bad at chess since I beat him two of three times. And he leaves out the Quinn episode which is after the exam. The whole point of his presentation is see through: Oswald was not recruited into the false defector program. Which is why he deals with Oswald in Russia in two sentences. That is a misrepresentation, a deliberate foreshortening of the adduced record.
  4. http://inflationdata.com/Inflation/Inflation_Calculators/Inflation_Rate_Calculator.asp $2.3 Million equiv. in 2015 And that does not include his other trust fund. It was smaller but it would bring his modern net worth to about 3 million today. That is what they were doing on Naushon Island https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naushon_Island
  5. That is interesting Greg. About both Donovan and Quinn. It does resemble some kind of set up to see if Oswald is ready to go to Russia. Hmm, wonder why Caufiield missed that. And said the opposite. BTW, you know how bad Caufield is? He needs JFK to be in the CFR because his nutty theory is that 700 people at a rightwing conference are going to kill off the entire CFR. (Don't laugh) So he says Kennedy was a member. Little problem Jeff. You're factually challenged again. You know, as in "Oswald didn't speak Russian". Kennedy never joined the CFR. And anyone who knows anything about that body, or who has read Imperial Brain Trust, the best book on it, would know that. (see p. 247)
  6. Tommy is a funny guy. Even when he doesn't know it. When are you going to say hey, not only that, "they have a screw loose".
  7. I thought Milton Friedman was dead? I hope everyone has read The Shock Doctrine.
  8. Caufield's breakthrough? This is an author who is trying to imply that Oswald did not even speak Russian in MINSK! That is WC, Jean Davison crapola. Caufiled leaves out the following: 1. The Roslaeen Quinn testimony, the State Department applicant who spent an hour or two with Oswald in the service because she was studying Russian for a year with a tutor. She said LHO spoke better Russian than she did. BTW, this was played up to good effect in Melanson's book back in 1989. 2. The Ernst Titovets evidence. This was Oswald's best friend in Russia in Minsk. He said Oswald spoke Russian quite well. Titovets was at the AARC conference two years ago. And his book was published in part by the MFF three years ago. Those are facts. Which the WC covered up and ignored. Because they did not want to admit Oswald was learning Russian in the service. This is what I mean: Caufield wants to take us back to the Warren Commission. He conceals and ignores it because he wants to make Oswald into a neo Nazi. This is a breakthrough? And BTW, this is just the beginning of the grievous faults in this book. Caufield makes Lamar Waldron look even-handed and objective.
  9. RP: I almost hate to bring this up, as you folks are having so much fun but, did you know that the weapon depicted in the 36" ad and the 40" ad is the same rifle, and that it is neither a carbine or a short rifle? Notice, too, that a "turned down bolt" is advertised in both, yet both rifles show a straight bolt handle. I was going to say this later after I looked it up, but Bob didn't have to look it up.. Nice one Bob. And BTW, I figured Lance would start calling us crazy, sooner rather than later.
  10. There is nothing intriguing about any of the above. Oswald had many, many person's names in his notebook. Just ask Weberman. One notebook entry DOES NOT prove a relationship at all. Only in Caufield's book is that so. That is how threadbare his book is on Oswald, and that is how desperate he is to foreshorten the documented record of the man. And there is a big problem with Caufield's treatment of Garrison's files. I have also seen those files also. In fact, Jeff would have never had the portion of them he does if it was not for me. Therefore, in my review of his book there will be some INFORMED criticism of what he does with them. And with Garrison. And with Gordon Novel. And with Banister, and with Butler, and with Bringuier. Etc etc.
  11. I will trust Phil Melanson, John Newman, and Greg Parker with the record of Lee Harvey Oswald any day over what Caufiled does with it. Oswald as a neo Nazi? It won't fly, even as long as the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk. Greg's work on Oswald and the Paines is, as far as I can see, annotated and uses credible sources. In addition to the stuff on Redskin his work on Sylvia Hoke and that CIA study was also quite good. I havde a feeling that his discovery of what the Paines were doing with the rest of the Brahmins on Nashua Island is going to be quite gripping. It will bring all the suspicions and paradoxes that Carol, Barbara and Steve brought out into the open.
