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Christopher Hall

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Everything posted by Christopher Hall

  1. Bill- The road block occurred after Kane and his son shot 2 Arkansas cops with an AK-47 like they were rabid dogs. The dash camera in the cruiser which pulled them over tells a vastly different story than the 16 year old perp's mother. They were shot up at the Walmart parking lot after they had left 2 law enforcement officers dead on the pavement. These were needless killings. I followed this incident in real time online (via the Memphis Commercial Appeal) as it unfolded. After the slaying of the 2 polices officers (including the son of the West Memphis Police Chief), every law enforcement officer in the State of Arkansas was looking for these 2 guys. An Arkansas Wildlife Agency officer bravely slammed into their vehicle in the Walmart parking lot after they had killed the 2 cops. This didn't look like a Waco or Ruby Ridge incident by any means. On the other topic, I cannot confirm or attest to the efficacy and reliability of the Russian intelligence report.
  2. This slant is typcial of a lot of journalistic documentaires. I had the same thoughts.
  3. We certainly have a rich tradition of wimps in the White House.
  4. "CHRIS: Nice try, Len. It was plainly obvious that I was referring to the 1961 birth certificate - not the 2008 COLB. Which AFAIK the state does release and may not even have." Len - The State has Barack's original 1961 birth certificate, but, as I remembered, stated that it couldn't release it to anyone who didn't have a material interest in it. Hawaii State Health Director stated in 2008 that: “There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama’s official birth certificate. State law (Hawaii Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record. “Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures. “No state official, including Governor Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of the State of Hawaii.” "I have a challenge for Greg, Jack, Craig, you and any other birthers or doubters out there. Obtain a photographic copy of your ORIGINAL birth certificate issued by the state of your birth." Len - I was born in 1957 and had no trouble whatsoever in getting a copy of the original birth certificate that was then certified by the State of Illinois as being a copy of my birth certificate. So, at this point, the President of the United States could obtain a copy of his original birth certificate but apparently chooses to not do so.
  5. 3 documents are relevant to this discusion. 1) The original 1961 birth certificate issued to Obama's parents, it seems to have been lost, not surprising considering all the times he and his family moved. 2) The 1961 copy held by the state health department, 3) The 2008 copy issued by the state health department, there is little doubt it is authentic The state's Republican health commisioner has alreay said Obama's 2008 birth certificate is authentic and matches the 1961 copy held by her office. Why would she cover for him if this were untrue? Why wouldn't he release it if it is true? Release what? A copy of the item you refer to as 2, above. They released it to Obama he put a scan online and made it available for examination. Nice try, Len. It was plainly obvious that I was referring to the 1961 birth certificate - not the 2008 COLB. Then you can’t be satisfied. If you entertain the notion that a Republican governor who campaigned for Bush,McCain and Palin as well as two of her appointees were bribed to protect an inelligible Democratic presidential candidate/president then I doubt any documents they issued would quell your doubts You are correct, Len, that I cannot be satisfied that a politician can't be bought. COLBs are only released to family members who fill out and mail in a form with $ 10. Obama`s was released - But, for reasons I don't understand, not a copy of the 1961 birth certificate (your item no. 2, above.).
  6. 3 documents are relevant to this discusion. 1) The original 1961 birth certificate issued to Obama's parents, it seems to have been lost, not surprising considering all the times he and his family moved. 2) The 1961 copy held by the state health department, 3) The 2008 copy issued by the state health department, there is little doubt it is authentic The state's Republican health commisioner has alreay said Obama's 2008 birth certificate is authentic and matches the 1961 copy held by her office. Why would she cover for him if this were untrue? Why wouldn't he release it if it is true? And I remember when the issue was first raised that he visited Hawaii to see his grandmother and that that trip was immediately followed by a statement from the governor's office (I think to the effect that a copy of a birth certificate can only be made public with the consent of the individual). And I don't accept the fact that the Republican governor must be trusted because she is a Republican and Barack is a Democrat. Republicans have shown themselves to be plenty capable of being bribed. I don't know where he was born, but I question why someone would not release something that he could do with a phone call if doing so would make a controversy go away and his detractors look foolish.
