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John Kennedy White

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Everything posted by John Kennedy White

  1. I remember seeing a map that shows where everyone was located at the time of the shooting in Dealey Plaza on this forum years ago but I can't find it through search. It was a meticulously detailed image with multi-colored texts and lines showing the witnesses in exact locations. I could really use this for my trip there next week to take photos from key locations.
  2. Apologies if this has been covered previously. I'm not able to use the search function on the forum as each attempt times out. Has someone chronicled the order of vehicles in the motorcade in Dallas vs. previous motorcades to confirm that the order was rote until the press was moved back in Dallas?
  3. Has anyone actually built one? I'm surprised with the rapid evolution of digital mapping tech that I was not able to find an accurate model online. I've seen this one: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/jfk-22-nov-1963-6d7e22cb0968419482cfddc092c80e54 But I find it is not accurate enough for meaningful study.
  4. I will be posting all of my photos and videos on my Substack so I won't be burdening the forum with storage issues. https://johnkwhite.substack.com/
  5. I'm posting updates on Substack for those interested. The link to my first instalment is below, highlighting my motivations for the trip. https://johnkwhite.substack.com/p/accepting-the-torch
  6. Thanks! I will definitely pull from that. I'm also accepting recommendations from people who have always wanted to see a specific angle/location.
  7. I'm building a photo and video shot list for my pending visit to Dealey Plaza and Dallas from Nov. 20-23. If you have specific recommendations, let me know by submitting them on my Airtable form. https://airtable.com/shrnszmqNcU7W9lzu
  8. Perhaps to send a message to any other potential presidential hopefuls looking to challenge the MI complex/CIA.
  9. Oswald was a low-level operative more inclined to stir the pot than wield a weapon. He was more likely to be used to hand out pamphlets and get into staged skirmishes than to do any wet work.
  10. Most assassins would need to be psychopaths. None of that would bother them in the slightest.
  11. This 100%. Also RFK's continued endorsement of partnering the mafia with CIA mercenaries to take out Castro gave them leverage against any formal, public investigation knowing that plan could not be publicly surfaced.
  12. Now that travel is back to normal-ish, I'm hoping to finally book the Dallas trip for this November. Still hoping to do the Dealey tour but not getting a response from any of his email addresses and most websites are dead links.
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