  12. Nothing about your picture of Oswald, or Caufield's, makes any sense at all. Me and Greg disagree about some things, but his discovery of Redskin was a good contribution to the Oswald file. As was his chapter about Ferrie we excerpted at CTKA from his book--concerning the omnipotents. The idea that Caufield tries to sell, by artily and adroitly censoring the record about Oswald will simply not stand in light of the actual factual record. I mean what self respecting author would spend two sentences on Oswald's trip to and stay in the USSR in a chapter devoted to LHO in an 800 page book? What self respecting author would call Oswald a neo Nazi? Based on two FBI reports which do nothing of the kind? Greg's book is much closer to the truth about LHO simply because he is focused on the important facts and associations. Just like he is much closer to the truth about the Paines since he has dug up some very interesting facts in his research. Caufield wants to send us back to 1964 on those two topics, and several others.
  13. BTW, in this first volume he makes clear the relationship between Philips and Morales. And this is 1959. No mention of Walker with Morales though.
  14. Sandy: The delivery of the mail is not the capper. The capper is this: upon its delivery to Klein's, it had to be sorted out. As Armstrong notes in his book, they divided up the funds into categories. If I recall correctly, it was by the form of the payment: cash, check or money order. And I also think there was one other way they did it. Now, we do not know how often this was done. If it was every day or not. But secondly, that was still not it. Because then the disbursements had to be run over to the bank, and also deposited, for the WC to be accurate and for the PMO to be valid. And there of course, an accounting process had to be done and registered into the bank system. Again, we do not know how often this was done. Did Klein's send someone over every day? Every other day? Did they wait until a certain amount was on hand? See, in a real investigation--which the WC was not--these questions would all have been inquired about. To my knowledge, they were not. And as far as I am concerned, this is the main problem with the transaction. And BTW, it was not Armstrong who surfaced this, it was the late Ray Gallagher in an article for Probe. He pointed it out and commented that Belin did not even bat an eyelash when it came up--picked up, sorted, sent 750 miles, delivered, sorted, route carrier, to Klein's to the bank, all in less than 24 hours. Went down with him just like he was drinking a bottle of Perrier. So I went ahead and did a little more work on it myself. I just do not find it credible. And IMO, when you add it into everything else that has been shown about the transaction, the wrong rifle, the non cashed PMO, no one ever saw LHO pick up the rifle and he should not have ever been given it anyway etc. Sorry, its all BS. As per Tommy, isn't he so smart, he knows shoes are not guns. Who would have caught me besides him, the ole sharpie. FYI, that is my only frame of reference since that is the only thing I order by mail, because of my flat feet. Everything else I just go to the store and buy. In all the years I have been doing this, and its about 15 years now--not just shoes, but sandals and sneakers--they have never sent me what I did not order. And whenever they are out of something, they always tell me first. But as Cornwell said, that is the real world; are taking about the JFK case here. Its political and its personal. Which is no way to treat a homicide.
  15. I should add that, although I did not make a big deal of it in this review, the appendixes at the back with the aliases and cryptos etc for many, many CIA employees and assets is quite extensive. I mean I have never seen anything like it. Also, I was not aware of the Trujillo invasion of Cuba or the Castro invasion of the DR either. Did anyone know about that taking place in 1959?
  16. Yeah Tommy. This happens all the time with my shoes. See, I order them special from Maryland. See, I order a size 10 , black tassel, but they know better and send me what I really want, a size 9 burgundy tassel. I can't fit into them, but I sell them at a swap meet on weekends. I lose about forty bucks each time, but hey I get to meet people at the swap meet. Its a nice arrangement really. Take some deep breaths Tommy, and go chase Morales with your buddy Trejo to Walker's house.
  17. A discussion of Volume 1 of his new book with a précis of his career. http://www.ctka.net/2016/NewmanAngels1.html
  18. Give us all a break Davey. OK. If that had been the perfectly logical practice and standard, Belin would have brought it up and you know it. Show me where he did OK? BTW, DVP is the guy who also said the post office kept a special box for the private express mail company REA's orders. They then carried them over to their competitor-- and that is how Oswald ordered his hand gun. More LOL. I mean how many of these Rube Goldberg contraptions are you selling in your snake oil truck these days? For the record, to the ingenues who do not know this fact which DVP, and his buddy Lance the Lawyer, are trying to hide: The WC says that Oswald ordered a 36 inch carbine, weighing about 5 lbs. The rifle in evidence is a 40.2 inch short rifle weighing about 7 lbs. Belin and the WC, in 19,000 pages, never thought to tell the reader that the rifle that the DPD says they brought down from the TSBD is not the rifle Oswald ordered. I guess that wasn't important was it? Like hell it wasn't.