  7. Hi Dave, I appreciate your comments. IMO: the central issue here is two-fold. The first is technical, but could have huge consequences. The second is ethical. First, because the Constitution requires that an individual who would be POTUS be born in the USA, then anyone occupying that office who does not comply with same is usurping the authority granted to the office by the Constitution because they are ineligible to legitimately lay a claim thereto. If it were to be proven that a sitting president was ineligible, even if only for a technicality, the United States would face a Constitutional Crisis. This is no small matter. If Obama was not born here, I would have preferred to find out BEFORE he was elected. He still may have been our best choice (or not) but it can completely unwind the effectiveness of his administration. If, for instance, JFK had not been born here, and it became known to his political rivals while he was in office, he could have been removed or rendered impotent without assassination. Second, if Obama was not born here (an easy thing to disprove, if false) and became POTUS without disclosing the true location of his birth, then he is in violation of several well established practices, some of which include ethical considerations. Moreover, his having been an expert in Constitutional Law underscores the potential egregiousness of the offense. Now, perhaps he was born in Hawaii. If so, no problem. But, why not produce the absolute PROOF if that's the case? It is SO damn easy to do! "If so, no problem. But, why not produce the absolute PROOF if that's the case? It is SO damn easy to do!" This point makes the whole issue suspect. If Obama could reveal the birthers to be utter fools by making a simple phone call to the Hawaii Health Department and asking it to send a local newspaper a copy of his original birth certificate, why hasn't he done so? I am largely agnostic on this issue; however, when the government or someone in a very high position of power declines to provides readily available proof which will not jeopardize national security, I get suspicious. I applaud people like Jefferson Morley who spend untold time and money pursuing documentation which may shed light on the JFK assassination from a stubborn and recalcitrant government. The fact that the government goes to such lengths and expense to resist his (and others') efforts mkaes me think it has something to hide. I am waiting for the great document release of 2017, which I fully expect to be delayed by an emergency request for an extension to Congress and the President; but, the whole notion that the government has withheld this (very possibly relavant) information for 46 years makes me think it is hiding something.
  8. This year's meeting starts this weekend at a resort in Spain. The topic appears to be the Euro and its mortality. This article describes what's on tap for this year's meeting: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle7142478.ece
  9. Schadenfreude: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10139/1059193-176.stm Mary Beth Buchanan, former US Attorney and prosecutor in the bogus case against Cyril Wecht, was trounced by a 2 to 1 margin in the GOP primary race for Pa's 4th Congressional District.
  10. I just bought this book and I plan to start it this week. I haven't read any books about the MLK assassination, but I sure remember it well because I lived in Memphis at the time. I am sure I will also pick up and read the Hancock and Wexler book that Bill refers to in his post. I have a hard time believing that Ray pulled off the MLK hit on his own, but my supposition is largely uneducated at this point.
  11. This is encouraging. Perhaps the LAPD can follow suit by releasing its file on the 1947 Black Dahlia murder. The EMK docs should make for interesting reading and commentary.
  12. This is quite touching. I guess Posner needs a high quality First Amendment attorney and Mark Lane needs the money. As a lawyer, I don't begrudge attorneys for the quality or integrity of their clients - except in the case of frivilous litigation and bogus lawsuits (i.e. only about 40% of the cases filed), so I don't get stressed about lawyers I like who represent people I don't like. It goes with the territory.
  13. The real issue is not whether Arlen will not be a US Senator in January, 2011, but whether he will lose to Sestak or to Toomey.
  14. I believe that John Bevilaqua has a good bit of personal knowledge of some aspects of the matters that EHH refers to in his interview.
  15. Bill Clinton was undoubtedly complicit in the Federal government's raid on the Branch Davidian compound at Waco and the resulting mass immolation of innocent victims. Janet Reno "accepted responsibility" for the incident, but it entailed the novel concept of responsiibility with no consequences (i.e. she continued on as AG for 7 more years). The investigation of the Waco raid was obstructed by the FBI and its destruction of evidence (at about the same time its lab became unreliable as a result of shoddy manabement). If my memory is correct, the FBI "lost" the front door of the Waco compound (which would have determined whether the fire from the first day was incoming our outgoing). During the investigation, then Congressman Chuck Schumer shilled and ran interference for the FBI and the ATF. I similarly believe that the investigation of the Oklahoma City Murrah Building bombing was inadequate and that key leads regarding Terry Nichols were not adequately investigated. I have a higher degree of respect for the FBI than many people, but the Waco incident was clearly a low point in its history.
  16. Thank you for joining the forum, Mark. I read and thoroghly enjoyed Plausible Denial. I would be interested to hear your input with respect to the alleged "deathbed confession" of EHH, particularly since you did such a fine job of eviscerating him at his deposition. I believe that he was an essential player in the assassination and you certainly outed him during the Liberty Lobby litigation.
