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Christopher Hall

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Everything posted by Christopher Hall

  1. I enjoy the irony of the fact that a country which routinely spies on its citizens stands outraged when its own secrets are leaked. Welcome to our world, guys. This is the country's opportunity to go through airport security. Nonetheless, I certainly wish that Wikileaks or some site like it could access and post the various files in US government possession relating to the JFK assassination.
  2. Good point. I thought that the job of the Secret Service was to protect the President, the Vice President, their families and certain others - not to make character and personality assessments.
  3. I concur with your observations, except that one of the agents referred to (at least I thought he did) the dispute between DPD and the Secret Service agents over the removal of JFK's corpse from Parkland. The agents the show interviewed were still crushed (several of them cried) 47 years after the incident.
  4. Jim- This is a helpful distillation of the topics covered on Jessie's CT show. I thought that it covered a very wide swath of important topics about as well as one could do on around 40 minutes of air time. I wish that Jessie would do a 10 part series on the JFK assassination. In this episode, the coverage was much more focused on the topic than on Jessie, his bluster, his bravado, etc. He has covered some important topics (e.g. HAARP, Area 51) which need to see the light of day.
  5. You must be a year younger than me, because my school (a public school in St. Louis) sent us home early. I was in first grade. I remember watching the LHO assassination a couple of days later on my great grandparents black and white television. It was all quite surreal.
  6. Thanks, Jim. I am happy that you started a thread on this. I was going to do so if no one else did. I need to watch the show again a few times to pick up on leads that it started to develop. I believe (along with Bill Kelly, I believe) that resolving this matter fully and finaly will require access to information currently being held confidential by the government. It's nice to see this type of show appearing in the media, because the overwhelming majority of inroads on the assassination has come from the research community.
  7. I thought that the Ventura show on the JFK assassination was great. Most of his shows give shallow coverage of some fairly important topics, with an emphasis more on Jessie and less on the subject matter. I want to see this one again.
  8. Why does he say "his close friend Frank Costello" like it's some kind of bad thing? Seriously, though, I was hoping California would legalize pot for the sole purpose of precipitating a state vs. Federal government showdown and hopefully moving the lost concept of Federalim forward. I don't think that legalizing pot is a good thing, but I strongly believe that it should be the right of the California General Assembly and Governor to make that determination. I was quite surprised to learn that it failed. I think that our Federal government should end the war on drugs and let the states decide what to do in their jurisdictions. Does anyone really think that the DEA's efforts affect anything relating to illegal drugs other than their price? I would like to close this agency down, along with the BATF and the Department of Education, and deploy these ninjas to our southern and northern borders.
  9. Thanks a lot for posting this, John. It is facinating information. This man was quite prescient in his assessment and predictions. I may try to buy his book.
  10. Thanks, David. This looks interesting. I will try to read it (and the essay linked to in it, The Agency Which Spies on Its Spies) shortly.
  11. I agree with a lot of what you say, Don. But I also think that dealing with the media is part of running for office. A case in point is the consideration that Harold Ford, Jr., also a second generation beneficiary of a strong family political name, gave to running against Kirsten Gillibrand a few months ago. And he was fairly well respected in Tn when he came close to beating Bob Corker for the US Senate in Tn in 2006. But the NY press absolutely brutalized him earlier this year. Ironically, Newsweek (RIP) had run a campaign freebie with him on the cover 10 days before the 2006 election with the title "Not Your Daddy's Democrat". And issues like marital infidelity more often than not come back to haunt politicians. Word on the street is that John Boehner has a paramour (a lobbyist, of course) and that the NYT is sitting on the story until closer to the November 2 elections. Time will tell.
