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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Does anyone know what type of hat this other person has on, behind the fence? chris
  2. Amazing what appears when we have something decent to work with. Enjoy. chris
  3. Towner frames. Bottom frames are original. Above them, somewhat enhanced. chris
  4. Jerry, The Jefferies film was a little to small to see the steering wheel clearly, but that led me to another comparison frame. This one appears to validate your initial description of not seeing very much, if any, of Greer. Thank you, chris
  5. Chris, I don't think the colorization got as far as Greer but it looks to me like the white shirt would fall just behind the flag if we assume it's Greer's right (his right) shoulder partly blocking the view to Mrs. Kennedy. I'm not sure about the rising/bracing v. that's the angle where his shoulder blends into the windshield sun strip. He's definitely moving because he eventually winds up looking over his right shoulder and you're very sharp to have noticed the right hand /steering wheel move. Best regards to you, Jerry Hi Jerry, It looks like his right shoulder, along with his neck and ear exposed, when compared to JBC's profile. It appears that Greer's head is turned even farther towards the rear seat than JBC's, when a comparison is made. I've stabilized Greer in this movie. If you look closely, you can actually see his head/face in some of it. I don't see the extent of his head turn in Z, that I do in Altgen's at frame 254/255. What do you think? chris
  6. What happened to Greer's white shirt in Altgen's? According to the WC reenactment, shouldn't it be there? Z shows a hard (right hand) motion with the steering wheel and a rising/bracing of Greer from his seat. ( Movie Frames 225-255) chris
  7. "What exactly is your opinion of Drommer?" It gives me a headache! Actually, the Drommer works are some of the most accurate information available. There is of course, the old "however". Without that knowledge contained within the previous survey works, as well as the actual survey notes, the Drommer work merely leaves one with information in which much of that information is not even know the significance of. Is it not "Chris" who has the Drommer plat??? Whoever it was, many of the "keys" to deciphering this important document have been provided. As to "accuracy" on other survey items, therein lies much of the problems. Very little of any of the actual survey was done beyond the accuracy of degrees & minutes. (no angles, (vertical or horizontal) were taken to the "seconds" of accuracy. Likewise, one must place into perspective that this was the "old" days of tape measures and long/drawn out mathmatical calculations utilizing logrithmic tables as well as the process of interpolation. All of which interject a given amount of error by nature of the process. And, although I never thought to ask Mr. West as to exactly why the survey accuracy was of such an extent to have actually allowed for such errors, I would bet my beret on the fact that the WC did not want such detailed accuracy. Kind of difficult to complete pull the wool over someone's eyes when there is no room for error. That information gathered during the Time/Life work is unfortunately the most lacking in physical accuracy, but then again, it was all done within a single day's time without benefit of any true physical survey related to the topographic terrain/surrounding area. So, as much as possession of this information aides one in resolution of some problems, it only generates further confusion and speculations among those who do not understand that, by it's very nature, the process was somewhat flawed even without the WC's interjected alignment errors. Hi Tom, Yes, I do have the Drommer plat. Many others do also. I recommend converting the resolution of Drommer from 72 to 100 DPI. Might help with the 1inch=10Ft. key. Some important info from Tom in previous posting's. It is highly unlikely that, from this limited testimony, one would be aware that the SS Survey plat of 12/5/63 was even generated and that actually some four days of survey work (December 2/3/4/ with a full scale re-enactment complete with Lincoln Continental convertable limo and surveyed in positions for JFK conducted on the 5th, actually transpired. Unless of course one had a copy of the Survey Plat as well as the survey notes. This is why, with the current survey notes which Mr. West provided to me, were one to obtain authorization to do so, Dealy Plaza could be re-constructed back, virtually exactly, to it's 11/22/63 configuration, complete with road signs; lamp posts; yellow marks on the curb; manhole and inlet covers; correct elevation differences; etc; etc; etc. The great majority of this accurate survey data was obtained during the three days of survey work in December, 1963 when Mr. West did the work and assassination re-enactment for the US Secret Service. And, fortunately, this work was done PRIOR to anyone seeing the need to begin moving and/or elimination of many items. chris
  8. Craig, I wasn't inferring any type of fakery. It was just an observation about the difference in the two photos. Here's what you get if you reverse the comparison and reduce the size of the larger scale to fit the smaller. That's a reduction to 35.9%. I think Blair is on the right track. chris
