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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Ian, Add .5ft for the curb = 61.2ft Street elevation 429.7 6th floor ledge 490.9 chris
  2. Robert, Mr. SPECTER. What was the height of President Kennedy? Mr. KELLEY. He was 72 1/2 inches. Mr. SPECTER. And were you present when a man was placed in the same position in the Secret Service followup car as that in which President Kennedy sat in the Presidential car when the tests were simulated on May 24th of this year? Mr. KELLEY. I was. Mr. SPECTER. Do you know the name of that individual? Mr. KELLEY. He was an FBI agent by the name of James W. Anderton. Mr. SPECTER. And what was the height of Mr. Anderton? Mr. KELLEY. He was 72 1/2 inches. Mr. SPECTER. Do you know the height of Governor Connally? Mr. KELLEY. Governor Connally was 6 foot 4. Mr. SPECTER. Was that the height of the Governor himself or the Governor's stand-in? Mr. KELLEY. It was my understanding that Governor Connally was--6 foot 2, I guess. The Governor's stand-in, Mr. Doyle Williams, was 6 foot 4. Mr. SPECTER. Were you present when those two individuals were seated in the Secret Service followup car? Mr. KELLEY. Yes, sir. Mr. SPECTER. And what adjustment was made, if any, so that the relative positions of those two men were the same as the positioning of President Kennedy and Governor Connally on November 22, 1963? Mr. KELLEY. The officials at Hess Eisenhardt, who have the original plans of the President's car, conducted a test to ascertain how high from the ground a person 72 1/2 inches would be seated in this car before its modification. And 132 it was ascertained that the person would be 52.78 inches from the ground--that is, taking into consideration the flexion of the tires, the flexion of the cushions that were on the car at the time. Mr. SPECTER. When you say 52.78 inches, which individual would that be? Mr. KELLEY. That would be the President. Mr. SPECTER. And what part of his body? Mr. KELLEY. The top of the head would be 52.78 inches from the ground. chris
  3. Also, In regards to CE560: http://www37.zippyshare.com/v/9vl8z1DL/file.html The rest of the article on the Arisaka rifle is here, if interested. http://www.chuckhawks.com/arisaka_sporter.htm chris
  4. Robert, Mr. FRAZIER - The overall length is 40.2 inches. It weighs 8 pounds even. Mr. McCLOY - With the scope? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, with the scope. The CHAIRMAN - And the sling? Mr. FRAZIER - That is with the sling, yes, sir. The sling weighs 4 3/4 ounces. The stock length is 34.8 inches, which is the wooden portion from end to end with the butt plate attached. The barrel and action from the muzzle to the rear of the tang, which is this portion at the rearmost portion of the metal, is 28.9 inches. The barrel only is 21.18 inches. 30.75 inches - 21.18 inches = 9.57inches 40.2 inches + 9.57inches = 49.77inches http://candrsenal.com/rifle-carcano-type-i/ Were there other long rifles that started at 49.75 inches before the barrel was shortened? chris
  5. If interested: http://www.chuckhawks.com/arisaka_sporter.htm Although I thought the whole article was interesting, this paragraph starts the info about the Type 1 rifle: And that's where it stayed for some months, until I came across a reference to a little-known Italian rifle built around the 6.5 Japanese cartridge, a rifle generally known as the Type I. In 1937, Germany, Japan and Italy signed a treaty known as the Anti-Comintern Pact, the first of many mutual aid agreements the three Axis powers would enter into during the run-up to the Second World War. chris
  6. Hi Gary, It is in the Sunday Nov24, 1963 edition of the Chicago Tribune. The story starts on the front page, far right hand column, and the actual quote is on the next page. http://archives.chicagotribune.com/1963/11/24/page/1/article/suspect-purchased-rifle-in-chicago chris
  7. Robert, http://world.guns.ru/rifle/repeating-rifle/it/carcano-m91-e.html Does the 1295mm "overall" length = 50.98 inches, and the 780mm = 30.7inches "barrel" length represent the M91 long rifle specs? chris
  8. Robert, http://www6.zippyshare.com/v/VZuGmnxT/file.html I tend to pay closer attention to the information, anytime specific physical features are mentioned by the authorities. chris
  9. "The gunsmith said it was not the same type of rifle that had been brought to him." I vote for this one. http://candrsenal.com/rifle-carcano-type-i/ chris