  12. If Caroline wants to be the Senator from NY like her uncle, she can run for office. Mr. Hall, it was an open seat when HC left for State. Jim, I am well aware of the circumstances leading to the appointment of an interim Senator from NY in 2008. It was by necessity an appointed office. Several people let Paterson know they were interested. It's an open seat this year and Caroline was free to run against the incumbent Gillibrand. Her uncle Teddy had no problems with running agains incumbent President Jimmy Carter in 1980. What did the media say about her 2 years ago that was untrue? I guess you didn't read my New Media v. Old Media article. It began like this: "Readers of this site will recall that in 2008, around this time, I wrote a three part series entitled "An Open Letter to Jane Hamsher and Markos Moulitsas." In that article I lamented the criticisms of those two bloggers about Caroline Kennedy placing her name in nomination to replace Hillary Clinton as senator from New York. I wrote that their rather shallow, melodramatic and unfounded broadsides actually said more about them than it did her. (Click here to read that piece.) Kennedy eventually withdrew from consideration. Governor David Paterson then appointed the upstate Blue Dog Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand to fill the post. I pointed out that the two bloggers goofy outrage had resulted in the appointment of just the kind of GOP-Lite Democrat they were supposed to be opposed to. Later, some sordid revelations surfaced about what the governor had done in the wake of Kennedy's withdrawal. Paterson told Judy Smith, a political hack on his staff, to start selectively leaking confidential material in order to smear Kennedy. Why? To make it appear that she withdrew because Paterson would not pick her because of ethical problems. When this happened, Hamsher actually used these manufactured smears to attack Kennedy and protect herself against my column! As more objective observers have written, Kennedy dropped out because she felt Paterson was using her to garner media attention for his re-election bid. Smith, a former GOP enforcer, was later forced to resign. Paterson became the subject of an ethics inquiry over the Kennedy smears. Which was later accused of covering up for him. (Click here for that story ) Paterson's handling of this episode was so bad that even Republican Mayor Bloomberg questioned why it had happened. In its aftermath a decline in Paterson's ratings began. It soon became a shocking downward spiral. Less than three months after Kennedy dropped out, Paterson's rating had dipped from 51% to 19% positive. His negatives soared to 78%. (New York Daily News, 3/23/09) Things have gotten so bad that the White House has tried to talk him out of running again. Not just because they think he will lose, but because they think he will bring Gillibrand down with him. And since the Blue Dog Gillibrand has been scarred, the White house has also tried to talk the more liberal Carolyn Maloney out of running against her in the primary. (ibid, 7/3/09) Which tells us that Rahm Emanuel is in charge. Funny how the New Media's Hamsher and Moulitsas have been hesitant to detail the mess they did so much to cause. They sure flunked that test – all the way down to covering up for Paterson. (For the best article on the Caroline Kennedy affair, click here.)" Further the whole up state New York trop was reported wrongly, if you read the Smith article. It was never her idea. Plus, Paterson then lied about whose idea it was to drop out of consideration. ANd the New Media accepted his lies. THat is in the Smith article also. So a couple of bloggers jumped on her and you think the NYT article was a hit piece? Do you expect to not have to contend with the media when someone runs for office? I read the NYT article when it came out, but I don't remember any incorrect assertions. Maybe I missed them. I don't like political dynasties (and the presumption of entitlement which frequently accompanies the landed gentry), irrespective of which side of the aisle they line up on. Ok, dump the Roosevelts, the Gores, and hey, why not the Grachi brothers. Jim- You obviously like wealthy political dynasties. I don't. I didn't say that you don't sometimes get quality second generation politicos - I said they make me weary. Good let us get a Blue Dog then. I like seeing candidates who have made their own reputations - not ones who have inherited them. Caroline Kennedy has done some good things on her own. Like graduated with a law degree from Columbia, written two books on the Constitution, and raised tens of millions for New York CIty pubic schools. She has had the opportunities that her family's vast wealth affords to write books and do charitable work. I admire a lot of qualities that JFK and RFK exhibited, but I certainly don't buy into the inherent nobility that some of you seem to see in all things Kennedy. It wasn't "inherent", if Caroline Kennedy had not done a solitary thing with her life except party in Monaco, and take trips to Hawaii in her yacht then, yep, forget it. But she did not. No doubt that she stands in vivid contrast to several of her cousins in this regard. So she did not deserve the mugging she got from both the NYT, and the so called New Media, which turned out to be not so new. As a matter of disclosure, Caroline and I are the same age and she was the object of my first crush at a very young age. I have always admired her quite a bit. I also liked her brother a lot, including his self-deprecating humor. I respectfully disagree with those who seem to think that a family's gene pool gives rise to political entitlement.
  13. If Caroline wants to be the Senator from NY like her uncle, she can run for office. What did the media say about her 2 years ago that was untrue? People win elective office all the time even though the media uses its vast power of influence (which is presently decreasing, though) to oppose them. I don't like political dynasties (and the presumption of entitlement which frequently accompanies the landed gentry), irrespective of which side of the aisle they line up on. I didn't say that you don't sometimes get quality second generation politicos - I said they make me weary. I like seeing candidates who have made their own reputations - not ones who have inherited them. I admire a lot of qualities that JFK and RFK exhibited, but I certainly don't buy into the inherent nobility that some of you seem to see in all things Kennedy.