  17. Ron, I'm sure you have checked carefully, but it might be worth a second look. I also have Comcast in Florida and I get TruTV. I think the shows are available on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifUT9A6Pmkw TRU TV used to be known as Court TV. I watched the first season of Ventura's show and found it hugely disappointing. Each episode followed a similar pattern. His investigators would lay out something kinda wacky and mysterious, like the Bilderbergers secretly running the world, and he would say "Hmm, let's get to the bottom of this" and storm off to do just that. He then shows up somewhere unannounced and uninvited, and finds the refusal of the security guards wherever he shows up to let him in "suspicious." He seems to think being a former Navy Seal and Governor gives him an "all-access pass" to both government-owned and privately-owned facilities. At the end of the show, he ultimately pronounces that "we are not being told the truth about (fill in the blank)." Sadly, the show is more about him than the topics being investigated. His performance, the music, even the camera angles all convey that he is a super-hero or super-warrior for the truth, kinda like Kolchak on steroids (if you remember the old Darren McGavin TV show), only investigating conspiracies instead of monsters. I suspect Dick's book will be better. If not, well, I suspect Ventura's bringing some of these possible conspiracies some attention won't hurt too much, seeing as "conspiracy theorist" is already a bad word in most quarters. I couldn't agree more, Pat. His schtick gets quite dull. But, if it helps expose the current government suppression of information relating to the JFK assassination, I wish him plenty of exposure.
  18. First Doris Kearns Goodwyn, then Coumbia University Bancroft Prise winner Micheal Bellesiles, and now Gerald Posner.
  19. I find it notable that Obama has Larry Summers as his chief economic advisor. Consider Summers' track record at Harvard where he caused its operating account to invest heavily in the stock market: http://blogs.reuters.com/felix-salmon/2009...ard-18-billion/ It would have been worse if the Board of Regents hadn't throttled back Summers' desire, which was to invest 100% of its operating cash in the market, to a mere 80%. Good thing Harvard only lost $1.8 billion. And Summers is an economist!? I guess that makes a meth dealer a pharmacist.
  20. Dean, I'm not suggesting she was involved in the assassination - so you can take out part B of your "laying it out for me". I'm suggesting the evidence supports the fact she was working for the KGB when she arrived in the U.S. I would assume that's why George DeMohrenschildt was so VERY interested in her. This is an interesting possibility. I would also assume that's why Ruth Paine was so VERY interested in her. Please explain. Post assassination I would assume that's why Priscilla Johnson was so VERY interested in her. Please explain. I'm guessing in your head Dean, she was able to get out of the USSR in the first place through Moscow oversight and administration errors? Don't dismiss the evidence through your own series of WHY questions? It doesn't change the FACTS Dean. Those types of questions are akin to Warren Commission defenders asking "Why did LHO leave the TSBD if he was innocent". Some Soviet Agent's and U.S. Agent's assignments DID last their whole lives or are you oblivious to how the spying game worked 1939-1991? Are you not aware of the Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt and Donald Campbell story? Was JJ Angleton's life not just one big assignment?
  21. Lee, You make some astute observations, particularly the seeming incongruity of Marina's getting an exit visa in 6 weeks at a time when departure from the USSR was tightly regulate and the following: "4. The idea that Jack Ruby, a strip club owner and connected guy, went to the Dallas police station on an impulse and was so overwhelmed by uncontrollable rage at the death of his president that he shot Lee Harvey Oswald strains our credulity beyond its limits. Ruby was a lot of things, but sentimental was not one of them. Ruby looked out for Ruby. Whatever brought him to the station and to kill Oswald was not uncontrolled emotion." This is one of the truly inadequately explained hurdles that the LN crowd has yet to overcome.
  22. Kaiser Sose said the greatest trick the devil ever played was make the world think he didn't exist. "Maybe Varnell is Disinfo..." Nah. I got street cred bona fides none of youse can match... http://originalsevenseconds.com/ I think I got you beat, Cliff. I was the indie buyer for a large music wholesaler with a 30 store chain of its own and had hundreds of meets, greets, and meals with members of N.W.A., Black Flag, Bad Religion, The Replacements, The Beastie Boys, Red Hot Chili Peppers, etc... not to mention folks like David Cassidy... Roadrunner Records considered me so helpful in breaking Slipknot they sent me a gold record plaque. But I was so much older then I'm younger than that now. That's the kind of job which will keep you young, Pat. To what does the "breaking Slipknot" comment relate?
  23. Cliff, I have a couple of questions for you re the throat frontal wound. 1. Do you also believe that their was a right frontal head wound? 2. If so, do you believe that it originated from the same weapon as the throat wound? I believe that their was clearly a right frontal head wound which immediately followed a rear head wound. Hence, the rearward tissue and skull splatter. I am agnostic as to whether the front head wound shot was made with a frangible round or with a traditional rifle round. But, I have a hard time believing that a throat shot, made with the same high-powered weapon which was the source of the right frontal head wound, would not exit the neck. I can easily see a throat shot made with a 38 special, for example, not exiting the throat, but not so with a rifle round or with a frangible round.
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