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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. When I posted the video above about the "Black Knight" satellite, I should have included the following summary from Coasttocoastam of January 14, 2017, on which the write and filmmaker was interviewed: Writer & filmmaker Damon T. Berry joined Jimmy Church (email) to reveal what he thinks are clues about ancient technology and the cycles of destruction that Earth has endured for millennia. He says that this technology is somehow related to the enigmatic "Black Knight" satellite. Jimmy opened the program quoting a news report that the Great Pyramid was recently reassessed as having no connection to the pharaoh Cheops and that is now a mystery who built it, or why. While visiting Egypt a few years ago, Berry had a strange experience when he touched the Sphynx his "eyesight and everything went black" and he fell to the ground. After recovering, Berry said he could "see and hear things" in hieroglyphics and other religious texts, which he believes are multidimensional in nature. Berry says he has noticed a pattern in the archaeological record that indicates ancient man had more knowledge than is generally agreed by historians and archaeologists. In the period from 13,000 to 10,000 BCE, Berry has noticed that many apparently advanced civilizations flourished and disappeared. He pointed to information that indicates the Easter Island Moai statues, neolithic cave paintings, and the mysterious city of Göbekli Tepe were all contemporary to each other in this period. Berry believes that information was encoded into these places and their artifacts to give us clues on how to survive a global catastrophe by using ancient ideas and technology. He said that "every 5-10,000 years, civilization is wiped off the face of the Earth" and coded messages were left in many places in order to help us. There are clues, Berry believes, that point to a stargate or other type of dimensional or interstellar travel device that is still hidden in a pyramid or covered in many tons of earth or snow. If we can find this gateway, we can possibly escape an extinction which Barry says corresponds to the Mayan cycle of 5124 years. He also thinks that humanity needs to work together using the clues left behind by vanished civilizations, and that some of these clues are present in artworks throughout the ages. An Italian fresco painting from the year 1600 shows what Berry and others believe to be a "Sputnik" type satellite placed between images of God and Jesus. He thinks that this was due to the artist "going with his conscience" to provide future generations with information that space technology is nothing new, rather than using the painting as a simple depiction of religious themes. (See images.) Berry thinks that the enigmatic Black Knight satellite which supposedly stations itself in a polar orbit from time to time around the Earth communicates with some object, machine, or facility that is stationed in one of the polar regions. It has existed for over 60,000 years, Berry says, and is depicted in ancient cave paintings and drawings, as well as hinted at in depictions of Mayan kings with what looks like bluetooth headsets in their ears and other religious depictions of humans with elongated ears and apparent devices. Berry concluded by emphasizing that what is needed now are "star ships," meaning spacecraft that can withstand the heat of stars in order to use them as gateways to the rest of the universe. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/pages/damon-berry-images
  2. John Newman posted the following on Facebook today: The revised edition of “Where Angels Tread Lightly” is now available at the CreateSpace eStore: https://www.createspace.com/3494380 The revised edition will not be available at the main Amazon site until 3-5 business days from today—the earliest 1/19/17 and the latest 1/23/17. Do not buy a copy from the main Amazon site until you see the front cover with “REVISED EDITION” on it. Those who do not want to purchase the revised edition can print out this note on the 2017 chang...es to fold and place inside their book: The most substantive change from the original 2015 edition is the correction of the true name for the pseudonym Andrew F. Merton. It is Jack Stewart, not as I originally thought, Dave Phillips. Some of the reasons for that misidentification will be evident in Appendix Three to Volume II, which draws attention to a mistake in the State Department Foreign Service Register. It suggested, wrongly as it turns out, that Stewart was in Mexico at a time that Merton was actually still involved (for about three more months) in several important operations taking place in Havana. That matters less than getting the identification right. I want to acknowledge and thank Jerry Shinley for sharing his extensive data on Stewart, which made the oddity in the register irrelevant. It also enabled me to develop a very detailed life history of Stewart from civil records. I will continue to follow his story, including his continuing friendship with Earl Williamson. I have made some adjustments to other pseudonyms in Appendix Two: the most important (aside from Merton) is the discovery that Reichardt and Karnley are both pseudonyms for Ken Crosby—who was living only twenty miles from me in the Shenandoah Valley until a few years ago. The others are minor adjustments to the pseudonyms for Gerry Droller, Henry Hecksher, Justin O’Donnell and William Harvey. In Appendix Four, the correct date—5 September 1957—is given for the naval uprising at Cienfuegos to overthrow Batista.
