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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. http://www2.zippyshare.com/v/y3ezgYON/file.html Robert, His right hand is holding the hat in an "overhand" position. The top of his right hand is about even with his chin. chris
  2. Robert, What was the bullets "angle of declination" into Connally's back? chris
  3. Tom, In connection with the latest Don Thomas video: http://www9.zippyshare.com/v/Zr6utq03/file.html Here's what I came up with. Thomas has the recording motorcycle at approx Z161(Station#3+21.7)while the extant Z313(Station# 4+65.3) headshot occurs. That 321.7ft starts where the "Houston St crosswalk aligns onto the street" at Main and Houston. In other words, take the last Hughes frame of McClain in it, and that's your starting timing point also. In Hughes, from the time "JFK in limo" is aligned with the TSBD corner until McClain hits the starting timing point (Houston St crosswalk) is approx 6 seconds. This means, McClain is the distance traveled by the limo in those 6 seconds + the distance from starting point(Houston St crosswalk) to the TSBD corner, behind the limo. In the background at extant Z233,the front end of the first blue impala convertible aligns with the last wall hole, from Zapruders LOS. At that point, it has traveled 99ft from the starting point (Houston St crosswalk). McClain in Hughes is actually trailing the 2nd blue impala convertible. The one directly behind the first. The cars are 17.5ft in length. At Z233, most likely, the farthest McClain can be up Houston is 64ft. 99ft-35ft(17.5 x 2) = 64ft Originally, he needed to travel approx 319.7ft from starting point to Z161 location. At Z233, 80 frames until Z313, he needs to travel 319.7ft-64ft = 255.7ft to get to Z161 location. 80/18.3 = 4.37seconds. 255.7ft/4.37seconds = 39.8mph average. I have stabilized versions of the background from Z133-Z255 approx where the background drops out. McClain does not appear farther up Houston in that span. Baker does, just briefly trailing the 1st blue convertible. Remember, there is the Elm St turn to traverse when arriving at Station# 3+21.7 = Z161 physical location. I have no opinion on the validity of the audio. I just don't believe with what is available (film wise) that it was McClain who recorded it with the open mic on. chris
  4. Tom, This is not a book. It is the latest from Don Thomas, if interested. http://www.c-span.org/video/?321702-4/acoustic-analysis-kennedy-assassination chris
  5. Robert, Not quite the 307ft, closer to 295ft. Disregarding WCD298 for now, I believe this is the direct correlation between CE875 and the SS/FBI plat of Feb64, dealing with the Altgens shot. It appears the measurement was to the street, not JFK'S head on this plat. And, a 3degree slope was used in the calculation. It would look like this: Elevation 429.7 = TSBD at street Plat élévation for last shot at 416.83 Difference = 12.87ft TSBD window sill= 60.7ft 60.7ft + 12.87ft = 73.57ft 73.57squared x 285squared =294.34hypotenuse = plat entries for shot #3(Altgens) The 3 degree slope = 5.238% grade = 1ft vertical/19.09ft horizontal ratio Elevation change at shot#3 = 12.87ft 12.87 x 19.09 = 245.7ft TSBD = Station# 2+50 2+50 + 245.7ft =Station# 4+95.7 = CE875
  6. I don't believe the QM back seat shot either. I do want to know if it is possible though. http://www46.zippyshare.com/v/A4BJvLA6/file.html Since the limo and QM separated sometime after the extant Zfilm 313 headshot (Bell film aftermath), would a 2ft. vertical rise in rifle trajectory (from the window sill) obtain a target 30ft farther down ElmSt? chris
  7. Just trying to figure out what the trajectory would be from the back seat of the QM. Since no numbers were given on the show itself. http://www61.zippyshare.com/v/2vYsTTo6/file.html http://www61.zippyshare.com/v/5oHNv37O/file.html chris
  8. Robert, I don't know what West's interpretation was. I do agree with your thoughts here. chris
  9. http://www68.zippyshare.com/v/y7QiPyXm/file.html They have him standing up when the shot is fired. chris
  10. Robert/Brad http://www53.zippyshare.com/v/21WFPhwW/file.html In the program "The Smoking Gun", eventually the head shot trajectory from Hickey's position in the QM was determined to be correct. chris
  11. Robert, From Hill's book: Hill’s first meeting with Jackie is described like this on Page 8: “I’d seen newspaper photographs of her, of course, but in person she was much more striking than I had imagined, She was tall — about 5 foot 7 — but it was the way she carried herself, almost gliding into the room with a dancer’s erect posture, that exuded an air of quiet confidence. Her chin-length dark brown hair was perfectly coiffed. And she wore just a touch of makeup, enough to accentuate her dark brown eyes and full lips but still look natural. She was very attractive, very gracious and very pregnant.” From Bill O Reilly's "Killing Kennedy" http://www72.zippyshare.com/v/FbelI4Vc/file.html I'm willing to change the specs, if someone has better sources. chris
  12. http://www57.zippyshare.com/v/Lq8OoAXH/file.html The only graphic I've been able to find which includes a follow up car. Clint said at slower speeds, the maximum distance the QM would be trailing is 5ft. chris
  13. Robert, http://www76.zippyshare.com/v/GyKO1lM3/file.html http://www25.zippyshare.com/v/X7pmoe1e/file.html Clint Hill's approx height = 72.78 inches = 6ft .06" JFK's height above street = 52.78 inches Clint's height above JFK seated = approx 20 inches chris P.S. I'm 6'1" and measuring down 20" from my head top equals the area in the red square.
