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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. The cycle cop most closely flanking JFK. Note when he turns his head. First toward JFK? and then away towards the knoll. He is reacting to what Newman is, at that point in time. imo chris
  2. Notice Nix frame 319, then the succeeding camera movement dropping. Is this indicative of a shot at 313? I believe so. chris
  3. David, I chose these descriptions on purpose. Reread George Hickey's: He states "the first shot of the second two". It's wordplay about the shot order. It more than agrees with Bower's. A government agent behind JFK, and a witness with a clear memory. chris
  4. Bill Newman's reaction (cower) at approx 331-332. I do not believe he is reacting to the 313 head shot. It is much too late for a 313 reaction. chris
  5. The "next" shot or the third shot. Not much of a distinction. Sounds like he is describing 2 shots very close together.
  6. Shots Jean Hill in agreement with the SS agents descriptions.
  7. What part of the sequence would this 'second shot" pertain to? chris
  8. Thanks Pat, From Landis' description, do you or others believe he is referring to a "second report" as the second of the last two described as "close together" or the second of 1-3? chris
  9. I went back and read some of the descriptions of the shot/head shot/s order. I'm interested in what you think the shot sequence is, pertaining to the descriptions provided. I will mix Nix and Z into this, a little later. thanks, chris
  10. That movie isn't even close to the kind of thing you guys are proposing. The special effects were nothing more than photos shot from a still camera and then placed in sequence to create the animations. Strange, after all these years NONE of you can reproduce the alterations you claim were made to the Zapruder film. And you never will. That kind of thing would take months, using a modern computer. It could not have been done at all, using 1963 technology. Robert, If there is one frame altered, removed or added, that would constitute alteration. chris
  11. This is the camera movement from the previous flash movie. In segments, for comparison. Hence the question about speed increases. chris
  12. Craig, The license expired sometime after I posted this. It's reregistered and working again. I do have a site, though to lazy sometimes to upload to it, at times. sorry to all about the inconvenience, chris
  13. This flash video contains frames 133-225 using the "Stemmon's sign support post" as a stabilizer. At the beginning of the video, is there a speed difference between the visible cycle flanking JFK and the 2 cycles flanking Jackie? Use the Queen Mary as a help guide, if necessary. Also, after the 207-212 splice, does the speed of the cycles flanking Jackie, increase dramatically, compared to the "start of the film" and "before the splice"? Watch it a few times if necessary. chris
  14. David, The question about the blood amount (Duncan's thread) coming from JFK's throat is directed at Greer/Kellerman's reactions. Both of them look back toward JFK long before 313. Did neither see it because of JFK's arms.? Would there be blood on JFK's hands, reaching for his throat? The limo slows down. Greer looks back a second time before 313, does he still not see any blood? chris
  15. Has anyone considered how much blood should be flowing from JFK's throat if he was hit from either "front or rear" with a rifle? Same question for a flechette. I'm not asking this, in relation to what is/isn't seen on the film, yet!!! thanks, chris
  16. There is really no doubt that the limousine slowed. Alvarez did a frame-by-frame study and concluded it went from 12 to 8 MPH. Jim, Did you know that Phil Willis appears in the Bell film? He also shows up in Muchmore. How long does it take for him to get from point A to B where we see him in Z. Did you know Dale Myers was wrong in his syncing of multiple films and why? Did you discover the "blue dress lady" in Dorman actually appears in the Martin film? How about "shadowman" in Dorman? Who would have to be Croft, yet the timing doesn't work realistically. And, there's Charles Hester out of the shadows in Bell? Have you tried syncing/stabilizing any of the other films, using independant sync points to verify what might and might not be valid. My list can go on. The point being, Please don't tell me what is useless to study. I do my own research. Period!!!! If it's valid, it will stand the test of time. If not, other's will point out the shortcomings. Your comment is akin to me saying: All of Dr. Costella's work is useless because it's done on the same version of the Z film. I don't believe that one bit. chris Chris, you seem to be making a series of unsupported assertions here. Are you suggesting that all these other films were altered or fabricated as well? Why don't you take these claims one-at-a-time and explain them in detail? And it would be helpful if you posted the relevant frames in which you believe that people are out of place. Before challenging people to deal with your conclusions, don't you think it would be helpful to show us why your conclusions are correct? Robert Harris Robert, You can find most, if not all of these items back on Duncan's forum. I don't want to rehash this if necessary. But here's one that I listed. A quick briefing on Meyer's mistake if you didn't read it previously. Myer's does a frame to frame sync of approx 8 different films. He states he is accurate within +/- 1 frame. The problem with this occurs in Martin's film: My annotations are in red, the rest is from Myer's document. Provided, are frames from Martin and Z. Yes, that is the last frame in Martin as he steps down off from the final stair. Where does this timing mistake rear its ugly head? Did I say that other films are altered because of this? No Although, if one is to believe Myer's sync was originally correct among multiple films, then being off by this amount does what to the rest. My thread was a question about the limo slowing in accordance with the extant film. That is all. chris
  17. There is really no doubt that the limousine slowed. Alvarez did a frame-by-frame study and concluded it went from 12 to 8 MPH. Jim, Did you know that Phil Willis appears in the Bell film? He also shows up in Muchmore. How long does it take for him to get from point A to B where we see him in Z. Did you know Dale Myers was wrong in his syncing of multiple films and why? Did you discover the "blue dress lady" in Dorman actually appears in the Martin film? How about "shadowman" in Dorman? Who would have to be Croft, yet the timing doesn't work realistically. And, there's Charles Hester out of the shadows in Bell? Have you tried syncing/stabilizing any of the other films, using independant sync points to verify what might and might not be valid. My list can go on. The point being, Please don't tell me what is useless to study. I do my own research. Period!!!! If it's valid, it will stand the test of time. If not, other's will point out the shortcomings. Your comment is akin to me saying: All of Dr. Costella's work is useless because it's done on the same version of the Z film. I don't believe that one bit. chris
  18. Thanks Jim and all, At this time, I just wanted to see if there was a general consensus among the forum members who replied. I am working on Zfilm timing/sync marks right now. chris
  19. Chris Are you using the 18.6 FPS ?. Ian Ian, No, it is 1/10 of a second gap. Here it is with multiple frames and a 2/10 sec. gap between them, if it's easier on the eyes. The handrail has been stabilized. chris
  20. This is not a Zfilm alteration question. Does the limo slow down using the relationship of cycle to limo, as a measuring tool? The upper ghost image shows a similar action, although it is not the same cycle we see at the bottom of the frame. chris
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