  3. About six years ago while waiting to use an outside ATM machine at a local bank on a Saturday, I looked up on clear and sunny morning and saw two perfect spheres chrome in color flying east to west over downtown Houston. One was trailing the other by several miles and I would estimate the altitude to be 5000 feet. They flew at moderate speed until out of sight. That has been my only experience. Several people over the years have told me of their UFO experiences. One took place in West Texas as he drove on IS 10. He watched until it disappeared behind a butte. Another took place as he sat on his front porch with other family members on a farm in East Texas. He told me that UFO actually landed in a field on the farm and was clearly visible. Neither he nor any other family member ventured out for a closer inspection. After awhile the craft took off. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/12/opinion/sunday/yes-there-have-been-aliens.html?_r=2
  4. Lance: That you for your first person "UFO" credible account that took place with another person being present. I found it most interesting as I am certain other members did also. You also state in your perceptive account that, "With all due respect to Mr. Caddy, I likewise think it is a mistake to drag the UFO phenomenon into the assassination discussion." However, there are a number of postings about UFOs and the JFK assassination that have been made over the years by sundry forum members. These have always resulted in energetic discussion. Here is one that was initiated in 2006 -- 11 years ago -- by Super Member Lee Forman. Bill Kelly, one of the trusted "learned elders" of the JFK assassination topic, even posted a photograph of an UFO over Dealey Plaza on the day of JFK's assassination. Here is the link: 'UFO' connections to the JFK Assassination http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/8675-ufo-connections-to-the-jfk-assassination/&page=1 The Education Forum contains a treasure trove of valuable information compiled over the years. I am constantly being amazed on what I stumble on. The above is an example.
  5. Beautifully produced. Provocative. Is it a relevant answer to Ron Ecker's posting above?
  6. On January 14, 2017, Whitley Stieber wrote on unknowncountry.com First, famed UFO journalist Leslie Kean offers insight into the extraordinary UFO video just released by the Chilean Navy and why the claim that it is a jet contrail cannot be true. Leslie can be reached on FaceBook, and be sure to make a visit to UFOData.net. If we ever want to advance UFO study into the mainstream, the UFOData approach is where to start! http://www.unknowncountry.com/dreamland/latest
  7. Jefferson Morley wrote on Facebook today: On Monday I start a new job. I will be Washington correspondent for Alternet.org, a left-liberal news site. I've been reporting from Washington for 33 years but the current situation strikes me as unique. According to the Gallup Poll, the incoming president's disapproval rating is double that George Bush in 2001 and quadruple Barack Obama's in 2009. Trump is openly contemptuous of the intelligence agencies that any commander in chief must rely on to make decisions. The Congre...ss is poised to deprive 20 million people of health insurance with no replacement system in sight. And so on. While partisan combat is the norm in Washington, the current situation differs fundamentally from the struggles over the policies of Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama that I have covered in the past. What is emerging in 2017 is not just the perennial struggle the purpose and policies of government but a new struggle over democratic norms that have never been in question before. To be sure, Trump's election signaled a widespread desire for change. The minority of American voters who chose Trump will certainly see change. I see my job as covering the change, holding the government accountable, and providing new facts and perspectives, while maintaining a sense of humor and humanity. In other words, I'll need all the help I can get!. Which is where you come in. Tips, purloined documents, undercovered data points, and interesting story ideas are welcome. So are corrections. Trump supporters will get a fair hearing from me. http://www.alternet.org/about
  8. Document of allegations of Russian blackmail of Trump https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3259984-Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.html