  19. Slight discrepancy? Wrong length, wrong weight, wrong classification. You can bet that Belin did know it was the wrong rifle Davey. That is why he kept it out of the record. Even though he had all the information right in front of him. The order form does not match the rifle in evidence. Now, how long did it take for that information to get out there even into a small stream of the public? I would say almost 30 years. Through Martha Moyer and the late Ray Gallagher. You never have to pull the perfect crime. Just control the cover up. That is it for me. Your so called case has just been exposed to be full of holes again. See, assumptions are not a case.
  20. Davey; You are really funny sometimes. Do you think Hoover was worried about David Belin calling him on this? Do you really think Belin did not know that it was the wrong rifle?
  21. Davey, why stop at Holmes? I mean, his family apologized for his actions in the case. Or did you not know that? Stu Wexler proved him a xxxx years ago. Why not use Allen Dulles next? Or Hoover? When Armstrong's article comes out, you will have Harry Holmes all over your face.
  22. The above is why Davey will never be an investigator or a lawyer. Pretty soon he will find someone who will say, heck, we can mail a letter from New York to China in 48 hours. He will then put it on his web site. And then say, well that is that. Let us do something that does not happen here very often. Let us simulate a real trial. Now, if Lance was Oswald's lawyer and he was presented with the above facts, what would be do? Not sure, but I know what Bob Tanenbaum or DIck Spargue would do. 1. They would, first: go the Dallas main postoffice. Ask them: How long does it take to truck in the daily mail from a tributary post office? Then how long does it take to sort it by city destination that is out of the state? And then to deliver it to the Dallas airport? 2. I would then talk to the pilot and ask him when he makes his delivery to Chicago and ask if its a straight shot or does he stop in other cities first? 3. I would then talk to the post office in Chicago and ask them: when does that plane come in, and how long it takes to get the cargo to the main station? 4. I would then ask the post master in Chicago, OK how long does it now take to sort it by local destination and local post office? 5. How long does it take to drive it there on an average day? 6. I would then go to the local post office near Klein's and ask: Once you get the mail from the main postoffice, how long does it take to sort it out and give it to the hand carrier? 7. I would then talk to the hand carrier and ask: Where is Klein's on your route? 8. I would then go to Klein's and ask them: What time do you get your mail? How long does it take you to sort out a day's funds? Or do you not do it by the day? Is it every other day? Or do you wait to get a certain amount in the drawer. 9. I would then ask: How often do you then go to the bank to make a deposit? 10. I would then go to the bank, and ask them, once a person comes to the bank to make a deposit from a merchant, how long does i take to account for it all? Then, from that point, how long does it take to process it into that company's account? I would do this, not just because this is what good attorney's do, and Bob and DIck are very good, but because I would know that what the prosecution is maintaining is simply not credible. And this would blow it up. And I would look forward to presenting each and every witness in the chain. Heck, I would even fly them in from Chicago just to hear them talk. And then watch the look on Harry Holmes' face as his little caper was exposed. See, that is the real world. That is the defense Oswald never got.
  23. Very funny. Do you want to explain the whole thing about the SR 71 delivery time to the bank in Chicago from Dallas? http://www.migflug.com/jetflights/remarkable-airplanes-of-the-world-part-1-the-fastest.html Oh, no? Then I will. If the transaction is genuine, one has to buy the following: One has to beleive that whenever Oswald got this money order--and there is no answer to that question-- 1.that it was mailed to Chicago, 2.landed at the airport, 3.was shipped to the main post office, 4.then sorted out by hand with no zip codes, 5.and then picked up by truck, 6.distributed to the local post office, 7.given to the hand carrier, 8.who then took it to Klein's, 9.and then Klein's sorted that days incoming funds by three categories, 10.and then brought it over to the bank, 11.and then the bank went through all the funds by category and then deposited into the account. Elapsed time for the above: less than 24 hours. LOL ROTF LMAO Now, what does Davey say when he is presented with the above grotesquerie; please sit down. You might hurt yourself. Davey says: It was air mail. Davey, just about any piece of mail that travels that distance is air mail. I once sent a letter about 200 miles. It went air mail. But it took two days to get there. And that is today with all the technology, zip codes and censors, etc we have. Back then: none. To me, this and this alone, shows you the whole thing was manufactured. And for DVP to say that, heck its all falling into place--hey, maybe they did use SR 71's-- is utterly ridiculous. Go ahead and present this to a jury with all the postal officials on the witness stand. Except of course, the guy who started this whole thing, Harry Holmes. And BTW Davey, when did Oswald mail the money order?
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