  10. Obviously, it was too logical to use the "sighted" rifle for the assassination. chris
  11. Robert, I have supplied this before, but in case it's been forgotten. The slope of Elm St determined to be 3degrees/8minutes = 3.13 degrees = 5.46% street grade. WC final plat May/1964 That slope equals a horizontal to vertical ratio of 18.3ft/1. If I wanted to apply that ratio in terms of inches for (let's say) a 30ft distance(Z313-Z351 Altgens) it would look something like this: 30/18.3 = 1.639 1.639 x 12 inches = 19.67 inches. chris
  12. Chris I have been studying the reenactment photo you posted a link to, and trying to make sense of the testimony from Frazier you quoted beneath the photo. The first thing I noticed is the piece of tape on the back of the JFK stand-in, signifying the entrance wound, seems to be very low if one considers this wound was supposedly at the level of C7/T1. Second, it seems there is testimony here from Frazier I have not read before. They were very good at spreading one man's testimony all over the WCR, weren't they. Could you explain what he means by locating JFK's back wound by measuring from the top of the head down to the entrance wound, as shown in the autopsy figures? This is all new to me, as I thought Humes located the back wound as being 14 cm. down from the mastoid process, a bony skull protrusion just behind the ear. Any idea what Frazier is talking about? Next, or best as I can follow Frazier, the limo must have been sitting still, and it seems they laid a ruler against the back wound location, and looked at this through a rifle scope, presumably C2766 and, also, presumably from the 6th floor? Now, this is where I lose Frazier. What is this 10 inch thing he speaks of that, when measured down from the entrance wound, ends up on the rear of the limo trunk? God only knows what you have uncovered here, Chris, but I have a feeling we are onto something interesting here. Good find, buddy. Robert, Mr. SPECTER. Was there any difference between the position of President Kennedy's stand-in and the position of President Kennedy on the day of the assassination by virtue of any difference in the automobiles in which each rode? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; because of the difference in the automobiles there was a variation of 10 inches, a vertical distance of 10 inches that had to be considered. The stand-in for President Kennedy was sitting 10 inches higher and. the stand-in for Governor Connally was sitting 10 inches higher than the President and Governor Connally were sitting and we took this into account in our calculations. Mr. SPECTER. Was any allowance then made in the photographing of the first point or rather last point at which the spot was visible on the back of the coat of President Kennedy's stand-in before passing under the oak tree? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; there was. After establishing this position, represented by frame 161, where the chalk mark was about to disappear under the tree, we established a point 10 inches below that as the actual point where President Kennedy would have had a chalk mark on his back or where the wound would have been if the car was 10 inches lower. And we rolled the car then sufficiently forward to reestablish the position that the chalk mark would be in at its last clear shot before going under the tree, based on this 10 inches, and this gave us frame 166 of the Zapruder film. Mr. SPECTER. What Commission Exhibit number has been affixed to that? Mr. SHANEYFELT. This is Commission Exhibit No. 889. (Commission Exhibit No. 889 was marked for identification.) Mr. DULLES. Is that 10 inches difference due to the difference in the two cars? Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is correct. Mr. DULLES. That is the President's--the car the President was in and the car you had to use for this particular test? Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is correct. Mr. SPECTER. On Exhibit No. 889, is the car in the same position on the "photograph through rifle scope" as it is on "photograph from reenactment"? I didn't know JFK was shot in the head first, as that is what the "back" chalk mark is made to represent in terms of height. The trunk tape would represent the "back" height. All measurements from CE884 are to the "chalk mark" chris P.S. Does anyone really believe the adjustments were created, mainly because of the differences described via this testimony?