  9. This is a RT interview and reveals how Putin views Trump and how he can manipulate him.
  10. John Newman posted the following on Facebook today: The revised edition of Where Angels Tread Lightly, coming out in about two weeks handles the correction for the identity of Merton as Stewart and also explains why I thought, for a while, that it was not Stewart, who actually was the right person. In volume II, Countdown to Darkness, which will be available in about 10 days, I report, in part, this about Jack Stewart: Jack S. Stewart was born on 26 March 1917 in Marfa Texas, to William R. and Pearl Edna (nee Tole) Stewart. ...His brother, William Jr., was born in 1916, and he had two sisters, Bettie Marie, born in 1921, and Pearl Jeanne, born in 1925. The family lived for four years in Clearwater and Saint Petersburg, Florida. His father died there in 1937, at just 38 years of age. Jack went to Purdue University and graduated with a BS in electrical engineering in 1941. He served overseas in the army for five years and held the rank of captain in 1946. He earned his MA at the University of Chicago in 1947. After that, Stewart’s civil records become somewhat murky. He was married to Phoebe Hopkins by July 1949, at which time they sailed on the Santa Clara from New York to Venezuela, for a two-year assignment in Maracaibo, the second largest city in the country. The State Department Foreign Service Register lists Stewart as a State Department clerk in Maracaibo that same month (July 1949). His assignments listed in the register are confusing, out of order and, in at least one important case, wrong (I will get to that below). Before the July 1949 Maracaibo entry in the register, is this entry: “Govt. exper. 53-55: pol. anal. Dept. of Army.” However, declassified CIA records indicate that “Andrew F. Merton” was working for the CIA in Guatemala from 1950 to 1955, and was an assistant paramilitary officer, using the alias Vincent C. Pivall in the Agency’s operation to overthrow President Jacobo Arbenz—PBSUCCESS. Andrew Merton was a pseudonym for Jack Stewart. According to the register, Stewart was transferred to Havana in December 1955, where he worked under State Department cover as a political officer until November 1959. He was then transferred to the embassy in Mexico City, and worked undercover as a consular officer. The State Department Foreign Service List for Havana agrees that Stewart arrived in Havana on 22 December 1955, and his name is missing from the 1960 Havana list. However, declassified CIA documents show that Jack Stewart did not go to Mexico in November 1959. He was in Havana working on high priority challenges, exfiltrating Cubans and investigating security flaps, during November and December 1959, and continuing into January of 1960.,
  11. The 1987 TV Miniseries That Predicted a Russian Takeover of America http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/the-1987-tv-miniseries-that-predicted-a-russian-takeover-of-america-214609
  12. The End of the Kennedy Mystique http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/the-end-of-the-kennedy-mystique-214606
  13. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/10/was_a_server_registered_to_the_trump_organization_communicating_with_russia.html
  14. Obviously there needs to be healthy skepticism of American intelligence. However, to understand geopolitics today one must look at Russia Intelligence and its long term goal to render America asunder of which its hacking of the DNC and its influencing the presidential election and six Congressional races were only parts of its well-thought-out strategy. This is where the focus should be. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/putins-real-long-game-214589
  15. “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections” is a declassified version of a highly classified assessment that has been provided to the President and to recipients approved by the President. https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICA_2017_01.pdf
  16. Because Senator John Tower, who is mentioned in JFK assassination research, is prominently portrayed in the report below, I am posting it here for historical purposes. -------------------------------------------------- FBI file reveals coverups in Iran-Contra and October Surprise cases By Michael Best January 6, 2017 https://glomardisclosure.com/2017/01/06/fbi-file-reveals-coverups-in-iran-contra-and-october-surprise-cases/
  17. Harry Dent was interviewed on coasttocoast last night (1/5/17). Here are his predictions from the program's summary online: In the first half, economist specializing in demographics, Harry Dent discussed the cyclical nature of market bubbles and why he expects a crash to happen in 2017. He has tracked four different cycles over 30-year periods, concluding they're all headed downward, and "the next three years are going to be the most difficult in our lifetime, very similar to the early 1930s and the early-mid 1970s." However, because of the 'Trump Factor,' he is bullish short term, seeing one last market rally that will continue till around July. When the bubble finally crashes, the market will precipitously decline 40-45% within just a 2-3 month period, as it did recently in China in 2015, he warned. Donald Trump has created an illusion that we can go back to a 1950s-style America with a big manufacturing base, Dent commented, plus trade wars and deporting millions of immigrants could lead to a deep recession. Commercial real estate will be hit particularly hard when layoffs start kicking in, he continued. Yet, at various points in the upcoming crash, Dent sees big opportunities for investors who get out of the market in time. He foresses incredible bargains with stocks to be had at 10, 20, or 30 cents on the dollar, and 40-50% off on real estate.
