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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/07/donald-w-miller-jr-md/if-not-oswald-who-killed-president-kennedy-and-why/ [A must read article]
  2. https://www.latimes.com/books/la-ca-jc-review-chaos-charles-manson-dan-piepenbring-20190711-story.html?fbclid=IwAR3e9befSayqD6Xufx5nDLLjxCZAGmfJzKlzbCNqTtZ5Klf6JvgyoqMAcQQ
  3. The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times. The Killing of the Kennedys and Today’s New Cold War A Quasi-Review of A Lie Too Big To Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy by Lisa Pease https://www.globalresearch.ca/cia-takeover-america-1960s/5673387?fbclid=IwAR2nvEiCRD1kDNUxRDcGFekXGuQimoBfBaZAya5A5iON-fPwDDXlH3kBdzw
  4. Two extremely rare JFK books have been added to my free Box account download page: 1) the first one is Robert Oswald's book on his brother which is entitled Lee: A Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by His Brother, published in 1967. 2) the second one is Brush With History: A Day in the Life of Deputy E. R. Walters by Eric Tagg, published in 1998 Website to Download Rare and very Valuable JFK Assassination Books: https://app.box.com/s/8b408e6999f8799dfd0a Please share this JFK book website with your friends. I focus on books that are valuable, out of print and extremely rare. If you have any rare JFK books that you think should be converted into a PDF file, please let me know of them. Robert
  5. Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/jul/07/chaos-charles-manson-cia-secret-history-sixties-tom-oneill-dan-piepenbring-review?fbclid=IwAR3_oEoLegsvXl2KsS7KlyWadxhm1zFDFxuBVjbfIt19EOIu-edGo-ztz0k
  6. October 27, 1966 - Texas Editor Penn Jones: Mysterious deaths associated with Kennedy Assassination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_YH4FcsBPU&fbclid=IwAR0L6MvJ6bGV4ky1zMWG17bUX5_d2StWPibEePSF2gITBy8pK6ptjKKDXog
  7. FBI, DA’s office found Clay Bertrand in 1967 http://hlarledgebooks.com/2019/07/garrisons-office-found-real-clay-bertrand-in-1967/?fbclid=IwAR2JbYPHv9lvH96z0f37cDfz_rDQkhzSauTsco6xplCC77dMMTdsK4t_oss
  8. Robert, thank you for your stimulating review of Stephen Greenblatt's recent book, Tyrant. It gives a keen perception of the times in which we live.
  9. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/07/no_author/a-complete-list-of-alternatives-to-the-google-search-engine/
  10. Leslie Sharp posted this quotation on Facebook yesterday: "Albarelli’s book “A Terrible Mistake,” concludes that the CIA chemist Frank Olson did not commit suicide in 1953 but was pushed because he was about to reveal deep secrets. The Olson case is a central part of my forthcoming book “Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control.” Albarelli was most generous in helping me with my research. Thanks and RIP." -- Stephen Kinzer
  11. Reading this article of Dallas cops today being suspended for making extremist comments on Facebook reminds me of the large number of cops in the Dallas Police Department who were KKK members when JFK was assassinated. https://www.rawstory.com/2019/07/dallas-suspends-4-of-25-cops-busted-for-extremist-facebook-comments-report/
  12. Statement of Leslie Sharp dated July 2, 2019 posted on Facebook: As co-author with H.P. Albarelli, Jr. for his forthcoming book, “Coup in Dallas: Who Killed JFK and Why,” I have the right and responsibility to provide the following statement. In late April of this year, Hank submitted the preliminary manuscript to Skyhorse Publishing with the understanding that the final two percent which involved polishing certain chapters, the bibliography, and finetuning footnotes would be sent them on June 1, 2019, for the announced publication date of... November 19, 2019. He decided to take a brief and much needed break and made one of his infamous cross-country drives with Buddy, his faithful four-legged to Texas and New Mexico where we continued a chapter by chapter analysis and created a list of detail that might have fallen thru the crack. In mid-May, Hank returned to his home with the plan to spend 20-25 hours on the manuscript before submitting the final version to the publisher. Sadly - an inadequate expression to capture this loss – he fell gravely ill. He had watched the final episode of “Game of Thrones,” and around midnight texted, “All over it is. Last episode. Nite.” In the early dawn hours of May 20 his beloved wife Kathleen rushed him to ER. He died June 18, 2019. Hank left me with a copy of the detail we identified during his trip along with firm directives as to how he anticipated this book will be published and defined. He was fully content with Skyhorse Publishing and expressed on numerous occasions, ‘I really like working with these guys.’ Along with co-author Alan Kent and the editor, we will put closure on the book to the high standard Hank set for investigative journalism. It’s all good, my dearest friend Hank Albarelli. – Leslie Sharp, Santa Fe, July 2, 2019.