  14. It wans't just the MSM, it was also the blogosphere which rose up against Caroline. This is what convinced me that the blogosphere was going to be little different than the MSM. The following column really ticked off Jane Hamsher. As it shoudl have. http://www.ctka.net/2009/hamsher.html Perhaps it was the fact she had absolutely no qualifications other than her pedigree. I agree with you, Len. I have grown weary of political dynasties like the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Rockefellers and the Clintons. Their progeny aren't entitled to elective office as a matter of birthright - or at least they shouldn't be.
  15. The Dark Side of LBJ implies that there was another side to him.
  16. The lesson of this international incident is that one shouldn't drink and e-mail.
  17. John, this article is in the Political Conspiracies section - not the JFK assassination. So we are therefore talking about the Kennedy conspiracy? John, the forum has given a remakable amount of lattitude in the topics initiated on this part of the forum. Sometimes they resemble the titles (and, for that matter, the content) of National Enquirer articles. If this article was about Sarah Palin's brother or child, it would be unquestionably newsworth. I feel badly for the Auchincloss family and I hope that this guy gets help. Nonetheless, it is the truth - not a slur. It is simply the facts of what happened. From a legal perspective, the truth (however unseemly it may be) is a defense to a claim of defamation.
  18. John, this article is in the Political Conspiracies section - not the JFK assassination.
  19. I like the way that one of the interviewers refers to CC, by Gerald Posner, as being dispositive of the accuracy of the LN theory. One book, by an author who had to step down from his most recent journalistic foray as a result of charges of plaigerism, lays to rest 48 years of analysis and evidence of a successful conspiracy to assassinate JFK. But these television journalists are usually interviewing authors of diet books.
  20. Thanks for your hard work and research and writing, Phil. I plan to purchase and read your new book soon. Chris
  21. That remains to be determined, like so much in this case. On this page from Weberman's site, about 3/4ths of the way down http://ajweberman.com/images_other/index.htm this caption appears: "A sketch of the assassin of Martin Luther King and the CHRIST tramp." (BTW I am not persuaded that Christ is Frenchy) I am unable to post the images, but I think anyone who checks it out will be struck by the resemblance between "Frenchy" and the guy in the King sketch. So these "tramp" photos may be important not only in the JFK case, but also in solving the King assassination. And I have no doubt that the guy in the King sketch is NOT Harold Doyle. But the man of the moment is Howard Hunt. I am 99.9% certain that Hunt is the oldman tramp, and Hunt's eldest son is similarly convinced. To my aging eyes, the La Fontaine candidate for oldman tramp has big cauliflower ears, unlike the ears on the oldman tramp and unlike the ears of Howard Hunt. Jim Di Eugenio suggests that researchers risk being ridiculed if we pursue this issue. Jim is undoubtedly correct if he is referring to outfits like the New York Times, but his concern appears to be unwarranted if we are talking about Rolling Stone Magazine. Well said, Raymond. It's hard to believe that the older man isn't Hunt, who has admitted he was in DP on 11-22-63.
  22. Why do you say it was a plant, Bill? I discounted the alleged Wallace print because it was contained in Barr McClellan's ridiculous book. Why do you think it was a plant, if it existed at all? Chris
  23. You mean Obama didn't order them assassinated? I certainly don't think so. And the Director of the Director of National Intelligence didn't resign because Obama ordered him to assassinate Americans? I don't know why he resigned, but that may well be the reason. It wouldn't surprise me. Then I guess that report about the UN troops invading Williamsport Pa. didn't happen either. I don't know anything about this, but I would feel like a 12 point buck in the rut during deer season if I wore a blue helmet in this country. Thanks, BK Bill- The following is what the older Kane's brother said about the shooting: Tom Kane, Jerry's brother, watched the dash-cam videos and said he was shocked and outraged at seeing what his brother and nephew did. He called it a "horrible and senseless crime" that Jerry and Joe were completely responsible for. "The actions of the police at the Walmart shooting were completely justified. "It was obvious from the Walmart security video that Jerry and Joe made no attempt to surrender and had to shoot it out to the death. "I can't find any words that can even begin to express the pain that my family and I feel for the officers who were killed and their family, friends and fellow officers who have to live with their loss. The city of West Memphis, Ark., truly lost two of their very best." I am not going to defend Federal government attacks on citizens (e.g. Waco and Ruby Ridge). They seem to follow a familiar pattern (i.e. allege that children are being abused, then send in the tanks and then feed info to the media, which dutifully "reports" it to the public, that the people