  18. Glenn: I did not listen to the Senate Armed Services Committee's hearing today so I am not familiar with Senator Kaine's statement until now. I can only surmise that he said what he said as a summary of what the public thinks happened in Watergate. Of course, just like with the JFK assassination, new information is still emerging about the scandal slowly but surely. The whole story has not been told. For example, this was recently revealed: https://glomardisclosure.com/2016/12/07/evidence-implicates-jack-anderson-watergate/ I have not seen a list of the 17 intelligence agencies. However, today's Wall Street Journal reports on page A6 that "The President's Intelligence Advisory Board, a White House panel, recommended in a classified report in 2010 that the [Office of the Director of National Intelligence] be downsized and closely focused, according to the Congressional Research Service. The report did not result in legislation." http://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/05/us/politics/armed-services-committee-john-mccain-russia-hacking.html
  19. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/putins-real-long-game-214589
  20. Joseph McBride wrote on Facebook today: We haven't had a democracy since 1963, but otherwise "Meathead" is on target. I am glad he appreciates the critical importance of press access -- which we are losing. Neither Trump nor Clinton was fond of press conferences. Trump now threatens to not hold them as president as well as to cut back on the daily press briefings and to do without the protective pool in many instances. That means if there is an assassination attempt or some other disaster, the media won't be there ...at all. Many people don't seem to care. On the other hand, the people who reported the Kennedy assassination accurately and photographed it were mostly the amateurs on the scene. The flatbed truck for press photographers that usually preceded the presidential limousine was left behind at Love Field when Secret Service agent Roger Warner changed the order of the vehicles at the last minute. Ike Altgens of the AP was right there where Kennedy was shot and made one important photo but failed to snap the head shot(s). Amateur photographer Mary Ann Moorman, standing near him, took the most important still photograph.
  21. http://time.com/4620230/donald-trump-gallup-poll-president/?xid=time_socialflow_facebook
  22. Conspiracy, is there really such a thing? -------------------------------------- Huge fire ripped through Titanic before it struck iceberg http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/12/31/huge-fire-ripped-titanic-struck-iceberg-fresh-evidence-suggests/
  23. Preparing for the Normalization of a Neofascist White House http://www.juancole.com/2017/01/preparing-normalization-neofascist.html
  24. "Trump plans to oversee the last great campaign of corporate pillaging of America. It will be as crass and brazen as the fleecing of the desperate people, hopin...g for a miracle in the face of dead-end jobs and ruinous personal debt, who visited his casinos or shelled out thousands of dollars for the sham of Trump University. He will attempt to unleash a kleptocracy—the word comes from the Greek klépto, meaning thieves, and kratos, meaning rule, so it is literally “rule by thieves”—one that will rival the kleptocracies carried out by Suharto in Indonesia and Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines. It is not that Trump and his family will use the influence of government to increase their wealth, although this will certainly take place on a massive scale; it is that hundreds of billions of federal dollars will be diverted into the hands of cronies, sleazy bankers, unethical financial firms and scabrous hedge fund managers. The pillars of the liberal state will be obliterated." Chris Hedges 1/2/2017
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