  13. Once again, use what is given to disprove the official story. http://www13.zippyshare.com/v/EPMJUgQD/file.html I would suggest studying how many steps Clint takes after the 5 frame delay where his legs are together. In this case, 2 full steps + 1 half step(shortening stride to set up for left leg leap) and jump onto limo. That would be right leg stride, then left leg stride, then short right stride and finally a jump off his LEFT LEG. Let me guess, Clint is right handed, most indicative of a person who would jump off their left leg. How far do you think a person can travel in 2 1/2 steps with a jump up at the end? Now plug that into 8mph going away from the QM. Z318-Z343 = 25 frames = 1.36 seconds 8mph(appears to be close estimate of the official version) @ 1.36 sec. = 16ft + whatever distance back from the limo Clint is @ Z318, say approx 9ft. Approx 25ft traveled "2 1/2 steps plus a jump" to the limo. I'm 6ft 1' and my running stride is 3 1/2 ft long. Better yet, anyone can recreate a running distance in terms of individual steps. Just grab a tape measure. chris P.S. At 3.74mph over 1.36 seconds (plus 9ft traveled between cars) = 16.47ft. Much easier to swallow, if not even slower than that.
  14. It is amazing how much attention is incorrectly paid to the question of whether or not the limo stopped. The question that needs to be asked is just how fast was Greer going when he was looking back at JFK? Pamela, http://www24.zippyshare.com/v/Juvktlqr/file.html I believe Sam Kinney answered that question for us. With or without indicating whether the limo stopped. As you state, forget about proving whether it stopped or not (only way to prove it would be with the original film). In this case, 3.74 mph to be more exact. If you dissect this statement from Kinney, and put it into the context of a shot at Z313, the limo is moving at 3-5mph. When the fatal headshot occurred (after 313), closer to Altgens position, Z351, Greer hit the gas. chris
  15. Robert, I know people are not too fond of Dan Rather, but if you can focus on what he says in terms of the film duration itself, you'll understand he described a version in transition most likely. The first part is an excerpt from Josiah Thompson: Meanwhile, back in New York, Life’s publisher viewed the copy obtained by Stolley and instructed Stolley to buy worldwide exclusive rights from Zapruder. On Monday morning, Stolley met with Zapruder and his lawyer and negotiated the sale to Life of worldwide rights for $150,000. As early as Tuesday or Wednesday, copies were ordered from the Life photolab by editors and began to circulate. In Chicago, a private lab made a 16 mm black and white copy for Life. In Washington, D.C., another private lab made a 16 mm black and white copy for the Secret Service. The Secret Service made additional copies of their copies and these were circulated to other law enforcement agencies. That Monday, Dallas secret service agents asked if they could use the 16 mm projector owned by the local CBS affiliate (KRLD) to view the film. They brought over the film in 16 mm format and Bob Huffaker projected it for them. Huffaker remembered that Dan Rather of CBS News was there to watch it with the agents. The second part is an excerpt from Dan Rather's first TV interview: That is the scene shown in about twenty seconds of film that the FBI has in its possession. The film was taken by an amateur photographer who was in a very advantageous position, and who had his camera trained on the President’s car from the time it made the turn in front of the assassin until it disappeared on its way to the hospital. This is Dan Rather in Dallas. Rather viewed a 16mm film approx 20seconds long. 24 frames per sec x 20.25seconds = 486 frames=total extant Z frames. Once again, dealing with time references. I know many are not fond of Paul Mandel either, but!!! Another excerpt from Rathers first TV interview: The car never stopped. The secret service man in the front seat had a telephone in his hand. The car...its acceleration increased rapidly and it disappeared under an underpass. Three shots - the first one hitting President Kennedy, the second one hitting Governor Connally, the third one hitting the President – consume, possibly, five seconds. Not much more than that, if any. Attached is the article from Mandel published in the Dec 6th 1963 edition of Life Magazine Mandel is under the impression he is counting frames from an 18.3 fps version. Just convert his total frames between 3 shots based on 24 frames per sec. 122frames/24frames per sec = 5.08 seconds Compared to Dan Rather's description of timing between shots, I 'd say they probably saw the same version. chris
  16. 169frames @ .3ft = 50.7ft 169frames@18.3frames per sec = 9.23sec 50.7ft/9.23sec = 5.49ft per sec =3.74mph It's fairly obvious from Towners film at Position A and on, and from Z133 on, that the limo was never traveling anywhere close to 3.74 mph during these segments. We know from Position A to Z168 is 50.7ft. From Z168 to Z313(145 frames) is 136.1ft So, from Position A to Z313 = 186.8ft. 311 frames(145+166) @18.3 frames per sec@186.8ft = 7.48 mph average This would be an average speed match for the 2 (100 frame scenario above).