are crazy, cultists, etc.). The Waco attacks and cover-up constitute a disgraceful event on the part of the ATF and the FBI (with Chuck Schumer playing an instrumental role in the cover-up). The investigation (in which the FBI somehow lost the front door to the compound, which would have determined whether the fire was incoming or outgoing) represents a tremendous embarassment to the FBI, as does the April 19 assault which was orchestrated (i.e. micro-managed) by Janet Reno. I met Randy Weaver a couple of years ago at a gun show, and I have read about the Federal government's unwarranted attacks on him and on his family. People tend to forget outcomes after the media posse leaves, but he was acquitted of owning or selling a sawed off shotgun, but convicted for missing a hearing (for which he served 6 months in a Federal prison). The Federal government, which swears that it did nothing wrong in this matter, for some reason felt the need to pay Weaver's family $3 million or so (actually a little more, I think) to settle his wrongful death and related claims against it. I respectfully don't think that the Kane shootings, which occurred after they had slain 2 officers (watch the video), resemble Waco, Ruby Ridge, or any similar Federal government attacks on citizens. Chris, I agree with your analysis completely. I just thought that the sequence of release of the news articles was intentional and ment to deceive. Good point, I didn't put the 2 incidents together. I also think the eronious Russian Report was a black propaganda operation that reminds me of what Gregory Douglas said about Soviet reports on the assassination. I'm kind of disapointed that Obama didn't order their assassination as I think we need a really good bad guy like LBJ or Nixon and Obama just doesn't want to play the role. If the Federal government would be kind enough to put a bounty on these guys, someone would bring them in bagged and tagged. Call it private sector outsourcing. No Miranda rights, dash cams, etc. It may become more popular than hunting bambi in a treestand on a cold winter morning and even more popular than Lotto (since it has a sporting quality to it). And think of the irony that the only American who took up the FBI on trying to collect its $25 million bounty on Osama (RIP) was apprehended and returned to the US by American authorities. BK
  24. You mean Obama didn't order them assassinated? I certainly don't think so. And the Director of the Director of National Intelligence didn't resign because Obama ordered him to assassinate Americans? I don't know why he resigned, but that may well be the reason. It wouldn't surprise me. Then I guess that report about the UN troops invading Williamsport Pa. didn't happen either. I don't know anything about this, but I would feel like a 12 point buck in the rut during deer season if I wore a blue helmet in this country. Thanks, BK Bill- The following is what the older Kane's brother said about the shooting: Tom Kane, Jerry's brother, watched the dash-cam videos and said he was shocked and outraged at seeing what his brother and nephew did. He called it a "horrible and senseless crime" that Jerry and Joe were completely responsible for. "The actions of the police at the Walmart shooting were completely justified. "It was obvious from the Walmart security video that Jerry and Joe made no attempt to surrender and had to shoot it out to the death. "I can't find any words that can even begin to express the pain that my family and I feel for the officers who were killed and their family, friends and fellow officers who have to live with their loss. The city of West Memphis, Ark., truly lost two of their very best." I am not going to defend Federal government attacks on citizens (e.g. Waco and Ruby Ridge). They seem to follow a familiar pattern (i.e. allege that children are being abused, then send in the tanks and then feed info to the media, which dutifully "reports" it to the public, that the people are crazy, cultists, etc.). The Waco attacks and cover-up constitute a disgraceful event on the part of the ATF and the FBI (with Chuck Schumer playing an instrumental role in the cover-up). The investigation (in which the FBI somehow lost the front door to the compound, which would have determined whether the fire was incoming or outgoing) represents a tremendous embarassment to the FBI, as does the April 19 assault which was orchestrated (i.e. micro-managed) by Janet Reno. I met Randy Weaver a couple of years ago at a gun show, and I have read about the Federal government's unwarranted attacks on him and on his family. People tend to forget outcomes after the media posse leaves, but he was acquitted of owning or selling a sawed off shotgun, but convicted for missing a hearing (for which he served 6 months in a Federal prison). The Federal government, which swears that it did nothing wrong in this matter, for some reason felt the need to pay Weaver's family $3 million or so (actually a little more, I think) to settle his wrongful death and related claims against it. I respectfully don't think that the Kane shootings, which occurred after they had slain 2 officers (watch the video), resemble Waco, Ruby Ridge, or any similar Federal government attacks on citizens.
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