  13. How to order a copy of the first issue of Garrison: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/MidnightWriterNews?fbclid=IwAR0x6RD-TfJ-h0uOHej2Tk34RvKxI3T0q3fsBnS5xMfwtxGxpWwiCERG8UQ
  14. C.I.A. Agent Said to Give Secrets to Russian in 1972 https://www.nytimes.com/1974/07/04/archives/cia-agent-said-to-give-secrets-to-russian-in-1-972-report-drunken.html?fbclid=IwAR03Q5UMLBzR7bStMaKgrjzuCAMfNm0iUbA5A6-Q6t70UIFPDhAxx2HTMb4
  15. The June/July issue will be available on or around July 15.
  16. Stealing J.Edgar Hoover's Secrets https://www.retroreport.org/transcript/stealing-j-edgar-hoovers-secrets/
  17. There’s No Comparison Between Donald Trump and John F. Kennedy https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/166724?fbclid=IwAR0o1rtefWkVQwoIepXx5Y8vrgfiNRClLE2HLXpL_7UOMoXeN9gICsChY4g
  18. David Talbot posted this on Facebook today: No surprise -- Kamala Harris is surging in the polls after her debate performance. And Joe Biden is already fading. Although I'm still rooting for either Bernie or Elizabeth -- because I trust only them to fully confront corporate domination of America -- I'd relish a Kamala-Trump debate. Here's how she would do a Biden-take down of Trump's fat ass: "I was a prosecutor in California for many years. And I know how to put men like you behind bars. Serial sex offenders... rapists. Corrupt politicians who betrayed the trust of the people." Boom. End of the Bully-in-Chief. And here's how Kamala could truly ensure her landslide victory over Trump. She should pick Senator Sherrod Brown as her vice presidential running mate. Ohio goes immediately into the Democratic column... along with the rest of the Midwest heartland.
  19. If Senator Harris comes off as a showboat, take a look at Biden. He's worse in so many ways. He even took a $200,000 fee to speak in favor of Republican Congressman Upton in 2018 who was in a tight race against a progressive Democrat. Upton won. https://harpers.org/archive/2019/03/joe-biden-record/
  20. Trump is the heir to Hitler. He announced yesterday that he wants to be president forever. HIs next step is to herd the immigrants from the South that are scattered around the U.S. into railroad cars without water and food and deposit them in a place that will remind people of the concentration camps the Nazis set up for the Jews.
  21. Nicole Albarelli's announcement yesterday posted on Facebook: It is with great sadness and a ripple of broken hearts that I announce the death of my Father HP Albarelli. I held his hand when he took his last breath yesterd...ay at 5:45pm. The day of the Rising Strawberry Moon. He was surrounded by family. His memory and legacy will live on in so many ways. And please be rest assured that his wild spirit remains alive and strong in myself and my brothers Damien and David and most especially in his grandsons Ashton Sky & Dylan Jackson (his spirit twin). Look up at the full moon tonight. He’s there shining down on us.
  22. Martin Sheen To Narrate Documentary On JFK Death Probe From Original Oswald Investigator https://deadline.com/2019/06/jfk-documentary-martin-sheen-narrator-lee-harvey-oswald-investigator-1202633581/
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