  17. 200 frames/120ft = 5(frames)/3(ft) ratio See previous post also. chris
  18. Jon, Agreed. http://www33.zippyshare.com/v/33353614/file.html Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; there are. There are six photographs selected at random from the Nix film, including frame 24, which is a frame depicting the shot to the head of the President, and there are three photographs picked at random from the Muchmore film, including frame 42, which is the frame depicting the head shot. These are the pictures that were used in establishing the location of the Nix and Muchmore cameras on location in Dallas. Frame 10, which is the first one of the Nix series, is the one showing Mr. Zapruder standing on the projection. Count back from extant Z313. Shaneyfelt 313-24 = 289 Itek study 313- 28 = 285 Myers 313-22 = 291 I wonder which versions of the Nix film were they using. chris
  19. Mr. BELIN. Mr. Brennan, on one of your interviews with the FBI, they record a statement that you estimated your distance between the point you were seated and the window from which the shots were fired as approximately 90 yards. At that time did you make that statement to the FBI--and this would be on 22 November. To the best of your recollection? Mr. BRENNAN. There was a mistake in the FBI recording there. He had asked me the question of how far the shot was fired from too, and also he had asked me the question of how far I was from the shot that was fired. I calculated the distance at the angle his gun was resting that he must have been firing 80 to 90 yards. Now, I-- Mr. BELIN. You mean 80 or 90 yards from where? Mr. BRENNAN. From Kennedy's position. Mr. BELIN. But could you see Kennedy's position? Mr. BRENNAN. No; I could not. But I could see before and after. Robert, 50 yards from the corner or Station C = 2+34.5 +150ft = Station# 3+84.5ft The Dec5, 1963 SS determination of a shot at Station# 3+81.3 (extant Z218) or approx 3ft from where Brennan's Nov22, 1963 affidavit puts it. Which shot (1st or 2nd) does he change later to LOS 265ft (90yards) from the snipers nest? If he changed the 1st shot initially 50 yards away from him, to the Z313 shot, why? The 50 yard shot could have been shot #1 and the 90 yard shot #2 if they wanted him to stick with the official WC scenario. No reason to change it. Or, maybe he actually heard his first shot 50 yards from the limo. And, someone could have stuck a rifle out of the window, doesn't mean they fired a rifle or that it was Oswald. chris
  20. And, If I want to exact the time for 100 frames/18.3 frames per sec = 5.46 seconds Then (2) 100 frame scenarios @ 5.46 seconds = a total time of 10.92 seconds. 120.2ft/10.92 seconds = 7.48mph 3.74mph x 2 = 7.48mph chris
  21. Shot 1 2 3 Shot 1 2 3 I'll work with the entry from CE560 and the WC designated time of 5.5 seconds. 100 frames @ 90ft @ 5.5seconds = 11.13mph = Shot 1 2 3 100 frames @ 30.2ft @ 5.5seconds = 3.74mph = Shot 1 2 3 200 frames @ 120.2ft @18.3frames per sec = 7.43mph chris
  22. Continued from Robert M's topic. I was hoping someone would look at CE560 and calculate the total frames for the 90ft distance at 5.5 seconds. At 18.3 frames per sec that would equal 100 frames, not rounded to the next whole frame. What are the odds that the total frames determined for that 90ft span (distance between WC 1st and 3rd shot - sequence1 of dual 3 shot scenario)) would be a convenient 100 frames? Within CE560, the LOS distances given from rifle to JFK are 1st shot 175ft and 3rd shot 265ft. Those would be matches for Zframe 207 and Zframe 313 via CE884. The difference in frame count is 106 not 100. chris
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