  14. btw, http://www67.zippyshare.com/v/kcww3u88/file.html The angle for the previous post chris
  15. http://www49.zippyshare.com/v/FqjJlN1J/file.html Disregarding WCD298 for now, I believe this is the direct correlation between CE875 and the SS/FBI plat of Feb64, dealing with the Altgens shot. It appears the measurement was to the street, not JFK'S head on this plat. And, a 3degree slope was used in the calculation. It would look like this: Elevation 429.7 = TSBD at street Plat élévation for last shot at 416.83 Difference = 12.87ft TSBD window sill= 60.7ft 60.7ft + 12.87ft = 73.57ft 73.57squared x 285squared =294.34hypotenuse = plat entries for shot #3(Altgens) The 3 degree slope = 5.238% grade = 1ft vertical/19.09ft horizontal ratio Elevation change at shot#3 = 12.87ft 12.87 x 19.09 = 245.7ft TSBD = Station# 2+50 2+50 + 245.7ft =Station# 4+95.7 = CE875 chris
  16. I'm not sure where you are getting the 18degree downhill angle of the shot from. But, 18degrees - 2.6degrees = 15.4 degrees. From CE884, entry for Z313, "Angle to horizon" rifle to JFK's head = 15.35 degrees included in the link at the right side http://www76.zippyshare.com/v/ZasquaR6/file.html chris
  17. Robert, http://www14.zippyshare.com/v/KQ8Quc1X/file.html The 215.3ft would be the physical location on Elm St. to Z313, not from the base of the TSBD which forms the right triangle. I wanted you to become familiar with the straight line street distance and vert/horiz ratio first. The 52.78 inches "JFK head above ground" = 4.39ft. Previously, I posted testimony from Robert Frasier I believe, who said they used an approx 2ft rise above the window sill as the rifle end height. The equation is going to look something like this: 60.7ft sill + .5ft curb + 11.76ft ElmSt slope = 72.96ft 72.96ft - 4.39ft = 68.57ft 68.57ft + 2 ft = 70.57ft The actual Z313 survey has this side at 70.25ft A difference of 3.84 inches. 265.3ft hypotenuse, 70.57ft side and 255.74ft side = right triangle. 265.26ft """"""" 70.25ft """" and 255.8ft """ = Z313 survey. Mr. EISENBERG - Could you show the lead in that diagram, Mr. Frazier? Mr. FRAZIER - In Commission Exhibit 556, it shows a triangular diagram with the vertical line on the left-hand side illustrating the height of the building. The figures of a 60-foot building height plus-- Mr. EISENBERG - That is height of the muzzle above the ground? Mr. FRAZIER - No--window sill--60-foot window sill height above the ground, with an assumed 2- foot height in addition to accommodate the height of the rifle above the possible. the possible height of the rifle above the window sill. The horizontal line extends outward from the building to a small rectangular block, and then a sloping line illustrates a 5-foot slope from the 175-foot point to the 265-foot point. chris
  18. Robert, http://www54.zippyshare.com/v/5AR0J73a/file.html Robert West, the surveyor, had the ElmSt. slope average (3.13 degrees) begin at Station# 2+50 = elevation 429.7ft. This is directly aligned with the snipers nest. Which was 15.5ft from the Houston/ElmSt corner. chris
  19. Jon, I believe it would look something like this: http://www76.zippyshare.com/v/ZasquaR6/file.html chris
  20. Robert, The 215.3ft would be the physical location on Elm St. to Z313, not from the base of the TSBD which forms the right triangle. I wanted you to become familiar with the straight line street distance and vert/horiz ratio first. The 52.78 inches "JFK head above ground" = 4.39ft. Previously, I posted testimony from Robert Frasier I believe, who said they used an approx 2ft rise above the window sill as the rifle end height. The equation is going to look something like this: 60.7ft sill + .5ft curb + 11.76ft ElmSt slope = 72.96ft 72.96ft - 4.39ft = 68.57ft 68.57ft + 2 ft = 70.57ft The actual Z313 survey has this side at 70.25ft A difference of 3.84 inches. 265.3ft hypotenuse, 70.57ft side and 255.74ft side = right triangle. 265.26ft """"""" 70.25ft """" and 255.8ft """ = Z313 survey. chris
  21. Elm St slope was 3.13 degrees = 5.46% street grade. This equals a 1ft vertical to 18.3 ft horizontal ratio. The TSBD was at Station# 2+50.0 Z313 was determined to be at Station# 4+65.3 A difference of 215.3ft 215.3/18.3 = a vertical difference/drop of 11.76ft.
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