  9. No need Jack, I knew the answer. I just wanted you to put in print. Given the utter failure of your work, I can understand your reluctance. Now let me show you a little Photo 101. Pay attention, then study the photo that is attached, and then we can all see why your work on the backyard photos fail...and why you got creamed in Washington. You simply don't have the first clue about any of this. Craig, Can you supply the full photo of the top and bottom originals in your comparison? Was the same ruler used, I noticed a difference in the top photo. chris
  10. I'm pretty sure this all has to do with time syncing before the limo gets to Elm St. cheers chris
  11. Muchmore somewhat stabilized. I see 1 partial salute. chris
  12. Thanks Robin, We now have a guy in white pants. Along with 2 other men to his left, not counting the 3rd guy which we can't see in Dorman, but is in other photos/film. The nice thing about movies is the motion of human's when stabilized. Such as the 2 gentleman who salute the limo as it passes by. I suggest trying to locate this action in any of the other photos/movies. Try Muchmore first, then go onto Hughes. chris
  13. Jack, Might also ask where the guy in white pants is. Should be somewhere near the missing man in black. chris
  14. Jack, I believe I'm wrong with this one. His missing leg. chris
  15. Now, A complete leg. Which one is it going to be, a missing leg before LBJ's car passes him or a complete leg after he passes. chris
  16. Chris...that is my point...IT IS ANATOMICALLY INCORRECT! I must disagree with your assessment. Watch the entire sequence IN MOTION. You clearly see THE ARM SWING, THE THUMB EXTEND, ETC. What you see as his folded arm appears to be a broad black belt which goes around his waist and is seen in back. I will be glad to do a complete study of the man, but it is unnecessary if one watches IN MOTION as the "arm" swings and the thumb extends. It is ALL ANIMATION, and poorly done. The best way to view it is ONE FRAME AT A TIME. Jack Jack, I totally agree. It is anatomically incorrect. I do see the incorrect anatomic arm swing and extending thumb. But I also see his left arm folded across his waist. (red arrow) Which is a different color than the black waist stripe. I'm still with you on this and if others will look a bit closer, they might see a missing leg. (red box) chris
  17. Bernice, That is not his left arm. His left arm is folded across his waist. It is holding something which leads through his armpit and droops back behind his left leg. It looks like an arm and hand or is supposed to be an arm/hand, but is not, and can't be. (Anatomically speaking). It also seems as if the drooping hand attached to the drooping arm disappears for a few frames. Watch closely. See if this looped movie helps. chris
  18. Jack, This is Nix stabilized. chris
  19. Thanks Bernice, That would be my work. As I have stated many times before, the same photo method which brought Charles Hester out of the shadows (or whoever it is) in Bell, shows this stranger inside the pergola. chris
  20. I assume you mean BEIGE...the color of Sitzman's dress. You think she is the woman on the ground? Beatrice was wearing GREEN, so I don't think she is a match. Jack, What I mistook for pink or beige appears to be the step behind her. Yes, I meant the object on the ground in front of the rising silhouette. chris
  21. Thanks Chris I am still thinking I was on the right lines above as I think the person in the colonnade already is Mr Hester who has got up and walked away from his wife. The movement we see is Mrs Hester rising up to a sitting position under her own steam as seen a bit later on in Wiegman if you run it a bit longer than the bit where they are both on the ground together. I will try and find a frame from Wiegman that shows it but the part I am thinking of is where she rises to a sitting position from lying down on her own as her husband is already up and behind her and about to walk behind the pillar in the pergola which is what I think is seen in Bell. I'm not sure about the bit above with John Dolva and any smoke as I haven't looked for that as yet... Cheers David David, Upon closer examination, I'm now inclined to agree with you. Looking at Wiegman, what I believed to be the pink clothing of a person, now looks to be the concrete step behind her, as she moves her arms apart. Attach this to the newspaper and black bag and a matching body is created. This stabilization should help. If we only had quality films. nice work, chris
  22. I think it's been staring us in the face for a long time. Who was in PINK in that area? chris
  23. David, That is what I thought when I originally did the research. But you have to come up with a plausible explanation for the shape that's lying on the ground(not rising) which fits Beatrice Hester to a T. in two different films. As you can see in the Bell gif I did, someone is at the colonnade already and someone is starting to rise from the object on the ground. Let me add a few other tidbits to this. 1. Here is the Bell and Nix frame side by side. Notice a similarity between the angle of the 2 films. I believe most people try to shoot film/photos level to the horizon. Coincidence????? 2. John Dolva has pointed out he thought their might be some shenanigan's near the colonnade. (Totally unrelated research as far as I know.) I stabilize Nix and there appears to be a blue discoloration (possibly smoke) of the film, after the headshot. Charles Hester (or whomever that is) ends up at that exact spot. Here's the reminder stabilized gif of that area from Nix. chris
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